DOJ-OIG Questionnaire of FBI Personnel re: Detainee Treatment

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A DOJ-OIG questionnaire for FBI personnel who were involved in detainee interview or interrogations at assigned locations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq; Afghanistan; or in other areas controlled by the U.S. Military. Questionnaire primarily focused on personnel training regarding detainee treatment standards and reporting of inappropriate treatment, and on knowledge of certain interview or interrogation techniques. Example techniques of the latter include: "depriving a detainee of sleep," "beating a detainee," "using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner." Document paid specific attention to the difference between training, reporting and activities done by FBI and non-FBI personnel. Document name: DOJOIG000665.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A. Personal Information
Department of ,Tus,tice Inspector General Questionnaire Regarding rieta 'Rees
As of the last time this questionnaire, was saved, some required fields' have not been mplated.
Please reView yoUr responses,
Please provide. the föllöwing inforMatiOn:
1, First name
.2., Middle Initial:
3: Last name:
4., Ehtered on Duty Date Ec)t);) :
5: (urrehtOhfisici,r1frid Offi.0e;
7: Direct:41a( officetelePhone number:
8., FBI tell phOrienurtiljer:
9. FBI ,pager comber:,
10. Best contact rikirh her foryOuz
B. Background of Specific DeployMents or Assignments
11. At any time after cSefiterriber 11,2001, did you SerVeas a thenbef of U.S. Military, or as an
employee or contractor of the FBI:or any other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay, 'alba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled by the l...1:,$'., Military or a 0,S. intelligence service in connection with the
glpbal Aar on terror?
O Yes 0 NO
12: Enter the ,number -Of timegyou, were:deployed Orassig heti to each or the following lOtatiOnS:
,(Gdantanainci Bay, Cite; Ireq;Afghanistan; or iriany areasControlled bytheU:S:. Military, of aU .S.
intelligence serVice)I. ,
For eath deployment or aSsignment.completethe:fbliowing section.
Location (s-00t ono h prie rit' b g n on Etei#04likent or:'0ildnrrient ended on
about or About,
rGlianthriainb Bay 00/2003 - 08/2003:
14, What toms .0e:g.en'ergI roto re: 0,nd riorpri,$ oor --asigrirrieritand aetiVities?
1211 Please provide,the names of thespecificeamps, bases,- or facilities where you worked.
I worked or,ily fl (*I MP,
12c. IsiOte: If itarn3atiensaheUta:specific earrig, baei. or lfaitcyi , isdassified ,abONT. SECRET,
please the& here 0, 'include in your ansWer that you have additjonaI information classified ‘:above
!SECRET? and, if VOU IdahtiWthe.classificatioh Ièl, tieket, ;corniiartrheht, tog rarti, ,i)r Other
d esignation that,applies,tolhe information, Do not incit14-VteAclition61:elasifjed information In your
DOJOIG 000665
6, 47c
4 70
Special Agent
6 & 70. PEI
A -
yOujOiritly Planany:detaineelriterView:Or interrogation ;strategy', ObjectiveS, or tacticS with non-
:FBI personnel?
what kinds Of non-f6r P'ponnel ,did Workjointly?
U.S. intelligence agency
X ,
questionnaire' responses,, WO personnel With the necessary clearance will contact you tO, receive It:
Name 15 P911
. .. , - „ -. • , :,:.
,.12e. Old you jointly interview or interrogate•a ny detainee with non-FM personnel?
U. Yes :0 No
. With .What kinds of, non-FBI Personnel did you work joititlYT
`,:- Other U.:5; Military
El A..);$ intelligence agency
7 0 Foreign: military or intelligence agency
•-. adthe
0. Foreign military or intelligence agency
0 Other
-14.-WereyOu ever otherwise involved in ,detaineelnferviewsorinterrogations with non-FBI, personnel -1
Yes '0 No
A. Trainirfg Prior tb Overseas I:)ployment or Assignment
13:„-Didlou receive any, training; intrtion, -or guidance specifically in. pr tin for eriyof your
overseas deplpyrrieritS Orassighrriehto?
(:),Yes .0 No Na
14. In. pre paration for any of your overseas deplpyrnentsor assignments r did you' receive any -training
instruction r or gukInte Oor(cernirig;theiartclards of ,,conduct a pplicable to the treatment,
iiiteMeW, 'or- ihterrogotioil i5f,detaillOeS by FBI pdtsciiiji,e17
Oyes 0.NO °DO Nat ReCall
DOJOIG 000666
15. In preparation for any ofyou r overseas deployments or assignments,. did you receive any training,
instruction, orguldance concerning the,standard pf'condUct applicable tolhetreatmenti
interyieW, Or intermigatiOri OfdetaineeS by boo-OBI oprsohnol?
°Yes ONO" :013,0 NOt Recall
10. In preparation for any-of your oversea A 0019Yrnents or assignments, , did you; receive any training„,
instruction/ or guidanCe Concerning What you were supposed to do If you 'opsgryeci dr,fieard -appuit
the treatment, interview, or interrogation of detainees " by FBI pett0,001,, which you believed to
beinapproptiater UnprofeSsidnal, ‘COdreivei basive,.Or tifilavifu I?
Oyes ONO , Not Recall
17, In preparationfor any'of your Overseas deployments or aSSig nrneritS, did you remiveatly
instruction, or guidance concerning what you Were supposed to do if you observed or heard about
thetreatment, interview,,or interrogationof detainees by non -FBI personnel, .W11 ich you :believed ,
to be inapropriate? unprofesional, coercive, busiye, or unlawful:?'
ONo 0Do Not Rqcall,
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. During 'any of your overseas,deployments or assignments, did you receive any:training, instruction,
prguidance concerning the of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview, or
Intenrogatiou of,Oetpingg$ persOnnel?
°Yes e No ODo Not ReCat(
19, ,During ,any,,of your overseas deplayrnents or assignments, did you receive any training,' Thstruction,...
or,guidantetoncerning the standard of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview, or
interrogation Of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
T‘) No QEoNbtJecäB
2. During :any of youroverseas - deployments or assigpment 0,10 :y91. reeeive arirtrpinirigx
or guidance concerning *hot you were supposed to do if you observed Or head ip bout the
treatment, interview, or interrOgatiOn, Of detainees by FBI pOrsOnnelf Which yoff believed to be
friaPPrOpriate„ UriPrOfesSiorial,,coerciVe,, abuSiVe„'of ifnlaWful? -
°Yes &No 6Do Not Recall
21. Pring any 'OrYOur oy..r$04s,i0jortiot$,pr aSsig rimerits, did PM receive Ah 04, inStrlictican,
Or guidance.concern ing what yob' Were .sLi ppOsed to do if yoU.o.b,salieci ør heard about the
treatment, interviek or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel which you believed to
be inappropriatei unprofessional,;,,coercivee ,a,p4siye, , or unlawful?
DOJOIG 000667
0Yes '0 No Do Not:Recall
It Adequopy o Training
O4r-OPiniOri, did YOU, receive .atietWate. trairiing,,lb$truttiovor guidance relating to ston4arcIs
f COridUCt by TBI and 'nori-FBI personnel relating to treatment ( intervieW, or Intel-tog atiOn Af
'detainees; prior to your deployment 'or assignment? ,
YeS 0 NO
Z2a, Please deribeti-iel.4ayt,firrytttlitch"Vou . het 'eve the training, instruction or guidahCe is
ybittinifildrit Ai& you reCeiVe adequate training „ instruttiOri,, Ofouid6rice 'relating to:standardS
Of cOriclikt bylFBI and. nett-FBI .perSonfiel ',relating to tteatmiirt.; Int&VieliVr IntertolAtiOh,of
detainees during your deployment-or assignment?
b -ye s
P ease escn eway.sin -w:'1,1 l1c3 you e level e17 :fa i rung,,ms, rt-u c Jon Orguidñce .WaS
i,t iadeq, Uate:

yOilrOpinion, did you receive adeqUatetrairiing,, instnittiOn tor:guidatite concerning ifirhat
were supposed to do if you observed or heard about the treatment, interview, or interrogation of
,dataineesr IPY„FbIpr non- Fa 'prspnriel f-th4.- you believed was Inappropriate,. unprOfessjonal,
ObifsIVA, or LihlaWfu
0 Yes '0' 1\lo
,24a, Plpasdescrib the:ways in which you believe the training, fustr,uctionpr guidance was
tr,Odc1 1,-!*:
•in.:(optionpl). to what ways- can the FBI improvg training on this subject for future deplOymentsor
ci. ,comments
40, please proyideany additional inforrn,ation,:concerriing 'training fproyerseas deployments -or
OSsigntnents. a FBI prsiarirrel you :b'efieYe is
, -•
OUR W :13G• RT. IN !WE
DOJOIG 000668
Introduction to Part h, ,Vve afe seeldrig itifonfiation .regarding a 'wide range Of
'interviewor interrogatiorrleChniqu es and 'Other types ofdetaineeAreatment alleged to.- have Occurred.,
You shoultimotassurne, jug becausewe'areasicing about a particular technique or practice, Ah4we'"have
COriciuded that it in fact pccurrod-, We recognize that some of these techniques or practices may at times
be neceSSafY fce ;SafetY nd securityin a'dOtention -etting. In add ition; we recognize that ;some of thOsq
techniques or practices mayhave been authorized "foruse by Military or other government personnel.-
WI rp to ect1 1€N0f10' tethnl ue, PITP'cti-Pc'TYP:g 'og9ndqct.ICIPsCriPeA hPloYv , we are ejçing.
information 'a ls.0.4 4 .04IrrenCe during or in connection with the interview or interrogation Of A'
detainee or during the detention Of a, detainee beyond what is needed for safety and security.
In that -contex4 we will ask you to tell us whether:one or more of the following :statements are true:-
I P.r.soriOrb!3ser-v0
2. 1,Qbterved detainee(s) in condition that led Meta believe that this conduct had Occurred.
petainee(s), told Me that this Conduct' had oCcOrred.
OtherS'Who cibserVeci ihiS.Candbet described it to Me.
5 I have relevant information classified above,"grcF4EV
'6 I never observed this conduct nor heard PlviktArmittr,59rPOIn:t,who, did.
29'. DepriVinya.detalnee Of -food or water
• I prqnaflyobseryed this conduct.
• I pherved ,detainee(S): In ,acond itiOn that led me to believe that:this conduct had -0cOnrieci-,
• Oetainee(s)' 'Old TOO that this: conduct had occurred
' , • Others: who :observed this conduct described it to rife, • t have relevant InformatiOn: classified above ':` , "t'it-3"., '
R1 n Ver ObserVed this Onduttribt heard abaut it from sOMpOne;who. did.
DepriVing t detainee orckithing
MI personaifyobseryed this-conduct. ,
ix. • i!oliseryed detaineets) in 'acond ition that led me to believe thatithis conduct had occUrred.
c. • Qetainee(s) told :me that this conduct had occurred.
III OtherS wh.0 sob'serVed 'this Onduct described ft to tne;:
• , t heyp,re.leYarit infOrmatiortclasified, aboy.e.,"-8CFWP.
Et I; never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who dki.
DOJOIG 000669
lep'tiiihg detainee ,sieep by frequent reidtationtOrtther methods
‘. • I personally observed this..conduct.
' ., • lobserVed detainees In azondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred..
c; • Detainee(s) told methat this conduct had 'occurred. ,
,,, II OtherS. 011.10 observed this conductdescribed it to me: , .
.e. • I, have relevarit infOrmation - elasSified above "0,E0)3.ET".
T. RI I never-observed this,rond uct nor heard 'about' it from, someone who did. ,
Beating a detainee
a. • I persOnally:ohserved this ,conduct. . .' .
b. • tobseved , d,etainee,($) in lacOnditiO ft that led tne tb befieVe that OAS conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me ,that this Bond Ltd had,OCCurreCf, ,
, , • lOthers whb obSerVed thiS COM udt,deStribed It to, me:
.e. 11„haVe releVant.inforMaticin daSSified a bOkte nSECREM.
f. E I never observed this conduct nor heard ',a bout, it from someone who did.
31. U.Sininaterto prevent breathin b adetaibeeiot 14 Create the Seri:Sabo/1 of dwñin
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
b . • II :observed detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred„
c. • 'cietainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. Ibthers who observed this, ,conduct described it tc! ille;'
- • 4. have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
f. Ei il never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
32. Using hands; rope, 'or anything else to choke or strangle a:detainee,
. . I pattoally observed thi$70110uct. •
ii. 1 obSerVed„detainee(S), !ha Ctitid itiOn that led the to believe that this co rulUCt had occurr,ed.
I' Detaineel(s), told Me that this conduct had Odturrel.
DOJOIG 000670
d. • others who observed this conducttlescribed It to mee.
• L have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. I t neverobserved thiS'cond.uct nor-heard .a bout: it from someortgito. did..
31 Threatening Other action' to -cause phySiCal 'pain t injury, d:isfighrementr Ordeeth
• I pp-.§orially'obAe.mod this conduct.
b .. •• I 9-12sArved , detainee(S) in as condition that led Me ,O believe that this conduct had occurred
-c. • Oetalneektold me t hat .thicoqdtct 6 ad dcCU rrOCI,
d ,. I Others who Observed this tOriditt &Scribed it to rne.
. -
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
Et I nevercibterved thit;cOndliCt 40rheard a bduts It frOrthsOrrieerieWhOd.10,.
34. 'Other treatment or action causing significant physical pain Or injury, 'or causing diSfigurement 0i -
El • I' per es. y. - '4 1 ' 7 Oil a • kobseryed,*taine0(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.:
1211 III p ta:i n os(s ) told me that this conduct had occurred.
Others vyhp observed this conduct-described it to me.
I. haVe relevant inforMatioil classified above: '''5EtRET%
Er I never observed this conduct nor heard ;about It from sOrneone who d id
.iljacing a detainee-on a hot surface or bu min a detainee
:a . • I' tietSOrfally'OSbe rved this torititfa .
b. I I ohseryed:cietairlee(t) in a dotiditibrahat led -Me to. believe that this conduct had cue a.
c. • DetaInee(s):, told Mt that this CondUtt. had ;Occurred.
d. • Others"; WhO:obSefVed -this cdrithiCt described it to Frig:
e. • I haVe relent Inforrnatton Clattiffed above "S'ECRET".
t Er I tither ObserVed this ;cOndikt•nor heard ;abocit, it froth .someatieJvho did. •
DOJOIG 000671
6. Using shackles or other restraints ina prolonged manner
• t personalCy observed this condu0.
b. • I, 01:06,rve:d detatriee(0. in acOhdltion ttO.t led me 10 t):elleVelfie.t. thiscOadua. had Ocairreii.
• O'etairiee(S)1Old Me, that thiS", cOrictat had Occurred.
• • others WhO fjberved this Conduct described it to me., • I haVe reley,arit information "ClasSified above "S„ECRET 1 .
. El I neVer ttbterved, thislCdridutt TiOr lhaard a,bOnt it ifeciniOrneoinetivnO did.
'Requiring-a detaineeto mairitairi, or restraining a detalnee-in, ,stres-sful or painful position
a. II I paf-Sonally ob-Served thiScOndlict,
- • Lobserved detainee(s In 'a :cond Mort that red me to:believe -thatthis conduct had 'occurred',
. • .betainee6) -told me that :this conduct, had :occurred,. .
I . • Others, Into observed this cond,uctdescribed X to me.,
. . • T,fiavo teleyarit-information clasSified abcive.%:,,ERET",
. J I never this ,concluctnorine_ard ,about it ,from,sorneong'who did. '
rorcing a detainee toperformdemanding physical exercise
a. • i persOnally•ob5er*d this-coriaua.
,. LObSetVed ,de,tainee(s) in 'a-0nd ition'that led .me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred. • Uetainee(4:tcsid hie that thiSCOridutt had ;Otturred.
• others; who observed tli,i's COndUtt destribed it to me,.
. • I haVefeleVarit infOrniatioh classified above "SECRET'.
f. Er I ilWettsbON-66,this.:CotitiUt nor:heard a bbut it frOrri Sdriletirie:wtio did.
;39. USiel shOck:Oh a detainee
al . I personally observed this conduct.
WI observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000672
o. • Detalnee(s) -told me that this conduct had 'occurred':
d. ID Others who observed this conduct described it to me. . • r have relevant information classified above ":$,C,FW1 1'...
lit I tieveropserved this;coN trot mor heard :about: it from sQ171.e9rie`wtio'd'Icl ,
40. Threatening to useelectrical shock on a ,detainee
. •' I personally observed thiscoriduct,
15.. • robserved cletainee(P) In ,e'concrition that led Me. 0 believe thatthis conduct had occUrreci.
• Detainet(S) told me that thiS' colOtict. hOli oocurted.
U Others who observed this 'conduct described it to me.
. • ?I' have relevant inforitatIOn classified aboVe:''§ECREri.
never abSerVed this -tOriduct kir heard labbut it frotn.isbrheorie. Who. did.
41.. II tknaIy'de1ayirig ordenying detainee medical care Lpersbnaliy observed this condtief.
b-elIiLe: voebs tehrvaet dt hdiest a.cinoened(su)c Itn h aa-cdo DndCitiCO nutrhraetd le. d me

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c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. • Others who observed this conduct' described it to me.
e. • I,, have relevant infOrrnation classified above '"SECRET 9-.
r. Er I never Obsellied,thistorid9Ct nor heard about it frorq8:0111-PriewhO did.
42, Hooding or blindfolding a .detaineeother than during transportation
.. •' . personally observed this'cOndUct. .
• I Observed detairiee(P). in aCOndition that led me to believe thattillP conduct bad 'occ,orretl.
c. • Detainte(S) told Me thet 'thitoridottrhOd .Octurred.
d. • Others Who ,obterved this. tOndUtt de$oribed it to Me. • I haVe relevant inforrnation Classified aboVe "SECRET'.
f. Et ir never observed thisoridutt rior.he:ard-abOut it from SorneOrieWho did.
DOJOIG 000673
4.1 :Subjecting a detainee to .extremely cold or hot room temperatures for eitentled periods ,
a: 0 I personally observed thisconduct.
b. I. IL, 055:ervgcl 0etatnee(s) in :a condition that led rhe ,tO believe that this conduct had ,Occurred.,
`. • 1.0'etainee(s) told ma that this:026'04a had Octu med.
• :OtherS who oberved this conduct described it to me.,
a, • I have relevant lhformation ClesSified above "SLEPRET",
f. El 31 never ObterVed, this ,d)tiduet,ricir‘heard a bait it frOrn ,sOtheOrie,Who did.
44. Subjecting a detaineeto loud mu*
a. I peitOnally Observed thiSdOnduct.
b. • Tobserved detainee(s) ma condition that red me to believe thathis conduct had :occurred.,
c. • Detainee(s) tcild me that this conduct had occurred.
. • Others who observed this coriductdescribed It to me
e; • i I have relevant information classi
fied above "ECRET".
f. • I never observed this conduct' norhea rd 'about it from ,someone who did.
g. Please provide the approximate time frameduring which This conduct occurred.
, Frorrr,(IVID/YY* format or IONYir) to km/DMVformat or M/YVY,) .10boilOt Racal
h.The detaineets) treated in this way were located at -the time in:
El Guantanamo
2: Iraq
0 'Afghanistan
40 Other Location
50 Do Not Recall
i. Please identify' thedetairiee(S) by,name and, nurriber:
j. Please identify the pe,rson(s) who treated the detainee(s) in this manner:, including their
nPme() a.1,10 -goyernmentagency,(1e4;
k. Please identify any,other FBI personnel or non-PM personnel 40 observed detaineetS) treated
in this manner,. Including their narne(-$):an0 agency(ies):
DOJOIG 000674
I. This:conduttticturred. iii tonnectiOri with:
0 One detainee
2 .0 Several detainees (24,)
3 Many detainees frnorethanzil
4 c) DP : 1`19,t Recall
m. (optional) Please describet he relevant: circumstances in more-detail:
45; subjecting a detaineeto bright flashing Ili hts or darkness
a. Ri 1 Personally obSeNed this conduct. "
b n .1 observed detainee(s) in a .ccind ItiOn that led me to, believe that,this condUct had occurred.
n Detatnee(s). trild me that thiS conduct, had becurred .
d, Ill Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
~ I -z
n t have „relevant information classified a boye ` ,5ECRE•
n I neveropseryed this conduct nor heard "about It from someone who, old.,
g. Please proVide The approximate time Trame,during, Which this.condiletecebrred.
From .(VP/MY format or PCre: r.61 to (1H/D(YYYY;format OF ,Mi.??\61,) ZOO Not Recall
h. The tletairiee(Sltreatetf in ThiS Way Were iodated at the :time in
: I E GUantariarrio
2 E3 Iraq
El Afghanistan
ipthar Location
; 5,0 Do, NOt Recall
Please, identify thedetainee(s). by name and number;
01\11 Please Identify the, person(s) who treated the detainee(S) In this manner ), including their
, riarTlas) and gOverrirnentagencYCiea:
k.: Please identify any other FBI personnel or non:FEg. personnel .:Who•observed detainee(s)" treated
in ihi$ manner; indv4:109 ttwir nairre(s) -a114 ,agencY0:00 z
Thiscondikt Occurred' in connection with:
I Q One detainee
2 6 Several detainees (2-4)
Jpi Many detainees, (more than 4)
DOJOIG 000675
4 -Q Olo Not Recall
rri., (Optional) Please a es,cri b'epthaTe levant, - circumstances In 'moredetail
Isbiatiha.a detainee for an e*tended ,eriOd
a. • I, personally Observed thistonduct.
:. • Iobserved detainee(s) in a conditiorrthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed 'this, coti4i-4c*crib,ed it, to rrte,
e. 0
I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
never observed this conduct nor beard about it from someone who did.
•41,7 Using duet tape to restrain, gag e or punish a detainee
personally observed : this 'condliCt.
-b'. III II ObSerVedrietainee(Is) in ;',a Condition that led me to believe that this &induct had occurred..
0 iDetainee(S) told Me that this COndutt had burr.
IA. Ili Other§ Whb Ob,serVed.this &induct, d estribed it to he
e • ;I' have relevant trifOrrnatidri daSsified aticiVe "SECRET".
It Er II never Ose- h/red this conduct nor heard a lout it frOrri,Sornet5he who did.
48. USTri tepid feS' PPSO teahiS forded t elltractions
a. • I, personally observed thistonduct.
i) • t observed:detainee(s) in ,a, condition that led me to believe that,this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d; Others who absented this conductdescribed it tame;
i • I have:relevant infOrmation classified above, ":$KIIEM
t El It never observed thia:(.iric..11,1. nor heard °g Out it from someonel:Who' did
DOJOIG 000676
AO, Using a:Military working .0 og 0.1) pr, rie'8r fa detainee other than during detainee trarispprtation
a. • L personallY'obserVed thisCOriduCt.
b . • taiserVeci.detairiee(S) In a,Cond ititih that led me to believe thatthiS Conduct had occurred,
c. • Detainee(s) told r.h e. that thiS conduct had octurred. '
d . • Others. who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
e. • I have relevant Information classified above 'SE:CRET''.
1. Et never observed thistoridoct nor heard about it from someone:who did.
50. Threatening to use military working dogs on or near a detainee
'a I r personally' observed, this ,conduct.
'iU I observed dines):' In :a2,cond.ftion that led me tO belle,tht this 0od,titt had occ",urred,
• Oetainee(g) told Ma that this ..o.riduct haci 'oqc(ored,,
I, ipthers who observed :t(i'i -, Cciriduct described it to me.
'e. • 1;i: have relevant ibfOrrti.atiOn clas2Sified abOve: 1,.EGRET"'.
f. El '1 neverobSetY0 this ;cotitiut'tior heard 'about it frOrri*imetine.-WhO did.
51. Usiniclers, scorpions, :snakes, dr other animals on or near a fletairfee
a. • T. OerSonally'observed, this 'OriduCt.
b. • F.o- bSerVeddetalneets): ih :a.cOnd itiOn that led The tobelleVe thatthiS Cond tic . had .occirrie „
le:. • Detairiee(s) told me that This conduct had Occurred.
d. • ---,--l:—.-- Others. who A5bserved this conduct described it to. me.
. • r have relevant information classified above ''S-ECREr.,
I f. Ef 1I. rieverobserved:This'conductnpr heard aJeut, it from, someone, who coo,
.52. Threatening to usesOiders,scorpions, ‘ ,snakes, or other animals on a detainee
0 I personally observed ItiWconduct,
Jb' 0 it observed , detaine.('0 in cOnd ition that led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred.,
DOJOIG 000677
C. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. ,
d., • Others' who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I' have .relevant information classif(0 'ql? 0Ye n'S.F.q,1111'..
t never observed thisiconcinOt,nor heard :,about - it fromgorrieonewho. did. .
,51 Disrespectful statements, handling coractions involving the koran
am, I I personally Observed, this conduct.
b. III, II obseOred detail In a tOnditicir(that led me to belleyethat thiS conduct had occurred.
c. • Dethinee(S) told me that thiS conduct. h. ad Oectirrd. -
d. • MOTS who Obterved this Ondutt de,SCribed it tO me.
. e; • 1, have relevant Information deSSified aboVe "SECRET'''.
El Et I never observed this conduct 'Or heard -about it from someone who did.
54. -Shaving ,0'.detalhee'Sfacjal Or other:hair to erei.barra.8A:or ht4miliate, a ;detainee
10 II personallyobserved this.condiia.
III 1Lobserved detainee(s) in acond itlon'that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
a • Detainees) .told me that this conduct had :occurred. -
• Others who obseryed this conduct-described it bp me.
• I have ralvatit infOrrfrOrl,c1sOPPO 1?9\! '-`'SCgEr-I"
4 I never Pbs,arVecl this 7c00dUCt liar heard about it fr011tOOMeOneWho did.
.55. Placing a woman's:Clothing on :a detainee
,a4 • JI liarqgnailY observed 1/116'cOncluct.
:15:. • I 0,bserved. detainee:W In a .cOnditiOn that led me to believe ti !this conduct had Occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told Me that this COnduct had Othirred.
d. • OtherS who .61iServed this. tOriciuCt,desCribed , it to fte.,
. • I haVe relevant iriforthatiOn ClasSified a bOVe, "SECRET'.
-1.• El I heti& obSeNed this.,COnduCt finr.heard abbilt, it from :soMecirie,'Who did.
DOJOIG 000678
,56. Touching adetainee or acting toward' a detainee in -asexual manner
ri II I personally observed tlii,S ;conduct . .
b ., • r. observed .detainee(S) in g',COndition that led me o. believe that thIS,cond,uCt, had occurred..
c: • Detainee(i),,TOld Mg that ttk'COriciutt 1-10a :occurred.
d. • otheis who Observed this Conti bet deStribed it tO me. .
III I' have relevant irformatioh Classified above "5,ECRETtr.
R1 1 ffetrr *bt‘e‘ied this,OnduCthOr . heard a,botit it frOrn.tOrfreoneW,ho did.
57. Holding detainee(s) Who Int&p not offidallTacknowledged :or registered as such by the agency
.detaining the person.
a:, • I- p,ersonally observed this conduct;
la, . • I, obserVed detaineds), In :,a, co nditip h that led ,rpe t9-belle,ye that. t Ifis c„oriclu4 [lad occUrre,„
., • . D e,Lain(s) told i-iia, that this conduct had occurred.
II Others who observed, this conduct described it to me,. • • I have relevant information- classified above "S:EtRET".
I never o,b0erved tbis,-,donOpa npr:tioard'ool it from;sorrieone Who d14.
saing a detainee to ancithercou nt for mcireagg ressive interrogatiOn
'. • I, pier§onally ObWved"thi:dot4u2O,t.
b. IbbSerVed - detaineeM in a-Cdridition that led Me to belieVe that:thiS conduct had -aCCUrred.
I Detainee(s)tald me that this conduct had -othirred.
• Others.l.;Vhb observed t'llis'CO,ndtiCt deScribed it to hie.
e.• • r have relevant information' clasiified above ISECRET"-.
6 I, never observed this:conduct norbeard about it from:Someone who did.
.59. 'Threatening ta send. a detainee to another, ebbritni: for detention ortniire aggreSSrve - interrogation
0 IPercinally7observed.this:ccind,uct
DOJOIG 000679
b . • Lobserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
, ,. • Detainee(s):tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
. • Qthers ' who 'observed this conduct described it to me:,
• I have relevant information cla,sSified above "SECRET%
IZ: t neverobserved thisconcluct nor heard 'about it from 'someone; who did.
.266. Threatening to take actiOn against a detainee's family
- = • [ personally-ObserVedthistonduCt. ,
I. observed tletainee(s) irva', orild itiOn, 'that led„ine to helleYe I hat - thiS conduct had octurred -.
petainae(S) told me that this, 'conduct had occurred.
d. I Other S who Obsenied this cOnd.uct described it to, tne.
I haVelelevant infOrrnation classified above- 'SECRET".
L rieVerObsetVed thiS-CoridUct:ribr heard abOut it fitimSOrriebrie'Who. did. ,
61., Other treatment or action causing severe emotional or is "ital 'trauma to a detaineea;
• li personally observed thisconduct.
b. • lIobserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occu rred.
,. • petainee(s) told me, that this conduct had occurred.
ch • Others who observed this conduct described it to me:,,
' • I have releyant information classified above "SECR:ET"
f RI i never observed this conduct norheard „about it from someone who 00.
btherreligious onsexual. harassment or humiliation of adetainee
a. • I personally, observed this-condUct.
b. I' I bbserved,detairiee(s), in a condition that led, -rtie to belleve,thathis conduct had otturied.
• Detainee(S) told me that this conduct had OtCurred.
• Otheit, vithbObSerVed this cbriductdeScribed it to tri.
e. • I hakiefelevarit Information' tlaSsified abtive ",SECRET":
f El I never Observed' this conduct nor'hea T4 'about it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000680
Other.treatment ofa detainee that )n -your oploon was unprpfespional i unduly harsn oraggressive r
ebuSive, 'or unlawful 'coercive,
al •
I personallyobserved this conduct.
I Lobserved detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. • tietainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred:.
., L.1
El 'Others who observed this conduct described it to. tie.
III II, have relevapt information classified above "SECRET%
121 I never observed this condu ct nor hoard :a Out it from sdprieOnewho, did:
J T Lk YA.QU.4!
.64, Did you observe.any 'impersonation of FBI personnel by anyonetluring an interview or interrogation of
Ye ,No
65. Did any tietaineeorother -person tell you Olathe or she had witnessed' the impersonation of og
personnel in cOnneCtiOrr with ,a detainee intervieVv or interrogation . .
0 Y‘e. ' ,
66 Are you aWare-of ariYhartin-or "Staged" detainee inteeVieWS-or . ititerrogatiOns conducted for Members
of thelka ongressortheir- staff?
0 Yes .0 No.:
67. To your IcnoWledge„..did any rnilitarY :61 intelligence PerSonfiel eiret deny, delay FBIaCceSs tö,
detainee the FBI wanted to question because the -,detaingehad sg-§010Pci, injuries after he was caPtnreci?
'byes, "011o,
Pid'yOU'exer end your participatiOn in Of Obbervation of' a ,detainee iriterroigetiOh
because of the interview .or inter-to:gavot) Methods- being.tised?:
0Yet •
'9 Were you ever told that another FBI ernployee,'ande4,his or her participation in or observation; of a
detainee interview or interrogation hatau$:e gf -the interview or-Interrogation methods ; being sed
Yes No
DOJOIG 000681
70; Outing 5any of your overseas deployments pr assignments; did you report tyconcerns. regarding
any .detainee interview Or interrogation Ofattide* or other 1pes of ttetain&trOartietite toL an FBI
Yes CI NO,
71. During any of your-overseds.deployrgepts or assignments? did -you report anrconcerns.regarding
rlyilettlrfeeintervioN r interrogation precticeg. or other itypie0 Of detainee, treatment yoU
obSerVed or heard about, to 4' Supervisor or 'ahoy tion-FBX perSonnel?
(5: Yas 0 No
fl. Have:you :ever been ordered ordirected notto report, .ord iscou raged in any way from reporting,
, p4iervations, or allegatfons related to detainee treatment or Intel -06m or interrogatiOn !actions. pr.
gra qicop
YY 0 Np
72a Who lscoiraged the reporting and bow was the reporting tliscou raged?
73. Havelbu ej03erielided -any -actuaLor threatened re:411611di for teixittirig. obSerVationsor allegatiOns
:of-detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or- practices? -
O. Yes .® No,
74. (OptiOnal). Please proStide any addittoriel cOmrrients regarding the rerfOrting Ot cOnCerris. related. tO
interview or interrogation techniques, detention practices, or other detainee treatment.
75. Were-you de b riefed otherthan :the • eisignrhentO) or -deployrnent(S) after-YoU ,cOrripleted ibe d'eployment(S), or assignmengs)7 -
Os' c?. NO-
'76. Additional tornmentsanti ileconirriendoti6ns,::
Thank you for your cooperation in compIttingthisiquostiormaiM
DOJOIG 000682
Departmentof lustice Inspector Genera( questionnaire Regarding Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00000921
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields have not been Completed.
PleaSerevievir your responses.
A. Personal Information
Please pitVide the fbilOWing* inforrtiatiOn:
1.. First name_
-a. Last name .,
-4.„ Entered. bn Duty Date .(E,00.);
-5. 'Current DiVision/Field'Office:
:6 job title;
Directdial office:telephone nutriber:
8-FBI tell ph,pnlitirliter:
per number::
10est contact number for you.:
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Astignments
11. 'At-any time afterSepterribet 142001, did -ydu. serVe as a 'tern her bf the U.S. Military, or aS àñ
'employee or contractor of the FBIor -any other - government agency, at Guantanamo Bays 'baba; Iraq; .
Afghanistan, or in areascontrolled by the U S Military or a U S. intelligence service in connection with the
global War on terror?
0. Yes 0 No
12. Enter the number Of times yoti: were deployed drasSigned to eaCh cif the,fp1OWirig lqcationS.
(aiantariarno Bay, tuba; Iraq;:fifghanisten; or in any areas con-trailed by the U.S-. Military or a US.
intelligence serVice);2!
Foe,zach-deployirefit or assignment complete the following seetiOrk,.
Deployment O'OOpigbrrient'Oefinn or OT DeliiOjrnOlitOrns:sidnMeiritonded, on
1,9c009P-(seiOt 0110 about .cir about.
APV 10/2002 11/2002
What was #10,:0T1.0r,alriatpf0 and purpose of your a ssignment and actiVities7
TO 'OroVid.etranslatidn arid 'interpretation SerViCes.,
12b. Please p rovidethe names of thespecific,camps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
Cerrik Delta
Lang Loge tenter to monitor itCottled. cell„4ctiVity-
12t, Note: If information abaft a specific.carinp, haSe, orfacility isAeSsified above SECRET,
please check here El, include in your answer that 'ou have l'additional 'information Yclassified above
DOJOIG 000683
6 &>7C
6 7C
Language Specialist,
VcatT,1",a.ricl, if you know:, identifyfheclassificationiey,e1 ,,, tiCicet compartment, prog ram,, or other
designation that applies , to -the infOrinatiOn. ,D6 not inCludetheadditiOnaitiassified information in.-your
questionnaire responses: OIG personnel with the necessary ;clearance Will Contact you tci receive it
Nanfe- Position b 6
'SAC [I think]: „
7 C
-.12d. Did you:jointly interview or interrogate any detainee with nob-FBI Persorinel?-,
" 0 Yes - „
With What Idrids non-FBI personnel did you Work jOintlY?
- B Other-11S Military
q Fo reign" military Dr intelligence agency
q other
t .- t.2 ,D _ id yciP JOirifiy planany detainee interview- or interrogation strategy objectives ,; or tactics With non= I,
-,FBI 1-
i-,, Q 1r.e$ 0 42 , 1 ,
12g. WeeeyOu ever OtherwiSe in routed in detaineeJriterviewS'or Interrogations with nbri-i,FBI perSonnel? ,..
, . 0 Yes .0 NO
Location (select tine)
rierilii**nt or #0.signiiiienfbeinn pn:,01! ,Cierileirneiitiii assignment en clOd, on
. ,.o. r plip,mt.
i---.-:- 4
12e. What Was the:general nature and P. 1,11-1100, Of -YO-Pras-s,i9 rinlOtaliCI faCt iVit1001
PI7dviding translation and interpretation SerViCeS
12:13. Please provide the, names Kif-the„specificcamps, bases,- or facilities where you 'worked.
Baghdad, pp:Oration -Center
The Baghdad Airport
Abb bhraili prison.
An Iraqi police station ,
military ,hOlding fad titles
The COinthand center' irthegreen.zrine
Note: If infOrtnatiatiabOiit a t:pecific;illii,'bas&, orfacility IS:ciaSSified abciVe SECRET,
please :cheek here include in youratiSWer thatyOU have "additional inforniation elasSified abOVe
i$g0Orrin' and, if yoll.KilOW;JdP1:1,tifYthClassification level, ticket, ',compartment, program, or other
desi4tiation that applies to - theitifortilatiOn. Do not the,odditionai classified information iri Ydkir
questionnaire respOnSOS. DIG personnel With the necessary deetante Will Contact YOU to receive it.
,12d, 'Please, ideritify,by riatil'eatid -pOsitiOn at the, tiitie, the FBI' gepbrinel whom yo0 directly reported:
during your deployment or .assig_prnerit::
Name, Position
-Chris 8wecior SAS fOr one; month
Ed 'Worthington -SAC= for one month-
:12e. Did you jointly. interview or interrogate any detainee with non-FBI personnel?
DOJOIG 000684
0 Yes -0 No.
With what kinds of non,F13,I, personnel did yoU .W0* join*?
lirlather.1..5. Military
0 .116. intelligence agency
P FOreign,Military or intelligence agency
El other
Iraqi "policesofficerS.
ot• ••n• ••.= ••• •••• ••• 10, 70 ••• .0, 0. 10 7. ••• ' 0, 0, .7 A. ,. ,0 ..... .7,0, ^. 7". 4. .. , , 1,
izt: Did you jointly 'plaruany detainee 'intervievi- or InterrogatiOti ;strategy, Object,ive4 . Or ta,gic with nonriF,
13I perSonnel?
1, a 0 Yet_ ,C) NO - . I ,
...1.2g,.. Were you ever othei -Wise involved in detainee ititerViews, or InterragatioriS With heri-FB1 peitohnel?
0 Yes . 0 No
A. Training Prior to Ores beployMent or Assignment
13. bid you receive any- training-, inStruction, ,orguiderice specifically :in, preparation for any of yOur
Overseas ;d eployments GrassignMentg•
• - '0YeS „ 0,NO Mici Not Recall
134. VithO provided -t*trair.iirqr, instruction,. Or guidance, and where sliti -Y4iti receive it?
FBI and military personnel.; Prior to departure to :TIN location, and •after arrival.
131:, Describe the subject: on which you received this training, instruction or guidance.
How to odriclua InteitagatiOnS. The processes and procedures used in'tra ritlatiOrrof
documentsand audio,
PY4 0.No 0 Do, Not Recall,
125. In-preparation fof entoryour oVerseat deplOyMents.Or assignments, did Yon. receiVeatiy traihing„
instruction, orguidance -concerning .thtandard sof conduct a pp Ijcalgeto Op:treatment,
interview, or interrclgOtlOa-af detainees by non-FBI personnel?.
OS'es *Q1\19 OD° Not Recall
16. In preparation tor any olyouroverseas deployments -or assignments, did you receive any training );
or:gu,ida nee concerning what you were:supposed:to . do ,if-you observel or heard about
the treatment-, -interview, or interrogation of 11.PtainqP, by Rig: personnel f.'which you believed, to
be inappropriate, unprofesSiohaf, coercive r.atit(sive,:or unlawful?
()Yes No 'ODO Not Recall
DOJOIG 000685
rn preparation' for anyof your overseas deployments or assignments,. d id' you receiveanytrainingt '
• instructionforguidance 'concerning what youwere -supposed to; do ifyou Observed , or, heard ;about'
-thelreatment,'Interviewf. or interrogation b1 detainees by non-FRI personnel, 'Which: you believed
td binapprOpriarerlinPrOfeAlOrial; blerMO, Oblitiv,, urilaWful?
Qyes 'ONO, 'ODO Not Recall
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
Ourin4;effy:oryad OVerseasdepidynientS or aSsighrhents; did Vkifi retelir0 orty;traJriingl instrbaldrie
Or :.g'tildarice;nterning theista ridards. COnd uttaPplicable tb, theAreatehent, intêh?IeW,. or
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
QY'es or.ip Mot Recall
19. During any 'of ydattivrseat,d0ployitebts a$Ognment$, did you 'receive any training / instruction,
ot:gtirdance ,concerniiig -the -stancibrii6 otdondudt'appliCabfe krtheAreattherit, iiitervievi r.Or
interrogation '9f detainees by non-FBIper Oonnier?
ODo No,Re!cpti
Oa, Who provided this traini ng instruction, Ar, t,icinco • .
• ' Personnel from , thegilitarytanguage-Ceil in Guantanamo Bay..
19b. Briefly describe the Substante-cif the mining', instruction, or guidance pXOVided p3. you
H'oint. in*pipt4tiouvvos to Rt0CePO.during interviews.
Os Was any of the training, or guidance -oroyided In wort*
(),YeS "ONti 0: PO Wit Wall -
• puringany ot your overseas ijeoloyments or assignment, did you receive any training, Instruction,
Or -guldanteXciriterning !hat 7o Were suilciOted tO do If you observed or-head:allour rho, •
treatment, iritervieK Or iritOtdgatibri.Of detainees by FBL personnel, which you believed to be.
ihapPrijn fig; UriptirfeSsional,,Coerchiet abilshie„ Or unlawful?
OYes. ,®No ODo Not Recall
1.1. biin any of Our-- aVerteaS deplOyrnehtS Or 66signitern, lid you receiVe any' train itig, -16Stractibb,
Prguidancb:cOnCeffilrig Wriatfybu,Wera:stippbsed tO: do if you otiSeNed jr bedi'd atiOurthe
treatment:, interview„ or interrogation of detainees by non,FBI personnei i. which you believed to
be inappropriate z,„ unproretsional,:asercivel,,ahpsiye, or p nta414.17
OYes. '0No, ODo Not Recall
[c. Adequacy of Training
„ . , . ,, • „ . , , „ ,
22:.:In your opinion, Aid you redeiveadeqUateAtaining instruction, Or9uidanCe relating to .StandardS,
of conduct byFE and rioh-FBI personnel:relating to treatment : inferviewt or Interrogation:of
. „det aine...e s . p Nor to your -deployme—nt or as.s..i gnment? . . .. .
DOJOIG 000686
O'Ys ONo
23,.in your:Opinion, did you receive Adequate training, instrudtioni 01' guidarice relating, to 'StandardS:
of conduct by FBI arid non-FBI:perstifinerteleting to treatment/ intetviek:'or interrogation of
detainees daring your deployrtieritbr-aSSignrherrt?
Q Yes 0, tio
24.1n y,ouropinion, did you receive adequate training, instruction, or,guidance concerning what you
were supposed to do If you oh:served or heard about the treatment, interview, or interrogation of
detainees, by FBI or non-FBI personnel, that yOU beireVed was inappropriate, unprofessional,
cpereiVe,,abilSiVe, br OW1)1?
"Ye ONo
25-..:(OptionalyIn what WayS can the FBI improve training orrth IS subject for future dep byrnentsor
assignments? ,
When I:was:on the TOY a$51g5,)MnI§,,,'Pribr to the :d4ainee 'treatment issuer the lacic,of knowledgeWaS
Pili5sgei-IfPPA,Pit,le,'this Issueshould becli, c0ed: PAP( .6 ,Nfkir,.#46.?:ii?Stri-Wit';'
26, Please 'prOvideatiy add itibrial Infortnetioh:thheerning training for oVerseas dePloymentSOr'
assignments of FBI personnel you 'believe is relevant.
Introduction to In thissectiOn,Weare•seeking inforMatiori regarding amide range, of
interview or interrogation techniques and other types,ottletaineetreatinent alleged: to have occurred.
You should hotsstiMe; just because'weareaSking about a -particular techniqueor practice, that We have
concluded that It In fact:PC:cgrred. We reccignize that SOrne of these technigiiesv,prAgtips may t time
he necessary for safety and security in a detention Setting. In:addition, we 'recognize that .sorne of these
techniques or 'practices may have been' authorized for use by mil itaryor other government personnel.
With respect toeach identified tec:"h nig up, practice, or type .0-eppOci'stp.qceigM, pkyy,, We are ,e'e'icing'
jnfarriatioh about its OMirrente duringprin connection With the licitOryiemr or into-0390cm of
detainee,,or durin,o:the detention of b,detainee beyond what FS -needed for safety' and Sedirity:.
In that contet i we yull as you to teif us whether one or more ofthe following ,Statements are true:
1. ipergo,nallr observed thipancluct,
observe{ =detainee(s) condition tifat led (tiq to belieVe'thatt,h1S'COndOct , bOcl, cxcurrëd
Detainee(S) 1Jdtne that this.corithict had occurred .-
4. Others who observed this;tontluct described "it'to. me.
Lnaye relevant information classified alovo,:q$5,(RF)-",
this conduct nor ,heard about it from ..someoriewhodid.
DOJOIG 000687
47..De Min detainee of food or water
a.. • I personally observed this . .
b II Lobserveldetainee(s) in -acondition -that led me to believe that-thls conduct. had occurred.
q • betainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d„. • Others. who observed this conduct-described it to rne-.,i
e. • I, have relevant information classified above "$,Egq.ET'',
t: FA I never oftlserved this,.cond uct, nor - heard about it from. someone who did.
28, bprMna detainee of clothing
a. • I personally observed thiS conduct.
b. • I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me, to believe that.this conduct had occurred.
C. • petalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred:
• 10-thers who observed this conduct described it to. me.
• I have relevant information classified above 1 .8EC- RET", ,
. IZI I never observed trilsconduct nor heard a botit 4 from someone who gig:,
'29. Deprivinga detainee.orSleep, or Interrupting sleep. by frequent cell relocationsorother methods
o. Ill I personally obserVed this :conduct
• i diss. 174ci. detaiiieeW in ,.a -COnditibrt that led nle to belleVP ..that this CO nduet had .acptiriO‘j-
D OineeN told me that this CoriclUct had otCurred.,
OtherS: Whit) Observed thiS Ctindutt der.itied it tO, frke,
I haVe ;relevant infOrrhatIon,ClaSslfted abbVe 'SECRET'.
• I neVerobteWed.thiS:Coridtittn& heard f.a bb0 t it frolft.sOiteone'whO, did.
Please. provide the'approximate time frame 'during' which this tondUctocCurred.
From (M/DNYYY format or (M/D/WYY"forinat or M/YYYY) 11D° Not Recall
h. The:detairtee(S) ,treated in ;ow way we-ro: lOteted at the time in:
Gtia ntartaitili
20 Iraq
3 0 Afghanistan
4 gl 'other Location
DOJOIG 000688
$ Do Not Recall
i. Please identitythe detainee(s) by name and number:.
j. 'Please identify the' person(s) in.fhb treated the detainee(s) in this manner,, including their
name(s), and government.aoency0e4:
k. Please identify,anyother FI5I personnel or norFFIM personnel =Who observed detainee) treated
in this mariner( including their name(s) And agencry.(ies):
I. ThisConduet ;occurred in thnneclion With:
0 'One detainee
2 0 'SeVeral detainees' (2-4)
0 Many 4etairlees (more than 4)
m. (Optional) Please describethe relevant. circumstances' in more-detail:-
L'vvas asking oneof the ititerrodaiirs- abbLit hoW .detainees Were 'treated. 1-e told Methaf they
. [military in this case] were not allowed to harm the 'detainees. The most they could do was' deny
;them some sleep. When thatmas-,d one, the detainees, were allowed four hOurs ,pf :steep .:at a time
, 30.13eatIng a-detainee
a. • I VersOnally -Wei-Vett
. 1 • I Observed detainee(s) in ,acOnditinn that led -me tO. belieye tfott.11$ conduct had occurred.,
c. IN Detainee(s) told tilt that this conduct had Odturred.
• Others' who ObterVed this tOrid,uct described it" tO Me.
e. • I have releVarit infOrtation Cla§Sified a boVe ",SECRET".
f. RI I neVer.obSerVed thiscOncrtiCt nor heard .boa it fronysorneOne who did..
31. Using Water td prevent breathiftbya detainee or to create thesensation of droWning
a.. • r personalirobserved this conduct .
I), aft ,oserted cit4rie(s) in a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
guabetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurrea.
I. • Others' who observed this conduCkde.scribed it to, rne:
e. • I. have relevant information cla ssified above "$:cREI-is.
DOJOIG 000689
neverobserved this :conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did,
Using hands, rO06,.or arithirig'elSe to choke drstrangle a ,detainee
,'. El I personally observed this conduct.
b.. • I‘pbselyedvetainee,(5), in ;:con.diticyn the led me tio'1.?elie.v that this conduct, F.10 .PPCtlirreck
c., • beWpee (s) tpldln. that 015' conduct nast 'occurred ,
d 0 Others, who obseryed'thiS• Pond tAct described It to me
e. • . I have relevant information giaSsifiPCF above ",sECRET'". .
f. El I never observed thisconduct nor heard ,abb,Ut it from SomeOne who did.
'Threatening other action' to,cuse P:hYs:1Pal. ,...RpA,AulyiTlisfigurerrient, or d eath
a. • it kit onalIV,obServed this ,cohdUct.
b. • ft observed detairiee(S5 itia cOnd Mori that, led rne to beileVe that'thiS conduct had dcOrred.
C, • :Detainee(s) -tbld Me that this Conduct had :Odd:it:red.
T.:1 I ci.),
• id-tiler§ who obServed thiS‘COnduCtdesCribed it to Me:,
, I- „
Ilk 11, have relevant information .classified above ".SECRETI,
f. El. ii- never observed this.Dond uct nor,heard about it from 'someone who did.
4. otndr:treatment or action causing' signiffeant pnysitai in Injury, or causing diSfigurernent„or
a: II t personally - Q.b.serv.0 tiiari4k1ct . .
1.15,:, I '1' oberved. detine4S) In :w.conditiorithat led 'm0 to. believe tnat,tni$ conduct bed !Occurred. -
:-. • Detain0et0 tdld fne tliOtthis coria kid had lOecurrtid., .. .
0 otnr§-,, Who ob.§erved..tnis conductd08tribed it to - me.
.0. • 1 have releVarit information tlaSSified 'atioVe "SECRET".
f. IA .I never Observed, this4dOnd Vet' nOr heard a bOUI. it frbril,SdrffeOrielArho did.
DOJOIG 000690
.Placing detaihee,Ori hOt Suiface or burning dtinee
a. • I personally obsetied this,conduct.
.. II I(observed detainee(s) in acond Mon - that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • poaine(s) told rne that this conduct had 'occurred.
.d • Others who obserye,d this conductdescribed it to me;
. • I. have relevant information classified above n.S.ECRET't.
Lr: .I
I I never observed thisconduct.nar heard about it from someone who did;
36. Using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner
• II . . person*.observed this conduct. - -
• !tobteryed detainee(s): in :a :,cOnditibn that led .me. to believe that thiS cOriduct, had Otourred„.
121 I' -Detainee(S),tOld me that thiS. conduct had ocOrred„
, . • lOtheiti who Observed this condUct described it to nie. ,
e. • !L haVereleVarit inforniation classified abOVe".SECRET".
f. 0. I never observed thisi-conduCt nor heard about it ,florh.SarneOne.Whe did.
Recipithig a ,detainee to niaintainf' testa in ihg -detaineekL,a.qtese91or painful Qositiöh
a. • I personally observed this..conduct.
b, • I:observed detainee(s) in ,acondition that jed me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred,
c, 0 Detalnegs) told me that this conduct had 'oc,curred,,
d., 0 (*Ors who obsrve,d thi's Co.ncluOt described it to me
e. • I. have relevant information classified above "- gcRET.
r l I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who 814.
38. Forcing a .detaine cPperform 'demanding physical exercise
a. • I. persOnal'ObSerVed thiCbridUct. ,
l:Y S:
b.. • I I observedcitai,rie. efsy. in za,COnditiOn that led Me to beileVe that.this„Conduct had occuited.,
C., II Detainee(s) told Tito tii.t this, egindutt. MO b&urt -'6d. ' '
DOJOIG 000691
d. • Others who observed this conduct-described It to me.
I‘ have relevant information classified above ' ,SECRET'.
E I. neverobserved. ti*conduct .norheard .about it from, someone who did,
8,9..-USing electrical shOck,on.a detainee
a, II l personay observed .thiscondOtt, -
• I. Obseryeddetainee(4 Ina -Condition that led me to believe thatthis. conduct had ocCurredi
C. • DetaineeK told me, that .this: conduct had 'dcparrgel.
d. • Others WhO Observed this condixt described it to Me,
e. • I have teieV4rit information Classified a bOve "SECRET.
f. Er I neVerObterved thiscOnduct ncir beard a bout' it frOM-serneorieWha did.,
44. In-mate -ling to Ilse .eiectilai äcor a detainee
a. El I personally obserVed this CondUct.,
Lo.b.s.e.r.i.re_d_de_ta_in_ea s) in -a ,co..n_d.i.t.i.o.n.. .t.h.a..t_ le_d_ m__e _to , believe thatlhie Condit& had beciiited,
Detainee(s) told me that this cond uct had:occurred.
A. • OI t hers, who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
:e.. lit I have relevant infOrmatiori classified a boVe.
f: a I never-observed' PAS tgrlductnorbordabout it fr om:sorneorrew,ho 410.,
Intentionall" dela ing or denying detainee medical care
- • t personally'obSerVed this.cOndua '
b., • I' obserVed-detaineet4 in -condition that led me t-i? believe that this conduct had :occOrrod.-
;C. I aetainp(s) told rrie that :ii=d (olictuct td 'cic,corrod..
d. • others who ObSerVed this contiutt.destrihed it tome.
ë • I. have relevant information' Classified a bove: f!EcRErn'. .
f. Z I neverObterVed, thiStOntitfotniOr ,heard abent it from _sibrileOne:'WHO did.
DOJOIG 000692
42, flooding or blindfolding a datainae:gther .01mi - during :trailspo!'titipn
a. El t perscirially.obSerVed this .CoriduCt.
b. • LObserved 'detalriee(0 In a.cOridition that led me to believe that this tondU.ct had occurred..
C. III Detainee(s, )told .m „e _ t.h..a_t .t.h. is conduct had occurred. 3 —
III Others. who observed this conduc td escribed. it to me.
El L have relevant Information classified above. ' ,tSECRET.',.
f. lEf 1, neyerobseryed this .conduct nor heord about it frorn -someonewho did.
43. Subjecting a detainee. to ektremely cold or hot room temperatures for extended periods
., • II personallyobserved this.conduct:
' i • I' obServed del.aiheeW - ih.aic6ndition that led metc,i beliOye inafhis Conduct had occurred,
C. • r)etainee(s) td me that this, 0040 'lag ,occUrred:
• • Other who :oh:served this: COnch,lct deScribed it to Tri.
e. • t have relevant irigirtriation" ClasSiffeci above: SECRET"..
r never OM-ONO thi,S.cdridUtt fior :heard about it flOrri..sornecine-WhO did.
44. Subjecting a detainee to ,1Qud rhuSfq
-a. • ,L personally obSerVed, thi':egiitliitt. .
b. • LobSerVed detainees in a...condition that led 'in e to, helievethatthiS tdridudt had occurred,
• Detaineejs) , told Me that this conduct had Occinfred.
d. • Others who 'Observed this conduct described if to. me. . .
e. • r;hay.a relevant information classified above 'SECRET'. ,
IRI I never observed. this conduct nor _heard 'about It from someone wha did.
45 Subjtin9 a detainee to -brig ht flashing lights or darkness
a 0 I personally qbgeryed this:•coottuct, ,
• I'observed detainee'(s). in a -cpnd Mon that led me to believe that this" cd,nclua had occurred.
DOJOIG 000693
c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e.. • r- have relevant information classified above ''.'UCFM,I'' ...
. El t neverobserVed this.tondoo,t,nor heard about' It frprifsorneonewilo did,
46. Isolating a detainee for an extended. 'period
a, I' r person4IY"Pb.Pervgd' this 'opriduct.
6,. I 1 observed' detalhee(S), in a.,coriditionthat led tne to believe ,t,hatithis conduct had occurred..
. • i Deta, in,ee(i) told Me .tnettnis conduct had .occurred.
• Orb`erS, whb ObSerVaO this 'odndj.ftifiestr.iilga it to ime.,
g; 0 IT have teleVatit Inforrnatlotr clas§irleci.abOVe "SECRET'''.
f, iii' I never ObSeriled thiS .toridUCt narheard about' it fitim,sOrneorieV1 -16, did.
'Using duct top:o:to reStrain, ;gag, or puniSh a ,detalriee
LL :t
• t
tI persOnall)n4bserved this condtift.
CI ILcobserved detainee(s) in a-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.,
1 I Detainee(s) tald me that this conduct had occu rred. C.
d. • lathers who observed this c; onduct-described it to me.
e. • I have relevant illf9rnig.Prrcsif*I a,SrCRE:1-'4
' : El 11, never observed, thistoriduct not heard about it from" rnene who did.
.48., Using rapid response teams andfor forced cell extractions.
3 0 . p4rponalijr observe-Obis 'cOnduct. .
b . • tobserved detainee(s). In a>cOridition that led me to beileve that this ooindua had occurred.
C. II ,Detainee(i) told the that this 'd anduCt had 'oeturred.
d. • 1Others who Obterved this CiOndutt,deserid it tCi rrie:,,
-e. • I haVefeleVatit inforrhation ClaSsified a bOVe, u,SECREr.
f. Et ir neiet observed thicoriduct tiorliea id 'about it from ;sorifiecinewho' did.
DOJOIG 000694
49..,Using a military working dog ,on or near a detaineeother than during detaineefransportation
a: n t personally observed this.conduet,
i . n I'ObServed detainee(*) in:a cOnationthat led .nv, :to, b:olioo, thotttoo conduct, had occurred.,
• n Detainee(s) tOld me that this' conduct 6-40 occurred.
n Others; Who observed this torithia destribed it td rrie_
e. n 1‘ haVe reieVaritinftirmation"ciaSSified above 'r;S,ECRET'.
I never ObterVed, this .donduct hof:hdaed ;about it froni-SOrheorielivho did.
threatening to use military working dogs on or near a detainee
a q I perScinallY Observed thiWCondUct.
b. q I observeddetainee(s) In acondition that led me to. believe thatthis conduct had occurred'. i
C. q Iletainee(s) Old me that this conduct had :occurred..
n others who observed this conduct described it to me,,
q I. have relevant information classified 1?ove."$'ECRET"1
f. Ef never observed this conduct nor heard about.; it from someonewho
-51. Using spiders; scor ions, snakes, or other a nimalwon or near a detainee
. • I' persOrially observed thlwcbridOC.t.
. n TobSerVed destainde(*)' in a cOnditiOn that led me to believe thati.thi5 conduct had occurred.
n Detainee(*) told me that thid,CoridnOt had .occurred,
d. MI • iottierS who obserVeci this tondUctdesCribed it TO Me,
n ir Mitt Idles/ant ififorniation clasSified abOVe "SECRET'. art fieVerobSeNed,thiSicoridudt .rthr.heard 'about it froeii -,s,ciiii,dOrie:Who did.
Thre-Wilinq tO .Use spiders, Stars ions, .snakes, 'or other a tiiirialS, Orlia" .detathee
a: n r personally .obserVed this conduct:
• I:observed detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000695
c • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • r have relevant information classified above ''S„E(11gri*.
: El I never observed thjvconduotnor heard about it from sorpeoneyvho , ciku.
31 Disrespectful statements,. handling, or-actions, involving the. Koran
. • I personally observed di:is, cPrlduct ,
I. I' oberved detainee(s), in atondition'the led me 'to belleVethat - thiS conducthad ocCurred.,
• Detainee(S) told me that :this: conduct had Occurred. • Otters Who ObSeryed this CtindLict described it to me.,
• I: have relevant InfOrmatiOn ciasSifieci atioVo., "SECRET'. .
f. I I neVer -ObberVed this conduct nor heard aboutt ,fnarmsorttedrie who:did.
5.4. 'Shaving a detainees; faial or ptherhair ernbarrass„Or hIjmiliate,a detainee,
a. • persdrialV:,obServed this conduCt.
b. • LDbserved detainee(s): in •a-cond Mon that led me to- believe that this conduct, had ;occurred.
c , • Itaetainee(s) told , me that this conduct had :occurred. '
cl • !others who observed this conduct - described it to me.
ei • 4,` have ;relevant information classified a,b ove "S'CRET"-.
'.. El *J never obServed thisCondutt nor heard abopt it frornsornebne -WhO did,
Placinga Woman's: -clOthing on a-detainee
a; • I personally'obServed thiStOnduct.
b. • I observed daalne:a,(S), In ,cOnditipn that led me to V011eVe 011t:thiS. conduct had 'occpyrOd.
c. • Dtain8s) tbici :Me that this conduithad -occurred'. .
d. • Others whb Obtehred this brindUCt,desCribed it td me.
e. • I haVe,feleVant itifOrrhation elasSified aboVe.",$ECREr.
f. 10 netier obSerVed this,coñduct nOrheard abbbt. it frdrivSorneoneAvrio did.
DOJOIG 000696
.55, Touching a detainee or acting toward a detainee in asexual manner
a; • t personallTobserved thistanduCt. ,
b. II I'ObServed detainee(s) in ;a:0nd itiori that led ,mer9 - belleVe thwthio. condUCt: had occurred,.
• D'etaihee)1-Old me that till'(19ild.UCtnad btc113.1tred. - -
'ti'. • OtherS:wfib observed this. COnduct described it td
. ....
I have releVant Information Classified abOVe ''S,ECRET".
BIJL never Observed: this4ondUct -nOtbeia id ',a,bart. it frorri;.tOrheOrie:Wild did.
tiolaIng -d'etainee's)' who were, not, officiailyacknoWledged or registered assoCh by the 05PricY
-.detaining the perSort.,:.
'a. • it personally observed this conduct , ,
. . IN .1 observed dOlPitY.e0s) in a cOricriti9r1 that led ,trie to keli00.thqt,t1 -.4 co-Out had ,00curreA.
, II DeWheeW t9,14 the that .40444 hasl.Pccurted ,
,,, • Others' Alm oobservedthi5..C.Prkkict described It me. .
• I have releyant intim:10bn: classified a boye "Slt kET'',
f El I never OsPrved this conduct nor heard sabout : it from scimeDne:WITOdid.
58. tend ih9 a detainee to another'country for mfPggro"OVe ihterrogaito'n
a. • I per.sOnally-obSeNed thiS',COndu,Ct.; . ,
b. • .obterVed detairieeM in a;COndition that led The to belle that:thiS COncitiet, had ,OCCtirred.
Detainee(s ) told the that this conduct' had ocCu rred. .
d. • Others, who observed this cOnduCt described it ta hie.
e. • 'have relevant information classified above ,!8ECRET",,
Et I; neveriobserved this conduct nor heard about it 'from:someone:who:did.
59. Threatening to send a detainee tiaa'nOther catintry, foi detention or inbreaggressive interrogation
: in ^persanOlsropserv,00 ;ttifs canduct:
DOJOIG 000697
b. • Lobserved detainee(s), in aoond ition that led me to believe that -this conduct had occurred.
c. • 1D'etainee(s)'tdld me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. • Q hers, whodbserv,ed this conduct-described kt,9 PIP.
-0, • I have relevant Information Classified a bovg ", ,E,REI-,,,
,f, EI' I neverob,served this-condUctnor heard about it from someone:who did,.
66. Threatening to take action; against a detainee!s ram ily
a. • I personally, observed this cOndUtt.
• I.Olitetved -detainee(s) in A Oriditi9n that led, Me to believe that this; conduct had occurred:
•' Votaio.0e(a),told 146 that this onclAtt had ,ot0,,trrtcl.
. , • others whO"OhserVed 'this cdndutt desCtibed It to hie:
e. • I have releVant Inforthatiohcl8Ssified 8bdVeECRET". ,
. EC I> neVetObSerVed thIS:coriduct nor heard a bout it frortksoniebrfeWhd did.
'other traatthent r 8cticin -CaUti ng .s0er&ootiotial chOlo trauma td 8 -detainee
: • il. personally observed thistonduct.
b. • Tobservert:detaihee(s). in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
III Detainee(s) told me that this conduct' had -occurred.
• Others who ohserVed this conduct described it
I have r*yarit information classified above ",Sttg.Et",
E Ef I never observed this conductlior heard about it 'frOm sdrneOnevh9 clid.
42. 'Other 'religious or sexual 'harassment or humiliation of a 'detainee
. • r PersPhaliy ottserved:thistOndaCt.
b'. • I Observed detainee(s). in a- Condition -Char led, me to believe th8t,this &Watt had otturred.
o. • Detainee,(41tOlci me that this cono act- had PtairrAd.
d. • Others' With tbSerVed this Carittuot:desCribed it to Me.
e. • I haVefeleValit information tlaSsified above SECRET".
f. El L never observed this conduct poi heard "about ; it frOrn,sathei3netivhd did.
DOJOIG 000698
;61: Otherireatme0 cif dPiallieq that:1411PP r oPltilob, was unprpfessjpnal k Inigly:harsh_oraggressige,
tOetelVe, abusive, Or unlavyful,
• • L personal itobserved this conduct
• II tobserved -detainee(s) in &condition that led me to believe that this condu:ct had ,occurred..
ri •• DetOilPe(s)VISI pi 014 tis conduct had occurred,.
Others who observed this conduct desclibed it to. me.,
• t have reievatit information classified alsov ''''$gdRil'-, -
El ; never 0 b*Ned this tOpd uct nor heard 'about it' frortCsorneOne who aid,
F 0 11.Ejt a-AR_ ..•• • . „
64., Did you observe.any impersonation of FBI personnel branyon& during an Inter -View orinterrogation of
0 Yes No
65. Did any-detainee orotheperson tell you that, he or she had. witnessed -the Impersonation of FBI
persengo iti connection ivithwdefaineeintorykw pr nterrpgaiion?'
16.: Are yOti aiiVat.e.efany u2shani"-Or "'staged" 'detainee interviews or ifitefrOgationa Conducted tit Members
.of the U.S_ Co,ngressortheir staff?
„ •
`67. TO;yobr" icndkleclgesr, did any. niiiita'tV èr iiitentqeficep6fsefifibl ever tietiy. br..dela :FBI access to, a
detainee the FBI wanted question becpuse,the-detaltiee had sustainedt injuries after he was captured?'
U.Yes; tNo
DidyOu Oyer kntlyqut partictatiOfi in or 0.bSeniation of a detainee: interVieW or intefrOgatiOn
because of-the: interview interrogation methods being .used?
Yes •,(:), Nd.
'.69.0Were you ever told that another FBI :employee ended his or her participation in or observation off, a
detainee' interview or interrogation because of .interview or intorro,ptIpn methods being !gall
Igp !No
DOJOIG 000699
* I:luring:any-9f your Oyerseas ifeployments pr assigrirnents i Iiçi youreport anyconcerns. reg arding
aly,:detainte- inter-VI& OfintentgatiOn PiraCtidesr .Or other types Qf detine treatment, to an FBI
Ye % '() NQ
71. buring -any of youroverseas deployments or,sigPments i id -yowreport any' qoncetnsregarding
anyAetailft‘interyi0 'or interrogatiOn praCtices or 001er -type's:Of detainee : treatment yOU
Observed or heard but, :to non-FBIsupervisor or oth eriiin-FBIpettOnnel?.
Yes' C! No
'n,;flave -you :ever been ordered ordireqed notio report, D rdiscouraged IR any mar from reportfrig,
:observations or allegationg related to detainee treatment or interview ,or I nterrogation actionS- or
Y.Op '0
71 Have you experienced any 'actual' or threatened' retaliation for reporting observations or allegations
of :dataineatreatment or interview or interrogation actions or practices o, l(e s 0 No'
'74. (Optiarial) - PleaSe pitiaVide ehy additiOnal comments regarding the fepoiking of concerns related, Di
interview or ihtorrogoorolpigym detention .practices, -or other detainee treatment.
Were yyoouu de brietel, other than the cstilArct otirterin Fp-,77:2, concerning your OveMe.
_assigninentCO ;or degkSyrheht® after you completed the :depIoyment(0, or aWgnitent(s)i
YE iNo
76. 'Additional Coirirde:ntkand RetOrrirriendationS:
. . —
Tha'n'k you for your toop'eratiori fri co m pletina this: ouegtio rina ire
DOJOIG 000700
Departmentof .I,us.tice. Inspector Gen:era uesti,onna1re Regarding Detainees
DO ripr•FORWAitti OitDi$:$E61011-10
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-0,0,002279:
ASurtne last time thisquestionnaire was saved; some required fields have -not beencompleted.
PleaSexeltiewirOtir ressronSes,
Please pedifide the fOlkiWihg. InfOrMatiOn:
i. First name:,
2,.; Middle initial:
3i Last name:
4. .Entered bri linty - Date (E0D):
urrenttivisioniField Office:
'Current:lob:title; •
7. Diteet:dial tiffiCetelephOne nurnber:
8. FBI tejf PhOrie nUrribet:
-0-.FBI pager nuMberi
Elest contact, number foryow.
Is. Background of Specific DeployMents or Assignments
11. Many the aftetSePtetibei- 1-1, 2001, did ydu. serve as a inetribee Of the .U.S„ Militafy, or aS an.
employee or contractor of the FBIor any othergovernment agency,. at Guantanamo 8 -aye Cuba; Iraq; i
'Afghanistan, Or in areas controlled by 10-., Military or a U.S, intelligence service inPconnectionwith the
glOball.Araron ,terror?
0 Yes 0 NO
12. .Enter the nOrnber Of tirnes ,yoU.WeredePlOyed ;orassigned to each Of thetfolloWing 1OtatiOns. •
(Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Iraq; Afg ha nista ni or in .aa ny areas controlled by- the.:LL:a. Military or al10-
For each' deployment or assignment .completethelollOUring section.
Locatjqn (sOloctonoX Deployment or assignment 6410" PePh*rfta at Fir ssildnineritepile4 on
about • or about,
anWan, • 09/1312002 - 09/15/2002-
12a.What was the general nature and purpose ofyOur assignment and activities?
interview of detainee
12b. Please provide the,names of the,specific ,camps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
Priorri,j KAul 10,Pratgcl. PTAS
Ottte: If inforinaiii30411Pdt a IttleCific ,Carng, base, or facilit rs,das,:sitleci ahye SECRET,
please check here 21, Include in your -answer that you haveadditjonolinfotmatio:Classified; -ahoye
ISECRET„"3- and, if 8/.0U' know, itlehtifYtheiclaSsification level, tiCket, :Corn partnierit, .Progi -antobrOther
designation that applies to the Information Do not include the additional classified Information in your
FBI Information
Declassified by 60324 UCBAW/SAB/LSC
On 4/2/2009
DOJOIG 000701
6 &7C
ct 70
Spedial Agent
0 Oc pe'RAoiRegm04
gliestionnaire re:SPonses. DIG' personnel :with the necessary clearance will Contact you to .recelVe, it.
Name Position
,071 I ',,Sup,eryiSOu4. flrearn . ,
42.e., Did you Jointly interview or intottopt,any , detainee with non-FI 0.000ririeR i
(-3.1 les c) No 1
:12f. Did yoUjoiritly. Plari-ariYAttairiee intervieliv Sot' interrbgatibri :strategy, ObjectiVegi or tactics with non-
IfF5I personnel? .,
- 0 Yes 0 No
- With. what. kiri,dsOf non-FBI 'personnel 'did yOP wbri, paintry?: " mi
*. 1:1 -CITF
0 Dther.U,S: Military
intelligence agency
0 Foreign military or intelligence agency
Wereyou ever Othenprist inVialVed in:(1 etairieelntervieWsor interrOgatia#S With non,,FEd, PersOnnep
tes, QNp
p,ioso:Oloottko , r Was involved ill ;p joint„inter,r:qotio :of a rfigh.10 AQ detainee: wetly in
Afghanistan and then shortly thereafter in a '3rd 46(intry. Specifics of where that was and who else Was
Ariv.olvecl is eta higher clasSifiCation.,
LbdatiOn 'Oellet, one)
beplown en; o r AF sf g n 'pent '1,g an on ,oo r De p 1pyrne txt ornsAignrponi e n a es!, on
about otIn betut
, ,, - — - • - - --, b 6 z
iGuatna namo Bay; ,' 62116/20108'-
. -03/08/10D3,
12a. What Was the general nature and !Ali-pose a your'assignrrient- and a,CtivitieS?
To :interview a detainee
1..)?, please provide the names of the,specific:capips, bases, or facilities where you worked.
GTMQ -.-SpeCial -Segregated facility for thiS -particulat detainee
12c. Nike: If information about a ,spedifiCxartii, base,,OrfadilitYls-Ciatsiffed abOVe SECRET,
please check here 0,: include in your answer that you have "additional -inforMatiOn:ClasSified'abtke
'SERU:i'" ..and, if you know, identifY Ih.4**sifiqptipri,Ipv,0, tiCket,;Oorpo.ortmenti‘nrggrpm, or Other
degignation that appiiieS- to thinforrnatitirr. DO not include the:add itional classified 100. tiliPtiort in 'your
gueStionnalte resparises. DIG persOnnel With the necessary .clea ratite Will contact You Aci receive it,
rif US
:12t1.: 1Plea5e Identify, by tiarrieep. d pp'siticili at the time,, the. FBI petsorinet tb:WhibmyOu directly rtOrteci,:
during your 4,9ployment-ok-esig_nmenk-
PoSitiori-i Nartie
•'Al I. rIT'46 MN/Di , 'Supervisor-
:4:2e Did you jointly interview or interrogate'any detainee non-FBI PPrP9rirpi7
, ,•
e Yes, . Q isia -1
. ,
With Whal kinds of rion-FBI gel - het did -you iXtOrk,joiht10
DOJOIG 000702
12f, Did you jointly plan any detainee interview or InterrogatiOn strategyi objeCtiVes, or tactic § with nonge.
gD yes NO
With .wht kinds of noh-FBI pesnn did 16Zi fDirCtiyi
0, Other US.,
U.S. intelligence agency
0 Foreign military or ihtdliOgnc0Aerlq
0:Other .
Name POsition b 6
ssAl N :88A
0 US. in,telligence ag:ency-
0 EOfeigii Military or intelligence agency
) <

42g. Were yotuever Otherwise iriVOIVed in detOineeihterVieWSDr ihterit OtioliS with rori=FBI. Personnel?.
, -
Yes 0, NO
Location ("el Ott cne
-,Guantanamo B,8
Deploviriint ó a$O30OinOrm ben on or Deplo*Oot or assignniont ell dpd
about, or a bo,ut
05/002003 '0,510.0/2.003
12a. What WaS the general nature 0 nd purpose:Of your assignment and activities?'
interview of detaine6
17* li,leaseprovidethenames oftheepetificicarnps,,bases;-.Dr facilities where you worke0.
Same as above trip to Old „.
12c. Note: If information about a specific carrip, bast„ or facility is above SECRET,
please check here 0, include in your antWer that you haVe -addftionei information classified abO:ve,
`SECRET'", and/ if you know, identify the classification level, ticket, compartment, program,;DrDther
-designation that applies to the ifformatione0o not include the additional information in your
questionnaire responses, 016:Personnel yslitui the necessary ,clearanCe Will contact you to receive it.
Plea'se re- harm. and position at the time, ri31 personnel :6 who rrrioU direetly reported:
-11e jointly interview orinterrogateany detainee with' non-F6I personnel?
0 No.
With What kind,,S Of. nen-,FBI personnel 'xijo you work join,tho -,
lil CITF
.. .0 10,ther U.:S. Military
.:- 0 Us, intelligence agency'
0 foreignlitaryor intelligence ogricY . . ..
- -,-- --.•,--, --------- - - - - - - -.- - ,,,---,,- -,-------,..-,-,.,-.-:-.-'7=-.1'.--,`"''''''.!:-.-- -- 7 7 7 ----- 7, 7 :7 •7 7 - 7. - '7 .
DOJOIG 000703.
ON'is 'ONO ODo ‘ISkitRecall
DOJOIG 000704
A. Trairtinti Prior to-Overseas Deployment or Assignment
13, recely any traininq, Instruotidii, or gulpialice specifically in preparation for any of your
öveiseas deployments OF ts'siOnrnetit§?
Ottlj,aiatiPht fQr d0010)%riVilts,br -4$ignrri er1M.dici 'Du rdeiNt„e-Ahy training,
itittruction; or4iiidante ;demterniiig the standardS!.of c diitt'applica tO the treatrnerit,
interyiewor interrogation.ofxletai Rees by FBI personnel?
()As allo '_O'Do .14ot Recall
15. In pl-eparation far any af:yaur cWeas abOlOyments.ot signments,fict oU reteisre-aby training,
dinceining the:gtandard§bf cdnddet applitablekithe..treatiment,
interview-4 'or interrogatiorrof ',detainees by non-FBI personnel?
0Yes ot,No: Nokilecall
16.In pet jiaizitiOn Icieoriy•Ofkibui- overseas deplOyMents'of• receiVel:any training,.
inStradion,orliiidatiot dotidernin44Jhat yciu lArere,stiptiosoil tido ifycitI ottiteNed betheatd bOrJt
the treatniant,interviewi.or interrogation, of detainees by FBI_ personnelr which you believed
ingli,PVPriatejail)10fp4'siOnari coarcly.a2,:atiAiygi Or unlaWft4,1?
:1 .f- = ... .. . . __
--- - I
1i CI:Oth,,r At
.14 ' .41 .
i • • • • ,.. - . I,
..12t. Did you jolty plan anydetairiee irirOrViegir orirmat -roption $tratgayr 01)PaiVe.§, br t,CtiC4 Win' nth- ..,
-FBI personnel?
0- Ydg . ,0 No
• • - - . - , "-; With what kinds a non-FBI personneldid you work jointly?
',.-. a oftier,11..S. Miiiry
0, U.S. fritelliOetied ,g0hdy,,,
Cl foreign:military or intelligenge agency
BicE50.cWi Agent:
, .
12,g.; Were you e'er otherwiselyiilyed in deraineWinterViews or interrogations with .ncirt-FBI personnel?
0 Yes NP.
®No Do Not Recall
11 111 preparation for atiof yoUrOVeitedePloyfrierits Or assigrirnerits„did, you receiVe,ariV.tealtlingr
instruction, orguidance ionceming what you iveresupposed to do if you !observed or heard-about.
the treatinent, ,Interview, or interrogation.zf detainees by non-FBI personneVWMCP you .PPIIWEgi,
-to be, inapprOpriate -unprotesiottal-s .co.erOlve, -abu4i* or iinle:wful?
°No 0-150 Not Reafl
B. Training During OuerseaS DeplOytnents rASsignmentS
Llq ring any pt'yogr oyerpeaszde,proymnts ojassjg merits; 'did you receive any Frig', tns,tructiOty,
•6-60idarice,OtigeTnirig the standards of 0;iridut app1kabI to the 11XerVION,F or
ihterrngation of d eta inteS by FBI. iersbrinel •
QYes ONO Quo Not Recall
During arty of y0.14r oRtrsgassleployrneRts p a'Ssfaurneritsizticl' -you receiye anytraining, instmctiort,
,Orliiidante:OacTerfilbg Ibb,;Statidards, Of conduct appli,obig ti5.tlig,rreatnient, Interview,
inlefidgation of 4dtaineeS• by non-FBI personnel?
0Yei -0No. blaci
2O. During any -416yr overseaS ,iletikiyitmitS aSsigOtnehtk tit! ou rhi itittruction;
-Or guidarlcbtolicerning-What yOu W.ete sufipo'sed to dO if OU.ôbièd,orhéd ,about the.
trealmenty interview„ or interrogation of detainees by FBI personne4 which you believed to be
inappropriate, .upprofesOionati coercive abusive, or unlawful?'
0Yes' .c5 NC* 9D0 Nbt,Wall
• 21, Miring -aq -of•yolir oVerseaS:deplOrridrits or aStigiirrielits, did you receive any , traitting, iriStrlictioti;
orgyiclalltoricer,olng vyhat you were supposed 'tp ao if you '.0bserved or heard bout the
freatment) , interviey6 or interrogation of detainees by non-FB] personnel, which you believed to •
be inappropriate, unprofessionalrccerciyerabuSlyet or unlawful"?
0Yos No OPO NAV Wall
IC. Adequacy of Training
22.1n yourOpiniOn, Aid you reeeive -adequate training:, instruction,,orguidance relating to standards
of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel relating_ to treatment, '.interview:„ or Interrog ation of
• , ijeteinet$4i:elor tOyour:cleplOy.rnerit bJa.sisigprrionr?
lit Yes' r)
......... . .... . 22a, Please deseribetheAkay.S:iii Which ybu believe the ti.ainingK iristiliCtiOnOi-Oildantie WaS
DOJOIG 000705
A briefing on technigues llowed to be used by Intel and U8;rrillitatyswould have been helpful ;
23. In YoUrVijitikin, did ydti redeiVeade.quate training, inStrOtticirt,,of.gniddriCe relating to :adridardS
of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnerrelating totreatment l interview, or interrogationof
:detainees dUring, your deployrnent,prassignmenf?'
0 "t'es sa No
236. fe0,4 descrihetheliteaysiri which *in belieVethetrairdripi. Man:lake or guiciante waS
Sameas above. Oftendifferent,approaches between -our LE type technique and their techniques - a
heads up on how they operate priorto working With then would have been helpful. ,
24.1n youropinion, did you receive adequate training, instruction„Prguidance concerning what you
were SLIpposed; to,do If you' observed 'or bar it the ,treatmente, Interview,•or interrogation of
.detainte.S, by FBI or non-FBI personnel, that yOU 'believed was inappropriate, 1.1nprOfeSsicinal,
coercive, abuslge, or utilawfUl?
0 ^Yes 0 NO.
25.fOntiOnaDiri Mat earl the -FBI imProiretrainfrig Silbjedt for fire delikiyIndritSbr ,
;After action debriefs Of those:whO served ip trl'ear_eos,• and lessons learned- irhsentice:

, •
Pleade proVideariradditional information concerning training for-Overseas ,c1.ep le y rriehts-or:
aSSigninenti of FBI. personnel yoti believe is releVatit.,
IntnidUction to. Part Int' Iii this section, wea?d skIf infontiatiOn :regarding: a Wide range of
interviewpr interrogation techniques and other types' of detainee treatment alleged to have occu rred
Thu should, notassume„ just because weareasking about a particular technique or practice, that we have:
concluded that it in fact ocUt'red We recOgni4e.tbat,Sorne of these techniques or practice s may at times
.benaceSsarY for safety and security In a detention settlnq . In addition, we recognize that some of these
idchniques.or oteeticeS MaYhaYe been anthoelied for Use by militatyor-other governnient personnel-
With respect to each Identified teChnique, practice cor type of conductdescribed low, werare seeking
inrcintiatiOn'OUNX its Occurrence 'during or ,t0:ritiOstiori wall the interview: or interrogation of a
.detaidee„.ordutind'the detention of W. detainee beyond wihat is needed for safety and security
In that -aintektiwe Wilt ask you to .tell us Whether one -or More cifthe following staternents are -true:-
1 I personallrobserved thistondUct.
- 2 1:observed .detai nee(s) (T a condition dor led metb belleVe that thio-cOtrdna, had Occurred.
Detainee(s)TOld 'Mild that this conduct - had occurred,.
4.. Others Who obSenied This coridtiddescribed to me:
havereleyant informationclassified, above ";SECRE17;,,
DOJOIG 000706
;6, ]never observed 'this -conotict por heard aboutit 'from qmone yytiod id,
'17.,Depiiving, a ,ciglairiee Oflobd or water
. : • L personally-observed this conduct. '
b. • I.observed detainee(s), in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
c, El betain,ee(s) told me that this conduct bad :occurred.
5 7-
• , Others who observed this conductdescribed it to nrie,',
es • r have relevant information classified a bow ',SECR.O .'.,
El I neVerobserved this.conduct :nor heard 'about it ,from sq en: who did.
8. Depriyirig detainee Of clothing,
a. Ci I peitOnally Observed this conduct.
I Lobserved detainee(s), In aoond Mon' that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
„. • Others- who observed this conduct described it to me,
e. • I have relevant information: classified above "S:EqRE -H-, '
f: [if I, neverobserved.this- -conductnor heard :abbut it from SomeoneWho did.
"29. Depriving adetainee of:Sleep,,, or interrupting :sleep by frequent -cell relocations or:cither methods
a: • r personally observed. this conduct
b.. in LObSerVeddetailiee(s) in atOnditiOrr that led me to believe, that this conduct fied ,Otturred.,
c. • Detainee(s) thief-fie Ili-at thiS,CdriduCt had Aiddireed. .
tr. • Others Who Ohserved thiS COUduttdeStribed it to me.
'. 121 I haVeidleVarit itifOriiiatiOnClasSified bbOVe "SECRET".
f. • 1 fieVer-obSerVed,thiS:toriduct noe Noose provioelhe gproXimate Vine 'frame -0ring_ Which t id§, co rilltiCt, occurred .
Frotri-09113/2.0,01 16- 0911512001 011'o Not Recall
h. The tietathe0S) treated in this Wa..s% were located at the time in-:
0 ;ala ntanarriO
2 0 'Iraq
DOJOIG 000707
, EfAfgharilSten
' 4D Other LOCatiOil
U bo,Not Redd(
L Please identiN-the detaineekS), briar -tie and' number:
Above- Secret level
j. Please identify The person who treated the detalnee(s) J 'this manner/ including their
riaine,(S)'and 9Oyernriloritagricy(16),:
k. .Pleas,e, identify. anyOther . H3111,0)Varrel Or tiori PorsOnn0 vstbo--otiserVail, detainee(s)' treated
in this Manner,. incIud1n their' hie() .arid ageticV(IeS)z
not icrio,wn'if otneys, Observd
I, This conduct occu rrettin connection with
6 'One detainee,
C SeVeral detainees
Many,. detainees. (wire than 4):
'4 0 co Not Recall
m. (ptional) Please describe the reievant circumstances in mpreldetail
Above secret level
3n. Beating a detainee
a,. • t: garPOnOti -41grVati this 060114
. 0
E3II:Ob*rv.ed cletaiheets:1 in a'cOnditiph 'that lad, rri0„ to„ b01100. 0 -10011g. cOntLuct, had :actuoaci.
Detairieeks) ttild me Ow this: Oridtict had OCC(irred. • Others iNhO ,'ObSepted this cOridutt: d ..soti WI it to, me.
I have relevant inforMation ClaSSified above "SECRET%
f. rg I neVer,,ObSetVed thiscOhdudlibEheard ,abtiut it frotitSorrietine.'Who did_
at. Usiii9 iivaterto OreVent breathing by detaittorto create the s'efisatiOri dfaWhillb
a. • I. personally observed this:conduct. ,
b , • robserved detainee(s) in a coed ition that led me to believe that-this conduct had ;occurred:
- c; • Oetainee(s) -told me that this. conduct had occurred, ,
A • Others who observed this conduct described it to me;
e-, • . have relevant information classified above l'OEOkkt%
DOJOIG 000708
f l I never observed this conduct nor 'heard about It from 'someone' whcc dld.
3 Using hands !brie, Or allything else to thOke or Strandle a idetaitiee
‘a., II I: personally observed this Donduct.
11 • I obsepred-detaine*) in a,:condition that fed Tme to believe that this conduct had occurred:
121101Detainee(4),told pie., that this conduct had ,ocourro.1;
dx • Others, who obsergecrthis cond,u,Ctdescribed it to me,
'e. • I have releva,nt InfOrmatlort classified abOVe.",IS.C.IET*.
f. 0 il never obs,ervad° this conduct nbr -hoaed about it from "scitire0ba,- Who did. '
33. 'Threatening 'other action. to 'cause phySicel pain, injury isfigurethent,or.deth
. • r persohallyobterved this 'coriduCt..
.b.. • I observed.detairiee(tIih a,cOnditiOri that led Me to, believe thatthig t &duct had „Odd:IP -ed.
• Detainee(S) . tdld the that this conduct had oCcOrred.
'd. • Other& who obSerVed thiS dionaud.deSei-ibed tt-- to me.
. • I. have relevant information .clasiified above "SECRET".
. fil I never observed thls>conduct nor heard about it from someonewho did.
Other Of adIoh causing. significant Ohy'Sical pain or :Injuryl,Or causing diSfigUitmetit
A I t personally observed thiscooduct.
b.. • I'ObServed.detainteN in A.cOtid itiori that led .rin tb believe that this conduct. had ntiorrati.
„ . • D'etainee(s) tOld, hie that thiS.t.anCltict had OCCUrred.
. • Otherswho observed 'this. cOnduCt clestribed . it Id Me.,
. • I haVereleVatit.irifoiThation tlaSSified ab bva "SECRET".
f. 0 I neVer,obterVetttfits.tbildtiet'norheard*.abbfit it frtim-SbeheOn'eAkto did. .
DOJOIG 000709
5. .PlaCing detaineeoh hOt i1'te br bUrning e,dete Thee:
•, 1- personally'observed thisxonduct
b-.. • Lobserveddetainee(s) in acond lion that led me to believe that , this conduct had 'occurred,
c: • betainee(s) told :rne that this conduct had occurred.
'd • Others' who observed this c,ond,uptclescribed it to me;-,
e. t, have releVarit information classified eboye "SECRET 1'..,
iii t neVerobserved, this.conduct nor heard 1?clut it from ,someonewho did.
36. Using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner
a „ iii I persona* observed thIS.concluct.
b . • li,obSerVeddetaineetsj in a :cOrid Mon- that led me to, belleVe thatthiStonduct had occurred..
C. I' Detainee(s) told rhe that thiSortd Ltd' had „0C C. urred.. ,
d. 0 Others vtithd ObserVed this conduct destlibed It to. tria. ‘ '
e. 0- t haVeireleVant information classified abbVe 'SECRET”.
f. El I never observed this .Conduct nor' heard about it front, someone:Who did.
,37. Requiring a ,tietaine&t6 rfiathtâiri, or restrainirttLdeteirieeih,, ,Stressful 'OsitiOri
a. • I personalty- observed thiS.conduct. . ..
, I 11-91)s.P.r:Veci ciPtP,1.110(P) !P -P.,19;nditi911 04 led ITT 0" believe th#4Ijq cgr1414. 1:1ad 'occurred.
C. • cietainee(s) told me that this conduct ; had occurred,
', .: • Others' who 'observed this cOndpct described it to Me:
e.. 111 1, have relevant Korn-station classified eboye‘"5.FCRET".. .
f. RI I never obSef\ted'thl$ conduct nor heard about It from someone who did: .
38. Forcing a; detainee to7perform 4emapd ing physical exercise
. • , 1. rei-ssonellS(OliServea this 0560110,
' • 1 .ob.$eNet.1 ,clin .e.N,111 a.:COridition that led Erie to believe thatthis cond Cr had tiCturre c .
• D'etainee(s) told itio kfit thi$,COnd,uCt had Oteurred.

DOJOIG 000710
d. • Others who observed this conductdescribed It to ma
:e. • I. have relevant information classified above ISECRET"..
f, El I: never- observed this poridUct.nor heard about it from someone who did.
39.:USing electrical shock.on a detainee
• I personally'Qhrecl 0115-'cOrialc.ti
• 1:04serveci-dete, kegs) in a tonditipri that led. nle to believe ttnt f4ii..corfauct had ,occur rod. ,
. • Detainee(4told me that thiacOriduCt had 'occurred. .
d, a Other who :observed this COndUct deagibed it to me, el
• r haVe relevant information classified above "SECRET".
g I never observed this conduct norliegard ..about it from someone who did.
.40. Threatening to list electrical 'shOcicOrT 0 -detainee
a. • I persOnally.ObSerVed this tondtiet. :
• I obserVed,detafnee(s) in a ,t6ridition that led the to, belieid thatthiS donduCt, had _bee-in:red.
• iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct- described it to me. ri v 1 - 1 ' ti 1 -' I 'fi " - '4
t El t ovci- ob.sery0: this 'conduct nor'"hee,rd a b,p.ut it from sorneonewho 44,
:41, 'Intentionally delaying .ordenying :detail-teemed ical care
• I personally observed this tOndua .
b. • ,9115.e..rved'cleteiriee(s.): 09 WilditiOni th0t. reci me to belieVethatthia CO-duct 1)04 :ocoltdd: - • D-etainge(s), told me that thiSOrictuct• tied octu,rred.
• Others who .obserVed this toriduct.destrihed it to me.
a • L haVe relevant' irtfprrnation-tlaasified above: "SKRET'.
f. El I neVercibterVed thi.S.tbridUttlitirheard '.atrOut it from scirrieorie-WhO did.
DOJOIG 000711
: 42..fr9oding rblindfolding a detalneepther than during .tranportatIon
• I. perkinallk.ObserVed thisCondilet. ,
, Ill I observed •detaltiee(tl in acond MO that led .m th.belleVe that thIS "c:orid u,ct had occurred.,
c. • Detainee(s) thld ine that this tond act had -.Occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described It to: me:
e. 111 t have relevant Information classified above. 'SECRET.
f. g T neverpOserye4,thiscoriduct nor "beard about it from someone Who did.
'43. 8ubjecting 8 detainee foektretnelY cold Or hot room temperatures for extended periods
'a. • I. personally observed this conduct.
b. III robserveddetainee(s) in a,,Condition that led me to berieye that this conduct had ocCUrred.,
Ie. • Detainee(s) told me that this cOnduct, had occurred: .
d, • Others Wbc.j. observed :thiS.:cOnduCt, deSCrilled it ta me.
e. I I have rereVant infOrthatiOrf ties:Sifted a bOVe 'SECRET'.
f. I I *ver,co§:ervd. tros ;c0:nd !let nor hedrd e Wilt it frorn sOhi'dOne:Who did. .
Oubjlectin a deta:inee to .loud music
a. • ,r. personally observed this,CondUct.
• robserVed detalneeks) in .a.coriditiOri that led the to believe thatthiS conduct had „occUrred,
c. • Detainee(s) , told rne that this Conduct had :Occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct'described it to: me.
e, I?1 r have relevant information: classified above SECREP.,
f. III I. never this conduct nor heard about It from, someone who did. ,
g. Please prOVide:the approximate tirrie frarneAti ring Which this cOnduCt otcUrred,
From .09i13j20[ 49/151.202 -. Elpp hscq. Recall
h. The detainee(s) treated in thi'S Way ,Were iodated at the time lh
1 0 Guantanamo
2 D . Iraq
DOJOIG 000712
4 El :Other LocatiOn
50 DO NOt Recall
•I. Please identifythedetainee(s) by norne end number: ,
.OW0 secret level
1: 'Please' identify the. person (s) who treated the detaineecs)' in this manner. including their
name(s)' ax goVemment4geneyee.$),:
aboveiSecret level
Please Identify any other FBI personnel or non-FBI .Per*Orinel:WT9-ohserVed detainee(s) treated
in this manner In-Ogling their nerne(s) ,ehcf ,egency(les):
'WA khoWfilf others obSeiVed
I. This:conduct occurred in connection with:
I 0 One detainee
'0 Several detainees R-4)
any detainees '(more than 4)
40 oo. Not Recall
rn. (OptiOnal) Please, describe the relevant circumstances in moredetail:
45. Subjecting a detainee tO bright` flashing lights Or darkness
a; • I: personally observed this conduct
b. • rotlseryed,clet4illee(s) in wc.9rictition that le0 me to believe that this wicket had occurred.
c. • petainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had occurred.
d. III Others who observed :this conduct' d.escribed it to me.
e; El t bpsie,relevort infOrnlatiOn cleSSified above. "OECRF1 -'•
f. • t never Observed; thit:concluct.nor heard isa bp.; t It from, sonipoTre who cild.
Please provide the approximate time frame -during whichthisc9nduct,occurred:
rrOmP9/.440.01 0 00/15062: •PO,Ncit Recall
h. The detainee(s) treated in this way were located at the time in
I 0 Guantanamo
3 EELAfg hanistan -
:40 -other Lo'catio'n
SD Do, Not Retell
I. Please ideritifY the:detainee(*) hY name and number:
:above 'secret level
DOJOIG 000713
;,:j. Please identify:the personcsl:Who treated the detainteCS) in this niahrtar, inCluding heirnarri(
s),and governmentagengy,pes) .:
aliov,e,secrot lave)
= k. Please Identify any:other FBI personnel or ,norFX personnel who' , observed detainee(S) treated
in ith*thponeK, including their na,1110(4) and ageriCY(ies):
riot' knowh if others observed
I. ThiS,,cOndutt :occurred in connection with:
10 'One detainee
2 0 everal- detainees (2-4),
.5:0 Many cletainesirrtpra, th an
4 0 Op Not Re;0411,
rrj. (Pptional) Please- de.scrihe ,the relevant circuthstances in more -detail:
IsOlatinO, a detainee for -en - Ottanded period
a: •• I. personally observed fhis tond uct. . .
b, El DObserveddetairiee(s) in a condition that led me to. believe 'thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. IN Detalnee(s.), told nie that this conduct had :occurred.
d-. 0 O, ther„.s whoobserv.e d th„•i „s conduct ;d. escribed it• to - mmee .
e. 0 L have releyant infOrrnation .K0.0
f: g t never obserYW thistOndug nor heard :Iip,tit it frorrisOrneOnCikho' OA .
:47,14sing duect tape to restrain -gag- or punish a detainee
a . • k 00,sehallY'OiSlserveri this 'cistidoet.
-. • r obSerVed detaineekSy In ,a 'condition:that: led me to believe that this conduct had Odcurred.
'. n Dataihae(8) told rn6 that this conduct had cD,currOcl.
d , s 0,therd who ObSer"Ved this Otiriditet:deStribed it to rhe.
• L have talaVant-InfOtrhatIcifi classified aboVe "SECRET". '
f. Ei I. haVetiobsahied‘ this conduct not-heard 'about: it from sarnebrieiivhb did.
48. Usiri0' rapid, response te:atriAndkr fOrCed tell eXtractions
DOJOIG 000714
a. • II personalirobserved thisxonduct:
b. 0 Iabsenred detainee(s) - in a cond itiorr that led meta believe that this conduct had occurred.
, • Detainee(s) told me that this cop :luck had ))ccurrecli.
, • Others who 'observed this coridUctdiesCribed It to me.
e: • I have relevant information clasSified above "StkET' l .
1. L never observed: this ',cOnduct nor heard .about it frorRsoMeone.who did.
V., 'Using arnilita.ry working dog .ph or near a detaineeather than during ,detalhee-transportation;
a. • 1 pri8.o.tiaIly Observed thiS conduct.
6:. • I ObterVed‘detaibeeCSI it) a'adriciition that led me to believe thatthis cort,citiOt Md ocCilrre.d.
. • Detainee(s) told rrie that this conduct had :oCcurred.
A. • Others; who observed this candikt -tieSdibed it to. Me.
0. • L haVefeleVaiit information classified abeVe "S,ECRET",
f. Ef I never ObSeited thisconduct rierheard a bout it 'torn sortiebrie Who did.
50. Th tning to use Military working. drigS,Cri Or neat a detainee,
, ,. • I personally observed this,conduct.
; • Iobseryed detainee(s) in a tond itiory that led me to believe thatthis conduct . had -occurred,
c. • Detainee(s) told rne that This conduct had )?ccurred.
d. • Others whO Observed this conductdescribed it to me. -
e': • I have relevant information Classified above 1 •EtRET".
f; E. I never obserVed: this ;contlgct nor heard:00a it frgm sOniectnW,h0 did.
-St •, spider§,, ,Korprons'i 'snakes; orother anitnals on or near a detainee
a. , • I personally-oliserved this toridutt,
. • Lohsetve&cletaineets): in a COriditiOri that f6d rti: to belieV,e thatthis conduct had ocCurred.
.c: • DetairiegsytOld Th e that .thisebridUct had :ottutred.
d. 0 Other§ whb obseited this citind:uCtdeScribed it to Me.
e.' ci. r have relevant information classified above "SECRET"
DOJOIG 000715
I L 21- d neverobserved this conduct nor "heard about It from someone who did.
52. Threatening to .usesniderS, corpins,:SnakeS, Or. other animals a„ detainee
,. • 1, personally observed this conduct,
b. • I bbserveddetainec(S), in aconditiorr that led me to believe thatthis conduct had -occurred..
c. • Oetaince()-tcild ale th at thi$: cOndr.Ict had 'occtir,red:
, • Others. villa 'observed ',this conduct described it to • I have Telvapt information tlas§ified ph() \1- 0'. ":5ER.ET.
E "'letter abserv,ed this conduct nor heard about it from 'samebnewha, did.
53. Dis.r.e.sliecttut statements, h•ndling,-Oraaions involving the Koran
. 1:f t persbnakPOhserVed this conduct,
• :1 Observed:detainee* in a,tand Men that led me tabelletie that this Candu dt had ,CCCUrred,
• D.etairree(s) told rte that this conduct had .6CCO rred.
d, • iOtherS who abSerVeci thiS cariduCtdesCribed it to me.
e, II I, have relevant information classified above !'S'ECI:ET' 1-.,
f. 0 I never observed thisconduct nor heard about it from someone who did. .
54. ShaViii „a detainee's facial or other haiftt, ernbartass:orhurnillate a detailie:
a. • r:PeiPP,PaIN'9„.0PeVod.ttils tor4,LI:ct '
ly.: • top-s@rvecolq pineeq In 4:condition-that led me to believe that this Corid,t4 had bccurred,
c • Detainee- (s) told rrie that this conduct had OcCurred. .
d.. • Others Who Cbserved this Ondr-Itt. de-Scribed, it to mei . .
,. • t have relevant Info aon dassified a bbve.'EQkET'".
f: E I never observed thistOnduct norbeard --abdut it from ,sornearie WM' did.
55; Placing a Worhan's Othin on astetainee 11n11n111.1**n1•01•1.1",
DOJOIG 000716
a . • r personaprobserved thiscpn uct.
b , P I observed detainees) in a'conditiorrthat led me to believe that this coodutt had occurred,„
,. • beteinee(s) told,,me that this conduct had .occyrreti.
II Others who 'observed 'this r:onduCt described it to roe, • I have relevant irifOrMatioh ClatSified above "SECRET".
0 r never observed this conduct nor beard about it from.:someope, who did.
.56.- touching 'a, detainee or acting toward a detainee in:a' sexual manner
•,_. Jr personally Observed this conduct ,
• robServed detainee(s) - in a.cOrid itiOn that led me to belleVe that: this conduct had Occurred.
c, • :Detainee(S) told rrie that this conduct had .oecutted.
d. • jO.thers who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • 11.[ have relevant information classified above "SECRET'''. '
f. Et iT neverobserved. this conduct nor heard 'about it from: someonewho did. .
57. ,Hold ingdetainee(S5 Who Were not offiCiallY"bekridWiecided oregistered aSsiich bythe ,ageriay
detaining the person.
a. .' to:P*4 11Y observed thfscOnduCt.
• •
„ • t oisserVeci,detginee(S) inotOnditiOn that fed me to 4e[ipte „Oat' thiS' c4ridpct. had occurred.,
c, • Detainee(S) tOld me that this toricitict had otturred„ ,
d, I' 'O'ther S whci ,obSerVed this conduct described it to Me
e. 0 r have relevant Information 'classified aboVe "SECRET'.
• I never obServed this.cenduct rierf;.he:ard about it fronisomeene: Who did.
g. Plose toyide the approximate time frathe during. Which this. CO.ncluctoccurred,
: Frorrf 09/13/2002- to 09/15/2002: Dbo Not Recall
h. Thedetainee(S) treated lri thiS Way were lOteted tbe tot* jfl
0 ogatIt-,aNtifis
2 -Tree'
: a IZITAfghaniStan
'4 0 .dther Location
DOJOIG 000717
Cro Not Recall
Please Ictentlfylne ,detainee(s) try, name en,d" Mr) hen,
above'the secret leVel
'Please identifSrthe Persoh(s)Wh'olfeated th detainee(s), in this Manner, inclUding their
name(s) and g overnmentagencypeq:
,abovesecret level
'k. Please identifyanyother FBI personnel or non-FgI 'personnel who observed detainee(s) treated
in thi,n1PrIngt," including 'their name(s) and, ager0(ig5):
not known if others ObSerVell
1. ThIS,dorld.utt occurred in ditinectiort With :
0, One detainee
2 'Several detainees' (2-4,)
(!) Many 4letainees {more than 4).
.4 a p0 Npt Rpcall
m. (Optional) Please describe, thereleva nt circumstances - in moretcletail:
Sending a detainee to another cottriti for more:aia less:Ogation`
a . I Personally obseiVed this cotichict. •,
b. •, I obseiVed" detainee(s) in a:cOridition that led me to, belieVe that this cOndutt ha'd occurred'.
c.• i Detainee(Sytold me that this conduct had occurred. .
d , • Others- who observed this conduct described it to me:
1E1 I have relevant information - classified above l!SECR.ET"', • I.never observed thi:p!c9nd1xt norhea rd -about it from-,someone who did.
Please provide the approximate firne frame :during: Which thiSCoudtict occirrred.,
. From 0/13/2092*0/15/2,6,0 Chao Not Recall
h. The'detairide(S) treated iri this way were located at the time in
1 1:1 &ranter-6Mb
2 171 Iraq
,EI Afghanistan
4 ,0 other Location
5.0 Do NOt ReCall
1. .P10100SitiN the c10PiriP0(0) In name, and, numle
above, secret tevei
DOJOIG 000718
PleaSe identify. the person(s)sivhO treated the, 'd,eta inegs,), in this 'manner ; including their'
name(S) , and d,overiifnent ageneVciaSY: _
abovasecret level
k. Please. id eritiW- anYOther, FBI personnel personnel zWlie-obServed datainee(S): treated
Iii this ma,n,ner, Including their name(s) and agency(ies)::
iOt knOwn if Others obSen-reti
I. 171:4 5:0ondirct Oodurred ihc6nneiGn
'D One dine
2 Several detainees (2-4)
3 0 Many detainees (more than 4.).
4 0 150 NOt Repel!
m.OptiOnal) Please desCribethe releVarit circumstances in rnore'detail:
Threatening to ,send a detainee tqancittler for detention: or .mOreaggreSSive, interrogation
III I peitorialiy,obSerVed this:cond,upt,
• I bbserVed detained(S) in a zond Mon that led me to, believe that thiS Ceindud'had &Cared.
III petainee(S) told 'n-re that this conritid had .6mill-red,.
• •• Others who observed this conduct.desdribed it to me. I have relevant Information classified above 'SECRET.
Ef r never observed thivconduct nor :a bont It from; someone who cncl.
:60. Threatening to take action against a detainee'S'farnI1V
I 6,1
ID 1 persoriallyobservad thisporidut.
b, • I observed detairieetal in a 'cond ition that led Tne jo belie've that this co rkl..get had -occurred.-
c-., • Detainee(s) told me inat thiSfoontigot had occlirredl
A , Ill Others iktiO observed this conductdeStritied it to me.
e. 1:1, r have relOaritirifOrtnation'claSsified above n-S,tClIM* 6".
f. lE1 r never Ohserifed'thit :orirdotx nor heard :but' it TrOmeStimebrieWhO did.
&I. Othertrp0tment or action causing severe emotional pr psychological trauma to a :detainee;
DOJOIG 000719
;a. El , I personallyobserved thiSconduct,
b. 0 I observed detainee(s) 'in a-cond ition that led me to believe "thatthis conduct had:occurred.
:e. • Detainee(s),tbld me that this conduct, had 'occurred,.
4. I Others who observed this condutt described it ta rn
II have relevant information classified above. "SECkEr.
r, neyer obserVed. this ,conduct nor heard about it sonieone aid,
62. Other or sexual "harassment or humiliation/pia 'detainee;
a. • I personally 'OliServed thiscOnduCt.
b. • Lobseryed , cletainee(4 in a ON Mon that led me to believe that this conduct had Occurred.
c, • Detainde(s) told rhe: that tliiS Concititt had Odeurred .-
A 111 Others who obServed thiS cOnduettleScribed it to rine.
e. • I haVeteleVarit information classified aboVe "SECRET".
f. lif tr never observed this cOncluct nor'heard a boa it frornSotriebne Who did.
63. OthertreatMent Of a. detainee that fifytiur-opiniorridas unprbfessitinal, unduly harsh ot aggre5sive,
c6ditiVe, ablialVe, or ifrilaWfli I
I. personally observed thisconduct. .
observed detainee(s) in 0 condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred]
c, IN, Detainee(s) told Me that thi5 conduct had occurred.
d. • Others Whp OUServed this COndlitt deStribed it .tp hie.
e. III: f have -relevant information elaSSitied above ifs E,CRET".
r. El 1 neverObserve& this .00ildfict nor heard a btfut it frOrn.SOrneOlfeWhO did.
A .R KB (WEB iriBaS
64. Did .you, observe any impersonation of FEN personnel inenyOrie &tnlng an ihterview or interrogation of
,c) Ye'§ NO
65. 'Did any detairi Or:Other ber5On tell ypu thae :or She had Witnes5,01 the IMPfern'atioti of FBI
Perhriel in connection With a detainee intervieW or interrogatiOn?
DOJOIG 000720
Yes. No
-00. Are you aware cif any "Sham",br'"staged" detainee interVieWs. or interrogations cbrittucted for Members
CongreSsbr their Staff?
`ies 0- No
7. To your ktmadge,..did Aby mifltary Or irftag,trft PersOnnel eVer deriY or dOlay FBI-access to a,
:detaineethe FBI wanted td question becetiSethedetaineehad stistained, !hu lls after he was captured?
CiYe ®No
'`.(., '0 Na ;
71, During 'any of your -bVerseas:dep,loymentS or aSSIgnments"„ did you report any ',concerns regarding
any detainee interview or interrogation practices or Other types of detainee treatment lou
observed' or heard about, to:a non -FBI supervisoror other non - FBI personnel?
0- Yes, -0- No
72:. Have you ever been ordered or directed not to report i or discouraged To any way from repotting,
observations or allegations related to detainee tttarliolt or interview or interrogation - cttckii$'bç
Q: Yes No.
73:, Have you experienced any actual or threatened retaliation for reporting observations or allegations
of detaine treat:Merit or i rt -view or iriterrOgatibri'aCtiOnS: or practices?.
,0 Nte. .0 No,
74. (Optional) Please provide any a'fiditional comments:regaraing the reporting of concerns related to
interview Or imerrqqattpn deteritiOti fita0,(0, orsither detainee, treatment.
75. Were you debriefed,, other than the ,Sta ntierd debrierin FD-772„ dOncOrbing your OVerseas'-
assignment(S) or-,dep loYinengs), after yar brialpleted -the deployrnefit(S) Or .at5ignmenggri1
-e NO,
DOJOIG 000721
68. Did you ever, end your participation In or Oservatiori of a detainee interview or interrogation
because of the interview Or interrogatitin rnethOdOeing, lised?
Ye5 0 No
,6"Were you ,eVei-' told that another FBI em plOYee ended his Or her 'participation in or obserVatitin , of a
detainee interview or interrogation - because of the interview or interrogation methods being used?'
tYes; ,C) No
70, During any bryoat ployrnentS Or asSigrirnentk. did you report arirconcerris regarding
any ;detainee inte'rview-or interrogation practices, or. othertypeS of detainee treatinent,, to an FBI,
76. AødJltonäI carirrints.nd Rcomrntions
That:kr:kr for your copp'etaLloh in corn pleb n9 this questionnaire
DOJOIG 000722
Department ,of 3,USt ice Inspector General "Questionnaire Regarding detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-0.0001224
AS Of the last time this- questionnaire was saved, some required fields have, not been completed.
Please,reView your responses.
A. Personal Information
PleasefirOvide'the f011OWing inforrnation:
1, First name.
2. Middle initial:.
3'. Last name:-
4. Entered On Doty Date (EOD):
Current Division/Field Office:
Current job Ole;
7, Direct. dial officetelePhcine number:
8. FBI toil phone number:
10. -Best contact number foryou.:,
B. Background of Specific Deployinents or -Assignments
11. At any time after Septernber 11,2004 did you SerVe aS fnerriber of the U.S. Military, or as an
employee or contractor of the FBLor any other government agency, at ;Guantanamo Bay„, tuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, orb areas 'controlled by the 1,1$. Military or a U,S. intelligence service in connection with the
:global war on terror'?
0 Yes 0
1. Enter the nurriberOftimegyoU,weredeplOy,ed or:assigned to each of the follOwing to:cations:
(CGUantanaino Bay, Cuba;, Irag;::AfghaniStan;. Or id--a ny areas controlled by the.U.S. Military or a U.S-1
FOr,eath deployment or assignment complete the following section.
DUOlOyrriairtOr'aiUbnierit .bailan on or itie:plOkriient or assignment ended - on ,
1,9c-o09n csialoq oho:. about .or about
Ibilantanaino Q6/2003. 07/2003:
1..a. What Was the general nature and purpose Of your as,sigrirnetir and activities?
IntervieWing Of detainees,
1:213. Please provide:thenames of the:specificcamps, bases. / or 'facilities where you 'worked.
Nmo: infOrrnatiOnabont. speCific base,, Or fat Orris CiadS sifie i'abOve
please check here El, include in your 'answer that you:ttalt; 114dOitiolial information cla ssified -above
'SECRET, "I and',.. if yott krioW,'ideritifYtheclaSsificationleVel,,tieket,:CoMparfthent, prograftvorother
designation that applies to,theinformail9ni Do not 111.01406-Vie-41.tionat-6jossified information In your
DOJOIG 000723
6 :7-C
Special Agent
cgrestionnaire response$, DIG personnel with the necessary clearance will contact you to receive
iilame P9sIPP.9
'SuperyiSorySA, ,_ __„
4k., al YAP $4intlY: int:dNi,eW iritOtro'newany detainee With tiOn-rat
WO' what kinds Of non-Fig personnel did ,you work
• -OTT
Other LLS. Military
q ifs. intelligence, agency.
• FOreign Military or intelligenceagency
q Other
x •
..12f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview orinterrogatton strategy,. objectives,., or tactics with nonyea
0' yes 0 No
,••• ,...;•••• • •••• ••• ve• `•••n •••• ••••'
With what kinds .of non-FSI personnel did yOu Vitork, jointly?
7: EiMherILS. Military
• q VA intelligenCe agency
q Foreign military or intelligence agency
• q 'Other
. - ,-
,.1 2g. Were you ever. Otherwise Involved_ in detainee IntervieWs:Or InterrOgatiOns with tion-FBI personnel? ,- G. Yes 0 Md --
-Please describe: Conducted 'interviews 'With PIT 'and Artny Intel
, Deplc kyriisilit ai.*; 106190,1)4414ii Zi.!tii
. „
Location (select one)" about, •
oPiti(lcurtent or iSsigribletitAnAi id an :
Af9491gtail 10/2003 :01/2004
12a. MAW ,was the general nature and purpOse OtyOurassignmeritand activities?
FBnialstin "assigned ta.theBagram Aii- Base. tondiicted detainee interVievis,:thnducted sensitive site;
expioltationsi-conducteci investigations of VS, citizen' translators:,
lac: Please; provide the names of thespecificcarript, bases, or' facilitieS Where you WO rked.
Bagrarri,Air Ba0e, and s„SeVeia'i forward Special Farces 'ItirWard 'fire bases''..
12C. Note; If' infOrrhatibri abaft asPetifid-?Carn p, base, orfaCility is ".lassified abOve SECRET,
please:Chetk: here 0, inClUde: in your answer that you, hzive„"additional infOrtriationclasSified aboVe '
• E.PRE",r,g"'a134, if you know, identify theciassification level, "tliceti compartment, prcgrarnr or other
designation ;tha t-aPPile5 to thaInformation, Do not includtwagtlitionar classified Information in your
mqoui eStiblinalte reSpOnseS., 01Q.Persoririel with the netesSaty Clearande Will pontatt yam to receive it ,
'.12d, :Neese identify by riarrie;and position at the time,, thefht getsbtinel to Whditiipl itiredq'telPitted-
':during your deoioy_menvorass'ignmerit.:
DOJOIG 000724
Ntes 0 Nil
OYes ONO ODo "Not Recall
tnes; ON° V Do Not Recall
O?es No ®Db Not RePjl
it:We§ 'ONO , 00.0 MORO-00
:()Yes „0 No. 10'Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000725
Position b6
Unit Chi, ef
!.:12e. pt you jointly interview or interrogate ?fl detainee witkrion 7FBI persorinel? I, n 0 Yes 0 No 1
pf, Did you jOintly, plan any detainee interview or-interrogation strategy ( objectives, or tactics with non-
FBI'persorineP 1:
A ,., 1,
U.. „Y es , ' W., No 1
12g . Were you ever otherwise iriv,oh"ie'd in detainee intervigws or ihterrogatiOn -$: with :non-FBI ,
0 Yes ' O No
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
13. Did you receive anytraining,,instruCtion, or guidante specifically in-:preparation for an yOf your
overseas„deployments oressignments7
14. In preliatatiOdfor anY,Of YOur6VerS,eaS deployMetits pr assighrnents,(,did you receive ,:en
instriktionrcor:gUidance concerting thestandard Sof conduct a pp licableto thetreatt ent,
interviewi or interrogatiORPf 4e.tai flees F Fit personnel?"
15. In p'rePatatiOrt, for ariyOf your overseas deployments a§in-telith,ti id yoti:rectiVOrany training,
instruction,orguidanm concerning thesta ndardSof-,condUct applicable to the4reatmen4
interviewi, or interrog,ationof sletainces by ngn7FEI,X pergonnpl?
1.6. In preparation ,foe fyVéas tl'iilatyin6rits or biSigrinfehtSi d id YOj. reeeivarije
instruCtion rorgy ida nee concerning what you were -supposed to- do if you observed or heard about
the treatment, intervieW, or interrogation Of detainees by FBI pOmInnpl, Which you heilyeti
te inappropriate, OnprOfesSibrial, coercive, abusive, orUnlaWrni7
17;Ifl preparation tor ar,iy.ot,your overseas:deployments-or assignments, did .you receiveany training (
( or guidance concerning what you Were supposed c194 'yo), observed heard about instruction
the treatment .inteNio'v,cf„. interrogation Of `".letaineeS.ble non-FBI.pOtsdifriel twEith yo- ci believed
to be inapProp date( Unprofessional, „coercive, abusive, or PnlaWful? ,,
I b7C
B. Training During Overseas Deployments3)r AsSignments
il3; ur1ngny ofyour overseas4eplbyrne,nts or assig nrneritsi did -you receive any training; iristructipm;
,Orguldanca:coricerning the standards of -011014cApp,iioible'Ito:V10 trO.arndtlt, inten.110A4,.Or
iht&rbOatioliOf detainees by FBI persdnifel?
Ores ' 'IONcy COO Nbt Retell
10s. buringeny of youy o;yerseas*pioyrnents, or asignn'ents,010 'y0.4, receive any trainin0_,InstrUction'i
OrguldanceOrloetnin0 the '$tandatds Of -Conduct applicable to the treatthent, inte,i -VIOVrar
interrogation of detainees. by rie5n-FEi1
QYes ONo. -bito 'NotRecall
29., Owing priy of yOur overseas dplyrkent ra -signmOrit$, did yo:u receiye.any training, instruaion,
'or guidance concerniti0 What you were suPposed to-do if yoU obetV,Od or heard about the
treatment, interview, ,.or interrogation of detainees by FBI perkInnel, Which you believed to b&
inappropriaterunprofessiOnal, coercive; abusivei; or unlayyfu
`'Do No,t,ROQP11
21. DJJdtf ti OrytifartiVOrsseagtIpIdyiti-idr0 ot as:§ignrneritt,, did you retelVe any vAintrig
orguidance.concerning what you were'supposed to do-if you ;observed or heard about the:
freatTenti interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, which you believed to
lie inaP.PrOprlat% 1111,Protessional,,pOer.civer-abtf.Siv0, or,unlawfu#
0Y:es i®Da Not Recall
IC. Adequacy of Training
22 In ydur opinion, did you receive adequate training' , instruction, br-gUidafide relating to -standards
of conduct by .Fltend nori-FBI personnel relating to treatment Interview or interrogationof
taino,e8,prior tO'your depiqrriOrit PrPsgjOnVrit.7
'0:Yes ® NO
21a. PleaSedesCribelheiWaysin which you believe the training', instruction or gbidenCe as
Inadequ_a te:
.4On't -terternber receiving :any training in this- matt er ,
'youropinion, :d id you receive40equate.. -trining,. instruCtiory orguicfa 'rice rOatirig, tostan,dard. s
of conduct loy'fB7,aricl non-FBI personnel relating to4reatjrnent, interview,„ or intart9g4t9tigf,
detainees:during yciut dtplOymdrit„ot assighrtierit?
Flea-$,edestribetheysinwhich you tio lo*.e thtrining, instribri Or uidanc&wa s
DOJOIG 000726
awo so w 114 71* NAM, 10".01 NO Pe Ix :4 •.$ , tan •rt • me. ,
rdon't remember receiving any training in this, matter.
youropinidn, „did, yoU receive adajbatetralritnO r,instruttion,,DrguidanCe concerning what you ,
were su pposed . to do if you observed or heard: about the treatment interviewor interrogation of
!detainees, by FBI or non-FBI persPar14,0* -Y,QtiPelleVed, was inappropriate, IMPrOfesSipnal„
coercive,2,01:isiVe, Or iffilaWful?'
O e Q No
...... .. .. _ ...... ....
;24a. Please describe the ways which you believe the training, instruction.or guidance was
I don't remember receiving any training in :this, Matter.
1:540Ptionali In what ways can the. Ft Improve:training on this.§llbject for future deployrnerO'or
assig nrnents?.
D. ments
26, Please provide any additional information , Concerrii no training for overteaS deployments or
assignments of FM, personnel you believe is relevant.
IntredUdtiOn Jo Parini:, In Mit .section 4 :weare -seeking Triton-nation regarding, a Wide, range of
interview or interrogation techniques and other types, of 'detainee treatment alleged to have occu rred.,
You Should not essumel just because we are esking 40,04 P particular technique or practice, that we have
concluded that it in fact OcCurredl. retOgnize that sortieatheSeteChniques or practices may at times
be neCeSsarY fof safety anA,, Sedulity", in "a fieteritiOrrettit Irradditieh r we -reCogniZethatedme of these
techniquesor practices may have been authorized for use by military , or other government personnel.,
With respect tps each identified tectittkl4oi ,PO4.1cer,Ortype of col -040(d p.:qctibed ,Oelpw, were -seeking
information about its during :Orin connection with the interview or interrogation of a
detainee, or during the detention nre.detainee beyond what is:fieeded for safety and security
In that 'context, we will ask you to tell us whetherone or more of the following statements are true;
ryeo ndum
2. rObserVed'det'aillee(S), in a tonditiOn that wd, me to believe that thiS;conduct, had occurred,
Detainee(s) told ,me that thiseontaitt had occurred.
4 Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
have relevant Information classified above $,E0k,EV;
6 I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
riVIn a detainee bi foOd or Water
a perspnallyobseryed, this ‘cortcigq.
DOJOIG 000727
b. • tObserved detainee(s), in zzond Mom that led me to belleve . thatthis conduct had occurred.
Illi Detainee(s): told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me:,
- • 1 have reiayar4 It)OrmatIon, classified above ",5ET"'.
RI I never- observed this ,contiuct nor heard :about it 'from someone who did.
Depriving adeta Inge oftidthing
• I personally Observed, thiSCondtict.
b, • Lobserved detainee(s), in a -condition that led me to believe:that this conduct had occurred.
. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
I . ,, Others who observed this conduct -described it-to me. ,
• have relevant Information Classifieda pave v-.8E',C RET.
0 I never observed this conduct nor hea rd ,about it frorn,ponigone who' did,
2§. Depriving a detainee of sleep,. or interrupting sleep by frequent cell refocationsor other methods
'. • r persOnally obserVed, this ConduCt,
;4 .
• rObServed d,e,tairieets) in :a, cdriclitiOrilhat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s)lold the that thiS conduct had 'Occurred.
ti, Er otb 'rt-,3/4ht; ..oberv- ed this. tti,nd Litt deStrited it to rne
p. • I' have (levant information .tia'ssified above '!SECRET".
f. • I rieVerObSerVed,this.ConduCt nor:heard about it ftarn,,:sdrileOrie who did.
P'IPOke15.tOvide the ,a,pprOkirriata timelratria:cluritt0;Whiti hiOhocurred.
Fran') 06/2003 to 07/20:01 - DDo Not Recall
ft Tile detail:Me:Cs) treated In this Way were located at the time rn
0 uantanama
.0 Trak
5 EI.Af9 ha niStan
4 LI Other Location
DO' N.ot Recall
i. Pleaseltlentifythe,detainee(s) 1:1 :i;, 'name and- number:
DOJOIG 000728
I Can't remember.
please Identify the person(s) who treated the detainee(S) in this manner,: including their
narne(S) and government
SOW-tie With the U.S,„ Ann?'
l<4 Please identify- any other FBI personnel or non-F131 'personnel who observed detainde(6) treated
in this -ironer, including their name(s) and agency(les)
I. Thiscoriduct occurred in connection with:-
10 One detainee
2 0 Several detainees (2-4)
3 0 frOriy :cletineos tmore than* 4)
;4 0 DO Not Recall
M. (Optional) Please describe the releVent Circumstances in more detail:
I, heard that some detaineas were lithitect to fu r :Ours of sleep a day.
- 80. Beating a detainee
a 0 I personally observed, this:conduct.
• IobSerVed detairiee(s), in ,a OnditiOntnat led tie to belie th& this cenduCt, had ccaii-ratt..,
. I . 'p, etal nee(s) - told Me that .thi'S oOnd Kt had ()cure.
4. • Others Wno ObServed this tondfitttlestribed it to Ma..
e. II I. hake releVarit information classified abOV,e "SECRET'.
f. Et I neVei- ObserVed, thisc.bild uct nor',h,earti abbUtit friorrisbrneone Who did.
1. Using, Water to prevent brthing by a detairieeor create the:sensation of drowning
a. • I personally observed. this:Of-0Oct. .
b, • [observed detainee(sy In a ,conditiorrthat led me to believe hat - this conduct had occurred.
c. Cl betainee(s) told me that This conduct had occurred,
• Others; who observed -this conductdescribed t to rne,
III I, have relevant information classified 4,9-ve7SEOR,Er-
E1 I. never observed, this -conduct :nortteard about, it from .someone 109'44,,
DOJOIG 000729
'32. Using hands, rope, anythio else to choke Or StranattaleCtainee
a. • I personally observed this..conduct.
O Lobserved'detainee(s) In a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. •____,
• petainee(s) told -ma that this conduct had 'occurred.
,f n lathers who observed this condud described it to ine:
. n I. have relevant information classified above "SECRET',
T: q ][" never observed this 'conduct.nar heard about. it from someone who did.
33. Threatening other action- tp -cause physical, pain, injury, disfigurement, or-death
. • 11. persdnallyobserved this :conduct,
b. D. I-Observed detainee(s) - in ,a -tOtiditioni that led .me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n 1D0tainte(s). tOld me that thiS.ConduCt had .occurred..
d , n !Others whb ObSerVed this condUct destribed It to. me.
e. n IL haVe 'relevant InfOrMatiOn Classified above "SECREr_
f. l 4 never obServed this conduCt nor heard ',about it frOmsarrieonei.Atho did.
24. Other treatrn.ent or action Gat:Isirig SignifiCailt physical pain Or injury, CauSing.disfigurernentor
a. n ,r persarially'observed thistoriduct. .
b. q .1 observed detainee(S) in a condition:that led me: to- believe that this conduct had occurred
. n ,DetaineeN told Me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others WO 'observed this OofIdUCt described it to. ine.
'e. n I have relevant information' Classified above "SECRET':
f. El I never eitiefttf thisnauct nor heard a bbut it from Someone who, did.
35. Plating a detainee on a hot surface or burning :a detainee
a. q IverSonally observed thiscoridikt.
b. q lIbbserVed detainee(s) in 6-.condition that led me to. belieVe that this Condtitt had occurred.
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000730
• l- others who observed this conduct-described it to me,
• L have relevant information classified above !:8E'CFZET.
f. El t !-)yff.observ0 this roorduct nor heard about it from someorg-who did..
shackles or o herrestra ritS2 in a telonged Ina ti r
• r_Per591101Y01)1Ved this t oPticit,
0, iii L-obserVeddetaineeN„ irta Condition that led me„to Pellwethat:tniSconduet had occurred. • petainee,(SItOld - me that this ceblatI4 bad Occurred.
d, • !Other s: Who observed th'k.O.tiridutt described it to me.
e. El I have relevant information :classified 'above "S,ECRET".
11 El L never observed this conduct nor" heard -about it frOrn,,SerneOne ,thitio did
.§.7. Requiring :a 'detainee.tb 'maintain, Or restraining a !detainee .tri„ a :stre -40,1 Or painful position
la, DI personally observed, this conduct,
"..t) u
• hobserved detainee(s) in B',cOridition that led Me fa, believe that this conduct had eccUtred.
III iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct. had occurred.
d, • !Others who observed this' conduct described it to me.
.e. 0 II have 'relevant information, classified above., it$EdaP ."-.
!II: neverobseryed thiS ,conduct nor bee rd 0991 it NIP s9b1 0P;v,010 010.
Forcing a detainee to perform demanding physical exercise
a, El I personally observed this conduct
bi, • L observed detaineew in ,a condition that led '1110, to Pelleve ,that thiS conducive had -occurred;
: • Detain' M told me that this: coriduet had otgjrred.
d. NI Others who ObSenied this Car -duet deli it to ine.
. • I have relevant information Classified aboVe ii,s,Ec RET.
f. Et I, neVerobterVed.thiStOtidtittliOrlheard :a bbut it trcitti ,sOtheUrielv,hO did.
DOJOIG 000731
9. using electrical snPck Q.a. detainee
a. El L peittjhallkObseied this Condutt,
P. • LObserVed :d.etailiee(). In 0,cond itiOn that led .me to. believe thatthIS Conduct had -OccUrred„,
c ID Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had Occurred.
d. • Others, who observed this conduct described if to me.
e,- • I have relevant Information dasSified abovemgECREV.
f. L L never observed this;corductoor heard about it 'from' someoneviho did.
40. Threatening to use electrical shock on a detainee
'. • I. personally-observed this conduct. . .
b , • i'bbServed detaillee(s). In a:condition that led 'me to bellev0 -tha.fhis conduct had ocOurred.,
c. : • Detainee(5) t0.0 rile .01....(ttlis- conduct had 'occiirred'.
4.. • Others Who ‘Q13:SrAikti ti-ii'$' ocincipq ces.criNci it tO.: ir,0
• Is haveteleVant infOrMatto:n` OldsSifted
I f21 I fievet ootohed, oils ',ciiti(kitt nor" heard abbLit, it frOfri *jibe:One:Vs/lib did.
Ifj„ Intentionally 4elayin9,or denying, detainee -rhediCal care
a: • L personal ly-o bseNed, this-Condi:Jet.
• Lob:SeNed detainees' in ,aconditiOn that led ite tO. believe that'this conduct had occurred..
. • Detainee(S)Iold Me that this coridOct had .deditted.
• Others- who Observed this conduct described it to: me.
I: have relevant information classified ,above '''S,EGRErA.:
4 I never ebseryed this conduct nor heard about it ;from, someohewho did..
41, Hooding or blindfolding a detaineeother than during transportation '
a 0 1, personally qi)gerveil;tHIP"c.911 -01ct.
•' I'on$rved:detainge() in :a condition that led me to believe that-This' conduct had ccOurred-
DOJOIG 000732
o. • IDetalnee(s) told me that this conduct had ;occurred.
d. 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to. me:
e, • t. have relevant information classified above ''SrOrP -11*..
t. Ef 1 PevPIOPAni0 ttAfc91104 no heard ;eh* it from soirleOne: Who gid:
Subjectin9 a detainee to extremely. cold or hot room temperatures far extended periods .
a. 0' r personally bbseryad'thiS:coriduct,
• I' observed detairieetty In a‘cOndItidri"that led Ma to believe ,that, thi5 etiriduet - had oc(tn-red..
• Dttain.e.($) told rne tbat thOridact FO.d odcurred.
, • Others who Observed this, conduct described it to me.
.. • I. have tele,VdntinforitatiOh:lepsified ebb,Ve "SECRET''.
f. El never oberVed this cOridutt norhe:ard 'abaft: it fain ,'krtiterieAt.vtle. did.
-44. Subjecting a ,detairiee te loud rniAlb
1 perSonalliObServed this cOndtiet.
r observed detainee(s) in a7condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• betainee(sitold me that this conduct had :occurred.
• Others who bserved this conduct described it to me. ;
• r, have relevant information classified above ''SECIET" ..
• I, never observed thistonduCt nOr :heard:0mA it from" someOne Who did. , .
g. Please provide the approximate time Trame.du ring, which th Is-conduct occurred.
From 06/40 to 0.712.00 DD 'Nbt. Retail
h. The detainee(S), treated in this way were located at the time in:
D Iraq'
a 0 Afg hanstan
4 0 .other WOO
50 Dos itdt,
Please idenify,tho:dotairieq0 by name ncI rartherq.
Do, net rrIlarnber.
DOJOIG 000733
A, Please identify, the pertdn(s), Who treated the, detaineecs) in this Manner, inckiding their
name(s) and government-agency,kies):
They were contract D0, 6. qTriPilnees working with Army intel They were very poorly trained: ,
invoOtkgatorsthg:a0peareif to not haVka, ,clue as to What they were doing', Theywouid :set up
loud ;513'akets in an iriteNieW roornand -play loud niusieldi- The detainee, fOr long lieridds of time.
Ic. Please : identify anybther FI personnel Or nbri-FBI personnel ,WhoonKrved detainee(s), treated
in this Mai:there indudinig their hattie(s) and agettcy(ieS):
PPret 'remember
TriisOnduct occurred inconnection With
1 .0 One detainee
2 e 3 0 Many detainees-(nore than 4):
40 Do Not R.eball
m. (Optional) Please describe '-therefevant circumstances, in thoredeteil
. 45. Subjecting a detainee to• ,bright flashing lights or darkness
Ia.[ Jt personally observed thonduct.
b.' El r ob-served detainee(s) in a,conditiorithat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
iPotaihae(S) told rne that this conduct had OCCurred.
d.1 0 „,OtherS Whb ObServed this cbndOCt destribed it to me..
DI have releVatit infoteriation classified a hoVe "SECRET”;
I never observed this.toriduct nor:heard 'abOtit it ,frOrtiSOrrieorie Who did.
46. Isolating a detainee fOr an extended period
la. U. II personally obsehred thiS,cOnduct..
b. • kobserved detainee(s) in a :cond itionthat led me, to believe that this conduct had occurred., ,
f c. 0 Oetainee(s) - told 'me that this conduct had occurred.
d • Others who observed this conductdescrihed it to me. • jJ. have relevant information classified a Opye 'S-QT.
Jt I neverohseNed, this: , conduct 'nor heard about it .frprn 'scimeanewhcf
DOJOIG 000734
?Li2yErluctlape, to restrain, .0ag, or punish a detainee.
a; IN I personally observed thisconduct.
• robserved cletainee(s) in a conditiorr that led me to believe thatthls conduct had occurred.-
ID Detainee(s) told °me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to me,
• =I, have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
', El I; navel-observed, this 'conduct ,norhea rd , about it from scirne911 wIIP did.
'O. Using rapid response teams and/or forced-cell extractions'
• I personally- otvServed this conduct.
h. • LObserved detainee(s): in A OnclitiOri that led rile to. believe that this conduct. had -occurred.,
c. • Detainee(-S) told rrfo that this coed at had OcCutred,
,d. • Others WhO ObserVeti this conduct described It to. ine,
. • r he relevant infornieticin classified eliibe,"SECREF". , -
f. Et I never observed this conduct .nor-heard about it frOrnaomebrie Wile did.
49. Using a military W&kin4g'bñ or near a .detainee-Other than dui -in' -detaineatranS 'tirtatibri
• • I personally observed this.conduct
• • TPhsq.yezd datafri4) in aScollciitiori tr14, led )11... to believe that this conduct had Pccvtiett. • Oetalileq(s) told:Me that 0'0 conduct had Pqcurred, .
• Nher$: who ,Q1? served this c,Oridu41clesorined it to me.
• I, have relevant information classified above 75gCRU',
i I never observed this conduct nor heard about it frorrisoineonef who did. ,
Threatening to use military working, clogvon or near a detainee
a. II T vasofibity (WS-et-yell' thiSCOndua.
b. 0 I observed cie,tair-me0Y, iri, A 'ConditiOn that led ine tObeiieve thaIlii, c 0 npl ua -hAd "oCCurifed.
c IN Detainee(s) told me that this conduct ha &Curried',
DOJOIG 000735
. • Others who observed this conduct:described It ta me.
e. • L have relevant information classified above 'SECRET.
f. t never observed; th!Sfconduct nor, kipan ci *put- it frorn:sorneonewha did.
:Usin iders, scorpions, Snakes, or;,other anti-liars On' Or near a detainee,
' 14
I t per§onatly"Q..Wry.ect .0.15 :c9irldilgt, .. „ .--. • t POSerYPO-dqtPirle(P) In:0 corid itipo that led, Oe. tO. believe that :thisconduct had b,cgirrOg.
• Detaineetir told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
. ,
' , • Others WhO Observed tlkCOnduct described it to Me.
e. • 1 have relevant information tlatsified above "5.ECRET".
F. g '1' never Observed thisxOndixt nOrtle:erj ',a I:04X' It from ,sonieoneviio., c ud.
Threatening to iuse:soiders, scorpion's, :shakes ; or other animals' oh -a cietineo,
I ,1 personally observed this eahthict. .
• 4 ,0bserved detainee(s) In a ceirid itioh that led 'the to belitie that thiS Cand act had ;oceilfred.
• Detainee(s). told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others, who observed this conduct described it to me.
E.: • I have relevant information 'classified above "Et--FP1-.
f. la .1 never observed this 'conduct nor heard #5:flit it -from-someone, who. did,
.5'3.- Disrespectful statements ; handlin r or actions involing the Koran
0 r personally observed this ,Priduel
. - • It observed: detairieets) in a condition that, led .rne ta beIieVe that thia`co rid utt: had bcOrred,
13 I
• DetaineektOld MO that ',OW Onih.tct had 'ot,citrre4i.
, • Others Who bb Served 'this tond utt.:destribed it to. Me. * ,
Et 1 have relevant informationcla ssified -abOve, 4S:EcRET''.
f. El- T. neVerobseNed. this,,Cond Litt 'it:W ..11'6a rd 'about it fi3O111 ,,Seirnebrie'Who did.
DOJOIG 000736
$110Ing a detainee's facial pr other hair to embarrass or humiliate a .detalnee-
'a. • I. perSciliall.YObserVed, this Ci5nilLiet.
b. • TObservedlletairiee(S) Iii acOnditiOn that led me to. belleVe thatthis Wild Uct had accUrred.
• Detainee(S) told rile that this conduct had Occurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to: me.
e. • L have relevant information classified above. '48ECRET%
f. Eir L never observed this'conduct -nor heard about it -from someone:who did.
55. Placing a worrian's clothing on a detainee
• IT, personaily ohserved this conduct.
• I' observed detainee(g) in Atoridition that led, me to, believe that this conduct had occurred.,
• Detainee(s) told rite that this Conduct had occurred .
d. • /Other$ who DOservad thi .5' conduct described It to mg.
D. I have relevant information ClasSiffed abOVe: ',SECRET'.
f. E1,I rieVer Observed this OriduCt nor heard a bout it Tr-Om sderraona',WhO did.
Touching .a detainee or acting toward a d etainee in a' sexual :manner
, . III L personally observed this'condikt.
II I observed detainee(s): in a ..cdridition that led the to belieVe thatthiS cOnduCt had zoo:ill -ed.
• Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had occiirred.
1 Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
e. • I have relevant information clasSified above TSEGRET' 4.
f. gr L never observed :this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
.51: Holding 'detainee(S) who were not officially 'aCknowledged or registered as such by theagency
-detaining the,: person..
a. • t persoriallY-ObServeci thiS-COndUct.
• Tobsetveti,.detainee in .a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had i:*6:riet1:
DOJOIG 000737
C. • Detainee(s),told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others: who observed this conduct described it to me.
• F have relevant inforr1 O9p classified 09v..'cgi''',
Ef. I Wier-observed thistondu0 nor heard 7about - it from someOne VAG did.
S8. Send Irya detainee to another country for moreaggressive interrogation
a, • I personally 0:164erVed, this "Conduct
".. • Lob:Served. detaineets) ., In a.:contfition that led me to believe that this conduct had occ.urred.
Det4in($) ,t6id Me /hat thiScondlitt had octurred. •
• others Who 'Observed this conduct described it to me..
- • L have relevant Information Classified Obo Ve ".SECRETII:-
fl 0 1 never obSeriied this :conduCt nor heard ,abbilt it frOtn.Sorfreorie Who did.
Threatening tOanother country fpr deteptiort or moreaggresive. interrogoIlo
o I I
I perSorialIY absefved thiS conddet.
I. -observed detaihee(4 in -a-condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others' who observed thiS C0114Ugt'ete5g100 it t9 me.
I, r. have relevant information - classified above 14KCRET'''.
El 1 nevpr ppsqrvol. thistoriOutt nor- heard about it from someonewhO did,
60., Threatening to take action - against, a detainee's family
; • I POPOnatlY013s0r-VOct tlii$:Oncluct.
15-. • tabserved detainte(s) in a ,condltion that led me to believe that, this Coriduct had -o -cqurrO.
: • Dine( told ti that this Wild utt had .dtturred.
d. • OtherS Who Obteryed this COnd utt; described it to Me.
. • I. haVe.releVarit inforrhatioh Clatsified a boVe' ",SECRET"'.
.., f. g I heVerbbSeriied thiScipridudt 'tiór.head -abaiit, it frail sorneOrieii,ho d id:
DOJOIG 000738
61. Other treatment Or action causing severe emotional:or psychcilogical trauma to a detainee
,- 1
0. t personal& observed this.conduct,
b. • r obSe,rved detainee(s) in a ,condition that led me to believe that this Ponduct, lied occurred..
c'. • Ctetaine0(4tOld Mt that thiScOnduCt had 'occurred.
. I OtherS who obServed this ti3,nduct described it tO rne: .
e. 0 r have relevant information Clatsified 'above 'SECRET".
f. Et I. never ObterVed this,:donducthOr'heard:ahciiit it frorri:SdrheOrie Whci did.
62, ,Otherreligious,or.sexuarassment or humi ltiQliof a detainee
;a. 0 V pertOnally obServed thidtehdiret. • fLobserved detainee(s) In atondition that led me to - believe that-this conduct had 'occurred.
. • ;P etainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
. . • !Others who observed thisconchAct described it to me.
• i- ' , ' '
I have relevant information classified above 4SECRET",
! f. 4 never-observed this conduct nal- heard about it from sorneon,ewho did.
6g. other treatment of a detainee that in 'you rop irlidt1'wes -u nprofessional, unduly harsh br aggressive,
'scoercive, unlawful abusive, or
a. CI il l:, ITSnallyPhsrved. this conduct. .
: • [I obterVed ,detainee(s) in a -ConditiOn that led me to belieVethat this Condua had bedUrred,
. • I( Det' ainee(s) told The that this conduct had -occurred. '
id, • Others vvilb observed this cOndu&Ciescribed it to me.
f e.
i•-•7 f.
• V have relevant Information classified above !SECRET"..
Cl "I. never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone:who did.
Did ybti irripersohatiOn of FBI personnel anyone duilng ab iriterVieW or interro0ation 'Of
a detainee?'
DOJOIG 000739
K . ,
70'. During abybf your, o9erSeas.deployrnent: assignitents, did you reign't any concern:a regarding
any detaineeinterviewor interrogation practices t or other types of detainee treatment, to, an 'FBI:
0 Yea. 0 NA
7A., have you experienced :4Ry actual or threatened retaliation for reporting ph ,ervations. or-llegations
of detaineetreatinent Or interview rir interrogation actions or practices'? .
Yes:' ,0 NO:
N4esz t12) NO
During any of 'your 'ONiemOsskPlOW:herit. or assignments, did you report any o,On'oern$ regarding
any:ditainee.interview or interrogation prattices or other typeS of detainee.treatment you
observed or heard a;bout,..t.c., ' . pckri-,FeI supervisor or other non-FI4personneP.
b: Yes aik,;
ifaV6801-1 ver been brclOred: or directed 110t, t0..NPOrt, Or:diSCOU rag •61 in a rlY."1/±9Y 'from reporting,
observations ora ilepations related to detainee treatiterit. Or interview or interrogation actions! or
Yes 0 No
"65. Did any'detainee orother person tell you that he or she had witnessed the impersonation of FBI
personnel In connection with a , detainee, interview or interrogation? ,
0 Yes: if5„ No:
56. Are you aware Of any "Aarn.” Or"staged " detainee interviews or interrogatibris. OndtiCted, 'for Members.
of the; u.'„s, :cong i%s,:or their staff?
0 Y.e , 0 No
67. Ta your knOVviedge,cild any Military or Intelligence .gersAnfiel ever deny or.delay FBI access to
detaineethe 'FBI Wanted to "question becaUse.the,detainee2had SU,stained , injuries 'after he was captured?
'0 No.
fft., Did you .0/01: entj YO1.4r ParticlOatiOn Pr Osgrvatjon of p detainee, interview or interrogation
becauSe of the,intervieWbr interrogation methods ; being used?
0: Yes O. NO'
:69: Were yob ,ever told thatanOther FBI :employee ended .hisOr her participat kin in orobservation of, a'
detainee interview or interrogation because of the interview or interrogation method s being used?"
(5-Yop, 't! No
(t)ptionalj‘ Moog. provide any dItinai,o•orninqit4.1:000rdnIg the reporting Of.CAtiCerns related to
Interview or Interrogation techniques, oaetitiogrAtice$, orbther deta inee treatment.
DOJOIG 000740
75. Wereyou: debilefed r 'othet%ttiall the.staticrAcd.delirief.lh FD-7721 concerning rSe s
assignment(s)cordeploymenqs): after you, completed the deployment(s) or,assig nment(s)? ,
0:lees No
Additional CPrinents,and lecorrimeridgtions;
1110"Kyo.y„ for y".9!.Jr-00eptiorf in compacting tjlis:q140tiOrVialf -0;
DOJOIG 000741
