Fay Report Annex: Statement of Major General Barbara G. Fast re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Prison

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<p>[Partially unreadable] Interview of MG Barbara G. Fast's July 20, 2004 Statement re: AG. Interviewed by LTG Jones and MG Fay. Fay explained there was pressure for interrogators to perform, but stated did not believe there was pressure to exceed authority. Fay stated that she was not aware that Sanchez had appointed Pappas to the Forward Operating Base Cdr until the FRAGO was released. Recalled being told by Pappas about the death of a detainee during an OGA interrogation on November 4, 2003. Recalling that Pappas sought her &quot;counsel.&quot; She stated that she advised Pappas to have an Army doctor examine the detainee and that an investigation into the death needed to be initiated. Also provided that upon knowledge of the detainee abuse, she notified JAG, on the evening of December 2, 2005. She also provided that the unit involved was not a part of &quot;our organization.&quot;</p>

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Wednesday, March 2, 2005

STATPMENT OF MC; 'BARBARA G. FAST AK E.:\ CA.Mp •IC.TORY. IRAQ DATED 11) ,11.!LY 2004 CfRA(`F f.AST MAJOR GEN USik. C2, MNF.1 1111NINNE (.....AMPV CIORY, IRAQ (14r: Tele-C.:onf...;“..,ticz. by LTG Anthonv R. .1‘ ) 1,"\ ES. and MC.: GEORGE FAY. Prt.:Nen: wus ante., ov .29 ill: 712: transfonnintit !Vita. there wtAs ord;;:r ests.lbli4;kti CT1T-7 o.:4_•45 _lune 03; however 1 nevetr Sa¦V Lh Onfra. 711CIT W41:: jus: after I ariived, t‘rw spew. a number ofdays visiting nitnitviktons Irevic;:...x1k. .anil the ittteitt.;ence :n I !.:;-R.:s1rAtici51nBto,fatittl. I began to.undeTsand hosk• $•4:• Thc CTIT• was beginhing wor1. ys:t1,74th,.; : r C.'7 I in and fuitction, ftc first re•viqon lv:ts 3L 41 11 ii Nt)), rttiti i finaIapprov;i1.1 ill Dec Thezitc far inorQ accurate pictur,e. of our f.)perution, .At arn:::110.re nuur our fill (about 00% is • 'sc.Y c:ra 3 : by t:Ii.N11,1:0M lor sv‘!. ; rna.; , up 0. .;) t Were t3.,..rvei0pttti for tht)st ne-o. !•:*nOnln intel III t3 fusion. 14 on thc iIttet gtrt.:cturc nk 1( bc CM ." :'• , • ;.; : 13 iU: For triztartc ,..!. snonld th hri of oat Intel k.13n!ht.: 0! C'pIoylri ,nliC.N.',t.! more import;A:st: to Wi331 he en;line e533:411 , r :1114::: at uli ciossification leVek. In natit zrr.- cUi.:1WelnnWith itc.:ip rOnnvoning t.;.S. '-s1ittor .:41: (-+:1 Nvas '1V(.` t)InJ1.!,S ara:1 ;.oro nIttue, t)ut CZ!: that ‘eould providtz 1:17.,::;;;.77,.;7. 1...,n;:t3dlil:I3 .:1111liiy....:.31,!o. Seventeen in::, Thom anti 4:0111tibZ11;-.:n;C:en ;it:n41•:::;;;;.;;.n(..)1•:;e3 : 7 : Vt'f: ?14,.)1`.• tiln?).1/4 foetts on ar.a rat61:::.tence A, C.I...\:T( ()%1‘ .ISC)Tr. t...i:rnc Stati;inn huh: NIC'. U. y. as an thcn ivcri7 :) ,,ilerv,J5 CO:11Fik(Cii: Iflicerated it.410 t etrect4.-ti \;:2712Ferrh:TiL and kl.2 -Y4'..ndt t'n i;r:C1:;. On (ht.:. :1;.t.x-romutIon:(lete3Ifi(ti side. zt-rive,,i,l had directed Abti Out (this had to h right :41)0A: ht;f1:-re!. ,A.s. I rA;a111il.rIttti, We 113:;t ,Tg.t.) t.r v;r 1N;&; ar; INTL.-;!..s i PERSON NiAKIN(i PACiF, k(:)F AG0000567 STATEMEN.I . liARBARA FAS1:fAK AT CAMP VICTORY. 11Z AQ .DAVE.D ,11)1..\7700-1 . wc: SOTt:n Of tht.'. approv• .i.!: techniques, but .1 do not k'notk wI ii fat puitcy was ;;o(d and clear, .1 .;xcentio ,,),. 4j I. it ,t:otaki.on -: .k,.;nappipvc$1by. l..T(3 $ramint..,:tearrs., ar.d ;.s.:rriniar.;.:i and N.1.0rc;encd inTerro;taters.; And w h w.s pressuiv 4) perform. I n'ver feh no do I btAiev i:. then was: pressure ettee:.:r.ttnnue.til to C.ITi;ic; to prQdtiCT tnailzty, rel,evalu. ittlelf:gunce. Fponto iiisp::;.c.n)r can' 16 did make nir.;: to regtliari -.... FTerui tirm, arounki . stra.s: Lind eitam.:.:' tail; to . a .1 inciudePU EDC. ,dis.i.:19-K.tint....zd th:lt o ,: . the oatlcn. 1' orily 3.:10LII 3 I vvm toth.iy. ex,cosw.,;::: in :Jur ::::.....•a!mLs a: a C.4 rati:Iy. .-s'orkirtg . .wit.11 what. wt., sn +J2ni.14Y 4:z.tp;thility 1 think we nectiett II n detainees but with OM'ni..N11:N11 ) ) :1) Ory;2111i.J.41 as •;s: 11V:Ste1 Beginti111.:1 in ()Ct. War:, abie II Y.L'!'& pr?scnee. Given iti&siot•. all thret:: 1.VCn 7.)1):;:3: i31g!Orriat.:0Z1 trld Cominimictition; coaldn'l !c, thc riith a t017.1.::;.coznInimication rrIcn‘n:-• a; . :: and rnailndici:n14, cou;ki 1101 trainoti tor. tit) enc. arc 'I' contha; prott.Tctio , our force, ancratii)ris. I ;-)day• 1.)usf:.oIti. h:! irttnTogivions that iva.e.t‘ • :.:• .fort.;.i riv.i.arah;;:mgX1 H 'f.."\ (Ty L.' L.A.D HAV 11.A.1) Itt:A.D TO `A:111(.1-; FNDS 0.N . PAGT:. _2:1% I ADERSTANI) TI !F IRT: ST.,\."1-ENIEVF MAD)::, 'Pi **111::: . ..1 r AVE CORRECTIONS AN I.E) THE 1-.3OTT:. ­ )NT O'r PA61:. CONTAIN:INC) Tilt : , ATENIENT • TEmEN.7n -HOPE OF RENITIT OR REWARD, . ND WITHOUT C01::R(...1()N, ;N:!AW1,11 FNp, ••••••1 ••.'•••- • 17 ,2 0PLINOn iikinf..? nalCrilL'Ir ••••n1 \ •••• •• any: $.%koon: i;i 31«, PgrAvli :Ii;114, -d ?)y aw I 1, • . VITA PAGIAf.)1.' 110A01.7. AG0000582 STATEMENT!' OF MG BARBARA G. FAST TAKEN Al. CAMP VICTORY, liZ.A.t.,"1 DATED 20 JULY 2004 insI•rIctions frorr: itet:C.4.3tiartem. I n ay..are. of arty i C 2.c. ;g1 basts tor dt)ctritic tiii 1•.)n We 013;.Faten arc C x m are :tisk) individnai:s rriay 1t61-tef ()am doctrut c!. ileetits k :a 101 -that Icchnoiolvy t;;:::: 14:: filfl''s,: EM .34-52 :1Wity--t.ser rze.t.,(1 tt) ttpdat. 11;;:n tifisk; ',7ah.mbit, a (.72X and )h:• 1:n1`:n df.. ,.:•lrin;nOn our 111:111TUTIg doctutrctits. inton 1: or :r•C;',.:11ple.. ti7.4.`.‘ Tiger 't ekInl concept is a grett corizej.v. 0:1nztn;isio 17)issc.m.ination: there is 1 T:111$1 LiSei 1112k1.; ;.'11‘.."!: 1: ( ., ; i',; ;sJflk n1tiagen3t.Irtli; Ittry can or‹..i?ratior.1.I LP;ma1 • 1-1L;N:II'.' T .renorLin14, and btlow lilt. and ari tmt-Ts 1.11 ::1;;;iL be evr.z. 1V;:: :::., u1;1111 for :nt. LO t ti TWAXis to tmderstand rIttetg, Avitcy. t4V.i, (11aineti rCitZ•SL., Ca:C.? St.nlitt.011C'. ::hort of' the 1:"Ci and th..;i • f. ig: ;.1rc out tte.::c respoissibDitic;; naek: ccivIly during forcc '2111n Tht.71:' • .,:.•n fot. HICM [Ni r.;pcnttiorif, ir,•n • :;ftLcir eltp31)ilzty -arid eelnisclettc.:.:,:. bc:ca u;::er.1 ars: ix.rmv inmn noir: the iiut):r 1:0 Sta *¦: With dt:tgi ;ICC 7:iin inthts, hut it 11:.n.'ds 07; Ch.9...1-.1 ¦ 0!:n no. sk. V): 0!..n1•¦ • ¦ :(lit.' .dat.'1111011 InIniS • isn• arL" iIi and to.frcal inZhv::+10v).•nattac•i:r v, as,n1.;:sii..te3gh0 ft:ii10•:;.nktitr.k-. • (1hrS I: "..111n1 t;n v,:hethel 5.11n :thui;;;. Af; Nit's tilatte detaintws, ii to r.);: iI ts, Ticrn.ips evz:a zneot,iragirtg. then to Co:nil/It tilest 1 .r.;;i7nand ;001..;nofiktainees Who caitid 11%. 1 CaTi!Minig.)11111C ¦ t. ¦ :.1:n1.0n apparent STA AG 000058]. STATEMENT OF M.Ci BARBARA Ci. EAST TAKEN AT CAMP VICTORY, IRAQ • 1)ATED 203I.II,Y 2004 • . inaci.niri.:to +N.)11.t..1.11:71. C:atri:!. frOltl, I did: not voic.% or ro.finw to r1:14;a54; anyone a.lit!r cit.:. iN.M: ai.14.$1rine.. I :.:i.oT.Ipctisittizirt! !ii,.... boar:1:, t.).i., 1 .. Nos, 03. •1.1.i2h Value .Detainms (ft Vil)y, i'..2,7;:,-::' hti:i no ,;f1;;;;-,1 dircz conmuitild r,,,:i I.,,..,ii, With litf.' !SC.:: .I .w.t ESC: sAns resniiny.::::1 fol . ritnninf. iht. inttrroi.atic;11 opt...rations i H. •.:...il vai...tairic,,zi::, 11.ivi:) .,hc.,:)...11.1,..„it... i..,.. ...„;...1that th.ii...; „vas tht,i,,... .sion alone. crry....7 L.,t. th„.. ) ..„,.3 .....t[ tical. 1.1.6...4 .1,cas N...ouircd 10 ...,a ,i)nor! :hen': iv. fifq.;:nt:i.; .: ...liv..: N.vul: olltvr . non- ulterrogation oartF,. of .:1::. (ktv:mtion clTration 111 tbL. tivr) filciwys ..:n..t: -tol. 0-:: ti::: 1:iiic..i.; vie of ianill :'aluc wottlei coinc i.0 (.:111'..7. Wi.' ii:wa ¦.....3 • TIV t,3(: :,c1P Bit:. bat: ;:i.t .,,-.F.;notibili': :: !.,,..,' rolln1311! L 1 •11:0..p.1 .i ,J vvt:I. ...-iisi hiii. ,:„. inif.rnaii)n Rellort:,. ilIks). They ilidn't zi.lWiloyS ItSli Ilk: qi3VSIKIIIF Vec. I Vti: 1.i.." i'llik bv...eaus..-. c)f Til.‹4 dit'ZZ'Ct1::.:::: In ntisf.ion, ­ 6o we submitt.;:d Solimc Di;:txl, R;:ouircz...::'..nit'is f..SDR) to ansv,•.::' an k.. i .. .:u.::::ion , we I-nigh:. :lave. ()tiler ciovern meta Agency (()t;.34): The iiirection I te‘...eiv Ni „:.• it work as ;:i.o ,Aeiy as c.,,.,. (--: :::::: ::. f.::...r.11 :1 :::,11:' 1:z.arn. s'.);if,' !! .:;:trc..itln. C.,rit:: -Cffi)T::..n -ncouragc:. a elose ‘,...q:.,F.-::.ii;..•: 3-,.,!:::,,..,.:-,.:shir. :,Js j.i;.;. '...)(...)!;) .!-::•,i1,. c:4. ser,:wr j....ta(krsh.ip to th, CG.. From k1 .1sio1 ievo: J bc 0.0.- ,.,.,. t:.rn--.7 ,...q);:,:rvions 'i ii 0.\ and tilt:: tnir.v. I --i..,,,. hot 1.:; ,:: plii);1 -:*. n7:0•S'.... if 110:, :ail (....)t...i..A tvooniny,., .1:.:&' op,...:ri-; ; ,..,.,..,.. c':ialm:.,..:::::. Tit.,I,..- -.. --... ....1.-....;. s.,...rmen dir ..;:ilon 4)?.1.i; cAnzuriatici. eclattortAilp. Titci:: . i:.,-...: ahar ,-;7;t:1!:i.i.ati;v:.: in illc:nt.....-....1:i.%!i 3 key (me. I wal...: rardy a.dviseci of th.oir spoe,ific wt:T1 11 .: 1.1i::-til.;:;.;%::-n.A.... • :1 -1ll'i tO lincrto:.,;ation, C.)CiA 'tad to abli.le . b). tit:. C;r17:. 7 11.i0 : ., a n t; Covtil,:.,...t;;; ¦ lail;:,_s nolii.",¦ :it an tilrac:, in C.l. 17F:-.^.' :11c:dines. Their (...1.tief ::•=7:-,:irr..::.::1 -, .A...: -...1,--.. ,:.,;3 im.., 1::.1 Cloy 1-1:1:: 1;: 7-:-.7 .-..:1. -.; :..r.::.i.,7T nrn.ary ;:zsualorTs.. iti. -i:,i inal 111.:.%. i....,.-::;...-,..i. (..';.,..:• ;:p-p:,.:::;: ..,... 1,.1-; i:::ric.: ;;;.1;-c..ii if =. .wouicl i..). possible to piae ,..' ..:::,:.•:11,..;.,, ,, ,...; `.. n1:.'nn..."..‘ •1 is:ere ,..y.f•..ro contmuciiis probliziti',:: '''. : .:', 7. ".n:r.: ...: :`:rn.1 .. r Y 7"!..n:.....1 ¦...A:::¦••n: .'s..1 ...' 1i...::...fr..11:‘,. i',.: i...-..-1:::in:.....c .:. -.. : i .;L' .. .,-.,.....i. ,.; ..!-.... .,',...;.-!.rc having lo look for ciot.i.tinve,:. 1.11:..y ci.-n.Cii.i ' S• Lk tal-;:.. . • d.-..v.:=. it) fint} . (TOL. l'.APPAI-; was. trifthiy !ri;;;:: :'!. -..%•:.:', I ., il...: t.'::: .-o:.i:i:,. :i.:,..:.::::::ii iii.,--,:ti Lqiort. .1 .1: nliviscd in times vtnr Vs . CY:IIC n_ Ir:.;L t ':,:: 1:•;Ii.': 016:. in ItIC: ....Zell.era ivt)tilattorl. This . i.,': ,1":: .::,:::::i .‘..• d'...::,',.; -:(:!:-:.t1;7::F. iii., :.:DIJ:::, ::) d... 4..iiiiii:1 Ar,;:rily,.:r.111()1).,.,:, rto to Imviion the fact that it P.. ,,n:i.t.i.:.: .:; ,:.11: ,. f.:•• ::::‘;.:-....‘...:.:11t th:..-:.. ii:::::,h vallt; .; t..ictz:.,iins 1f1 narttcalar veils. 's( , ?.:.,:.. t; :i ,;:,..:.,..-; 1 rotrid ar,1:;..01 i ,-; (:. ;r -..11 ,:: s.:(..,:::;ri.:, pc..,paillion vch;:rc. Lite). couk. coliaboraio .. :.)!.i.:..: ';1 ,.:1..1;: -1,:.-.:::, ! .i:::: ,..s..; (TOL.. .'..!)':'1,..... I,-.] w‘rl: ....k..1 ,:h t'! -w. N.1!)'s ano !;..q.. ,.(q.ild b:". ifthF. i'­:::.-.::::::..:;.. , ..1 ,..',,..... •I'' ' .,:' ' '' ' •." i ' :. '''''.:• ¦ •• :;''''' n... ..' II'. COW :I :-...is.':•: Iht".; ,:::1 ¦ 11:.• ',.,..i 1..S21 . ia:;:iircle6, :V.II •Ilik'7: ror;..••s..... ,::!.;;:;,,:.:.n • ..., :'..4::. .%. :;...... 1 il..:: 3:.4 .; %.%• ¦ • :n .-ton1 : A .:::', V, ...3 ,i ::‘.1..I :Cti ‘;;;.:1 rt.,.5.Dect ...;(...;.A., FBI or 1., Lr no:)-1.n.),I.:, :..,.i4;...n..: ..,-,...,.. or......:-....o.c.,:i ‘,..... ,: 1:::::, i .i. i.::iliaboTiiit(1 ztnISI ;ilk .' not ::i(at.:: seripc..: ..,...31,(.,:: iiii-ii u.. tii-fs .t.:ikr; ;.-r“,.-...:i :: :,. i..i .-iv:.i.:1 ‘,..i.....r.i.i.11.nors. li n.ii...1ny ;11, :tet...N .vs":)ttid havt: li.:. . 1,)r.s .,, , Cm:. 1-1 ;:et: !;;; t:; ,,Is-::: ¦ .-. :.&:f.: "t'•;',1". •.v1.:i : anornt..r. ',.)-()D os...aiii..lidot.i ha,';'. i.; -:.-, ..J.1 ...,.. :'.2.1:: ,.\.;;::sitt.. ...:1-.... in ..c.i .;:‘,1:(1r::, tip.i.71.IF.s,;('. .iir. :::•:;.i 1.n1.:..t.1 til ,.: d.,::;. Ti.;;:.r.: v,...ar a Dian! ..: .....,r...:f....:Ii.r..... „CI .1.'.$0:.., inleiTc12:Atior...1 , •..-...11,..,:l.,... br.11 ;h ..: AA:V:7'.::. n (1 .,-. '..v4s C111 d itITOrii: %C .::)•;!::: ,:::):: j.&t::;11. 1:0:•;*: Ai (ih.tilib v,....A... ;Jisil 1.)n the ..11:M.) 1.it.'i.Or:ni :U . ...id tht. ¦ S•,-.:".1,....; Z::::: :::::“1:At li. , kc.:r. Lir,1:;; t-A;.-.-: kl;:..r.ili:.. -.:1.:-n1 :;:r i101 . nOf l IA C,I i.',1'::2:;.t::1 -,f;•::::•.:',nr:-.. , ;1111;1:.! zo.::i: :-:•• ow_ 11:::.1 -: ,.);!itor...;. but i..id iilIi ii': ciri sor;le f.'i oi.tt ii:iri:.,, i n;ivi: Pio 1 o....:3o:; i, ,;r: "A :f1"..! abotu -Cil log 1):::t;w1fxs" Ilc(.l at Atm (...1117:1:b 1r,c1 ;1'..; J71 ', -.;.Sl17.".Ii.i:3!. *riv.., :::f.1:10,1i:',' 'AIWI d:(2‘.`, On 4 Ncr..: had app:in..nuit: ji.im been int.u.43114. in a1ti Li 1.71tZt:.11 1 .:..7,;':::iiCt;;;;I.nI 11:1: ,,.;', al .k: oily S'. I :)11i: citht.'r tit!tailits+: Oil vs,h1t,)-; (A1l'.7 4 i. :,..S)N 7,,,._11KfN; -: ¦:::- :\ ...C; V, ''..7-' ¦'.,,..r....,_,n . ) ..11 C..) fl) LI.OFn P.AGE. AG0000580 • .• STA.TEMENT OFMG HARB.AR• FAST FN AT CAMP 'a:1(71'0R 1R.AQ DATED 1 1...1 JULY 1904 . ClIVilV.in.T11C;n1 Lh V.-in:1. Ai tilt tit. Vet'ir 110 iljltTriagati(111 booths arid tl• I s "A1C.)1TIJ t.rrilb cit•A•s nii•,..,:air i :,..i..T.;.N-ST.1.1ritv ................. in 'MN ii z r: at t.n.. roquirernt.mt for dogs in the snia Ak..titaistipuft cariiih;,, n,Abtist!'s al. Atm 1nkl:;1,71:1;::: J:01112. ill Abilnd•Arirtg :in iincrrooi: on 4 No‘ .,...)3.n1nfirs•n PAI.T.A.S to •Ik I On . io (!•.Ka1111 it ,:.• hurl of tilt: situLttion un;,4. ilectiedb3 11I 4:1 1"1;-: said no, issue and ;hal netxied havc • anti notifictl i. Al)parzritiy, heddqualcr,z..CID .i..;;;• an investigation on 4 No. J !..z.A=...:4:1 interim in the evenin 2 I.)ix I lepor: 1 notifit:d everiin?.s. aziti tvcntn •h:. parcrri yusl• in ,...estigauon Ai)!! 1 1) .k1) 3n("dr n of abii.fie baek Intir!th . 004,7.7n(.) 1riotentiai; ablige dv bin i)vn f Alitottnl'UUI3 il ;3 itutii.-n1,111)8): '4) :1 thes,nsnotiiti • •;.11...r.);n;. koni i.t. ‘t..;": I threotipn ill iniel 31 ,""• a • ;; " -1 qieCtion. (TJTV-7 .1(1.1.•.•1'.1(;r1 10•,!er rd any vtys•K•k,i-n. irori cf,A had .4 joi briefed h-i; aid :.!: ¦ •IS?•1.1 , 2 r71'•\ irai;i's,;)flcn [1;1.0114 .-\ it.N1n1'k&'aSt• N,i 1. ••••••‘..• A fZPI;t;N:R.I . Lt:i thy!.noveTly f;at • 13o4t-d n th:.1 11 1 1 1 :: CC; dc.:11.n.:-;•iltr:s-1!IL.:1::::11T1..s.I I i it.a.t).tifer„ i3oardnadtiltiorml i(.111 ..) or N1',n ;3s11431 it this vta:', forn3IIntilan tAvonTheintr:Ibt; n 1n I,)nhL ovzi. ‘ver:11);Anr.... n .Jarin"'cors 421: 1.=':r !!1'S: a1r,,Cdr4r;;;;'; ii'l.1:711:7 111:r 31 P.::.:ZSONnST:\ T:'‘ • AGO 000579 STATE:Mt:NT OF 13AR.BARA FA.ST TAK.EN AT .cii VICTORY, DA]) 2.ti 2(Ik:34 • SUITIITILTitS wrre s 'm v ill:. C2X to the $....•very nig..bt: laic: the ADC Sfl 1 intst,srromttc:n SU Mill zr: . had many oprrational sutcessc ib SI cc orn;:!. Oih;• uncl.asified s . :orn inurv:; gaf.i(rs. zit ac111.;I hi 1;uI S.A.N(. -.3 .i.E1 is a if.•.:ugh., uoilsztati4.' eormilarzi.kr tata:t1; his re4pOiltubilitg:;;. st.”14.)11e,iy.n b1 drovo At', fat' L. rlbero help build IL. 11..­ 1.0 z..10. and prOSSUrt!. W;:r-• at. nk :id rie,..:er Dre...a.zstfre aktt wotild CT ellCollr4v cn&Ni& to. SA:\ICTIEZ ha:1 an eye fir de.aail. wit.h no detail i !rip. io arat willozd throitv.il every ipccof nov. crrcc. k:ri. 14dC :1..:.:. ;$.1Stinellt'S and th:1I Tn1have been percaived as pro .,....sar•ocn0.1 ,.? an1. v• -:1,S o pc.(vs.ack cbrzeti(n.:: 'and. gUithtnz.:.(' tOnthc 3.fd)(• I flfel!. tha; t'i _t_. natured to rnev. th necess:iri: shan:::: and dontribule to -Our '2.:7:1:-; fOr0.11.I: r•Cg1111 .:::eie1nflts uId other threats.. lip Lind •sylitent, t.totting oornrns that couid riace, and getting rho taetios, ant.: wnOts prvthioetl. tha; L.TC: SANt,:lifF.2, ,NVZI very satistiet.I after 1-11 znvironmint Viriataily the whole \.-! r:•een bar $:;.,rength in Old Army. liti¦ alm order i4 JittErthc.i 0% . \\. 1 • tare!iiV., :- ff.sivc iOcvs 1,11 :airnbcr Tuainsii r •.y31;hr,.,1;:../.: :And ti1C nlormaurI arid export's: 1•::1)1;n:. ov niore of the 1.TC; d;ring an! eti :civrro:i.ation ) k.1ITWI a huui o netWOrl: ‘vorked ver . ., !lord ti dl!it;r;s;A•i- :V•0:11 il2rd TILV a 11:11.4:-:' ,Ori b:11 diSr.1pLI:xi fmLbm .......i; 171Icrn.Talifiri Lu; uulhor;;Td. lht. 1)i1cynth::;: the dot?. tia,j 6.; T,thdiCr '41 ("4LD for NIP Call be the kind of iii (lit:I:C:11. f.'appa: 2i Aug BaseLi fl t.)UT ;;;F.'.1%.1Si;lCm. i thriughi that thc. intent frir for tb;; s.Y svhf.:11 they wf...!rf... it: tis s•wvinZ 1 1n•n:nfnNnS . 1 , 40- PAM:1'20F '-A( F AG0000578 STATEMENT OF MG. BARBARA G. FAST TAKEN AT CAME' VICTORY. IRAQ DATED 20 JULY 2M4 die krox variety of ifrona thugstotetTorists) ako CI 1. p.:-!rsor:Oi'... thz7. St Opczaiiiig MY.; V.0: COpy 61011 and perh2p.; :ht MP';: and C2%. .k.v1-.1;11 Liothoriue:, (.? I MO ;;Reil, exc.:er tiuz their cis wc.re cat:4;01.1/dd. 1 belirvu, as cr...mn .", covabaialih,fIc.i the (jtme-si:n Hagtu.Cvnu ruics.. ingl, e tktn:11eeS. We mad: iumce ciaingos to Oar operation z.1: a he:. rnc.otn.znowianon. ,.; • The ;tic ILD(.. "and Ori..',Uili2c11 into 3eCtiOr; and.C'e4ieCtit:r; .: rilaridE$eincri: 5CL1100. had ;Ai A:ad yhJ i171 TI C2X., bt tidod tho roquirernent. HUMINTvc (OHS) reprcsenti(s: -wrheo.:. I a.b.4. ensured the [R.-:ncotporat,...d ane anaiyth:-,.! --izatt?rroy.ation ank LC enable i.wttor interro :uuons and CiTF-Policy Nitqnos: Interrogation & Connter-R.egistnnee: ilefory (TC.'n on estailv-elivil,=. was r:01 ba.s; on2:-an ,_;n:i. and belicytui rto he mon:" thaii f..i&quaL icr out . he' 14 .Scpt.embt,f iincrrogatio'n t u. o inedical duri.n& tirms.. z.11.:d• SANCHEZ Se.lt. :::01:111: .•;rhe 12 0,.;1 nw. in tilt; polii.‘.1.1;.:wr had .to t) .% -•I These cxoepliorp?„ throt4th ;;-v..nThen.' (.: 011CV7Ith:;.; :‘,t;rc:nttuthu.!xi.ties. yon ec.aik: ‘); • t:n Lczhniquez; documerus, r ds;:witcr:„ tbn: yOu 2n( tgke was :1 .;:i1717.111;11;;.! .11:1r1 :In intz.Troy:ttor. ohl,,...rv.cali (1‘ a dia. 4i houni there werc other requetur.; bu! 10 41111:31 1:1;:\ Ti..;7\•CT. mu& ii thc L('n tn.a: ha‘i hy. 1 hal 1 ,,. erc: 111t;;;-;:::, t2i11 ,.)f":•-ax. • ;i ;i0•1 ;;; INSCOM was antl ..lwrnent t:31s d not ha\ c Di sz:nt1:1 „. :7: Li::: Sep fortonzte I I 1 I 1101.:1 OM' Cif th;:. centre:non,: worc :;. 4;;;I:1;;;; Lihd IS C:r:l.titi1:11).:. 1: 1::a jivc ai ;1'.41: nitl, zans: iittyrro!)atisla Successes. (24.)nciitions and Abuses Abu Ghrflit).: cminoi F,iate svbv, ?)ertn. 1flili oihers Tilt.' R.. ix: the mie.r.F0 ,2nttOr;n kt.'.11,.. in al ()r P.AC;.1: AG0000577 • STATEMENT OPMG BARBARA 6. FAST TAKEN Al cAmp vicrotzv, DATED 20 SUI...7 ;2i)t)4 . 1 wtisnt awarc 1:1;11 . I. T(ii .,'s,NCI--11:-7. had dr:pp:it:el:I' COL.. APPA S ft,: titt. Fot-v..--,11 .....:• OD:Nati:1i:: -;iat.': iF{...) 13) Ccir until tile 1:1: AGO carnc. out. Nly. tinders-tat-With; was that PA.Pl'A. ‘...,,Ii h 1.:;.:srx)asibie ;Or rfc$pi71.' prot;!.;;:tio d."',.; ti;_'. ins;alialicin its a whole. Espooi4.11:: ii.::ell ;ha; thei . ;. worn a lot of tairtar attacks at Ah o Ohntib. tho C(...:i want:xi to oinurc thcro v...as unity of izzlior and a ti . , 111 :1;ecto-ity plan fi.ir (k1•11SC of lila faci)ity. I do know that COL PAPPAS identilkd NtNCrai 171 -citknti of misconduct Cr ',:i)4 ..31);:lard behaA/tor 4nd addraised those tssties. Ilk: N.11 4ii • v.,,,,rt:. TACON to th:i• lf.).:::` :•' but 1 rev; th-e; impression that COL PAPPAS was in i.thari.4:-.. of detentipn oneriltie.7ins or MP ofw.rtii.tiont; it run:c..t: CU,ne thr01;gh to me Thal' svva:,,.. Tit,: Nits wcrt: . resriciitsibl: l.6:-detentic.ill orn.-rwioni: n:.aial.t?.ing tlie eatitv dctetnitm Pacility. ..::.tirit ..,• and pwtcof, of dol.ailtrz.;:s, Thr): ;:iro;lot 1 ,-.;:,::0 , -1)v.ttion opt:ratio:1s. They ar:: no! )risibit: loT inter­:.:..3i .git.:? ir.,:::::Tos.::11::.E.' Tilt? (%n.h.; ...)citt 1 vicvsi . thcir nivok..enwrv. is it; rci4y::. r.•-•:_m'i -a; . mrcif.Fr.:):Ind informalion on .:::; Jetairttv a'S tilt.ty have an . opportunity to oh senT ttiff ictat i I ', t!(:'.:', --... -...'':i!. W . .....,: . et ti i'll.11;7i. : !I :.; 2.1?.00iliblid dispoidtion, did Ile ittteraci.. with otlic.t . if y.:(-:,...A:t.thv....11, -.) .11.f.'Ili, il, i.--.-i.7. ,nassive, no: alive aztivity.. Ili= is .::: vcry cit.iir; • w;di.:..,:: im:-ii:t:e) d:..1:::iatio-11.i'in ui:,..-:74.):Nitical opc.T20:ion6. I an not ;me how titcy Tilight NAN; vi ,;',.\• 3:.:j thti.i -irok on n'ilpiumcmtinl:. ,i,n;.11 :ilui , ..-: as Fiit..,g7 managoroont. CUL PAPPAS would :t..t('i,.• t.k.-.'ii:, ctialo: thc:•• had 1,,,,-;;; d .R. ,•1:i'i as tills would have Ivtii .doric lit Ow unit 11;.vei. I 2• 1) , ,,r, rtlw'w.s,::;,.T11; . tt:thritque and wc,U1k.'1 illive :11 "::..d:.::. ii::1', an atilhOli::'.L:t1 iT.'r.::::. Ivz:-;:•7:: ;:;p.:.•,;•;:vc-,:.; 6::.:' l'1•; ,::' (:(; i-i: 2: -::::....01).:(111 (1 S;Ity mi N%.3tiesti Ism thil,.. t.x(st.,.ption). I d.n.in't -!.; ,J1-..-..--,..:-.::d :: isi::; , :i•...;,.;•;.: planmn,2 0: -i ;:?;:i17V:S. :-.':: !:::::: iY .ZSO.:: f.a.ZI irty. ))., ::....;‘,..... 1,•.S.--;-”tiA: .,-..i...;:,;:a:;) i,.','S:::..1**ii ‘.•1 track thltIliTlel!'f, tvOrki. I.Vic:k. b1.1! it SVCS AO L:.1' fr;:nd;•,, ill•id •.,-,•;:y. r;i,i F.t.tit..xtc•t ;1. ;):- t•::: -;:;:i.,.:. ti .as 11.)e of largc scait:,.. c...oalition op:Talon. .1...-rt"..1 A...i..: --; -,,,.. -...:, -iii,1 itc tl.;:!. hes!: n•.:3 .-,: ,! Lt) :•,:ii yo;.: abotlt t.ht: N.11:-M1) collaboration on HATS. It Y.. ,....N1.).::1 v;a: :... z•• •,-si.t!. 1 '.ii:..;‘:':•:.: r::..1,•::.. f0: . primc '.:n.:. ::Tid Tt.::,. ic.:t 01 trig. is ramlirtni i z seemcd liki: thc •i'il.,.r..,. 1.1.-, .:.,-,i.::--, :.;...-;::- ki,•:.:::r•if.:::: . . for dale:Ilion oporntione, which tracks of (..:;:irRucc 1. :. 1::.:::: '..: !:'..':',.: n11 :::'7Ip s a.;:cmint fol . ti ,etarnoc. and their nockoi lid::t .., 7..' .,..- f:on) :i.::::4:t0ti 11` ¦ ii;-;...?:7 's.;!ht . 111! los.mg th data. AdditionaLls., `:...; (:SA•:: j ,.'s:o: , • . a p,:.%c _-,. (.:o...;1 , !: 7i ,..-.:. m1;n:11; 1.,;;ct-nt.is :ouldn1. -t1.1 tit? tr*.insirred to tiw : -:g-:: ,-. ;)...,•: Ci-:-::!;f1 . .: LIR' :%:1:S1:::r%.':.:. h ...., i:-..:;.i: :::::.:*01. The ::.3ATS devcioper:s irav;.7 iecti vvorliiiii: to : f•if,1 : t:: ',•; opt,:rz,.;ii.,r: •;,..! th.•:1! ifilt:gt.rit•c ,:.: rri.n.”1:its ootilti also be ‘1-...an.i..%... daza 1•s.. of . l'ht,. 1..T1c (f •JOC!rii•: ,.•. V..:::. I::•;;:::.,.`. !! as u e,:xpc,,ii ,.:51: nrcoply:.. 14? :ac our ha•d: aroumi Ow; nrolrn. ThL• :,sti o! .. •:Cj GLOIFTREV M:I.LFR %;:isnlisiteci ;-r,, eitil,i the joint SwiT or OSI). _ l: ', n-----: ',•, :ofr7.s ;If ;:i11111!) . :' :: v; ff.':`: I‘ .: ,....;;;:: mission ..10 =.11 operalionAJ miRsic.ns arid 1... f..( i S,•`, V IIH7 k`• PAM:7JY aiTCrlf.C:j l'is: V: ..;::.nA'¦ Ca': il;:, OIC P...):1.)1.1 ViRil.. I ti• i) 1,.?! :.:'(..."J 110 ¦!: 1: ";;;!S ',:`..'.-­ f:".:r:¦ :.':: ¦ • .;¦¦ "'•"•. ;:s nP n"\-`: , ...... NI I P2:. r.tI ocuF, vs,•a.',., to havc i1eCti 071.1.11::: Iraq: Stir-. .c ..... CirotT) i IS(0. hitt if, t....trAlof..: it ('.77F-7Oe....-.idQt.3 tilfyy Ikvre Itti itoinj,; to t-pz);h•,c., : sO !:!..•.• 791Pn :) ilein 1:1...:.M::::.: ',: . IL ¦ ':':ii 3:,..1.;! .(1k.idiril.: OfilL;;: i;:lif.:::* 1:71(i ildP i)ikz te::::1 :.i:' vs l: ;H•;:-..--r;: i!% gc.:. '..s... •• •-•..-;•• er:.;l,l.F.•7: ;.1114.1 IV.' prOVI(kli ill; (u;-hr.. r 1.: ;1 Ti.;nl',..:•;(71:1F.:2. ni :,..2.s in thos1/4- ii.n.i.;;;;I:i.::.nJ Lio ncl, klz();:, y..I.tat Nic.-; Miller't, ru:.-ttors t:.: il:r:::: ig:en i'l!yl.,:iii :1: -: i71 .'fi ,:ic ,:. lic looked a: both i,Itqai;.10c .n,1 inte.riogalioni”lerationf.„ Wo in.s.roc.,1 that there s.:-e renniher-of -thiilgs that cliiin'. apply because COM() wilt; dift'cronl. dt:it:. 1:-, ic CifIv1.0 docs not :cae:.il Iraq. Autlaorititn v.:erc.- different. (. -iTl'40 was a sell' :oni.i1in,-7(1 on---,.:ilt,7 opcNItin:.: in ...1 •.---i1c. f;,..7...ate.g:•enviroillnenl. rot us. interrogation ..atis. c1-• :3:az-. i. -, p1.-Tatioa v..ei. ,-- ..•.i:1:.,.: ...: ittn . .ii] par: of :::: Fii ,... ihin4s cc do in intei, intvrrogation Ix; ongoing onc ..,:is a!:t . ....iti:. ,flielpt; l;:AS tslyie:., a, ,...--. -,.1.1•;:zsar,... tn a cornim e;t:"uournetn. Sheer nal:hors oi . .n Ifi. • MAKNG S'fAV17N7-:47--,_ P.A.012,/Cir:s AG0000576 STATEMENT CWMG-BARLIARA G. FAST TAKEN .AT CAMP ‘,•icroRy. IRAQ • DATED 20 BAY.2004 • • azisignccr b th ADC ()IC. asttghoteins for C2 in his Dotity C.:.(and. V .Coris G2)."1he (1? (JF.F. 7 vrcr4:: itt di::: Corps Cs CI Cot.ps . iith made it a natura: for him to work att:5:pr: Krioh it:o! th.;:re fOr1 1. ¦ )• 1;0 it) thc; ADC, he seiected hIle. good credentlai--11,2vai.commy from •INSC.0i where hc: was the iniellige.u.• 11%,;:srsii!ht Officer. had anaivne de A: good renutation, and had arrivoi.: rh.,.111 Spleit•Lbe vent to Abu Cihraib and bogati it, • work foi PAPPAS as the wiii7C.()L. PAPPAS as bill • MD(' was part of. I •1 Lk y o!. flTim CO1. pAPPAS, not •r am told . 1•::,;! did 1•1:.): reeeive ffi; OF.P. du :,timc;i f.sition. C... Pappas Ma& jIDC operations hy7 -11tOved o AhL£ Clihraili uiNovan to 11:-•,";' :.i! the crd Dc::,.....tmlbcr. is now :i: and Intild Iraqi c4ipa,::ly. . . and ‘i :.1ter. .1 -ald grades (Ai Se:rit4N-. 1¦ -ttenior rate ail OR • vz:u.t ol the S MI Br/ vitantait assigned to the rsjac.;::: ticr j. wasn'ttv1ved in th detaik ?)!:: 1 11 3V'are that shr had departod le2Ve She Wag the ;YritiCi.P:e ;11:.: i1oiToi:::2.-,or: cpc'rrntOrt:::: Abo tj1uUt3 iuiii1 her k.11 .n1Titen.-okt.ation. pianS and `:11) only recall meeting OtitT. Hi: was I ..r.(1 10 sit dow•h with :x..3Idiers of the: TierTans UI ;.e;td thz.111 .s..licturt,‘--licAs , we were seizing !lc iii 'he ()vs:Tali effpri... %A:11v whni they 1:r.:.,...)7141•::. tv...0 and sed thcm how friiiko (1r, 1,•.n or:.• ot•tf: e,r11-t9Se. 4) 3.StIlltS Nviiat their lett and rigin Tht!.y lin said yes.I toid them erat: Itur...,:be lilt didn't LZI.Vf.' to bt? j • n(,;n\ -;:rn they 11710.:TStOad and tt total f IL:11 day. I also he.litve was.staikt, mt. 1.zti 1.z..1 that kids, I neve! ha(1 i OJ %);!en he 071.. n.n•epelv oh that ;S:it:C.nI Nk"I1S ap.d accounis 111 of which nt¦n:1n uuthnr:::....s. I iJSi individuaty., svouldhi ur; thal •wlnild • Chwtl :Aso met Sun, Rcv;ev,.. AbLi (.:;.1;,;•.. in IhOSCniori, I do a sinniar rundown of providlh,:.; 1.1%, );;;Inr.;:, i117,o1arl; t h cimmnd. prioritits. %‘•hat thy' re doing. :";•C v • PAGE AG0000575 STATEMENT OrMG BARBARA G. FAST TAKEN AT CANT ylcroRy, IRAQ DATED 20 flay 2i, ­ .i4 • . a CPA .MOrrlith.! upd::te. Km ot my s;;:tri wil;,.. lowed rn CPA to work Mu:theca= ;p3 oar. ol ate Joint 0Nrations C...:!IM . Sk.IT. Wt! WOrk•d '4..0.111 CPA On de5igniat an. h.f.fi!Nt'v­builit the i..ra05.tecurity i: -.a.t.s.w.iticii„ espe&sial.iy IOCUirq Or! the MOD and MOL COL PAPPAS didn't work tol: roe but &,,,c: worked toatther in what could be conervd , -•• - ,,-- the tori!til (.:i .s 2•I'vl: Cih•TViatIOntiinp: NR i ViC.VDAKOWSKI W.11:3 COL PAPPAS rater and 1..-tc, SA.NCI.TE2'. was hi senior rater. l iiii.:: not inow how ofteiz•they talk.ed. :I.ntit recently, I di ,.1 not !•alm... th',it:th.:: EI:ARPINSi,:;.1 Nk-n:-.: 1 ACC:r, to IITIF, 7; I aimtys thought she wori&•&n.: for NIG 3 DAKOWSK.! . • .1 'recall %-.16 V.,:'():9:',.1“.AVSK.I__ wori,inv MI vommand re.lutk;:.i !:5F,Liirt::, r::S.C),...tr:::;:' urtis:&.,hitto., supt-Kni to &ktmtto.r.: u:-..1.:vities. unit gequeru..tirt! rte. I didn't. work with '.B(i KARP:NS1.i :mien excel); tiwit4!, th::: Detairte.c Appeal and Releaite Boards. t wouid gee her Ic.c.c.tic:4::,' t!•': lht•7- .30.illt. Ot:it:sratioa:: Coller. Lsauliv at the evening update. but real'i never had mud: 1i!-(1;,, i.,.•; dC'',),;!::!.11 atIv1:int -:: of :,....mal relationship those were-busy times fOr me,. ' ..v1C; .k.q.).Th ..................... t ar.ii,ei.: . to .linvc n :Jose rrlationhip.. NG AVOSDAKOWSK i d !.': : ,:;c1 ::.'.:.\-'01 ,..::;,:l :1;. ,..L:il *.,••:!.;:: Inte.r;0;;azw: opt,TaiCra.S.. Cr,...d... PAPPAS wr...v,iicl kri(riv :XV; abOL;', .,••h -1 :,v0c,l...)A.KC.r:vSK -I's:, irtvolveiriz.m. ,...rom k‘0111Illand perspective, but IMG WO.M.A.KOWSK; • r:- . 4:.tri,,I i s:17,:::::.Lath:: t.,:rie or: th-e mx:J&.-:;!.. I f:.: (litIlitive L iloo( dzgret.: &yr ird.e;rine,. • ! When i: Unit-(.1t.r.....:nor, opt.:ralit.: iii hr, did 1-.., ,...:: i-r..o-c ;fine .)verail deleution operations. 1..k wits io -••.e..i ft :i 01. Tisc„3", :::::: r,:rsoohC: resources (MPs were gclixtet, mai foree !:t::'; )%1: t:1 ) 4, '.. : :rc neny da.iiv in'antsi. He WAS aisO involved with ;:•: -:::::inc:c :-.,, .11.:.: i..Ya.:. the driver of a work of iletcnuon - . . ;Isr,,-,e.:.:5 relat ;:.::: ti:. , i.:1.:... ,:1tic, :' :i::...inl::::s. . S;::;7:•:.;1; II;:L.: ,..,•:,.7 n!.:2•:•:'';'• :,..:Av tf.:. ', 1::•., :•:-.. I:iri :: ,:.›.;1 d':enliiIrl operiTiOnS nCarliMandtTS and action .::.:..:i i: -.r„: p :.,-,,,,.,,L.:d b.-, -.1-ir,;.:. io ithr e.irti.i iii -.. r%.i.. in ordrr TO 141:q. Snidarii:.0 and The way ahead The .:.::,-• • : ...•.:•..7:::::'.he:•.,...1e:.::;317d :-11 -::: IL; Aiit,i1s; .: September ori-tt.fruiri;,.... • opctitions orficcr for •(..I3T1:- 7. Ho liad ta.fi . ,:::po:1: ... -i.-;,-...:--. 1: :;,:::r oh:..iriit:o1 ,:.. :;:irt': 0:,..e...s.:', -• !:.- P;orost %Li-shall. In February. the (7G asked.vviv :.:ini-:.in! i'.•:-. 1,z-::: .:,. ki:::en:ioti opf:f.:::; -1::: ;:::, V:1. T. Ntlicr illi&t.t:41 that he was the (2('s man. . ..1 -k-..., ,nMi-.1 .::::. ,.,•d.-: Ri.zrno ,:.,,1 ,, ht.. !.bi...'.. for (it:ail:ton cperziltiom, Lan :ht.:. ;panty :\ls.-. s:I:,....,.. ::.ti:himt,.i.c:-..: 1.•..., (7.,.,11:.:::: ,.. :-,:11:;:-Ir;..-.. to illIcrITO.11.1. Tin: firs?. one was a TITAN 1:,:,,r!.;•:::-:....,]•::el: was p:sr: (.,::::; .1.:\ ,..(-):": v..orl‘vitit.' ;:ontt•:::;21. Vi:'..:. lit,tvc 41 Titait manager :.11 Camp U. :.•.:1 .:-:ie..:.: operat;:.,as and Ta::r• rt..ritc.einntives in variOus rctioris 1. 61' twe..n, iV.iit. arid la-:•:.iiis:; ur: a‘i1:114 .:tc...: t.,:: si on;t zid t:K; unit rias re,weon.sibility ior thcm. 'D: :.4:1::::: -::o::,:: .at.: • I.: .: (..?..f.71 ;..so::tri,.-— kr ,iII;;;To..,......4:or:-. The fire:r :.pntra,:.1 waii done it: .it:I :,: 200 .file 5:.,•::,i1::: i. ,..:::::',.ro,..3.?..:1 the Con:: .:,tet:hlf (..)111:.::: of tne I .);Irirfl¦;':0. t.j-j -intrriOr a: For. Biraelmen.• :InparnI isci.s ., L.1c;ii.:::. i:.1!.:7 S11711111 .C1 und;:r ,I. Dunartnicri of fieRmse n:r.. ..; ;I:iti.:.L.:rril wtitt Ille',... arc as.sitmed to 1.:; :.; Ccinractin, Offiz. ,;!-1(;:p: ,..;:.'nt:iti ,..e (1,7(K for boils: CO t '1-!"-• ::, ,AL• ( 'OR i.Mid jarA:::::' ,.. 2th.:- aoa 1:: was re;;;;4:-Al -0.... 1 ii,.' 4.. •&..i,:. s;.7r:.;;.• , i as ;:i. cr,-)TILi-JI: for th;-: t:nn: cc..-. 1­ n.' irr trackiri prrfortnam.e,::::•,:-.._:. :1:::...v::. v,;: ,..z... ...;:'..L:11 -%viz:: s,••:: ;.r..m.: I s0:•:?,::11::-..; Lilt' ri01:. zq:rvic;:, IA. ;N: rt.•::..:47:1 f..“ th:: iiTh: 0.1atithorny :or \I? units ;Ind MI ;min:. Pic Mf's are responsible svith that. .".\li resnonsihh: for interrogation •7:illi-';)S.n¦ i*".: ,... C'I.j.... i.:rOSSIWV1 . 1%r: .iWz`.I . :.: 0: V. :.1: •i::.:: ilC3 K.A.RP1NSKi Po •oneei allowed the k' e.scorz 6::::•ntrt.:=, LC, ;411: IrO:r the iLlerroition booths fOr interroiantiorn:), I. personally do 11,x. i•:::o&,.' extictiy wt-i ...: site retin-iee.: to :.-ormra.a.:. th'41 has. 1.11: . PA Pp.ks wo u id rvason. :NTI:.S or AKAI:; STA fl:NIE:NTIIII PAGF5i•OF AGO 000574 sTATEmENT OF MG BARBARA C.i. FAST TAKEN A.T .(::-AN1.? VI( .T:)RI. 0::,',.(,) DATED 2 it.,:IN fi..". ,....4 iv .as jp..li.:.ible. f..)ti.rirq: ..1 vi..i.:.:.; 111(I 0: 3,:i1::g1N. 1tiCli -W2.1.1... WI I?.: -.7i.J1 f14:1, :017.Itibi.111;;;:i k) i."4,1.r lowtr numbei. o!' ,:.u.ii..,',.:-.•. a...... cndlics ou;. ..sokilas exr:rienced 41 t]y...-11)ec!.lan lir:xi:ram: TECII -m)1..()Gy. Builliin: iv: zntekigertec arcluil.:clur: urid irsteilig.erice cApat.iiiiiies were •ev lo' U.:11:.:11 1cm:%:.. sic.' 5,.,3nl':,:.st. appropriatel\ . cleared indduals ar. !: levels ilnd 0:::il(alitttr:::11:I{A:kii 1:i ht: Z.Ii:31:: VI LicS dat;::.. .,\F, } rnemonzxl, ironJ. Illy ITIV-1.1ephly:11:I'V: Vitlit acti ,;:ils ::.1.: ,..;ineit 7-..1 math: in jahttar•, ! lauded the itaarogators L .7 i)k: and 1.....11.ii .01 .1. ! fT-senior 1;,!:,..;,., .; I';;;f..S ',..:.. '..:•:::'... corrirnand, is vas co:1st...tatty sur..ssd iiti.... vio.i•, h. .!'.:‘ ,.1:-..! 8.‘. on? wie*euce e.itort. WI:: le all OhL'. ai::erv..‘ie ,.: had thO.. 'ilk`.'f AL.{.3 1:1S:.', in: :1f.11I:As.a.`;:t.::': 01 :I.L"Cni*:: Tcps it:: 01.';.:, Ilaaly11:: COlge't :1.110V.V.J ac.1:QN:i ftwtr. $. lathiltif...t.s ails niortnati. ,, :,uiii makt: il. i.t . vailobk r() 31-"prorrizite wialysiF.. o;:snes -svcrc rito -::.iial 't.c analysti.; so Int.y could accefis infonnatior thenise3‘,.'c?hntht: nomi rrvvi; ‘‘'t!':' irisInirnental innavil..wing illrotigh`. littiRt! dr;tabliSCS. 1112 1\".'( '1 i:riiiirnmtion Di...innnani::c. Ct.-nu:7 .,,..:r!.; a eenterpiect tr., access and tc iinaiyt.P..‘ 1.00:S. V. 'as' ',Try ;::::1 , t.liti ...hin:?. ii;?..,.....:: ,..1•,,,: : ,-.,.....rvoh,...: :vas, on :-.4:ii.Tcrit syst.i.trr. and follwart. The.: iinkill?... ,,:a.,.--, r.i.,,•..:idcd Kok....-it to ItiC .7.31T•7 di .....n,.ioii:i :Art:-Iixi;:uutic. through Litt: Ai: Source Ariaiysi - S,,•..:..1;.‘m.. -.1..i....,,.i: i.....i.v-....nicl.:..h... i .),-.,, (1;2 iviti ,,....,..: k()rked hard to nol,3,. Tor . the firsr tint:. till':: '1111. di: iif::..'.... •:: : i:,.: ,::h .r.:. ha...,Qiiti i;vst;m. -s.n-• .:. the s -aart.... One oi' ii1.'. biggt. st winners wc, ..s'•••0":-L,..;..,j •i -.-:v1,1 '-,\. i.- :tie ::'llui.,.i:,-: Nfil-: apnlicxr.lori, 'k:%, it.iell allowed tor linked analysis -ii•i.1n.1:ar.`i. if. Ii;P•1::6 wantiess hours of uriai .yst till)t:t i'it)d trLiii:S, We procured enoug..h . LI •ti-N. di .,..:-i:: ,,;::,. .....;...-id ririokkiri, (1)1.ir goai is to field It. beio-,8.: Iti.:: -., :\:...-s. :t ...-ailzlil...: `..1 ',....!:.;:' 7 '-k . 1.1Cfl 1 thrived, but -;?,..-:::! cottli.lonl.. talk to higitc: . i ::,.::;..,., w ,.., -;.' cholienre., ...,A•::: -,.. as Triod.:1 ..it...ations ad .:i '..., nz...... tlivisioit..!i., tile VIV. fr1n., , -, i ,..;n,::: , .;ril.iii ,..3..::::loii...: O:u: it. , o:nr.:,,,:..nc:'.:.... it:-,....%.: 1:-.1:.‘ I.v.p.I.r1N.:10 :n Aug, but '-..'s n.`!kn-:: t.''.:' n'"'''':: n ..;01-• fis,1..:..".-n'f*I-nit'l-: .W..1.171; il.S. s•A'QiIIIV it; •:-..'0::.,.:n:•,,n¦ ., :::.:1 -:.H......'. v. -C- i1:1', 'i' s;n1:',...nk ,..-. \ -II' ....• f..t,s•:..izrice. suppor: ir. :,ise .AO i:Ind . -. . V\ ICS :Upiliiiiit :.1. tilt: JIDC due to bandWidel) ',.1.).:1:,11.-:::::: :-*Z:: '',-..:.: ,:1i:.:; `A'0: .iiiI•1',2. Or :!nT1 ,,..- ,­ .::::.....r.....i: .....)o corriplIn.. und ..it is hard li:v iiY. to he goil1......i I:: .,H , , , i-:: : : ,..J!.._•clitill., 1:',.;);1;nLt...;.: coi,,..i h::: )flan-mii or nrateoc or Yiet, vereta. Tilt' nail L'Ii:II:.1 1.1%::.:-r : n iin& h_ ni.'n• :•:11';',:1!. ,..'r!;;-:. it nter.1,;.:: it nil -Wi; a.rc now worlina afi gotny bole:: S 1( i.: VI" Corrananti arid Staff Rules .K Relationships - lrog-Avitle: Tiv:... (.."..:,, (1'4 ;Ind i :1/2ere rl -i: :..:(.1.......si oiIksers to,. ::::f: -. C '.- Ti -7 . il I 01 . ili ....11'tiVitl:' ¦` -iti'in NA .Cd:S: 0 I nael ()Iite:. 1; 1:11L'.1;1]'::::11 . 1k; Ati.I1;:;. 1 kV;1:.:. C011:::;:•ti:::.: :.:1:! ..7111::.'. :Ink; inlysn...t5Sif,q1 lila! I i1.11.S lite111:: 50:11 ill lf. ;.'..:.-. :,,.); .::::1.1;:1;? th:.:; \\, ,,I,•¦ k.01:‘ ,..-1i- -iiil.....r I. i (1' ,...1---i, ;-..,,,u; per:0:11,11:;::: flrilhahtiv durno.; the War. ..!..,:,..11:(::,.: ;., 1;:,11.:., 1: -:.1. import:1:u.. So I , %-oi -: th..-\ c".',....r:if paft.1.. Orr (......Y.:r;fli:ii . reiauon.:;liip was Id-:,.' :In',. -i'ill .::'n•1"::1::. `.::::y :-. Cf.illtinalid :+:1'.71 i.::'::: .1. '.'il:i, ::h:::in.:nN'1!: ft.'"1):.):1;iiblliti: are stiir ::,1•1 011.::j!:.1.::,::•!:: w: hai:lit.::::•:174: ,.... ) .r,.:•:. ,...i i''i;..)i ...rt...., S.A.W.H.I.1 wa.:,.'. tlic. (..ornirnandin!:: 1 1).AK(i'‘S:::: ,.... a, ..i.., 1.); : 0 ;i t:;.' 1..:0. InIxid cl- ;I:)(2.i::',.) .:: , The OC(3 :z.....•::tarar.: 1.1:11!,.. t. Mi. Nr-..' ;.-... :.C: and fot.74.4.4,,,-.,J 0:1 sliollori ,,I cti vilic:‘,. il,: cc: : i.i: in,-con,,¦ , :,! operation:, %lost 0 . t:ns. inti:ract.if.in vv-a -: v...nt.i :.21'.(:; AN(714137.. I v.,214 the Priic.;P:,ti nOR..1(11.411 in (11'.! Ci. 1711TrIalUi i (1 :' lit:: tnidily..C71C4: pur4:- ii11it1!1 itItOrlacC in ihai rimi..... v.--itii ;'-'011nassiitior Brt:ritrri;::r unt": illi. irlan .,s. • ; s!..“'" 1 roi.z..1:i .••• :••(!"---,, or ITiy zirr,.....;: (a.mr. , Victory an•50 1 .!....,: al. lilt: (.:orilition Provisional .4.01 ,.101:l .; C..P. ..,\ 1. 1 4,,:::1l :. lot o': tilt -w v,r.1 -: C . :),A pv.roilyi.s.fl and AIVIl.i.A.SSAIKiR. RREMliii proA..i.: i.:::. ;w..:...ihF..en ,,c brIel.-::.,n SS nBREMM ER f.-..ve.r): tyornini?, followed. h' INILA. i..S ,!....):;.; 'PERS() \ \1 ,10..INC...; S.7 AIT:MEM . PAGE:14:W 1/4,-1-PAC3L - AG0000573 DOD 000660 STATEMENT or: 4( BARBARA G. FAST TAKEN AI . . CAMP VICTORY, IRAQ .D.ATED 20 JUI.A.7 ..::014 rvisory rol. : , ross.i...isi4 c:n .pri.-!,...ijirig limeit.. reif.".r.trit intoiliyerid to the conairana; ,..; :I:M .. • 1:If.:• ilf..117 ,::', thz: ...]ie:• -...tt:::, arKi copabil. itict;: that rnab: intelligto -ux oporiaixt. " tic .,:ret:ito:­ IF...C.' ,.,....t,.. cull-inns:1; ol. c urns a....i:.a.i.:., ailu V:. :...n. lti- \'3 ? id e tntii Vit114:,;t A 1,1gM ent et S yStf.:1T-; ( Ili, 1.:',,S:: no:VIC:0115 Oil 111:: joint Manninv.i)oetiment 13N11)). IA:e had billets.. but the.,' . .w. eto 1101. t'ver fili,:d. ...,;.... `A'e h:ad :oJJ rerri:sontatio.n from tiN:. National Scourily Ati.tatcy (NSA). v...h:-:• 14-. • (...'- S.,.:C.:J.Cir. ;:1: -. ,.: P:\:SCCThel.. w ;Yrovidt,..d. ,iippon lioni th...: Inforniati: 4b:,3 1Lli10:i oir... .1 a 101M-,,1 •¦-..rY.L1 1 : 1) ,:rni: . cf,. -.., :t. :•:-tl!..)i...` . . • ;..1.- ;...-::,;., dctani-Al TM.TSOTM.1 h.orn (1.7 NT('.();v1 ()02.„. 1)1 :7,-Cootii(. ....1:. :t?•:,': '....:.:::::...i.:J u...,....: •::•... As a•coitcorte:: offcir t:) roort; ,....: ttIOTI.:.. c.:iitIlitlItio .Fr2;1:-, 1:,;:. -.­ 1 ri.i.-i .iL. r..." .1:Z.L.Wilbe: ,..!:. '.. f., .:.i!' .5.1,...; ti ..:!!".and 11111i011a .i level,. the al; sat logo:Ili:n . 10 nr4SS tilt' IOC:Lis, ner!'), ::Li'L': avi::::::::.y citvaliiill; ,.':n ti•::: vory hard insurectioy and terroris.ni•thn•Ntt$. We aist .I.-.77LIII1:•Ik' 10 nit yl'; 1:31:it•isb aad .: ,..astialiatt partioimaitm. 1 rocitpailitzt:ti them ivinzoIly to ni. :•.r., i•.ottcr.,...;.tional k.t. ;:.: %.'a:ii,.! and n( -).1 ., : . .. i-odantlittit with clwon intolligendo atialy.K. When C;..):-ns .,:-..:s in nrf.'.r;.: :,:. i').1.1.:}.ti•:.:S Chill May); goolz.raphie t•intanization was :•:...,...,......;,..'.,. bi.•; .. l':•• .n:: ..:c:.: i.:.) ! ,-: ,,..:..... r.b.::7 3:1.:M.:11: eT.:Virnntneni., MiSS:0.11. .V.I.CIM... 4.r .3 -,1 \- C::::';': ,...'• . nS:::'.: V...... ::. ..., .%I ;...'n ULM: .,.& Ih• from .. arc.ilittictkire 'us U eit::parturt - • OT ,•;i2:ii•I:i :11:;',21. 1:rijit11 ...:8'..•Lots1,1'::: 1: 11. : CLI-11--e:' (NI(T) Dian. Whiza Wo stood up tilt! 31..1.-ri:-1:.-. ,-,.::..,:,...-:,.....,.. ,:v.:!---, ,.-1:‘,1 ...-.: ..,:pa ,..•:., imd it) ..114.....1•1; was t.....;:i-Ityeated 111 a trollor i. ,::.:• -: ....::::•.::i...::. . '...;.• also ,.: : 1.(...:: (..cli and i: C.:2X tiCide in Tril1iCr5 due to f,paCQ (1 rm :::;•sinced this NY:IS: 11.1C right deCiSion. (...k.)ii.:111()N. A NAl .VSIS (.1:1.1.. TI.;... (..:ool•ition cell syrti in thy Palate and \vat; raakk :.':p ,.•.: : r....::.:..):•:: , .. :::'; !•:1....li:c.t ..1 .. th...1..:. •I i.c.-, eporated i.i.: the ;:ealititql oialtsitie.otion level, whic1 . .:,::::i... ,::• ::.:: -0 -..::::... ¦ ': --1::I•... ..:1.....• ..'..: Li .:Ci.:;. .aathor :hail give thorn the ionic. typos ol . -tive• dim tv.si.a:. at tilt: coalition olassilioetion '..:::.:,-, an-.. .1::.••;.;- ..:::•:•:: ......,:.:: ...: :' :.::: :: bac::: I :z ::...,..': .. -: -.,...71:- .; ,c,.. t):::.• C:'!iii:l !To.'n ,.!'. `." 7--':1 in'- "W '.j :.' n:li,(.':::rvaitc. .'... So, for :::x oritplo, tiiey. ;....-..•;:..:...,•:s... .,.:: .-:: ::: •:..... 1.: .• .. :0711•J0:1, :::U.S &mat:tics. atiaok alii*.,,sis. ::::..:.:.::..::.:-:,: .-, :.::: .i v: ,:...'•:: .....:::-....:•=:.:•...::-:: ‘...• : -, 0 ..1,-:.' :...) ::•s: .,..::: ,...: :....i.-. 0 '.:7:... :-• ;11:-, ...•,.:::::i .,':.!;•:•:r....:.: :..,..: :.1.1".. nU'i ,:.:", h;:lped provide 1.1.1ca.:.tbit:. nrf)ducts to :.%:e .and ileir.il the t..iniied Nations with tl.n.L..3 1. :-.,._.. ...• 1.,.: ,..... ._. sii:1 ,..:•:• v.0: i:. -,::: ....,-:-.,....- INTI.:R N.( )CATION TI.) AN.ALYSIS. .-•\!: reports were a . vailoble to the IFC arid th.:: : •;:•:::::: n . : --.,.: ...1/4.ere ilna;;...- aH ,.., ii. . reporting ilitci IfIC A.utoinated NiletiNtago H -..:H. -. ......n: i.-:\ '....., De: -dr.... !,.• toclin':-a.;', and prst.inn:.1 ...:4Faic.i...), int:....i.n.y.vation ronort: • ,,,L....:,ii,:::::.v,.::::..:ti::.:':'•; : avaiiii..... :0 C:i..: \.:::::.;.:.'.. ,:1 .•;:.!ezion:s. :',.,.....; .: ..-,:: :Hs. -....•n i ...:.):. :•....:01:. reperi,-: ‘,......:.• : -::::1: : ...:s.....:LI ani.; t..I LL';' pf f..V-,:lt.k:d !he N.:st inforniatit.in iv...al. :able .....Kilirip:::.n;\ yo:1n::::' ,-... s.'. .,'..:', ()IV ilom ittr,,lr)vzseci 1.:xp1t)1,;!•; !.),-,...;!•nII:..:);.Iiilin zInvihir:L!. Cil.::.n\I• ,- i;.,.in',. L.'Nr•:11n•.%11 DIA wizo iocust;d• M this trcoblorri. I'.."..: r.I .: ¦ ':',. .V.,:::": k,.1:!1•n.,.':' .'.::.: ••• ¦ ::1,: , %¦-;:i.': 11 .:.:11 -:;r::'.?. Olt:';ii.. nHe v...utilt.: road ftto 3'.':',:•:-":, 01.: -,: ,,i; ,:.:1: v,:)!-b..'nCiosely V:10,, :::;.: ;;;;;J•ro:...!:AC$T': .t: I:•;::: ilD:-.n11:: v...ould send cluostioi . ts or ,..a.. 1:•::.Zt.• to itL:i•-, '..t,Trii tilL.: i:netTL)(:110:•; L.)1 ,,tis.• ;,'IL-::::iill! ..C.;i iMiV1111; cotrm'etierir:: WIth 1't 'S\ WI ',.::', 1)..7 in:nY. -n'. -,.:11.., 1::... ir::-..:.rt...-1:,.:.:,.(.;.nTiw Ii.,Irgt.1,inu, pu,,,...i. at the i•-:•:. ,v(-I...:.• Llis c' 1.:'.:: ".....'p...'1.¦ Ull.i.1 1.1:.:1:n ...... III:. II:r.: ,. F .::1 Or 1•::!•:;;;:i n;.;., *.• after bow& rnaiiers i•in. . 1 : re...lie,: .):•::::iai ion A f . fz.:: Li! ..... sadda;..,..iir-i• unoovi...rt,d and VS' C S uo.cessfail: '.: .;::: ,..:"..'.:':i..' ,... ::;:1.1 ,....;.1 ­ ::.•: ..." ...0,14.111:.-;alit.", ..,i0t....; .;1;,1 c.x 2,¦. 10 i ix ;oil . v„:c wert. 1:1 ,:t....r: . --.•abk: irs loo : 1::1,.n n::1 \:::. i-;.:.,i.1,:.,%,. to he :ti-7L,•,:;.7t:11 :. 111.11 1.:S3diiiirLiWil:S.atternptiflF i‹) I . 0..-.,;.:;,i)j,: . ,,J.,....1 . 1 .4.:i.iiit-.3:-s di..i*:. re.:.:,1::. n,;,:n .1;01. :-. :::-r; i hi :.--¦ ": k'ry niiT(t and tune sensitivc t•:,151, : 7: .,:.:::...•...' lyi.)::::, ...-:.oporationS, :.:;iil.' :::: i..-.. ::::.n 1C;.;.n t.',n: tinpL;;.1-.Ative to turn information into t, • .. iill. f)Zi:SC.),'..... \•.I A I.C .;N:(1-:.n•.' "...11:\117.NT PAGE Cid.).1: \ .- PAGE AG0000572 sTA..E1:::MEN1.. OF TAKEN Al (:•MP V.1(71().R.V... . I)A1131.7) 70 it.11.Y ..f.Ki. lit:iCovrfi:1:; -! . 1-i'lt:. 472 ."..\; I.-S.-tlw s',2f, unni3::!:;tr,,,:m. ant.', sv.ncliron:Lmior.: ticlueni lor 1.1tAIIV ;:ount=ttelltpz.ni.-oitt;I:11CIn ernpitasts ; Si'OTiuf. ,.i.,. .:. (i.i), proNitint ,.? Rtiorilits, iaatistical ar-e1y(...s.s, Stzs.liatliolvz.: iltiff..t:.‘t' (..NIC;()M ;:llitii !1/4.1111:,,,. art(i $iserninnttoo of r;rxwiitig, ;len: \yen: st:m:.-, cmliaths vd.v..: .kt,:vr-. cto-ttet.wrt: and reoik: helped rnake itivtres.K. Tilt-rt. :k.a rio nt rprt:'semati:)n front 1 ...11.A's DHS. I ,,...:: fothilix 4irC:ati., ‘vith tile (.72X. stmotore of ilklit ako ut.1:..lpit,td ti .t:i5 Ofg:MIZatiO51 .:1. EL.;(1:(1)M. l'ill. (72`.1/4:: matured with the ',1rrivzi: of persinutel. five firtzi hvir1;:l. the Cf.ione: k5414.‘$ ,:rri ,..,.i.'d a:. th.:: .v•ery end of Sertomher. LILA rnarty othv7 ••••':'-''..: 71 i.:•'•:-...'• , i l': ., 1• 1:-Mi 1:....n(:).:-.1*..2iirl',. -'!••••t.'?'," i"lj.ron2- il "4":'::i -.,.; ret.to111.: cat:able o: . iitr: :•nC(‘!r•V.;r: . st.it..1N-i;.NI -;:zIci CI Oper:ilion: (prrficiriJily dur rs irr'ik and v,ettitrJ, priu ..r..1s in :::.. ..:-: h:.i.(1 a.“::: -td .s... i-,::.tn :-.: rorm2...t: ./..0: :yolit,ctior. eMptaisiS iri Atig.usl and it it(it tuti:t. l:totet .. . ; ...,Tiit .­ ,::: .. ,;hich ;:. ii•.... 1 1.12 C2X folks kier: out. at At, h (Await) C.,,,Cr:., :.11.:R:!.1•,1] .%.. 1,0 work Otr. C. :;i::::C[i( ,,: :•TI:.inli:.::S and uncienstand the .111)C's e.bilily io satily iri'C.7:'::. ,:.::: '•::.-;:::•r•:11"4.::'::1:s. as •v.-.:.'n a: V is. from. eitht.,:r th;.: Ji.).1C. or ClIT.7, Vi;tits 1;;;:.:',•:.‘ :.,.::.;:itp of days widunit good ..sth::. e ,.•.:nhr ro.e: :: so poor Lila': titc,ri: izould flo i: ir.:::::;:. .1 ii::.. :11)(.: pri:4.1:;:;(:`,n-;;;rjori.s, statislics to \s•::::, ,........ ,..:-.:;1:.......: i..% :;;;:t: .„1: the C.2 verrt, interro;.pAtion .1%)1:;).‘:•.?n .-.,1.,..; Uv,. oc,p;.143.t.t.nr .': :A1,;: 1.....:hp' , i, lind wil0 vv-,:i... Of.mielligence interc:it. 1 -4.)\-1 ,:::: , :: ]n1.:77:Tc.'”:-.;.:1::::: s:n;31:)...:rts wa5 aiso an ov.i..sight rtt'chanisin desigilt:d t;.) rn.::,:..o::0: -i.: :.:1111: N.: Cf.):ii .:..i :l!ld f.ain 1.11.)•f :: .:*.::•',':'_.:;i1;.:? ,.:: IflibtrilitiOn4:m M0rt' signi ticant Entorrogati ii1::: ,:,...' ;So ,: t.;:t:-: :III Siif.111"::: .1ffi'ityit:i ef. A eimbination of th pnr.ch..:.1.artl .11:t...nved f()r 1...aetter coliection :atI, oz: ..,...:1;.: ,:a; a(. Hi.;: f,....r...;:F, PIRs; A:,..; the detainees flies were sero to . ..:) ,,i 1[DC worke.d in tandem to orovitle infomlation or: : . :...por ::. ':::., .hat.: rtao;rive..,:: on that particular dtaine. .I. 1 ,-..­ ' 1-,.:-.. ‘,01- ,:ko a:_:!pct: ,.:, :dcluify :::,i,.. , tly...c-,..:::: -it:h. z:d 1o:. 1.hK...ititcrrt)14aiion operatitum, ‘Altil:: the i-,-;.-...;Li.• ‘...,,,.., -.-..H.7-.0 , :.;:1,: ,, for x:dt.i .:..: .,...!:::7 , ...::: , ::. -: -!Av.' C2 p•ovnt . . :1 1:. . , ...::. 1 hc!p: adv i., wisii t.aocc.,. ..... -H.: ...:.• - ,,...)---,:t.-d „:::::.1 . ,:....:, §o..:2: 1... s-,-:,..i.t :1:0::-,. -..,.! .,:-....,.. ;1.:•.:..I . lin:N.slore. .1t.V1 F: rH.-, .i.o -,i.:: inl...--..s.....E-.. :....,,•, ;;IATI.) foroc. ;vas noi p;Art cl: th::.. ilDC: ,..,:::,...:•: ,r, ­ :',:i.,.. ,..:-o -:.-rat::.171,- :1 ..:i:::;ioi --,.. l'i. .. \T:. =.‘..:4:i to ,....-.11sod initivily on ;7ountl.:. on . thc- nu:Ines, z11:. ',1:.in2.:, :.. ;-,,-... :;nal)ler and if' you dc11 -‘. it, Yoli Ink tic ':r.:-. ,•:• ..::: ;,....,:!..io:: :-J op:.'r:Ii... ,:: Tb:: 1..Li:. :";.,\ . -i. t .:::::,,,ary1"iotn.;.'1'..Ini.:1Stzconty and NSA trre• 2-:i "l'=".1.,r"-J1n.': ..'•••• -1:ATI"n.A.1 th .• : ,: -F.:: .. ii:=\*L. :I C:1+A:1..%.7.: ',Vi:Iirt 01.:::' i.q. Ininitlit);1.. SO t: :::::•../.:'n' .:'[;•':!' ,.,::-1.n.....:::% ¦ ';7,:::',...;niin(.:n:10\:Cl0p .,1;.:....!:'. ii.:ii2:-: Wil) i);1*+".; 1 1:iinii:.-,-.n11::..`,::: Wt.'.1 .f.' tik'tilinC .:::!-: Who LIA)• -ititAi haviiipnct Of' :-.; li:c.' ::::' ,..Ti . .n r . ; . : -w;, 1;::: 3..)',..1.:-. ,.:s.i.,..1,-Himi., 1:: , 111C I'liViTovi•ItOF, .V.0 OW to lilt .H.D(. W ..:.•.-:- ,.- .nd..1:. , :;........-•: -) -n ;s.h.:::i,.:::.:; H . ;;; .!,...:,;;;;: ; ;np:'..),),.i .!. le.:.:tilIJC;H c.x.,:alts.-. il:•VIT did F:orth.. ri.. ,.;i:..:111(,...::::.V. and yo..toper7:!::: tn•...• ::::::.:1';'..;t1or:: oi: htmc:re.iis of rniliion.;,., or dollay,,.. ,..•:/.:":: ''is, 1 •11•!(", 'nCii• -':‘. :2(:nbaCkninlo ira: :.):7N -.21, -)7rx:tr. 1, and to ht,to in !ht.. avy.f.;:oprtlew.. t•:. --. It :.4.1 Tit::: .11ATI' :..d..;:‘ i:f.. . :;.:...: ,A, Itb i&..:n!ii-2.. ,in: and rist,..;riol:. Ls) t- Non- coi..-..:!1:Actlt ”.. !).. ­ ...-•:•-• :1-7-: .!1.: ,:17'..::: t.)1 .:...:::;::: ,:;071s (Nci:"..)? ..--,r ,.1..,-r. Hr. :n7:1....,.%, ore ,:.n;:f":.' ntnnber or SI.ISI)::::: NC...i(Yi.;i.::: :­ ; .r,::;:::: \,;:::: tv...: ,:;::;cstrc .nlIF, supj;',.?:-ni.i..1 .: : ,7%.7•itit ir: iiiit-;..n. x¦.;):41 cios:.Ar will; 11)A 10 Nt..f(.?., r::1&:::z•:7:1 If.' opv'Zi.t .s . ii: :•le c ,,,intr'• • In N.:*; lic;,:at.::,tf.: 1! prOviCie I.;:s fur StilltP111.; a h;:•,:..4aolf.i;nor:. Sonic N(...1( Y.:- i;Mi Cs.c , ino.u.:11.c..s ..k.c.r....,ti .:z.t.c.:1.1:.11;:11)111 to ()lir effort the:, .ic:.....it:1:: COIT1;,:411:1? -¦`.i..if.kt.'d .1 it:: L.15.: to • •• .V. (10W11 44;;C.mItS jtlibilted Wilil : \%.*I':, ( .):::'1 . r:.,4.1i;ilt*:i. other 1......7);,:: of opera LiOn:; . l f:( • .1 . 1:•:.. l..1l.11i..-,c--1' L.T, (. 1}:-.C) wz): ­ ....J to: . Inc. "Ilic! i$rn2adc! ::.orn.rnandc.;.. as tilt, coYr.71 -::tr:-Je:T and :::isca n • m:.:;.71.'r. and I. as the still! C ., . had thf‘ r)'.... Pi:'.()N .,1,-:\.1, INi ., :':;1ATTAIEY's:'.1 .111111112n-n T'AGF 501 .:',''.¦.PA.C.ii7. AG0000571 DOD 000658 S-.1%4:1-.I.:MTNIT Or Ma .R. AR.BA.R.A G. FAST TALEN.. AT (AMP ‘..'1,Cfl.)R Y. 1iZ.AC. DATED 20 . . have tit:It' pi an ki;e. you wi.tiki• do 11ot-trial onaatton, IL' 10i: 10 the ins!, yoil can with JZ•1(..;n `101: morph arid opefirtt; stimti ttp ;.Toe,edure..,.. anti tmnabiitie. ,:., and you ITy t& nlake e•s/er.y day a irU.cu And, -you prodilee. tr:tclhgence as y..-;its tilc: cnettly i i1 Ju ).'ott t!:vktf-7' 1,10y ;nOn:" fOi. you At filmic porizt Fall, we. td•d on::? m?.•son 1.;) run c•IC.%; 1110::1•3:.;ii:'IS of issues.. 1n this regard, Nr: liaye ff1:1 f.:s•,(rls,-;trz:tviicom.mand and 8,.oritc4r.t;.: t.o lo;;;... ow for ;,u)d the titat Offie• walt a.ppropriutc,1n1 :her.wa..5 no 0,irtt Fitv on e..o:fiti take :his ,•-•!•: 4:1 nt.'CI ;lid amyone MO Nititer I 1.%:•1(li thectc...1 by tile fit:-.ntagon, Saricht.-7 said t•it' • Wt:.:iIi mJ stalcd that GIN.1.0 did 11(4 We op,:,-rim•:. clthi-rc.nt \vc much iarger ;nsuiar trr.r.rtion is on:v•nne smatier part of ths: PittLua.:i• elftnt; ih torni%at ; : ".inibk,srs and '; ,....p"sntititintiXt'S vaSiiy larger. :mil I at teas: dillfls rtri M(3-CiEr:OFFREY pi.rs,;!`: f.mar:sfSS tbeiint interrogations di/f.: th.:" 'uL inI n s UZ:pt -;11 H-sl thC.' Wuin. (7.C)L. PAPPAS aod both J-e de ad.t.g.:(thtJ1I)C.; mode:. thin' c•sritterylltguoon ilooths. thc ' !Lit.t.tc; et%Y;t4tisciet.. we.1(.)cizz..tt hoothl; flitrrr.: AS notirtit.ir ;•• !I:1)( ¦ OVC IX% 1)1 .LI .111)(7. ihr: oireadv It•Y:)kect 1.o app)' ovt.,7noperwiori:, CO!. PAPPAS iiis ov.ti operaiion to nieet t•Ar iret.;d.. • 111L;12gerle111.. eIC1. I ••0I'kCil V.ith ;7;'N 1.1;;" 1"..iC171;:711 I Lb.: ity and rtmnimt :11;1;1.... ;II Jrnato,,,,atws tint: ooertiicin. As 13Lit. I FA. :11t.'vt.- it 1:06e. C()1 !)n lo-4dership k,,,;.;!';!. :1110 D;:crribrr tiiat the •1 IDC ss,..u:.; fully cliplthit: noIi. !: thc'n TranSiernAaitlICtritV 205-111 M.i 13DL kuld tit( 50.1th M 13D L nThninwJdc.tv.lt thcy ttns.stoti le•v2;th dt;rulcn .n. •ki..•4::11.:td capabtf..; t..,•.%inrttm..•.:: anti stnlior RSONn \L\111' 11. LtOF kAC •n 1ATEMENTOF MG BARBARA G. FAST TAKEN AT CA:NIP VICTOR\'.. IRAQ . .!).ATFD J 1.;!.:V 24(4 V (7(11): ti'oat a corps nit'sstoit to a ;A:Mb:Tied joint task tome miw. A rrie,Jiantsn:. suhrrlivxd K Pertapon tfink fry cerinrrtrnis very •erirrac:... and wa. .; Om! thC (71:\ •t;':n hirn bettu::. an info a .. dre.S5CC On the original tagking •k;N:111d:::..n Boykip t1)c4. , trip hi f.n. 4:4 L'Ifort tc look t.'anI J h SLn1 knintht..7.y c.oukt rendez. Thciririrwen.: separate and t: an d U to n1‘.: Aiemtader put toge.x.ther gamc pbsi) (r) bow • 01' tht in the recltiuval nrena. LTG A le .xander TCP0i.tict SySi.:211: (A1S) tcr tts .+vall • t I-, a gotf: ai)iteit or tiZip i:Oth ;lac al';0 m is 1 _Analyst Nott:b('oi . which effectively linked h t Jolla interrogation Debrieting Center i.11.1.)C} • . -...-:, :nnnuticatiori System (MICS.i; ASAS-Lites this envirtyaratrirt; the INS . :()1s4 IDC Porta: ''''''''' tit'n itlICrri.1Or to leverage. worldwide • :or :te.a.;111:;:ih!litV. ilriaiVtiernittrtragror conalloration iaJ 1-101Th: checks on bad aCTUIS. an intelligence system. ells:. • 01 rth.•.sanic 'cam ono:: tt.) Use. Abu (_;ltrailt as tlk. Deleution & Interrogation Locution: -111 1.-thi(k:..ne:6roI arrived (or at le,ast itist rr. ,.zI %Va.::: '..S•hyInk.-n1 di) legICIItiV.,",' hearing Snirrpct:3 ilh(tat KIghdad. 7YlvP Abu Cihrolb was 20 m.‘ 7:1(i1ti; bC•ing nr.- i` M. ilen I CtiLlIc..in ' t Met: My I )C.:';'7n •n Febtliar`f:, N'%IrCh. May and •.' n;.! , 1n1 :" n rnr.".yn On fn':.'"n ;..:(1J:113.r .,.;:ily,L.n1 facing a great y :t1 ;did rt:,' tr.ake:it hc•;:ot .;t. of the 1on Ittf, !al:1:10 SCait.' Ont,ITIV b;11.n;nNV:: ,..01":!;111.iel 11. 3•13 ,..'OM:W.Ibim AI 211::n ..\ugus: 1 bar-:::1)011L'S and i -;')'-.;i; Iiunib0)..dc;11. i irli;;;,:sn i n t.i.tnigence. 43I:d riln1 hefirrenn:1;7rtIvator.... arrivcd, with a in;errotsitt...tr time ztad not tlad prLitated them for Ai%; 0! . (•01 T.VC.)1).3A.i:OWSKI. .111)C . . t:1 arcai, ti,.hercU IILf 'ndd up t.;ri the battlefield. thc for tvral beyond the 4icticiti 10-ay.; 01; (711aliCT:2:e ".tnd w had to fi;) ;nn ccss.w.iozi Ci iliis iTtd titt: PA(....i.E -10rvkPA(.31:.? AG0000569 STATEMENT (if MG :BARBARA G. TAKEN Al CAMP V)(TORy. IRAQ DATED 20 JULY 2Th04 . tinrlakihti, a we &tort:mental bii!et:::; an;i posiOons. The SMD took a. lonli ttinc to be y IP Ortt::ratt:. 11 1 11.r.::!:::, Wli;.±.11milered till ane ottr atiilit ­ U!r•!:a.S 0.10Fticlil In VCSt:gi:t10:::: or 4::ffici .: .. ;:6 testimmy 1 Ir.4.,. .4.: bcon questioned abotilll ...: .:\ loi... i.;itrall; ai .iti iineliii!.e.rie._. operations in ii kJ th.IS(.1-11.1±SINGER. fildependeni Patnei. ‘ ,• . 1c.s..[-' ... . Al.):8.11I,I.A1... 1.:.:H I. 1.i.:.::1:1 4 , and tv.,ict' by I'vlf.. J 'AY . I Itavi also heirs ,;;C: in ans\verinl:, a number (3•I ot.:1:;iltiott,ii by thc Sl .an-: tnrrently the C2, NINF-i. and . U11...7 ......N.A.TE and. otiict. Vt : as tile C:2 fe.q • ,ost7c:.:•;.,:. hth.. 70::;i7.,. I .s.a.... probabh• s..-.i.et.i ii., , the C:•2 for C:SIT..--7 bcat.1 ,,,z1 v....tfi thz;.'itios': :.,n7a ,:JtIv 4Va.1.ii..':..• ??.enen:tIcittier and ilild s:•Jrnt.; c -xpvmancc In thv arca of:operatic:11s. As the (.::, •;:: .; WOJ DA.1:.(:)1,1,rSr( f :.. De pu i v is. .:ammandir4.7. Genova:, .C.ITE, T. My directit)m, c.ft ron ...I.Ci SA.NCEZ. I did hi-:.•-t.. e iet oldialof.,:av with the S2, ClICS(1tl . 11(.);SALI) BijR.61:.r.SS) i.m.C.; .1 . 2.. CENT(..:O.M i1...5(.$ ;()J \• Cl..', S•ER"), hut rn:y , guid.ance,earne fr(ntitLIV SANC`f•if ...• 1:3C.:: Cl'.US'IER t. ii.i GEN Ai3VAI1 usualry ihrit.FIC,C.13STER) _svolild relay aity. ..-,:::-...,..'..,.. ;1! ,:1-.0. ,-.s.J . :;., S ,..1::::: tilf:: . 11;1211: nAli•-2. lc) ',A:I.:I!. ii":1;. enemy was dng,44S,S2SSIntAti.,.. leChni)iUg:‘,•, or 7'. s.1,.!.:;.ml .,-... tra;:11 . lif.:TiC'C iStiraC.,. .; 4:i'..t.: liIC hit.";ST dia1012.'Lie With M(...: BURGESS, -who PL."11%.a.i!..'n ', .(n': illteR:,S1S. IlleSe WIT usaaliy gc.neral discussions. .„, :•n• n ,...-.:,:.:.: . •,.! :,...: . ;.i.: ,: .,:iyo:-.1.,:-. ,.:;:'...Al. tullie.?; of irtf: , '-'711V `Cnlzt terms ni-:,:'...•J';h:ii'::1%:: i;: 7!!;:i; :)::::1);:l L.:7U. COI ¦ C f.'11 iS abt)tit i):: I . inii'i i 4.'1 . ....ficl:ret.lorts. nig: being available at the nationa.: te ,. c: Lf m% ( , t::. .ion, !his s; .i ii.'ooniii,I.,:. ;:oncern, ] litnicai Human Initflii-gence f TitiMINi i :-...v.::: (i .s andartaiydeeision.ntalat.. ..Ts ss,vere ',•_-..11..d. ::: r,,.r7.i.:....:.,:c .o ‘.v..?:- mar.-einally itst:T friend:v. hilt t".11. bt.lier I .!1::::-: ::::', `,:li•U .:c. ',.,.',.., h.::.:.: h..::+.: Ilk!li:m-:-n:::::!-,.: :,. :- :: evcr..vitelnithy ,...7ontinunicatkin.F.. and automation . v-,•.::::-:!...1:1. ,.:o.•..:10!). :on-,',•'-',.: Ce.`01.iired rtri)Ort 16rIllat changes. report.; ....t.' he. iii:i,,, it.f.:.\..?....: -,,. : -. -:::n•', ;.0 . •ii.'p :c..nt ,..-. pr:::rct-3 ,-.7.1 -o.. in% 7‘,1:' (:07111e•C'ti011. ;tiaii t.:0110iCOCieS. ThiF it)01( t5n±t: r.) ..¦ .rr. of:!;:c1 .s,,.L. :: 4:.'.:11!?2::C nOnce tlf it.; was ill rthi. :1/2. C.' Ve•C'n:'• ..":.: 1 R.:“.`i V .: • il;.:•1 i!.C .:.ir...,,' • •:.;'.:!:1:.,,i!::,:.,,T: -,....p,:,:l .,,.n:'. 4. 11;1`..,.. !,/:.! 1: :!.,...1il i .0 (WC': tht; naliunal automated me,3sage ::,.-,,:,.•:.' ,--•••.,-:::,"-I :: ,..-...!..1z ..,..)., :..,. :.nil: te....::•. f ;:.: !.:, r(....t!iy gct ...thr fri..z.rid1). portal into place 1 p;-...-4;:."71:::,..ib:.1-:k ith'. 4. ,;.!4illtY,i i01:Z111:-,. di..;. :1:::.: C)llitill . : • ', C:. :, :., .: J'.1 . , ::);L:7n',-:::-'). Ti .! -;!':: V.:',...:",..•n.i:..',..: ...'..-.., .:7.v Cr Chnati)::::Cti•Z'itt;kill? il.; I i'Veali, MOS: Oil . thiS -. h::::": :-.:. ,.:'," :.I'. ,.' ,i;Zt:".11 ,::' , •71 Vi',:%'1111CttOyal.it....!' ;:1';:.:. • ..i•:^,:rt.. ‘'..x.i diso Interest in Whilt WO WeT'V u•.`dirtf.:). Ifi:-.1.-,: :,'..:: .;‘,.-n2. din....0K%i to 1).;?Iii nt . ¦..)vi,iini; ,: `..',.:;t:k I v N.InniiItetnimt R..eport to Se,-...1)c.f . \1:..1.)%1 .:(:S..l.'SI.)-- Ir.: i,....c. Oct.-J.:ill:. No•.. ,.:,..' .,. :::.*.S111Kis It The.x.t...r interroa.ati:ilf. i iiL. .1•.:1::qt:i:. ... ...2 .1 . 's.,.lC.) :s.a.:. sircadv pt0V.ii.il:_: ..1n',::::• rcf:ort and we were askvd to tli) Itt! S:1111e. .1 . --zul Ii.:-;:i or ..i..:iliru.q.'-', \' ,•e :;;Ci, :1/4.'.10...,..zz . ..: of intelligence nacres:. 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