Fay Report Annex: Statement of a Major, 325th Military Intelligence Battalion re: Detainee Interrogations at Abu Ghraib Prison

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This sworn statement by a Major was the Commander of the 325th Military Intelligence (MI) Battalion (BN), in Iraq that had Abu Ghraib Prison as one of the facilities in his portfolio of responsibility. He stated "In Jun 03. B Co moved to Camp Cropper. Sometime in the late Aug/early Sep 03 time frame, after the General Miller visit, my 97Es staring moving to Abu Ghraib (AG) and were integrated into interrogation Tiger Teams at AG. I visited AG on three occasions." He then stated "I never saw any detainee abuse, nor did anyone ever report it to me, nor did I ever hear of.such abuse. I never saw any unauthorized photographs or videos of detainees, nor did anyone ever report such photos/videos to me, nor did I hear of any such photo or videos. During my visits to AG, I saw detainees dressed to "normal Arab" dress, who were housed in open, wired areas, in tents. I walked through the "hard site" on one occasion on tour. All the detainees I saw were fully clothed either in their personal clothing or prison clothes. I never saw any naked detainee and I never heard of any incidents that detainees were stripped for humiliation purposes. I never saw any military working dogs, nor did I ever hear of dogs being used for interrogation purposes. I was never aware that there were dogs at AG."

Thursday, May 27, 2004
Wednesday, March 2, 2005

SWORN STATEMENT Fr ire Mar Ism us AA 11045: She sowed spay is 00130PS PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT ISSN!. Tine 10 USC Sake 301; Ts* 5 USC Swan 2951: ED. 1397 Mir Nowordr 22. INS AUTILDRITS•_ salmormot ol kris woo roar by whisk rirwarr bs maim* *AWL To pork esormodori ond PRINCIPAL PURPOSE:_ wan of loroilicator is isduu hmi anti rourvil. tow mil writs tearer is rod ss nI Meriorkitamsio ROUTINE USES:_ Dirrounol rut swig sour mirrors rims 4. FILE NUMBER DISCLOSURE:_ 1. LOCATION 94th RRC, Devens, MA T. GRADE/STATUS MAJ/0-4 LAST NAME. FIRST NAME. MIDDLE NA I. ORGANIZATION DR ADDRESS Military intelligence Readiness Command. Fort Belvoir, VA 9. jhllMNMIIIIIIIII----_ . WANT TO MAKE TIE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WIDER OATH leI. gnment at the Military Intelligence Readiness Command (MIRC). Fort Belvoir, VA. I was am currently enroute to my _new assi Battalion (BN), East Windsor, CT, from 1 Feb 03 to 2 May 04. The the Commander of the 325th Military Intelligence (MI) We conducted a home station mobilization at Devens, MA (A Co). East325th MI BN deployed enroute to Iraq on 10 Feb 03. thc when we arrived at Fort • Windsor, CT (HHSC). and Waterbury, CT (B Co). with roughly 180 organic MOS qualifiedsoldiers end of Feb 03. A Co Dix_ HHSC performed Dix, NJ. A Co deployed to Fon D on or about 17 Feb 03, and B Co and HHSC deployed about assets, contained Analysis Control Element (ACE), B Co contained Counterintelligence and Interrogation and traditional headquarters functions and staff. While at Dix, my interrogators received generic, cookie-cutter training on the Code of Conduct, Law of Land Warfare, and Geneva Convention, Islamic. theater-speeifiC cultural awareness, as well as traditional CTT. weapons qualification. etc. We did not receive as much Interrogation specific training as we wanted than at the Northeast INT Army Reserve Intelligence Readiness Center (AR1SC). 1 bad about 10-15 organic MOS qualified HUM N Collectors/Interrogators (MOS 97E), four or five being qualified Strategic Debriefers. The 325th MI B was crossedleveled from with approximately 140 personnel from 40 different units from 25 states. The 325th MI had redeployed three months earlier oto Fort Bragg where we had worked with the 519th MI BN and the 525th MI BDE. We started deploying on 27 Mar 03, but bad deployed. On un leave about 40 troops at Fort Dix to finish their mobilization processing. The 325th 27il bad 303 soldiers when it Ml BN, 205th MI BDE, where_they remained t Mar 03, A Co arrived in Kuwait and was immediately attached to the 302nd we redeployed in Dec 03. B Co and HHSC arrived in Kuwait on 29 Mar 03. We remained in Kuwait until the end of Apr 03 when we crossed into Iraq in two serials. A Co departed on about 24 Apr with the 302nd and B Co and IIHSC crossed on 29 Apr interrogators were assigned with Tactical HUMINT Teams (THT) and, with the exception of one soldier 03. Initial]_ who was assisting the Command because she spoke fluent Arabic. B Co and HHSC were located at Baled, p battalion operations.. In Jun 03. B Co moved to Camp Cropper. Sometime in the late Aug/early Sep 03 rag, were se_ timeframe, after the General Miller visa, my 97Es staring moving to Abu Ghrayb (AG) and were integrated into interrogation AG on three occasions. My fast van was sometime in Aug 03. My understanding at that ' was Tiger Teams at AG. I visited conversations wi 1 the 519th MI BN was in charge, of unerrogauon operations at AG. 1 had a coup] _ the_ bout how her interrogators were doing the uuerrogauon piece and soldier accommodations. 1 when I sat in on anwas m B Co Commander and lived at Camp Cropper. My second visit to AG was sometime in Sepinterrogation techniques. At thatwhere we discussed the interrogation facilities, but never . _ interne t_ He_d to come in from out was in charge of the interrogation operations and no long_ time,_ of no where and I don't really know what he was. My third visit was later in Sep 03, the was killed at AG in a mortar attack. 10111111.11111111was still in charge and COL PAPPAS (205th MI BDE Commander) had not yet shifted to AG; although he s n aw f time there. Word was that the 205th MI BDE would be moving from Baled to AG. I who resided it AG. about soldier issues because he had a good grip on what was goinghad discussions wi_ any oper Dual discussions with him. Our discussions also involved dissemination of finishedon with them, but 1 never_report it to me, nor did I ever hear of.such abuse. I never saw any ever reports. I never saw any detainee abuse, nor did anyonevideos of detainees. nor did anyone ever report such photos/videos to me, nor did 1 hear of any suchunauthorized photographs or photo or videos. During my visits to AG, I. saw detainees dressed to "normal Arab" dress, who were housed in open, wired areas. ' in tents. 1 walked through the "hard site on one occasion on tour. All the detainees I saw were fully clothed either in their personal clothing or prison clothes. I never saw any naked detainee and I never heard of any incidents that detainees were stripped' _ion humiliation purposes. 1 never saw any military working dogs, nor did I ever hear of do s be' used ' form for purposes. I was never aware that there were dogs at AG. I did Dot know Specialists 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 ////////////////////////1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 I INI T ILLS OF R ON MAKING STATEMENT 10. EXHIBIT_ m611111.6 21IPIR rum AT DAM ADDITIONAL PAGES MOST CONTAIN THE NUM; "STATEMENT Or THE 8077DAI OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MOST BEAR THE N111.415 OF THE Pt RSO* MARINO THE STATEMENT. AND PAGE NUMBER MUST Of SE INDICATED _ userwao _ BA FORM 2523. JUL 72. IS OBSOLETE DA FDRM 2823. DEC 1998 AG0000408 DOD 000496 110110111111.1111111 ......... _ Devens, MA DATED 2004/05/27 Re-., TAKEN AT STATEMENT OF INISTATEMENT 1Geatinuto7 ell them by sight, but c not comme t on their character. The soldier in the lower left corner of digital ry well, and kn that 1 at 97E cross-leveled to the 325th at Fort Dix from a reserve unit photograph '23 MARK4" a ears o APPAS within the Interrogations Operations Cell. MG FAY has ordered _ wo ked for CO can not remember. me not to d' cuss de ils o is inquiry with anyone not directly involved in this mquiry. I havenothing further to add to this statement. ~WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111 OF STATEMENT11111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 /11111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIEND 11111141 AFFIDAVIT . HAVE READ OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE STATEMENT MADE WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND ENOS ON PAGE_ / _ BY ME THE STATEMENT IS TRUE. I HAVE INITIALED ALL CORRECINTHS AND HAVE INITIALED 1HE BOTTOM 0 ACH PAGE CONTAINING THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS n,;;; :+0);:ci. vV:T. :;;. STATEMENT FREELY wi I MOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR REWARD. WITHOUT TI-,17, LT :F TII 4::T:fr;". At. Sobscrind and swan to balm no, a demon autherirad by law to WITNESSES. May 2004 &Twister oaths. this_27_day of .at 94_C Dcv_MA 15*Wfilre of Parson Admmistonng Oath FIGANI2AT ION OR ADDRESS IT ams of Person Acorn:wog 0,112I 5 U.S.C. 303 lauthonly To Aohountszer Oar/sl ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT PAGE111116OF 'RES LISOPIVI.00 III PAGE J. DA FORM 1113. DEC 1998 AGO 000409 DOD 000497
