DOJ-OIG Questionnaire of FBI Personnel re: Detainee Treatment

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A DOJ-OIG questionnaire for FBI personnel who were involved in detainee interview or interrogations at assigned locations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq; Afghanistan; or in other areas controlled by the U.S. Military. Questionnaire primarily focused on personnel training regarding detainee treatment standards and reporting of inappropriate treatment, and on knowledge of certain interview or interrogation techniques. Example techniques of the latter include: "depriving a detainee of sleep," "beating a detainee," "using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner." Document paid specific attention to the difference between training, reporting and activities done by FBI and non-FBI personnel. Document name: DOJOIG000820.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A. Personal Information
Departmentof lustice inspector General' questionnaire Regarding Ciethinees
PP flOr:FORWAito , O.1(0SEmxtis,ATE
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00,0 018Q0'
,As of the last time this questionnaire, was savedt some required 'fields- have not e e n completed.
Please,reView yOUr reSponses.,
-PleaseiproVide;theLf011oWitig tifOrrtiatiori
1. First name,
1. Last name:.
4,, Entered 611 Duty Dale ,(E.01));
Current DjvisionfFeId 'Officg:
Current fob title:
DirettJilat Office; teleOhtine hUrriber:
8. FBI tell fitiOrieriurribler:
FBI pager umNrf.
0eg contact number tor -youzr
B. Backgrotind of Specific Deployments or Assignments
41.. At any time afterlSefiterrite-r 11,'20,01, did yiju, al-Vda5 thertiber "of the U.S. Military, 'or as dn.
emo loyee or contractor of the FBI:or-any other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay, : 'alba; Iraq;
AfgbPPIAp,n; -orin areas contro lled by. the. U .:8'. . Mi litar y o r a U.S. intelligence servic in GNIPOICTI:Wittl ttl .
;global War on terror'?
0- Yes 0 Na
or about.
latjantatiO'n10 Bay 0310712002 :03/14120,02-
12a., What was Oa terisera'l :nature arid pwros,,e, of yaw - assignment and attiyitie0:
Redaith eatgaNifiq detaineet,. preparatiOn for friterViewSiihterVieW?
12b. Please p rovidethe names cif the specificcamps, bases,- or facilities where you worked.
Cam pbeltp, °
Nom If iofortnatfoos about a ;otoifictatoli, bast,_ or'facilitr isCiesSified above SECRET,
please 'check. here 0, "include in your answer that yo' r have "additional information classified above
!SECRET," arid,: if you knoW,166fitiNthe:ola6sification level, Mica, cOhibartrhëiit Prorar, Or other
designation f4c,appiieooloe'Infoi:Mationt poi not include tne,:additional classified information In your
DOJOIG 000820
6 & 70 .12g100,REEMEkt
'6 AV
Superyisory SpecialAgent
i:2 Ehter 'the number. of timeSyou \iveresielitoyed.O.r>as$0hed ti:ectrOf thejoilOwing lOCations:
:(Gbantanatrio Bay,: Cubas..Itaf47,,Aghaiiistan;:af . in,any areas controlled bythe: oi-
FOreath deployment CeaSsigninent complete the fallowing SeetiOn.,
Lqcatiop- • (select
peily4rgiept,gi':itibarrierit'OatiOp bkgr Deplpilfoiirt or'assiddrilant,agiig4 gin.
One): a bogt
. ... . .. . . , ., . . „• .. „ ,
questionnaire repOtiseS, OI( J personnel with the n.e0eAsery clearance will contact you to receive it
Name . 'Position
— ?nstf- l41Pin.1-
42e. Efid ygp.jgintly itttPfNitlY IN" klIttrgpate.,any ilaaitieNith ' ,on-rEa lidr:$011riel?" .
. . Q Ng .
— .0 't.ess .
what kinds Of oFBI personnel djd you Anrofk jointly?,
' •0.17'
04.ther l.14 Military
o 'Li;$:. intelligence agtricy
0 ',Fgr.e19;n military or intalliqetica, ,agencY
0 father
- _
Did you jointly plan any detainee interviewer interrogation strategyr objectives„ or tactics with
19` YP§ 0 No'
...... - • •••• • .••• • • ••••-,-• 1•••• f••n• •••• n••••
With What kinds .of nOh-FBI. personnel did you Vitikkjoihtly? -
: Other MS: Military
; El intetitgen,ga ag-eff.elt" , •
0 "Fp.reign miiiary or Intelligence agency, ,.•
El tt,thet
•r. ' ,,'
• , , .
. • , , . , . V
42a. Were you ever otherwise involved in -detainee iritervieWs.Or interrogations With non-FBI perSennel? .
- r 0 YeS • 0 NO .
'Lace ion *letti onrt). DOOloviirient Or4Ofolinlen'beann on Deploymenttr:Osionment900 ,on 6r:if:joist;
ilF.i.Efr, bi/b6jbo4 ,63/1:2/1404
12a, What was the general nature and purpose grygyrassig nment. and, -attiy.itieel
7r000: Leader Of DAtalt100 TilIeP1i0w:Tocam .
1215. Ptease.goVitle the names of the SpediffCdariipdt bases',.or facilities where you viatited.
AN -ON rnk 1?-riPQP
1:2g, Note: If information about a specific camp, tiasei, or facility is classified above SECRET,
please-checi hem, EL:include in you, - answer that you' havp="achAtional lnfprmatiqw.cfassificd'iahoye
j ECRET,a-alic, if you kbow, icidntity-the;dadidotion. level, ticket, toingartn*nt, prograrn i, or other
des4hation:that -apglie to•tlie.,InforMation. Do not InClude..tlie additional claSSified InforMatiOn in %/Out
questionnaire responses. i DIO personnel with the necessary•clearance will contact you to receive it .
to .-.._ • • — -
7-1.2d:, ;0AtrilaLQYOur deplOyrnent•Or tistiglimerit:=•
Name Position
DOJOIG 000821
A. Training Prior to Overseas DeployMent Or Assign Ment
.12e. Did ,youlointly interview or interrOkate-eff detainee with ntin-FBI personnel?
- -0 Yes :0 Nti-
With :Whet kiiitis tf non-FBI Persbrifiel did you work jointhi.?,
• 121'CrIr
•D ',Other U.S.. Military
z. 0 age*
foreign mlNry- or intelljgenceagency
.11. f. DiçI you jointly plan .any dt.airle!e frtcrvlqlittOrtrAtOrrogatiori strategy,. ohjectIves,, or tadicg with
'FBI geitChnel?
0 Yes 0 No
".. With what kinds of_ non-FBI personnel did you work kirttiV? .-..I,
:000w U.S; Military J..
.7. 0 u.s;„ Intelligence agent(. ;.
-.. 0 Ecireigyrtiiilitary or Ihtelligence agency
; 0 Other ..
12g. Were you ever qt41*.s,e, -Irtvo) defaitis eeintervievisiO0r,i terrogetions with noni0131 p'e rsonneq-
0 Yes No.
• •,

1.3. bia ypu re coly6 any trailArig, •fristo4Ofioni. or g u id ance: .SprecifiCa llYily,preperafidry for anrot yOur
' • 1417,eise-a ,,:deplOptiettts Or-assign:net-1W,
. ,
°Ys . ONO . ODO.NOt'llecail
13a, Who provided this training, ilistftiniplii.,,pr guid anc e, and where did you receive It?'
FBI, F.811-104 . .
'13bt Describe the subject pp which you received this. training /. instruction or gufdance,
.- . tlitervie.vir..Of fadilityt operations, FBI tole in Iraq, etc. .
OVes 'OW Qbto $(qt Wait
15. hi- preparatibh for eny-Pf your -ON/ dr0eas dePlOYifients -tit asSighniehtsed id. you-receiVecarly; training; ;
DOJOIG 000822
instructionior guidance concerning thestandards,: , of conduct a pp licabieto :the,treatmerkt 4
by non-FBI p,eitOrnfel? interview, or introglon ofdetginoes
°Yes 'PiaOf Wait
16:. In' preparation for any of your 'overseas deployments or assignments did you receive:any training,
instruction; or guidanoe concerning 'what youweresupposed pgi, do if you observed or, hems! ehout, .
helreattrierit, *Tirol-views,. or interrogatiOn'of detainees by FBI peitorniel f which )4N:1 beJ ieed to
be ifiaPprOPriate,. U npfcifeSSional„ Coercive, =a buSive,
:®Yes 'ONO °DO Not:ReCall
16a, WbbprOVided this training, instruttion,Orguidarice, and "Where did you receive it?
FBI mai:lei-Or New Agents:Training
1,§,1) ripflr.cleAcribe the $IJIIPtPtige':9f14 training, instruction; or ,guidance p rovkl ecl to you
Theonly applicable training that I had: was in regard to ethics, Th general, and not
specifically 111 regard todetainees. Noweyier, twou id have utilized this training had I
become aware,of Jariy abuse's,
16e, Was any of the training, ',instruction, or guidance provided in writing?
0,YeS, ®No 0 Do Not Recall
17.14 prop,aratiOn for onyQf Your 'overeeaS deOlOYMPritsor assignments/Oki sip 11,,rcie;any training,
instruction,sor'g icianCe concerning what you were supposed to do if itegi ObServ0:tprhear4:atfout -
Mt treabt&it,,interVieW, Or interitgatiOn,Of detainee§ by hon-FBI persOnnel, WWch you believed
;tote iriapproPriatedinprOfeSSional,,eoeitive, abuSive„ or unlaWftil?'
:0Yes .0 No ,Obo 'Not Recall
jEt. Training During Oversea4 Deployments or Assignments
During any or your -ctNierseds ployfnents or assignments, did yOCt receive a ny training, instriletiOn,
or gu id anceconcerning the standards of -conduct applicable to the ;treatment
interrogation of detainees by FBI person net?
°Yes 010 QDg ot Wan
1. Miring atisi'orjobi.h= overseas deployments or ssig nments, did "Voti "reteiVe anYtrainifig, inStrdetibil,
or guidance concerningthe standards of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview, or
interrogation' of detainees by non-FBI per,sonivotl,
•r ciSif.a$ '.'Q.cro Not Recall
Who provided this training, instruction, pr guidance?
1,94, Briefirdeseribe the's:Li bStance Ofthe training, hiStriictiOn t orgUldeneeprdiided tO YOU.
0,01darree,vtily in -that FBI persdnfiei conducting interviews Abu,,Qhuray,b.priStiriNefe.
Made awareofthe acceptable iriterView/iriterrogation technidues/StrategieS erriplOyed
by he U S tiltary according to the Geneva tOnventiOn,
19e, Wasariy of the, training, InStruCtien t or guidance rfroVided
DOJOIG 000823
®Yes :01\10 0 Do. Not Recall
20. During any of yOUr,oVerseasdeplOYMentS Or ants,,d10 you teCeiv,e any training, itistrUCtiOn T ,
orguidanceooncerning what you weresupposed to de if you 'observed or heard ,about the
treatment,: interview,. or interrogatipcletinees by FBI personnel, which you believed to be
inappropriate', unprofesSional, cperchie, abusive, o bbiawfulT
OYes ONP 0150 :Net ReCali
2L Du ringanyoryour everseascleploy,ments or assignments, did you receive anytraining4 instruction,
or guidance concerning 'what you were supposed to do: If you '9bserVe0 or berd 40011:g
treatment, interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, Which' you believed to
be inaPPrOPriate,, 0,nbrcifesSioriai r coerOlVet abilsive.Or`uniaWitil
Oyes '0,Ne 0:D6 NOt Recall
C. Adequacy of Training
22. In your opinion, 'did, You receive adequate training, instructiprverguida nee relating to standards
of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel relating, to treatment, interview, or interrogatiOn>of
.detainees. riot tb your deployment t a$signMent?
Q :Yes
22. Please describe-the waysirt which you believe the training,. insiructionorguiçIanc was
Wrille:1 believe training was Inadequate in this area r. FBI employees Interview detainees, subjects,
WithesSeS, victims, etc. aroundthe world While utilizing the no cgde.of ethics: Irrlitie With the
FBI. was heavily engaged in intervievvs,atAbu :Ghurayb prison during thesame time period of recently
publicized military abuses bukte:myknowledge,'wasnet:awaSe of or in such :abuses,_
a In your epinion„A id you receive adequate training, instruCtion„orguidance relating to standards
of conduct by FBI and non7F41 personnel .relatifig to treatment,iptprvipmi or interrogation of
,cletainees:,d tiring your dgployrbrit :OriasSigririttf?:'
0 'Yes Q NO
24.1n ybiirdoiniori, A id you reiVe -attt4Ore training/ iriStrIldien r.Orbgiddrite,toriterilin0 *fa yeu
were SupPOSed to tip if you observed or heard ; about the treatment, intervieW, ,er:int'fid4atidn, of
:detainees, by 'FBI or non-FI personnel/that you believed was inappropriate, unprofessional ;
-abusive-, or unlaWfull ;coercive,
. ,0 'Yes 0. No
24a. Please detcribethewaysin Which yen belieVe the training,. instrUCtiOn -or guidatiCeWaS .
inadequate: „ . ,
Fa employees rely:upenvinirig -;provicip0 years prior 'at, ,tho MI Academy, New Agentstfaining,
regarding ethical standards, in general, I'WeS,riet provided With $PeCifit guidance or training regarding
What le de if r becarneaWare Of inappropriate conduct yet, if I had encountered such totitatt, 1 Ovid
haVeetriplciyed OomrtiOn.Serse, ethical 'taridarcts:, 'arid iiiiiestigaliv -gkillS .toffellow throug h irrieportitig
DOJOIG 000824
0 P S D r T ) REAEN
"..arq 'Matter. ime .... ••n•n• ••• ••• • Am.... ma r.n ..lin. „
'25;,;(0,ptipnailIn What, Wa1% can the FBI training onthiS subject for future deplOyments-or
, PreVide trainingóriaCcejatahle techniques Utilized by the US rnihtarc J`tri aware Of OG.C/NSLB -efforts to
draft p.olicieS regarding the ever-changing intentiew/interrogatiOn environments that FBI
ID. Comments
26. PleaSefiroVideany additional frifOrination thricernin traiiiing for OVetteaS slepidrient5
assightnents of FBI personnel yoir-belleVe is teley.ant.-
IntritidUCtitirt-tO Part'III,: In this s,eCtiOnr We.ate;teeking,itifortnation regarding' a Wide range of
interview-or interrogatiOrrieChniques and other types' ofdetainee treatment alleged to- have occurred _
You should not assume, just tecause we.greiesidng about. a particular technique or practice, that:wehave
concluded that it in icb occui-red W reC(igniZOtigt)someof these techniques or PracticOS may K titres
beriecesry fdr.:14fetY and . security 111 :-a'tiOtgin 16.4:,M1 rig; 16 ad,elltibbi i'deignize thatz:SOnle. these
.techniqUesor practites May. have -been buthOfi2ed forUse by miiitary dr- other governtherit personnel.
With respect to p.13ch identified technique, prati sce„-gr -type:ofc.gnduct decribe..dbelow, weiare -seeking
"infdttilatiOn bDut itVOcClurrence 01-InfOrinettiOn with the interview or interrogation of a
detaineet,Orduileig the detention of a .detiliee beyond *hat is needed for Safety and seiL(rity,
In- that context, We will ask you to tell lis -whether bile:Or:More of the: following statements are true:
i.., I personallroOserved this conduct
2, I observed detainet Icondition that fed me; to:hellevethgt this cond u,c ht ad Occurred.
3,, ipotAin.pgts) Told :MO at OM, conduct had 'OCtUriVit.
4, Others who observed Thi OnduttileScribed fttb . rie
6; rt:iaveTelevant information classified above
O'‘ 1 never ob served this ,conduct nor heard ibotMt Ii-oitiiomcoty,iho did.
27. oepr1ylngdetainee OffoOd Or Water
• kt personally-observed this conduct. . ,
• I;ohseryeif detalnee(s) in .a.;cond Mort_ that led rne to' hellevethat5this conduct:bad -occurred.
15, 1
IEYetainee(s) told Me that thisconduct had OccOrred.
therS'- whO,obs.etVed1-ils conduct described it to me.
1,. • I tiaW fOleYOn't Ifif.4rr(00 1):0,491f10 aboVe "Si -
never Ob'Served, ti.4,chh"cipct hfir'hfgo hi but it 'frottrsonleOrie who did.
DOJOIG 000825
zs. DepriVing a detainee 0e:clothing
a. M t perScinally ObserVed. this.COndUct.
b. • tobSerVed detalneekt) In azond 'Von that led The to, belleVe that this conduct had occurred.
.c. • Detai nee(s)' told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, • Others. who observed this conductdescribed it to ma
' , • L have relevant information classified above " ,8`ECR.W.,
t neverobseryed this Conduct nor hpqrci,abouf it from someone -who did.
Depriving a detainee of ,sleep, or interrupting :sleep by frequent relocations or other methods
a . • il persOnally ObSeiled this ',Cordtact.
l' iLobsetd detainee(s) in a ,COnd itionthat led me to believei that this conduct had occurred.
a 121 Detainee(Sytold me that this cord udt had .Oceurred.
, • Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
a • g, have releyarit informatiori clasSified above, " ,S,ECRETI``.
f. • L neVer observed. this 'conduct nor heard about it from:someorte, who did, , .
:g,. Please provide the approximate time frame -Au ri ng which tus cond,u0occurred..
A'Orrr/.2Q0-4 to o3jOp4 fl Do NOtIRecall
h. The-detaine) 'treated, in this way were 14c,pto the time
11:1 ,01.4anWamp
3 D Afghotii§wn
4 1:1 ,0theibetation
:5 El oo Not Recall
PleaSeidentify the detairie.0)- by riatiie and. nutber .
Do not, recal
PlOage. icctiti0 perSorits)*V ".t.,rP*1 the de'tair10(§) in :thi riner,. including their
narneN.and,g0Vertirrient agency(ieS),:
Not aware otParticii tar Individrialk 'Military procedUreS in aCcordarice With ,Geneva.
COrlYelfi9f1P, ,
k. Please IdentifyanyOther FBI pets:4'1nel or non-FBI personnel Who. observed detairfeeKS); ;treated
in this manner, including their name(s) and :agency(ies) .
DOJOIG 000826
1. ThiScOndUct occurred in Connection With
0 one detainee
20. .SeVeral detainees (4)
3 0 Many.detainees fmore than -41
4Q DpNçtReca U
m. 'Motional) Please describe the relevant circumstances' in more-detail:
'30) Beating a detainee
=o„ t
• IL persorially'obserVed this Ooridutt.
• lt observed detainee(s) in a . RI liDetainee(s) 'told Mena this obi-laud had OCcufred.
d. • tQthers who observed this conduct described it to. me.
-' ..._
0 'r have relevant Information classified abOye ":$FCRET".,
1:_•_11 never observed this conduct ,nor heard 'about:It from someone who did.
g. Please provide the approximate time Trame.;during' which t Conduct occurred.
From 02/204 to 0312004
h. The detalnee(s) treated in 'this way were located
ill' Guantanamo
2 laIrag
3 0 Afghanistan
4 0 Other Location
5 0 Do Not Recall
,OD:o Not Recall
Please Identify the detainee(s) by baffle and nOrri belt
Do not recall. :In generaltietainees havecialined that they had been beaten. Examination of
these rriatters, however uncorroborated arid appeared 'be related t period s when
detainees -were hitt; CaPtu red When. -seCuritIOSsUes ,Were
j. Please identify the' Person(s) 'who treated thedetalhee(t) in this Manner',, inClUding' their
name(s) and governmentagencyfieSP.
No information regarding this.
k. Please identifyanrother FBI personnel or norr-FBI personnel ,Whwobserved detainees treated"
.In thJ manner? including :triejr naings) and .ageney'cies):
L ThisConduct occurred in COnnection with;
2 0 i5e.yeral detainee§ (2-4)
DOJOIG 000827
3 Q many detainees (tor e than 4).
. 4 0, DO Not Rtaill
m . (i'ptional) Please describe therelevant circumstances in -rnare- 40ail-::
31. 'Using water breathing by, a detaineetto create the sensation ofdrakiyning
a. II T personally observed this.conduct.
• I.90.Pervect detainee(s) IQ 4.0Priclitj911thet Jed me tc,- belleve ,thet„tbis.G.111044 1:00•90c1,07red,
c.. • r Detainee(s) ,t0,10 'me that .t1:11SOrld 114 bad ,occurred.
cl, 0 bthers who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information` classified above,"$EC*7".
f. Eil rawer o,boerv.ed this conduct nor heard about it .from'sorneOne Who d[d.
32. -Wing hands, rOpe,sor anything else: th .choke or Strangle a .dethined
a. • it personally observed this -conduct
:. II Irobserved detainee(s) in acorulition that led me to believe that this conduct - had occurred.
c.. • ,D, e-t ainee(• s) told me that this conduct-had 'occurred',
• 'iOthers who observed this conduct described it to. the.,
• Jt have relevant information clas sified above !':$.%R.T''. ' .
El r never Obs,erVed' this Conduct nor heard ,abdut it from SCiene9ne‘00 did. .
33. "Th'reatening Other action t&cause physital. in* fity,. disfigurement or death
a'. III k personally observed this -conduct
b. • I:ohserved cletaineeks) in a,condition that led me 'to believe tiiatthis conduct had occurred.
rq; RI petairiee(s)'told me that this 'conduct had ,occurred.
tJ. • Others, who observed this Oritigqt clescriPed it to Me.,
e. El '' have relevant infOrmation Classified above ''S.tti2.ET' L.
f. • t never observed t.1*Prlduct -nr heard about it torosernePrie:Who did;
DOJOIG 000828
•g. Plese"ProvicIP the aPPrOximate time frame 'during_ which, this conduct occurred.,
From 0/P004 tO Q312,604 EIDO Not Recall
h. The cletainee(s) treated in this way were located at the time vi
EJ PIPnt,Wt@rrio.
2 lA 'tag
3 0 MO hohiaoh
4 0 Other Location
50 Do Not ReCall
I. Pleagoldootitylile - dinoq(0 by name
DO, not recall.
j. 1ieas identify the, person (s) who, treated the deta ineeW In 0-Winer, including their
name() and gOOrhrherit 'agency(ie):
Unaware of any particu6r individdal who conducted such-alleged treatment; .U.S. Military
k Please identify any other FBI personnel or non-at personnel who observed detainee(s) treated
In this: marinery, including their name(s) and a;geriey(les):
I. This,dandutt occurred in Connection with:
I 0 'One detainee
2 .0:Several detainees (.1.-4)
Many 4etainees (more than 4-)
4 'O . DO Not Recall
Please describe the. nature and circumstarices (Alt* threat(s):
At varioustim es; deta inees. alleg ed :that they had teen - threatened by- military-personnel. Most
ften,4etainees related this to thetime period 'su,rround frig, theirca pture, when thereyvere
sew riW risks presentto military personnel:,
341, ,,Dther treatment or action cau sing significant physical pain or injury, or causing d isfigurement° or
. • r PerSonallycibSerVed this cOndutt.
b. • LobSerVed detainee(s) in a ,cOnditionthat led me th, believe thattritS conduct had odoufred.
c. I Detainee(sytold me that this conduct had =dared,
d . II Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
, . • L have relevant information classified above - ":S.ECRETr.
f. El I neverobserved this *conduct nor .hea rd about it frorn someone who did,.
DOJOIG 000829
3.5. Placing d eta inee,Ori hbt .surface or burning ,a,detainee,
• • I personally observed this„conduct.
• Lobserved' detainee(s) In a;conditiorrthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. • Detainee(s) told 'ma that this conduct had 'occurred.
II Others- who observed this concit4cieserihed it: to me.
• t have relevant infOrmation cla:Ssitie4OPVe "$.EC.13.ET''.
I never*erved, this conduct nor heard -about it frornsomeone-who did.
'tJsi shacldesior other rotfOinttjr10 grOlOriged mäpnt
a. • t personally observed this conduct.
h. • I-observed detainee(4 in a condition that led me to believe that:this conduct had occurred.
c. I Detainee(s) told me that this Conduct had occurred.
d. III 1Others who observed this conduCt7described It to, me.
N, I have relevant information classified above 11.8ECO.Er"
lEi I never observed thIstonduct nor heard about. it from sorriebre who did.
ReqUiritilg .',detainee: -to -maintain,, or restrt inin0 a tletaineein, 4 Stres-sfut 'Os painful pO6itiOrt
all • . I personally obseriied thiStenduct, .
b. • tobserired delaineets) in a-zOnditiOn that led me td, belleYe that thiS edndudt had ,occurred.
R • Detainee(s) told me that this conduce had occurred. - 21 • Others- who observed this conducrdescribed It to me.,
e 0. I have relevant information classified ebove":5CtEl -''.
f: Er LnPYPI'91),PPrvgd thrs'c9rdu,qt‘PPri)Mrcl 41?Put it :fhPrill.,s9nriOckh 410 did.. „ .. .
FOrCin0 a'siet4inee, to. plerforrndernand physical exercise
a'. • r personally Observed this conduCt. . '
,ii. II LobserVed.detaineetS), in 'a:condition that led me to believethatthiS conduct had occurred.
c • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred:
-d. • Others-who observed this conduct-described it to me.
DOJOIG 000830
. • I have relevant Information classified above "S,ECRET".
f. I I never observed this:conduct nor'heard about it from someone who did.
.ysing electrical-M:00.0n a detainee
a. I r perSdrially obseffed this:01.4Oct. .
b.. • s4n/ed. detairiee(s), in a:cOndition that led Me' th belieVe thatthiS Cdriduct had ,OCCUrred.
c. • 'petal riee(s) told frie that this conduct had .6cCurred.
,. • ()theft: Who observed this cOndUctdestribed it to the. ,.
e. • ,I have relevant information classified above ! iSECRET".
, i
iv II never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
4O. Threatening to use:electrical shockon a detainee
.. • :fier,Stitiatir obServed this t Otiduct,
b • I Observed. detainee(s): in a Corid Mon that led nie to belieVe „that this. conduCt had i,:Jactifred.
,. • Illetainee(s) told rime that :this cOncliitt, had .occUrred.
d. • Others who observed this cdrithict desclib6d it to me .
e. • I haVe relevant information cla ssified ab.ciVe "SECRET".
f. I II never:observed this,conduct nor heard .about it from 'someone. who did.
214. Intentionally' delaying 'or den tag detainee medical care
A, • L perSoriailyObserved. thiS.Conchict.
:b. • I Obsetveddetainee(S1 in .a,cOnditiOn that led ill e: to belieVeXhat this conduct had baurred.
d'. • DetahWqtold 'rife that this distil Lict bad •acturred.
. ..
LI , • Other who obSerVed this cOnduct described it to me.
e. • I have inforrhatiOn claSsified aboVe "SECRET". , ..
f". Er r never ObSerVed, this:Conduct 'nor- heard a bolit it frorn,Sorrieond who did. . .

DOJOIG 000831
HOOdiri4 Or blindfold iri921etalletother thai durfnULanspOrtatioh
.a. • -I personally observed thisconduct.
b,, ill liobserved'cletainee(s) In alcondition- that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
c. • 10etainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
. , • Others who observed this described it to
e. • I, have relevant information classified above 7$ECRET".
I I never observed thivconcluct nor' heard .about it from ,someone who did.
43. subjecting a detPilleeto extremely Old or hot. room temperatures for eAOTIde.d tietiods,
a. 011 personally observed this .conduct.
I observed detainee(s) in a condition' that led me to' believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. 0 Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
Others who observed this conduct described it to me.„
I have relevant infOrrnatiori ciassified above "SECRET",
. Et I never observed thiS3bonduct nor heard about it from sorheonewho did.
44. 8Lthjecting :a :deta ine:e to loud: music
, a. RI' I pertOnally obserVed thisgonduCt.
• I obSerVed detainee(s) in a corid Noll that led Me to believe that this cdndit had occurred. I
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
' . • I have relevant information dasified above "E6-RE-I.'c
• I. rWer:PliPerVPcl thrs'SPrldgct tigrilearcl Piqout it frPrn PoP1PorteW11P d id.
g. - Please, paiVide the approximate time frameAo ri ng which this cond,uct' OPct.rrre:d.
Fn:.nil-02/404 to' 03/21504 C.1Do Not Recall
h. The:detail-1006A treated in this way:Were located 4,the time irt
,t lzi:Qoo:tanamo.
2 i Iraq
' 3.0 .Afghanistan
4 0 Other Location
DOJOIG 000832
$ D bo Not Recall
Pleaseidentifythe ,detainee(s) by name and number:
t per:sox:0lb/ ;heard loud music in detention tapir*, but I am uneWOre Of thedenttieof
detainees who appear to have Veen eXpdSed tti- this;
J. Please identify the person (s) who treated the detainee(s) in this manner ', including their
name(s) and gOvemmentagencyVeS)::
Do hot have any- Information regarding SVelcific'indl ni14141
l. 'Please iciontifr arlY,OttW FBI P.OrsOPM1 or rlo -E13.1 rorn IlihP 19,45PTV00 OP.t011.0.etP/ treated
in this manner, InClUditig thelr nahre(s);.and ,ageney(les).:
Litiis;detiutt actpttecliri cohriectioxi
0 'One detainee
2 0 Several detainees (2-4)'
3 0 Many detainees (rntore than 4)'
(",) Do Not Recall
(Optional) .Please deStribethe relevant Cirt'uniStanCeS . in rnoetll:
.45. Subjecting a detainee to bright flashing lights or darkire
I a.
. _
• iI riersdriallytibserVed this tOnduct.
lb. I it bbseryeci detainee(S). in a , COnd ition that led to believe thartniS conduct had octurred.
d. • 'Detai neeN told 'hie that thiS dandact had ,Ocatirred.
d. • ,Otheit: Who obSeNed This dinduct2dekribed it to 'Me:. ,
e. • it havereleVarit inforrhation - claSsified a bOVe "SECRET".
f; IEI I neversobserved this conduct nor 'heard about it from,sorneone.who did.
-46. Isolating-a detainee for arvpithcted . gripd
' . 11 ' perstifially-obrited this toriduCt.
,. • I. OhserVed cietairieetS) lit 0:orid itibh that led trie TO 15elieVie that.thiS' 'COnduct had :oCCUrred.
C. • CietaineeK told the that thiScoridb:ct had 'Occtirred.
.d. • Other's Whci obeli:fed this tondiradeStribed it to the.
, . 111 1 have -relevant inforthatiOn ClasSified above 'SECRET'.
f. • E never Observed thiSindOtt nOrheard,'ab.oirt it from someonewho did.
DOJOIG 000833
g. Please' PrOVide the aPprOxinnate the frarne,d,Uting which thiSlcOnduCt'ocetirred.
From lA/21304 to 08120k14 ,00o.NOt Recall
h. The ,detaineeVs) 'treated hi "this I/My, Were located et the time 'in;
I, RI ,Quantanamo
0 Afghanistan
4 LI hq r Wip n
$ 0 PO NOt Recall
I.; Pleaseldentifylhe detainee(s iiy.,name and number.'
Do. not have speCificS:, Isolating detainees was Coinrnori in such locationS.
j. Please identify the person(s), Who treated the detainee(s) in this manner,, including their
name(s)and government-agency(ies):
not hPYP 'any specific InfOrMation '0J5. .1,414w):
k. Please, identifitany other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who -observed detaineek4 treated
. In #4 man riery Includingtheir name(*) and ,agericy(les):
I. This.conduct 'occurred in connection with
:(:). 0 :several detainees:
3 t) ma'ny!cletairieeS (More than 4):
'4Q Do!Not Recall
(qptiorial) Please desribe:thefeleitant circUrriStanOes, in more detain: ,
47. ()sing ,duct tape to restrain, gagj or punish a ,detainee
J t

IY:rsolially ObServed thl.s.'condu.ct.
f:,p,b;served. ,detainee(s), in A>coriditiorrtht.100 me to believe that 111ig (:1.0 -01c't had occurred
c. • 1Yetainee(s)tOld ti ie tht this conduct had cidcurred,. . ,
. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me
II L haVe teleVarit.inforrnatiOri classified above. 75ECRET"'.
t. l I neverObSerVed thiSCOnduCt mot heard about it frOrti,sOrneorie Who did. . .
:44. Using rapid response teams and/Or forced cell extractions.
DOJOIG 000834
. II, I. personally this,conduct. .
6, • t observed, ,,deiPinee(s) in a condition that led, me to believe that this 90.11014 had '9Ccgrrecl.,
. , • 0.0tinee(5) - told Joe that this conduct had -occurred.,
L 1
III Others Wh'.0 'l:65.0i1it'd',tht4 ,c:ofic1.14 treMilled it lo Me;
e. • , r have feleVaTit InfOrillation clatSified above 'SE(RET'".
Ef r; never observed nduct nor heard 'hut It from sOrrreArlg,WhO did.
-49. ty working‘ 114 on or naea detaineeOther than Atli-Ind detainee' tranSpottatIO
. • I- personally observed this conduct. • I 'oh.served' detaineels1 in :a -cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct, had occurred.,
I 0411P,,(4) Old ,pie that Etlisi'PP111:1:ga had PqCkirrgcl.„
4. • Others' who :Observed Thip, conduct described it tq re
' 111 I: have -relevant inforination 'claSsified, above, ' 18E,C,1Ell'.
f. 1 never observed this conduct nor heard about it 'froTtri'sOm80n0: who did.
.50. Threaeriirig to listibilita'rif Wcitkinij d'64S.Oris or near 0 ddtaitite, .
'.. • I personatlyob50iyed 01§, condnct., .
Ix. • I, observed detainee(s) in 0:'conditiort that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred:.
c,, • Det.6irteP(P) , tQld rn.P. thPt ti70 Pori:111qt hp:d o -ccb rred,,. . ,
rinbibors, vv,(5 pb,Fprv0 'this 0:W1011.4-described if to me.
; III I nove,roloprit.thfortnPtion classified above HS Ea-FE-ii,,
t El 1.7‘00,VOT Observed 04%01'0 1,1a nOr 11.P:a fd .015-Out it from sOrrietele who did.
1. wing -sod ort..storpiohs; ,§hakek ,or:Other a rilnial§:on or he0r a tieta thee
a`.: • T' POrsor.lailY 9'bilPcl, Oli .‘C.00.P9t,
.. • r;pbserved dtaihee(s) In exonditiog-that led me to' believe that,this conduct had .occurrecl.
c. • 130011188(0. told me that tili conduct ha-CI occurred.
,d., • Others whP 131 *EV.Pc1:thls CP00.4c.:-clesc.ribed it to MO;
DOJOIG 000835
e. • r have relevant information' classified above "SE, C. RET".
, ffi L nev,er,observed thisxonduct nor heard about it from:someone who did.
ThrOtOning to mse,sjaklexs,:gcorpignst snakes1 pr Wier animals on a detainee-
P.• CI I pOrgOribtly-obid this Otfalict. ,' , , , „
.II U_.
• t obserVeridetaihee(S,): iha, ,o'britlitibri that led me to belieVe thatIhis cdiduct had 'bean:red,
lil Detainee(s) told the thatthistontlutt had .o.ctUrred.
d. • Othefa whO obe'rvd this Cohdixt, d.esOribed it to rile,
e. • I. have relevant information classified above: "grECkEr.
f. 54 t never-observed this..conduct nor heard about. it from someonewho did.
bisresvectfu) sOtemprit%, handlirigOractions involVing, the Koran
• • r beitbrially,db`Served this donduCt.
4.. • L observed ,detainee(s) in ,a- thrid ition that led me to believe that this conduct h ad occurred.-
: Ottainee(s),tOld me that thisConduct ha,d -OCcUrred.
A_ • Others: who ,obSerVecl this cdridUct deScribed it to hie
e. IN I haVereleVarit information classified aboVe "SECRET".. -
I t 1E1jIneverobserved thisconduct nor heard about it from someone,Who did.
54. Shaving a' detainte5 6cial or other hairto embarrass,or humiliated ddtginee
-a. I r personaliy,ohserved thiStondu et, ,.
6. • I obs,M,6c1 detainee(s) ill ,abtinditibhthat 16i tne, to believe that this cOrid uct- had occurred.-
a • Detainee(S) told ;We that thiS COndt.ta had Akeurred.
-d. • Other S Who 'obSerVed this 'Ondijet-deStribed It to Me:
. e. • I haVe releVaitt information classified aboVe. "SECRET". '
f. i r eieveretkivo this.,COndikt'nbr heard a Wait ,from.ScirriebneWhe did,
DOJOIG 000836
55. Placing a Wbmans:clOthing on a detainee
a; • I personally observed this .conduct.
b.- ill !I:observed detainee(s) in a conClition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
C. • tpetainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred.
4, Others who observed this conduct described it to me, •
e. . • I. have relevant information classified above 't%R.ET",
'f.. Iii I neverobserved this conduct nor heard about it from someone - who did.
56.. I:606g A,detpitieg' Or acting toward ,a detainee Ina"sexual 'manner
; III "--i—
II personally observed this conduct.
b. • I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
C. • IDetainees) told me that this conduct had occurred'. .
• !Others who observed this conduct, described it to. me.,
II I have relevant information giassifiedabove"SECRET':
f. ElI never observed thIscoriduct nor heard about it from someone:who-did.
51. Holding dtainee,(S): AitiO Were nOt, officially acichoModged or registered as such 'by'th:a'gaticy
detaidin9 thei)ersbri.
a. • Tr personally observed this conduct
b; • Lobseryed detaineekS)inatonditionthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.-
c. • 10etainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred:
A • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.-
I 1* have relevant information classified above "5Et RET".
f. E. I never observed. this Conduct nor. heard about it Irornsomeorre ,Who 40.
.58. Sending detainee tb anOthercouitvy' for nioraggre.ssive interrogation
• II personalty' observed' this:conduct "
1).. •, r observed - detainee(s) in a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had -occurred.
c. • Itletainee(s)bild me that this conduct had occurred,
DOJOIG 000837
. • :Others who observed this conduct described it to' me.
e. Ci I have relevant informatiOn classified above "SECRET".
. El t: neverobserved thiSecdriduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
,,59. Threatening to send a detainee is andther count for detentior di -more-a gressiVe interrogation
• Ip,rs•tirlatly,cibtei-vd this Cbfitititt. ,
b, • ',observed detainee(s). in a,tdridition that led me- to, believe that this Condtitt, had -occurred,
I Detainee(s) told jhe that thiS cosditat. had :occurred.
• Others who Observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • Jr. have relevant Information classified above 'SECRET'.
f, El I. never -cond4 nor beard about, it fromisorneone who did, .
Threatening to take action againstsa detainee's f,,r1111Sta
. • I_ perk). nally.obSerVed this OntWet.
b, • Dobserv,ed„detaineeK in 'a 'Condition that led me to betieVe ‘t,h. thiS conduct had „occurred,.
e'. Ili Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, BOthers Who obSerVed thiS 'conduct described it tO rte..
se: • I have relevant informatibrr classified above 15EGRET. .,
f: lEr I. never observed this.cond pet nor beard about It from -someone.who- did.
treatment or action 'caotng' severe emotional or psychological trauma to a detainee
El t personally observed thissdendtiet. „
b, • I:ObSerVed,detainee(4 in a -cifitid itiori- that led the to believe that:this Cdridtict bad ,OCCUrred.
M betabiee(s)ttild _Me that thiS COI:Abet had Occurred._ . .
,d. • Others who obserVed this COndiatt described it to me. • r haVe'releVarit irifOrrnation ClaSbified a boVe 'SECRET% . . .
t neverobserved this conduct nor heard about it from-someone:who did.
DOJOIG 000838
Other religious dr =sexual harassme,nt or humiliation. Oa detainee
• L persdnallybbserVed, this tOriduCt.
b. • Iobservecidetalilee(S) In atOnditiOn that led me to believe thatthis conduct had oCcurred.,
c. • 'Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me. . -
e. • I have relevant Information classified above !IgE:CRET.
f. El I never observed thisconduct ,nor heard about it from someone:whip did.
61 Other treatment of a coerCive, 'abusive, or urilaWful
a-. • I paesonallycibgehied this,ccinclUct. . .
II I observeddetainee(s) In -azondition that led me to believe that-this conduct. had occurred.

Detainee(s)-tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
• . Others who observed this conduct-described it to me.. ,
• I have relevant information classified above ".S -EOZET'', ,
f. Et I never:observed thO'condyttnor heard about it frornsomeone who did.
.1111AT YA/[1.: PRE F 04:1053 WL
Did you observe any impersonation of FBI personnel by anyone during an intervieW or interrogation of
Ya- a NO
6. bii p fly detainee or other per$00 ten'y,Ou that he Or 'WO had Withes,$ed the in)Per$Onation Of FBI
personnel .in COnnection.Withe..dethiriee interview or trit6toijatieiri?
;fag' Of No,
65^, Are you aware:ofany "shami, -orl'gtaged" detainee interyiewsor interrogations conducted for Members
COng ress;or their staff?'
Yes NO:
£7. To your knowledge), clid anymijitety or intelligence personnel. ever deny or delay FBI access toe .
to question because the detainee had ,glistained injuries after he wag captur detaine the FBI Waneted d?
Vas: 01n19
DOJOIG 000839
0 Yes 0 No.
7i. During any ,QtYOur oversea 'clep1gYMPnI5or aIg nmeret5, Old -you report any concrn$,-mgard Wig
arty detainee irit6iyiaigbt interrogation practices or other typed of treatment you
obSerVed or heard A boUtx to:enOn-FBI, supervisor or other rion-FBI, personnel?
0 Yes '0" NO
7. fjayeyou ever .heerr ordered or directed. notio report, ord iscom rag ed In' Any wartrarn reparting,,
oftritatioroor alkgatiorig reted toiretaihee treatment or intervravit or InIerrOOPV0.0:_actiOng or
ye§ ®N
7$...1:lave:Ia.! -experienced arty actual or-tbreatened retaiiation for reporting obsrvatjoos-or Pilegat(Ons
detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or ptactices,?
°Yes 0, Na-
Pptiona I) Please provide any-additional comments. regarding the reporting of concerns related to
interview or interrogation tPollPi..(tugq,- detention 'practices, or Other .d eta inee treatm erg.
wer0 Pa' ptherthan the standard 0.0?rierin FE547, CanCerriing your -oversea
' aqiprieriO.tit(:orsdoilttyrtient(sftet-ytiu ,c5rnplete'd iiqloyrrient(s) otat§lgririletit(s)?
• Ye0. ØNO.
.7,6. Add Mahal COntnentsfard Receninendatiarisl
'TI1atk yOu fOr ucfo p ation In -tomptoti rig tfils fq408tiO mai re,
DOJOIG 000840
Did you ever :end your participationk in or observation fof detainee . Interview or Interrogation
tiettitAe Ofthe interVieW or interrpgatiori thethocf*Isdng ,ustd?
0% Yes 0' No
'59..:werg you Oaf' ;bid that a nigher FBI employee _ended, hit'0,t her participation in or observation Of, a
.detainee iriterviewbr interthgation beCause :Of the l'ntervievihikiinterrogatiOn methods tieing used?
CI Yes.
ring an ofyou r overgeaVieployrnents: or sig nments,.lid 'yam report ony co'noern$, rega mi in g
ahrdetainee intervieW ointerrogatiO pi ties,ô r othertypeS Of-detained 'treatment, to an FBI
A. Personal Information
'Department Pf AluStiCe. Inspector -OeMral Questionnaire Regarding beta -Imes
QUESTIONNAIRE bast-00601092
As-ofule‘ lastiime this questionnaire was save I, some required "fielos have not been completed.
Please-,reltieW:your resp'onses. .
Please Off:Wide:the f011OWIng ifforthatiOn:
1. Firti1anie
Middle initial:
Last name:
4.. Entered. on Duty Date (E0 1:));
tUrreht blivisign/rieid Officer
,Current job title:
7. Ditect :dial Office-telephone itiriibet:
41 FBI cell phoriefturtiber:
.0. FBI pegertininb'ert
lb. Best contact number tory=
6, &IC
Vnit Chief
Ogg AbR'EfAggivir
B. Background Of Specific DeployMe'nts Or Assignments
la. At-any time aftetSePternber 11,2001,, did ydu.befife à iternbef :oftlie US. Miliffity, of as dn.
employee or contractor of the FBI:or any other government agency at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled by the P;g. Military 9. i" a U.S. intelligence service intgnnection with the •
glPbal war on terror?
® ès ON- o
12. Enter the number of tinies y.ou were deployed ,oteSSig ried- to each of thei.f011owingloCationS •
(Guantanamo Bay, COW/ Iraq i Afghanistan, or In any areas gorIXTIled. by the U S Military
For each deployment or assignment complete Vie following section..
•Logetion tel4rt ORO ' Deployment-or;assig nment.bepan on:or Deployment on assignment ended an
about • or.nbo.ut.;
91 10/29/2004 12/09/2604-
12a. What Was- the general nature and pUrpo&e
FB LLeeggaall Attache assigned to .US Embassy Baghdad
121). PleaSeprovl&ttre,naMes of fhe :.spetific.--comps, .baoes,.'priaeilities where you worked.
VS Embassy
12d. Note inffirenaticid about a specific tartip, Etage'f, fir fdeitityiS.:CiaSSifi&i above SECRET,
please :,heck here ID, inClude iti your answer that you bye.'30tlijitionaj infortntion'elpstined:aii.dvd
1SECFEE1,'- and, if you know, identify the classification level, ticket, compartment, program, or -other
designation that. applies to the Information Do nOtInOidetheladditional tlasslfled Information In your
qtfestibnnaire responses OIG persorflel with thb.'netttSarY, clearance will contect ye01".6.receiVe it,
• ••
DOJOIG 000841
A. Training Prior to Chierseas beployMent ,or Assignrnent
Pe pig you jointly inten/le1ff or interrogate any detainee with rian-F4 personn,el? v
1 0: Yes ' " ... . . .
1:2f.,-- Did you jointly plam, any detainee interv,imi orinterrogetiOn strategY,. objectives, or tactics with non- 1 1 I,
4F,BrperSonrie17. 1.
.1 ---....,-- ....- -.-: ...... .....---,-,.........- - - -C - -Y eS '® No ..t. P.* « « nn•••• ‘....±..- .., ..; ....... ..,` 4. ... *"... ..... ..,,, ••••' .........• "",.; ..- ••• ..., ...' ••••• .^.....,.... ...,••• ••• n . '
4.2g. Wereyoli 'ever atbenhise iriValVed in "d.etaineelotervielivs.orinferro4atiohS vidth liOri:=F131 pfer,Sblinef?. -
0 YeS lo NO-
13: Did you receive any: training,:instructiq n, or guidance ,specitioaily irr preparation for any-of your
Overseas'.deploymOrits or assigroebts?
cies. ON QDo NOT Recall
Who provided this training,, frkPtructic$1), or guidance, and -Whqre did yu receive it
FBIHQ, Office of,Interna;tigna) Operations as well:Dept of 'State
nb.. Describe the 'subject omwhich you received this/training, instruction or guidance.
FBIHQ iNas, ,VatiouS,boefings' by operational and administrative Units, State Dept
traininglacused on computer use and :terrorist -protection measures.
`j.4,. In preparation for pi-1y-* your overseas deployments or ‘assignments 1, :00 you receiyeany trait:0g,,
instruction, pr NIO.P1100 'OtOniing the sta ndards-of pincl Iroable'to the treatment,
ititervieW„ or ititerragatIon..ordetairieds by, FBI piersanrier; .
QYes 01)6 Nat'ReCall
preparation To.i. an your overseas deployments -or assignnnent5/did you receiyeany training,
instruction, or guidance concerning the ,,standard of conduct wilOable tO the:treatMept,
intervieW; ar interrogation of detainee§ by hon4BI,pergonnel?
°Yes ONO, ODo 'NotRecal I
In preparatiorr for a ny',;of your oyerseas dePloyments. or aSsig,ninents,,d0 you: rerelyeany training,
inStractibri, , argUidante'aeiriternirl0 *hat you Were'supposed to do if YOU :observed or ,heard ,about
Abe:treat:tient, interV le* : or InterrOgation Of detainees by FBI iier;sorin01,-tithittf you la.elleVed to
be inappropriate, unprafesOarlat, ,coercive,,'enpsive, 'or -unlaWfu
DOJOIG 000842
40'd. Please identify, ,hy:orr*abti position at the fit-Tie, the FBI personnel to Whom you dir_eCtl:t reported-
, ..
di uring, ,your deplayrnent. Or' asSigprpenf.; -
Section ,Chief
OY- le - 0-NO .42Do No t :,R ec.a ll . •
17. In‘preparatIOn for any of your 9Versas dep101rileritsbr assigninerits„d Id ybu receiVeariy..trainin0,-
• instrudion, orguidance concerning What-you Weresupposecitado if you observea =or- heard'a bout ,
the treatment,IntervIew-„ or interrogation of detainees by non-FBIpersonnel„ which you believed
to b inapprOpriate, u nprOfeaaional, :If:cleft:Ive, a buaiye, or unlawful
10)(ttS: 040, :ON Not Recall
Va. Who proVided this training ', instraCtiOn/ orgulaantet and where did you rerceiVe it?'
FBTI9Q 'attorney t Ft'slftti
Briefly describe the au batancecif•tiTe training, Instruction, or guidance provided toyou
' Prior'to depitiyinent t Iraq, -1 attended _Sane of - the briefings sponsored by 'Cir0 as Part.
of the legal training program., Because I had already, received training prior to rinvOlir
II Was not' required to attend this training. However, I saf
in briefings PeriodiCallYas. time permitted including part of briefing given by au
FBINQ attorney Whose; name I do not- recall„ but believe ahe WaS,a-,settiorithief. She
advised that there were issues with-agents who' had observed questionable practices-eat
• OlviDana their reporting was now at issue: She appeared to pe-yelycoricerned about
the position In Which the FW was putting agents' regarding military/USIC interrogatiOns.
17c Wsany 00e-training, instmetibui or -guidance provided in wrung?
OtYeS Qr øDiNotRcaiE
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18.During any orybur OverteaS"deplOymentSor asSignMents, did you t- Celire, any training., instruction,
ofgliiaance-CaticerifingilistandardS dfcôndUct aplilibable to:the treat -Tient, iritervida„,
Interrogation ofdetainees by FBI personnel? •
°Yes 010 0130 N9t.,Recal
19.During _any brydUroVerseas-depidyrnents Or aSalg iimentt, did 'ycitr receive any training, instruction,
or u Ida nceconcerning the stand eras of conduct appl icableto-the treatment, ihterview„, or
Interrogation 'of detainees by nom-FBI personnel?
Opp Not WA
20. Ei.Uling any orYoul, OVerseas-deploy,thentSö assignments, did Yeti receive any tearing, instriktion;
orguidance concerning what•you weresupposedlo do if you observed or heard about the.
treatment, intervie,w1„ or friterrOgation3ordetainees by FBI personnel / which you believed To be
inappropriate, lihjirofeSSIOnal, Were:W.0,, abusive, or unlawful?' •
0Yes- ODo NOT Retail
During -any of your oyerseasd,eployments or asSigprnents, did you receive any -training, instructiOni
•Or guidandeConCerning what you were supposed to do If you (*served or heard about the
iriterViti4,,br iiiitetrivation Ofddtailit'ds by non-FBI ptrsonnel,. which you believed to
DOJOIG 000843
be inappropriate, unprofessionali ,coerciye; abusive, or unlawful?
'OW Otto Rot:Regan
Adequacy of Training
22.In YourOpiniOric tLI6 yciu receive _Ades:pale training, inStructiOn r or guidance relating to StandardS.
Of conduct by FBI alid bon-FBI personnel relating to treatment, interview, or interrogation of
detainees prior toyour deployment or assignment?
0-Yes No
220. Please 13bg‘the, wstyciit whitti you„ lief feVe the training, instruCtiOrOrguidariCeMas
The briefing r heard indicated there werestiff policy questions requiring the FBI Executive attention. I
came away believing FBI personnel should report any physical abuse they observed to„stibstantivef
desks back a FOCI,
23..In your opinion, did you receive dequate training, ins(rtretion, ,prguidancereiatingqoc:Sta,nclards •
of conduct by FBI and ion-Pli,IjlerSonneil Waling to treatment, interview, or interrogation of
,detainees4uring your d,eplOy.rrierit drassignmenr
Q tog Ng
Pieas.e.A2sgribethe .wAysInvybiCh you b.elieye the training-, Instruptipn orgVidAnCe Was
N/A. I did not reeiNte,:ai*traibibij .diafitig the deployment my asignrnnt lasted less than
.tW..O. .m onths so I.Wbuld. ncit haVe expetted any. .....
24, In youropinkinrcild 'you receive adequate training, ifistruetibn r ,Or guidance ccoterrohg What yoU ;
were Suposed to 10 if y,64 ofSeiled or heard. abOuthe treatrhent, Interview, OrTinterOgation of
detainees i by.ffflor nOn-f13/Rerson NI/ that you believed was inappropriate, u np,rofessional t •
coerciVei‘abu4ive, pr on Iwfql?
"yes (:). No
24a. Please describe thewaysiti Whidh Y.citc believe the training, inStenctlamor .guidariceWas
inadequate: .
Tfli question indicates you Are Interested In hearsay i While I believe there was 6,1cps,Sion, with the
FlEat-IQ altnrneY. pivot WhAt 10,4 if abuse were observed, I don't recall any guidance pertaining to
If there IS azitutyta repo:42t4Ord or 4th liand infOrrnatiori t,nrifiot aware of it
;2".•(3-ptiorial) In What WayS: can the FBI improve training ory,ttli5,slAbi02.4 tirhiture, P1ePli.530011 or
Poitcy-shOdld .be fortnalized, ,cldeOrnerited, iand ayalla bleOn-line. Reminders to: thOs.e Potted .abroad
should be sent-via e-mall.
ID tommtlits,
20. Please provide:oy aditioiiai infOrmatiOn'toncerning training for avargeasteploymenrs. Or
DOJOIG 000844
OIGQ-000 844
aSSightrientS of FBI petSOritiel you ,belie.Vo is relevant,
Irotl'oductiontii PrtIII In this,section 5 W areseeking inforitatibn regarding a wide range of
ihterVieWOe interrogation techniques and other types. Of detainee ,treatinetit alleged to, have Occurred. :
You should not assumet just because.:weTare;aSidng about a particular technique or practice, that we have
concluded that A frooct.ogogrod. 'We recognize that some Of theo,techniqgep,pr practices may at time
be necessary for sfetY.Oct sett31W In a 'detention ettlng r,h'atidttico,, we recognize that isPme of these
lechniqueS Of practice:5May haVe been adthOtiz,ed for use by in.ilitafy Or other government .perSbonel.
With respecttoeach identtfled technique, practice,or typeor conductdescrihed below,: we ere :seelciro -
information -al:Out. itC Occurrence during or in connection With the interview or interrogation of a
detainee, Or a:Wing the detention of,a detainee beyond what is needed felt safety and security.
In that •Context,, we will ask you to tell us whether:One or more of the-following :statenierits are true :
1. Lpersopallrolcoserved this concl(14.
/1:)bwid. detainee(s) in- a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had .uccgrmet.
3,, Detaihed(s)tOid the that this aind,ua:: had Otturred..
4.. OtherS'wh6 Observed thisco ridtiet.deSeri bed it th mè.
5. I have 'relevant information classified above";SECgET'!.
-6, T, never observed this conduct nor heard about. it from sorneone,'who did.

,a7. .Depiivirq t detainee, of to6d or Water
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
b.. • I.observed detainee(s) in fa:condition that led me to believe that -this conduct had occurred.
c. • 1)0Pihee,(P) .tPld The at ti,*•99P41,4 110 "92§cititreci.!
d. • Others. who observed this, conduct described it to Me.
e. • t have relevant information"classified eboVe %ECRET"..
f. RC I neVer observed thiS conduct nor ,hea rd ,abo,ut. it fronIsOrneoneWhO did.,
'28..tYesrtvini a-detaihee ofclothing
• I pgr'pqh .ORsv. 217.PtYcl11:0§':cPrldi-fc.t : „ . . . „ „
b-. • rotqervo.detaineek4 in a'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
c. IN OetairieeN told .me thet:tliitond.tict had !occulted.:
el ,. • Others who 'observed "thiS -Ogndp4-09$4,ihed it to rnes;
. • I haVe .i-Plevant ihfOrrriatiOn0a0Sified abOVe 'BC,RET" .;
f. El. I never ciliS,erVed.thit;COriduCt nor- heard abriiit: it ffonizOrrieoneWhO, aid... .
DOJOIG 000845
25, Depriving a detainee of sleep,. or interrupting sleep. by frequent cell relocationsbrothermethods
. I i. Pe MonallY-'0.1 eNed thconduCt,
b • I- observed detairiee(S) in a:tond itibtuthat led me, to believe that -this conduct had occOrred.
c. •' Detairiee(S) told rile that thiS. Cqnd,uct, had oakirred.
.d.' • others Who observed this t'oriduCt described it to, Me.
e. • I have infontiation classified above 11„SECREt1t.
I. Et II never observed this,teridutt nor heard about it ,froiti.SOrtiedneWho. did.
30. 15eatl ng a ;detainee
a. • II" perscifiallybbserved this condutt.
b. Ill 4, observed deiainee(s) In a'condition that led me to bellev.' e that this Conduct had occurred„
c. III !Detainee(S) told Me that this conduct had otdirred:
d, FT Other § who observed thiS COM Litt destribed it tO me. al • I have relevant Information Classified above 'SECRET"-.
f• • I never Observed this cobthitt nor heard about it from, someone' Who did. .
g. Please provide the appropriate time frameduring which this •contiiict,occu rred,
From: tiVONYWformat or M/YYM :(Mi/YY format or 11/Y'- EIDO Not Recall
h. The detainees 'treated 'in this way, were located at the time in:
i 0.Guantanamo
2, JD :Iraq
4 ET:Other LOCatiOn
50 Do,NOt'Recall
Please identify the'detainee(s),P: n4trie and number:
OO not retail
. 1: Please identify the person(s) who treatedt the detaineefsj in this manher,, including their
.name(s) and ,governmentagencydesj-:
Fdreig ri gtkerntiient
Please ittentity , nyvitier FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who gbercl detainee(s) treated
;in this manner, inCluding their name(s) and, agency(its):
•I. This,corOuct tecurfal in connection
DOJOIG 000846
1.0 One defainEie -
20 Several detainees(2-4)
3 0 Many detainees :(meire than 4)'
(4 0 Do Not Recall
rn. (Optional)'Please describe the relevant clittlinStariCeS in more detail:
The foreign interrogate& in a fOreigri, controlled detention facility Slapped :a 'foreign
detainee held by the that gOvernment. The interrogation was being observed by ,USIC and 'FBI.
Both .USI C and FBI terminated' the interrogation and left the facility. The: matter was reported to
Washington via LisjO channels. This occurred while I was out travelling outside my territory:
When I returned and lerned ,Of the matter from the SA, I or the SA sent an e-mail to FBIHQ I
belleVe.UC asking generically Whether he was aware Of the incldeht and received ari
e-mail reply that he was, I do not recall any 'Other details, I do not have a copy of thate-mail„ but
recommended that the SA keep a copy:
31. Using water to prevent breathing by a detainee orto create the sensation ordrowning
• I personally observed thisconduCt.
• I Observed detainee(S) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred..
C. • Detainee(s) told me that this 'conduct had .oteurred •
M iOthers whO ObserVed this conduct described it tb rhe.
• I haVe teleVarit information tlaSsified above "SECRET".
1r. IRf II neVerbbserved thls.cOnduct nor-heard about it from someone Who did.
32. Using hands, rope, or-anything else tb choke or 'strangle detaineea.,
• I personally obserVed this 'conduct.
b. I I observed detairiee(s) . in .a.cond itiOn that led The tb belieVe that this Cobduct had OdeUrred,
c . • Detainee(s). tile' me that thiS cOncrud had Octintect.
d. II Others- who observed this conduct described it to Me.. .
e. • I have relevant information classified above t'SECRET"-.
f. Er II neverobserved this.:conduct nor `heard about it from someone who did. .
33. Threatening other action to cause. physical pain, fnitiry, disfigurement, ordeath
a. • r personally Observed thiscondliCt.
b. El r àhSéned detainee() in •a,cond itionthat led Me to. belieVe that this candi_itt had .ocairred:
0 I
II Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000847
d • • Others who observed thls conduadescribed It to ma
e. 111 I, have relevant information clasSified above "SECRET"; •
f. El r never observed, this 'conduct nor heard :about' it 'from: someOhewho. did. '
;34,, Othertreatrhent Or action eauslrid ysignifitaia physical petn-or injury, or causing -diteigurernent Or
death ,
• personallyobserved‘ this tonduct. • I obseryed:deta)nee( In *condition' that led me to'l?11 Ye that this conduct had Occurred.
• Detainee(s) toldlie that this 'conduct had 'occurred'.
°?. ^:
• kotlitrs. whO Observed :this Cori(' Uct, d:050-11i0t1 it to, me.
• ;. . - 1 have felevant information clasified a boVe "SECRET".
neVer ObSerVed" thisicOnd4 tior 110 rd,!eb:PL4 it froi-11 Who did.
3-3. Placing a detainee on a hot surface or burning .a.detainee
II tr. Perg91101.1Y, Qbs*PrVe.4 ThfP c0110ii cif. .
• • Jt observed detainee(Sylna;c9nri ition that led Ole to helieve-thafthis!conduCt had cicçurred. 1
Datainee(srtOld rhe, t,hat this oOnd.ut had Occurred', .
• • , Q.therg,0-4Q. :i5.,tKerVed .thi0..Wriclikt go.Krib.go it -tti. trie,
• I have refevant Inforniatidri 'pia's:SI:tied above "S.,ECRET".
f RI never dbSerVed this:cOndott nor heard abut: it frOtii sdrneOne4/1 -16, did.
36. Using shackles or other restraintsin a prolonged manner ,
a, • , r verSotOtly observed this,ondirot:
-., • r,:0,6- erved ,de.ttliee(0:in Acord lOon'trot 10 Ing t,O:lseliev:0 ttioxstilis:condl,,iq, had occurred. • DetaineeM. told Ine that this o-indo,sct he'd c'id,urred.
• Other5 who ,oblerVed this COridUctdeSCribed it to rtie. „
I. haVe releVarit inforrnsatiOn tlaSsified a tiOVe "SECRET".
1:11r never this cohduct nor heard a bodt it irorilsonleoneWhO did.
Requiring :detairieto triairita in, brreStraining detaitieetitt,, ,streSsfid pilitufp6mtiori
DOJOIG 000848
:. • j 13, r5Ohally'abserved,thiscondu,ct.
b. • 'I observed -detainee(s) in ...cOrgit.iPP that led :me to believe this had occurred..
ci • DetaineeN•told Trie that Ithi$CPrict.hdt had :0CCIArr4-
• !Others who observed this dOridttet described it to Me.:
e. • 1' havereleVant ltifOrtfietion' ClaS'sifled ahoVe. "SE(RET". .
. RI I, never Observed this conduct Or' 'heard a bOut it from 'sorheoneWhO did.
Foreirig a-,detainee to Petforrndetrianding physical exercise
F . • ' personally observed this conduct.
b. El it observeckletainee(Slin a'condition that led me to believe that , this conduct had occurred,
c. • petainte(s):told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. • !pthers who observed This conduct described it to me:
e • Jr. have relevant information claSSified e boye "8,E_CIZET''. • '
f. RI II never Observed this cOnduCt nor heard ,about it frOm sortreone Who did.
39. .Using electriCal shatkon..a detainee .
a. • il personalty observed this conduct.
. • 11 observed detainee,(s) in .a',cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c IN Detainee(s) told me that this nduct had occurred.
• iOthers who ob served this Corid4ct described it to me.
: M If have relevant information Classified above: "8:REr",
f. Ei II" 00./i observed thisi.cOnduct'nOr heard bOut it fronVsorriebne Whei did.
11710.. Threatening-to use electrical shOck' on a detainee
D I, personally observed this conduct. .
, b. • 'observed detairiee(S) In a -condition! hat le ci me to beItevelthat this conduct had occurred.
• Petainee(s) told rile that this conduct had occurred.
d, • PqirP 14fhP'OheiVacl this co 1411CPdaqtrjheic1 it to rhg:
DOJOIG 000849
e. s I have relevant information- classified above 'SECRET"
E l I never observed this-conduct nor'heard about it from someonewho did.
Intentionally delaying ior: denying 'detainee:medical care
. • , I' perscirially observed this ,COfidoct.
b. El I Observeddetainee(s), in a-condition that led hie th believe thatthiS cOnduct had Otturred.
d. • Detainee(S) told hie that this conduct had .occurred.
d.: II' Othersf Who obServed•thiS colidUctdescribed it to Mee.
• I. have relevant Information classified above SECRET"'.
f. 0 I, never observed this.conduct nor heard about it from someone who dld.
-42.. Hooding, or blindfoldinga detaineeother than during transportation'
a. • 1 OerSciffailroBerVed this COnduCt.
b. • c'3,bservecLiclOtail*e(g) in -aconditiOri that led me to believe thetthis conduct had oddirred.
--. • Vetainee(s) told me that this COriduCt had Occurred.
d. • OtherS who observed this crindbadeScribed it to ine.
e. • I haVereleVarit informatiOn claSsified abbve u.SECkEllr.'
f. Ef's I neverobserved this-conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ,
bjecting. a detainee to ;'extremel cold or hot room tem era ures for extended • eriods
. • ,
r piers° nally Otisetved this :conduct- . .
b. • I ObserVed detainee(S),Iti a "Ctind itibn that led 'me to believ,e the thisCOnduct, had Occurred.
• Detainee(S) .tOld the that this conduct had OCCurred.,
„ „
, • OtherS' Who observed INS conduct deSCribed it to rile'.
e. • I have relevant information classified aboVe:1-1SECREP., .
f. Ei riieVer Obterved thidcondfact naPiheardabbut it fibril Sonneorie Who did-.
DOJOIG 000850
44. sultiri a detaineetoJoud music
. n I personally observed this,.condud.
br il Lobserved detainee(s) in a condition" that led 'me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
c: n betainee(s) told me that this cond uct had occurred.
;,, n Others" who observed this conduct described It to me:
,. III z, hove relevant information classified above "SEC,13,Er.
'. El I never observed, this conduct ,npr heard .about it frprn,someope who did.
45. 'Subjecting a detainee -to bright fig5;hing lights 'Or AarknesS,
a. III I personally observed this. onduct.
n I observed ,detainee(s), in a _condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
c, ill Detal nee(s). told me that this: cond uct had occurred'.
n Others who observed this coridudt described it to me:
e. n I have relevant information clasSif led, above 1,8,EtilEr., igmaI !lever observed this.conduct ,nor, ilea rd about it f rom,sorneone Who did.
46, 12SOlating a dtalh'ee f9ran:‘eMrfcied. period
n I personally obServed thiScondudt.
LobSerVed detainee(s) in a condition that led -Met& believe that this: conduct had occurred.
c:. n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others who observed this condt,I,Ctdescribed it to rOP:
n L have relevant information classified aboye"'S,E6,REP'.
1 riPYPF :4P,Orv:Pci this co PO (4011 .9r ,h630 P. 1)00 ItIrpto someone who, Old ,
, 47.':Using duet Cape to, reStrairi, niSh :detainee,
• L personalty observed MIS conduct.
b. n I .bbterved detainee(S) in :a.Cond Mon that led Me to belieVethatthis conduct had occurred.
n Oetainee(s), told me that this condudt had occurred.
n Others, who observed this, conduct described it to me:,
DOJOIG 000851
e. 0 II: have relevant information classified above 2"SECRET11.
1, never observed this:conduct nor heard 'about it from someone who did.
4*.Psinglapid res onse teams and/or forced: cell extractions
'• I I POrSdnia0 ObserVed thisConduct.
b. • I obserVed detaineeM, in a cOnditiOn"that led rne to believe that this conduct had -OCCOrred, -
Detainee(s)-told hie that thit. to'ndiitt had .otturred.
Others:Who obseNed this coridilet dekribed it to - Me.: . .
e. I have relevant Information classified above'';gECRET".
f. 14 I naverobserved this ,conduct nor'heard about it from someone who did_
Using a military Working dog on or near a detairiee,other than during detaineetyansportation
. • 1' parScinallvobSerVeif thiStOnduct.
• I Observed .'detainee(S) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had Oeturred. • Detainee:0) told me that this conduct: had bcdi med.
II Other' who:observed this conduct described it to the.
- • I haVe-releVant information ClaSsified ebtive 'SECRET%
2 I neverobserved thisconduct nor "heard about it from someone who did. ,
5d threatening to .uselnilitary working: clOgsorror near a detainee
. • I r4rsoty'di)snied thIscOnduCt
b. • LoNdrxtd ,detdihee(4). in '.a,tb ndititi n that led hie te believe that thi5.cOriduet had oeCurred.
C. • Detaineecs)told The that this conduct had A:kalif-ed.
• othertWhb obSerVed thiScOndUet described it to, me;
• I haVe relevant inforniation ,claSSified above '!SECRET".
El 1' tiiier...i)bb'eNed thiSCondifet'ilOrheard a bait it frorh sotheene Who did.
DOJOIG 000852
51. lJsin 'Spiders scot Snakes Or other atlirrials -,Ori or etIeteinee':'
a. q I personally observed this.conduct.
br n LobservedfletaineeN in 'a-condition that led me to-believe that-this conduct. had 'occurred.,
„, n tietainee(s)-told me that this conduct had Occurred.
n Others; w,ho observed this conduct. escribed it to rne,,
n I. have relevarit information' classified above "SEC13.E,r, ,,,
never-observed, thisconduct nor' heard about if trpro,sornepne, who, did.
Threatening to use ,Scorpion's, snakes, or other animals 011:,deSil-160
a. n I personally observed thiS.conduct. . .
b., I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had .occurred.
c. n Detainee(s)= told me that this conduct had occurred '.
• n Others who observed this conduct; described it to. me. .
- n I' have relevant information clasSified above 1$ECREr .,
f. Ef I never observed this 'conduct nor heard :a bout it from,sorrieone who did.
Di5,tp,e.',tful'.6tat,r,tientb.',..1-iencifing, or ActipriS'Irtv.Olvirig theKorah
. n r persOnallyobserVed thisconduct.
b. • TobserVed,detainee(s) in a ,cond Non that led me to belieVe that:this dohcu6t had occurred.
c: n 'Detainee(s) told, me that this conduct had occurred.
d. n *tiers' who observed this conduct described it to me,
e. n t, have relevant information, classified above """SECRET"'
f. El 1: never observed this'opnchtot -npr'Keard.about it from someone Who did.
54. $i*eirl9 '`,0:,ctotaiifoeft -ciai or tpetribartSS-Pr'' bOnlilia0, 'cletPirt ,
a. • personally observed, this. conduct.
b. n lobserveddetainee(s) in a.condition'that led ine to belleVe thatthiS conduCt had °canted.
: n Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred:
.. n Others. who Observed this conduct described it to° me:,
DOJOIG 000853
0 I, have relevant Information classified above' '!-SECRETP'.
L never observed thisconduct nor Ilea rd ,a bout it from :someone who' did.
placing, a woman'sclothin n adetainee
. • I nersenaily obserVed thiS.COndtidt. ,
, i. • rObserVed detained(s) in a :tend itiorithat led Meta beliefe thatthiS, conduct had Occurred,
,.. • Dethinee(s) told The that thiS Cond'udt had .o.ctinted. ,
d. III Others Who obSerVed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above 'SCREPE,.
f. Et II neverobserved this:conduct nor heard about it from someonerwho did.
'Toughing a 'cletainee. or acting 'toward a detaineema sexual ,manner
. • I [ierSonally'ObServed this tonduet.
b. • I observed -detainee(S) iii *CON ition that led 'me to belieVe that' this conduct had .OcCUrred..
. • Detainee...Cs) told ire that this conduct had becu med. .
d. • Others- Who :obserVed thiS ceriduCt deSeribed it to rne:
e. • I have releVant information' ClaSSified abOve 1!5ECRET,",.
f. Iki I neverobserved this,.conduct nor heard aboutit from someone.who did.

$7. Holding detainee(S) who were net 'officially aCknowledged cir registered as such' by . adqncY
:detairdrig the persen.
, . • I Pei-SOnally-obseNed thisCbriduct.
'', • LObserVecl detainee(S), ina conditiorahat led me to belleVe thatthiS cenduCt had occurred.
o. , Detainee(s) told ,hie Chat this' conduct had .oCCUrred...
d, • , Others, who 'observed this cond Ltd described It to me.,
r . • I;have ;relevant infOrrnation classified above 'SECRET'.
f. E. I: neYPIT'i4bserved this:conduct nor heard ,about it froRsomeone who did.
DOJOIG 000854
, 5.8. senciino, a detainee to another countryy -g forre rraoreSSiVe interrogation
. n I personally observed this,,condud.
b. n I: observed' detainee(s) in a ,conditionfhat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
e. n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
4.,: q Others.who observed this. conduct' described it to me:-
e. n I, have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
El I neyerobserved.this ,conduct,norheard about it frormsomegne who did.
Threatening td send :a detainee to another country for detention or triore,agAreasive interrdgOtion
. n I personally observed this.conduct.
b. n I observed detainee(s) in a cond Mon that led me to believe that this conduct , had occurred,
• i Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described it to. me. .
n ',I have relevant information classified above 1!S,ECRET'',
f. El I never observed trils•:coriduct nor heard about it from siorrieonewho did.
60. Ih'reatooin'g tO.take actir(a"Oingia detoin'ee'.family
a. n I personally observed thiS conduct,
b. • Iob.seiiect detainee(s), in ac onditioh that led in CO belieVe that:this Conduct had occurred.
,c, n Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. n Others, who observed thIS,conduct described it to m,
e.• n have relevant. information clasSitied above ':SECRET".,
f, El. rAPvPrtchPeriP4 thIP-cP4uCOIPT:11 8arc! A b(2'u it frPrn:sor.r1Prlg WI:9 did.
',61..Othertreatmerit oractiOn.cauSing severe ernOtiOnal Or pythOtti9i:811 X$5, 4 .detairie
a. U. I: persOnally Observed this conduct.
,b. n I obServecidetained(S) in 'accinditien.that led me to believe thatthiS Conduct had occurred.
:c, • Detainee(s), told me that this conduCt had 'occurred. .
d . n Others who observed this conduct described it to Me.-
DOJOIG 000855
e. • I have relevant informatIbn classified above "SECRET".
f. El I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
52. 'Other religious orso(ual. harassment or humiliation of a 'detainee
a. I I PersdriallY- ObSertied this Conduct.
b. El I :observed detairiee(s). in acOnd Non that led rne to, belletie thatthiS conduct had OctUrred.
c. • Detainee(s) told ite that this conduct had .oceared.
. • ' Others Who observed this cOridUct described it to rde
. • I have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
f. E. g never observed this ,conduct nor heard about it from 'someonewho did.
63. Other treatment df-a detainee that in your opinion was unprofessional, .unduly harsh or aggressive,
'ccerciVe, abusiVe, or ,unlawful
a. • I perSoriallyob.served thiScOnduct.
b. • .I'observed detainee(S) in ,acond toil that led me to belleVe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. Il Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d: • Others. who observed this conductdescribed it to me. .
e. • t have relevant Information classified above "SEtRETh
f.. RI I. never-observed this conduct 'narbeard about it from,someoneWho did.
4. taattlik&S
64. Did you observe: any impersonation .of FE3I personnel by anyOrie.duling, on interview or , interrOgotion of
a detineE?,
65. flid abYdetainee or other person IImpth htor the had Witnessed :MO impersonationFBI
perScitinet in 'connection With a .detainee interview br interrogation?
O res (:), No
.66. Are you aware of any "sbam":01--),stagON detainee interviews or tnterrogatlons conducted for Members,
of the v.gCOng rewortheir staff?
01,0s Nq•
DOJOIG 000856
TO'yOur knOWledge, ,d id any military Or inteltigente personnel ever ;deny or delay FBI acce$s V 4.6
Tletairteettie FBLWarited to question because the:detainee had "suStained Injuries after he was captured?
°Yes ONO
pici.)(914 -ever end_ your participation In:or Oh?ervatlOrr,Of atletainee interview or Interrogation
beCallige Of the. interview. or' interrOgatiOri MethOdS, being used?
Yes. 0 No'
69. Were you everlold that aribther FBI employee ended his or her participation- irisoi=obserVatiOn Of, ,a
detainee i nterview or interrogation because -of -the'interview orinterrogation methods. being used?
CO Yes t) No.
rifig ',an %of YoUr'NerseasideploymentS a"s"signments, did 'you tepOrt any coti`cerns regarding
any -detaineeintenfiew or interrog ation? practices, of Othei-tyli o.detainee treatrrient i FBI
Q Yes. 0 No
70a. When and to Whorl-' did -you 'Make this report?
UBLU Volt Odell 2001 or 2002
'700: Did the report relate to conduct by FBI or non-FBI personnel?
2 ElltOil-FBI:PerSonnel
Igen-WV:to:agency with which the non--FBI, personnel were affiliated. ;
FOrtiqh'0Overntrientand CIA.
*70(. Was 'this rOPOlI'in. Writin:43-
1 gYes
2 DNo
70d, Was any action taken in response to your report?
3 EbO.Ndt Know
71. Duringanyof your overseas tleciloyments asSignments,.. -did-you reportanyconeems regarding any
defairieeinteriViewOr ititetrogation,pradtiees ofdetaineeAreatment yOttObaiVed or heard
„about, to a lion-FBI. "I.get.vistar , non-FBI p'elestinriel?•
Yes, ,®' No:
72, HaIcreN0 'WO heoh'ordoreci,,or diitagd not teVortr discouraged arlY:'waYfrOrri Ireh*Orti00,,
Oh-ServetiOnS or allegatiorTS related to detainee treatrnent or' interVieW- Or interrogation actions Or
O. Yes, 0 No
73, tiave-you experienced any actual, or threatened retaliatiOn for repOrting observations or allegations
of detainee treatment or interview or interrogation gctiOns or practices?
DOJOIG 000857
114. Opfignel):Fleate p.rgAie any .additional Otnrnelfts-regartlifig 'the reggrting concerns, dated0-
ibtorview;or in term g atigti teclitittitteSt. dele.fittOri pra-ak:§, or other deteineestreatrnent.Ngne
75. We relog _debriefed r other theri "the st6ncl6r.d debrief FD-774 tonderning your gleeiseaS
assignm ent(s) .ordeployments) after you.completed the deployment(6)-,orassignment(s)?
O. Yes '0' No.
:Malt-100M Commerits,,a pc! :Recommendations:
"Thank ,you fat your 0Oopaationin orriplettiv
DOJOIG 000858
A. Personal Information
Departrnent'of 3pstiCe Inspector General qu esti on na ire Regarcithg Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-0(1000477
Asorgi€,!, IPst;time this'questionnaire was saved, some required fields' have not been completed.
PleaSe,reVieW'yoUr responses.
PleasepoVidethef011oWing irifOritiatiOn:
1. First lame 8...7-0 PER AGREEMENT
2.; Middle ltIaI 6 &,7OPERAGREEMENT
:3: Last name:, 6 it:TCPF.RAGREEMENT
4,, Eriteted. ofi .1-Yirty Dad ,(EoD):- 6 &7C
-Current Divistoji/Field Office: TO
4. current job title: ,Electronies TechniOian
7.. Direct:dial offidetelephOne nurfiberr 6 &,'7C, PER AGREEMENT
.8. FBI tel( PhOrienurritier: &:7O PERAO#EE11/10fr
FOt per nutria: 6 A.TO 0014:40REEMg0.-
contact number for yew 6 & !C PER AdREIVIENt
IB. Batkgtotind Of Spetific Doployriterits or Assignments
11— At any tittle afteit'Sefiterrillei* 11 1 200I, did ytiti serifea* MeMber Of the U.S. Military, or as ñ.
'employee :or contractor of' tlie FBI' or any other government agency,. at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraqi
Afghanistan, or In preps controlled by the 1,1.8-. Military ora U.S. intelligence service inconnectioroovith the
;,glObal tar on terrot?
0, Yes C5 No.
12. Enter the „number of timet yOU. wereslePlOYed Assig ned to eath of th'elejlOwing fOatioriS:
tptialitarianio Bay„ tiJba;, Iratt.Afghaiiistan or in any areas controlled bythe. U.S. Military &
iPtO.r9A11.cP sqrViCt
For.eacti deployment or aeSigninent complete the following section..
L9cation 6faioq,oney DePlOyrkept tieplioirifiaritprassiiininent endg abp.ux ' or all7put:
AW2.1460i 02/01/200„ _ 04/12/2003.
What lAsItie.oneol nature and riurp744 of your .assignment.404 -actiVitieS7
TO.proVide.electrdnitsisUppoit to FBtagèrits in Afg :bniStari.
flb. Please providethemames of thespecific camps, bases,' or facilities where you worked.
EirArn r,niltary . base and,'Kpi4 annex
1:24 Nii-40: If irifprrrialimOput specific camp, b,a$.0r. or ftyac ili issClaSsitieti above SECRET,
PlOathk here-O r iricitgle in yOur ,AnArr that you'have-"adifftional information ele*sifieid '4ft/ire
SECRET/Pr and, if you krioxii, ideritifNithelcIPSsification.leVel,:titket,otnOttrilehti pragrark oiother
Oesigotion ihat;applies to -the. information. ,Po not include theadditionaliclassified Information In your
DOJOIG 000859
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
b 6
.b 7 C
questionnaire responses. 0'6 personnel with the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it.
'Special Agent Fig
Special Agent FBI
Special Ag_ent FBI:
I2e. Did you jointly interview or interrogate any detainee with non-Fill personnel?
i( 0" Yes 0 NO
1,,t, Did youlointly plan any detainee interview or interrPgatiPfl:strategYt ObjectiVes,. or tactics with non_ :
IFB1 person'nel? .
I , 0 Yes 0 No
.1 .2g. . Were you eVer otherWtse involved in :detainee interVieVveDrinterfogatiOriS With rcirri,FBI, persdritiel?' .,
Q. yes 0 No.
13. Did. yOU receive, instruction, ,or guidance specifically in preparation fiat any of Our
overseas deployments cm-assignments?
ONo ODD Not Recall
13a. Who provided this training, instruction, or guidance, and where did you receive it?
Crisis. ReSponseUnit personnel
13b. Destribethe subject on which received this- training, Instruction or guidance.
All -electronics hardware being utilized to provide secure:communications in support of
the: missidn.
()Yes ONo ODo Mt Recall
1, In preparation for anyOf Out overSeaSdepldyrnentS ,or assig fimentS, did yOu receive any training,
instrUctiOn, or guidance concerning the. sta ndardS,of conduct applicable to the treatment,
interview, of interrogation f detainees by non-FBI personnel?
Oyes_ 0 No ODo Not Recall
16, In prOaration 'for any Of Your tIvets dePlOyinents or aSsignrinentS,.did you receive training,
,inStructibri, orgUidande Concerning What you Were. supposed to. dO if you observed -or heard about
the -treatment, interview, or interrogation -of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to
be inappropriate) unprofessional,. coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
OYes ®NQ OD tCalt
17. In: preparation fOr any.of your overseas deplOyfnents aSsightnentS, did you reCeive riy training,.
instructiorvor guidance concerning what you were supposed to do ,if you *observed or heard about
the treatment, 'interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, 'which you believed
DOJOIG 000860
I .
tobe ina poropriatetunprofessfonal, !coercive, abusive ; or unlawfutl
OYes ONo bo, Not Recal
JB. Training During,,OVerseas Deployments OrMsigiuneirts
14-.PCIrillg!anytif your overseas-tleOleyrnents or assignrnenO'k did Y94receiVe any training, instructiorri :
or guidancescOncerning the standards Of 'conduct apicahle to the treatment, interview:, or
interrogation of detainee. by FBI persbnnel?
'ONO 0-DO Wat.Rectii
10., During any of your Oiverseasdepioyments or asSignrnents, did you receive anytraining, instruction,
Or guidance 'concerning the !standards Of ItOncrUOt Pap pl lob* to the tretmnt, intorOotr, or
interrogation cif detaihdd's by non-FBI PerSbririel?
OY.ts ® No. OLIO Nat,Recall
During any Of your overseas ,deployments or assig nmerrtsi 0(0 'YQU receive any-training, instrtiOtion,
Or guidance concerning what you were suppo sed to do if you observed or heard 'about the
treatitient,:interVieW„ 0 interibgatiOn Of detainees by FBI: personnel, which YOU' bIteVd td be
inapproptiate,'UnprofeSsional, caerciVe, abtraiVe r or UnlaWfulT
;QYes 10-No ODo Not.Recal I
21- Paling anY Of YOnr OVerSeeS ,dePiOYrnOntpr hnit, did you receive any trOinin4, instradtic;h„-
' treatment, interview,: or interrogation of detainees by non-,,FBI personnel-, which- you believed to
01=0 idanc6 toficefiiing What you WereSOppdsed 10 &ill Ybu ObServed of heard abbritlhe -
be inappropriate? unprofessionai,„coercive; abusive, or unlaWful?'
°Yes '0 No
C. Adequacy Of Training
22. In :your:Opinion, did sou receive adequate training, itistriratian y or guidance relating to ,StafidardS
of aindtict by FBPand non-FBI perSonnel 'relating' tbtreattnent,:interVietv, or internigationof
detainees prior Wyourdq*yment or assignment? .
0 Yes 0 Nô
2$,19 yotir.opinipt:it dI,dYøu rceye adequate trairpg, iristr,v0OrTe,pr:gplilArice retating"tocstandards:
of conduct by FBI and bOrffim. p,ert'ciniiel;ritirtg.tb1reatrnerit, interview, or inwrrogatkin of
ttetaindes.'ddring'yo.of depiciyrrientoraSsigninerit?
24.1ñ yburOpinion, did You receiveadequate tráinuih instttkiEibh, OrguitianCe cbtiternirig What 3joir
were supposed to if-you observed or heard about the treatment, interview, br'interrogationof
DOJOIG 000861
dataitleasi tiy that you belieVed Was ihaggrOpriate, utiptbraggiohal,
toettiVe, abusive, r dnlavfU I?
;0 'Yes No
azia Please describe the Vray's in which you believe tbe training; instruCtiowor zguidancewas
There vas no dikassion at all a bent -what to do lirtheaboVe CircUmStaricer because there,WaS
,expectetionOf encounterin,g detainees__
25. (OptiónaI In „What Ways can the FBI irriPrOcte training on'thiS subject for future dePlOyMentScor
ID. CommtnEs
26, lasE OrpVid,e,any additiOnal lnfOrnriatiOn concerning training for oVersea,s ,d,eployrrientS or
assignments di FBI persOrinel you believe is Tele,vant.,
IntrOcluOiOn to Part III: In this section', We are seeking information regarding :wide range Of
intent Lew or interrogation techniques and, Other types Of detainee treatfrient alleged to have ticeuried.
red should not assumee pistbeCause:WearefaSking a boa a pal -tinder tech iiiqu e practiee, that we have
:concluded that it in factoccurred. ,We recognize that some of techniques or practices may at times
p.e.neCaSsary far Aafety and security In a clatentim'oettirig, Inadditipn, we recognize that some of these
techniques Or practiCeS!rhay have beth authoriz ed for Useby Military or Other goY.etnni6nt uemOnn6l.
With respect to each identified technique, practice, or type of conduct described below, we:are seeking,
information about its occurrence during or in !corinOqion with the interview or interrogation Of a
-detainee or during the detention Of a Oatairrea beyond What isirygadel fclr afety and serwity.
In that context, we will ask you tO :t01 LIS or more ;Of thef011nWing statements ate true:,
1, I personally observed this conduct,
,2; I observed -detaineetslina condition that led me to believe that this cond uct had occurred,:
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had oc:corresk .
4,, Others who observed this oilattet.,cie:strivea it to ma.
.s„ r have relevant inTfbrrnation Classified abeivelSECIZET”,
Ineyeroiperyed 'tlls :conduct nor heard abO,ukibfrOrn ,sorrkeptmw hp did.
V. bOpriviiA a,detainee Of fd4ti Or water
a. iii
. r perSoriallyobserVed this cohduct. . ,
• I observeddetainee(s) in a-Gond itiorrthat led me to: believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
cL, • Others: whoobserved this conpluCt described ft to me.-
DOJOIG 000862
e. • r have relevant Information' classified above "SECRET".. •
f. I I. never:observed this .conduct nor , heard .a bout, it from-someone-who did.
;4. Depriving a' detainee of ckOthing
• I' personally observed thIs :CO rand.
• IObserVed cletatried(s): iri 'a ,.COnd itiOri that led tne to believe thatthrs, terriduCt, had cicairted,
• Detainee(s) told rile that thiS, Conduct had .O.Ctiered.
Others Who observed this condUct described it tO rne.
• I. have relevant information - classified above nSECRET".
f. tg I ne.verobserved this.:conduct nor heard about it from someonawho did.
29. Depriving a detainee of,sleep i. or interrupting ;sleep by, frepent.cel I relocations Orother methods
a. • r personally ciliServed this conduct.
b. • I observed detainee(s) in aCO rid bon that led Me to believe that t MS. COM u et had ocCurred..
c. • Detainee(s), told me that this conduct had .ocen med.
A. • Other Who observed this conduct it to rrie.
e. • I have 1.0ot-utak:dr ClaSsified above "-SECRET".
f. Et I. never observed this-conduct nor heard about it from:someone who did.
.Beating a detainee
a. • - I' perSonajiy oerved this stonclutL
b. • 1 ObsetVed.cietainee(S) if La condition that red me to belie:ire that. thiS cOnOtitt had occurred.
t: • Detainee(S) .tOld ifie that this Coridat had OCCOrred.
A. lEf
. .
others Vtihb obSefired this conduct deStribed It to. nie.
e. • ...I .haVe relevant inforrriation classified aboVe "SECRET'. -
• T reVerobberVed this.-condlict norlheard ea bbtit it frOin,Sorriebrie. Who did..
Please pro* e the approximate time frarne.dp ring, which conductsoccurred.
DOJOIG 000863
b 6
b7 C
FrOrif..(M/DAYYY .fbrrriat or M/YYYY) tO (M4D/YYYY•fiattriat or M/YYY,Y)
h. The detainee(s) treated, in this w.ay.were lo,Cated at the time 'In;
1 P. :guantanamo
2 :aired
3 REAfgtianistan
4 0 .Other Location
D Do Not Recall
1. Please'ideritifythedetainee(s) by name and ritiniber;•
1. 'Please identify Tha.'Person($) who ;treated the detainee(s) in this rrla nnerr including their
narrie(s)-nrid :90vern Merit: 'de ntigieS)::
k. Please identify any Other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who observed detaineecs). treated
In this manner, including their name(s) and agency(les):
L This'„corlduct cKairred:in cbnnettipft with:
1-CA'O.rie detainee
Several detainees (Z-4)
'3 0 Many detairides-(triore than 41
4 0 Do Not Recall
rn. (Optibrial).PleaSedeSatibe.thereleVarit.'d ifdtirriStances. in rnoreAetail:
WhileCoriclUcting A CCTV *patty suweYt the reeRlestofFBI pers'Ptinel at thel5agiarri. Cpliebti.40
, Pi:0#( Bag ram Military baser Lt.tol indicated that tWo. prisoner had eXpired In *a Vartictilar
room in the prison,I ci not recall If he was a ,direct witness or if this was the specific 'activity, but
he indicate that this was one area in which he wanted camera coverage
3I.J.Ising water to prevent breathing a detainee 'or to create the s ensation 0 140Wnirlg
a. • r p-ersunally ObSerAtedthis ,mndugt, ‘ '
i. • I-9,1?;serveddetainee(g) in a .onditiatttnat. led me to" believe that thio con3:19ct tigi occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told rbe that this c:ondubt he'd :Cidc .'urried.
a; • Others Who bb'SerVed this scOnd cid dibed it to. Me.
e. • I. have relevant inforMatiOn Classified a boVe 'SECRET".
f. J I' neVer-obteivedthTs conduct nor heard about it frioin...tomeonewho did".
', 2-Using hands, rope .or anything else to..aoke or strangle a detainee
DOJOIG 000864
Pk° Not Recall
. • It personalirobs,erved thoriduct.
la, • i -observed"detainee(i) in condition- that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
c. II Oetainee(s) told me that thiOndtA4 had occurred,:
• Others' who Obseilted.'thiS cOri(lilOt described it to 110:,
e. II I heve -releVant irlforittatioif ClSifie,d above ''SEdRET".
f. Et I, rpvOr obserVed this cohcluct norhgard aliTpckt it from sOrheOrie,WhO Old.
'35, Threatening Other actibit tOcause phy&cal `1561n, itij 'Irv; disfigurerrient or4eath'
a. • a personally observed this conduct.
b . III 1. observeddetainee(s), ih :aic ond Nom that led file to believe thattnis, conduct had o,ccurred,
- „, • betainee(s) told Pie 014 this OW uo.,t had 'pecurrel.
d . • others-who bbserved this conduct-described it to. me'
e, • IT have relevant infOrMation ab,ove:"8 :tc-RET"'.
011 never Of4erVed this conduct nor "heard :about it frOrn ,tomecirie',Who did.
34. Other treatnierit or action Causing Significant physical -pairi ot injiii-Yy or causing :diSfigikerrient or
ifit prsonally: observed. this ,lortclucti .
lb • ,It-Observed detainee(*) in :a,:bohclitign that led me to bëlieye that this conduct had otcurrcl,.
• D'etaitt(s),tbIti methat this conduct tied ge0 rrO .
, • other: who observed 'this, Conti utt ce,cilb6c1 it VS; h10.
u,..'..._ II I, hOirefelevalit i rift) ritiatibh: ,6§ified 'ab.o."9.e "SECRET". . . „.
1f. l I n'el.r.oliterved thisdontlut nor ilea 01 'a bbUt it frorilsomeorie• Who did. '
35. Placing a detainee-on a hot SUrfate br bUrning a 'detainee .
a. • perspnally-x).becl this conduct. .
b. • tolaserVed detabiee(s) in .8 condition, that led me, to believe t atlhis conduct had ocCurrecll',
• Optainee(s) told tine that this conduct ligti occurred.
. .
' • Others whirl pb$ebted this conduct described it .t0: MO..
DOJOIG 000865
'e. • r have relevant Information classifi.. ed above, :• "SECRET".
IRI I never observed this.:conduct nor heard about it from-someone who did.
Usino Shackles ,or other restraints kip prolonged manner -
. • LberSdhaity, ObserVed thts.COnduCt.
:b,, • ,obsenied,detainee(g): ina,cOnditionthat led rne to believe thatthiS Colt uct had Oath -red. • Detainee(s) told nie that thiS,Cond'utt had „OctUrbed.
,Others who observed 'this conduct it to Me.,
• • L have relevant Infermation classified above "SECI1Er:
RI I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. ,
qeqpiring a,dtairieetQ maintain, or restraining, a detainee:in, a stressful or painful position
. • r ki-'$bn-illyobrved this conduct. .
b. NI I ObServed:idetainee(S) in a-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had -OatUrred..
c-. • EIetainee(s) told the that this conduct had Occurred.
A. 1010:thers who observed this crinductdeScribed it to Ma ,
e. •
g Ei
I have releVant iriformatiOntiaSsified above SECREr.
I never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone,who, did.
Forcing a detainee to krform 'demand ing physical exercise
• jr , , . . , roesohy tiiis -rvd. thN.totidircL
6. • I,ObserVed.detaineeN, ih a tbriditibri that led the to betieVe,that.thi.c:iindu0 - had ocurred.
• Detairiee,(6).told Th' e that thig -,Cdridtitt had oceirited,
, • other§vtiba'obSerVed ;thig conduct described It to me.
e. • I have relevant infoririatbri classified aboxie "SECRET" ,.
f. g r never ObbetVed this!Coridikt'nor heard a bbLit it frorri.,Sarriebrie Who did". '.
DOJOIG 000866
Using electrical shOck.dri detaitiee
a, IN I personally observed this conduct.
b, • Lobservecl detainee(s) In acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
a • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. .
, • Others who observed thiscond44 described it to lne.;
e. • ',have releverit information classified above "SEt4ET",
: El I neverobseryed thiS`cOriduct norheeni about it from someone - who did.
40, Threatening to use elearicallshOck'Ol'i a detainee
a:. • I perSonally observed this conduct.
b. • I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
, I Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
: • I have relevant Information classified above itS'ECR.E:1-1
. El I never obserVed this ,cond act nor heard e bout it from' sorneonewho did.
41. Intentionally delayirig ordenyitiO AOtairtee medical care.
L persoriallvobserVed thiStonduct.
LobserVed detainee(s) in acondition that led me tô believe that this CondUct had .6c :curled,
IS Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had octu med.
d. 0 el •
GI z
Others who observed this cOnduCt described ft, to rne2 ,
I have relevant information classified above ' SECRET'.
I, never thi!PcgriAlct'n9r heard about it NM sorliPP.WW,119 OA!
HoddinUfblinsitaldIng a:detainee:Other than luting tratispOrtatibri
a. II: . personally ObServed this conduct. :.
b. • LobServeddetaihed(s) in -asto:ndition , tha led me to belieVe thatthis cdrid bet:had Occurred.
a • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred:
d . • Others. who observed this conduct-de -scribed it to: me
DOJOIG 000867
e. • I have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f I I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did,
43i .Subjecting .detainee to extreme! cold or hot morn temperatures for extended ieriods
a. ai
I I persdriallY observed this COnduct. . . • I bbselliOd detairie(s), in fa tOrti itiO ri -that, -led theta belie that ;this Cdridu Ct. had ,ciCCUried,
III Detainee(s) tOld trie that this t endutt had OctiThried .
• Others who observed thiS condUctdesCribed it to Me.
e. • I have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f. 2 E never observed this:conduct norbeard about it from someone who did.
44. Subjecting a detainee to loud music
[. ]P]
personally ObServed this Conduct.
1 obterve,d 'detainee(s) in atOnciltion that led me to. b,elieVe that:this conduct had OCCUited.
lc. • Detains) told rne thatthiScOnduct had Occurred.
Id. Others' who observed -this cciriduct_described it to ine. -I •
!e. 0 I haVe releVarit information' Clagsified abcive "SECRET'''.
f. lit I never observed this.conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did.
p bright flashing lights or darkness
II • . .,
I personally observed this CondUCt.
b . • I obSerVed detainet(S), in .a :Ctindititin that. INI me: to believe that thiScOndUtt had odCurrett.
-: • ;Detaii(s) told 'hie that this ebrichiCt had &CCU:red.
. , • OtherS whoobierVed this COnduCt described it tOrrie,
I I haVe relevant inforhiation ClaSsified above. "SECRET".
f: El I neVer ObberVed this:CondUCt nôrbeard a bait it froinSorriedine WHO did.. .
DOJOIG 000868
, 46. IsOlating' a detainee for extended period
a.CII personally observed this..conduct.
b, • Lobserved detainee(s) in a-conditiorrthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. 0 lietainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described i to me.
e. • I, have refeVarit information clas sified above ''SECRET".
lif I never observed, this 'conduct nor heard abputit from 5dIrlePriewhP did.
47. USirig duct tape, tO reStrairi, gag, Or puriiSh a detainee
taj MA persbnally.obServed thiStonduct.
b.• I observed detainee(s) in-a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
!c.JIT IF/Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred'. rd.. rilOthers who observed this conduct:described it to me.,
e. • 1 .h.a, ve -relev„a nt in, fo. rm. at. io. n clasSified above "SECRET,
il neverobserved thistoncluct nor heard about it from,sornebnewho Old,
-48. USA rapid response rearms anOor forced cell extractions:
J_! jt' personally observed: thlstanduCt.
; b. • II ,,obserVed ,detainee(s) in a=cOnditibii thet led Me. to. believe that thiS dondubt had Oectireed.
• betainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
0 Others who observed this condper described it'to me.; .
• I have relevant Information classified above "S . CF0-1-..
f; El T= ReYPr9,11PgrY0c1 011,P9;),KILIPt1)91110ar4 ,about it from so.n10 0,t10:ighP 01d.
4ff. Using ecrriilitaty. Working ,dpg ori or near a detainee:other than during detainee., transportation
. i I personally Observed this'condutt.
Ix • I observed, detainee(S): hi Ta.cond itiOh that led Me to belieVe that conduct had &tutted..
c-. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d.. • Others who observed this conduct -described it to me
DOJOIG 000869
e. II I have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
neverobserved thisxonduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
..50, Threatening, to use military Working dogson or near a detainee ,
a. 111 I PerSOnalkObserVe61 this conduct. ,
b. • I Observed,cretainee(s), in a:COndition:tbat led tne ;to belieVe thatthiS conduct had batirred.,
• Debinee(t) told me that thiS.ConduCt had Occurred.
1113Others: who observed this cOridifttdeStribed it to me.
• I have relevant. information classified above PSECRET.
f. RI .1 naverobserved thiszonduct nor heard -about it from someone who did.
-Using spiders, scorpiOns, snakes,Or other animals on or near a detaipeaa.
• rperstiribily . obServed thisC6riduct.
b. II II Observed detahiee(SY in a,COnd itiOn that led me to belleVethat this cosidutt ha'd &tutted.
c. • 'Eletainde(s) told iTie that thiS conduct had ,:iceiirred.
d. II :Others who observed this coriduttdeScribed it to Me:
,e. II I have relevant informatiOn•ClaSsified above "SECRET:.
f. lEi I never observed this-conduct nor heard about it from :someone who did.
„52”. Threatening -to gSe;spidms, sorgiohs, -shakes; o r other a niina Is, 6n ,a-deiainee
a. • T. per:sot-tally- Observed thiStOridUCt..
. • I,ObVeddetainde(i} in a:Conditiarrthat led rrie to believe that this ohduct had :ocCutitd.
ii Dethinde(S) tbid '1-,lie that thiS:ebriddet had ,o.Cetifted.
d. • other Wild observed this COndliCi. described It to Me. .
e. • I have relevant informatitin Classified aboVe "SECRET.
f. I r never O,b_berVed thiS-Condtiet nor; heard about- it from ,Sortieone Who did.
DOJOIG 000870
p eaft staters, kaPdiitig, Or-actions itiVelVing a'. El I personally-observed this..conduct.
0 T.-observed detainee(s) in a ,condition that led me to believe that this conduct. had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had occurred.
Others:who observed this conduct described it to me,;.
e. 0 T. have relevant information clasSiffed aboVe ".4ECET"
neverobseryed this cond uct ..riar heard :ahout it frpro, someone who did.
54, Shaving a ±:1,al.r.1"60.1*.fO'cialpr ottiarhair to orb barraos. ,pr' humil)W 40tattioe
,a. • T perSonally observed this conduct.
h. • I observed ,detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. lil Detainee(s) tbld me that this conduct had occurred.
(1,, • bthers who observed this conductdescribed it to. me..
-e. I . I have relevaht information olassified above 'SE:CWT., :
it never observed Ns =conduct nor heard about, it from someone who did.
5. Placing a wortlati(t'.cloth)ng on a,ddaindo
'. • 1 personally Observed this Ceriduct.
b. • I ob,serVed detainee(s) in a ,corid Mon that Ted me to belieiie that this CondUct had ocared.
a • , Detainee(s) -told me that this conduct had occurred.
- , • Others who observed this conduetdescribed Ittp rue..
• L have relevant information classified above 'SECRET'.
f: 2 I.np9pr'ciOPOrsiOcl this c:Pritl.P.ct'lldf:1 -iparOlal?ciut it from PornOPPO:Whq OA,
,..6.1"citiching a detainee or-acting tOWard a detainee in seiNtial manner
a'. is, L persOnallyObseived this
b. • ' l'obserVed.detainee(S) in afzerid akin that led "Me to believe thatthis candutt had octal:el::
c: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct -described it to me:
DOJOIG 000871
e. • . r have relevant Information' classified above "5.ECRET'''. ,
f. Rf I. never- observed thisxonduct norheard -about it from' someonewho did.
Holding detainee(S) who were not officiate ctaiowlectgp4 or registered as such- by theagenty
,detaining the, perSon.
a. • I personally'obserVed this „Conduct
b:. • robserved-detainee(s): Ina 'cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
'c. • Detainee(s) told me that this condi:id had 'occurred.
• Others who observed this conductdescribed itto me.,,
' . • I, have relevant information classified above "S.C1:t.Er.
f: D4 I. neverso.bserveci this conduct nor heard =about it troth sorneonewho did'.
58. sold lug detainee toanOtherscountry for more egg tesilveintorogbtion'
a. • 1 personally observed this cOnduct.
b. • r observed detainee(s) in a condition that led Me to believe that this Conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d., Other§ who observed this conduct described It to me. ,
I have relevant Information classified above'
R I never observed tbis ,toriduct nor heard ,about it :from sOmeonewho did.
59 Th et iii' tP:send detainee toonOttler tidtepiiort Ortlit,ir ag rossivp, interrog ation
a. • r perSOnallfobserited thiSCOridiatt. , ,
.b. • LobserVeidetainee(s) in aCOndition that led me to belleVethatthiS cOnclifet had ocCUrred..
• Detainee(s) told the that this ConditLt - had nediered.
• Others. who observed this conduCt described it to me.
• r have relevant information classified above " , ,EG12,E1;,'''''.
Et, I; never- observed this :conduct Tror beard about it from someonewho did.
DOJOIG 000872
,611. Threatening to take action Aga inSt a detainees family
a; II 1: personally observed this„conduct.
tlx, • ',observed - detainee(s) In a-cond Won' that led me to believe that this conduct had occ.urrecl.
c. • Detai nee(s)- told 'me that this, cond uct had .occurred.
d, (Ahem- who observed thip conduct describe,d it to me •
-e: • I, have relevant inrormation classified above 75„Et,RET", ' •
l I neyer•observed this 'conduct -nor heard abgutit from.somedne who did.
61. 'Other treatment Or geion eAL;sing -Severe emotional or `psychological trauma' to a detainea
a-. • I personally obServed thiS.conduct.
b.. • I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, Others who observed this cond,uct described it to. me. .
ice '. El
I" have releyant InfOrnIgQr! ciasSifted 'above '%E . RP.-1';,
T. Z. I. never observed this ;conduct :nor heard:about it from ,sorneone: who did:
0.:0,ther religicius_or'sekual harassment Or humillatiOn Of a ,detainee
• I pei-SOnady obServed this conduct.
• LobseWed ditainee(t) in a condition that led me ta belieVe that This conduct had bcdiried.
• Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, • is •
Qthers who observed thisconduCtdescribed it to me,
I have relevant information classified above "SEEP.
never-iobserved this-conduct'nor heard about it from someone who did.
13:- :Other treatmeht Ofa' detainee that id-youroolnion harsh or,,aggretsive,
'theroive, abusive, OrthiiãWfül
a; • I personally observed thisconduct.
1):. • , I observed detainee(s) in a:c9ncIttiqn that led me to believe thptith0 qon.c104‘ had -occurred,
. • betainee(s) told methat this conduct had 'occurred.
DOJOIG 000873
d; I Others who observed this conduct,descrIbed It tomes
• . . Jr have relevant information classified above itS,ECREr.
i never observed thiS 'conduct nor'heard about it from sorneone:-who did.
Ra.13ff" •DRE 1_1 . 411111,EAS
64. Pid ,you observeariy, irripersonation 'of FM personnel by apyOne -clurling an :interyievy or interrpgA0QQ of
0 Ye's :0 No
65'; Did any detainee or other person tell you that.he or she ha,d witnessed the impersonation of 'rE51.
'personnel in connection with a detainee interview or interrogation?
0 -Yes 0, No
66.,-Are you aware of any "sham!" or staged" detainee interviews , or interrogations conducted for Members ,
of theU.S. Congress-pi:their Staff?
0 0No
67., To your Icnowledges , did any military or intelligence personnel ever ,dery or delay 'Mr access go.a.
to question because the detainee had sustained: injuries after he was captur detaine the FBI wanted, ed'
ales 010
'68 you ever ehd yotir'paiticipation in or bbservatiOn.of a detainee, interview or interrogation
because of the interview -or interrogation m,ethods, being' used?:
0: Y-es NO
00., Were you ever told that anotherF.84.emplOyee ended his (;):r her participation in or observation
detainee interview or interrogation' because of the interview pr imartogation methods being Used?"
Oyes' '0 NO'
70. During any Of your overseas deployments or assignments,,, did - you report ny concernsTregarding
any detainee interview Or interrogation ,praaiceS, Or OthertypeS -of detainee treatmerii, to an FBI
-00 P011:scir?
Yes: 10 No
71. During any ofypuroverseas,deployments or assignments,. did you report any zoncerns regarding
any iletaineeinterview or interrogation practices or' other tYpLeS of detain ee. treatment you
,olt:ervor,1 Or heard about, to a lion- OBI sAreiji,Kof or other non-FBI personnel?
0 VeS" -0 No,
721 Haveyou ever been ordered. or 'd irected not. to .repOrts iScOu raged In arly.Way frOrri reporting,:
-observations or allegations- related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
DOJOIG 000874
:0- 14.0 . .
73. HOYelitill -08ffrjencel Any .actoW Of flittawn6sT eotomuon:idr tOPArtitig'otwer=ions ,de tit4gatidri$
.Of detainee. treatrherit dr inteiirievii or interrogation attib'n Or jiradides?-
Cr Y -s, S. Kil
4, (Qptiqnal). PIO*, OrQvicIO trft 4..ditkg101 OChrtiOltS M0r,dirfg the .tepprtn f:cfOiletOk rPi4tPd. Jb
intOtVieik or Intel-1151'00h teehilique-g, ttetentiOn .15fstiticetz ,OT:Other.detainet Irdatrriant.
75: ,Wereyau debeiefed, Other. than the -standard dtbriefl FD-772,,ecinceiping, wine overseas
assignment(s) or deploymer0) afferyou completed the cleploymept(SY or ass ig mine nt(S)1
Yes ®N
764 'Additional Comrnents.and RegornmendatiOnS.1
TIta ak you, for your copppratidn. in completin9 . thiquetionn4irg
DOJOIG 000875
Departmentl:if. lustice Inspector -General "Questionnaire Regarding Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: lest-0.0001528
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields have not been completed.
Pleasedreview your responses.
Please providethe-folldWing inforrnatiOsi:
1. FirSt riam6
2. Middle 0001: •
1 Last name!,
4. Entered. on Duty Dat (E0D):
45. Current Division/Field Office:
Current job title:
7. Direct dial office:telephone itumlyei -:
Z. FBI cell phone hunter:
0. Fig pager:Mit:0dr:
i. Best contact number for you
6 8,,7O PER AeREamilt
6. &,7C
Special Agent
A, F!ER AdjREmg,oft'
Background of Specific treployMentS- of Assignments
.11.. At any time efteSefitetribe'r. 11, 2001, did you. 6efire'.a's.,a thernbet of the U., of
employee or contractor a the. FBr or -any other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay, tuba; Iraq;
AfghPnIA.-an;•:ciriil areas controlled by' the U.S Military cv-..,a as, intelligence service in -,connectionk with the
9101.)a! war on tenor?
0. Yes 0 No

12. Biter the ,nurnbei timeSyOu. Were dePlOyed or4ssig ned to each' of thefolldwing lotatioris,
.(Guaritanaiho BaY, tub4IratiklAfghanistan; or irthniy.EeäS Controlled bythe. U.S'. 'Military or a U.S.
littP111.gnCq silirP.44 •
For each deployment oratlsIgnifient complete the following section.
1-1*-009n qfte) lnkot
44:oe peplOn:iont or 'issifOrii-,-neint:ODAnd" on ,
o orAbo,ut
lGuan, tenarnQ Bay 07/2003 09/2003?
12a. What was thegeneral nature and purpose cif yOurrsigtitirietitarid ACtiVitie0
IntervieVcif detainee' s
fib. Please providethenames df the_specificcamps t bases or facilities where you 'worked.
camp Delta. .
124: Nctx: itifarroMfarr 0004 specific camp, base, Or ttatyili -is_t11 4$410 ;:atioe
please check. here El, include in your answer that you haVg .uadditionalinfortnetion classified above
'SECRET;' and), if you knOW,:aeiitifYthezdaisification:level, Ilake; compartment, program, Of other
designation that applies to -theinforrnation, Do not include.tywa4ditional"Xlassified Int.QUIPP* 1 In :your
DOJOIG 000876 ,
Vestionnaire responses., OS personnel -With the neCeSsary clearance wilt contact you to receive it. .
Name . Position
I I - - SSA
42e Did yo jointly: invoiew or interrogate any detainee with on-EBI persourtif ,
Q 61A •:-.
With vybat kinds of non-FBI goffspnnpl did you werki0lathq
1,Z1 Crl-F
0 theritiB. Military
Fereign Military or intelligericeageriq
Il Other
12f., Did 'you jointly plan any detainee interview or-interrogation strategy, objectives ; or tactics with non-
-s• .
•= With what kinds non-FBT. persOnnel did you Vtiorikjeititly? •
p:Dther U.S. Military
0 intelligence agency
0 'Foreign military pr intelligence agency,
: 0 'Other
Were. you ever otherwise Involved in detainee interviews or interrogations personneb
0 Yes Nb
A. Training Prior to -Overseas Deployment :or Assignment
13.. Did you ictoia any training, instillation, Or guidarice'preparatiOn:fet any:61'year
Overseas eplciyrrients or aSsigritrieritO
O.Yes ONo , • • )'bo Not.Recall
1a. Who provided this training ; instructienf erguidance, and where did-you receive itl'
itjb. Describe the subject on rifireti-ybu mceKretithisttaining, instruction or guidance
Regarding mission :Of tribunals et 01 -MD,
0Yes ONO 0 Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000877
:FBI personnel?
0-Yes :0 No
15.1n- preparation for any:of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training ;
instruction, or gu-.0Pnc@ f2oncemlng the:,standards.of conduct aplicable to the,treatrnent,
Inter-View, or irtterrogatiorr Ofdetainees by non-FBI Pers.OnnOR
Oyes ONO CilDo Ndt Recall
16. In preparation for anyof your overs cp deployments or assignments, did you; receive any training,,
- Instruction, or 'guidance concerning what you ware supposed to do if you obserVed or heard:a 4%4 -
the treatment, IntervieW,, Or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to
be irial)propriatet, unproreggionai, coercive r abUsiV , o LiOtaVitli?
OYes ONO OM Not, Recall
17, In preparation kW anyof your Overseas deployMentS,Or asSignMents, did you receive any training,
instruction, or-guidance concerning what you weresuppoSed to do if you obserVed or heard about .
the treatment, interview,. or interrogation -Of detainees by non-FBIpersOnnel, Which you believed,
to,be ina pump riate;,- unprofessional, -coercive, abusive, or rtrilawful -P
es Q No C) DO Not F*01
B. Training During 'Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18_ Ouring _any of your.overseas deployments or assignments„ did you receive any -trainingt instruction
org (Nance 'coircrning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment; interViewlor
interrogation of detainees by. FBI personnel?
°Yes 0 No. -07)0 Not Recall •
19. Duringarty0 your ov,erseaSdeployrnents or assignments„ did you receive any training, instruction,
orguidance Concerning the standards ofconduct applic able to the treatment, InterViev,v„,Or
interrogation detaineeS by non-FBI personnel?
Oyes '0 No . ,Oty0 Not Rcal I
1:?Mrjrg any Of YOPrOVPITsPaP=CleP191aPPPIP or 4sshilnients1 did you -receive anrtrainirq, inwuctiOn,
or •guiciance.conoerning What you Were$p0pOSed to do If you observed or heard about the
'treatment, IntervieW, Or Interrogation Of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to
inapproptiate,IiripitifeSSforial, crierciVe, abuSive„ or UhlaVitfill?"
.0Yes -Oto Not Recall
2. burin any Oryo.ur OVerseaS-0434YrkeritS:diaSsigritrientS.; did yciu rêceiv hif training, iffargaiOri,
orguidandexoncerning1.that you Were ppOseci do if you .observed or heard about the
treatment, interview,. or interrogation of detainees by rion4131 personnel? which'you believed to
lieinapproprIata,PrIllfelk5g911arrP3 m1M:4141:§1SIP,'90.3111OIR
DOJOIG 000878
°Yes ON° :ibbo Not1ecaI l
DOJOIG 000879
C. Adequacy of Training
22.111'0yr cipinitiff, did Wu retelVezadecgiate trairfirig i,inatry(tign,"Orguitlarice relating to 'standards .
of conduct by FBI•rid .non-FBI personnel relating to treatment / lriterVieW, or iriterrogation.of
'detainees prior to yourdeployment'or assignment?
O. yes 0 No
23'.In your opinion? did, you receive adequate training, instruction ,:.or,guidance relating . to standards,
of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel 'relating to treatment, ,illtPrviO:vi or interrogation of
:detainees during SiOur deplOy,merit',Orassig rirrieht?'
O tto.
24. In "y,-our opihicirl,d id you receive adequ'atet.ia1nin9, insfrgcliciri,,Orguiciance ronCerning what y,oti,
were suPp.oseci - if you observed 'or heard bOut the treatirierit, iriterVieW„ or-interrogAtiOn
;detainees, by 'FBI or non-.FI personnel, that you believed wa inappropriate. onProfessional,. •
r9erCiVe, abuiive; or On lavvfu f?
CYYes 0 No
254pptiOna13.Iii What WayS CO the iMprove training p - this subject for future deplO'enkrits-Of
asSig lir/lents?
la. Comments
2'6, please -proVilde-anyadditionatInforrnation 'concerning training foroverseas deployments . or
eAsignments of FER personnel you believe 4 relevant.
I believe if I witnessed 09111'0611w inappropriate, I:wou14, bave."PpPkon uplo n:louuom out.
liltroduOtiOrit9. P.UI isipectioni yste`are rseeling information regaoing a wide. range Of .
interview of interrbgatiorsteChniq kW and -other types Of .ddtahlee treatment :alleged to lialfebCturrej:1‘.
You &bOuld not assume, just because We areatkirigabokit a particular technique orWaite, that We have
concluded that it in factoccurred'. We recognize that some Of- these techniques or practices may .at times
.1?0,rteesarY fdrAer*Phcl.*ciArltV in p,t1tOntton setting. Ip addition, we recognize tflesq.ble of thOse
teChniques,or practices. rriaxliaye.heert authorized foruse by rtØliary'or other 9:Overrun:erg personnel.
With respect to. each identified teChn ic) tie, praCtider ortype oftondkictdeteribed beloW, We are -seeking
information about its occurrence during or in connection with the interview or interrogation of a
detainee, -or during; the detention of a detainee beyond What is needed for safety ancl;secorRY:
In' that OntOtt, we will ask yOU to tg11.14 NYIV,ther One or more f the,foliowirostaw -hohts are true:.
1. L personally observed this conduct.
Tobseryed 4etalpee(s) - In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• 0,otairftW told that this bond u4,hod 'occurred
Others:Mt tibivOd" this codaa- .described it to r.h.
• T have relevant Information classified above ,"SE.CRET",,
£; .never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from ,poirlePrIP'W.b9
27. DepriVirig detalfied OrfOOd or Wow
T perSonallyobServed thiS,conduct. .
• tobserved detainee(S) In aoand Non that led me to believe that.this conduct had occurred,
• Detainee(s) told methat this conduct had occurred.
• ot-he-rs- w-ho- o-bs-erv-e_d th_is c_ond_uct_ des—cribed It— to me- . .. .
• it have relevant information cia'ssified above q5E6f2E'1.
011 gf II never upset-ved this conduct nor heard :about - it from someone who did.
Depriving a,detainge of Clothing'
. • I perSonally observed this cOnduCt.
b. • Lobsred detainees) in a.coorid ition that led me tO believe that thi Onduct had occiirred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, I Others who observed this conduCtdescribed it to me ;
rElI have relevant information classified above,"SER:ET" ..
II, never observed this ,conduct -nor heard abQu.t it from Wrneone-whocild:.
pprMng -,,0:00taing: ..$10.00,.: or Ihrerrupflog ,.reep by frequent l IreiogationP,PrOtber methods
• I. perSeinally'abSerVed this ,conduet.
al • 41, ,-. - 4 ,- . 1 -- ( )1 1 . • II -0 ' ' .: I.:4 il ‘- , a I HAZ- 1- ' • cOndu • ;. a 'r-s
EI • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occu rred
• Others who observed this conductdescribed It to me al
e. • t have relevant intorrnation.clasifipci a0oVq.'`,
f, lii I never observed this conduct norheard 'about it from, someone-vVho did.
DOJOIG 000880
'3Q.,,i3eatIrig a detainee
-. • I: persdnallit observed, thiS -Coriduet.
., • I...observed detairiaa(s) In a,tonditiOn that led me tO. balleve that. this tondua had -ocairred..
Detainee(s) told he that this conduct had occurred.
Others. who observed this cend uct described it to me. .
e, • I have relevant Information classified above. ''SECRET.
f. 10 I. never-observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
31. Using water to prevent breakOky a detainee or to create the sensation of drowning
El I I personally obSerVed thiscendUt. -
-. . flf
• I ,obSerVed.detainee(S) in a•Caiditian that led me to, believe that thiS Coriduct had -ocCuried.
• Detalnaa(s)-tdld Ma that this conduct had occiorad.
d. • other's who obSei'ved thiS dondUCt. descilb.ed it te me. 111
• I have relevant information classified above 'SECRET". . •
Rt I. never,observed' thlszconduct nor-heard -about it from .someone-who did.
Qsing handsi rop,e,oranYthinwelse to: -choke or- trapg le a detainee
a. • I perSdnallY tibSerVed thiSConduet.
b, Lohserved detainee(S) in a Cord Non - that led hi e te believe thatthiS cendutt had Otearta." . • Detainee(s) told me that this cbrid'ud had,Occu &ad.
• • others:Who observed This conduct described it to ma. • II haVe relevant inforniation claSSified above 1!SECRET.9 .
f: Et I never observed this-conduct nor"heard -about it from someone who did.
33. Threatening 'other action tocau5ephysicat pain, injury d iSfigurerherit, death
a. • I parkin-ally dh"$arvaa thisordttOrt.
b. • I. of5.sbr:Vad.-d6taitie6(): ififa:tbriditibn that led Me te beliekethatthiS. tondudt had..c(ctur.
c. • Detainee(Syteld me that .thiS Cantina had .0,CciErreid.
DOJOIG 000881
d. n Others who observed this conduct described It to ma
e. n I have relevant information classified above "SECRET"'.
f. Et T- never observed thiS'conduct nor heard .0,out; it from, somporte who. dict.
cithWt' re.6tmerk or actipn'closing. significant physical pain or injury, :gr causing diStigurementOr
a. n L personallyobserved this,ronduct.
b. El
n Lobserved detainee(s) In a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
n Detainee(s) Wild me that this:conduct had occurred,
. 13
n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
n I. have relevant infOrmatiOn classified above "SECRET'''.; •
Ei newt observocl thisiconduCt nor heard about it fromsorneOnewhO did ,.
35. Mang a :d etairiee ,on a hot su rface or burning ,a'd e8inee:
. n :I- 'personally observed this conduct.
n g observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
n iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described It to ma;
e.. n I have relevant information classified above "SECRET",
• . El I never observed this conduct .nor heard about It :from,sonleOne:Who did:
'3:6. Usin. -Shackles or otherrestraints'in a prolonged 'Manner
a. III I personally :Observed thiStOndact.
b. n r observed detainee(s), in a,t6tit'l Mon that led the tO. belieVe that this CcinclOdt had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. n Others who observed this conduct described it to ma
. n L have relevant information Classified above u-SgC0p74,
. El II never observed this tonductlior ;hoe rel ia bout it Trorn,sorneonewhoe ,d id. -
DOJOIG 000882
37. Requiring a: detainee; to maintain, Or restraining a ;detai nee in 0 -stresSfIJI or aalLiy-LE.251 1_____
a. I I perSonally observed thiS;Conduct.
b. • Observed detalhee(S) iri 4.cond Cott that led me to belleVe thattnis conduct had occurred.
c. I Detainee(s) -told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduCtdescribed it to me. • t have r p Ip vP rg: In fp r mat i 0 n classified aboya.",5Etger, I- a 1. rieyprql?Pryeci this ccii30144 -P-91.7 hea rd abP1-4 it fr9M:SorriPriglY119 did.
18. POroing a detainee to perform demanding phySical exercise
01 • •Persdriall.y-obSerVed thiStOndiatt.
El • LobSerVeddetainet(S) in a..CoriditiOn that led me to belieVethatthis condutt had ,oeturred.
El • Detalhee(S)'tcild me that this Conduct had bcctiriTed. ri • Others who observed this conduct-described It to, me.
e. II I have relevant information classified a.boye."OECRETI'. DUI never- observed this conduct nor beard ,about. it from someone who did.
Using 610:ctrk;a1 $11Vsle,on a ttetirroe
a. • I per,SOnally:ObSetved this conduct,
, 10 IbbSerVed -,detaitiet(S), in a -OOriditit,5:0 that rcki rne' to belieVe that"thiSCOnduct had ,OCcUrred.
• Oetainee(s) told :me that INS Colithlet had,octu fret
• Others. who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
. • I, have relevant information classified above. 'CS'ECRET".'
l t 1;1 \1 !".1abPqrV.qd thi'c9nOtICt 1:19r heard ,,..1?0;it: it ft-orn, sorn,P9igwilq did. .
Th matoA- ny „to 450.eiectii(ol:shpdcon. 4 fetainee e
. • I- persdrially,Observed thiS:CoriduCt. ' ,
13„ • ' jlfabserv&l .dethine'e(s). in a:COM itiOnthat led Me to belieire'triattnis dindUct. had ,acCURed.
DOJOIG 000883
c. I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred.
, M Others who observed this conduct -described it to me;
,- have relevant information classified above ":$CEtk7T11't
L I never observed thisCoryi*ylor heard :a Omit it from me Who did,
4:I .:Intentionally delaying 'ordenying :detairio4 medical care
. • I personally Observed this Conduct.
• I observed ,detainee(a) in a:coriditiO- n that led Me to believe that this co ndifo. t had occurred: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. - • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
• ',have relevant information, clasSified above "8ECREr.
0 I, pever- observed this conduct norheard,about it from someone who did.
•42: Hooding or blindfolding a :detainee other than during transportation
a. • II personally Ob'serVed this Corid,uct.
li. • iI observed .detainees ih 'a,cond lion that led In to, believe thatthis Conduct had &Cared..
. II Detainee(s)told the that this conduct had ,bccurred;
d. • Others who observed this conduct.described it to me.
e. • LI have relevant information classified above qSECRET''.
f. l 1, newrobserved thts'conduct nor beard about itlram someonewho did.
4. subjecting a detainee to extremely calci or hat room temperatures for. extended pripd s
: . • IPerStinallfdbr*Ved thiS,VoriduCt. -
b. • I observed detainee(s) : In axbriditiOlithat led me tO belleVe that' thiS tdridutt had ‘Odeur,red.
C: • Detainee(S) told Me that this condlitt had oCcUrred.
-d. • Other. Who Obsenied ttft dOridLiCt-des- dribed it tO "Me.
ee • r have relevant information classified above IgECRET". .
f, La I, never observed this tonduct.por heard about it from ;sorneone who' did.
DOJOIG 000884
.0etirieetO loud rriusit
• r peraonally ,obterized this4Ondird. .
b. Ili Lobserved.detalnee(s): in .a.cOndition that led. me to believe that thiscondUtt had occurred.
c. I Detainee(s) -told me that this. conduct had c:1 -ccurred.
, Others who observed this conduCtdescribed it to me. •
1 have relevant information classified aboveF''',. •
• L: nver-oberyeti this conduct`nor heard about it from :sorrreonewho did. .
g. Please provide the approximate time frame during which thiS•conductoccurred.
From (M/DjYYYY format or MNYYY) to .(14/D/YYYY fOrmat Or M/Yrty) EIDo Not Recall
b. The 4pta1nee(s) treated In this way were located at the time in
IR1 Guantanamo
2 El Jr-4g
3 :AfghaniStan
41:1 Other Location
$ D Do Not Recall
I. Please identify thedetainee(S) by Trarrie and, num ber:
1.-1. Please identify the perSciti(s)'whO, treated the. detainee(s), in thiS manner,. Including their
riame(s) and goVOrnmeliV.ageticy(1).:
k. PleaSe idoinify atiY otfle'r FBI personnel tr rion-FBI,.persOnnel!"WhO,Ob.served detairieKS) treated
in this frianner, iridluding their hame(s) -and agenCycle*
DOJOIG 000885
A. Personal Information
Department ic4 Justice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding Del
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-.69002619
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required 'fields - have not been completed. Pleas
PleaskproVide the followiriO information:
1. First name
2. 'Middle initial:
4.. Entered on Duty bate (00)::
:Iturrentbivision/Fleld Office:,
tiirrentiob title:
7: Direct dial office telephone number:
S. 'FBI 'cell phone number:
:91 FBI fia0ernurnber:
10. Best contact nurribei': for you
.0:ct m1:143-A0WEVEiir
61' 7C'
Special Agent
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
11, ,At' any tirrieafterSeptertiber 11,2001,, did ;yOu serve as a -Member of tliaLt.S, Military, or a§ an employee, 'o r
other' doVernirietit ajeney, at:GUarithriam6136Y, Cuba lrati;-,Afg ha tilta ti; or in areas conthilIed. bY the U.S. Mika'
service in connection with thegigbal war on terror?
'Yes: No .
,opyl.,112po 11/11/2003
1:2P'i, What was he ‘gehera I 'nature and purpose of 'you ra'spignment aridiiUs
'Forte PeoteCtion for FBI frnieStiOative Agients and SenSithie Site tkPloitatiOn4sSistanCe tO -themilitarY,
04, 'Please provide the names of the specific camp, bases, or:facilitte$ where ypp.morke11..
vidory:), Presidential Plce/Erriba'ssy, Abu GhtfraYb PriSori, D.REAR,arid DMAIN in Mosul
12c. Note: If information alkitit a,specifie.carrip, :base r, facility is,ClaeSified 'aboYe SECRET,
please check here Er, Maid e In your answer tharyOus have "Additional information classified above!SECRET;!" an
classification Ivel1 ticket, compartment, program, or other that applies, to the !information. Do not inc
classified information in your questionnaire responses.: personnel with the necessary Clea‘ranCewill contact ye
DOJOIG 000886
12. Enter thentirriber timeSYOu were cl'p'l'od' oras,signd 'ti: Ch b1 the"foltovdrig IOcotiOn'p (0 atitan:amo E5.1
:cif in any areas cOritrol by!the,U.,S, Military or ,U.S., I oteilig elite SerVite),:.3
'For each deployment orassignmentcompleteihe following :section..
LcccPtiOn: (selq# pike): „ — . Ds#010,'01Wit 01'',0"4WOrii9;i1 04.40,-`,Pn O.!! 4b4Vt
assig nment.-
• Chris gw•e ck, er , . fltI,I Agent in thargefor Iraq, -
:',I2,e., .Did, You jointly interview or '!riterrogate 'ariY , detainee with non.-FBI personnel)'
.,,, 0 'Y-' P '0 'No-
.,fit bid :.'Y,Oti.SO. ltesn plan riy:4etatii,dofntohit,iwOi- :infolitig:tiion 4itatgii„,"otiftive:s:, -iiiittftg Wifh- non-F'giiieit -
, . . . 0 Y‘, .(4 4.0 .
-1-20, ANere,14,ever otherwise invoiveti in .detairiee iriterVIews ,or Interrogations With -non-FBI- personnel?'
,.. 0 YeS, a NO.
yleasedeScribelt provicloci:thp: rieceSsar,y secnrity, during the intelifleWS :WhiCh"Were corid tided 11S/ Other FBI Agent
LOCation ti919Ft *API -00 or about P‘Oploy olt O's4
bgt2004 :05•20.04
Whot'W„a",the,g'erior61'noto ni;. 1 purpoe of your assignment grid :activities?
:tette -Proteetkin and SSE.
121):. Pieoe p,rovirle, the,, names of the PP:Poific, camps, bases, or facilitie0 Where you worked.
Mdtul bases:. D,MAIN PREAR_
12c. NOte,. If information abbut a,SpeCific,',Cartip, baser, or facility is.elassified abOVe :SECRET,
please Cheek here q, include in yotiransWer that you have ":add itional inforniaticin classified 8h6i1-6 4SECREV"
classification levet/ ticket, coMpartment t:program, or ' thqr desig nation that appliesto the information. Do" Inc;
tiaSsified infOrrriatiOtrin yair cluestiOnn'aift response s. personnel Witfr:thrfOcs'dilt Cle4ralte will cOntactlC
12d, Pieate igentify, by tiame and .00tition ,at tho: time, the FBI" personnel to ihOm'yOU diredly reported, during yi
- - . :SS-A4 HRT assigined to Beg.hdad
1,1 2e. Did you jointly interview of inteffo:gateariy detainee With noti-FBI personnel?-
Q Yes: -0 No
42f. Did ycri,i jointly 'plat.] any detaineelpterView:orinterrogation strategy"; objectives, or tactics with non-FBI per
) b' . yes C)
,.... .. . . ,
Th you ever otherwise involVed in detainee- interviewsorinterrogations with non-FBI personnel?
Q '(.0:s, ' :0: Na
Location seiect one) 4tePIPYMPPP0F,PssignP-3,,erkbP9PTPP or about ,6PPIPYrnPotPr
!jAfOhiStOri: OW40'10.45 P7Z:tc,090,$
12a. What:AA/as the ,,IjerierarriAtur`e and purpose yoUreStignfrrerit and -activities?
SSE'COordinator attached:to - I:4S. Special :operations Units '
12b. 'Please broVide the narriesitif haSeS, 6r,14iliti0,$ Where yco worked.
Bag ram APB-, Eagle Base.
riOte: If information about a; specific ; base,: or facility isfClasSifiedabove SECRET,-
pleasecheck here q'incluAe in your answer. hat,you haye!",arlditionalAnformatioryclassifiedi above I.S,CitTP-1- an
ClaSSifiCatiOn leVel t tiCket 7,00100ftmptit,,,proorairi:, or' ;ther:detiOntion that applies to the information.nbX inc
classified -IrifOrrnatiohlti Your 'questionnaire responses: OIC persorinerikiththe: necessary d&r.atiOd will conta'et yc
12d, Please identify, by , name and position at the time, the "FBI personnel to whorrr you directly reported du ringv
DOJOIG 000887
A -• .. r, • . e.. ,-` 4. 3.-.., .4. , •-.4 •7•4 „
'11:2t Did YOP,,PintlY plan any; or interropatian strategy,Oble4IV-ati, or tactics-wItli, non-Fig ,per.s
1t - Q 41`e; - 0- go
.120. Were,YOU ever otherwise involved lb 'e tainee InterifieWs;be interrogations With-non-FBI Personnel?
__-• 0: 11',,e0 ' NO
. .,
-assi gnment.-
Name kisiticirt
I I - - - . DeputyCommander for,F0Tin'Afgliar
Qe., Aid you jointly interview pr interrogate-.any. detainee with, non-FBI:personner?
. .
- 01:es '0- No,
A. Training Prior to Qverseas Deployment or Assignment
13. Did you receive any training , iri§ttlittibti r "Or'duidarite specifically preparation for -ady-Of yciur Wel-pp:As di
0 ► Y04 QNo, OD& Not Recall.
13a, Who provided tItiV training, inStruCtian,i1r.guidante,fi nEi where did 'you re ealre.[V
.1-113T1 at the HRT Writhes in the- Fig-kqadertty
Oh; Describe the subject on which •you received tills! trajning, Instruction 017 WO rice,
Forte PrOtectionr Sensitive Site Explciitatiorr" !lad lo 6thitnutticatiotitr Evidence Cbirettion, &nail Arens, Hem
ON'e.g 5C,' N:1? -0130 Not Retail
1S. reparation for anvof you r overseas deployments 40 rassig nmthts,, did you receive .any- training, instruct
the standards, of ,conductfapplicable to the; treatment, interview, or interrog00,4:9f 0.0tPiriees by rion-FBI
PYPs Q No Q'Do' NO Recall
15; Ih preparation 'for oily sidurtiVeita's deplayrnerits‘or assignMents cd id you, readiveany training, instrud
wh4t-,y9u were, st1P139.sed to rick if Yqu'obp.erv0 , or heard about tie tre;,a,trriellte irtteryiew, - or interrogation ol
personnet which you believed to be iovprogriat% unprofessional, toertlyealNsive, 0r.unlaWrul?
03tes ®No. ,QQ0 Nat Recall
17. In preparation for anroryouroverseas dePloyments:Drassignments, -did you receive .any training, instruct were supposed to do if you,obwv.0:•or heard 4b9ut trip:treatmqrit. interview,, or interroga,tion01
PerSonne1,.WhiCh youbOlieVgd. to ihappo unprofeoktn-air 'coetd,.;abvsiv0,4317.uni,awfut?
Ovo Orto Not Recall
DOJOIG 000888
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments,
18. During anrot your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any, training instruction, or guic
standards ofconcfuct"applicable to the treatment, intervIew,,or interrogation!ofdetainees.0y FBI persons
0Yeq Q No D p- Not'Recall
19. DUring any:Of yotir overSeaStlepioyi -nentt -or atsig,nmentS, "did you receive anYteeiriing„ Instifictitin,
standards of'conductl?PlicahiP to the treatment, Inlet*W,.:Pr IRterrogation .of detainees by non -FBI per
2D. During ah' Of you'', Ovefseat.dep.loyMerits or , IgrirrientS, Ud you receive training inatilittioni bu 4
were,sup posed: to do if'you observed or heard .a bout thetreatment„, intenilew or interrogation of detainee!
which you believed to ,be 1napprQpJiteì unprofessional, coerciye i. abusive, or unlawful'?
0Y6s ONO" Qlja Not Recall
21. Durifig any your overseas deOloyrrierit6 r assignments, did you receive any trainil1g 4 InSItiiction, 61=§14
were supposed to. do if you observed heard about the treatment, Interview, or Interrogation of detainee!
which you believed to be:inappropriate, unprofesional, coercive, ab,usive, or unlawfill?
py.t °Do: Not Recall
C. Adequacy of Training,
'R. In youropinion). did you receive adequate training, instruction, orguida nee relatingto standards of condi
perstinnel relaprtg .to ',treatment-, IritervieW,Or interrogation or-detaineeg, Mgr :to:yOur deployment:orssig
Q. Yes Q. No
22a'. Pleas describe ;the ways in Which you li.etieve„ the, itaining instruCtioncr guidance was inadequate:,.
Never had .any training. ••• ••• ••••• •••• • n••• • P. • •• ,•••• •••• •••••• • .• •••• ••••• •n•• ••••• ••••••
21.In yobr opinione did yqu teepivg, ad equate training, Instruction,/ or guidan'cet,relating standards ofcbridt z
relating 'to treetrrienti,interview,'oririterrog.ation of detaineel.during yoUr deployment or.essigt personel
CI: -Yes: Q No
23a. Pleadestribelite Ways Insv,ifitely .you Ileirevoihearairibig, instruction cr guidance Wa$ rnaleOateI
Never had anytraining.
24. In your Opinion, did *AI rep0Vbededuate ;training, instrUctiOn, or ou idaite,Obncerning What YU Were sul
•ObserVed or heard 'bout -the treetrilenti interVIeW, iritetrOgation ordetalnees, by. FBI or .nOrr7,FBI perstil
inappropriate, unprofessional coercive, abusive,. or unlawful?
0 Yes 0 No • nn AA a. 6. at .>" • . 24a: Please describe the in which you believe the training instruction or guidance was inadequate:
OIGQ-0008 89
DOJOIG 000889
Ilever had aatralning.
Th.what 'Way§ an thePEIT Improve traifilii9 on this subiectforfutuite :dePloytnehtSs.or aSSIgntnei
Provide training to- those agents that wIll be, in contact with ,di
. ID. 'Go.ntments
, 26. Please pnlvid0 a ny-..add itiOnal inlormOtioh goriternitio trairiing for overSeAS ,,ddP1OVMdiits or ,es,siordents o
:IS.relevant. ,
Introduction to Part III:- In this, section we-are, seeking information regarding, a :Wide range of i nterview or: int
other types of detainee Ireatmenb alleged to havepecurred, You should . noassurrieflust because we are asking
or 'practicer that we hale cpricluded that it in fact OCoUtted... We recognize thatz:Some of these f technique or preCt,
necessary for Safety, in,a;tletentiOri getting, In 'addition, .we. recognize that scale of these techniques
been aUthotized Icir- use btrilifitaPy o'rxithol: govettiment
With respeCt_tO.ach.iOntifled technique, istoctice-,..or type of conflutt clscriked hejoyv.; ejiflg ilif9rmatio
during Will 0.004106 with the ihtdr(riemi:Oe hite#000t106 of a detainee,, or during the detention of a
rieexle,dibr-gafayand SeciiritV. i that .c.bn104,, rid Will ask yiaulo tell ifs Whethei: brie Or mote of thetillOwing -
i. personally:observed' this conduct.
2, I observed detainee(s) In -ccind Non that led me -to ,believe that °tins conduct h?..doccu rred
3. Petaine..(.') told Oft that this011.41-Ct hAt1 occurtl
4. Others who .11a:Ord.uot.de5tdhed it to the.
have tel 'ant iiiroltnatioil classified above "SECRE1 1, ..
I never observed. this conduct nor 'heard ahouk it from Isomeone who clfd15
l7.12221E9 adetain orfood dr Water
A., • I Personally observed, this. candiAct. ,
.. • I Observed detairree(s) itIgCorigiticti that led me V.:13glievelthat this conduct had tKcitrred. .
a • DetaifiedM VA the:thatthit :Writitict had Ottur
ted. ,
., ID. thers who:observed thlsronductdescribed It to me. . .
"a): tg
I have relevant inforrnatiOntlassified a,kioye 4$,Et'. . • :. i
I never Obseryed/thig cOncttfct nor heard about it frprri,gomAdpe who did.
.28. Depriving a detainee of clothin'g
DOJOIG 000890
• '. U, personally PhserVed.:this conduct.,
.. 0 I Ohsdrved,OPtailleN 111.4,COhdition teat led :Meto believe.th4 this had otetitr " .•
c. • Detainee(s): told MelharthiS conddct had. 'dean -red.
I • Others .whoobserved thistonduct described- itto me. • '
e., • I have; relevant infotmotOn .-clasSified abOVe 3$E1OR.ET";,,
. Er I never observed this Wnduct hbr heard' abaut it tiorn sOtheone who did,
Depriving ,a detainee onsleep„ or interru pting :siee by frequent cell relocationsOrother methods
-a. •IN I personally observed this concluct.
b. • ji Obtervil,O,pWirftW ina WO itiOn that led .me to' helle\te that this conduct bad Occurred,
c. • iDetainee(s), told me:thatthiS dondtict had oceu reed.
d. 2 lOthers who observed, this .cond u ct described itto me, • .
e- • I have reloontsinformationola,ssiffet)! ,a4ove "SEORET"-.
f. • II never Observed thIs. conduct hot heard abut it' frOm 'someone Who did.
g. Please provide the approximate time frame-du ring.which this:conduct occurred.
From '04/2(104 to: 05/204
h, The detainee(S) treated in this way were located atthe
3 0 AfghaniSten
4 0 Other LoaatiOn,
5 0 DO Not Recall
I. ,Plea's'e id entilY the d etalnele(s)" by . riathe arid:`
Unable to. ideal& detaiedS.
000 '11/41qt Rec
j. Please identify the ileponIs) who treateCthe detalneeN in tills rnarme,r; including. their
tlartre-Katici 0001-1014n12,0-geh2C9.0.04:
Unable to ideritify:riarnes. DeOartinent of Na\:ty:
k., Please:identify anyother FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who observed detainee kS1 treated in this manner
I. This conduct-occurred, in 'connection with:
DOJOIG 000891
16 One:opo4!,e
2 sevetal detainees
Many detainees more than
4 bo NOt Recall
hi. (Optional) Please describe:the relevant' clitUrnStarices in moredetai I:
Incidents occurred in conjtiriction with'. intertdOetiont.
:30. Beating' a 'detainee
. ,.. • I persorially observed this, conduct
b,., Ill I observed, dete,inee(s) Via Coripliticin that led' Melo belieVe- that this conduct had occurred.
,, • Detairiee(§). told me that this conduct had 0OCUrred..
d . j:::1 others Who.° bserved, this .conduct 'described it to irfe.
• 1 have;relevant inf9714009 --cias,sit10 -091m "5 Ecl=i,ET".-
Et. I rioter obsetitedthiS conduct nor heard about it from 4,0111000 ,W,hq did.
'31. Using Water tii prevent breathing b' 8 detaineeior to create the sensation Of drowning
• T i),, rscroliy 9pseryq9' this conduct.
b. • t obspore,d,.Cidtgiriee4ina‘ condition' that led me to bel love that this conducthad. occurred.
'El Detainee(S) fold rnethatthiS tOnthitt had OCCurred,
1:1 Others WhOobSerVed thiS:.Condudt desCribed let, me. . .
• I ha,v,e relevant .4-1t9T1.110911 ;€1asSit10;Pbcg.. "5 OftE.:T"-..,
I I never observed ',ti cOridtiCt, nor heard aboutAt, from- Someone Who ,did. .
-32..11Sind tali& dpé, IètóGhbköisffähgI'é a 'detainee
I personally observed this conduCt. ,
I ObserVed detairiee(011-1,-,0 ON itidn that 'W.- int 'to betiotkillt thjs ccnPdtict had gccyti-0,
• Do-aiti told triethat thi§ COntlika had, OCCUited. .
. . 1:1 Others wrkyobSërVed, thi 0:Maid described ittO me.
- . • I have relevant information -classified above "SEOZET",.,
DOJOIG 000892
[f. f," 2 Ii never observed this conduct nor heard about it, from someone who did".
th-reatening other attiOn . tO C6nse. injUty., diSfiguterrient, or death
la. - 0, I personally observed this conduct
b. [I observed.delPitV610 in 'a. - condition .t114 led.rilc to ,beilq‘m thOt‘this4widp,4 had, PCc111.-reti.
1.0 • 1I*a told me that this conduct ,hail occurred.
.d. 111 10thers who observed this conduct descri bed trio me.
:a • I have relevant information:classified above ."SECR.ET",.
. El II never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
.34. ..Other treatment or aCtiOh.cauSirrg nifi0a rit physical pain or injury, or causing diSfigurerrieff Of death
--- "----t
a personally observed this conduct. ,
• , a observed detainee(S), 'ma condition that led me to beljevethat this:conduct had occurred.
• :Detainet(sY told me that. this cOnduct had Occurred. ,
• ,O- ther's who-Observed thiS candubtdesCribed it. to the.
;e. El I have relevant 'information -classified above "SECRET".
f. 0, ,I never observed this conciu6t nor heard about it from someone whot1,1d.
35., Kating a detaineeon a hôt,sUiface or burning detainee
a. • II personally observed this conduct
b. El I observed detainee(011I.P.c911ditign that led, me to bell hat this oonduot had oc.cP rrO.
1Dëtaine(s' nieti-iat thiStanduct had turrett.
c.. • .
d., • Others.Who observed this cohdiki described it tO The.
e. • . .,
I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f El" I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who dIrd., .
DOJOIG 000893
38. Using
shacideS Or otherrestraints in a prOldriged Manner .
a • IT personally observed this conduct,
.! El I ohserVed :40tioinpo,()'itrz,orldftign that lectimo to ',Isel lel/eV-tat thl§'Orldu.d 0,0 Ocurrgcl.
. • Detairiee(S)tOld frtetharthiS conduct had Ocurr,O. . .
• • Others whcxobserve.d;this.cOndtict ;described it:to ine. . . ,
- • I have, relevantinformation'classitied ,above "EGRET.
El I never ,cabsoryed. tlii$ r)Qr horcl, about it from sproppho 'op ow,
. .
. . , ..
37. Requiring adetaineeto maintain or restraining a :detainee in a stressful or painful 'poSitiori ,
, ID jt -personally Observed this conduct.
b • , I obseryed'fletaipte(0 irraCondition that led me to 'be' ieve - ttot this conduct had occurred,,
C., • D,etainet(S) told rhe:thatthis COndLid had OCCutred,
, . 0 Others who Observedthis Conduct desCribed , itt6 ille.
1 e. • I have relevant Information classified above "$p.RET" ,.. '
.„ El I never phserved, this conduct nor heard, airopt it from: someone whp did.
38. Edring
' .
a detainee to-Perforikdernanding physiCalekerciSe
5, • II personally observed thi*icond,uct,
b. kobserved detainee,(s) Ina cOndition that led Mt tO bel i6Ve that this dindigt had occurred. •
c.. • .0etalnegq tOld , melhat this .conduct had ocCutr

ed. . .
i ,d. • Others whooLiServed: this .corid Ott described ittci 'Me.
e..,.. _ • I have relevant information classified above'"$E,RE1-",.. _ _ ......_ ,
,... f. IZI I never observedthis conduct rigr heard a,boOt it fr,orn some)ne vv,hp4id-. ,
. . . . . . . . . . , ..
31 Using 'electrical shdck.vrta dat ine __. .
PPrsi2nP.IlY, fb served this ...01).c11,14.
DOJOIG 000894
`a 12

rietainee(s); told, rrielhat this conduct had occurred,
d. a, Other:510p observed thiS conduct described it to me:
• I haVe releVant'inforrnatiOn .daSsified 'above t'S EdREr. '
4 I 'never Observed this dr:Del:id nor heard a boa it from -someone virhodid.
40, Threatening to useelectrical shockon - a detainee.
• I personally ObserVed thiS Conduct.
b. • I observed 'deta inee(s) in a condition that led- me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, • iDetainee(S) told me that this conduct had occurred, . .
d . • Others ,WhO ,64.1.PiNgd 'thi cOriduCt described it to me',
• , I haVe:releVant infOrMatiOn ClaSSifiedabOve "SECRET".
: I I never Observed this conduct, not heard about it frorti someone Whb.did.
4.,,Intentionally 'delaying or denying detainee medical care
, • I perSOnallY Observed this - teriduet.
. .:
• I observed d eta ineeCsyin a condition that led me to believe , that this conduct had occurred.
a U. tletaineet.SY told methat this 'conduct had occurred.
• others who Observed thiS tonduct :described into me.
'e. • I have. releVarit inforMatibriclaSsified above "SECRET". i
f. 121 I never observed this conduct, nor heard' about it from someone who did.
. , . ,
42. HOOding, Or blindfolding a detaineeother than during transportation
. .
a. • I personally observed this ebbduct.
b. ID I observed detaineecsIln a condition that led me to believe that this.zonduct 'had occurred.
• ' Detainee(S): told mett hat this conduct :had occurred.
. III Others who:'0Aerv0 this conduct describedt it to me.
.a • I haVe relevant information ClasSified aboVe "SECRET". ,
f. IZI ' I never observed this conduct - nor heard' about it from' someone who,d id.
.. ,
DOJOIG 000895 .
, .
, .
43. SU bjectinj a.detaltieeto .ektreniely Cold or hot Mom temperatures for extended 'periOcIS =

•a. IIII 1 Personally Observed this conduct,
b.. 0 I tibserVect detainee(s) - iria condition that led me to ;believe that this cOridUCt had oCatrieti. .
.. cl I Detainees told Me that"thiS ,contkiet had. ocOurred. ^ ,
. • Others _observed this conduct described Itto me.
e. 0 1 have relevant 'information classified aye
t f. 2 I never Observed this conduct nor heard about it frbrist Slitnebne who did.
44. Subjecting a detainee to loud music . . .
I a..
i b.
I iI personally observed this conduct.
• IhI oobb served, detalnee(S) in a condition that led mete believe that this conduct had occurred.
i c. • IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had, occurred.
I xl..
'Ethers who observed this conduct described it to me. . .

• 11 have relevant information classified "above 'S,ECREr.
0 II never Observed, this conduct nor heard about It from someone whodid. .
h. ThetletaineeN
, . . •
Please provide the approximate time frame-during, which this:conduct occurred.
1'0/203 to IV2:093, COO Net ReC
treated In..thls way were located at the time in:
Guantanamo . . .
Other Location „ " .
Do-Not Recall
. .
. .
identify=thedotakiee(s) Ily name end mai ben
to identify detainees •
identify, the person(S),wbo treated the detainee(s) in this manner; including their '
arid governtherit agenty(les):,
Army. Unable=toproVidespecific:narneS. . . .
identify any other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel Who observed detainee(s) treated in this manner
DOJOIG 000896
IRI . Ireci
I. Please
j. Please
k Please
I. •
3 MI
5 1
. .
. na and agency(les):
. ' .
1:ri§',c9ncil-ictoCculecedIr! conn ection 1: 107C
, .
10 One detainee , .
2 0 Several detainees (2-4.)
' =IP Many detainees ,(more than 4)
4 0 Do. Wilt Rata') , . , .
rn. tOptiOria I) 1:leaSe, deseribe theTOO/ant' circumstances in rtyPte.detail;:
. ,
l*Pinee,s were brought to a holding facility where,they ;v,yere „being, interrogated.
45. Subjecting a detainee to ,bright flashing lights or darkness
Mr I personally bliseMad this' cOnditct.
•b. • I ObserVed,:detairtee(S) in a donditiOry that Jed trte to believe that this :co hil Uct had Occii tred.
11 Detainee(s): told methat this conduct had occurred.

Cr Others. Who observeci,this conduct described, itto Me,
• I haVel relevant infOrmatiOn ClaSSified:abOye tE.CRO-"..
f. I I never Observed this tonduCt nor heard, about it frorn StirneOrie (qh`Odid.
. . .
. . .
a detainee foran extended period
• • , I personally ObSerVed thiS COridget. ,
• • I observed detainee(s) Ina 'Condition that JedrnetO believe that thiScondtiat had OcCiirred.
• Oetaineek4 told, mall:at -Os conduct had occurred:,
. Others whp'phsenred this conduct #escribed, it to Ine.
. . • I haretevant infiirrnatipin classified ahavO'SECRET".
f. I iI never obseKied this:conduct nor heard about iffrOrn ,sOrrieolie Vithb did.
. . . , . . . . . ,
4,7. Using duct tape to restrain, gag, ',;.;T punish a detainee
, .
a. • 1 personally ObSerliedthiS =duct.
b 0 I observed detainee(s) In .:a condition that led ite to,belia4ethat this conduct had dediffed.

DOJOIG 000897
c. 1:1 betainee(s) told me"thatthis conduct had occurred;
d. • „
Qthers who -observed this conduct escribed it to met i
e.. • 1 halite releVant informatiOnclaSsified 'aboVe "SECRET". !
f. I I never Observed this conduct nor heard boat it frOM someone who.did.
-Using-rapid response teams and/or forced, cell pktractiOng
. . • I perSonallys, observed th IS conduct.
b. 0 I observed detainee( in a condition that -led me to:believe:that thisronduct had occurred.
c. 0 Detainee(4 told Me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others whoObServed this conduct,described it to me.
e. 0 haVeteleVent infOrMation -CleSsified above "SECRET'''.
f: IZI never observed this conduet not heard abotit if froM someone VinO.did.
49. Using a.rnilitary.wOrking' dog on or near p tletainee'.other than during:detainee transportation
a. • li personally observed this conduct.
b. • Ilobserved deta ineeCsy in-a condition that 'led me 'to believe that this conduct had occurred.
t .
c.: II j:ietaineetsY told me that this conduct had occurred.
d . 0 "lOthers who observed this conduct 0-Scribed itto me. .
;e, • I have feleVant infOrinatitiri claSSified abbite "SECRET".
f. E II never observed this conduct nor heard aboLit it from - someone who:did.
50. Threatening to use military working dogs'orr,or near 4detejnee
a. • I personally ObsefVed thisonduct.
b:. • I observed detainee(S) ina condition that led me to -believe-that this conduct had occurred.
D beta ineets) . told me that this conduct :he occurred.
xr. 0 Others WhO:ObServed this conduct -,deStiib.ed it'to me. .
.. . • I he i-eleV'aiit information abOVe "SECRET".
f. El I never observed this conduct nor. heard about it from someone who.did.
DOJOIG 000898
1 , !..tJ Sing
. .
, .
Sliiders, -scorPionS, Sriakek, Oflothet- anirna Is On Or near 'a 'detainee,
. ..
a., I. I persOnallY Observed this conducts
b,. El I 6bSerVed„ detairiee(s), Ina condition that led Me to believe hat thiscOndut had oCCurred.
C. II, Detainees) told me that this cbtitiutt had 0:cturred,
ti., • Others yy.hoobspryect this concluct described it ,, to me,
e El 1 have relevant information classified above ",E.cET"i.
f, 0 I lieVer ollSerVed this, toAd.uOt not heard abbat it - frbtn stitneotio vyhti did.
52. Threatening to ,usespiders, scorpions, snakes,. or other animals on 'a ,cletainee
;a, .
. ,
I personally observed, this conduct.
b.. • ' I observed detaineeCO. 1 na conditiOn that led ,rrre 'to believe that this cond uct had occurred.
,..c. • Detainee(s) told me,thatthis conduct had Octiftred.
d. • Others who.observed this ;conduct described ft to me.
• I have relevant Infpnriation ,classified 'a bo " 'S EO,KT''',,-
1 I never 'observed this, corithIct nor heard obobt it frorn someonehodid.
, . . . . p. Disrespectful statements,: handling ,,or actions involVing the Koran
. .
a, • I persbnally bbserVed this tonauct.
b. • I 6 b:served- detaihee(S)' Ina : condition that „led 'hie to believe that this-COM uet had OCCUrred.
c J1 Detaineers)' told me that. thiS 'conduct had' occurred.
11,.› • Others19 ‘91;1gPted this, Conduct -described (it-to me;
e:. U. I have relevant infOiMation ;ciasSified "Pb.PY,,e HtEelkalt. " .
f g 'I neVer bbSerVed this, Condudt nor heard about it froth sotildohe Mo aid.
, .
having adetainee's facial or other hair to em. ba„r rass or humiliate a detainee. ,
DOJOIG 000899
a. • I p:ersonally observed this c.onduct. . . l•
b„ .. • I 05.Prvedde,taineeN,Yiri a condition thai Jed .mo to believe:that this conduct had occurred: •
d.. • Detairied(s) told rete,that-this conduct had oCcUrred.
d. • Othert wha,observed thisCoriduct 'described itto Me,
CI M I have: relevant information -classitled .above "8Eeft4-, . •
f. IZI, I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from Someone who did,
. . .
. i
. ;
S5. Placing a WOrrian'Selathini on 'ad etainee
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
. • I Observed 4 etalhee(S) in a co rid itionlhat Id MO to, believe that thnduct had occurred.
. • DetaineetS) told ite,,thatlhiS conduct had oCcUrred„ -
d. • Others ,who obSetvect this conduct 'des& bed itlei me.
, . M I have relevant .1n:formation -.classified above "SEMET". .
f. EI ' t never observed this conduct oar heard a tout it frond someone Who 414.
_ .
. . , .
. ,
Toilchirig a-detainee br:adting toward a 'detainee 'Ufa sexual Mariner
• II personally observed this conduCt.
. • I Observecidetairiee(S) in .a. co ad itiOn that led mo tabevojhat this 'cOndilet had Occurred.
c. • Deta inee(S), told rtie,that,thiS Cbridact had OCCUrred.
d. ti Others who observed thiS :conduct described me. ;
I have, releyantinfornlation class 100 'above '"SERET-' . .
Ei I never observed this conduct Mr" heard :a_1?,OUt litlrorh -soirorrg ; o',.:' id.,
. . . . , , . . . . .. . . . . . . , ...
57. HOld 41g:detainee 's WhO Were rat Officiallyatknci*Jedged Or registered A'S such b. "theag elf • * detaining the.45,
:a • II personally observed, thiSconduet. "
4., • I observed iietaIrtee(0'irila cod itiop fhoT:led . rnr.o .tObelleVethat.thiS.c.O.ndyCliho occurred.
.., • Deta iriee(SI told rbe; that, this :tOnclifct had bedurred,
• l . Others who observed - this 'conductilescelbed itto me.
DOJOIG 000900
. .
e,,,, • I have relevant Information -classified above "SECRE -r.. . .
El t never observed this conduct not heard '.a.13.0 it from gornepne yv:ho did.
. .
. .
58'. 'Sending a 'detainee to another aaintry for rnoreaggrettiVe interrogation
. :: .
_. 0
Ipersonally, ohserved_ this conduct' . . • I observed detalneect) lin a 'cOrtditiori that led me tO ,belieVelnat this cOnduct had occurred.
O Detainde(s),tOld Methatthis conduct had Occurred. , • Others who observed this conduct described' it to me. • I have relevant information classified above ".8E,CFET". . .
. El' I never Observed thit: Conduct nor heard bOut it frprilSOmeont whotlid.
. , .
. . .
, .
, .
59. Threatening tO Stride detainee to another-coUntrY tar detention - or More egg restiVe interrogation
0 T personally-ohserved ttits. conduct., -
, • I (*Served detaineeN in" a condition' that led ine tb, belieVethat thistdridUCt had occurred. _
Deta iiiee(8) .tOld rnethat this conduct had Occurred. •
d: Ill Others who.observed this conduct:described it to me:
• II have:relevant -information 'classified ,' hove l'SEQP,ET",„
1E1 I ,never Observed, this, - conduct nor heard about It from Someone whO , did , -
. , . .
:6;0, Threatening to fake a'c'tion against detainee's, faintly
. ,
0, I, personally observgd,Oi COM1i14, .. . , .
,, • I (ibter-Ved detainee(S) Ufa condition' that led tr*16 belleV:etnat this:cOn011 tia0, t',....Ctlfreti.
C, • . Detairree(S), told triethatthit tondutt had bcdtirred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct 'described it to me.
fei, 0 , 1 I. have relevant :information,clasSified
f: g I never 61?:served, thls conduct -nOr her ci 'q but it frcitrf Oril0600. WiliXdid , ,
. :
DOJOIG 000901
Si. i3Othertteatment or action cauSing Vere emotional or psychological trauma to a detainee
. • ,I PefsbnallY ObSerVed 'this: C'ondudt.
b. - El I observed detainee() 'Ma condition that to: believe that this 'conduct had occtirred.,
c El. DetalneeN told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others Who.Observed thit cbridutt deScri bed iti to Me.
e. 0 I have relevant 'information classified above "SECRET".
. l I never observed this' conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
62. jher" religiousor.toXual harassment Or humillatiOn of a detainee
a. 0 I personally observed this conduct . . .
b. • I observed' detainee(S) in a condition that led me to believe:that this , conduct had occurred.
, • Detaineets) . told me tharthis conduct had p:courred.
d. • Others -Who- abserVed-thiS catidu a 'described it tO Me.
e. • I have releVant information classified above "SECRET". .
f. gl ,I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone whodid.
63. other treatment of a. detainee that in you r opinion was„.t4n-profosSiOn0i, unduly harsh •or;ag_gresgive, Coercive,
a. El Jr personally observed this conduct.
0, • I observed detaineeN, in,a condition that led me 'to be iev.ethat this conduct had occurred.
c • Dela lnee(S), told methatthls 'conduct had ciccUrred. ,
:d. III }Others who observed, this Conduct deSCribed. it to me.
e. II I have relevant information:classified above "SECRET", " ,
E •IRT I never observed thiscondu4 or heard aboLit it - fr,orn someone who Ad,
..MTMEC-19.14KO-RW:: TffriliTEJ
64. Did you Obgave:. any impqrsOriatioil Of FI personnel by anyOne during an intrvio9v-prititOrtO,gation of aIetai
O yes ® No
DOJOIG 000902
:65. Did aril/detainee Or Other,PersOn teiryOu that 'he Or she had witnessed 'the ihipersorration 'a mipersd'nriel in .
interview or interitgatieta
0 Yet! 0 NA
fik Are you aW4rff-otPrlYn'slial7fr- or "staged" 'detainep interviews -:or interrogations conducted for :Members of the
P Yq:, 0 NO
.67: To your knowledg.erdid eny military or intelligence personnel ever deny or delay FBI eccesstotA detainee the
because the,•cletainee had =sustained *injuries after he was captured'?
.0Ys' ORO
eg. Did you ever end your participation in or observation of a detainee Interview or interrogation because of th
methods tieing used?
t) lees C) tio
69 Were yott thAonatio FBI employee ended his or in _ot:dEit.ematisgi of,, a detain
ile:catSe f thp,interVIeW Or' interrogatiOri ffiethodS:, being .iiSed?:
Yeg; :0: NO
70; During any ,or your oversees deployments or assig nmentsi did yog report any concerrxs regarding any deta
liltertogetIon prectices,Or Other typep,Of detainee treatment, to an FBI "supervisor?"
:0 e.
71. Durin,g any of your overseasdeplo.yments or assignments, did you report any - concerns regarding any deta
interrogation practices -or other types 'of detainee treatment 'observed or heard about, to a non-T13I s
FBI personnel?
Qe c-%1
72. Have you ever been Ordeted brsliceded hot to report,mr Jiscouraed In any way frothrepOrting, observati
detainee treatment-orinterView or interrogation actionsor practices?
Yes e Ivo
73 1-Ive you experienced any actual Or threatened retaliation for :vortirig Db..‘otA.t npris.igt .okgottoii$.0f deta .
or intentigatiOti aotiOrisor tiies?
Yo.s: NO
7:4i Optional). PleaSe pr9v140 any addltionei comments regarding :thp Topping of ecmgrns, related .tO ftitel7VIev
tethniclueS, detention ritaotio:eko other iietaineo :tet.atrifebt,WA

75. Were you debriefed, other than the standard debrief In FD-772, concerning your OVetteattastignMeritNI Or;
completed the deployment(S) orassig nment(S)?-
.9"Yeg 10 No
DOJOIG 000903
76. /,'7VIditional,„Comments-and ,kpemmenclatipns::
1-hank,ypy for your ' 00POr.t1 9.0 in cOrfiplOtitig this -plystifinnairg
DOJOIG 000904
