DOJ-OIG Questionnaire of FBI Personnel re: Detainee Treatment

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A DOJ-OIG questionnaire for FBI personnel who were involved in detainee interview or interrogations at assigned locations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq; Afghanistan; or in other areas controlled by the U.S. Military. Questionnaire primarily focused on personnel training regarding detainee treatment standards and reporting of inappropriate treatment, and on knowledge of certain interview or interrogation techniques. Example techniques of the latter include: "depriving a detainee of sleep," "beating a detainee," "using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner." Document paid specific attention to the difference between training, reporting and activities done by FBI and non-FBI personnel. Document name: DOJOIG000742.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A. Personal information
Department of IIISPeetnr General questioniri4 i re Regarding Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: tegt=00000961
As of he last,time this questionnaire was saVed, some required fields have not been'completed.
"PI ease, reVievit Votir resriontes.
Please-firovidetheratithring* itifOrtnati6'n-:
1. First riarrie
2, MIcbgle
Last name:,
4., Entered: tin JAW' Date (E00):
5. Current Dlyjsiorilfteld ofikt: •
6., current fob title;
Direct-dial offidelelephone nutriba:
8. FBI tell PhOneiluni110:
,p."FiV,VOger number

eSt contact number foryOu'.;
6 44,,TC
SS& '
00:4 dREgivierr
6 it .7.:C PER EEMENT
B. Background Of Spetific Deployntents ot Assignments
11. At any time afteriSeffteilibet 11,':21:101, did you tel .-Was:a itierfiber of tie U.S. Mililary, or as aft
employee or contractor of the FBLor any other .government agency, at Guantanamd gay„ 'alba' Iraq;
•Afghanistan, or in areas controlled SW-the U.S: Milit ary or a 0.8. intelligence service irrconnqctjurk with the
1pbal war on Terror?
0. Yes .0 No
• bitrtrYikg;YOU WeredeplOyeCI ôrssig Red to.each 'Of,thelctilOWing tocattorK
(GuantariainO Bay. tuba;.; Ira0.fiithe nista n; .or litany'. areas contra led bY theLLO. Mita)* or a U.S.
Intellrgence sepirce),A.
For each deployment or ag'siginrient complete the following: sectiOn.
Deployment Orc,45,5iinniiitit begun on*
f,41:16ntnaryci flay 01/26/2003:: 03/0712001
nA. Mgt was the gPr.grAl nature and pi-Veils:0- Of PUP assignmentan aivitio-Atz
TO. provide tithaidoral "advite-and gOnsultatiorl With :regard. to 'IriteryiewS91 detainees at GTMQ.
fa. Please providethe:names Of the spedifiacamps, bases/ or facilities where you worked.
camP, Pell0;41 . F cornr,nnd hist-
NOte: If inforrnatioriehotit a ;specific camp, bat,. or facility is-d4S-sifleaatioVe
plqa,585dieek, hem. 0, include in your answer that Inforrnatitin.ClasSified-aboire
.1SECRETir and,. if you kridnit 'identifytheclaSsification,leliel, ticket, lcutut•thrtrrieht, prod rarti, -,or-Other
designation that,appfies. toAt)e„Infonnation-,,, Do not Include-te,add Monal classified information In your
DOJOIG 000742
Location (sein,ct onn) DePiiiAr.A.44 or:nnliginkneotooded on
or aboIrt •
questionnaire responses, bits personnel ,Idith the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it.
Name ' ' Position ,
StAd 11-,101 I. FBTTDY Siipervisors,
'i1r2. Did rAiJointlY ituheow of' intordporony 4- &,pirio.o. with no n-FBI perSOrinel?" I '
I Q 1 YOs
12f. Did YottjOrrithi. PlariY,410tainee intervieW,Or interrogation :strategy, objectiVeS:, Or tactic's with non-
:FBI' riersonne ri
.., 0 Yes 0 NO.
- With what kinds Of non-FBI, perSOn tie( 'd id you WOrkpintly?
:10 :CITF
0 Other U.5. Military
0 U, .S. intelligence agency
0 Foreign military or intelligence agency
0 Other
7-12g. Were you ever otherwise inVOlved in 4letainteinterVieWs -Or interrbOationS With non-FBI personnel?: b 7 C
A. Training Priorto Overseas Deployment or Assignment
1§.. ad you receive any trinin-g,:kinstrualOn, "or guidrice -specificalty. :in prepo,ratiOn for aprof your
OVerSeaS deployineritS assignmentS? ,
.0Yes 0.No ODo NetRecall
18a. Who prdidded This training, inftrictioh , Org tlidarker and Where did yciti receive it?
NCISJ Behavioral .Science ;Consultation Team, Ft Behiorr, VA
.130; Describe the subject on,whictryou, received this training, instruction or guidance:
Background on Islamic Fla ndamentalists and some anecdotal information regarding
intarview-5, of
.0Yes .0 NO Ciao' Nay Retail
14e. WhOprdilided this training, instruction, -Or guidante, : arid Where dici'yOU receive it?
PSM such asi kriioriad
previous tours in GTMO;Were PrOmAling 'adVitet0;teartis that folloWed.
14b, Briefly describe the substance of the trainingl instruction, or guidance provided tcYYPu,
; - The: NCAV.JC approached theinterviews , with aTlong-term rapport, building" strategy for
the detainees, which was crr direct conflict with the Toy- rotations of 'interviewing .
VIPs Was any ot the 'training, Instruction, or guidance provided in watingl
Coles 'CnNo Ø DO Not Retail
DOJOIG 000743
Oyes. 0Cio Not Recall
16,. In preparation for driyOf yogi - overseas d,eployments pr0 5. .ightrieritt,,dici: you reteive,,any training „,,
instruction, or guidance concerning What you were supposed to do If you observed or ,heard about
the treatnnent„'Interviewr or Interrogation of detainees by FBI personneir which you believed to
be 'inappropriaW linp.rofesional,,'Oe,rcivi•-abilsiye,oriuniawfu,17
Ye.:5 'ONo. QOp N'o.faecal,1
17. In preparation for any OF yak OVerSeas deployrnents Or aSsignfnents,Alid yob receiveariy training„,
instruction,or,gu,idance concerning What you were supposed to do ifyou, Observed or heard about,
the treahneht, interview, or interrogation of detainees by non- FBI. personnel, which You believed
to he inappropriete,UnprofessiOnalx tbetCive, abuSive, Or Unlawful?
oYes ONO O,P Nqt.Recali
[B. Training During Overseas Deploythents or Assignments
18". During any of your overseas deplOyrrients or asignmonts;,, Aid you receive any training', instruttiOn,
OrgbidanCexondenting the ttandardS of tonduCt applicable to the treatterit, inteNieVi, ot
ihteirbgation of detainees by FBI personnel?
0Yes :0, No 0Do Not, Recall
19: During any bfyige riverSeaSdeplOymentS or aSSignrnentS, did you receive ahY iristratiori,
or ,du idante :coneerning the,Standards Of conduct , anp ta the, treatriient, iritendeter or
interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
bYes No, VIbo Not _Recall
20°. During anY ,Of yOUrOVerSeas'cleploytheritS assignments,, ,CI id 'you - receive any trairiii* iristractiOn icit:
giiidatice:Concerninb What you Were stippbsed to do you tifiSerVied reheard about the
treatment, interview, or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to be
inappropriate, 'unprofessional, coercive, abusive, or unlawful?'
0Ye-s ()NO Qbq NOT:Rec011
21. bu ring any of you roverseas deployments or assig nments,' did you receive any 'training, instruction,
or guidance concerning what ypti were supposed ,b2 do if you observed A0,1: heard -09,4 the
treatment, interview, or interrogation- of.):ie.ain,-00s by non- FBI personnel, which you believed to
be inapProptiate,. UribrcifesSional„ triercive, ,abtitiVe, ,bt‘
0Yes ,ODO NOt:Retal I
Adequacy of Training,
22. In your don, ,did i you receive adequate training r instru0o,o,,pr guidance relOng ,taVandards
DOJOIG 000744
bf thdat by FI arid personnel relating totreatinenti interVieW,: or intetrOgatiOn of
,detainees prior to your debloyirient aSsignmerit?
;01fes øNo
22a, Please descfihe the Wa,,ys in which you believe the training, instruction'Qrguidenee was
Nalrairilng Wag received With, respect. to detail's Concerning the treatrrientOrdetairieds whileincustOdy
at ,GTI40.
23. In YourObiniOn, did receive adeeltiatetraining„, ibstfuctidri, brguidaride relatingttv standards
of conduct. by 'FBI and non=FBI personnel relating tatreatment, :interview,. or interrogation of
deta in eesd kirj nil you r deployment or, assig,nment?'
OYes ®Q
236. Please deScribe the ways in which you believ/e the training, instruction or ,gUidance Was
In. adequate:
If did riot occur.,
24. In your -opinion, did you receive adequate training, instruction, or:guidance concerning what you
were supposed, to do if you obseryed or heard: about the treatment, interview, or of
:0 etaineesr. by -FBI or nbri-Fig 'personnel, that you believed was inOfropriate,,IPPrOfeWfinait
.dOercive, buSiVe,br unlawftil?,
(2.)te:s ® tq
214a. PleasedeScribe,-theways in which you believe the training, InstructiOnorguidance Was
It d id 'not oCeur
25. (Optional) In What ways: can the FBI improve training on this subject for rutin depiloyhients Or
Consider apprOOriatetraining .before.Undertaking Stith, ah eidie. PrePare WeIlLartiallated tniSSiOn ,
statement,whlth Includes the consideration of inevitable isues that arise In a joint operation when the:
participants have:conflicting mission: statements: ,
D. 'Comments
16. Please Orovide'aby additional :InformatiOn tbriterning training foroVerseas dep.kiyinerits or
assignments of FBI personnel you believe is relevant.
Introduction to In thissettion, *ea-re eldrig InforrnatiOn regarding a !WO e range. Of
interview or interrogation techniques and other types: of detainee: treatment alleged to have occurred.
You, should not es,s141711P; juPti).cause war asking about a particular techniq peor, practie, 'that we havecOnclud
ed, that it in fact occurred-, We recognize that some of these techniques or practices may at times"
DOJOIG 000745
he necessary for safety and security in a detention setting, Ityadditioni we recognize that0the '0 -these
J.:techniques, or ,practice.s: mwhave been authorized for use: by military or other 9overnrnent 'personnel.
With respect to each Identified technique, practicéó ed cond tict.d escribed below, Vie are seeking
information a bout its occurrence during or in:connection' with the intenrierror 'interrogation of a
detainee, or during the detention of '4 ,detaibee beyond what is needed for safety and security
th that ;Often" We, Will Wk yr3o to tell Whether' one or more Of the falls Statements are true:
1. I perSbnallyObSerked this. conduct.,
lobserved:detainee(s) in a ,cond ition that led me to believe that Ihis:oonduct had 'occurred.
peteirreekg.) told roe. that th,1“,o4004 had occurred.
Others who obse-ed this ConduCt.descri bed it ta Me.
I,64ve; relovapt information cia,gmfred gh -ove?':SECRET''';,
'6; I never observed thiStonducf riot heard abontit froth someonemho did.
27. ,Depriving a detainee. of food or water
- • 1 perSOnally bbSerVed this Conduct.
• 1 observeddetainee(s) in a obnd Mon that led me to belleVe that this tOnduct. had beturred..
II Cietainee(S)ttild me that thiS Condutt hatiOCCUrred.
• • Others who olisehied this toridUdtdektibtd it to 'me. .
- • I have relevant information clasSified above. !!SE:CREF...
f. lil I. neverobserv.ed thiSoonduct nor-heard about it from someone who did.
=28. Depriving ltine oFclothing
a. • I. persOriallytbSerYed` this con-duCt.,
• LObserVeci .detainee(sj, KA -6$-iditrOn that 14ci mo to isolioNco ..tha.thi co.ndttot had oOttirred.
Oetalnee(s), tOld :M:e that thii cOnd dot had Octdrred . . .
• Others! who Obseked this. Conduet described if to Me.
1E r have tele/ant information tlasSified a boVe 7SECRET".
111( I. never observed' thisxonduct norheard -about it fromSomeone who. did.
Lg. Please provide the approximate time frame d tiring Which thirs-c9400 occurred.
From 01/DMYY format or til/Y,WY) to (11/1:WYWY -format or R/W-YY) ZOO Not Retail
The detainee(s1 treated in this way were located the time in:
2 0 /r.pci
DOJOIG 000746
a 0 Afghanistan
40 Other Location
50 Do, Not Recall
i. Please identify the detainee(S) hy,marne and number;
linVnovirn ID ;number - The log Containing infOritaticinooficerning the treatment of this SpecifiCXRay
'detainee was shown to: SS. land me at the SCIF.
Please ldentify the person(s) who treated the defainee(S) In this mpfiner, 1nIncluding their b7('
rierrie(s). and governMentagenMi00:
Unknown - non-FBI personnel
k. Please. identifY, any-other F13I personnel ir nOn-FI personnel 'who obServed, detainee(s): treated
• ,
th is Manner, including their hanie(S) and agencYf(ies)
I. This conduct occurred in connettiOn with:
1 0 One detainee
2 0 .Several detainee's (-4)
3 0 Ma ny ,d,etairieds :(More than
4 0 Do Not Recall
m. (Optional) PleaSed'e'Seribe the- relevant Circumstances , in 'tno4e,detail:,
X-Ray detainee was. deprived Of clothing.
2*, 'Depriving .a detainee cesleep, or interrupting 'sleep by frequent cell relotations 'or :other methods
a. • II personally observed thlsOnduct.
P. E. t. .i, i blie'rved detairiee(S). in a:tond ition that led 'hie to believe thatthiS Conduct had Occurred.
c. , 0 ,Ntainee(s) told me that thiS conduct had oCCurrecl'.
4, • Others who observed this condUct described it to me.
e., U. L have relevant information classified above, "-SECRET%
f. • I never observed this:;condud nor heard about it from someone who did.
'g'. Please provide the epprOme,te time ;frame during - vv,h0 this. conctuot-pccurred..
rrorn b2/20,03 to 0/2603 IDDO Not Recall
h. The detainee(s) treated in this 'way, were located at the time in:
3 0 Afghanistan
4 0 'Other LoCation
5 0 Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000747
i. •Pleaseldentifythedetainee(t) by name and nulri tier:
Do' not no 104 of inmate. He was observed in one -of the interrogation roor.ensand appeared to;
haye been :Shackled to the floor pYernight bDHS interrOgatOrS;
1. Please identify:the: PerSph(S) who treated the, detainee(§) in this,rnannet, iritluding - their
name(s) and government .agencypesI:
OHS Jriterrogators
k. Please. identifyany -other F131 personnel or non-FBI personnel who-observed detainee(S) treated
in this manner, including their narrig(s) and age,ncy(ies);
ThistOriduct Wed in "connection with: b7C
:1 Ohe detainee
2 0 Several detainees (24)
3 '0 Many detainees '(more than 41
4 Q Pp. Not Recall
m: (Optional) Please. describe the relevant circumstances In moreAetall:
3tL Beating a:detainee
is •
• ;I personally o.btaived this conduct.
II I ObserVed detainee(s1 hi .a :cord ition that led the td- believe thatthis conclubt. had .oCctirred,
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
ch • !others. who observed this conduct described It to me -
e. El 1, have relevant information classified a hove "kEll'..
, El 1 rieverobserved thisoonduct.nor heard about it 'fronisoirioong who did.
31.. Using, svater to prevent breathing by a detalneeor to: create The sensation of drowning
aciI personally ObserVed this cbridtict.
b,. • •observed detainee-Cs) in aCtinditiOn that led'me tO belieiiesthaf -thiS conduCt had acciuted.
c. II Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
.. ,11131 have relevant Informations classified above " ,SECRET'.
i I never-observed this 'conduct porheerd a b,out it from someone Whcr did.
DOJOIG 000748
Using. hands,. rope,oranythin else tO.choke Or stran'a le a detainee
a. • ir personally observed thiSConduCt.
'b. II, ir observed detalhee(sy In a cond itioh that led me to belleVe that thIS conduct had occurred.
c. -11Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
= , • Others who observe_d this c. o nduct described it to me.
• r have relevant information classified a bove 'S 'ET'
I ', 0 41, rievrob*Areci this conduct nor heard About it from sorneoriewho did,
33,. Threatening other action to -cause physical pain, injury, .d isfiguremett or death
Ia. • a persorially -obserVed this toncliiet.
b. • a ObserVed detainee(s) in a:Condition that led me to believe that:this conduct had ,occurred. ,
c.. • !Detainee(S) tOld me that this conduct had occu rred. .
d, • 0
Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
ie. • I have relevant information, classified Above, !`$ECREr.
. Ei it never observed this 'conduct nor heard -about it from,'someorte who did,
34. Qthtr freatmeht on actiOn cauSing significant physical pain or injury, Or causing disfigurement or
• Ii personally observed thisconduct. . .
• a observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that is conduct' had occurred. I
c, 0 ibetainee(s) told me that this. conduct had *occurred,
„ • Others- who observed this conduct:described it to me.
e. • I. have relevant information classified Above 'EcIZET'', '
Et a 'never observed, this -conduct nor heard about it from -someone who did.
filing a detairie On a hot :surface or Outriltig detairi0e,
k personally Observed thiScendiict.
DOJOIG 000749
b, II "observed detainee(s) In azond Mori that led me to believe thatthls conduct had occurred.
c. NI Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
13 al
Others who -observed this conduct described it to me: .
I have releVant, information claWfieci gi?ov, ";,'ERET-"'.
I neverobserved this conduct nor heard about it from c)rneorle: who did.
tisin 'shckls or other reStraintSiti a pl219:...1-1904 :rrianner
a: I I personally observed this condildt'
El I'observed -detainee(s) in a-condition- that led me to. believe that this conduct had -occurred'.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
di • Others who observed this conduct described it to m,e.
, • I, have information classified above ECREr.
t. 1 neverobserved this conduct nor heard Ow; it from,sorneonewho did.
g. Please provide the approximate time 'frame 4 un pg. which this, Conduct occurred.
Frciin .02120,03; to 02/2003- ODD Not Recall
h., The detainee(S) :treated In this way were located at the time In:
1. E1'PilOtanarno
laIraq .
3 1:1 ,Afg lia hiSta
CI tOther Location
5 ):100:-No Recall
Please„idetitify the detainee(s) by name and nurnber,: ,
tabserved a detainee shackled to the floor.. ;It appeared he had been there overnight
Please identify the:person6I -wholreated Ifie,detainee(S).ki this Mariner; including their
MP officers told ,Lis that D,F151nterrogatOrs'had left detainee Shackled ;th floor'in.en "inteNieW' thorn
k. Please identify any:other FBI personnel or rider-FBI,persOnnel WhOobSerVed detaitieeKsy. treated
in this- mannerj including their nornC*5',P110 AgencYfi4).;
I. ThiSoriduct occurred in ;'canriectiOn with:
110 Ohedetaihee
I 0:Several detainees (2-4),
8 0 Many detainees (more than 4,
4 Q pc$ Ftcell
DOJOIG 000750
m. (Optional) Please describathe'releVant CirCurlistaheeS in Motede6;1:::
,a .detainee to maintain, pr rqs,trairfing a ,detainee in, a stressful or painful osition
a. 0 I perscitiallY,ObSerVed this Cbriduct,
tebSerVed,detaineets) Iri:acond Moil that, led Me, to belleVe thatthis cbridUtt had ocCurred.,
• Detainee(S) , ficild rrie that this Eohd UCt had oCCUrred. .
• Others who Observed this conduct-described it to me.
e. • I have relevant Information' classified above 'SECRET!'. .
. • I never observed this -conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
g. Please, provide the approximate tipe 'fi*me ,c0Jr1:11,9,11,V6ic.01.115'0114ctviOcqqrre0.-
Frcirry9 : 003,tO:Q/-2b,(0: EID:o NOt Retell
h. the ,cle,tainee(s) treated in this way were locatO ,0 the time 'Lip
1 11 Guantanamo
2, El Iraq,
3 0 AfghaniStan
4 ID Other Location
S D Do Not Recall
Ple:aSe identify the bY riarne and riUrn ber:'•
ribt know ID#. fe3had been ShaCkled 'to, theflair &et:night:6y nOn-FBI 'personnel.
j. 'Please identify oe'perpons), who treated, the - detaitiee() in thJ manlier, including their
riarne(s). and ,gOverrimerit'a‘gettYtig4:
We were told by an MP that the DHS Interrogators -had left the detainee sh ackled to the floor
overnightand -observed ,detainee,:on the floor that morning.
Please identify any other FBI personnel or esdh-Fea personnel who observed detainee(s) treated
in this- manner, including their name(s)and agency(ies);
1 I
DOJOIG 000751
b 7C
I. Thist,OnduCt Occurred, in connection with
1 0, :One detainee
20. -SeVeral detainees (=4)
Many:detainees .(rnore than - '41:1
:4 O. Dc1.11,qt Rep011
m: (Optional) 'Please describe the relevant circumstances in:more detail:
,orcing a,,',detainee FlerislrrildeltrEliaL IlYstgal 'exerase
a. M L personally ObserVed this ,Conduct.
b. • rt observed' detained(s) in a .cond ition that led me to. believe that This conduct had occurred.
a.- Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had becurred.
• • Others who observed this conduct:described it to me.
- I . I, have relevant information classified above "'SECRET" -, ,
f. l r neverobserve:0 this conduct norheard about It from someoneNno old_ ,
Using electrical shock ona detainee
• I. persdnally,obserVed thi'scohduet.
b: • ,Lobterved ,detainee(S) , iri a ,Coridjtirn that led Me tO believe that. this Conduct had Occurred
c. DetaineeMtcild Me that thiS. cOndtict had ,oCCOtriad.
d. • Others who observed this conduct-described it to me-.
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
ET I, never observed thist oridAt nor heard a bout it from someone who did:
4b. 'Threaming to .use electrical shock: on a detainee
a. • EI personally dbSerVed this"condriCt.
lb, • ',observed 'detainet(S), in. a. C OW itiOn that led -the to betieVethatthiS conduct had otcUrred.
c. • ,Defainee(S)t6Id frie that this COridtiet: had &Wilted,'
d, • Others who obserVed thiStonclutt deScribed it to roe.
e. III II- have relevant information classified above "SECRET%
DOJOIG 000752
Elal never observed this conduct nor heard about It from 'someone who did.
41, Intentionally dela ing den ing detainee -medical care
• • 1 nerSotiallyobServed this tondifct,
1 ObSersied:cietaineecs), ih, a CbOditron that led me to believe that this conduct: had.aturre-ti.
c. • Detainee:(S) tOld :Me that this cdrid Oct had ,Octurted.
III Other: whb obseriied this COnduCt.deSoribed it ,LO hie.
I.have reievaht information 'classified aboVe, "SECRET".
, never observed this !conduct nor heard about, it from someone.who did,
42, Hooding or blindfolding a detainee other than during transportation
U, T personallyobserved this
. • I observed detainee(S) in a',coriditibri. that led me to believe that this conduct had OeCtirted.,
II °.etainee(s) , told frie that thiSConduct had bccii rred .
d . • Oth,erS Who obVed this Conduct described It to Me.
, . • t haVe 'relevant infOrination classified above "SECRET".
f. 1E1 I never observed. this :conduct nOrTleard a bout. it fibrin. someoñe who did-.
,Su bjecting a ,detainee to extremely cold or, hot room temperatures for extended -periods
f, PerSO ha IlY, 0SeNeif this tOriduCt. , .
• r, ObServed.cletairieets). in a condition that' led, me to believe that this cOnducthed 'occurred.
C. Di Detainee4S),tdid me that ENS". conduct had Occiirred'. .
,d, • Other Vilib.obServed thiS toridlict deddribed it t6 hie. ,
• 1 haVe ',relevant InfOrrnatlOhClaSsified a bOVe "SECRET",
f; f I never ObSerVed; this coild Litt nor hea rd 'abaft it from sorrietrileir,h6 did.
4.34....aultectnig a detainee to loud music
DOJOIG 000753
a. n iL personally observed thisconduct
b. q I observed detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred.
1 , 0 Others who Observed this conduct described it to me. .
e. q I have 'relevant information clasSified above "SECRET'".
f: El t n\f.r qbs'Otved, this:conduct nor heard 'about' it from, someone who did.
.SubjectIng a ,detainee to ,bright flashing lights or darknets
a. III IL personally obserVed this conduct. i
n I observed detainee(s) in -a cond Mon that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. I Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had Occurred.
d n pthers whO observed this conduct described it to roe. ;
: e,,,
CI It have relevant Information ,classified above, '':sEtiZET' ,. ..
If ill never observed this 'coridua nor heard :about it frorn.SOineOrie Who did.
46. ISolating a detainee for an -pqpticiod p,briOd
a. ig II persorially-obseiVed thiS conduct.
• II observe& detainee(s). in a-condition -that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred
c: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d D !Others who observed this conduct'described it to me:,
. n 1. have relevant information classified above "', ,S, ECRU":
. n neverohserved this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did,.
Pioaso provide the eppro4rnate time frame 'during Which this ConductOcCtirred, ,
FrOni 42/2003 to 0212003; DDo NOt Recall
h. The detainee(s) treated in this way were 'located at the time
Ii Guantanamo
3 0 Af4 Kati iStari
4 q Other Location
5 D bo Not Recall
DOJOIG 000754
I. Pleace identify-the detainee(S), by nathe and, nurribert
Please klentify- the personts) -w,hotreated the. dela inee(s) In this manner, .IntliAng their
riame(s),ald, 96veromont'agoic9(10);
1Sr:dation Old etairiees ,WaSp cornitrYnntactide and was hot considered a IA shie. Metilbers0 the
BAU had also encouraged 'this practice with respect to certa in detainees intervievving strategies
k. Please identify any otter FBI personnel cie nott-FBI :personnel 'WhO observed detairree(s) treated
in this manner, including their name(s) and agency, ties):-
this -conduct occurred in connection with:
1 -0 One detainee
2 0 Several detainees (24)
g, 0 Many ,detairrees,(Morethan21 2)
4 0 DO Mt Recall
(Optional) Please describe-the relevant circumstances in more -detail:
47..Usitig duct e- to restrain, gag, or pu nisha:detainee:
la,.. • :4, personally -ob$erved this 'COTIdlIgt;
lb. ' • tobserved detainee(s): in a condition that, led me: to believeithat -this conduct had pc-glued,
0 petainee(S) told me that this, conduCt had ,,occurred.
rioothers who Observed ttils, Conduct described it to; hie.
e, • f". have relevant irt1PrtnationclaSified aboV,e,"SfOrtET".
, El 11 never observed this:Conduct nOit heard a hbut it from •sorneOng:Wh0 did ,
'48. Using rapid response teams and/or forted cell extractiOnS
0, I, persorial19 -observed this:conduct. .
q p
Lobserved,tietaineets1 in p 'condition that led me to believe that; this conduct had pccurreel. ,
Detainee:0) - 61d me that this conduct had ,occurred:
.0,, • ptherS Who ObSerVecrthls, conduct described ft tp. rile:
e. • It he relevant inforinatiOnClaSsified above ''..SORti" ..
1. Er I riever"ObSerVed thiscOnduCt hprheard :about it frOrn Spitie,OneWOO did. ..
DOJOIG 000755
4% Using 'military Workit .clOg On or near adetairièeothe'r than chiririg :detaine.e transportation
• • 3I. personally observed this tonduct.
tobserved, d,etainee(s), in :atOridition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
I' petainee(s) told me that this coricitiOt had occurred.
11 pt hers, who observed this, conduct described It to me..
- • I haVe relevant Inf.OritiationtlaSSifted a bOve, "--$tdREPI.
if: El r nev,erObServed this,tOnduCt nor`heard a bOtit' it frOrh:PrneOne whO did,
•50;Threatening to use Military working dOgs,on or near a detainee
. • -1, personally:observed this conduct.
b. • Totiserved•detaineets2) in :atond ition that led me to-believe, that this conduct had occurred.
,, I , Oetainee(s) told ,rn that this cOndutt had ,c -ccurred,,
II Others WO observed this coact uct,described it to Me.
e. IJ ' have relevant infOrrna,tion classified above "CRET IL.-
f. rzi- I, riev,er - OliSerVed, thiScOndu'a nor nmrd about it frOrn-SOMeone Who did.
;S1. Using sPiders, scorpions-, sna Icesior Other animals on or near a ti eta- ee
• r personally observed this conduct. . ,
• • I' observed deteinee(s) In a condition that led ,rne to' believe that this conduct had occurred,
III Detainee(s)- told me that this conduct tipO ,occUrred: ' .
. • ()them who ol;* 'this conduct:de:stage?) it to me.
e. 0 I' have relevant inforrnationtlaSsified a bove "--8,ERET'' .
f. lEf I never Observed this conduct nor heard about itfrOrri'someolie who id.
52. Thteatehing to nte:Spiders, scOrpiciris s- 'snakes, . or Other .ariirrialS, on -a,detaihOe
lad 0 frpersonaliy'observed thistonduct.
DOJOIG 000756
b . • tobserved ,detalned(s). In .a'cond !don that led meto believe thatthls conduct. had occurred.
0. El Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct,descrihed it to me:
I have information classified ahoVeRET% .
tneyerobserved this tongluct nor heard a bout it from ,sameona who did:
.5.a.'1),Istespectful ttatement$, ha tidlin-0.7 dr actions involving the Kora n
a. • I personallyObserved thiScondact.
b.. • Lobserved ,detainee(s) in a -.condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.,
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, • others who observed this conduct - descrihed it to me.
e. • L have relevant Information classified above v.S.:Cl*T"'.
El 'I never:observed thiconduct nor heard about It from .sompone who did.
54, st,-ovirig detainee'S:`, facial or other':hair'tti ernbarraSs.:OrIturtilliate a 'detainee-
'. • t persOnalliobserv.ed. thiStondtict.
Li', • LObSerVed-detairieeK in :aconditiOrt that led me tO: belieVe thatthiS conduCthed:oeCurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct. had occurred..
• • Others. who observed this conduct described it to me.
• L have relevant. infOrmation classifieda bove , 9$EMETIL.
, El L never observed this.cosidyct, riot- heard about it from..sorneone,who- did,
Plating a WOrrian`i &thing :on a ',detainee
, • L 06E:Serially obSerVed this OonduCt. .
• Lobseéddétàinée(s) in a.cOnditiOn that led. Me to belieVe that.this cOndiatt had occurred.
• Detainee(s)Iold ;me that ThiStOrklUtt had oddirred.,
• Others who observed this conduct:described it to me.
' , • L have relevant Information, classified above '1,-S%Ft'ff'.
f. Et t OP17,101)sPrvqd this c9PAPct‘Por-tiePrd 'about it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000757
56. Touching adetairiee or actin 'toward a detainee ma 'Sexual :mariner
II I, personally observed this conduct.
IN I'pbserVOI detainees) ina-cOndition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had ‘occorred..
11` Detainee(s) told ma that this. Conduct had occurred.-
d. • Others who observed thiA conduct descrihed It to rne.,
e. • I haVe relevant infOrrnatiOrf ClasSified a bcive l'EtRET"' -.
f Er I' rioter observed' this, cOnduCt nor 'heard, about it fronn'sonneOnewhO did,
Holding detainee(s) wild Were rick Officially, acknoWledged or registered as such by the agency
detain in the ersort
„ :, • r personalfyobserVed this conduct.
-., • 1 observed detainp.0() in a, OrlditiOn that led iene to believe that this conduct had occurred.-
• Detainee(Sltolti Me that.thls, Conduct !lad -occurred. . .
• • others vifhtiblisetved this conduct described ittd me.
- • I have relevant information tlaSsified above 'SECRET'.
f. ET I' never obseiled, thit:conductrior heard a bOut it froth stim,eorie:ikhd did.
SB. Send ing'a detainee to another CodritrY for moreaggreSsive:iriterrogatiOn' .
• . ,
I, personally observed. ths conduct.
b. •' tr ObServed-detalnee(s). live:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred, ,
111, geto- iitoco.tolo me that t,hIS COndlid had octo a-ed.
d ... • Others who obSeryed this conduct. described it to me,
e.. • I' have relevant information* clastilied abo.SECRET".
f. El. I. never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
SL Threatening" tO 'send a detainee to another-country for detenticin dernoreaggreSSiVeinterrbgation
DOJOIG 000758
0E1 personally observed' this„conduct.
• I -observed detainee(s) in ,a-condltionthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c; • Detainee(s)'tOld me that , this, conduct had o-ccurred.
4. 0 Others' who Observed this too(14.ctc.14ortIled It to me'.
e. • I have relevant information classified above RktgEr",.
I' never gb,s-ervel, this tOncluet nor ivard about it froM:someonewho did.
'60. Theatnlna to take eaten against a detalnee'S famIly
'.. • I, personally observed this conduct. ,
b. III I„observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had .occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that thi, cortd,nct had occurred,
• Others who observed this conduct-described it to me',.
- 0 I have relevant information:classified above ",SttF4ET''.
never ObSerVed this ;'ooric.1 clOt nor heard about it fronTsbraporloyho did.
6i..C8110treatrnerit or action Causing severe emotional Or i)SyClI6legiCal traumaAgtaltlea
a. • ---3,
I personallYobserVed thiStonduct.
b, • robserved detainee(s), in e -co,ndition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s)tcild me that thiS'Conduct had Occurred. • 'Others who observed this condua-Ctecribed it to me:
•. • T have relevant information classified aboveu,SECF.,Er'.
I, never this ,corkluct nor ;he,ard about. it ;from someone who did.
'62. Otherreligious or :sekual harassment or hurnillationof a detainee'
a. • I personally observed, this ,cendtict.
; II rebSerVed detaineets), ilia•Coridition'that led ind to believe thaethiS conduct had:Cod:Wed,
,; • Detainee(s)told me that'this conduct had occurred.
d, El. Others who observed this coriduct described it to rne::.
, • , / have relevant Information classified above "SECilEr. .
DOJOIG 000759
I never observed thls„conduct nor 'hea rd about it from someone who did.
Please provide :ft, approximate time frame 'du ring whiCh this'conduct ,occurred.
From 02/2093 to 02/2693 DD O Ncit, ReálL
h. The detainee(S) treated in this way were located at optlme 14;
4; Guantanamo
3 El .AfghardStan
40 Other Location
'SD Do Nat Recall
I. PleaseAdentifylhe gletainft(S,), by name and, hUrn her:
Detainee 569
J; lease identify Oc. P,q 0!)N.Wfici treated the detainet4 in !this manner; IncluAing their
9:yernm:ent agencyciesI:
SA (Miarta.CaSe Agent), adVited that he jzOndifctedinterrOgation 'Strategies which
include 1.)SUrreptitiotisly placing' pornograPhY in adetainee's;Cell :So-that his celirhateS ,Web Id
find it Z) Spraying ; women's perfume on 'him and sending him back to his cell so that his
celtrnte - wOuld,thinl back to his cell in order to stage the appearance that the'detairiee had becken'the:SnOWer',Sttike.
!was:Joking fOr:additional approaches tot kriiS:cletaihee,'.as he (tlieYdetdinea), had i-efused-
- to,commu nicate with him after these:stunts ., We told I 'that he had essentially -lost all
, credibility with this detainee and that "tig,OpulOril ever approach this-*tainee-again.
k. Please identify' anrother FBI personnel or non -FBI personnel who observed detainees) treated
in this marinerr., including their name() 'and agency(ies):
l. ThiscotiductiocthtrecI incodnectioriwith
1 0 One' detainee
20 SeVeral detainees C2=
Many cieteinees (more than '4),
0 Do Not Recall
m. Please descelba the, nature ehd circumstances of the treatment oractiOn:.
SAI tMiarnl Case Nehty advised that herbndi_icted interrogatibri strategies'Whith
included:, 1. )Surreptitiously piecing pornography in a detainee's ',cell so that his cellinateswould
-find it 2.) Spraying yvomehrg perfume on him and sending - him b:P.c100, his cell so that his b6
celIniate would think he had been with a. wOrnan. 3) Wetting detainees head and Lending b7C
back to. WS cell in tirdeti ta,,Stage the appaalatite-that, the'd etaitiae , had broken'
Was looking foradditional approaches 'for thidetainee-t, •as (the detainèe). had refused
tqt9binil-inicPte with him after theSe.§tunts ., Wei.old It4ot tip had essentially IOSt all ,
credibility with this detainee ,and that ,h,e*buldn't ever p,proaCh thiS ;detaineeagaih.,
bOJOIG 000760
,Otheareatiterit Ota detainee Olat,in 'Your opinion WaSunprOfeSsionai, UndUly -harthO:r9gr,eSSiyet
unlaWfUl abustit, ot
r^' ^
• L p- ersonallyobserved this conduct.
It I,:oliserved, detaln'eaN In .a -cond itipn that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurre ,
• r)etainee(s) -WAi me tkat this corid,t4 had occurred.
Others who obServocl:thIA 'Oticitkct‘dcriiigclittq ril'e''.
e. III I: have releVant inforrnation ClasSifieti a Wye, "SEO,RET" -. .
f I, r, never PbKerved this conductnor-'heard:ebtiO,L it from sorneOrre who did.
4. Piase- prOildo the apPrOxitbate time framed Uri ng, Which this,condactotcUrred.
Frcim (M/D/YYV( format or M/YYYY) to (M/b/YYYY format or 'MPNYY) ODo Not- Recall
detainee(s) ;treated in this way Were lOcated at the time in
I ,Ef: Gdaritarramb
3 El Afghanistan
4 0 .Other Location
'Pl? ilc14
Please identify the.detainee(s) by.. name end punter:
tine housedat Camp j -Ray,
Please; identify:the person(): whQ :treated the detainee(S). in this Manner / including their
name(s) and government agency(ieS)::
1),R5 Interrogators had kept a log of their activities with 'respect to this)(-Ray-detainees.whity was
shown to SSA' land I a tho,SCIF.
ic Please- identify anrOther Fig personnel or non,F81persormol ,w,hooh:served detainee(0): treated
In :this, Manner, Including their name(s) and agencyties)
This:conduct occurred in connection
I 0 -One- detainee,
0 'Several detainees °O.,43
detaineesii9r0" fl)Ofi
b i fçll ,
: m, Feaso 4o-crib -A' the riAtto0 h61:citairhs.t1J.4si of the "treatrrient at actiOM''
[NIS Interrogators used unprofessIpnal conduct to Interrogate this:detaine.P., Tctds
made part of a log .Whion.was:tept In several : black:three-ring binders at the SCF, SSA' land
read portion of th:log'. IriterrOgatOrS, ,,o0a4 'Sis0Y441a0:, glove which was a fp"tox:-glovo,filloil
With Water or air tbslap the.detai nee. There:WasalSO triehtiOn dfan IV Which WaS;uSed .toliydrtte
-the-detainee. The detainee was also made to,dance.
DOJOIG 000761
T VI 1,
paw ute KNAM.E.D2 QF °EAU ,klalifiRES
'64. Did, youohserVeany iMpersonation of FI)1. personnel :by anyoneduring an interview .:or interrogation or
bid a ny, detainee or OttlPr 'person %Iwo 't‘ha,,k or She had witnsgqct'tho JprsonaUon or; ii
'Personnel 'in cOhnectibri With a detainee interview or interrogation?'
Q YeS Q o
i,66; Are you aware of any "sham w or'staged" detainee interviews or interrogations, conducted.for 'Members ,
tangress:or their stef?, orthe
Yes 10 No
67. To your knowledge; did any military or intelligence personnel 'ever deny or delay FBI access toe
detainee the FBI wanted, to guestibn because the detainee had sustained injuries after he ,was capture07,
'0Ye ,0 No
Didlyou eVer ehd Your participation in or observatiOnof a ,detainee - iritervieW, or interrogation
becausemfine interview or interrogation method s. being used?
.0 Yes '0- No
Were you ',ever -tot! ":01,0tOrtanOr his or her ,PartiCiliAtio'n: in or qI)*i-votion
'ciotmno inWVIOW'Qr IfOriAation iletailgO Of the interview or interrogation methods king .i.i507?`
70: p4r,ing.ppyOyour oyerseas-dePloyments or a'5P[grirnehtsk OW you ,rPPort ariY.c:‘,9ncOyns "rqgpl-cliqg
any detainee interview Or interrogation practices, Or other types of de%inee treatment, to an Fl3i.
Qyes '®Nó
7L During any ofyouroyerseas deployments or assignments, do 'you report arq,concerns regarding
detainee interview qr l'nterrOgal (PP ,practices or other, types kif'd etainee ; treatment you
OKON,ed or fleOr.d 41?0.0t, to -4 non-FBI $1400140e or 4#10 efOri -FBI petohneP
P Yo Nbr
72. Have you ever 'beer o rd ered irected not:to - report, ;o r - d Iscou rag ed 'In' anyway from reporting,
observations or allegations related' to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions pr
73. Have you .00rietieed "any 'actual or threatened retaliatian, fOr rePorting bbSefiratioriSOf 'allegations
ol detainee' treatment or interview or interrogationactions or practices?
OS Yea ID No;
DOJOIG 000762
74'. (Optional)' Please provide anyaddifional comments.regarding the reporting of concerns , related to
Interview or- interrogation' tech n lq uesi detention practices, or;otherdetaInee treatment',
751 Werelou debriefed, other than ,the standard debrief in F0-772, concerning your overseas
aeigrirnent(S)-"or!deploydioltk4 oho you Ortipleted the deploYment() or p
0 Yes, 0 Nob6

75c. W ere you asked abOUt :detainee detention or interview or interrogation PractiCeSduring the ,
751:1. What other subjects were a"iyered during YOur rletiriefing'(s)?
The, problems surrounding BA(i's :mission P1:Pi 0
75e. Was document prepared to memorialize:the debriefing?
-000 Not tolovst
Additional cornMeritstand Recommendations::
Thank yPy, fpr yOur:PP:PPpr.atiOn, „in completing th is/q Opt ion jvir0
DOJOIG 000763
7Sa. Who debriefed'yoti?"
SAC Steve Wiley'a nd' As.Ac
7513. When and where-did:the de tie ing occur?
0312 003,
A. Personal Information
Department of 3,ustice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding Detainees
FOR ggyigikolgo USE ONLY Byzwixviptyv. FBI RESPONDENT S
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: te.S1-00000441
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required 'fields' have not been completed.
PleasereView your respOnSes.
PleaselirOVidethefollOwing infOrthatiOri:
Pita nam0
1 Last name:,
4., EnteredAin ,Iauty bate ,(E00 :
5. tUrrent"Plyision/Field Office:
Current job title;
Directtlial offieetelephOne hunter:
FBI tell phpf-tetiurtibOt:
19, FBI p‘pg :110h:Orf
-10., ,BeSt contact, number for you
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
11. At arni., time aftet,Sefiterrite'r 11,2001, did Ydu SeriieaS-a member of the U.s. Militàiy, eSäñ
employee or contractor of the FBI:or any other ,government agency,. at 'Guantanamo 8ay„ atba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or areas controlled by the U S Military or a U S intelligence service in -connection witti the
global waron terror,?
e o No
12. Enter the number of times you Were deployed txr,a- sigrl'ati: to ach"4the,foilciwing loonons,
Guantanamo Bay,: Cabaj,Irthk,Afbhahistan;,oi. in ñy areas controlled by:the U.S:. Military or a
intelligence serVice)11:
Foreath deployment oreSSignMent .complete thef011Owing section.
Location (talect onny
D,nplo*rikitt or assignment ClatAtr*ant Or assignment ended. on
4140.14 or about:-
Guantanamo Bay 03/2002 07/2002,
12a. What Was thegeneral nature and '151,111(1s, of y91-ii-assignment,4,04 actiVities,;
12b. Please provide:the:names of thespecifiocamps, bases, or facilities where you 'worked,
Camp tamp Delta i Charleston Naval Weapons $.tation .
12C. Mite: If inforrnationabotit, :specifictanV, baSkorfaCiittrIS,CiaSsified abOVe SECRET,
please chepk, here D, 'include in your 'answer that you havei'uddtipnaj:inforrnation classified above
'SECREf,Iv' and, if yoil know, identifilthe,Classification:leVel, ticket, c.61 -nparttrierit, progrern,,otOther
designation that applies tole:lnformation, Do not include the ,adcllional:61ossIfied Information in your
DOJOIG 000764
0 4 7C
& 7C
Intelligence Anaiyst
culostionnaire- response% 016, personnel With the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it
Name , . Position
14/4. , ----- -- - - --------------
you irgetv:101Y interrop6it any detainee with hOP - Friii fier$Ohrfai
With' what kinds non-FBI personnel 4ici 'yin, work joiRtly?'
; 017
lio ,other us. Military
El.‘Eote 19'n "Military or ihtelligenceagOlty
.42f. Did 'youjointly_ plan an detainee interview or Interrogation strateg y„ objectives, or tactics with non.-
'Sy% persognell
Yes 0 No:
With what kinds of. riOn-FBI. personnel did you VttorkjOintiy?
Finther ".11.S. Military
Intelligence ag-ency
'Reign militaryor in,;giligeticp'agezy
0 other
WereloU 'aver Otherwise InvOlved in detaineeiritervieWS or intOrrtigatic•rts: With nOn -EBI VersonnOl?
-PleaSe desgribe:Detairiee iriterrbgatiOns With various thilitarYarici intelligence tOrritiminity repre$SehtatiVos.
la Did 'you receive any . training, instruction r .orguidancespecifically in preparation for any of your
gyarseas .d,eployments orassignrnentS?
Oyes ONG 0Do Not Retell
13a Who provided this training/ instruction, or guidaoceL and where did you receive it
Nvy and, Marine; rps, Intelligence Training Center, Or-p o Naval:Intelligence
1.3b, D:ekribe the tdbet on VihiChybu reCeiiied this traihing, instruction ár guidance'.
Interitig attain 'practice And techniques, cultural W,?Or.,i0ss; terroriSt.orga ra,ftatior3 history
and strOCtiire
DOJOIG 000765

A. Training Prior to Oversd'as deployment or Assignment
0Yes eNo Olio Not kcal!
15,, In preparation for anyOfyour etiveiteaS deployrtients or aggignmeritg,diod you reteiveariy training", 4
instruCtion, -or>gtiidance Concerning 'the-Standards Of.cond ad a pPlicable to "thetreatmerit,
Interview, or Interrogation of , detainees by non-FBI personnel?
.®Yès ONo bpi° "Not Recall
Who provided this training,- Instruction, or gpidance, -and where did you receive
. SSaanetea s questlon1S aboVe
iSb. ripflydescribe triaw,b,stat4e..delho training, Instruction,. or guidance 0'01d ed to you
See question Oh (all 'approved 0.91) a pproved curriculum
tSc Was any of'the training finstruction, or guidance provided in writing?
10.Yes, CU° '0 Do Not
10. In preparatibp for any of your overseas deployments -or assignments, did you: receive any training,.
inStructiOnfOrguidanw concerning what y0uwere .suppased to do if you observed or heard about
the treatment,. interview, or interrogation of detail - eet. by FBI persOitiel f AtittLyQu believed to
be inapprO.Pri6te, tinOrCifesSion"al, ,codrciVe, ,a buSiVe„ Orunlawful?
DYes ONO OD° NOt Recall
11. In preparalion fpr -any your Ov,erteag deplOyments or aggignineriM,:d id you, receive any training,
instruction,, or guidOnee concerning what you were supposed to do if you observed or heard abovt.
thetreathiert :terVi„ or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI Oetsonnel,,wh ich yoti believed
to be inappropriate,:unprofessional, ,cocrbiVe,,OusiVe, or unlawful?
'PNw 0.0o Not f0t01
.17a. Who provided this:training, ingtruction, or .guidance,_and where did you receive
. ;same -as ,question
in. )3 tieflY desCribe the ubstanceofEthe tairin InstitictiOn, cir gpidanceprovided to Yod.
" Sane as iqUegtion
1.70: Wa504y of the training, instruction, br guidance provided in vitittrig?
Cii.),Ye :ONO '0, DO, NOt Recalli
IS. Training During -Cloyersaaa Depipments or Assignments
18. Wring 'any. ybifrit4erseasdepl6yrftentS or designeneritg, Uiii you receive a nYtrainifig, iristrudibri,
or Ruldanceconcerning thestandards of .conduct 'applicable to:thektreatment„ -interviewl, or
interrogation -of detainees by FBI p:ersonnet•p,
QP N.n:1;tA:Ocall
19'. During any or yotif Overseas deployments Or assignment s, did you receive any training„ ingtrUCtion;
or gyldwicp:concerniqg the standards of :conduct applicable tothe-Areatment, interview, or
DOJOIG 000766
;‘2.4--.In'your -I:VIM:in, -did you receive adequate, training, Instruction,,Orguicia rice concerning What you,
Were,StiPPOsed dO ifOu observed or heard about the- treatrnetit; interVieW,-orinterrogatbri Of
interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
tnes ON°. ODO Not Recall,
1.§a, Who provided this training, instruction, or 'guidance?
USSOUTHCOlvIt DIA, and the US Army
Brieflydeseribe the Su bStaride.of the training, iriStruCtion, 911idaite provided to:yOu.
Current rules Of engagement for interrogations,
1§c., Was-any of the training, instruction, or guidance provided in writing'?
Q-Yes ONO, Q DO Not
20, During any of youroverseas 4eplpymqqs, or assignments, did you receive anytrainingfinstruction,
or guidance concerning what you were supposed to do if you observed or 'heard about the
treatment, interViegi or iriterrogationOlidetbirfees by FBI pr6cinnel,' which YOU belied to be
inappropriate,,unprofessiOnal, coercive, abusive ; Or tinlaWfu I?
Oyes e No Obo Not Recall
Wring any of yOur OVerseaSAeployitents or aSSig nrnents, d id you receive any training, ilStiUClOfl r
if YOU ,obserVed or he:ard ,aboOt the or guiclanCe,cOnterning what yota, were supOSed to do.
treatment y interview, or interrogation ardetalnees by non-FBI personna, which you believed to
be inappropriate, An professionat,coertive i abusive, or unlawful?
KD:ires "0 No ()Do "Not ,Recall
24a. Who provided thi raining i_instru ctior4 or guidance?
Same as 1.9a
21b, B riefird escribe the 513 bsta nee of the tiiiitig, instruction -, dr- g u id a rice orciVid ed tb you.
$arne;as 1911
24c.. Was-any of thetraining, instruction, or guidance provided in writing?
0YeS: eNo: 0 Do Not Recall
C. Adequacy of Training
,22-, in your opinion, did you receive adegpate training, instruction, orguidariCe relating to standards
-of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel :relating to treatment, interview,, or interrogation of
detainees !Dr& to your deploynient ;Or as6idtirrient?
Yr' o
, ZaIn your opinion, Aid you receive adequate-training, instruction,;orguidance relating to-standards
of conduct, by FBI and non-FBI gersonnel -felating; to-treatment, interview, or interrogation of
detainees„.dbritig- yci,ur -dopioymtit,orotignreferit?
(7 yes 00
DOJOIG 000767
..cletainee‘$ ,, by 'FBI or hdri-FBI persOii nel f , that you 'believed Was i appropriate, unprbfessional t.
therciVe abustVe/ Or OnlaWfdl?-
30 les Cl NO
(0*ptiona I) In what ways can the FBI improve:training on this subject for future deployments or
ID, COrriment6
26, PleaSe povideanY additional `info rthation,co nce ng training for oVersea s deplOyrneritsoi -
. assignments, of F131 personnel you believe is relevant.
Introduction to PartflI ir tl*-',Pection, we are seOkin9, inforrrtation regarding, a wide range of
'interview or iriterrdOtign,t0clirliql-eaPd other types' 0,f,A04 1hee treatment alleged to have pic.currect,
You shou ld rIPt assume, because weareasging about a particular tech nig ge Or practice / that We haVe
'concluded that it fact occurred We recog nine that sorne of these ,techniques or practices May at times
be, necessary for safety and security in a -detention -setting. In add idiot", we recognize that some Of these
techniques or practices rnay:haVe ;been authOriZed if9rpse by 'military or Other government personnel.
With .respeCt tri. each identified techrituue, practice, or tYpe OftbriductsleScrthed below, we 'are seekino,
information abbutits otafereriCe ,dtinng Orin :conneCtion- with the interviempor interrogation of a
'detaineec or during the detention of a cietoknee, beyond what is-peecled for safety and security.
In that (.(ontW"i, we will ask you to tell us wheftr.ohe or more of the following ;statements are true:
1. peitoriallyobSerVed this :cOnduet.„
:2". rob-served betained,(S)-iri a dinditiciri that led re tobelieve that this idOnd Litt had Otdirrecl.-
.3. petal nee(S) told 'me that thislconductbad 'occurred..
-4. Qt.lior-§,whA 04ery,cst this conduct it to me
have relevant inforMatron - classified above. 1SECRET
I,neVer.dliserved'thl§ ,otincltia nor heard abthilt.it_fitm,sorrieOti.dMhO did.
"47,Depriying a detainee rfood or water
a. • t personally observed thisOndUct.
tr. • r ObSerVed -r'f, ..etairite(SY in OtOnditiOn that led the to believe that:this , tbriduct had occurred.
C. • Detainee(S) told me that tf& conduct had YOceirrred.
• Otheral who obSerVed thiStOridUctdestribed it to rne.
1 have felevant InfofthatiOn CleSsified abtive "SECRET"..
I never observed thiS4Cofithiet nor- heard 'a botit. it from serneeneAivhb: did.
DOJOIG 000768
:a-detainee of 'clOthiffg
- • I personally observed this conduct.
• IN tebser.Ved detpineeW, in :a.-cOnd'ition that led' ,me. to believe thatthis corid.uot had occurred.
it' .petainee(s) told me that his Conduct 'hed occurred. ,
Others' who observed this conduct described ft tQ MP'.
I' have re leVarit i tifOrrnatiOn' ClaSeified a bOve. "8;EtREr. ..
•never observed this co nd ua nor heard ,a bout it frOrnSOMeOrie*h0 citd.
2;9_ Depriving a detainee Of Slee , or intefilifitiri steep. by -Ire uent cell relbcations,orother methods
a I PP3nelly observed thisconduct. .
IN I .,pbserve4'detainee(s) in econdition.that led re to believe that this conduct had ,pcpurred.
C. • Detainee($) tOtcl;l1le that this conduct had Decal -Ted.
d , • Other this cP001-14:05*Oribed it to me..
• I have relevant information classified el?OVO:''-$E(Er n -
. • I i-iVerOb-serAied this induct nor heard about, it frOM SOrrietine4110. ond..
Pleate, provide the approximate tirne frame; d urIng which his conduCt. occurred.
From 061-20 02z to: 07/7002 0.17P Not Recall
. h. The lietaineek treated in this way Were itidated '.at the time in:
1 0 QUatitanarriti
2 0 .1rart-
3 0 Afghanistan
4 gttiOr Locg9'n chwieston
0 0 PO ITOt R.6;z1li
Oleaseidentifi'thedetainee(s) by name nm her;
.PleaSe identify:the idersTorift)'whO treated, the detained(sj, thiSitfarifier, int -kitting their
narne(s)rand government:agency:Cies):
and FBI ,personnel,
DOJOIG 000769
PleaSe. identify anyOther FBI persOririel or !tin-FBI-personnel whoobserved detainee(s) treated
in this Manner, including their riatne(s) and agency(ie4:
Same as aboye.
I. this.cOndUct Occurred, in connection With:
2 0 Several detainees (2-4)
3 0 mony tletaina DriOre thati4
4 0 Do Not. Recall
trh (Optional) Please deScribetherelevant circumstances in. more detail!.
30. Beating a detainee
• II personally:observed thisCondutt. .
b. • :I Observed det- a- iriee, cs) in a-ccitidition that led :me to, believe that thiS conduct had oCturred.
• Petainee(S) told The that this conduct had occurred.
id. • Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
e. • IL have relevant information classified above. • .
1! f.
- t
Et I never obpqval. this conduct nor heard abOut it from -someone who did.
Using, water to prevent breathing by a, detainee.O.r to: cre4te the sensation of drowning
• /I personally Observed this tOtiduet,
• 1 obserVed:detained(§), In .a,ctinditiOn that led the til believe that thiScOndOct had ,oCCUrred.
Ic-. II iDetairtee(s)161d ine that this conduit had .occUrred:
d • Others:tisf: he observed this tOridiktiteSeribed it to me.„.
e. I L have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f. El. II never observed this conduct nor 'heard about, it from' someone:who did.
';51. UsingLands,Lop telselEctiocel or strangle a detainee
U T. p6itonally observed thist:Ontlua.
b. • I observedcdethiriee(s) in a , COrid itiOri that led me to believe that this had OCCUited.
DOJOIG 000770
o • Detainee(s):tdld me that this cond uct. had ;occurred. . .
A. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. Ill 1 have relevant information classified above 1$5CilEr..
' . 121 L nom. rOse.rvqd, ,Iiis,orIciu.'ct nor heard about: it fro -rf sPrneon wilq 410,
33. ,Ttoa, other 4ctipri t hysic:Of min, injury, .disfigurement,
a. • . .
I pettOnally obSetVed this dorictUtt,
b. • LobserVed detained(S) in a.edridition -that led rne ,to, believe that this Conduct had Occurred.
,c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
121 • a El'
I, have relevant InforroatiOn, classified above
L neverObserve,d thisconductoor heard about it from someOnewho did,
,o,therAreattneht or action CaUsing; sigi1ifjcnt phySical pain or injury, or 0'u:sing disfigurement or
a; •: I personally observed thiS:conduct.
b.. • L observed -detaineets1 in ,acond ition that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred, ,
d. • others who observed this conduct described if to: trre:
0 i heve,r*YoriY irifPrroPtico. cla..0get .P.1.19\1. H:SFP3fr,
f, l I never observed, tni,;0901.ict,nor heard about It from ,SPrrieon'e who did.
Placing a' detainee 'on', a hot surface Or burning a detainee.
a. • I perSonally obserVed thiScondiiet. ' .
b. 0 Lobserveddetainee(S> Ina:condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told rnq t t this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed This cenductdescribed it to me.
,e-, • L have„t*vont; information la'sS)figcl, above ni$t(RET1',..
t El I nomropt:pry0, tni1conri.1;t .nor heard ,aboUt. it from, SomeOne who 44.
DOJOIG 000771
36. ,USifid shackles or bt her.teSt iiits‘ in - 'a prOlcirided mariner
I personally observed this conduct.
b . I I ohseRektletainee(s) lo :a.cond:Ition, that led me to- beli eve that this conduct had occ,urraci.,
• petainee(S) told, me that this conduct had occurred. . .
• Others who observed OVA cOrIchlct.clescribed it toTtle.,
e. • . t haVe feleVabt, infOrtriation . cla-SSified a bOve "SECRET'.
. RI I heVer observed viiS„,ondua Or 'heard fabout : it frOM someone Who 40,
7. Reiring-a,detainePtO Trial drain', Or restrainir4 a -do.tai tiee• in Stresful of painful pbsitiOft
a . 0 I personalkobservad thilS;conclut.
• . Lobspored ‘datalnee(S1 in a,:cond Oon ,that, led 'nip to-believe:that this conduct had ipecurred..
• betainee(s) tOld spp that this:•COndoct; had loccur174. .
cl, I Oillo-, INIV ObAeryed this conduct d escribed it "to; Me.'
P. 0 I have reievaht Information classified a hove ' 1,$ KRET"
nor heard -416mo it from SOrneOneWhO
-38. Forcing detainte. toPetterhi,:dernand,Ing physical exerc-ise
'Pt • r-PeP)P1,1T9:1?,PrVe.c! th 14:cOrldVct: . .
13. • Lobserved, deta!nee(s) in a;conditio ri that' led me to' believe thatlhis conduct had occurred.
-.c.: I Detalnee(s)jold me that this conduct- had ocCurred:,
d . • 0Itlers, who observed :till*, conduct decrihed. it to MO., , • I', have relevant information classified above ''''$.eRE" ,(".
f E1 I , iipnr:er,obsetved°011s ,toririuct nor heard about'; it frorrtSdrrlObnO.:Wh'O. Old ,
Utsinq elettfical s ckón a:data ihee
a. • It personally observed this;conduct.
DOJOIG 000772
b. • .observed detainee(S) in acond Mom that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred:
c. D Detainee(s) ,told me that this conduct had -occurred.
d. • ,dthers who observed this conduct described it to me. ' .
e, 0 la have'relevant information classified above 'SE CRET".
RI ir neverobserved this conduct nor heard 'about it from soMephe Who did.
threAtening to li'seelectriCal shock Ori a:detainee
a. • I personally' observed thisucondUct.
I b, ilLobserved detainee(s) in acond ition that led me to, believe that this conduct had occurred. ,
c: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occu rred.
d • • Others who observed this conduct described it to me,
e. • 1 have rlevant information classified above 'SECRET";
' El it never observed thiscOrid4'horheard :about It from sprneone who did,, .........._
41. Intentionally delaying .ordenying detainee medical care
'• • :1 personally Observed thiS conduct.
• il ObServed defainee(SA iii .a-cciriditibri that led the to believe that thiS conduCt had oecurred.
c. • ElYetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • 1Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
. • IL have relevant information classified above "CREr.
f. Ei II neyeropserved this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did._
42. HOPiling or blindfolding e detainee:other than during transportation
i a. 0 li personally Observed this t oriduct,
b. 0 iLobseeved detainee(s), in a COnditiOn that led me to believe that -this condutt had oCcurred..
a 0 fpetalnee(sj tdid me that thiS conduct had ,oddirred,
d, • fOthers who observed this conduct described it to me.,
• il, have relevant information classfOed above
f. 1E1 t never observed this 'conduct nor heard about it from someone Who did.
DOJOIG 000773
43.'Subjecting a detainee to extrerriely; cold Or hot Itibrii .terliPeratureS for extended Periods
a. I. personally observed this cop:41GL
11, E !I observed. detaineets) in etconciltion:thaS led me to belley,e t hatIhis conduct had ,occurred,
c: • Qetainee(S)'told ma that this conduct had .occurred.
' , • 1O tbers-, who bbsery0 this conduct d escribed it 4,.).; Trig--
e; II. I' have relevant 1'1611-nation' diaSSified a Wye. "5EdFtEr.
f. Ef r neger obSer*' trilS‘cOndudt .tiorheard .a bbut, It trom pptilapna;whp aki.
4:4.-Stibjectinq a detainee to loud music
a. I 11).rciriallY OOserved this conduct.
r,oOseryed'detainkS) in condition that led i*:,t0'14ieVe.‘th,a,t:tili conduct had occurred
II, Detain(s) told :me that this:Cot -04 had occur,
El Others W,ho qhSery:Od this egnduct,desCribed it t 0: rne.
•, r have relevant inforrnation- classified ehdVe na,EET%
• I, never ObSerVed this.:COnduCt WI- heard 'about it frOM SOfileOne,-WhO d id.
.g. plea proide,tha!approxii-nata Vale frarneduring Which blsohduet Occurred.
From .(M/DpriY format or ivitYYYY) to (IvilDNYYrferniat or M/Yr019 - tpo Not Recall
h. The cetainee(s) treated in this WAY Were iddated at th tiifê in
2 r3 Tea4
3 0 Afghanistan
4 El Other Location
E1 Do Not Recall
I. Pleaseicientifytexietainee,(s) by 'name an number;
Nospacidptainge identified
I..PLeaSe identify the perSdri,(S)Vhb treated the detainee(S) in thts. 'Manner, including their
narne(s)and government:agencAies):
Do c not know specifics;
DOJOIG 000774
k. Please:identify any other FI personnel O -ibn-FBt-peitannel sWhOmbsetved detainee(s) treated
in This manner, inClUding their name(S) and agericy(ies):
Do not know -specifics
I. This conduct occurred in' contiectian with:
20 Several detalneeg.
3 0 many detaineet ,(More than 4),
4 Do Not Recall
m. (:Optional) Please describe therelev.arit circumstances in MOre detail
45. Subjecting a detainee -to bright flashing lights Or darkness
". • I. penally obserVed this cbriduct,
El YIL,ObserVed detainee(S) in a:conditionthat led me to believe thatthiS conduct had ,oCcUrred.
Ii C'. • Detainee(S) bid the that this conduct had occurred.
'd. El !Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I. have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
f. 121 I. heverobserved this conduct nor heard about it from someopewho did.
=40., ,IsOlating a detainee for an eXtended 'P.eriPct
a. 1E1 I tiersatially,observed t is:cotiduCt.
b.. • I. observeddetain'ed(S) ri a,COnd ition That led Me to believe:that this cot had ,OcCutred.
,C. El Detainee(s) told Me that this condud had ,occilifted..
d. II !Others Who obSerVed tiiisteridikt-deScribed it 'to rtie
e. • :I have relevant Information classified above ! ,SECRET".
f. •. IL never observed this .conduct nor heard a bout. it from :someonewha did.
g. Please prod t apprp mate time frame during
PrOm`l:33/2'062 to 071202 ElD6 Not Recall
h."The detainee(S)tregted in this way were located-at the tirne:in; 0:Guantanamo ,
DOJOIG 000775
, a flirfohatTigtan
4 1 Other LotatiOti Charleston
; 5 D DO Not Reda!!
Please' identify 'the rtetlinee(S) hy,friathe and number:
'arid 'iibil§-btheit- in :GIRO.
j: Please identify the person() who treeXed„ the detairig('s) in 'this: manner, including their
name(') and ,goVOrovept:agentiAte -s)::
VariOUS: DOD., Fin PersOnnel.
K. PIPAs0 identify-Por °that -, FBIperSonnel. or rietri-FOtporsOnnel:wng 90gqr\* cletaineets) treated
Eli this:manner, ificludir0 their harne(s).and agentY(18):
Same:as above.
I, This conduct :occurred in connection Alth: .
One detaine
detainees (2-4)
3 ki.) Many: detairieeSIMOre than 4)
40 D6 Not Recall
m. (OPtional) Please desCrIbe 'the 'relevant circumstances in rnore'detail:*
47:Using duct tape to restrain, gag, 'or punish a :detainee
. a., I I, pei-SOnallyAhServed this cOnduCt.
-. • tOh,served detairiee(s)' In a7Condition that led Me to believe 010.t.thi$ cbricluct, had baci.rred.
C'. El Detainee(S) told me that this, Conduct had ticturred.
' . • Other § who ollefvoct this tbrictUtt descriedittO Me.
. • I have relevant information tlaSsified abbve ":SECREr.
f. Ef I heifer obSeivedithis..toriduitt.hbf heard 'a briut it fhirrifStiitebrie'Who 'did.
;48; Using rapid response teams and/or forced cell extractions
a. II I personally observed this conduCt. ' .
'.., • ir cibServed ,detainee(s) in a condition' that, led me to balteite that this to ridu Ct had occurred
• Oetal nee(told me that this: Conduct had .,Occurred.
d. l Others Whb bbServed this. WO not described it to, me. , . , •
. • • 11 have relevant information classified above n,SECREr,
DOJOIG 000776
0 I never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did.
.g, Plpasp proylde the apprOximate time framed uring, which thiaconduct;occurred., .
Front (m/b.Y,WYy format or 01MyY) to ..(M/D/Yrff format Or 141/Yr/Y) EDO Not Recall
4, -.111q;detainee(s) treated in this way were located at the time irk;
110 ,c11.Pn,tarl9Plo
a 0 it,sf6h0)40,11
4 El Other LotatiOn
:5 0 Da.Not Recall
Pleaseidetitify`thesletainee(s) by name and, hurtlijer;
No,specific detainee identified.
1. Please identify the person(s),Who treated the detainee(e) in this manner,- including their
nameth);and gOVerrinient agencifflee)::
Dô ricit krioW.
1e. Please' identify atiscotlipr FBI, personnel or non-FBI personnel who observed detainee(4 treated'
in this. manner, Intluding their name(s) :and a9eney(lesr
UB Any personnel, do- not know names.
1, This:conduct -occurred in 'connection with::
i Q Qpedetainee
2 Q .goypr41 detainees (24)
3.0 Ma ny detainees (mtiCires. than 41
4: 0 Do Not -Rlecall ,
m. OptiOnal) i?iea$e.deSOlbe the relevant, OrtumStarigeS1 in triclreAetail:
4. IJsing a military working, dog ori =or near a detainee' other than during detainee transportation -
. • I' personally obServed thiSOriduct.
• r oboe'rv.ed,Otainopcs) it) :0'0:itd itioli that led me to. OM leVe-that -this 45ridutt ha, „- Otcurred. • D etainee told ,rne that this- tOridutt hagtoCturred. .
d. • Other&. Whii observed this tonduCt described it to. Me.
. • have releVarit InfOrriffatiOri classified above '!-,SECRET". „ .. .
. iZi' I never observed this.Conduct nal-, heard .abbtit it fronizOtneorie',Who, did.
DOJOIG 000777
5,6 threatening 'to Use military Working, clPg0‘on or near a detainee`
. III L persOnally"ObserVed this conduct. '
. n Labserved detaiiiee(S) In a,cand Man that led The to, believe that this, tanduct had "occurred. .
Detainee(s) told me that thiS canditct had occurred.
Others:who observed this conduct. described it to me.
'e. n I have relevant information classified above •'SECRETIL.
f. I never'observed, this 'conduct nor heat:debt* it from someone. who d id.
51. Using spiders) Scapions snakes, or other animals on or near 0 ,cletainee
. n I personally ObSerVed this,,Condutt.
b'. n LObterVed detainde(') in a-condition that led Th to believe thatthiS Corithitt had oCtutred.
{ c. , n Detainees) told tne that this conduct had occurred'.
id. n Others who obserVed this conduct deScribed it to me.
e. n f have relevant information classified above ISECIZET" ,.
f. 121, L never observed this-conduct norheard 'about, it from .someone who did.
52: Threatening to use,sOiders,, scorpions, snakes, or other a.nirria Is, on detaihoe
a. n I nerSon,alry'cibSerVed this'conduct. _ ,
b, n LobServeci:dethinee(S) in a-candition that led 'me to believe that This COrldUct had -bcdnited,
c. n Detainee(S) tad tile that this cOriduct had occurred.
d. n Others who obServed This conduct described it to Me.,
n I have relevant- information classified above "SECRET'.
f. El I never observed' this ,conduct nor'heard ,a bout it from someonewho did.
Z. Disrespectful:Statements; handling, oractions involving, the Koran
. n I OerSOnallyabSerVed thiS -candigt.
b. n I ObserVed.detained(t), in a :cond Nan that led Mk to befieVethatthiS:ebridittt had :oat' tred,
. n Detainee(s) ,thld 'hie that this coridnot had occurred.
DOJOIG 000778
• Others' who observed this conduct described It to ma
• L haVe relevant information classified above '!SECRET.
L neverobserved thls 'conduct nor heard about it from som,eone-who OK.
having a detainee's facial or other hair to ernbarrassor hUrnillate a detainee;
, • • I persoriallObServed thistoriduCt.
I.Observed detairiee(S). In a,cond Men that led me to belieVe that this COnduCt. had ,odturred.
• Detainee(s)161d enet this conduct had occurred.
• • Others who Observed this conductdescribed it to me.
- • have relevant Information classified above 'A81ECREr.
f. Ef 1, neverobserved this conduct nor heard -at it from, someone -Who did.
171l4tirig, a WPMan'sclothihg naçteainee
a. • I; 'perSOtialty ,abSerVed thisCendUct.
b. • I>Observed detainee(SI ina -c-OrlditiOn that led me to, believe that this, conduct had occurred.
e • :Detainee(s)tcild fne that this condutt had Occulted.
14. • iOthers who obserVed thiS conduct described it to "Ma,
e.. • I have relevant information' classified above "SECRET" ,.
i..f..". ..:. 21 1 nevercthserve6 this 'condl ilaiLi ll-921'2911F211S wl 1EIid.
56,, Touching adetainee or •acting toward: p: dot.aine10,4P0(144!rnoritipr
a . • I porsomy observed this,totitucl.
. • IbbserVed detainee(0) iiVad`Orid itiOri that led The to believe that:INS induct had rred.
. • Detal nee(s) , told the that this had occurred.
. . • Others, Who obSerVed this coridiktdestribed it to Me:
IN r haVeteleVarit inferrhatiOn ClaSSitied above '`,SECRET.
f. I I neverobserved thisconCiuot nor heard about it from-sOmeone.who did.
DOJOIG 000779
I ng,.cipta irii4ets). who:Nero, not offiCially'acIMoWledged Or registered as such bY fITIP AgPricY
- detaining
‘. • I. personaliyobserved this:conduct.
• 'observed" detainee(s) In 'a condition that led me to belleve`that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told ,me 0,41* conduct had :occurred.
'o" i
• others who observed this gond uctlescribed it to me., -
:, I I. have relevant inkrITIPtiOnelas,sified, atIove",ECRET"'.
f. r never ohSeryeci this COI -kip:0 nor heard 'a hopt: it frOtri:,40tri"Obtle who did:
,,5&. Sending a detainee tO another thrlitry for More aggressive interrogation
a. • r perSonally'-ebterved this,condbet. '
111 I 'observed detainee(s): In -a ,cond Mon tht led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred. • Detainee(s) tcild me that this cond uct had .accu lied. .
Others. who 'observed this conduct described it to rne.,
I have relevant le.g.miptign clp.4tiPci al;'9v "..,EgtET", •
Er I, nover.o.kserve4 this-conduct nor heard a boOt it frorrrsomeone Who did.
ThreateningtO $:@0,1 talnee 01-16,tbor-coumry• for det,fltirn or rne a9:91- ssfvo iiitOrro9tion
• • I Personally: obSerVedthiS col-Wie. ,
• III I observed detainee(s) in a conditlorrthat led mato believe that-this conduct had occurred..
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. • Others who observed this egric1,1,let, described It to me. ,
• I, ve Information: olasSified above 'SECRET.
. IR T. never observed thlS'conduct nor heard ;about It fronsomeoneWho did.
6O,. Threatening tø take a,ctiOn„againsta detainee's'
, • I perSOnally; observed 0% -conthict,
—, • r obSerVed.detairiee(s) in 3aCdod itiOn that led Me tO, belie/ e that This COndlict had bcCurred.
DOJOIG 000780
c • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e.. • V have -relevant trfgfrnqtion classified! PkoVe":SFCKT"'..
4 I neverobserved thistonduct ;nor heard -about it from' sopeoneWhP , did. .
Other treatment or adtiort causing $eYete eniotional psychological traurha to a detairide',.
. • L perkinally Ob Served this eondutt,
b, I I obserVeddetalnee(S) hi a condition that led me CO belieVe thatthis cOndutt .had bccuited:
-c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had _occurred: •
.. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me
. I . have relevant information, classified above "SECKT*.
t. Er T', Row- observed this mrctuct nor heard about it frprryscpeari,e-who WO,
:62. Other religious .or 'hatass,ment 'Or humiliation of a detainee
0 L parsorially‘Obsarited this Oriduct.
b. I obseried detainee(S) in a:cOndition that led the to, believelhat 'this cond het had occurred.
,.. I Detainee(s)-told rtie that this Conduct had ',occurred.
d, 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
0 I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
IA i neverobserved till's conduct ,nor hea rd -about it Irom_someonewho dià
O. Othqr:treatrherit of a detainee that In your OP_IrtiOrl W4unprofps,s1Orial, 1,41101V harsh cireggrernq,
coercive, abusive, or unlawful'
a. • I personally: observed this conduct.
b. I, Lobserved detainee(s) Ina-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
;-- • D!ilee(P) told rPe ... 1iPt Pl*c911duq, h*I'9ccYrrec!.
• Others who observed this conduCtdescribed It to me,
. • I, have relevant informatiOn clasSified above 1$tCRErc.
El t ne.varobserVed:thiPtoricill4 rfor heard about it from sP:Meone-WhP Oki ,
DOJOIG 000781
Eagir a\ti 4111
64. Did You Observe impersonation ,of FBI personnel bnyOne during an intehlieWorinterrogatiori of
a detainee?
0 Yes 0, No
,65. Did any detainee orOther ,PerSbn tell , yod thatche or she had witnessed theirdpersonation.of FBI
'personnel in connection with a detainee interview or interrogation?
0 Yes ®' No
66 Are you aware of any ".ShaM."' or 'stag ed" detainee Interviews- or interrOgations conducted for Members
of the, O.S. -CON ress'or their Staff?
0 Yes e No
TO' yOu r krioWledg e t -did any military Or intelligeriCe personnel ,eVer deny or-delay FBI access to a
detaineethe FBI Wanted to OtieStiOn beCaPsethe.detairiee had suttairied injuries after' he Was tatAtiredT
01405 C)No
'68. Did you eyer erid your participation in or observation: pra.defainee interview or interrogation
be(egse, of the interview or interrogation methods, being used?
Q Yes: ' Nip
.69. Were you ever told that another FBI employee ended his or her participation in or clbserliation -
detainee interview or interrogation because dine:interview or'interrogatfon methods being used?
O Yes ''No.
70.Duritig opy of Igor overseas Jorie r asSig.nrnentk did yOu. report - riy'cn-cOrri$ regarding
any :deta frit iriterVieW or interrogation practices, Of :other types of detainee treatrderit, to an .FBI
CI, Yes
71. During pny ofyOur-Oyerseps'defilOrnents or assignments, did 'ycto report any concerns regarding
any detainee. nterVieW or interrogation Wet-bees or other types of detainee treatment YO,0'
observed or heard about, ta-a non-FBt supervisor or other non-FBI p,ersonnell
Vet 0 No:
72, 1-lave you ever been ord ered qr direc1ed not to -report, or 'discouraged in any way from reporting,
observations dr a llegatiOn$, [Ma tO, detainee treatment interview Or interrogation actions or
Yes 'e NO
'75. Haveyou experienced :any acluai or threatened retaliation for reporting onseryatignsor -allegations
Of detainee treatnlent, or interview or interrogation actions or practices?
DOJOIG 000782
Yes '0' No
74. (Optiohal).131eSs faVide anYadditiOriat tOrritriefitS regarding the reponitvDf cOnCerrisi itiattd to,
interview, ô interrogation teChhiques t detention practiCes, brothe rdetainee treatment.,
75. Wereyou debriefed r otherthan thestandard debrief in FD- 5772,,, concerning your overseas
5?Iguillq:Itts) prikPLoW,111*) YOu:OOrnii'fttect fl OPIgYmPrItts)- qr
t> Yes' At) No,
75a. Who debriefed You?
DOD personnel.
75b. When and where did the debriefing(s) occur?
08/Z602-Wash ington LC
1,8t. Were you asked about :detainee detention or interView orihterrO9atioifr practices during 41 -0
Oyes 010-
Whet; other subjectswere covered during :your:debriefing (S)?
IntelligenCeValbe of interrOgationS
756 Was 'aan y dOCunietit, preparedtb rnOrrIcgralize".th.a.,d0 b, riefiri97
Q: yes ®No QbuNotlhow:
76, Additional COmrhents and RecornthendatiOns.;
Th.ankyou,fpr ypur c.opi;i0rat,,IPri eprripl Ong thi:squOtigrinalre
DOJOIG 000783
A. Personal Information
Department'of Justice Inspector General questionnaire Regarding Detainees
P:::n00,PI,TP;k4:0 -5 USE ONLY By x,Nroipot_ FBI RESPONDENTS
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00000334
As of Vie lest time this questionnaire, was saved, some required fields- have not been completed.
PleaSedreltieWybtir responses.
-1, First "lame
2. Middle tnitlaJ:
3. Last name:
4, Entered Oh Duty Date (EO[):
1$: tiarrent
"Current 10 title:
7. DireCHial offiCe.telephOne
:FBI . 011 Boric
-9? FBI 'POqertiCirnIXer:
ItY.•tieSt contact, number foryou.,: ,
B. Background of Specific Deploythents or Assignments
At /any the aftettSetiterriber 1:4 zooi r did you serVeat.a Mernber ó?XIiê U.S, Milithroari:
employee or contractor of the FBIor any other government agency.„'at .Guantanarno Bay( alba ., Iraq;
Afghanistan, or In areas controlled by the U.S. Military csr,a US intelligence service in -connection with the
gipbal 1,61Ar on terrol
Yes 0 NO
14 Wter the ',lumber Of tirnety00: Were dePloyed dr:assigned to.each, of the following 10-cations..
tpbantatiarrio Bay, CUbaj, Iraerk„Afg hariista n; or in any areas controlled by the,U.S. -Military: or a U.
intelligence srilo,01.:1-
For each deplOiiinent ciivasSignrilent complete thef011owing section.
DaiilerWnerrt as„s ignment b„ egan Oh* DeplOsirOOritOeigsNnneirt;ended, on
abote or about
. 08/01j2003 10130:12003
12a, Wilt was the:gKeral ooturo,o,no prpo$ oryourssignrnorit. and activitlo0
COridUct,iriterVieWs.,of tletaineeS,
1:111. Please providethe names df thespeCific.camps, base ,se or facilities where you .worked.
:c.1r11P, POO
14; NOM: If information About a tpacific camp, base, or fatilityis CIASSibed above SECRET,
pleaSetheCk here 0, include iti your ,ansliver that you have:"addit lonal information classified above
'SECRET, and/ if you knoWe IderitifytheelatSification:leVel, ticket, ;corn Part:tient, program, orother
cles'iangtiPnVP;.449,11p,5.19 -t4e:infOrnriatlon, Do not includethe-acicot!onojAssified information in your
DOJOIG 000784
5Pe4al Agent
Location **tone)
questionnaire- responses„ bIO: personnel with the necessary clearance wilt Contact you to receive it.- .
-PaMe, Posit ion
1.2.. Old )4,110ilitlY tattivtow or intetraOateeny detainee ykrith hon-f1 pet,lanneli
S8ArarriVed g `feW:days prior to My departurel t..7),_ 'ss,.. ...,...,..,._ , L....,.. :
. -.
O'Nts "o
--with, what kinds Of, n7f61 personnel did you work:jointly?
0 '.(11"F
7, lid 'QthrU.S. Military
O LJ:s. intelligence ag,ericy
O FOrolgn Military or intelligence-agency
0 Qthor
-12f. Did 'VOL! joint'y plan atiY:detainee intervieW -Or interrogation strategy,. objectives, "o(tactics With kin- ...
yBI personnel?
eyes =0, NO _
- ,
"With :what kiriddf non-FBI persOrinel did you work jOirltIVT
Other US. Military
0 U.S. intelligence agency a Foreign rnilitary or intelligence: agency
C 0 Other
- nn• /.7 n.{ • n•n n •nn ).• 1. V'
Wereyou. ever OtnerwiSe'involVed in detairreelnteryiawr interrogations witicnon-"FBi. personnel? .
Yes ti No
-711easedescrt,e: Worked with military Intel officers on P. limited basis,
;4 A
A. Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
13.. Did ydu reWVOany training; ; inStrattibh, or,d,iiidance SOedifiOallyinnyepa,ratiOri far antaf your
Overseas .dej314-rilents- or.aSsi4nrnentS7
O.Yes C5No O.D.a Not
14, 16' isrOpbratl'Ort f,01- any you oVerpeas. deptoroprits :or .bspignrrign,ts, :110 you recelAte,any Xraining 1
ififeadiatioxf-§idbnce Ci16.erning "thesta ndards of conduct aplicableto the
interview,, or interrogation-of Aetainees by FBI persOnne17"
„OYes ONo 1:515o `Not-Recall
DOJOIG 000785
15. In preparation for anrofyour overseas deplOyments or assignments, did you receive any training ;
f or guidance concerning -thestanclards of conduct applicable to-the treatment, instructipn
intervieWr Pr interrogation ofsietainees by non-PBI pqrsonnOl?
-01\10- OD0 tioe:Reball
16. In, preparation for anyof your overseas deployments -or ass, ignmentsedid you receive any training,
instruCtIon„.or:guidance concerning What you were -tsupposed,sto do if you observed or ,heard a bout,
thetreatnient,Intenitek Or ititerrOgatiOn'.Of detninee s FB) personnel, which you believed to
be inappeopriatef UnprofesSiorial,.doerdiver `abLiSiVe c -OrlirilaWful? ,
des ONO UEo Not,Recalt
li. Inpreparation for enyOf your OVerSeat dep loyments or a'st yOu. receive any training,
instruction or guidance concerning What you were supposed to do if you observed or heard about
the treatmerit r . intervieWi,or InterrogatiOnOf detainees by non -FBI neesonnel,. Which you 'b'elieved'
to be inappropriate; unprofessional, coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
°Yes 'ONo OP0 Nat Rec0 1
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
During any of -yourOverseas,.deployments or assignments ; did you ,receive any training, instruction,
orguidance.concerning the standards of conduct applicable td the interview; , or
interrogation of detainees by FBI pOrsOnnel?
Oyes ONo Ppo; Not Recall
1Düringanyofyour overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training, instruction,
or guidance 'concerning the standards 'of conduct applicle to the:treatment ' interview,,, or
interrogation 'of d eta ine0by nOn-F8I liersOnnel?
0Yes: 'ONo 006 Not Recall
During any your-overseas:deployments or assign rrienti dj Y9u., tra in ing:, instruction,
or gnidance-oonqerning 'OW you Were'ScIPP:0010. do .if you observed or hea rd1449i:it the
treatment,, interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel, Which you believed to be
inapProprialeg unprOfessional, Coettikie„, abuSive, or u I?'
:Oyes. . OD° Not: Recall
Zi. Doing any ofy0:00:ersoa:s-Oopiloyrnorits, Of a$SigrimentS',, tad you receive any Ir,dini,ng, instetrotiOn,,.
Orguidance.oncerning -what yob wereSUppOsed tO dolf you ,oliSerVed „or-harti libuf the
" treatment, interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personne14:Which'you believed to
ISqlrlaPProlITON'i PriProT9;s0011P!,,-co@richMe4414*,91"1-1111 ruJ7
DOJOIG 000786
1.1Yes ,ONo -0to Not kepi!
G. Adequacy of Trani ng
• YOProPi6itifl, liESiau. WON -0a0cPae. treiriinV, ihttrttotiOrk,:or sguiiiarKe relatlf10,W •tatidard -sojnduat
b .FBI:and ‘non-FBI'peTsOhnel relating to treatment / inferyiew, or iriterfogatidn Af
detainees- prior to your'deployrnent -or assignment?
• CY Yes P• No
.2Z& Plea'se. deStrillethe. which yotr :6;e1,1ev.e the t1nig, inst NOON, Or ;0 uida tiCe was
. Therewa5 none
23.Ih yotir •nlijiori, did. y:ou fetelve:adeqUate ttaining, instnidtionr ,bi-gUidance felaing- to:standard§
COndUCt by 'MI :and nan-FBInerSonnel,relatik to treatment ; 'inten'ileWi2or interOgatiOnbf
detainees 'during your deployment or assfgnment?
-Yes O. No
..... - -
: 2,3a. Please des6i-ibelheokeye S.,iri Which-y;(30 believe the tfaininp rinstruaidei or ;guidance wa
inadeqUate; •
lfve ,vvere :given, conflicting .training In: that Itr. -was encouraged' we act-as' a team wit.b011
intelligence .-agencies and the.rnillitarY: Tn faCti:everil'MOPY W134diciir. 1X rPeefirlOS Where the military
OUtilhed tactic/sand tethrilques that :Were' the ffiti.SteffettIVe. on 9ettinp• Infarnatkin from the d'etalnifet.
2.4.16 wuropinion,:did ygu receive -P:sleguate, tralning, tostructIoni or gulgance congernitng what you
were WpRosed t, do if you pbserved or heard about the 'treatment, interVieWAt interrogation of
detains,oyFBI T nor'-FBI pOrtOnnel, that you belleVed Was itiapprootiate:r UnprofeSSIOnal,
'coercive, abusive• , or unlawful?
YeS '0 NQ
24. PleaSedeSerib.e:the WaYsin Which yOu bellete :we training, irigrootionlor uis
There was:none-
2.5.. ,(Optionaps iii whet Ways can the FBI irtiprove traihin0:Ohthissublect fOr Kihire deploymentsht.
JD. ‘Cqmments
26, i=le0Ae Provide:06Y 0dditioneiinfotryi‘tiott . conegrning training for PAreeks 'IdeP1PYment0 Or
assigniterits 'of FBI: personnel you yelioyo‘ is. Itlevaht..
Introduction p4 Part ]II n thi5•:POcticfri, 1Ng Or4:001011,g infOrmg911 TegdLflg viige range gr
DOJOIG 000787
iPkrYjew or iptrt:Pgatipn tegilnqps and other types of :detainee treatment el leged to have occu red,
You should „noxssurrte, ii-i,St.ttePP.Ps0'iNelareasking about p particular 'fedi nig ug or practice, that Ave 'have
COnclUded. that itin fact occurred We recognize that some of these techniques or 'practices may at times
riecesSary for,safety and Seditity in :a '..detention setting-. tivadditteh1 r3Ate recitifizethaessothe of these
techniques 'orp ractices! may have been authorized for use by military or other government personnel.
With respett to eath identified, teChnielue, P"rattit, or type of COnduCt described below, we are 'Seeking
inforniatiOna itsbecurreffee 'dor* 0i7',connection With-the intervieW, Or iriteirogation of a
,detailieer or dining, the detention otadetainee beyond What i&'needed for safety. and security'.
'In that context,.'wo will' ask y,pu 'to tfl us whether one :or more of thefollovvIng statements are true:
1, I perSOnally:ObserVed thiS',COncluCt.
1,ObserVed detainee0 in a condition that led me to believe thatIhisCOriducti had occurred.,
Detainee() told nie that this .cOnduethad occtirred..
4. Others who observed thisconduct ,described it to rpe;
5. I have relevant Information classified abote.ns.ECREr.
OS; r 004' observed this Conduct nor heard about it, ft0M:ompono,whA did,
be riving a ,detainee: orfOod or water
• I personally observed this Conduct.
b. • LobServ,ed detainee(s):ina:Conditio,n that, led „me to believe thatthis tond,Uct had ocairred
c. 0. Detainee(S), told, me that this ConduCt had Occurred. • Others Who 013-served this cprithictdescrihed it to ma.
. • I have relevant inforniation tlaStified a boVel!.aEcRET''.
f. Ei I never observed thisCOntiuct nor heard a bout it frOrri-orritOriVhA did
Depriving 'adetalnee of cbthing
IIII T personally observed this conduct. • I-observed detainee(s) Ini,a 'condition that led me to believe that this coriduct, had faccurred„
c.; • betainee(S)tOld rad 'that thiScond,ua had, occurred. .
d. I Ot herS Who obServed -tfk eOricipCt, 0eScribed
.. • I, have rote‘i.arit infortnation classified above i',Sf..CkEtn'.,
f: lir never obie- iiad, this ,conduct nor heard .about it from someone .-i_n. lib:did:
:24921ekrivinfaxidtainee orSled - ting sleep by frecUeht cell rebtaticins„orcither methods
DOJOIG 000788
a. 121. F personally observed thisxonduct,
b. El lobserved detainee(s) in a-condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred,
• Detainee(s) , tOld :me that this conductad Occurred.
riirioihers:wrio 011served this .coricitia‘describeci it to me:
r have 'relevant information classified above 4' • %ttEris
• 1 heyorob,ser9ea thIS:CCitiduct nor heard :a bout it from::scirnepnewho did.
g. Please, prOVIde Thp. ap prpii Mate time frame du ring which this Rom' (M(D/YYYY format or MNYYY) -tb "(M/DMYrforrnat or ,MIYVY)- Obo Not Recall
h. The 'detainee(s) treated in this WO were Located t'the time in
I :_QUariteriertiO.
20 Iraq
a 0 ,Af9haniStan
:4 aother Location
Po- 00 'RecPII
I, Please identify thedetainee(s)- by 'name and number:
, can't 'recall, It was:called the frequentflyer program
1. *age identify the parson i.Sj 'who treated rhp; riataineg:(S) In "this, Manner, including their
name(s)and ,gOVernitieritagencYties):
the program was run by the .military-psyops ,
k. Please ideritifYanyOtlier FBI personnel or noir-FBI',Personnel whe_observed detainetts) treated
in this manner., including their name(s) and agency(ies):
ric41r,rg1 in connection with:
•i lc) •orie,daairie
2 Q ;Several detainees, (2:4)
3 O. Many: detainees 'crribre than 0,
4 DDcI'4ot Rell
(Otitional)PlaaSe deScribe,the:itlavalit eir6' .irriStanCes in moidetaii:'
:-J0,,:Beattng a detainee
a. • I personally ObserVed thiOntitiCt. ,
„b. • IbbserVethdetaitied(0 in a ;d3fid itiOrft,hat led Me to belieVe that thiS CciritlUOt had teCUrred,
• Detairiee(S) ,tdid fil'e that thiS:Corid'utt had ,OCeitirriad.
d. 111 Others who Observed this tonclact,d0sCribed it tä hie.
DOJOIG 000789
• I have relevant Information' classified above 'SECRET".
r: never observed this ;conduct nor heard about it from'someone who did.
1. Using water7tO prevent - breathing by a :detainee ;or to create the sensation of trow.ning
II II grsbrialtyobseryed this.:CondUct.
b. ID I Observed. detainee(0. in a:condition'that led tne to believe thaethiS tontltiet 'had -dOetirred,
. • Detainee(s) told hie that tbi§,tatidlitt had .(kciltrad.
'd. a Others who observed this conduct described it to me
e., • I have relevant Information classified above, "SECRET'.
f. Ri 'I never observed this„conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. .
Using bands, ropet ot anything-else to .choke or strangle a detainee .
a. • I: personally obSerVed this Coridtiot.
b. • Ibbserved detainee(s) in a.COrid MO that led me to belieVe that' this COnduCt had OetUite ..
c. • Detainee(s) told 'tit that tritcoxiditct had ,OccUrred.
d. • OthetS Who observed This mind uct described it to Me.
e. II I haVe rel6Vant iriformatiorr ClaSSified eboVe "SECRET"-.
-, Ei I never observed thisiconduct nor heard'about-it from someoneWho did.
Threatening -other actionloicauSe: h sical inju d isfigur.ernent, or 'death
• • it personally observed this danduCt,
. • 1 observed detainee(s) in a ";cordititinthat led Me to believe that this conduct had bcCurred.
-^ 1
• 1 etai'ns told -Me that thiS conduct had -deturted.
d , • lOthet-Swilb obSetVed thiSCOnduCt desdribed it to. hie.
6. 0 ti- haVe releVatit infortnation ClaSsified a boVe. 'SECRET''.
f. El neVerbbberVed thiS,CondOCt .nOt‘ heard a boat it'horn -SOniaohe iiho. did.
DOJOIG 000790
'34. Other treatitent OI WOO ta-uting significant physical pain Or injury, Or sin aistioutemota o:r
• L perspriallyobserved this conduct.
;. • i 'observed cletainee(S). in .a 'condition that fed me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred.
c. • Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
, • Others, who observed this conduct described It to Me,
e. • I haVe relevant infOritOtietil tia$$Ifie:c1 'bb,iie "S.EtREIT .
, : El 1,n:eVer ObServed this„cOnduCt norheard eboUt it from ,,sorneOrie iAkid did.
35._ Placing a detainee n hdt Surface or burning a detainee . .
- • , 1: personally observed this conduct;
• • ropsery,pcidetainee(s); in a"cond Rion that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. • betainteW told :rne that this: ccmcluct had 'occurred.
• • Others, WO .12bPerlt:Oci this conduct described it to. rrie.'
f have relevant InfOrmatIon. 1,0ssiftpd OPYP-:'..kE7r...
rA I heYet,011tetlied this:cOncutt nor - heard about it from SOrtiedrieWhO: did.
36. ,U.Sing shackles f OtherreStraitits in a " rifildn'ed-rnaintier
• r, personally.observed this conduct.
• I observed detainee(s) . in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had -occurred..,
c: • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occUrred.
Cithers who ohserved this conduct described it to rne.,, .
im, L have relevant inforrnation classified above :''',$•EtRobj ''.
I never observed thiSoonduct nor heard ,a I:put it frOrris sgmOnp:Wht),:ciiii.
"37. ReqUitirfg a detaineetd Maintain,. or itAraining a ,detaineein„,a stressful r painfullpositiOn
a. Et L personally' observed this,condUct.
, • Lobserxed detainee(s) in a:condition that led me to bellevet hat;this conduct had occurred. -
• lletainee(s) tdld 'me that this conduct had 'occurred. .
DOJOIG 000791
d. • Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me.,
e. • I- have relevant information classified above 'SECRET'''.
f. • tnevei-,obseryed, thiS conduct nor heard ,about it frortrsomeonewho did„
g. Please provide' the approWnete time °frame d h ring, which thfq:'conduct occurred.
ErOTTI (m/bi'rtY't fQrrflt or ItYYYY5 otM1P/YWYfgrnlat Or WNW) EiDo Not Recall
de.011.1 .0$) treAtod, In this way were lOCated te time in::
•2 CI Iraq
3, 0 Afghanistan
4 0 Other Location
Do Not Recall
•I. Please id.ehtify," the,detainee(S) by name and raini ben
:cannot recall
j. Please Identify the pgi7port(s):vto treated the, detagN In this mermen,. including their
'hente(s) and, Oci,Vetnnientagehey(les),:
Marine Ca teln stated It Was 'a ,cAtiltricinly used 'and ajlpteved tactic called shOrtchain„ His last
k. 'PleaSe- identify any Other FBI PeitOnnel kir non-FBI personnel whO:obSerVed detainee(sy, treated
including their name(s) and agency(les),:
I. Tills conduct.ot-Ciirred in COntiectiOn
:One detainee
0 SeVetal detainees(2-4)
3 0 Mai* detainees- mOre than 4):
40 Do Not ,Recall ,
rti. (Optional) Please de&.crlbathe-relevent Clithmstahces - in More detail:
I ,had eSked the,CaptairifOr assistance withy th,e ,:inteNieW of a ,detainee who I belieVed had
information an&Was.not.cooperating. Arthe,contlaSidn of the Session .. We.e)tited the IntervieW -
, room to dis,cusslu itherefforts,lihichtirtie
Srat which tin
suggested 5Stiort, chaining't the dOaine.
asked What it Wa
!Tiered the,guVrcl to the ciotainee. The
guards wp.kthe.thatqrcitri the',de:tain0e, laid hirri On hi S "side and shortened his belly Chain So he
„could nt stand. up, 1Jvas,,asSuted :the detainee Was -not in pain and thiS .waen apPitived :tat*
which was used •often. I was alSoassured the detainee would' bewatChed by the guard's, if any
, prpb1proqco.Jr(gd.The Øe.tajnee did not appear to be in any pain, in.'fact 'tie fell asleep,. I was not
:(0,infortableWith this tactic, $.0 t requested that the quaO's`tOY,Mint, e:ab4 return the detaineeto
his cell. 'The ghard s Com olied „ the detainee Aid riCtappear Win diStretS, fie had been in the
intetrogatiOniciom fat 3 .holirs. The g herds d -id relay:to trie that the detainee had urinated while
short chained. I- informed' 1pf thislect, and he, stated that thp.detaj had made-a mistake,
DOJOIG 000792
that when 'detainees were short chained they tArere allowed bathitorri breaks.
38. FQtdn'g 'detainee; to 'petioftn derriandin'g p,hySital:exertiSe
CII° personally observed this conduct.
• • Lobserved detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had nccurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• • Others whOpOserved this conduct described itto me:,
- • I, have relevant information classified a bove t'sWaErh.
El I np,e' r. 0,bwvel tijis toriCIppt .norbeard :a bqut it ,frpro sqn10,,M whc)(1,id,.
9. thing O'ectri(01 sheck,:on a detainee
a. IN I pet:Serially Observed thiS CendUct.
b. • Lobservecidetainee(s) In a carditinthat led Me to believe thatthiS Cond ad had Occiirreci.
c; 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. •
d, El Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
. • 'I have relevant infOrmatIon classified above ' 15,E(R0'.
WI never observed:this conduct nor heard about' it from someope who: did.
40. Threatenin ouse electrical ,shock en a detainee
, .
• 1 PetsenallyebserVed this Conduct.
Ii. • it observed detainee(s) in a ,ccind itien that led me to belleVe thatthiS Conduct had :otturred
0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
El Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
. . • I:tipve relevant information classified above "uCRTTP.,
Et I never (*Serval this conduct nor heard about It from, someone wile d id,
41. .Intentionally delaying :ordenying detaineerriediCal tare
a. • I personalty Observed thisCendtitt
b; • I,obServed; detainee(t) in a-coriditien that led me to belleVe that this conduct had 6:CCU ited.
DOJOIG 000793
d. • Detainee(s) tolde that this conduct had:occurred. -
th D Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e • r have relevant information classified above 'SECRET!'.
f.: I 1 never observed glive9rouo.norlIpa.rci aboutit frprrt,someone who, did.
42. Hooding or ()Iindfolcling a ;detqitlee 9:ther than ,during transportation
a . III L perSonally observed thiaCandutt.
1 • I ob.serVed-cletainee(s)in a condition that led me to belieVe that this conduct had occUrred.. Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had D.ccurred, . rig: lathers who observed this conduct described It to me. .
el II I have selevant informationclasSified above "-SO12.0"', a Et t_ neyer observo this conduct nor heard about it from someone Who did.
Subjecting a detainee to extremely cold or hot room teniperatiresJcir ekterided periods
a. • L personally-observed thls, cOnduct. -
h. I Dotiserveddetainee(s) Ina:condition that led me to. believe thatthis conduct had Ociiiifred.,
C. • Detainee(s) , told me that this conduct had .O.ccOi =k)d.
d. • Others- who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above 'SECRET.
. lif r neverobserved this 'conduct nor herd-about it from :sorneonewho dia.
44. Subjecting a detainee to loud music
a. • LpersonallObSerVed this conduct.
b. 0 I:observed. detainee(SY• In a:CoriditiOn that led rrie to. belleVe thatthiS COnd'utt, had,aCtuited.,
d. • Detainee(s). tOld the that this COndikt had oedirred.
di E °theft *tib Ob.setVed lli-iS candUadesCrib.ed It to hie. "
e. • I have relevant Information classified above SECRET -%
f, IZ, Ir never observedthis.conduct nor - heard about it from someonewho did..
OIGQ-0 0 0794
DOJOIG 000794
145. `$0)6aipo de.t iieto bright flashin i9httr darknesS
a. • r p,eradrially observed thiScondikt. ,
, • Observed dethIneek0 in a cond Moil that led the to belleVe that ConduCt had occurred,
• Detainee(s) -told me that this conduct had occurred.
II Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• I have relevant:information classified above
a I. glyroeryec1 0-11 couidi-ict nor heard about : it from 'Wriln who cPci,
46. 'Isolating a; detainee for an eXtended, period
a. • I perstinal&- ObserVed this COnClitert,
b'. • LobserVed,detainee(S) in a.tbind itiOnthat led 'me to, belleVe that 'this conduat had Occdried.
e. • Detainee(SytOld me that this Conduct had odurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. III rhave relevant information classified a boVe P,S;EOREPL.
''. i I neverobserved this ,conciuct nor heard about it from ,someonewho did,
47 :0$fug: duct tape' to restrain, gag', or punish a detakiee
• 1 petsonallyobserved this toridutt.
a •


LObserved-detairiee(S): iri ,adonditiOn that led Tine to belieVe -that thfS conduct had OccUtred,
Detainee(t) teld me that thiS candUdt had ,OCCUrred,
Others who observed this conductdescribed It to me.
L have relevarit Information clasSified above 'tSECFET:
!leve -observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
tising raid res onse teams and/-Ot forced 'cell extractions,
a, I I personallyObserVed this col- 'duct.
b. I ',Observed detainee(s), in 'adond ition that led mete), betieVe ',that' this Conduct, had -octurred.1
DOJOIG 000795
c. • Detalnee(s)told me that this conduct had - 0C-cu rred.
d, • Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • r have relevant Inforirgob c.1 ,si-f1Pcl Ell?ov HS.FRP-'•
RI I never observed tWconduct nor heard :about it from,sOmeOhe who cli0,
4.%. .U019, , ita ry, working 04 on or 'near adetipee other than, 0 Pring tietothee tronsportotiotr
a. EL persOnally ObServed this„condUct.
b. I;obserVed detainee(s) in a Core Mon that led me to believe that this do:tick:id had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
• ,IO thers who observed this conduct described It to ma
• , have relevant Information : classified above "SECRET"-, ,
f. El II never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did,
5Q: Threatening to use militant' workinidogs op- or near a detainee
• iL personally:observed this Ondutt.
b. • 1,r-observed detainee(s) in a.conditioh that led Me to believe that' this conduCt had occutred.
c. II iDetainee(s) , told Me thafthiS conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to: ma
. . • I. have relevant information classified above "'SECRET".
f, 121 II, nev,erobserved this conduct nor heinzi.obout it 'from som eonewho did.
Usin9 spiders, ;storpiorts shal " . • L ON-Sohall9 ObS,erVed thiSCondutt.
• IObserved 'cletairiee(s) In a:Condition that led .me to belleVe thatithiS cOndlitt had cdeurred.
c. • Detainee(s)'tbld nie that this CohditCt had occurred. . . .
-d. . • Others Who Obsertied thiS. coriductsiektited it tO tine.
e. • I have relevant information' classified 'above "SECRET. -
f. 0 L never observed this 'conduct nor heard ebb* it from sorneOrie- 019 cli •
DOJOIG 000796
51 3hreatehih to ;use, iders Sco iOnS, snakes Or other a riftnalS On a detainee
. . III I personally observed thiSb:MdUCt.
• rbbserved detained(S) in .axond Non that led ine to, belleVe that this condLidt had OccUrred,
• Defainee(s)Iold me that this conduct had occurred.
III Others who 'observed this conduct described it to me.
I r have releyarit trfPirn4t19 11 classified ?„bP,/' '$R EJ %
0, T,EIITT-9.05qYed this conc14ct,P0141:4!)-91-ft it fnin;sorsie.PP-Vf9 did.
3. Disrespectful statements, handling, or actions involving the Koran'
. • I personally obSerVed this cbridUtt.
• ',observed detainee(s) in a-Cobdition'that led me to, belleVe that:this conduct had be:cared.
c: • Detaineetsytdid me that this Conduct had .occurred.
d, • Others who observed this conduct described It to me:
e. II I have relevant information classified a bove
El I neverobserved this=conduct norheard about it from sorneonewho did,
4: Shaving e detainee's facial Or other .hair to, erribarrOSs‘-a haniliafe: .detairiee,
a. • .
if, personallyobserved this conduct.
b,, • LobSerVeddetaineecs) in a„conditiOrahat ledlne tO believe that:thiSICOndUct. had OCCUrred.
,c, • ,Detaihee(s) tald-me that thiS toriduCt had :OCturreci".
d. III Others who 'observed this cond uctdescribal it to me.
e., • I, have relevant information classified above ":SECRET*.
El I; PPvci7 01),serVed, 0hi . conduct nor: heard -about it from, someone who d id,
Medina a wpmpn'sclosthipg on a:detainee
0 T. personally ObserVed.tbiSCOridubt,
b. • Lobserved detainee(Sy in a ,cOnditiorthat led ine to, believe thatthis conduct had ,Cidtared.
DOJOIG 000797
, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
di I Others; who observed this conduct described it to me:
e.. • I' have relevant information classified 09ve ,,gc.,Kr.,
'f. El I neveroOserved thisicondupt ,nor 1):Pard '090 it frOrnigoIneOrieli,vtio clid ,
,54.: Touching a detairieedreCtirig toward a detainee in - a' seXual Manner
a. ill I peitorialiyObSerVed thiScOndUct.
b. • IobserVeddetainee(S) in .a:coridition that led me to belieVe thatthis dcindOct had OCcurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred:
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
'e. • I, have relevant information classified above - "SEOREr% .
.. El Ineyerot?serVed this 'conduct nor heard about, it from someone Who did..
Rolcling-4etaineets) who :were not offitialWaCknoWiedgeri or registered, such by:theagency
:ktaining the person..
a: II I: personally observed this conduit.
b. I I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had !oeckgred,.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to' me.
, • I have relevant information classified above ''S:EC,FtEr.,
f: El 1 never observed: thlS"CorldOct nor heard ,a OW it from sohieph who did.
$eiding"-a detainee to, another country for more-aggressive interrogation
• r perSbnallyObsei-ved thiS conduct.
b, • Lobserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s)-told rne that this conduct had oscurred.
.. • Others who observed this conductdescrlhed It to me.
e. • I. have.relevant informatiOn clasSified above "SECRET
. : El F neyer 9,4qent,ad, this ,conduct:nor heard 'about it fronrs4imeope1Who did.
DOJOIG 000798
59. Thteateriing to send a detainee to another t buritril. , for detentioh„or:trititeagfre.SsiVe ititerrbgatibri
I. personally observed this conduct . .
I observed detainge(s) in .a'cond ition that 161 me to believe that' this conduct had occurred.,
• a0aineg(s)-tolci me that this conduct had Occurred. ,
• Other who observed this conduct desCribed it to me..
e. II I' have releVantinfOrtriation tlaS°Siffed a bOV.e, "OkEr".
I. never observed this onduCt nor heard about it from someone who ottd.
'GO. Thteat0iir1y tO t*- 1(A action against a tietaiheo'§,family
'. • I. personally- observed: this 'conduct.
bi, • Iobserveddetaineets), in a:gond ition-that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c.. 0 Detainee(sitold :me that this, tand.uct had :occur,,
, • ottirs, who observed this cOncljIct described it :tq, rrio',
II T' have relevant information, classified above "2$ET".
f. 0 I, rievetOlitetVed, t.his'IcOntRiOt nor heard about it frOM:80theorre Whti did,
61 ‘Other treatment or actin' causing Se'vere emotional or pSyCholO0'ial traurna to adetainee
El I personally observed this -conduct.
• r; observed detaineeW in ,a7cohditiort -thait led me to believe ti at5this conduct had 'occurred.
c. • Oetainee(cs):tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
'ci . • Othars, who 912W:vg0;thiP Orldlictdascril* it tg Ma,
', • I' have relevant Information classified above '' :8:tR:Ert.
121 I this not- heard 'about it from'SOnieOne who did.
62. -Other' TellOidus,ot :Sexua litiatasS,Ment or humiliation Of 'a detainee.
a. I=1 personalty observed' thiSconduct.
DOJOIG 000799
:P T
D-TtAl N E
- , • Lobserved -detalnee(s), In a condition that led me to believe that thls conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred. , • Others who observed this conduct-described it, to me:,
e. ' • I have reievani 1,nformation, olassjfied above "SECRET%
f, Ri 1, ney,erobserved: this ,conduot nor heard about it from someone: who cud.
et a detainee that Jn YOUr opiriion was uriprbfel$0j001, n Lily" harsil or .010 re§s,ive,
t,o0e1tiVe, 'abliSive, Or unlawful.
a; • I personallyobserved this 'conduct.
• 'I obsseryed detainee(s) in eicond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
II Detainee(s) told rne tilat this conduct had occurred. ,.. • • Others who -ohserVed this conduCtAles,cribecl it. to mq.
- 0 j have relevant inforrnatioir classified a bOy'.
J I neNfer observed thiSOndua nor 'heard liont it from sOrrieOne who did.
64. Did you Observe any impersonation of FBI personnelby anyone during' an intervieWOr interrogation Of
'0 "Yes 0 No
;'65.„ D I d anydetainee &Other pertOn tell you that, he Or shenad WithesSed the impersonation of FBI
"PerSdnnel in connection with adethinee-intervieW or interrogation?
0 Yes. 0 No- ,
.66., 'Are you aware of any"sham'__',or "Apge0" cietploopiiritPrO* or interrogations for Members
of theu,.:a.,.Co-ngressor their staff?
Ove 0- No.
*your knowledgei. did any military or intelligence,personhel, ever deny or -delay n;iacCeSs to a
detainee the FBI Wanted to question because the.,d,etainee:hed sustained injuries after he was captured?
0,YeS, ONo-
68', Old you ever 'end your participation in or observationof a detainee' interview, or interrogation
DOJOIG 000800
because ,of the friterviv , or interrogation methods', being used's?'
6'. Yes ®- Na
6,9N/00 ypu 04141,010 that another FBLetnploYee ended his or her participation in or observation of, a
'atairiee; inte,i-ViW pr interrog akin betai.46 Of tile iiiterVieVit OrititOrOgatibli rtiahOd& being used?'
0. Yes ' -0 NO
7i. puring any:of -you roverseas deployments or assignments; did 'you report, any,concerns„regarding
,any d eta inee, interview OrinterrogatiOn practices, or*r p,,$ of tiAoirie6,±mAtm*Oli, itx an ‘tEST
yog ID NO
71, Our,iryj zany of yotg. overseas 'deployrpnt .s orassig nrnetriN4 4id you reppj1 ar)yconcerns regard in
any Tqtpin'eo, -fritOr0 ,or interrogation practices o otherSypes, of detainee. treatment you
observed or heard about, to -0 non-FBI $up,orykor, or other hPh-FB.1 personnel?
72. Have you ever been ordered ordirected not to report, or d iscou raged in any way from reporting,
observations or allegation's related to detainee treatment or it-item/1.W or interrogation actions; or
Have you experienced any actual or threatened retaliation for reporting observations or allegation's
of.detainee treatment or interview, or interrogation actions or practices1
O. Yes, -(5' No
74. (C:IptIOnal) , Please provide anyadditional comments regarding theYeportIng of concerns related tO.
interview or interrogation techniques, detention practices, or othertietalhee treatment.
75'. 'Were:you debriefed ( other than .. .the standard debrief 'in Fp,77Z concerning Y,Pqr overseas
A5sighment(s) or dA419YthOriics1 after you ,P9mPle'ted the dePIPYriVilf(s). or assignment?
0: yes: 0 i4q
70. Ad ditiOnal COrnrrierits:: P.fid R.Orrirndfid -tioris:„
Tba,nKycw 'for yourcooperation. OIGQ-00080 1
DOJOIG 000801
A, Personal'Inforrnation
Department of justice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: tdst-00000806
As 011ie last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields,havp, not been completed.
PleasereVieini yoUr responSe:s ,
PleaseiniVidethef011dwing infOrMatiOn:
1. First Herne
2. Middle Initial:
:S. Last name:.
4.: Entered. tin Duty Date (E015):
5:- Current Division/Field Office;
0, -currept job title;
7: DitectAal bffiCeZtelephOne number:
FBI tell fihOrie number:
9. FBI pager:number.'
10. 'est co ntaCt; riU m ber for you IB. Background of Specific DtplOyirttelits, ot Assignments
11. At ariy time afterSePterriber 11, 2001, did ydu setae aSä Mei-rib& of the,U. Military, or aS
employee ;or contractor of the. FBI:or any other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay, cuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled by the U S Military or a U S intelligence service in connection 'with the
global raven terror?
0 Yes 0 NG
.. .
12. ' the .00 mberOf tinlesy00, were 0015100 or at $i,grfeti' tOeach 'Of the4OiloWing toCationS,
taiantariarrio Bay,: 'Cuba.; Ireq:,Afigha nistan; ;or Trial -fir areas co ritrOi led by the.U.S*. -Military ova U.E.
in.t.elligglice serite):1'
Ft:1w each deployment tireSsignthent .complete The following SeCtion.
Lc*"4109!) Cs014t 0.1i0 DePIaYrriOlit' or as signment ' began 0 lo ratio,
tit - -
tiep,Iiiivr4nt or Assidripiciiii, ended on .,
, or Op ut,,
tIratr. ' ' 10/31/2003: . . 01115./2004
12a. What Was the :geherai 'nature and Ru-rptiA, ofyour asSig rirrieritan4 a4ivitig?
ROffition 5, C.ocintr TërorishI IriVestigatio,hS
111). Please proyidethe.names Of the:specific camps, bases, or facilities where you 'worked.
toalitionel4ayisional.Authority,, Baghdad IneiAirport,:carrip Victory, Abu dbatib-
12c koio- If information about a .,:sPecific §t„elft:ET,
please here Cl, include in yOur answer that you haYatidftronal information elpitttl ,a.ILidye
SE-CRET,7 and, if you krioW, identify 'the,claSeSification.leYel, tiCket, COMPartrhent, ,prOg ram, OrOtfier
designation that applies to the (nformation., pcx, not include tne ,additidnat:Olassified infOrmation Jr) your
DOJOIG 000802
Special Agent
qUestiOnnaire -response% DI-6 personnel With the: necessary clearance will Contact you to .receive it.
;Name , 'Positio. „n ,,
41Worthindto.'n , 'SA(
42e, old YOP"j:OiritIV intorviow-0t ititordpord any detainee with ribri-ri3j PerSOfinet? ,.
- WitErwlipt Icityls of ion-FBI personnel did 'yOU yttorkjointiy?' . .., .
, , ... .
..... rn-• .•n• gr. ro. /ow, ••n ".• ....... no4 ••n• ........ n••• 1.n n••• .•••• •••••
lit intly plan:any detainee Interview or Interrogation:strategy,. objectives, or tactics with -
pe,r s onnel? FBI personel?
0` Yes :0 No
12g. Were you ever otherwise involved in detainee'. interviews or with riOn.:::FBt Vets,c2innOn ,
0- Yes =c) No
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
13, Did. you :receive any training r 'instructidri, idarice specifically 'in: preparatiOn for pny'of ygr
bVerSeaS:d_ePlOYMentS or aSsignmentS -?,
Yes 0,1\10 :One 11/416t Recall
13a. Who: pre:A/Med this tfaining„, iriStniction, or Mtddit'EaSterri .Utiit,
LW Describe the subject on which received this training, instruction or guidance,
I wasOn the advanced team for Rotation 5. I was provided Es and FD,302:s to review.:
I was 'Armed of the investigative 'priorities: in Iraq at the tlI k.
0 Yes, Q116 eEkb Not, Recall
preparation) for any' of your overseas. deployments o -asOgnments,:cliiiyoujpiya,any :tralro
instruction, cir ',guidance concerning the,StantlardPf Co rid uct applicable to :tbd-;tteatt-wenf,
triterviw, or interrogation of detainees by lion-FBI pets,obil017-
0No. ODo libtReball
16. In preparation. for any ;of your overseaS depipyrneritS ,Or S$,IgrItr#F4 10' yoLi rq-cOve,any training,
triStrgetioh,'Or Oidance concerning what .you Were supposed 10 do f you observed or heard, 'a bout
DOJOIG 000803
1Zi'9,ther U.S. Military
0:$. intelligence agerity
FOreign Military, or intelligenceagericy
0 Other
the treatrneritiinterview, or interrogationof cl*Irriee by F,at personnel, which you leye to
be inappropriate, unrofes1onal, Oercive, -ablztive, or unlawful?
°Yes 11)-0 Not:"Retwi.
17.111 preparation for anyof your overseas deployments or assignments,. did you receive any training,.
iP*POtionfOr.Widarl.ce concerning what you were supposed t do if you -01,)gq0/0 or heard bout
the treatment, or interVOation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, which you believed'
"tole inaOroPriaterlinProfeSsional,.ccietchie, abusiVe, o iffilawfUl7
Oyes D-No. :0Db Not:Redall
IB. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18, During any Oryout overses.debloyment or aSSignmentt, did YOu teCeiVe any training, instruCtiOh L
.cOndud applicable tb, the.treatrhent ; interview. or or gUidance.Concerning theStaridards of
interrogation of detainees by PST personnel?
Oyes: ,C) : D9]Ot, RecaiJ
t9. During any of your.Werseasdebloytherit-S or aSSigi -irrientS, did you receive anY training, inStitittiOr4
dr guidaneecdneerrling thestandards bt,conduct'applitable to Metre:eft -befit, Interviewrot
interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
Qlres °O No bog Not Recall
211.D.urip0 any fyoutoVet.kas:deplOyitent§ or aSSighrneritS, did you tedeiite "any training, ihstruCtibri,
orguidance concerning what you weresupposed to doff you observed or heard -aboutthe
-treatment,: interviawk or interrogation pf detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to be
lila PPrOPriate,,I.Ingrofessionej, CrereiVe, abusiye, rtinlaydal?
O'res 000 mbel:CAll
,21. During -any of your oyerseas:deplOyments or asSignments, did you receive anytratningi instruction„,
or guidance concerning what you were:sUPPPOd, '0it YOu 011.Segted "Or heard; ,a bout the
'treatment, interview, or interrogation Of detainees by non-FRI personnel, which ypu believed to
be inaPpropriate,. UnprofesSidrial,CoerCiVer.abuSiVet orlirilawfUl7
'0 Yes ON° OM Not Recall
C. Adequacy of Training
211n yout:opinion, did you receive adequate:training; iristruCtiort, or-ppidoricer0o:tiop - ioistpridprds
Mduct by Fa :80o ripo,,FBI'persoobei relottoo tb treatment, fritervfew,, or interrOgatiOn of -
detainees.,grior tour deplOyrrient Orat signtrient?
22a. Please describe.the way'sia which you believe the training, instructiorror guidance was
DOJOIG 000804
PAR 0 R .NC) b 7#,E AIN IN .RV, T RR N
:I Aid not receiVetrairiing Prior lo going, but the knowledge of the standards of conduct relating to the
, treatment, interview,, or interrogation,of detainees were apparent to me beeauseof my preVious ,
23'.In youropinion, did, you receive adequate trainip,g, instructioniorguida ncerelating to standards'
'Of conduct by -/B3antl non-FOT ,persorinel relating to-treatment, interyiew / or intprrogatiOnof,
etaineesduring yOUr tieptbyrnOrit'of.a0ignmOriyi
0,Yes 0 ko
23a. Please describe which' y,ou believe the training e Instructionw,guidance was . .
: 1 010"fipt tecolvetojnihg dti ring the assjg nment, blitt the knOwiedge of theteti,clerd,$ of oh -du-pt.
relating, lathe treatenent,. iriterviek dr interrogation :cif 'detainetS Were apparent to Me becauSe Of My
previous military and MI training.
24In ,yoUrOpinitin, did ybu receive adequate° training,. I nstruction / Org u 'dance coin-ter-ill rig What you.
were supposed to do if yOu observed Of heard abdtit -the freatrdentiriterVie*, .o r interrogation Of
detainees/ by FBI or non,FBI personnel/ that you .believed was inappropriate, unprofessional,
coerciVe, abusive,: pr unlawful? "
&Yes No
24a. Please describe theWays:iti: Which you believe the training,. iristructibmor guidance 'was
25. (Optionall'in what ways can the fBI improve training onthis subject for future deployments or
1.1/4 I Oki no 'rPcPlYe trainLng, t am riot avat e if hs type:of-training is Offeraci.
EL , Cpminerits:
2,6. Please provide- any additional information concerning training foroverseas deployments or ,
assignments lof FBI personnel you believe is relevant.,
'Introduction to 'PartIII: In t his:section, we. are seek Ing Information regarding a wide rangedinterview
or interrogation -techniques, and other types, of detainee treatment :oleos', to have occurred..
You should ;notassurne, just because we:areaSicing about a pa rticular too rifq 1.1e,7q, practice, that we have
•c:dricht10, that iIA fact OOCUrre;& We recog hize that some these Practices: may at tirbes.
be necessary for,safety and security in a detention, Setting,thadditioti, ve recognize xhatsonie Of.theSe
tchniqiesor practces may have been authorized for use by military °rather g overnment personnel,
-With respect to each identified tethriigue, prectice r:o:r.type of COricluctdescilbed I/elow„ we ;,are seeicing:
:info raiatidn abbUt 1WOCCUrrence durin oe, in ton iiettitin:Witittlie iiiterviewôr interrogation of
DOJOIG 000805
:dietarinPror4urIn,g;Owaeterdjon of e de.tainee beyond whet is needed for safety and secAnity.
In that "context, WA ask you to tell Ps Wnether one or more of the ,,qttetrwitgAre, true:'
a, 17pargOneltr: dbgetwed this:M.44M
LobSerVed detainee(S) in a ,COndition that led Melo belieVe that thi§,coridtict. Wad ,otcu reed.
3, Detainees) 'told rt e that this..cohduct, had 'occurred.,
4. OffierS who Observed :this conduct described ,it to mg.
$. Lhave relevant ihrOrthatiOri classified ab..OVg.'''SEc.RET%
never observed thiS co)iduct not heard about it from ,someone Wh&did,
7, "Depriving ,adeta Ines of tood or water,
• • I persOhally'obServed thiSItoridifa,
• r observed detairieect), in a COM MO n that led me to bet leVe that this conduct had otc-uttett.
I cfethi nde,(s)' told Me that this conduct had -occurred.
Other § lArhb obserifed this Card Lidt deStribed it tO hie:
I, have teleVafit frifOrMatiOn classified a boVe, !!-SECREr.
r „ . heifer Observed th1S,condUct nor heard ie bait it frorri-sorriebrieVvhO did.
18: Depriving ,adetainee. &Clothing
,„ • I; pifs(itiattkibg-&v,e0 tS,Orgitict.
b . • La.1150Yetf.:eltailt): [ha 'cOnditiOn that led r)i; to belieVe that‘,t* c ndttct had :OC,Curred.
c, • Detai hee(i) told 'the that this cdridtict had OCturred.
d,. • citnert initio obSerVed this Cbridtict described it to„rne.,
. • L haVe releVerit itifOrMatiOn, tlaSSified a bOve SECRET'.
f: El ileVerObserVed. this tondUct:notheard a bciutit frorri, sorriebrie:WhO- did,
',24riVing a detainee orsieep -, or intarrupting ,sleep' by frequent cell relocations .orother methods
'ObterVed tletaltiee(s) n,:e'cOnditiorf that led me, to belieVe that this Oilduct. had Otcorrd:
- , • DetaineeM told me that thi§cohrtuct ha:dOcCurred.
El Others, who observed this corittuct,dribed it tO: me. . . .
e. 0 r haefeleVant itifarhiatioiftlaSSified atiaVe'!..SECRET".
beVeii,obkrved this conduct nor heard a bout it frorh,sOthebileikha did:
DOJOIG 000806
g. Pieatd, OrdVide the aff,pro-5drriate time nie lurihg Which '01,15:0091du,tt-Otaiited. •
From 14/31/2tItil to:01(15/2MA Recall
11. The ,detainte(5) treated in'thit way were Jocated -at the time in:
.12.Q(.1a fatal-0E110
,=g El Arghanis,ari
4 cl,Other Lotion
D Pg;NOt RP:011
plea5eldentlfy.;O:etOneo(0 ,by name ?nit nip Iler:
I Witnea,se.c1 and believed that it was SOP to deprive detaihees, ;,wilo wore. irdti*Tc:aptireet, $teep.
Ttiege Were ha king tern', Wis -onefs. I heard '5d-0nd7third hdrid 't ha high level detainee5:Were•
deprived of sleep.
1. 'lease identi*the persPrOVhcf.trated the I:Waft:pets) In this manner, incIPAIng their
Ts. gaily vertotiner Maybe:CIA
t. PrOasel4enlIfyAisoother PEil persOlin01 or ribtr-F61 p"osp,rid01 .whO..045Or\fdd dOtairle,O(s), treated
in this, Alan net., iticitiding their tibitie(S):diiii 7ag:erty(i09:
FBI rnembep,from .Rotation,
Th,15 conduct occurred in •Oohrlettion ith
1 0 One detainee
2 0 several detainees, (2-4)
3 a many iiothitiookrigita thaif
4 t) Do" Not Recall
rn. (9:0101141))31PPg*.Wrilg
130. Beating a detainee
-& • i POrSor1011bggrY0'.:.Thfs tdheltictz
....;• - • 'T PbsPT:v.00 - 40tOibeeti)lhaX91.31=litiOrl'IbPt Ig.d me to' belle tti4fthiccIharic.:t (141 occurred -'
: II ;Oetainee(0)3d)d ,rne that „this'. Ofittt.*t hanil otc.ut4. . . . . A: I Oth,r4,"oth'0, .t1 . .4 Oficigtt (1:00r)be:dl it ..0. nv, .
is ^^-.
U. I have rejoOt InTOrgiAtIon;*clagstried t bdVe'''SKCREr.
f RI irneVer4SeiVed: this ;torrilutt iiior.hearti '.'ericitit it from:S:cirlieAtineml -io did.
DOJOIG 000807
'at.. jJsii1 Xvaterto re.7Mnt- tireathinJ2Laletainee Or to create the sensation- ofiTdrovvnir9
a. • I' personally observed this.cOnduct. . .
• Lobserved detainee(s) in acond Mon that led me to believe that , this conduct had occurred.
c • Oetainee(4tOld 'me that this conduct; had occurred. . .
tif II Others who observed this conduct described it to me. .
e. • Th,e refeyant information clasSified above '$MREt ,'-. '
t, Ei 1 nevergl3s*v0..thivcoNuct.pqrbeard about it trgr.ri someone who did.
fiandS,,,rOpe, -,Or;anything„,e,l0;XO,IchOke p t strangle a:dayairoa
. I I perSonally observed this conduct.
b.; • I'observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. •III Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
, • Others who observed this conduct- described it to. me..
, • I have relevant information classified above "SE:01E1'':,
: El. I never 940rv.qd t111P''collcil:ie.t,nor heard about, it frorn:sorriebnC *IP 0 !!1-
31 Itteatthirg Other action to cauSe,OhySkal iniunLcitgigdrement, or death-
• I personally Observed thistOnduet.
I ohSerVed detainee{S), in aeonditiOn that led Melo believe thatthiS COticlikt had OccUrred.
111 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduCt described It to me.,
• t have relevant information classified above ''SECRET"
f, riaVarotiPPINe:cl this conduct P:Ortleaul :a l?Ptit, it from so one Who OA,
teattri0:61 Oct1Pn Pfivs10.1 pain or injUty or causing diShdurernerrt Or
a'. • I personally:Observed this,concud. ' ,
b, • Ipbseryed, detail-ke(s)' in :a -cond ition that led me to believe that:this conduct had occurred. ,,
• b'etainee(s) told me that is conduct had 'occurred.
DOJOIG 000808
d. • lOthers who observed This conduct-described It to me.
III it have relevant information classified above !!SECRET'.
f. El Ii never observed this conduct nor hear about:it from . sorneonewho did. '
35. Placing a detainee-on a hotsurface or burning a -detainee.
. • It personally- obSented:thiS t Maud. .
b 0 itobservericletainee(S) in a Conditianthat led me to belleVe that thiS cOndutt. had oCcUrred.
-.. II tDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who Observed this conduct described it to me.
• '.1. have relevant Information classified above 98ECREr. .
f. II never observed. this-conduct nor heard about it from someone-who did.
36. Using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner
taj DII personally obSerVed this-CondUct.
b. E--l- ;i f 'observed detainee(s) in a.candition that led me to believe that:this Conduct had Occurred.
lc. 0 Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occiirred.
id U ;Others Who observed thiS condita described it to rtie.
e. have relevant information classified above "5.ECRET".
f: 1i neverobserved this:conduct nor heard ,a bout: it from -someone:who did.
37 Requiring e,detaineeto maintain, or restraining, a detainee: in, a stressful or painful position
• I personally observed thisCOnalct.
b.. • I ObSerVed detainee(sy in,acotiditiohthat Ida me to believe that -thiS COndUct bad 6,CCUrrea.
: • betaltiee(s) told the that this Conduct had occurred.
d. • pthers. whO obSerVed this condUct described it tO hie;
b. • il' haV el= el& atit' information ClaSsified eboVe "SECFtEr .
f. Et Ir neverobserved thisconduct nor heard about it frornsomeonewho did. .
DOJOIG 000809
Forcingdetalift erforwderriand In hy_s'ica1
a. • I. pal-.8eSilallSrasetkied, thIstdfilitiet
.1x. II LobserVed detaltieeM In .atarkiitian that led me to believe that this nduct. had occurred„
c. II retainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others- who Observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • !L have relevant Information classified above ' ,!SE:CRET"..
A it never this -conduct nor hearde bout it from spmeone-who did. .
39. USing electrical shock on a dataing
• • I. perSdnallyobSerVed thisdindutt. 1 i
III 11;615tarcied d€téi èJ in ,-cord itteln'th'at lad, ina tO., believe that thiS torkititt had ,octUrred.
• lDetarnea(s) told me that this conducthad .occurred.
d. El pthers who observed thiS conduct dekfibed it 16 me.
e. • 111 have relevant information clasSiffed aboveSECRET".
f. IRI II. never observed' this -conduct nor heard 'about it from .someone who did. i
40. Threatening to use electrical -shoCk=on a detainee
a. • 1 nersarialiy- cibSerVed this CabduCt.
b. g IN Lo.tiServed detainee( in a coed Mori - that led me to believe thatthis &Mutt had 'occurred,
• Detairiegs) , to rhe that this Conduct had ,Occurred:
„ II Others who obserVed this candtictdesCribed it to me.. .
. I I haVerelevant infOrinatioti classified a boVe- "SECREP.
f. I I. never observed this.tonduct nor'heard ,a bout it from-someonewha did.
:Intentionally dela.' ing ,or denying :detainee. medical care
a'. • , , .
I' PerStirially'ObSerVed this CondU.a. , ,
'ti, • I. olis'Opd:klethilie('S). id AtbriditiOn that led The to belleve.thatthiS &induct had loCCiirted.
. • Detaitiee(s) ,Old itie that this- Candi:Kt had occurred. - -
DOJOIG 000810
d , • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.,
e.. 0 I. have relevant information classified above "SECRET'''.
f. RI T;: never servedthtcoriduct nor heard about it from someone who did..
-11..17.1Oodin or blindfdld mi a dtaine other than durin trans Ortation'
I i
• 1 persOhallytagetved thiStOriduct„ '
b, • I ObserVeddetainee(S) iii a:dap:Mb:5h that led, me to blithe that thiS dinduCt had .6e:tutted.,
, •
anDetOiheeNtold.the that thiSconduct had occurred.
Others who bserved this cond Octdescribed it to me,
:. • L have relevant Information classified above 1,'SECRET",,,
f, El, 1 never -observed this mnduct -norbeard ','.a bout it 'frorrrs01119rle Who did.
10. Subjecting detainee ,to 04rernely cold or hot, thorn temperatures TOr extended perk*
III II personally .ObserVed this;Cotidtict.
• trobserved.detainee(s) ih:arObhd.ltion that led me' th belleVe t hat this conduct had :courted.
g ' ,
• Detainee(S) told 'me that this coridutt had occurred.
I !Others; who obserVed thisconduct described it to Me.
II IL have relevant information classified a bove"SECRET".
11 ir. never observed this:conduct nor heard ‘a bout it from :someone. who d id.
!1-4i Subjecting a detainee to: to.kid music
a . II r persOnally, observed this d'onduct.
b, 0 I bbSerVedcletainee(s) in aci5riditiOri that, led Mete' belieVe thatthiSCOridUct had O.Ccilited.
-: I Detainee(s) told hie that this: condUtt had Jii.ctUrred .
d. F Others Who observedthis condUct described it to Me.
.. . 11 f haVeireleVarit information blasSified a bOVe "SECRET.
f. • I, never'observed thi&conduot norbeard about it from.someonemho did.
DOJOIG 000811
- g. Please provide the approximate time frame 'during which this conduct:occurred,
From tON/40 to 0145/204 EID:O Not Recall
h he detainee(s) treated in this way were located -at tile time in:
I, Guantanamo
2 Izt irpq
3, 0 Afghanistan
4 El Other Lotation
50 DO Not Retail
I. Please identify, the detai'n'ee(), by name and flOrriber: ..
I:heard second Or third hand that ftiOh leVel,detainees Welt Subjetted to, loud music.
j. Please identify the person(s)-who treated the detainee(s) In this manneri *Wing their
name(s) and OVethmerit agenCY(le).:
uncertain maybe CIA
Please identify any other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel who observed detainee(s) treated
In this Manner, including their name(s) and ragency(les):
possibly other members from Rotation 5
This conduct occurred :in connection with
1 0 One,detainee
'Several detainees a-41
30 Many detainees 610i.. than 4)
4 0 Do Not Recall
M. (Optional) Please de..gcribe the relevant circumstances hi more detail:
This it just Second hand information, I did, not With, loud Musie.
45. 8u:bjecting a detainee to bright . flashing lights or darkness,
. '. • II, rersonallyobserYed this conduct. , . '
'.. • irobServed detairiee(s) in a'COnditibri that led me to believe thatthi6cOnduct had otCuried.
C. I Detainee(s) told .me that this conduct had :occurred.
I pthers whb observed thiS toriduCt -deStribed it to me. ,
• II. have relevant information deSSified aboVe t'SECREIP. . IT-077i I'neVer observed this conduct noelleard ,abotit it front someone ircifie did.
46. Isolating a detainee for an extended 'period
El It persprially‘ObServed thiScandutt.
DOJOIG 000812
b, • robserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe thatthiS conduct had occurred:
c. 111 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. .
d. l • Others-who observed this conduct described it to me.
e.1 CI I have relevant information classified above "S'ERET".
f. I I I neVer-observed this:conduct nor heard about it from soirone:wtio did.
47..lising1duct tape: to rettrait, tag: r Or puniSh. a detainee
a. Ill IL personally observed. this condLict. .
b. • Vobserved detainee(s) in 'a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. Q , Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
, I, Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
; • II have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f. M r never observed thiSconduct nor _heard ,about- it from someone who did.
48. Using rabid response te.arnS ,a rid/Or forced cell ektractiOns
' . • !I perSonalli observed, this conduct. .
b. II it Observed -dethinee(S): in a-canditiori that led me tO believe that:this conduct had :octurred.
c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. • /Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified a bove , ''SECgEr-L.
f. 14 1. never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
"-4.4. ;Using; ,a military working dog Q0 or near 8.detainee-other than during detainee: transportation -
a. • I personally ObServed this conthitt.
b. II robserVed detainee(S) in a:condition that led me to belieVe thatthiS conduCt had iocculted.
E• • 1Deta1nee(fo1d me that thiStonduct had beCtirred. ,
d . • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
111 • , fhaverelevant information classified above ''' ,•%kqii..
I Et t never observed this conduct nor beard aboçit, it fronisomeone whodid.
DOJOIG 000813
El t personally observed this conduct.
p Lotiswpa , detainee(s),In :p;',!ncli-ticin that led me to- 120,1e, e;that , this conduct had ,CfCCU creLt.
Detainee(s) told, me that this conduct had 'occurred.
:Others Who observed this conduct ,described it to me.
have relevant inforrnetiori classified above, "SECF,i.ET" --.
121t never ObSet,V,ed this-cOnduCt,nor heard 'abbot it froin-sOrneOne Who did.
50. Threatening to 'iise:h' itit'aiy.v,Vorkin4 dogs en Or' near a detainee
, , • I. personallyobserved this conduct.
;, • 'I observed detainee(s) in a .,conditiont ithPt, led me to WeYe that this conduct had Occurred.
l'Petainee(s) told me that this conduct hall :occurred.
• !pthers who observed this conductdescribed it tO rye.„ ,
e. • if haVO releVant itifOrrriatiOn ClaSSified abOVes iStdrErn.
. Et I neVer , qb.SerVed this cOnclut tiOr:‘,hp4rd ..011.04 it froMSOfile,One:WhO did.
51. Using :spiders, scorpions; snakes, -0i7s5ther anirrialsori or neat a -detainee;
52, Threatening to USespiders, kap Idns, 'snakes; or Other 'animals on a detainee
a, • l': personally' observed' this 'conduct.
b‘, • ji observed detainee(s) in :a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred,.
; U I l' Eietainee(s)toid me that this conduct had occurred. ,.
., • Others: who observed this cJanduct ,dwribed it Pie;
e. o' r have relevant Information classified above ''‘OKRET".
f. la
I never observed this conduct nor heard about ‘ it from SorneOntirtho: did .. .
Disrespectful statements, ot‘attions inVOMn9 the KOrati
a. 0 1,1 personally observed this conduct.
DOJOIG 000814
b. • robserved ,detainee(s); In a cond Mom -that led me to believe that. this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) -told me that this conduct had occurred.
• . • Others who-observed this conduct described it to me
e. I=1. I. have rele.yarit Information classified above "SEW-".
f. I I never:observed' this ,condtict nor heard about it from someone. who did.
.54. Shaving detainee'S facial other- hail- to embarrass or' humiliate:a detainee
a. • I personally obserVed this conclikt.
b. III "observed detainee(s) In a-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred..
c. • petal nee(s) . told me that this conduct had occurred.
I, 3Othei - observed this conduct -described it to me.
• have relevant information clasping above " ,S.ECAtn,..
It it never ohserved this:conduct nor' heard :about it from .someone who did.
55. Placing a WOrnan'S clothing on a. cletainee
. • k pefSonallycibserved this cOndliet.
b, • I LabSerVed detaineetsY iria;candition -that led me to believe that thiS conduct had :oecun'eti.
,c: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e, • t, have relevant I ,nfOrmation classified above u-SEdgEr.
f. fil kneverobserved this conduct nor heard :about, it from someonewho did.
5,0: fAtiChing a dotal ng. or acting- toWarti a detainee in a sexual rtianner
. „ .
• I personally obServed this conduct.
b. • it obserVed detainee(S) in a:COrlditiort that led me to believe that Conduct had pecuffed.
• Detainee(sYtold ,rne that this Conduct had 4:3tu teed.,
d, • .others who observed this conduct described it -to me.,
I .i r,haye relevant In-formation, classified above
never observed this 'conduct nor heard labot4 it nom ; sorneorievilp did,
DOJOIG 000815
Hold detainee(s). Who :were not Offitially'ackhOWledged or 'registered as such by the agency
detaining the person.
ill I' ilorsonallyoto,sery,ed this conduct.
-, • tied detOinee(sY in WdondlitiOtlItia led me. to liOlYO,,IfOt.,this 'Ol -Itinct, had 'Otairred.
c. • Detainee(s),told me that 'this' had (laud-0'J.
'd . • other Who ObSerVed this conduct described it
e; • I; have releyant inforrhatiOh classified gboie. "SECRET'''. .
Ef I', never Observed this -Cord uct „nor heard about it .flortLsorrieone who did.
.58. 'Sending a detainee to ancitherrountrvior more aggressive interrogation
• It personally observed this conduct.

1 • kObserved -detainee(s) fin a Coed itiOrt that led 'me to belieVe that this conduct had -occurred.
• petainge(S) told me that this conduct had occurred. ,
d. • Other' who observed thiS:cOriduttdesCribed it to rne. •
e:f I I have relevant ittfOrmation iossified abOve, 11:SECRET%
f. ElJ, r iever,observed,thiS:COtiduct tior.he:atd about it sfrOtitsbitieOneiiv-,h0 did.
.59: Threatening :to send a detainee to aticithercOdritiii 'fOt detention cirtnbie aggressiVe ihteirogatiOn
'. • I, personally- observed this-:conduct. ,
b. I. tObServed, detainee(S) . in e,Condition that led me: to, believe thattliis conduct had :occurred.
• Detainee(s=itOld me that this conduct had "041-irr0,.
ti t II Others WhObipsgrvgd ,thi con,duct40§,cliled it to me.
e. • I hove -reiev-Ont iriforthationtlaSSified a boVe "SECRE.
f. El I neVer observed thWcOntlutt nor heard .abotit it Trot) sorriedne,WhO' did.
:60. Thieatenifig to take action againSt a betainde%"faibily
DOJOIG 000816
a. IN r personally-observed thiS„conduct.
b. • Iobserved detainee(s) in zoondition that led me to believethat this conduct had occurred.
C. I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
(1' I Ohr,s. who 'observed this cohd uCt. described It to rha,
e. I I have relevant Information classified all9ve:' 100tREr.
f El. I neY.r observed this:04Oct nor heard about it from ,someOnewho did,
''61."Othertreatment br aCtiOnCeuang,,severe emotional Or psycholog ical trauma to a detainee
a. II I. personally observed this conduct,
b. • I observed detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
e IN, Detainee(s) told me that this condpct had occurred.
• .0thers who observed this cone 4,ot:described it to rne.:' _
.: • I have -relevant Information classified above, " ,SEtREP,
El" I never observed thivcoud Vet nor heard ,,abotit it frorn:someone Who did.
( 02. Other religiOUSor ',SexUe I .harassment Or humiliation of a detainee.
a. In . I lierSorialry observed this,cohdtitt.'
b. • ',observed detainee(s) in aoondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
'c. I lDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
d., • Others who observed this conduet4cserked it to me;
' : • I have relevant :information classified above: `tE0I 7kE:I- .
f- Et I, heYarobOrVal:thiLingiuct"n9c,he!ari:l'Oclut it APrn,S9rneelrie Who did,.
Qthrtreatrrient aa.detaine that IrirYohr ,orfirilort ,waSunprbfeSSIOnal, 0101.1,1y.,Itilsivoropfire,61110, 4
,Coeitive, abuSive,,or unlawful.
.; • I personally observed this c9,Pc4.
• , Iiobseryed detairree(s) in -a:cu -0 itlorrmat led me to belleVe:that.ztts conduct had occurred.
• Detaille`q(§) told 'Ille that this conduct had :occurred. .
• Others yvhp Obse,ryed this ConcluadepOribet) it tP Me;
DOJOIG 000817
e. • I- have relevant information classified above "SECRET''.
f: E I. never ,observed thiScOnduct ,norheard about. it frorrrsomeonewho . did.
04-.-..Did youobserve any ;impersonation of FBI personnel branyone during an interviewor Interrogation of
'a‘,detainee? . .
Q No
DJU Ony,detafneeprothar Person, teltyqu. that hepr she had witoPPO0 iillp'OrAohatIOn
perSOnnel ft cOrmectiO it with :a detainee Interview or intenvgation?
0 Yap ® No
.66. 'Are you aware of any "sham" , or "staged" detainee. interviews orinterroqations conducted for Members
'of:theii,s,:co.ngressor their staff?
.Yes, IV
'V. To your knowledge; did any military or intelligence personnel ever deny ordelay FBI access to a
detainee the F81- wanted to question logaLlse‘the-detainee had sustained injuries after he was captured?
Oyes 011p
!Ei 'PAIN .E
68-. Did 'you eve r end your particiPation iii or obserV.atibri of -a4detainee iriterVieW, or interrogation
because of the Interview or interrogation methods- being
C. Yes '®N
69 Were you evertold that another FBI employee 'ended his or her participation in or observation of, a
detainee interview intetrogattori because of the'interView:.OrititetrOgatiOriMethOcl treing,Os'ed?
e '0 No
10; Du ring::any Pry0PI:§esc!P19.Y.rnspts or assig nment,,, did YOU report any 'concerns regard ing
any .detainee interview or interrogation practices, or other types of Adetainee treatment; to an FBI
Ale": RiDi
71:During any of your overseas -deployments or assignments; did you report any concerns. regard ing
any detainee interview or interrogation practices or other types pf"detalnee treatment you
observed Of heard about, to a roo0.4611 supervisor or other non-FBI
Q Q N6
72 Have you ;ever been ordered or directed not;tOrepOrt t Or:diScOUraged in any way from rePorting,
observations or allegations related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
Q Yes, C) 11,9 •
DOJOIG 000818
DOJOIG 000819
.7811, y014, experienced any actual -or threatened retalletlOns for reporting observations or :allegations
0Y1,61a:tain;00.:'traatment or intaryiew or interrogation actions oi pratpc .pv.
Y.e. "Q. NO;
71,1; (Op.-0000), Pleas proyide any additional corpcpept5.tegArdrrig the reporting of concerns related to
interview cr interrogation tOctitiloqs; detentionk practits, or other fle,taineAtrea,troprg.jiiiittle. ssgrj
ttng term Prtgmom in Abb Obarib Were Xr4ggcliOil and with respect, but I hacIllnlY handful
Visits to
75. Wdre yOU debriefed t Other:A/lad Mesta ndard debrief in FD.472r, COnCernina ybu roVerseas
• a5signment(s)'ordeplayment(s), after yoti completed the deploymenf(s1 orastignmeng6r
0 Yes, a No-
76, Additional (4mmorits and ilecommenciationq;
didn't receivea•debdef but there aftaëtidn brief in Deo 2404 FBI HQ.
Thank you for yourcOPp.Oratibrt in tompretina thisirve;stionmite:
