<p>Fax of letter from a constituent to Senator Cornyn stating: "I just read a story about 3 CIA personnel who may have killed three prisoners. The Agency submitted their reports to the Justice Dept. Interrogations on non-Americans by the CIA has nothing to do with the Justice Dept. What is your opinion, so I know how to vote at the next election?" Senator Cornyn forwarded this question to the CIA.</p>
MORI DocID: 1 1601 73 P.3 AUG.12.2004 8:20 AM NO.952 A 01'2e/2004 13:ie FAX S2 a001/003 DAC-04372-04 FAX TRANSMISSION OFFICE OF SENATOR JOHN CORNYN Occidental Tower 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1150 Dallas, Texas 75244 Telephone: 972-239-1310 Fax: 972-239-2110 To: The Central Intelligence Agency Date: July 26, 2004 From: Pages to Follow: Two Re: COMMENTS: Thank you. APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: DEC 2004 CIA 000004 MORI DocID: 1160173 AUG.12.2004 8:20AM 07/26/2004 13:35 FAX JOHN CORNYN TEXAS United States Senate WASHINGTON. DC20510-4305 July 23, 2004 Central Intelligence Agency Office of Congressional Affairs Washington, District of Columbia 20505 My constituent has sent the enclosed communication. A response which addresses his/her concerns would be appreciated. Please send your response to the following address: Office of Senator John Cornyn Occidental Tower 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1150, _ Dallas, Texas 75244-6199 Enclosure APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: DEC 2004 CIA 000005 MORI Doc1D: 1160173 AUG.12.2004 8:20 AM 7/26/2004 13:55 fax Central Intelligence Agency Web Mail Message Dear Senator Cornyn, I just read a story about 3 CIA personell who may have killed three prisoners. The Agency submitted their reports to the Justice Dept Interrogations of non-Americans by the CIA has nothing to do with the Justice Dept. What is your opinion, so I know how to vote at the next election? APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: DEC 2004 07126/2001 CIA 000006 MORI DoCID: 1160174 APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: DEC 2004 CIA 000007