DOJ-OIG Questionnaire of FBI Personnel re: Detainee Treatment

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A DOJ-OIG questionnaire for FBI personnel who were involved in detainee interview or interrogations at assigned locations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq; Afghanistan; or in other areas controlled by the U.S. Military. Questionnaire primarily focused on personnel training regarding detainee treatment standards and reporting of inappropriate treatment, and on knowledge of certain interview or interrogation techniques. Example techniques of the latter include: "depriving a detainee of sleep," "beating a detainee," "using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner." Document paid specific attention to the difference between training, reporting and activities done by FBI and non-FBI personnel. Document name: DOJOIG000416.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A. Per4onal Information
Department of lustic.e Inspector General 'Questionnaire Regarding tiepinges
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00001650'
.As of the last time this questionnaire, was saved, some required fields have not been completed.
PleaSexeiriew your responSes.
Pleáse f rovide the fô1lwing infOrthatlon:
1. First name
-2. Middle Initial:
Last name:-
Entered, tin .auty Date (B.01)):
.aurreiltbMsfpn/Field Office:
"cgrrentliob title;
7. DirectAial offidetelephene nuMber:
.8-, FBI Cell phOne hunter:
yi pager:number'',
10:...Best contact ntirriberforyow
B. Background of Specific DepltAirrients Agsigrunents
11_ At any time afterSePteitibet 11,2001, did yOu:Sei-Vead-a member of the 11S, Military, br a -S ari:
employee or contractor of theFBIor any other-government agency,- at ,‘Guantanamo Bay'e t Libal: Iraq;
AfglIPTOP0; or in areas controlled by the U.S: Military or a I), S. intelligence service In connection 'with the
:41:01).ai Aar 00 ,.terrors
C'j'ès 0 Na
12,-. Enterthe niuTiber f tins you, Were,cieployed Orassig nod to each Ofthetiollbwing lOtations,
iiantanaino Bay, ;Cuba; lietulAfghanistan;..or in any areas controlled bythe US. "Military or a :U.S
ipteJUgnce WAWA.
roi.:.eaen deployment or aSSignthent complete the following section.
Lpcatiop Deployment Oe.ii,FAOIrrienfbaoun on or Deployment or assignment antler! on (161*(310 about or about
gOcr 0.3/15/2010.3: 05/15/2003.
34P. What was the :00001 (Obi re otio purpose of 'yout--:aig aCtiVities?
.(uy Interiiidvir of Irati I-detainees.. :c5) Locate and interview FBI :FCI ,Su bjects.
12b. Please provide the names of the„specific,carnps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
Baghdad Iritcriationaiftirx4t(dAts approxiM*)
12C, NOW:: If information :about, a specific canlii, baSe,, or facility - is ClaSsified aboye. SECRET,
please check hem: D, 'include in your 'answer that you'have-natiditionalinforMatientlasSified above
rSECRET,” and, if you knoW,IderitifytheclaSsificationleVel, titket, :COMP:earner% 'program, :Or:Other
designation Viat,app lies t9'ilIsf31r9f01000. Do not include VIe--acidltionali:Classified information in your
OIGQ-00041 6
DOJOIG 000416
peel* Agent
rd PER AaREEMEillt
A.. Training Prior to gverseas Deployment or AssJignment
, . _ . ••
questionnaire response% bIG personnel with the necessary. Ciearance will contact you to receive it.
Name , position
I -AMC: ,.
1.2e. Did you jointly interVieW or interitgate any detainee with non-FM personnel?
. 0 YOs Q No .

: V1illy -Isyliat kinds of non-FBI personnel did you workjointly? .,.
CI a-rF
'-, b (-.her U.S. Military
U.S.. inteiligente agency
IllToleig'n military, or intelligence agency,
0 Other
112f. Did you Jointly plan any detainee interview or-interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics with non-
FBI personnel?
tY Yes No
41,2g. Were'you ever otherWiSt InVolved detdinee'intervieWs orinterrOgetioffs' With nOn-,FBI PerS,Onriel? ,
• •
- 0 Yes
yop receive any training ( linstrutticiil, 'Or ;guicianog opeciftc4y in preparatiOn for pny"of your
OVerSeas deployftietits. or6§Sii,jninentTS?, ,
€Yes SD.No 0 Do Not- Recall
13a. Who provided this âTh11 J. instruction, Or-gdidance7and Where did you receive it?
t$J); Describe the w1),100 011.1.00: Ycto replY0: this training, instruction or guidance.
Approximately 16 'hours of training at Quantico. I can not recall the specific training
Included WO *nillarizotion i:
QYes c)Nci Otkb NOt RetOil
15, fn preparation for'anyor your overs„e.a.s assigpments, .d you ,receiveapy training,
instruction, or guid4nitt concerning the stand ards Of :c.Oricluct PPlic-Sbit iOthe:treatnlent,
interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBIperstanripl?
0;YeS :ONO OM) Not:Recall
In preparation for anyof your oyersees deplOyments,or'assignrnen -t edici. you ,recelyesny, training,-
inStruCtiory ottidameaticminq what you wdro.uptio - td -161;19 you O.15,served Or heaitValibUlt •
DOJOIG 000417
the treahnentr Interview,. or interrogation-of detainees by FBI personnel t willoh you believed to
be inappropriate, unprofessional, coercive, ;abusive, or nlawful?
ON° iY0 Wit Recall
II. In preparation for any-of you rove rseas deployments:or assignments,- did you recelv.eany training,
instruction, or ,gujdanoe concerning what you Itir‘uPlIPSO;(;t0; do if yci-l'ObPeVe,d or heard about
tlielreatrilent„'interviewp Or interrogation of deta inees by non-FBI personnel, Which you beheved,
'to, be inapProPhate,:beiprOfeSsidnal, ,ciaercive„ âbusive, or 1.1116WfUl?
Oyes ONo: -ODD &it:Recall
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. DIAN any of your overseas CleOlOymants oiaSSignmentS, did YoU reteiVe any training, instruction,:
or guidance ,concerning thestandards of conduct applicable to, the treatment, interview, Or
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
a'es .QI:19 Not:Recall
19'. Wring any of yOuroVerstas„deploynhents or-essig,firnefitS, did 'You receive any training ; inStriletion,
Orguidarke.cOncerhing thestandards of:conduet applicable to the treatMerit, intervieW frOr
interrogation 'of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
..c)Yes 0 No 'Obg NOtRecall
'20.. Ilirritig any of yourc*ei-seas-:deployrhents or asSig niter-AS; ,did you receive a?ry'trainftig, instruction
org uidance-conceming whatyou weresupposed to do 'if you observed or heard ,about- the,
'treatment !, interview, or interrogatiorr;ottletairree.sby FBI personnel, , which you believed to be
ina0prO,Oriate, wprofesionaI, coercive, abusive, or unlawful'
OY,08; ,ONO :01=10 Not:qecell
Nring any Olyour overseas-d,eployments or assignments, did you receive any -training, instruction,
or g,uldanc'e concerning -IN ha t‘you were...supposed, to cip If you observed or heard Abotit, the
treattnetit,,interVieM.or jriterrOgatiOrt of detainees by non-FBI perSohn61,.Whidi you believed to
be inapprepiatef uriOnifest ional; coeralVe,„ abusive, ,or-',u rilawfur
:0Yes ONO 0,Do Not Recall
C. Adequacy of Training
22 Tn yOur opinion, did you receive adequate training, instruction, or guidance relating toystand ads°
of coriduct by FBI and hon-FBI personnel relating to treatMent, tritervieW, or interrogation of
cletaineas pridr tb yOuttleploynient or assignment?
0,:yeS 0' 'NO
22a. Please describe:the Ways -irr which you' believe the training, instructionor au Kionce Was
DOJOIG 000418
NaisPecifieguidance-Was.given by:Fr:31ot"Nori.-FBI personnel related ,16 the treatinerit, interview dr
interrogation gf,detainees prior, to,,deployment.__ ________
21Iti yoUr•Opfnion,,:clid ybu receive adeqUatetrainirig, instratiOn,, ,orguiciante relating ,tdtandatds;
cif ccindu,ct by Figand personnel relating, to.treatrnen4:fnteryiew or interrogation -of
detainees during your deploymenOrassignment?'
Ye-s 0 No
23a. Neese describe the in which you believe the trairiing:e InStriictionto.rgUidance Was
ivq;speOftc,,guidancewes'given byfilt,or Non-FBI personnel related to the treatment, interview or
interrogation of detainees during dpplOyMent, The deplOyMerit was high-tempo in 0 remote and
austere environment, ThereWas na opportunity to iirbVidetrairiing while dePlOyed.. ,howeirer, while.
:dePloYed, tasked Via the chain oltomniarid hyerribil) , specificallyabOtit WhetherhiterYieWS shOtild be -•
classified or unclassified", documented on an EC or FD-302, and 'whether, Miranda warnings should be
administered., No ,guidance was ever provided by the chain - of Command. The CDC Unit Mew York.)
provided the requested guidance.
• 24. In your opinion, did you receive adequate:training., inst ruCtion,' orguirla rice concerning what you
were supposed o „db, if you obSerVed or heard; about the treatment, interview, or interrogation Of
:detainees, by FBLor trOn-FBI persorinel r that you believed was InapprOpriate'„ unprofessidnal,
coercive, abuSive, or unlaWfUl?
O' 0, 'NO
24a. Please desdribethe Ways in Whitt yciij Ise! idye t he training, inStruotion.Orguiciarice was ,
Training, should be provided for.all,age,nts. The lack of training and guidance was based on a lack of
understanding, by f,Kaptc, 003 management of the laW of-armed conflict - and the.FETR rolp, in national -
security. Contrary to popular belief within the FB.I and D..9„, the Global War on Terrorism is not thefirst
opportunity that the FBI, military intelligence and the CIA had to interview and interrOgate battlefield
'detaineek leorribatarits r. prisoners ofWar arid"wartriminals held. in military:cuStody.To date, I
have still not been trained °pc/Wand FBI guidelines for these investigations or case law - related to the
-WrIe. The D01" must develop- gilliteiiries for extraterritorial inve.s'il,P4Ons. , invOlving each of the
following': battlefield detainees, unlawful totribatants, priStinerslOf war and WarcritninalS :field in
(CiptioneD :in What ways' can the FBI irtip,rove training on this4subject for futpre deplOyrnents:Or
Afterthe DO ) prOvides, theguidelines for extraterritorial investigations inVOIVing battlefield detainees
unlawful combatants; prisoners of war and war criminals' (held in military custody); all 'FBI agents should
be trained on the same.
Dc C91111MeritS,
26. Please provide any additional inforinationdoheerningtrainifig' foritiVerSeas deployments or
assignments of FBI, personnel you believe is relevant.
DOJOIG 000419
inteoti,90iOn to Part TM In this -Section', Weare Seeking iiirprm4tion 'regardid -g ad range of
interview interrOgatiOn techniques and other types. of detainee treatment alleged to have oceurred.
You should notesstime ; just becauseme.a re asking, about a particular technique or practice, that-we have
concluded that ft - In Tact occurred. We recognize that some of these techniques or practices may at times
be necessary fOr '5'PfOtY arkd security in ',a )detention setting tri')add ition, ie recognize of these
techniques practices may haVe been authOrized 'for 'uby riiilitryor othelgoVernrrierit
With respect to each identified, techhique i practice,ortype Conduct.described helm we -are seeldn,g,
information about its occurrence during or connection iuktiiitie interview or interrogation of a
detainee, or durin:g1 the.aetOtiticip cif :d detainee beyond what is needed for safety 'OndtsOguritY:
In That cOntext, we will ask you to tell EIS :Whether Abe or More ofthefolloWirig staternentt ;are true:
1, I personally observed this conduct.
2 I observed ?detainee(s) in agm:01001 that id me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
:g. netalliee(0 -told 1n' that this conduct had Occurred.
,4. Others:who observed this, co ilduadeStribed it torrid.
5. T. have relevant information classified aboveASECE17;
never:observed this corpfuct nor heard about:it Thorn :someone:who- did.
ty, --riv,fn a ,6taihee Orford or Water
a. • I personallyobserved this:conduet.
11 I observed detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred,
. • Detalnee(s): told ;Tie that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others- who observed this condudt-described it to me.,
el • I, have ,releVarit infOrrnation classified ,alioVe ":SfcRET.
t l t never observed this conduct nor hea rd a bouX it from someone Who did.
28. .Depriving a ifealliOe,OICIOthing
• I p,erSonallY-Observed, thisconduct. ,
I 'Observed' detainee(s): in a cond itionthat led me to. believe that:this conduct had occurred.
II Detainee(s) told me that this' conduct had occurred,
Others who observed this conduct:described it to rrte,
I have relevant information classified above: q5501ETH,
El is. never-observed thisconductnor,heard about: it ,from.sorneorie who
DOJOIG 000420
detalheg oNeep:,. or interrupting Oee9 by frequent cH methods'
• L personally' ObServed, this conduct.
I I,observed detainee(s): in "a conditiOn that led me to_ belieVe thatthis cOnduct had :occUrred.
111 •• Detainee(s) ,told the that this conduct had occUrred. ,
, .,00.thers: who observed this conduct described it to me. .
e. III t have relevant rnformation classified above ,SECRET"-,
f Et I. neverobserved this conduct n91 - .1100 about It frorricsOrneonew119 did.
Beati a detainee „. ,
III. k Pr.sonally observed thico,ncluct.
• I'Qb,Sented detaineets) . in al:conditioriihat. led me to, believe that fhiS conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told MO that this conduct had '0,q-[b* ,
I Others' who observed '.this,di.kdi.rtt...des,cribed it to me. • I haVe resleVant 1-,nfOrrilatin tlaSSified a lzki, "St,CRO-11 .
Ei I, never Ob,§!eilid this conduct hdf'ha'rd 7abdut it Irdni stimeiSnel -Whb did.
'31,. ;tit(rig Water to prevent breathing by a detainee-:or to create the sensation Ofdrowning
a. • L persOnallSrotiserveil, thiS'cbridact.
. • LObserVect detainee(s): In ,a.cdnd ition that. led the to believe that thiS conduct had :octurred..
c: • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.
d , Others who observed this conduct described it to me. .
e. • L have relevant information classified above QSECRET"
RI I. never ,observed this 'conduct nor heard about it from sorneone:wha did.
. using hands, ro e,:or an thing else to choke or strangle a detainee
DOJOIG 000421
a • I personally observed thiSxonduct.
b, 0 robserved detainee(s) in -a-condition-that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d. • Others who 'Ob"-Wied this conduct' described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above "EgEr.
E lEl' I; never observed. this.COnduCt nor heard about it from,sdrneorrewho4id.
33. Threatening other action to cagse physical pain, injury e diSfigurernent, ordep,th
I personally observed this COndtict,
I obserVed detainee(s). in a 'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainde(s).tthd me that this conduct had PCCurretl,
A. pthers- who obserVed this cOnducttleScribed it tO Me.
I, haVe relevant inforrinatiOn claSsified above "SECRET".
f. El I- never Observed ttilScdriduCt noeheard :a trotit. it froriTsorriebne \Who did,
;34. 0:Lhertfeartieht or attion,ajUsing: significant tiflYsitai pain or injury, or causing disfigprementor
/ • I. personally- observed this conduct.
0 I observed detaineef0 in a ,Condition that led ,rri to belieVe that this conduct had OccUrred.
c 0 petainee(s) told pie ti'otthft conduct had ;Occurred ^.
d. I Others who observed this cbridutt cl'est.ihd it to i-nO:
e. II
il love relevant infOrrnation la'SSified above. H-$-ECRET'l^. .
. never Observed: this'COnduct nor ti:At'd a &Out_ it from stlmeorieVitio did.
35. Placing a-detainee -on a ht surface or burning 'detainee
I iI persenally -Observ.ed thistonduCt. „
. i ILObserVecl,detaineeM in.a.coriditlon-that led me to, b.elleVe thatthls conduct had oCCurred..
6. 0 iDetainee() told Me that this Conduct had .oCcilered. '
, • ItIthers who observed this conduct described it to ma
DOJOIG 000422
e. • I have relevant Information' classified above "SECRET".
f. I I neva- observed thimonduct nor heard -about it from-someone who did.
36. Using ShaCides or OtherrestraintS in a prolonged inahner
a. • I personally-observed this 'conduct.
b.: • I observed 4 t@inee(s) in ,oscortdifign that led me to believe thatthis od,ildtict WO 9cCutreci.
ci IF Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred:.
d. • 'Others who bbserved this coriclutt - deSCribed it TO Me.
‘. II I hale teleVallt 416i -1-nation clasSified abOV,e. "SECRET'.
f. Ef I never observed. this,Conduet 'nor heard .8 bout it frOm sonleone who did.
37. Re pirlri a,:detaineg to maintain, pr restrainin a detainee in, stressful or alriful !oSt
a. • I 'péi-sônafly obserVed this ,deiribtret.
b. • LobSerVeddetained(S) . in 'aconditiOn-that led .tne to believe thatthiS et:4nd iitt had bccin -rd.
c II Detainee(S) told rile that this conduct had OCCI1 rted .
d. • Others who observed this conduct-described it to me..,
. • I have relevant information' classified above. "SECRET% -
f. El jr riever observed this conduct nor -heard, about it from someone-who did.
as. Farcind .agletainee tO'PerfOrni dettiandilig physical exercise
• I personallyobserved this:conduct. .
b, U robServ.ed detainee(s) in a torKlitiOrt that led me to believe that this Conduct had occurred.
. ; I betainee(S), told me that this Conduct had occurred.
d. I Others Whd, okiserVed this CondUct.clestribed it to me, . '
I I, have relev.alit inforittatioti Classified aboVe:""SECRET 1'. . .
f: • I never Observed this,COnduct nor heard about it frOrri sorneorieWho did.
DOJOIG 000423
'39. Using electrical "ShOCkOrt.a: detaihee
a. III I:personally-observed this conduct.
b, • Lobserved'cletalnee(s) in azond Rion that led me to. believe that;this conduct had 'occurred,
.c. • Oetainee(sj tolde that this conduct had occurred.
df • Others who observed this conduct It to me;
e. • X, have relevant information classified 110!/q "8:Et,13Er'.
'; RI" I never obSOrVed this 'conduct par hea rd a bog t it from. someone' who did.
,4p. Threatening to :use-electrical ,shoclon a detainee
a. • I prsdnallyzobServed thisconduct. ,
• II Lobserved, detainee(4. in a .,cond itiori that led srrie: to„ beileVe that this conduct. h,ad occurred.
• iDetainee(s) told "me that this ondua had dicou'rn4a..
• othertWhifvb,bserVed :this conductdeSdribed it to, Me.
O. • I haveeleVarit ififOi -rnatibn classified aboVe: "SECRET".
'f. II ;I never observed this •conduct nor 'heard about it frOrn ,,SomeoneWho, did.
41. intenticinally,' delaying :Ordenying..detainee; niedical :Cate
a. • I person011y observed this,conduct.
11. I observed detainee(s) ih.',C:PriciltiPP' that led me to Oer*e qi*this S9 1414 NO occurredh
1111 c*OPeq(s) toldMe that this conduct had 'occurred,
• • others who observed this conduct described it to me:
• I hP:roJeMPT# 109111:100 classified above '!SECRET
Et II never observed this conduct nor heard 'about it from someone who did.
Haociihg- pr blindfcilding, a detainee'other than during transportation
a. III I Vetsprially 01)SerVed‘ this conduct.
b. • X' ohseNed detainee). Via COnd Won, that; led tri to belieVe that this conduct had :OCCUrifed.
,, I Detairiee(s),tbld rife thOt this conduct had OOdurred.
DOJOIG 000424
• • Others:who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • L have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. RI L neverobserved this 'conduct nor heard about it frorn ,someonewho did.
43. 'SO bjecting a detainee. to .extremel cold or hot toorn temperatires fOrextended periods
:a. • I persoriaily observed this:conduct. .
b-., •' I ob-served-detainea(s):, in a'spildition that led me to belleye that this conduct had :occurred.
c. •, Detalnee4 told tne that thi'$- conduct had 'OccurrOd-
1:1 Others MO 'Observed this conduct described it tO'rne.
• T have relevant information :classified above "SECRET".
I never ,obterved this cOnduct notheard abOut it frOrmsOMefinewhO did.
'44. 'Su b)ecting a detainee'tO bud rriiist
. • • I pai-SOriallyitititervdd this tOncl(dt.,
li. • I obsehied detainee(S) in a ,cand ition that led rrie fo, helieVe'thatIhiS COndua had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others, who observed this conductdescribed itto me.
• I have relevant information classified above
Q. I never obseryedthis,'conduct nor heard about It from someone whQ did.
u bjecting a detainee to 'bright flashing lights or darkness
"., • personally Observed this.CondUa
• I O15,5eRfe0 4PlarriPPC61 OP' cord itip n that led Me to-believe that 'this conduct, had occurred.-
• c,ietainee(s), told mg that thi8;'corktutt had ,occurred.
• Others who obSenied this COndutt ciestribed it to me.
• I have relevant infOrrnatiorr Classified eboven,SECREr".
T. Er I neVer,ObserVed thiS.COridUtt nor heard about; it frotil-sOrriebridAn'tho did.
DOJOIG 000425
a: q z personally obser9ed "thiStonduct.
I observeci , detainee(s) ircacpnd itiph that led me to believe thatthis conduct had .occurred.,
46. Isolating a detainee for an extended period
a. n q. personally obserVied, this dinduCt.
b, rObserved.detainee(s) In a.conditien that led ma to believe tharthis conduct had occurred.
n Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had occurred,
• 1Others. who Observed this conduct-described it to me.
e. n I have relevant Information classified above'!SECREf''.
f. RI I. never observed this'conduct nor heard about it from someone'who did.
47, Using duct tape to restrain s gag, or punish a detainee
a.. n $g personally ohserved this conduct:
b. qII observed deteinae(s) in a: =Id eon that led me to, believe itha.thi$ Conduct had occurred.,
c. n ibetainee(S) told The that this con,dUct had ;occurred:
d, n ?Others who. observed this: cOnauct.described it to Me;
e. q lii have felevant infOritiation tlasSified abOVe '',S;tQRET".
. El 111 never observed, this ,conduct nor heard about it from sdmeone:whO did.
4$: -Using rapid response teams and/Or forced' cell extractions
0JI. personally O liSerVed this Conduct.
n it observed .detainee(s) . in a _,Cond itiOn that led Me to, believe that INS conduct had occurred.
C., n ilD, etainee(s) told me that this conduct had .oCcUtred.
. n Others who Observed :this conduct descr ibed ft to me.
e. n ii: have relevant information' classified a hove '''S, CRETH'.
f. El II: never-observed this conduct nor heard 'a boUt it from someone who did.
49. Using a m ilitary working dog on or near a detainee:other than,during detainee transportation
DOJOIG 000426
C. El Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred.
d. El Others: who observed this conduct described it to me. ,
e,. • k' have relevant information classified above "S,ECKr.
Cf. El 1 neverobserved tillsJeoriduct,nor rw-ard about. it frWiscigieOrie who did.
SO. Threatening to usemilltary- working dogs on or near a detainee ,
a. • 1 personally observed, thls,canduct, i
b. • Jr observed detelhee(s) In atond Mon' that led Me to believe that this conduct had occUrred.J
. al
• Detainee(i) told Mt that this,' opridlict had ocourrd.
0 Others, who observed this t Onduct described it to me.
Li a have relevant information Classified above "SECRET" -. .
' never abSerVed this tonduCt nor heard b'out it frionusOrnearieWho did.
1.'05,iticsiklers; 'scorpions, snakes, prother animals on or near a ,detairiee
• I personally observed this condudt. .
• ,Lobserved detainee(s) in atondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. --t--
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. III Others who observed this conduct described it to rrie. .
e. • r have relevant informatiorr clasSified above 'SECRET,
f: EI 1 neVerobserved this conduct nor heard aboUt it frorn,50 11190tiOvho did ,
52. Threatening to use spiders, scorpions, snakes; or other 'animals on a detainee
- . • .3 Personally observed. this 'Oriduct.
• II:observed detainee(s). In a cdinditiori -that tecrme to believe tfiat;tnig conduct had ocurred.
• petainee(s) told Me that this conduct had occurred.
. • lOthers Who observed this ttiOdudt described it to me.
, .. --•-- ) . . 1 haVeleleVarit infOrtnation Classified a boye "SECRET". .
f. El I never obserVed this, cOriduet nor heard abbUtit :fibril sorneorie:WhO did.
DOJOIG 000427
.53. Disrespectful statements, handl ing, or actions involving the Koran
a4, • t personally observed this tonjutt, • 3 I. ed OPP:1000(‘$) in A: cOrld iti .U Prf that ie4 rhe,:t0 IP:etiP-V.0 tha.“hi$ ccinttua, had Occurred,.,
, • a13 01Detaine eN'tOld 'flip Oat ‘ttk conal4 t;i4d Occtirred.
Dthers who obSer:Veci this conduct described it to Me. , • r he relevant InforrhationOlastified bOve '';SECRET". .
Ell I never db7serVed thisCoriduCt nOtheard.abOtit it febrft,sOretecinelkho did.
4. Shaving adetalnee'S: facial Or otherbajrto embarrassor hwniliata, detainee
a. • peitOrially observed thiSCOndikt.
', I Iobserved detainee(s) in a-condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s)tOld1e that this conduct had :occurred, • Others who observed this conduCt described it to me.
• I have releyapt information classified above u$ECRET%
t i II neverobserved this conduct nor heard =about it from sorneonewho did:
55, ,Placing a womares'elothing 9.11a-detainee
• 01 , 1 POrs0.114V, ObServed thiStoncua. .
b. I:ObSetVed detairiee(s) in acOndiOri that In-ie to believe that this cbri,dutt'had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told `rife tliat thiSC,ciriduct had OCCurred.
. • Others who ObSerVed :thi Co)1ruCt d'escritied It to me. .
e. Eli haV.e relevant itiferrtiatiOn clasSified a boVe "SECRET".
f. lEf I riaVerObSeIV.ed thiSCoriductftOr heard labOtit it ti'Orri:sOniedrie MI6 did.
56. Tduihj :a0ataiffeA or atirri0 toward ad:etajnae ih.a §e5:441.rriani -10
D i personally observed thisconduct.
O II:observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000428
G. • Detai nee(s). told me that this cond uct had occurred.
'd. Others who observed this conduct described it to me:'
e„ li • have relevant information c!asajffed above ' 1$E(11Fr-'.
' . Er I never observed this cond u0 ,nor heard7about it from someonwhO- etict.
..57: Holding detainee(s) ; who were notofficially acknowledged or registered as such by: theagency
detaining the person :
. • 1 personally ObSented this andUct.
b. • T-obterVed ,detainee(S) in a COriditiOn that led me to beliege hattlii$' Candi:Tot had tl.e1-0.170, .
C. I IDetainee(s) tOld me that this conduct had Occurred.
' . • Others Who observed This taridUct described it to the.
e. • I have releVant information classified above '!GECREr.
t El I: never observed this:conduct norheard about it 'from-someone who did,
''Sending -a detainee to another toil ntry for rfiO rebg resSIVe,iriterrogatiOii
, . • I personally observed this candiuct. ,
, . • Topserved7 detainee(s) In a iconditiorr that led me •ci, belieye thaxOis conduct had :ocorred.
2 1
• betainee(s), told rne ti-ia 'thi, conduct had occurred. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
- . • II have relevant information. classified a bioge 'I:SECRET% ,
.- - -.
ili g never absented this conduct nor heard a bthit it frOrtr,scirheohe whp did.
SO; Threatening to send a detainee to pother country. for Ote.ritiOn or mpreaggresSiVe interrogation
• i person* observed this cOnduCt, • Labserveddetainte(S): in a-cdnditiOnthat led me to. believe that.thiS'CoridUct had ,oCCUrred. • Detainee,(S), told :the that MIS cord had Occurred. • Others who observed thIS -Condutt described it to Me.
' . • r have 'relevant information classif ied above "SECRET'''.
f. Et I, neverobserved this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did:
DOJOIG 000429
Threatenin to take aotiOn against z detainee's 'tarn('
a. n I. personally observed this condlct.
b. n I' obseived detainee(sy in .acond ition that led Me to belleVe that -this conduct had .occurred.
. • Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had ,occiirred.
d. n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. n I have relevant information classified above t`8E:CkET'R.
f: RI I neverobserved this,fconduct nor heard about; it from..sornonc- who did.
-,61. Other treatment or action-causind'.seVere anlotionO1 or psychological =trauma to 6 'detainee:
n 11, personally observed this conduct
b , I WOb,SerVed dOtaiiiP(4 In :a„ondlition't:h‘at 101 n tPlbellyp that this conduct bad ocOurre
c n Detainee.():tOld Me that Oils: conduct hadoccurred.
d. n ;Others who observed this conduct,d0S,crib'ed it TO rne.
n it have tOeyarrt ititintiOtion . classified ,01:!Ove,'!;StdaEili',
EC I heVet ObServed this 041'f:filet nor heard abdut it frOrn .stirriedrieWhb . id.
62. Other"rellgioUtor sexual harassment :or tiumiilation,ofa detainee
a. n I. persbrialiyobserVed- this OOnduCt.
b. n LobserVed detainee(s), in >a _condition that led hie tO:belleVe that thiS Conduct had Otearred.
c. n Detainee(s)'tOld me that this - conduct had occurred.
d • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. n I. have.relevarit information - classified above 9SECig-r,
Ii I never-observed this -conduct nor heard about it from someone:who did.
63,0thertreatment of 'a detainee that in yourooinionvas.unprofessional ( unduly harsh or aggresSive,
'coercive, abusive, or Unlawful
DOJOIG 000430
E, 0 77
i n I personally-observed thisxonduct.
b. n Lobserved-detainee(sy in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
d , q 'Others who 'observed 'this condUctdescribeci it to me..
e. n I have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. lEi I' never observed, this Conduct nor heard 'about it frornsoineorrevyho did.
64. Did you observe any impersonation of FBI personnel by anyon&during an Interview or interrogation of
a detainee?
enrdetainee orother ,person .tell; you that he or she had witnessed the impersonation of Fig
personnel in connection with a detainee. interview pr interrogation?
Yes '0 No.
66.. Are you aware of any "shani' or "staged," detainee interviews or interrogations conducted for Members.
of the:U.S. Co ng ress, or their staff?
0 Yes 0 No.
'67. To:your knowledge. did any military intelligence,persorinel ever deny or delay, FBI access to a
detainee the FBI wanted to question because:the detainee had sustained injuries after he was captured?
Oyes. fl Nos
,68. Did you ever end your participatiOn in Or ebServationOf a:detainee interview or interrOgatiOn
because of the. interview or interrogatiOn methOds being used?
0 Yes .0 Na
62'.:Were you ever told that a nothpr Ftsiemployee ended hiS:or her participation ;in .or observation- of„ a
detainee interview. or interrogation because ;f the interview or interrogation 'method 5 being used?
`9 Yes; 0 No -
70'. During any of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you. report any -concerns regarding,
any -detainee interview or, interrogation practices, or other types of detainee treatment, to an FBI'
Ye:s No
71, During any ofyciuroVerseaS deployinents or aSsig rifnerits, did you report any concerns regarding
any .d etainee interview or interrogation practices or other types ,of'detaineer treatment you
DOJOIG 000431
observed or heard' aboilti toa non-FBI supervisor or other non,-Fl3Ipersohnel?
!tr.) Yes 15 ,
ilaVeyoh ever heeri Ordered or directed horto,repOrt,:Or A rs000tagsed in any way from reptirtingi.
ObSerVationS allegatiOns related to detaihee treatment Or interrogation actionS or
0:Yes 0 No:
13. I-JaVeyou experienced any actual or threatened retaliation fOT reporting observations or allegation's
oftletaineetreathieht Or interview Or interrogastioriactioris or practices?'
Yes; 0"
74,, (OPh1) Preage proTide any addititi ComMents,regartling tile reporting of OngiOrrys related to:
interview or Interrogation teghtilqijespdetentiOn ItaA1COS, ,PrOther d'gtalnreathieht,Quotioh 43
-.All priSonerSAere -inter.VieWed 'and held in non-air conclitiened _tenth and buildings. Dutside.air
temperatures. ranged from Iau-120 ,degrees Since FI and military personnel were working and -
living under the same conditiOns i, believe that this did not contitute any for of mistreatment,

75. Were:y0 debriefed,, other' than The Standart0.:Orierin FP-774‘cOnperhing your Overseas
asSignMerit*Or deplbyrnerit(s) after you completed the 'deployMerit(S) otasSigrirnerit(s).7‘
c), Yes Ci No
76. Additional Corrirrientsanci ReComMendationS:
All returning, FBI employees returning form overseas deployments Involving sensitive investigation or to
phcf, rethote or _otereth\ifroorlients fOrrnallY debriefed:.
While deplOyed, theseiji& FBIeifitilci'yeeWaS GS:43'S loecial 'AgentAti ASACand SSA rernained in
'Qatar. At least on SSA should have been in Iraqh
'Thank yOl-t f,or yOtg prLoh in ml'tJri, thr$ApOtibnnaird;
DOJOIG 000432
Department -of Justice Inspector General questionnaire Regarding Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00001311
As of the last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields have , not been completed.
Please.reView ybUr responses
A. Personal Information
Please provide the fon-5W' ng, information:
1. First rime'
2. Middle initial:
31 Last name::
4., Entered-bri Onty Date (E0D):
5. Current Diyisionifield Office:
6., Current job title:
7. Directdial officetelephOne number:
a. FBI tell phprie- hurribr:
FBI pager number::
:tic. test contact number for 104:
B. Background of Specific DeployMents or Assignments
11. At any time after, Sebterriber 11, - 20,01, did you SenteaS a Member of the U.S. Milithry, or as an
employeeor contractor of the FBI:orany other:government agency r -at Guantanamo Bay' Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas‘controlledhy , the U S Military or a U.S. intelligence service in':connectionvith the .
.glObal War on terrOr?
Yes - 0" No
12. Enter the,number Of times , were: deplOye,d, or;asSig ried tO,each of the tb [towing laOtio %
Giliantanairio Bay:, C 'AAffggh h'aa'nniisStatann ; Or 'Many areas controlled 4r-the-US. 'Military or a U.S
intelligence serVice)::1
For„each deplC4ment or'aSSignMent COMplete the following ieetion.
iorcatipp (seleq on0 . CieployirnOtrt agsiiiiirrieritliea,ari on or Deplciyriiiiritor.agOddritertnied on
ritana .Bai O5/12/2G03
or obout
12a. What was the:general nature and purpose ofyOurs assigrirrientand attiVities?
Interview Detainees
Please provide the names of thespecific,camps, bases i or facilities where you 'worked.
If information - about a specific camp, base,, or facility i5 classified :above SECRET,
please check. here 0, include in lour ;answer that you have J'add itio nal information tip§Odxf-aacnt -
'SECRET,"' arid, if you know, id.efitifYtheelaSsificationleVel, tiCket,.cornbartenent, "protartibr',other
designation that .applies, to-the:information. Do not includethe-additional,Classitied Information In your
DOJOIG 000433
6 &7C
Special Agent
6 & 7d, PER AQREEMEPir
6 A 70 PER A6REaritint
- „-
A. Training Pricir to Overseas DeployMent or Assignment
qtrestionnaire responses, , WO personnel with the necessary Clearance will, Contact you to, receive it.
Name 'Positlop
lft. Did 1.0Iritly: ItIVerVIOAt I . Q Yas Q No , .
112f. Did yoirjointly, plariany :detainee intervieWarsinterrOgatibri strategy, obje.ctiveS, or tactic With non-
'FBI personnel? v
i "0 Ire§
'134 did 'you receive any:training, 'inStri-094 1,,Ot guidance $Ixitidov io'ineOaration for any -of yr
verseaSdeplayinents or assignrrientS?'
C)Y,es 0, No :OLIO ,Ncit,Retall
14. In preparations for a ny ot your overseas sdeplOyments .ar assign rnentd id„ you receivea,ny training,
instruction, or guidance concerning the„standarcl sof ca riduct applicable to the treatment,.
interview, Or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel
C)YeS aNO, 'OLIO Not Recall,
15: Th. preparation for your oyerSeaS d1ØythØiX 01 apighmentSi did you racainy raiping,
instruction, or -guidance concerning tha,:standards conduct applicable, -to the treatment,
interVieW.,or interrobaron" OtdetaineeS by iion-f6I kiiOnii01?
OYes, ONO ODo'NotRecall
Ikp,raparationfOr any aryOur overseasdPPlq,11-1.0,13t5'q ,asgignnignIP,40" you rec&iye any
Instruction, or guidance concerning what you Weresup posed to do if you observed or heard about ,
Ahetreattrient,ii-iterviek or interrogation of 'detainees by FBI eteesorind rikh (eh you believed tO
be 19PPINT9Pl*ei ungrofeqslq9a!, ccerc1veabusive, 01114,111P.,1,41.11?
Oyes ODo Not: Recall
preparation for anyaf your ',overseas deplayinents aSSig ntrientS,'.d id you receive any training,
instructiorvor guidance concerning what you weresu pposed to do if you observed or heard about
The treatment/interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, which you believed
to be inapp ropriate, unprofessional, Cciertive :abusivey or orilawful?'
0YeS, ONO C),D0 NafRecall
DOJOIG 000434
.- , „ ,.. , , ,
Agg,:wereyOu ever otherwise involv.e„,„d , in det„a Wsa,.r. i„n, terraga.t„i on...s , wit„h, no„ n-F, BI ,p „er„so, nnel?„ -
&Nees Na
, „
, ..„,„ S.
Oès NO
IS. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
111; Opting-any-oh/our overseas'depioyrnepts or assignments, OW you 'receive my:trainirai -ii0ructionk-
Orguitlance:COncerning the standards of CON11.4Al101icable tothe treatinent, ,interVieWlicit
interrogation of detainees by FBI perSbriiiel?
Oyes ONo ODO Not Rectll
10. li.Or:ing 'anY of YO.u..r 0)(0,r-Sa's-4e,P.IPYrppnfs Or asjg nents 01.0 -YOJA fe?OivO, PIIY:tro tiling-, instruction;
Or quirinbe...r.O1icern !nig Ihe.gariclarOs of ‘, •:Aiduct .:arY1511CPb10.t.0>ttP :tregMb n tOrlIWG, Or
interrogation Of 'detainees, by non-FB1 personnel?'
:Oyes e No, One Not Recall
20. During:031Y of your Wttseas_cleDloyrognts. Or a'ssig nmentS', did yOu ra'aiY. PRY training, instruttion;
orig u id atic..P‘lboncerning what you were supposed to da if you observed or heard about the:
-treatinent„ iriterVieW;,.or interrOgatiokcif detainees by FBI pdekorinel,. Which yob: believed tts be
inappropriate, ,unprofesslOrai, coercive, abusiVet or uroyoup _ •
Otap- •ONg•- OOP IgAt Re..aal I
21, Digitig any of Our- OVerseas.deploYftlefft Or atagritnentk did -YOCI reedive driytraining., inttrattiOn l,
.or guidance:concern ing were-supposed to doff you .observed -or heard about the
-treatment, interview}, or interrogation of detainees . by non-FBI personnel, which you believed to
be inagpropria:te, un.profossionai,coerciyei abusivg, or u -niawri.0 ,
13Do l\lot-Recr
c. Adequacy of Teaiiiiing,
22:In your opihien , iclid you reCeive adequate training ;, instruction, be 4iiidance rerating' -to standards
of conduct by 'I ,and norkVBI personnel , relating to treatment, interviev4 orinterrogationof
:detainees priOr tO YOuf dellIOYnient'orelSignmeOf?
'Y ONe
1.3.Xn: your ,opiniOn, did, yOU receive ackflOtg; training,. in•Strk10011-.or guidance rqlOting to-ssurril
of conduct by FBI and näh-FBI persOnnel I-elating to treatrnOnt, intONiew,, or interrogation of
detaihe your debloyitierit.OrasSig"henetit?
24,1n Touropinion
did you receive adequate training instruction, orguidance concerning What you
Were WpilcAgclt94P if observed or heard about the treatment,. hiterVievv, Or interrogation of
:detainees, by FBI pr nOri-f 61 personnel,-thatyou believed was inappropriate, tinprofes§ional,
ooiv, -ali0i90, be unlawful?
Yes 0 No
DOJOIG 000435
25.-(Optional) In what ways can the FBI improve training on this subject forfutpre deployments
FBI, Ag erit take :an Oath' to upheld theconstitutio1 Where 'Outten rightS a re self evident,, receive,
extensive training during New Agent Training at quantide , relative to effective interviewing techniques by'
building raPPort, and by using the Ratibnalize,. Project rand _Miriirnize techniques. My only
recommendation is that FI Ageritsare 'briefed prior todeployment that-other sta,ndards orpractice and
techniques may be being employed by other government agencies, which we do not adhere to under any
citC,UnistanceS:ipst, becau se we are on :a,:-deplOyMent1nterattihg and working with those other
'governMent agenties. FBI A9 &its should. be terninded, that they re to. imined lately lepdrt any:
interviewing, practices that 40;not coincide with-our formal training and that may vidlate human rights.
26. Please prOvide.any additional information concerning training 'for-overseas deployments or
assignments, of F13,I, persortnel you believe is relevant,
FBtgnt,sshpuldd receive training on what:acceptable:, interviewing/interrogation methods Via,Pthe
military ,erid, Other government agencies are authorized to 'Conduct, Myself and the Other 'FBI Agents that
I Was Withduring rny' GINO TDY'Were ,tl ketta i it What. rules the -en ilita rY a rid 'Other government agendies
;must abide by In this environment,
inttaduttibritO Part III: In thissection,,Weare Seeking information 'regarding, a Wide range of
interview, or interrogation' techniques, and other types of detainee treatment alleged to have occurred
You should , not assume, just because we`are asking, about a particular technique-or practice, 'that we have
Cciricluded, that it in fact oc±urr'ed We recognize that of theSeteChnigtieSot practices may at times
be necessary for safety :and, Sedulity In a detention't.ettihg. InadditiOn, werecognize that Sadie &these
techniques or practices may have "been- authorized for use-by military Or- other government personnel.
With reSpeCt to each identified technique, ,gractice r,Or typeOcciticlifdtdescribed belOrt,,A6t,re seeking
information about its during be in connection with the interview or interrogation of A"
detainee Or during the detention of a detainee beyond what ia:neededfoi= safety and:secuar.
In that context, we will ask you 'to tell us ;whetherone or more of the -following ;statements are t- rue:-
personall observed till's gond Lid.:
• tobserked tietainee(S) in a condition that led rile to believe that this cOndUct, had - otturred,
• Detained(s), told the that this, donducthad ,occurred.
'21:, Others who observed -this conduct-described it to me:
5, t have relevant information. classified above tE0kEt a,;,
• heYer-Ohseryed this conduct nor heard about it from $OrheOne who did,
f2.7.„DeptiVing, a detainee of food ,orwater
P. O I personally'o,bserved, this ,conduct.
b,4 1:1 I c.)12.0rvOgl.-Tclaaibett4 irie'onclitiori that led me to believe that:this:of-4Pa hod ,,OccurrO.
DOJOIG 000436
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • it have relevant information cla ssified Pl?ove "S,ECRET";
f. El It never observed 011sconiluot nor heard 'about it frorrrsprneone who did.
DPrivfng Adetainee Ofelothing
, personally ObServedthiStdridutt .
U., • irob.SerVed ,detainee(S) in a' cO nd iti,,on that ted Me: to b'elleVe that tfUcOhdopt. had &cep rred ..
. • p,etainee(s) told me that this cOrid:utt, 04 bccurrect.
d. • Others: Who ObServed this et:India -et described it to, met.
e. • r haVe reieVant information- elasSified above "SECRET''.
lif L neVer observed this:conduCtnOt beard about it from sOrneoriewho did.
29. Denriving,adetairreeoffeo i or interrupting ,tieeb,by freodent cell 'relocations OrtOther rnethodt7
- L personally observed this tondUtt. ,
• •, I-6,11served detainee,(S) in 4 -:coriditiOn -that led me t&belieVe that:INS dinduct ,had 'odairred., •' Detainee(s) 101d me that this, ebrithibt had OccUrred.
• • Others' Whb observed this Conduct described It to me
El I have reteVant infOrination CleSsified a boVe "SECRET'''.
El I never observed this ;Conduct - noeihea rd a bola, it fr6mScimeohe -Whe did.
Beating 4 detainee
a. - I personally ObSeryed,thiS.Condtict.
b.. • 'Observed detainee(s): iii eebndition -that led :me to belie'Ve that: thiS COnduct, had oCtUrred.
.. • Detainee(S)Aold m that this conduct had Occurred.
-M,-I ,..
• Others. Who observed this ditiriduCtdescribed it tb ite,
6. • 1' have releVant Information classified above 'SECRET".
f. l I' never observed this:conduct nor' heard about it frormsomeotie who' did.
DOJOIG 000437
81..Using water to prevent breathing by. a detainee or to create the sensatiOn of drowning
I personally'observed, this tonclua.
b. • [ observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • 'Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
A.. 0 Others, who observed this conduct described it to. nie., •
e, II havereleyarit infOrmation classified above "SECRET''.
f. T 0 ,x/Or ,0.0sPrVaci, this 'conduct 'nor heard :about 1t from cmecne who 014.
82, Lisin hands, rope, oranything, else to:_choke or strangle a detainee ,
personally:observed this:conduct
I I observed detainee(s ina:cond ition that led me to . belleYP,41Pt_ttlis conduct had occurred.
• Oetine(s) told me that this conduct had occurred..
• Others who ohserVed 'this conduCt described it W me:,
6. • I haVe rolOoilt ihformatioft-Oassifrocl Ottove." -WgEt"-., .
f: El I never qhrnje4 this conduct nor heard 41)70,P;t: it frOrn'qn160ne:Whex Oa.
'Threatening other action tw'cause physical pain,- injury, disfigUrernent„ ordeath
- t gor5on6lIrgb-00Ne:CI, this conduct. '
[observed detainee(s), in io'cond ition-thatled me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• DetaineeS) told Me that this, conduct had 'OcCarre4:,
• Others who 'observed this conduct, described it to me.
'. • I: haVe,relevant information.ClasSified above' 4-S,ECREI"".
f. El 1 nbiel- obsthietl,thildqridottitor heard about it from Sortie:One lib did.
34. Other treatment Qr attioncausing significant physical pain Or injury, or teu8ing idisligur,ement 9,r
I reitotiatly.abseN0 thisonduct.
OIGQ-00043 8
DOJOIG 000438
b. • I -observed detainee(s) In a:condition -that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others- who observed this conduct described it to me-.
e, • I have releVant infOrmatIon classified above "E(RET%
f. I r this-conduct nor heard about it from someoriewho did.
35. Placing a detaineeon a hot surface or burning adetainee,
a., "Jr persorially-observed this conduct.
b. • tobserved detainee(s) in a'cond bon that led me to believe that;this conduct had occurred. • batainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
OtherS who. observed this conduCtdescribed it to me:
t have releyant information classified aboVe"W-REP:
f: g It never observed this conduct nor 40 54 '01;,iotit it from someone Who 0.14-:
36, Using-shackles -or otlier restraintsin„a prolonged manner
" r personally observed this-conduet,
0 tobserveddetainee(s) in a:condition -that led me to believe that this conduct had ocCUrred,
• Detaineets told ;me that this conduct had 'OcCl:Irrocti
, • Others who observed this Condi:tot described It to Mei.
• I have relevant information' classified above
never observed this conduct nor-heard:about it from -someone Who did
37. Requiring a detainee to maintain ! or restraining a detainee in, a Stressful or painful !Position
I; personally (*Served thiSonduct.'
• T, observed detainee(s) i.n.,. .a_ :t, ond Ilion, that led Me to believe that this conduct had Pc"Ckirred.
c, - • Oetaine'etd telt! me that thi Ohduct had occurr " :
d ., • OtherS; wjiti observed Ibis cOridtictdeScribet,1 it tO h10.
ë. II I have relevant infOrrriatIOn'dasgifiOd 1)0V'e:"'StORU'',.
f. l I never obServed: this ciPridi.ict nor heard a bout it from stiMeOneWhO did.
DOJOIG 000439
'f$8, forcing a :detainee to perform demanding physical exercise
F personallyobserved this conduct.
0 I ob.Served.detairiee(s): in a - Condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred:
• Detainee(s)-tOld' me that this, conditt Md ogcu rre0.
• Others who observed this ooriduct described it TO Me.
. • I have relevant information ClasSified .a Wye "SECRET'.
, g
.. , „.
r never obSer,Vetil ti iS.COnduct not heard a bOut it from .SorneOne;who did.
39. Wile) electrical ShOtk on a detainee
" I personally observed MS chiiduCt, . .
P. • roberVed detainee(s): iti -:a.COnd Won' that led me to believe tharttir cort-givc.t. had Occurred.
c. • Detainee(S) told me that this cdnd act had :,:ourit'd. .
d , • Other; Who observed This 'jidtdstibed it to me.
e. • L have feleVant InforMation classified a bove "SECRET'.
f. RI never obterved this:Conduct riot head abaft it fibitkkimetirie -who did.
threatenirl to uWelectrital `shodlcon a detainee
a. - IL personally obserVed thiscianduCt.
b. a
• I' obServed detairiegs); in ;a 'cf5lid itionthat led (lie, to bet ieVe that.thiStii rid act li4d oadufred.. • Detainee(s) told Me that this COhdutt had oCturred.
• 10ther§ Whip Observed .thi§ cbriduct described it to. hie. . e. • 4, haVe releVarit iriforMatiOn claSSified above "SECRET% ' ' .
DOI- never obserVed. this ,conduct -norhea rd a bodt it 'from :someone 'Who did.
41. IntentlonIIydelay!rrs::,Orrienying ,detainee Medical care
I pefscinally observed this,condUct.
DOJOIG 000440
b. • ti observed detainee(s) in a'cond Ition that led me to believe that.this conduct had occurred.
c. III petainee(s told me that this conduct had :occurred. J )
• !Others- who observed this conduct-described it to me.,
III II have relevant Information classified above 7.S'ERET".. .
f. El IT neverobsplipl this conduct nor,hear,d about itirom someohe who did-.
42. Hooding or blindfolding a detaineeother than during transportation
a. - , I personallyobsetypd thisconduct.
b: lar observed detalnee(s) in acond Mon that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. • LDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
7171 7.. 41
II jOthers. who 'observed this, condUCtdesCribed it to me.
El it havPfPleVant information claSAfied aboye n$E,OftEr.,
. 1:1II -er observed :this conduct nor heard about it from nevsomeone who did.
Subjecting a detainee to extremely cold or hot room temperatUres -for extended perjods
k . I liergonally observed this torgluct, • •ohserved-detainee(s)._ in a 'conditioh that led me, to believe that this, CoriduCt had 'occurred.
• Detainee(s) told ;nne that this conduct had occOrrecl'.
- , • ,Others who 'observed ttil* gond LI,Ct; described it tQ me; . .
e. • 1:have relevant information:classified a bore: 7Etg:Er.
f. Et f nevpr. 05erVed this;OnduCt ricif heard about it frcim:sorheoneWhO did.
44.SObjecting a detainee to loud music
a. ' iP, personally obServed thiS;COn,duct.
• 1' observed detainee(s) In ,a:cond Non that 1.4 Me to, believe ht this'condP4 had :occurred. • lDetainee(sj tOld me that this, conduct had occurred: '
d 1 • Others Whd Observed thicOnduct.described it tO
e. • I itave'relvant inforrrition- ClasSitiOd a bove: 'SECRET.
1. • I never observed thisCOndutt.nor' heard about it 'frOfn scimeOne'--Wlid did.
DOJOIG 000441
g. Please provide the time ,frame,during, which this, conduct .occurred.
Pram 04/1-5l2b0 o 0029/2-03 Doo Wit. Recall
h. The detainee(s) treated in this way were lotatecl at the time in:.
,12i Guantanamo
3.0 Afghanistan
4 0 Other Location
5 0 Do Not Recall
i. PIeaSe: idelitify -the.detainee(t) by name and. her:
Ai Please identify the perspn(s)'whO treated the detainee(s) in this manner, including their
ria'rrie(s) and goVernrfientagenty(ies):
Unknown - possibly DHS (LISA 'contract ernploVeeS)
k Please' identify any FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel 'Whb observed detainee(s) treated
their name(S) and agency(ies):
SAI i'sgattle
This conduc, t occurred in connection with: •
1: 0 On detainee
.?0 Several detainee S (4-4)
3 0 Many 'detainees (mOre than Li).
:4 0 Do Not Recall
rn. (Optional) Pleim cleisOibei,the-releVant circurnStanceS in mote detail;
45 Sublecting a detainee to bright flashing lights or darkness
a. E irp"&sptibily Ob-served this CondUct. .
ib•, • 1b;Served cletainee(s). in a- cOnditiOnthat led 'n -ie to: believe that thig". OoridUct, had occurred.
ic. 0 iDetainee(s),ttild rife that this conduct had 'occurred. '
d'. • LOtherS who .Observed this cOndiact'destribed it to me.
ie. • I. haVe releVant informatiOn Classified .abbVe. "SECRET'. .
f. III I. neVer obSerVed this conduct nee heard about it from someorie"who did.
g. Please provide the approximate time frame;cluilrig which this conduct dccurred.
Frorn 06/15/2003 te 06/2912(303 0Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000442
U. The .detaitiee(s) heated iii this way were lOcated at the time in:
I; 21 Guaritanartio
2 p 'Drag
3 0 Afghanistan
. 4 I:1 .Qtner Location
5 El [lptReçalI
Please identify the detainee(s) by name and: number:
J. Please Identify:the Person(S)'whO Veated the detairiee(S) in this mariner, Wilding their
name(s) and government agency(leS)::
iinknoWn - 139SOlpDHS (OSSA contract:employees):
k. Please identify. anTother FBI personnel or norr,FBI personnel whoobserved detainee(s) treated
in this manner. nciuding their name(s) and agency(ies):
SA - FBI Seattle
I, ThisoinduCt occurred in 'Connection with:
1 e -Otiedetaitie'd
2 0 Several detainees "(2=4)
3 O. Many detainees 'more then4I
4 00 N0t Re011' ,
m. "(Optional) Please describe the relevant circumstances in more:detail:
4Q. Wolating a detainee fort "er -e4ended ,pericid
• I perSbrially a bseilved. this .conduct. •' LebServeddetainee(s): in .acendition that led me to believe that-thiS conduct had ocCu'reed. • petal nee(s).told me that this conduct had occurred.
d., •. Others. who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • I. have relevant information classified above "SECREr. , „ ,
f. RI- I, never observed' tilitond uct :nor heard about, it fromsomeone who, did. :
47. Using duct tape to restrain, gag, or punish a detainee
'. I I; personally-ohserVed this conduct.
tobserVed de.kaineeN): in ..a .dond ition that led Me to believe Iht -thi$' OMRAct had '0000-O. •
Detainte,(S). told .rrit that this cohduct had odcurred: ,. .. •
DOJOIG 000443
d . • lOthers who observed this conduct described it to me.
e, 0 I have relevant information classified above "SECRET',
f. 1:i,.1eyer,o,bsqrved thi ,conciuct,nor heard about it from:someone -mho did.
48. Using rapid res onse teams and/Or Forted cell extractions.
,. III . 2I personal iy'qbrved
'bk11:11I observel-detalnee(s), in ,a :gond itiori that led me to believe that:this-cnduct had occurred.;
giciDetatnee(S):tOld MP that tniS' tdridua. had lotcurred.
IO pntmhdetruiSe wt hodoe eOstbcsreirb.vee dd t his
121 0 'I haVe relevant InfOrmation 'classified above "S.ECRET".
a t?I' I never observed thiS,c0„nduCt rheard abOut it frOniscirheOrlOVfit, did.
49,. Wing a military working. dogøji ur near a deteinee:Od-ter than during de, einee:transpOrtatiOn
a. 1piI peitoriallY Observed this conduct ,
• /I obserVed detainee(s) in a :tend ition that led Me to, belie that thiS Conduet, had °centred.
IIII Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • ,Others who observed this conduCt deScribed itto me.
:e.. • It have relevant infOrrnation classified above: '!SE00'.
f. ET it neverobseryedthrs ,conduct norbeard:about itfrom someone who ctid,
SO'. 'Threatening to use military working dogs on or near: a detainee ,
El T personalty' tbserv,ed this conduct.
ty, • I ob8erved,delaineem in ,a,enrid4idri that led me to believe that this conduct had ,otnrred.',.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. .
. • Others whb abserVed 'this Wriduct clestribed it Id me.
e. • I have relevant inforrnationtlassified above 'S.EcRET".
t. If I. tieVerObSeilied thiS:Conddttrittheard abOu,tit frotri,stimeorieVhd did.
DOJOIG 000444
IlsingsPlciersi ;scorpions; Snal a. • L perSonalikobserVedthisCOndilet
MI L.ObserVed.cletairiee(s): in a,conditiOn that led me to. believe that this COM= had occUrred.,
• Detainee(s. ) told M„e that this conduct had occdtred. ,....._ • Others. who 'Observed this conduct:described it to me.. • r have relevant Information classified above "SECRET%
f. Ed I neverobserved this'canductnor heard about it frornsorneone who did.
52. Threatening to use spiders, scorpions, snakes / or other a nirnais on a detainee
a. • k. personatirobserved thisconduct.
15. • 'Observed ,detainee(S) in acand Eon that led me to believe that thi conduct had OcCurred.
O.. • petainee(s) toad me th,4t this OoricrPct 13,0i Pc,ctitf*I. , • Others who '911.Served this 90cliKt 'cicribe,(1 it to
e, • 1. have relevant l'nfOritatiOn ClasSified 0 Ltive: 6;S,CRET'.
t 0 I heVer,OliServed this conduct nor heard about it frOfil*ihrieone who did.
Disre$Pa• ti .40Jornerifs, handling, at -actions involving' the Koran
a. • L PersOriallV: oliserVed. this Oondutt.
b. • LobSerVed detainee(s), in a„cOndition that led Me to, believe thatthiScOndiret had ,ottnited,
C. Daetai nee(s) told the that this taridUct had occurred.
d . 0 Others who :Observed this conduct-described it to me.
. • L have relevant information classified above "S -ECRET"°.
f. lif L neverobserved this -conduct nor heard about it from, someone who did.
54, Shavin9 a detainee's facial or other hair to embarrass or humiliate a detainee.
a , • 1 persOnally obserVett ti* 9001.1ct. „
b i observed ,cletainee(s) in -a :condition that led, me to believe thatthis Conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000445
c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred..
d . • Others who observed this conduct described It to me. • r, have relevant information classified above 'SECRET''''.
' . Z I heverobserved thistonduct nor heard ,a bout- it from- someonewho did.
55. Placing a woman's clothing on a detainee
; I personally observed, thiscoriduct.
b. I'obrvd detaineets) in condltiOn"that led me to belley e tha,t- this conduct had occurred.
c. II ipetainee(SYtOld, tne that thf:Obrdc,t had °Cal rred.
d. LI btherS who observed this 'C'OndLict described it to me.
e'. • It have teleyant InformatiOti tlasSified a 66V:a "SECRET",.
IE !I never ObSerVed. this coriduCt nor beard 'abOut it frOM someone Who, 'did.
15,6,. Touptriag a detainee' or acting toward a detained in a $0c1461.r.nnrigr
• I personally bServed this conthlat.
• it observed detainee(s) in acond Con that led me to' believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
. • IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct, had occurred.
. • 10thers who observed this condyet&escribed it to me.
• t have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
r. El it never observed this toriduct nor heard 'about it from someone who did,
.57, Holding detainee(S) who were not offiCially acknowledged or registered as such by the,agency
detaining the; person.
• 1 ttonally observed thiScOnduct.
b. • I observed 'detainee(s) in a-Cadition that led me to belie Ve that this conduct had 'ocairred.
• Detaineett), told 'file that thiS Cord Litt had -Occurred.
. • OtherS who observed Misconduct described it to rri
e. II I haVe relevant inforination classified abbVe. "SECRET".
f. Er I. never observed this conduct norheard about it from someone. who. did.
DOJOIG 000446
k"$ending ,a detainee tq another country for rnore aggressiveinterrogation
a. 9 it, personally Observed this'oonduct.
b. • r obServeddetaineeNy in ,a,cond ton that led Me to believe that this cOndiliet had ,octurred.
C. • Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had Occurred.
d. • lathers who Observed this conduct described it to. me. . .
e. I IL have relevant Information classified above "SECRET"',
f. IRI iL never obserVed this!condua nor heard about it from:someone who did.
59. Threatening tó send, a detainee to ariother.cetintry for detention orniore aggressive interrogation
Z1:1 ,WhPlir 91;iervOd lifisrtPriclucL
; • rOServed detainee(s) in*COnd ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
,-, • :Detaineg4 tOld'tne that this ocOnd.Pct, had Occtirred.
. „ .
d .. 111 . Others who observed this, cnduct,cieScribekl it to me.
. • I haye relevant infOretiatiOn classified a bOVe,"St.tWT'''. ., .
: I. neVer observed thit :cOrdat nor heard abbut it frqm sdrn'ePrie:YAitio did.
60. Threatening. to take action against a detainee's family
ha; • iI, personally obseNed this ConduCt.
• , ',o1SserVed'dethinee(s), in ,acOnd ition that led Me to believe that this conduct had _actin-red.,
• petainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. •
fl others who Observed this conduct described it to me.
• jIl have relevant Information classified above "SECRET- 4,
f. El I never observed: this 'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
‘61.- .0thertreatment or actiontausin severe emotional or psychological trauma to a detainee.
DOJOIG 000447
' . • I personally observed this,conduct,
b. 0 tobserved detainee(s)' in a.concrition-that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
o. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who 'observed 'this ctçtescrfbe it to me,
I have relevant inform.a tion classified. above "8EC. I, ZET''.
I never observed thip:Oricrtdt ndr heard 'a Ivp;t. it frornsorneone who did.
62. Other :religious ,or sexual harassment or humiliatiorrof a detainee
a. • I p'ersOrtaliy-di)served this cbriciatt.
b. • I observed detainee(s) it) a Ofidition that led me to believe that this concloot-.had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told rrie that this conduct had .0Ocurred.. .
' '. • OthetS, who observed this conduct described it to ifie. ,
• I, have relevaht infOrrnatiOn tlaSsIfiecl a boVe:"SECRET''.
RI I' neVer Observed this 'clOrld bet riorheard a boht it from sOrriebne Who did.
63. Othettreatment Of etaII1ee that irrytilkopiriiton Was tinpriffesSibriai, Unduly harSh ior-agoreSsive,
coei-chie, atitisive, Or ithlaWftil
. • .
I persopoly-ob.served thisconduct: .
15, • f.ob$02rv.e0 detatiIeefsl in ,atoricl ifioh that fed me' to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, 0 Deiaini($) told ma that this, conduct had ;,cscairred.
d. • Others: Wit!, ,ObServed this conduct described it to me.
. • i'ff*:.P relevant itjf4rtfAtiOtf classified a bove "sEC.RET",
; El I never ObserVed.fbisohdoct riot - heard about it 'froin.Somecinewho did. ,
Jitnr zv KI110 F . 13. ATztEirks
64: Did you observe any impersPnation of FBI personnel hy.anyone.during an,interview-Or -interrogation of
Dicl cletainee rother portpri xeit yon tho:cho ,or She had. WitriesSed the impersonation pf FiECI
perhnel in connection with 'a ,detained interview or interrogatiOn?
DOJOIG 000448
0 Yes. 0 No
Please proVide'the:approxirtiaetirnejrathe during whieh-th is tondtiet °Centred.,
'From, 0./122./2003: to ON80:120(18 DDo Et Recall
b. The detairiee(s) tteated. In this way were Iodated at the tine
1, Kt 'Guantanamo
El Iraq
g ID Afghanistan
4 0 lOther Locatkm
5 ID DO Not Recall
Ileasse identify the detathee(s) by. riamearAd num:tier to the. best `of your recollection:,
:Unknown not
‘4. Please the,PetSon(S) who treated thedetainee(S) ih this:Mani -let, indludind, if You
recall, their name(s) and governmentageneyf leg):
Unknown - do not recall,
The, names of any 'other FBI personnel, and the names and government, agencY , of non-FBI
-personnel,. whom T- believe saw the detainee(s) : treated, ri ttl(irtfritiet are
f. ThisscondUct 'occurred in ‘connection
Several (24)
30 ;Marly detainees - (MOre than 4),
4 O Eo Not Recall
(optional): ,Plea.e.destribe the relevant: circusrittarideS. in More detail:
aware of '"Oiged." tiotaihOO -ifitdiivio*s,otiAtdt9gatiPi*,:cmatOtO.d,f,OfM6nilOs of
t. (-0igrPO or teit§tAM
0 yes O' NO'
to'Vour knovifedge, did any military or intelligence personnel sever deny or delay fig .access E0-
'detainee the FBI Wanted. tO question betatitethe' detainee:had ,stfstained :injuries after he WaS daptUred7
40' r_eS ,0No
68',,Did;you ever end your participation in or oPseryationof tietainee. interview or interrogation
because of:the, interview or interrogation .n -lethPa 00itig p$0:14
Yes: 0 No
69, Were you ever told that another MI.:employee -ended ,his:ot her Participation ih -Or;obtehtatibn Of,. a:
„detained interview-or interrogation becsefthein1ervFe*or interrogation methods being used?
0 Yes'. 0 Ne:
DOJOIG 000449
Ouring -any -of your oyerseAs.Clepfoyn,)ents pr assignments, did 'you report any concerns regarding
any d etainee interview Of interrogation PraCtiCes., or other types Qf dktairld-trOartietit t to an FBI
YeS '0 NO;
71. Outing any ,of youroverseas-deploy,ments or assignments, did you report. any concerns regarding
nyiletaiogo interview or interrogation practices or other types of detainee treatment you
Observed or heard a &but, to a hdh- FBI, "supervisor or ether rion -FBIpetsbnnW? a Yes 0 No
72-, Have you ever been ordered or directed nptito report, -or :discouraged in any .way- fropirepprting,
observations or allegations, related to detainee treatment - or interview or interrogation action's or
Yes- Q
71. Have you 'experienced any actual or threatened retaliation- for reporting, observationsor allegations
of detainee treatment or interview or interrogation .actions or practices? ,.
Yes 0 No
74, ((National) Please prbvid é any additional comments regarding the repOrting of concern S related ;to
interview or interrogation techniques, detention practices, or other detainee treatment.
Wereypil debrief:0,, other Than the standard debrief 'in 0?-711, concerning your overseas1
assigninent(S)or deployment(S) after -you completed the deplOyMent(S) Or assignMent(s)?
, Ypt No
7,6. Additional Coininents and RecOrninendatibris:
Miankyou 'rot your cooperation' ia ,comproting,thia.questformaire,
DOJOIG 000450
A. Personal Information
Department of 31.1StiCg Inspector General QUestionna ire Regarding Detainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00006024;
Js Ottlle last time this-questionnaire, was saved, some required have not been completed.
PleaSe reVipw'your responses.
Please Provide the folloWing" information;
1, Ara name
2. Middle initial:
3i Last name:.
4., Entered- ian Duty Date (EOD):
5, C'urjeht DiVision/Field Office:
6,, Current job title:
7. Direct dial officetelePhOne number:
8.' FBI tell phone riurrib*;
0. FBI pagernurriberf
iq.. -Best contact number for you:,
B. Background of specific Deplownents or Assignments
.11. At any the after'SePterriber 11, 20011 did 'ybu serVeasa itierii bet' of the U.S. Military, br
employee or contractor of the. FBI.or any other government agency,' at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq;
Afgha nistan, 'orb areas controlled by the U S Military or,a U.S. intelligence service in connection with the
;global war on terror?
CI, Yes '0 NO
12. Enter the nurnbe,t; Of tiMespu, Were.tleployed &assigned tO eath of thef011owing.lOtetiorit
.(Gdantanamo Bay, Cuba;, Iract;.Afg hanistan? Or in any areas controlled bythe U.S .. Military or a U.S.
intelligence ser ;1
For each deployinent or assighthent Complete the following section.
Location (select on4 Deployment or assignment began on Deployrnen.p,or assignment ended on
about dr about
Guantanamo Bay 03/14120,02 04/2212002
12 . Whet was the:general natu re and purpose of YourassigriMerit and activitieS?
Interview terrorist suspects
flb. Please providethe names of the„specific camps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
Camp x-ray
Now if infOrmafion about a specific Carlin, ba:se, or facility is;ciSaisf)ed above SECRET,
please check. here D. include in your answer that you have "additiOnal information classified above
`SECRET,"! and, if you know, 'id entify theclaSsification:lev,el, ticket, icompartment, program, or other
designation thatapplies totheinformation, pa not include the:addltional classified Information in your
DOJOIG 000451
6 &IC
p A.rc
Special Agent
A. Training Prior to Ovttseas Ddgildyrnent tor Aasigniftent
citlestionnaire responses, DIG personnel with the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it,
42e, Did, Wit jointly interview or irlP.11'9'.g4e9r1Y citinp With ripri-FBI personneil
® No
With What kinds of nOn-FBL personnel did you Workiomtly?
- RI:Other U.S. Military
418; intelligence agency
- U to,reign military or intelligenceagenty
Ef lather
- ,
42f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview or intertogatiOn strategy, objectives, or tactics with nOri- -
7BI perSbfirief?
0- Ye d 0 NO
With what kifids.Of tion-f5I perSonfiel did 9;oo vitOrk jointly .:
; a'arr
•1: El -0,thei-ils: Militry
.: Er :U.S:i intelligende agency
b Foreignmiiliary or intelligence agency
: lEf Other ,
141. 14, • `1.4 • •
....,. -„ . . . . .,.. . z--.
12g: Wereyou, ever otherwise involved in det6ineeinterviewS-Pr interrogations with ,non-03X personriell ,
c): *$ '0 No , ..•.
:Please lescMbe There were multiple Military Agencies at 011404 , At any given time, :there Was myself, 011
interpreter, either provided by the FBI or by-thorrilitary,,alorig with Which everagenCylriertiber was with : •
Each intervieW, was different and With 6:different rrierriber Of thevaricius'5'0VernMent agencies'thete. - -i
15. Dicryou receive an training, instruction, *or :guidance specifically in preparation for any ofyour
oVer,seas,clepioyments braSSignmentS?
0Yes ;ONO ODoNotcalE
1-4.. In preparation for a prof your overseas deployments or assignments, did. you recelyeeny training,
iriStruciioni pr guidnce contt ming thesA4rKlards of'cpnduct appJItbletp :the trp.atn180,-
DOJOIG 000452
interview, or interrogatiorrof detainees by Fox. persormep
0Yes ON-9 'ON Not Recall
preparation for abrafryour, -overseas deployments or aSsignmehtspd id yob. reCeiveany traihin9 t.,
instructl on,: or gu Idanm .concerning the standard sofconduct applicable to thetreatrnent,
interview, or interrogetiort of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
O'Yes 0 No ODo Not 13ecall
1E, In preParatiOn for any your iaVerseas deployments -or aSt 4 -lents/4id you receive,-atiy,training,2,
instruCtion,orguidance concerning what you we're-supposed to, dolf you observed or:heard .about
thetreairrient, interview, or interrogation of tletainte by FBI personnel, which you beileed .10
be inapprOpriate,„unprofeSSibila12‘, tiaercivei,ebusive, or unlawful?
ODo Not Recall„
17. In; preparation fqr any Of you rovers* deplOyments or assignmentsydid you re .ceiyearly, training 1
-.0rguidantje cOncerr,tirig *hat you Were , s1100,Orsed to do if you ObserVed or heard lablut. inStructiOn,:
thetreatrnent, interview,,, or interrogation of detaine es by non-FBI personnel, which you believed:
to be inappropriateunprOfeSSiorral, ..boereive, abusive, or unlawful?
,C)yes -0 No sQclo Not Recall'
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. During any bryoUr overseas deployrnents or assignments, did You receive any-training, instruCtibri,
orgbidance concerning the standards of conduct "applicable totheareatmenti interview, or
interrogation of detainees by FRI, peronrml?
'0"Yes 'ONO ODo Npt qecalf
t9. Ddring anY:tif yoliverseaS,deployriieritS Or assinmetits, did YOU receive ari'trairlind,
or g uidanceconcerning the 'standards of-conduct applicable to theAreatmerit i intervievri or
foterr6gation ofgetaibc,re by rion-001. personnel?
aYos QNp. 'ODo Mot Reopir,
20. Du ring Any df youroverseas 'deployments or assignments, did you receive a ny strain ing, instructibn,
or guidance what you were supposed to do if you "observed or I*rd about the
treatment,. Interview, or Interrogation of detainees by FBI persunnelf which you believed to be
ifie"p'prbliriate, Uñprbfessioñâl, toettiVe, abusiVe„. 'or unla*ful?
'OYes ,0 0Do .NOt Recall
During any of Your overseas 'deployments pr assignments, di you receive 4iirtrainingi Ing(rpotibtli
of :gbidancetbricerning what you Were,supbbsed, to: db:if you:dti$-erv,-eriOr heard bOutt he
DOJOIG 000453
treatment, interview, or interrogation:I -of detainees by non-FBI personnel, which, you believed to
be Inappropriate, unprofessional, coercive, "We, or unlawful?
IC,. Adequacy of Training
22:In 6thôpiiiin iIid you receive adequate' training ç inStruCtiOrvOrnilidance felatirin to 'sta hderd
:of conduct by 'FBIand non-FBI personnel relating to treatment, interview, or Interrogation:of
'detainees. prior toyourdeployment or assignrrient?
.®'Y CY. No
2:1In 'yourppinion, ;did, you receive ;adequate /raining instrtiction,'OrnuidanCe relating to ,Stal,300r0-
-9f carclutt by FBI and non-FBI persOnnel , relating: to treatment ; ,interview, or interrogation of
d'etairieeS your dePloythent‘orasSigiiMent?
e'Ye4' ON
24.In your opinion, did you receive adequate training,. InstructIon„ or guidance concerning what you
were supposed to tb if you observed or heard, about the treatment, interview, or interrogation of
• detainees, by FBI .Ortion,FBipersonnel, that yoU :believed yyas inappropriate, unprofessional, .‘
OeftiVe, bUtiVe, tir' unlawful?
25. (OptiohaDln Whät Wdyt: an the FBI 'improve. trainingb,mthis Sti Odd for future depldynientS,9r
/•,p Please prpvideany add !trona! information concerning training for :overSeas -deployments,' or
lisSignmeritSOf F81 Petsonnel you teileVeis Tele-Vent,
introdoctiOn to Part III: tr thissection, Wetare ;seeking, InfOrrnatiOn regarding a Nyide range of
inter/law or interrogation techniques and other types of detainee 'alleged to have OdCurrOgi, !
You should tibt.ussuite, b ecau seime, are asking, a haat fiartictilar tech hiq,u e.Or practice, that We have
concluded that it in fact Occurred'. We recognize that some of these techniques or practices may at times
necessary Torsafety and security in a detention setting In addition, we recognize that 'sorrre, 9P thew
techniques or practiCeS, rYoy: hov0 tieen. opltiOrizal forug,Iti, eftitha g,TOVemrriOlt PgrAOhtitt
With respect to each identified technique, practice, 9rtype of condu ctdescribed below; we ere seeking
information about its occurrence during or in connection with the interview or interrogation of a
detainee, or oaring the detention of a .detainee beyond ph* 1 --.,Inieecletcl for safely and,8eporiXy: '
In That torite4„ We will ask` )tQu VII us whether ;One ;cif' more tile f011oWing „StaternentS:ar ru0;.
DOJOIG 000454
1. I Repo naily -ol?serve_c111:4 conduct.
,2; IObserked:Optainee(s) in p condition that led me to believe that thicotidua hd occurred
Petairipecs)tpid the that this conduct had occotrat..
4. Others who observedthis.Corithict,deSdribeci it tb
I have relevant information , classified above -"E'OET"..
6. never observed this conduCt not heard about it from someone Who :did;
27. Depriving a detairfee - Of1P0d ce water
• I. personalfrobseryed this:conduct.
ly, • I ol?sOrYePi cl6t419P(S): in ,k;'cOncl ition that led The to belleyethat,,this conduct had ,occurred.
.. II, betainee(s),told me that ,this conduct had occurred.
:d. tOtherS Who observe,d this cond,uctdes-Crihed it to me.
ir have' relevant infortnatiob classified a bOve:`$ ECRP- % .

. •
f- Ikt Yn4vOr observed thiS=Ofdtict nor flP0:1'.0h:Qu;t: it from SOrheoneWhci. did.

28. DePriVing P.,detairipebfclothin9
a. NI FL personally observed this conduct.
' . • I observeddetairipp(s), in ,a condition that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
c. Er 1be(s) told mp that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who 'observed This conduct described it to ma
0 II have relevant information classified above "SECRET 1`.
f. 0 j never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did,
g. Please provide The approximate time frame during which thisconduct 'occurred.
Frons(MiPMYY fOrmat or WPM) to (frilipMre format or 1‘11MY,Y) Ef 0:Q NOt Retail
h. The d'etainee(S) treated in this way were located at th time in;
1 17f Guantanamo
20 Iraq
3 0 Afghanitan
4 0 Other Lodatlan
50 po Not Recall
FiteaSe identify -the APtaihee(S) ;name and titan (ler:
tdo not recall. MultligedetaineeS advlsed Me of this:condi:id.,
DOJOIG 000455
;1. RleaSe identify.theperson(s) Who :treated the detainee(s). in this manner, iiiduding their
name(s): and goVerninentagencAlesl:
Unknown. The detainees stated it.was the . "guards".
k. Please. ideiitifYanYOther FBI personnel 'Personnel Aiiho. ,observed detaiiie*Y treated
this, manner,. Including their parnPN ‘.actO aRency(ies):
I. ThiS:coriduct ocCurred intorineCtiOn VviEh
1'0 One detairkee
2 0 Several detainees '(241)
30, Many detainees :tmore than 4)'
Not Recall
M. tagtibrial) Pleate deSceibe. the relevant CirCiirtistanCeS, iri More detail:
It Was expressed by scirrie detainees that the t.01,de took away SOrneorie'S clothing dUe tb,the
;attempted suicides occurring 'at GTMO. Detal nees:: were able toseeeach otherso If 1:detainee
attempted suicide, at least„? or 4 detainees would be able.fcivitnes,s it, arid failed rinelo the
Guards interfering, the Pkigies were removed to deter a second occurrence P.rrfO. detainees
-Vfdlitrd this' as diSteSpeCfful. and refused to leak with investigators .- I VieWed it as a necessity to-
-thWartOther atterfipts.
Alleariala detainee OfsIèp, or intern)" tin b fre' reltitatibriss.Orother rifettiodS
:. III I personally,obseryed this 'conduct,
b . • r obseryertdetainee(s) in ;a -c(ond ition that led Re-to believe that:Ihis condyct had occurred.
c; • Oetaineets) told me thatthis:conduct , had:occurred,
..,. • 'Otheis who observed this cOndct: desoribed me,
e. • • have relevant infortriatiOri,:clasSifiedal,10Ve"'8,CRET 6'i,
f. 1E1 I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone.whq dig.
Beating. a 'detainee
a, • I fiersOriallydbserVed thiSrcOnduCt.
• It ililSerieri.iietainee,(0ina.toriciitiOn That led me to iielii:e.iii4tihis conduct had OCCtirred.,
• (Detatnee(S)-told rind that thiS: cond act had decurred.
• Others Who :Observed this COndUtt described It to Me..
• I haVe releVarit infOrination classified a hove "SECRET".
El I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someonewho- did.
DOJOIG 000456
Using water td -preVent, breathing b a detain'ee'or tO create the sOn*lim, of drowning
L personally Observed this-eConduct.
I observeddetaineeksI In a coed Itionthat led tne to believe that:this conduct had occurred.
Detainee(s) told hie that this conduct had ,occurred.
Others. who observed this conduct described it to me -.
: • I. have relevant Information classified above t` ,8t:CRET"
L Ef I never observed' this 'conduct nor _heard about: it from,,someoneWhp did.
2. Using hands, 'rope, or-anYtiiing"elSe to,choke o1 strangle a :detainee,
: • 1, prponally- observed, tbistp.rit lucf: .
b; • rP.b$erVed detairite(s) - in a:condition that led me tp believe that fIll conduct had ocOurred.,1
c• MI Detainee(s) told j-be that this conduct had occktrrql:
, • Others who observed Ihl"P:C.C.f:OtiCt,clescribed it to me
II I rimi,e ravant ii)fPrniatictn' classified a bOVe "St CRT''',
f. E I" tieVierr Pli§eived this:c.iitidua nor 'heard "abbut it frOrn sdtriebrieWhif did. . J
'8q., 'threatening 'other action to cause physical pain injury, d Isfigurement, or sioatti,
. • L petsciriallyOhsetVed this csonduet.
h. • LobserVed detainee(s1 In a ,,cOnd itlorAbat led tne to, believe thatthis conduet had occurred
o. • 1Detainee(s),tcild me that this conduct had occurred.
d, II Others who ,Observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • it; havereleyant information classified above "SCRET)4,
f. If 1. never observed, this -conduct nor heard about it from_ someone who did.
4. Othertreatment or action causing significant physical pain or injury ): or causing diSfrgurement„or
DOJOIG 000457
a. • I personally observed this„conduct
b. • Lobserved detainee(s) in a cond ition-that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detalnee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. , • Others' who 'observed this conttiira described it to rne:
• I have relevant information classified above "8:eCFErs.
If L. neyer ObserVed this Conduct nor flea rd 'a hput it from„scithogrie-who did.
Placing a detainee a hat surface or burning a:detainee.
a. II it personally ObServed this ,condifct.
b. • I obserVed detaine,e(4 in a condition that led Me to beilove that this conduct had ,Pccii,rred. • Detainde(s) told me that this conduct had .octurri24.
0 Others; Whb ObserVed this cbtithiCt,describea it tO hrie,
- • L haVe releVarit - infOrrhatiOn classified above "SECRET". . •
f. El !r never ebterVed thisxdnduct noehea id ;about it frorri,sorriebne Who did.
:36. Using thaCkler Other restraints tirtiionded 'rrianner '
I personally observed thisconduct.
I:observed detainee(S) in a condition -that led me to believe that :this conduct had occurred.
• Detajnee(s) told xne that this conduct - had occurred.,
0 0 hers whp Observed this OnductdesCribed it to MO,'
• I have relevant information classified above "OECkET"°.
f: EL r never observed this ,conduct nor heard .. bout it :from.sothePti-WhP did. .
pirlinga'detairleo:to maintain s raStrainihg, a xletaineeln, a stressful or painful po ssition
„a. • I, personally observed this t ondtict
,b. • Lobsemed dothihee(S) 'he tbriditibri that led oe to belleVe that this Orland had ptdurted.
c. • Petairiegs)-tOlttne that .thiS Cdrithict had bctuited.
. .
d. El OtherS Whb observed this COW udt deScribed it to rrie.
0 I haVe relevant inforrriatioh classified abOve"SECREP.
' DOJOIG 000458
' never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
38. Forcing aidetainee to period! :dernanding 'physical exercise
a. • iI personally observed this conduct.
b. ID II observed detainee(s) in oicond 'don that led .me to believe that this conduct had de 1 rrec:1,
n i1
0 Detairte(4) 'told 'Me. that OAS ON uct had occurred
II Ctlier-, who 'observed This conduCt described it to rnqi.,
e . • I have relevant information' classified aboVe:"S'ECIZ.ET"-.
f. Z I never observed' this conduct 'nor heard -ebbut it from 'sdrileOrle'WhO did.
-39. Using electrical shotle-ori a detainee
a. • perScinatly observed this tontiOd.

1. a tOd,ndit ione othat ltedb -rahe tos bielienvee, that rethis cVoenducth(ade -dSeturdred.,) in
cn j
.1 .‘
40 ,
._ •
7 9
EiDetainee(s) told me-that this cOridutt had :occurred. .
• !Others who obSehiecl this ccindikt desCribed it to me. i-- !--- -
rIelevaInt inf,orm atioin claLsified abo ve "h"SECREaT". ve
. E. II never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone who did. j
.46.. 'Threatening to use eledrical shock:on a :detainee
k. I' ,i. ljPrPonailYqinPrVett Nis.M.ndi,14
• II observeddetalnee(s) in a condition that led me, to believe that:this conduct had ,occurred.:
IC. • Detainee(s) told rrie that this Coridgct bad octu med. ..
id. • Others wh9 observed *this conduct described it to rne.-
• iI,have.relevant Information' classified above. "tSREET'' '..
ElI never observed this :conduct nor 'heard a btiut it from someone-.who did.
'41. Intentionally :delaying ordenytng cletaineeme.dical care
DOJOIG 000459
n iI personallrOserved this conduct. "
n I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led, :mg to believe that,,this conduct had occurred ,
c. n betainee(S)'tOld me that this conduct had occurred".
tl, n Othgrg Whci observed 'this conduct described it to me,
e. q it : havefelakiarit information claSSifieci above "SECRET".
f El I never observed, this conduct nor beard ..abbut‘ it irom.somebrie, Who did.
42; 'Hood ing, or blindfolding a detaineepther than during trans o taticin
. n ii personalty observed this condutt.
q ir Observed detainee(s) ifi a CO ►d Non that led .me to believe that, this conduct had dcdurred.
n iDetainee(s) told me that this cbridUct had occurred:
d. n jOthers who observed this conduct described it to- me.
e. q II: have relevant information classified above: "SECRET"'.
f. Ef, ir, !lever observed this-conduct npr heard about it from,-someone who did.
8tibjetting a ,detairidele extremely cold of hot 'Morn tetri:Odeatilres: kir extended periods '
n personally observed this-conduct
q ft observed detaiheets,Y. in a'Condition that led me to belleveithat this conduct had occurred;
.- n petainee(s) told 'Me that this conduct had :occurred.
. n Others. MO observed .this COnduct described it to hie.
e. n 1 haVe relevant infOrMation 'classified above. "SECRET".
. Et I never ObserVed this'COriduttlitir - heard ,abOUT it 'frdtri-StimeOrfeAVI10, did.
44* Subjecting a detainee to loud music
a. n 1 personalty observed thisconduct. °
b. n rbbserveddetainee(s) in:a...COnditiOn that led me to belieVe that this COndutt had ocCurred..
c. III (Detainee(s)-tOld Me that this conduct had .occurred.
d. q Others who Observed this conductdescribed it to me.
DOJOIG 000460
0 I haVe releVallt irtkirrriatiori Classified abOVe "SECRET".
never observed this conduct nor hEiard ,;abbut it from. someonewho did.
"40„Isolatin a tletainee for .amextendecl' erlpoi
e. • ..___
4 have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f: 121 I never observed this,conduct nor heard about it fronysomeone who did.
45..8,6b ecting, a detainee to „bit flashinb lights Or daitheSs
4, 0 I PerSonally Q*rk,tqc1 this:cc:induct. • lobserved detainee(s), in .acondition that leti me to belleve that this co,riduct had .occurred.,
ci • pptgineg:(s) told mg that this conduct had ocCurred,
d. • Others. who Observed this conduct described it 10 rrIP,
al • • • ,II opbersseornvaeldly d oebtasienrveeed(s t)h iins Ca bcroidnudcitti.o n that led Me to believe that this conduct had bctUrred.
U ^.'p
• Detainee(S) tild Me that this CbridUtt lied OCCurrecl. • Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me. • I have relevant Information' classified above 'SECRET".
. 2 T rieverobserved this conduct nor heard about. it 'from:someone -who did.
:‘47.41Stild 'duet tape to testrain„,gag, or PiitiiSh a detairiee„,,
• • , I personallybbserv,ed this 'conduct. III I' observed ,detainee(S) in :a 'condition that led me, tb belieVethat this Conduct hap! :occurred; • Detainee(t) told rne that this Conduct, h,ad locCUrredf.- ,
4, • Others who observed conduct described it to me.
6. 0 I' have relevant' inforinatiOn classified a boVe "SECRET'''.
1; El r neVer obseNed thisiebriduct norit:Sard ,'a bout- it 'from SOM ebile, Who did.
DOJOIG 000461
48. Using topic! response tearnt anedr forted cell eXtrattions‘
a. • I personally observed this:.condud.
„ • ',observed detainee(s) in azconditiorr that led me to believe thatthls conduct had occurred,
• betaine(s) told 'me that this conduct had:occurred.
• • Others who observed this condpetdescribed it to me.
II T, have relevant information classified above "SECRET”.
El I" never:Oserved this 4oncluct !VI- heard abbot it frern,serneonewho ,d id.
Using apilitary working, dog on or near a detainee other than during detainee:transportation
a'., • IIperAdnalIinlyserved thiS2conduct.
",... • LobBerved detairie.e(s): in acconditiorithat led ,me, tb believe that this Conduct. had ot4tirreti. -
. s iDaainee(a),told bit- that this COnd uct had Oceurred.
d. • Other Whb Qbsorved thi§ catkin& deStribed it to, tne.
: • I have relevant. &genii:aim Classified aboVe.",SECRET" -.
El 1 never obervied thiS.:Condutt „nor heard a knit it frorn ,someorie Who, did.
'SO Tht,eateninq 'to use niiiitary working clitigs',0 tie near a detain:
, .. • f personally observed thrsconduct.
! I L observed detainee(s) in q:coricilti91) that Jed DV to believe that this c.9110Xict, hgclIPccurred
c- • Pet!Pe(s) told me that this cond pet had occurred.
, • Others Who obseryedthis Conduct described it tome:
e. 1 I. have relevant information classified a bove:74FCAEr,
t El r never observed this conduct nor heard 'a WV( it from Someone who did.
54... Using spiders, scorpions, snakes, or other' animalson or near a detainee
„ • I personally Waved thiSCOndpet.
b. • I observed :detainee,(s). iria,ebriditibri that led Me: to belieVe thatthi$ binduer had Icicorittl.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct hat) odctirted.
DOJOIG 000462
d. n — --
Others- who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. n U have relevant information classified above "SECREr.
E E t never-observed this tonduct nor heard about it from sonieorvc,vvhp did.
Threatenins to use spiders, snaket:or other animals. on a detainee-
. II Pers.5.Q04 1TO„bSr.ved thi§-corld0ct,
n I observed-detaineq(4 in a.conditiorf that led me to; believe that 'this conduct had 'occurred :
n Detainee(S):told me that ,tlilcOlVtutt. had Occurred.
n Other-5 WhO observed -1[115 conduct described it Id me. .
. n I have relevant information Classified above "SECRET".
I never observed MS cOndact norbaa01 a bcipt it ft.O.rt) ,6:4•I*Ong:vihO, did.
53. DIgreSijecteU I 'Staten-fen t.5, handling or 7actiOn5 involving the Koran
a: n I peitorially abSerVed thistOndUCt,
zi I c.;
n I obserVed detalhee(5) in a:condition that led Me to believe that thiS ainduCt. had ,occilered.
n Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had:occurred.
n Other& who observed this conduCtdescribed it to me.
- n I have relevant information classified above "SE CRET'"
3f r never observed thiS conduct nor near(' about it from someone. who did.
54. :Shaving &detainees facial or- other hairto embarrassor humiliate a ,detainee
at n I petsonally-obserVed this.condutt :
. n 1 ,observed-detainee(s)' ilia 'conditiori that led me to believe that this conduct had (Ng-a -red.-
. Detainee(s) -ttild Me that this:'coridii4 had .occurred.
d . nOthers WhobbSerVed this COndLitt -d -stritt,d it to me.
. n I have relevant information' cl"as"sified a'bOve nSECRErr-
. Q I ireVerObSdeva this zorid (Id ,ribrheard 'abOut it frOni sOrriettne'Who did.
DOJOIG 000463
Placing a wpma Ws- clothing ,on a detainee
. -. • I.O.ersO1a119'obsei'Ved, thisOOnduct.
b., • robserved.detairiee(s) In 'aCond Mon that led me to believe that this Conduct had oCcUrred.
Detainee(s) told Me that this c„ ondU. ct had occurred.
OThers who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. III 'have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f. Inever observed thistohductinorbeard about it from someone who did.
56. Touching 8 detainee or acting toward a detainee in a sexual manner
. • 1,. personally-observed this.-conduct. . .
• t observed detainee(s)„in - A,ConditiOn that led rrie to believe that this conduct had occurred.;
• ,D0ainegs) told me that 'this concimPt 40 bgccrredi
d. • other s who -o4seniaci this conduct ciastribatj It to: me.
e,, • L have :relevant information ClesSified'A bOVe 5::E.CRE:r..'
f Er I never atiSeived.thisicOrditct nor heard 'about it frOm.soniedneWhO did.
51.1-10.10ing detainee(s) who-Were not Othcialisrackhewiedged or rag istared as suCh by the :agency
detaining the nerSdn,
a. • I oersonally ,observed thisxonduct, ' .. , . • tobseryed, detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred..
. • Detai nee(s), told -me that this cond uet had 'oecKrePt,
. , • , Others w, hp observed This condmOt,described it to me-
. I have relevant information: classified above 'tEtgEr-.
E RI r never observed this Oncluct nor heard :about it from.: ,wneonewho, did.
58. Sending: a detainee to another country : for rnpreaggressive interrogatron
t persdriatiV d.bSerVed this 'conduct.
roltel-VO detainee(S) in a condition that led 114 to believe that this conduct had occuiltd.
DOJOIG 000464
1 • Detainee(s) told me that this:conduct had occurred.

d , • Others who observed this conduct.described it to ma.
e. • :hav e relevant Information classified above "s,FCR.Er.,
T. I4 Jr never-dierveti this ;conduct .nor Ileard :abput it from' sprno:4siwilo did.
59. Threatening to send a detainee to another country for detentlorror more agg resslife. interrogation
a • I, personally observed, this 'conduct.
:. • Lob-served detainee(s) In a'conciltiorithat led meto belleyethatIthiS conduct had occurred..
U ,
• Detainee(s) told rne that thlS conduct had ,Oecurre:d.
• Others Who ribterved this CdriduCt„destrihed it to me.
• I have relevant Inforfnatloh elastified aboVe "SECRET.
---H RI 1 never observed this cOnduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Threatening to take action-pga)ns st adetajnee'S family
• I personally, observed this condtlet. , • Lobserved detainee(s) In a-zonclitionthat led me to-believe that this conduct had occurred..
1- CI • betainee(s).tOld me that this conduct had .occurred.
' -:- • Others who observed This conduct-described it to me; i
e. • t have relevant information classified above "'SECRET'''.
' f. El r never this!opridutt'ripr heard .aboot it frorrrsOrneoneWhd did.
€1. :Other treatment or action -causing severe, emotional or psychological trauma to a .detainee.
: 0. I personally obServed this `conduct.
• f ob$erved detainee(s) In a -condition that led trie to believe that this conduct had ocurred.
c. 0 Detaineek told me that this Conduct had otturred. • Others; whO bbSerVed this conduct described it to Me,
e. • I haVe.feleVant ink:in-nation elasSified aboVe ".SECREF".
f. WI I netier obSeiiied thiS.Coriduct riOr heard !a bbut it from sOrnedriewho did.
DOJOIG 000465
62. Other religious:or sexual' harassment or hum il latiorpof a detainee:
:, • t personally- observed thistonsluet,
b. • I:observed cia,t4inee(s) in a COnditiorithat Led Me to, belie:Ye that this ohclUCt, had occurred. • beteirige(S) told rile that thi'Scbridirct.f* bctO &Oil,
. . • Others' who obServeci 'this conduct destriiied it 10 Me.
. II I' have releVarit information ClasSified aboVe 76.ECREt".
: lE1 I never Observed this conduct nOr' heard about, it frbni,:tifirriecirieVlio did.
'65,.:oshertrea,tment of a detainee that in .your opinion was:unprofessional, unduly harsh or aggressive,
toerCiVe, abuSiVe,. r urilavvfUl
a. • 1 I. personally observed this conduct.
b.. • It observed Iletaihee(s); in zePlicrittOn that -l ed me .iO 12. PkYP thakthis conduct had occurred: • 'Detainee(s) told me that this Conduct had occurred:.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to me,..
• q have relevant information classified above "SXREF,
never observed this.cOnclutt tior,heard ;about it from:sQrrebne;Who did,
:Pt? V MO' a!
64. Did
you 015,ery ariY. impersOnation Of F6I personnel by'anyOne Ogling an interview Or.interrogation of
'6% a hy,detairiee or-other perSOn tell you ,thet. he or she ha,d Witnessed the irripersonatiOn -of FBI
"pertihnel ecirinection With ,adettiffee interview Or interragaiOn?
66. Are yo,u aware:of any "sham' 1 orhstaged" 'detainee interView§orinterrogadons concluded for Members'
:0:(1),e U.S: 'Ong ressor their staff?
Qes :C5‘
:67. To-your knowledgeolid, any military, or intelligence personnel •everdeny or delay FBI -access taa
:fttairle.tne FBI wanted to question because theicletainee.44-sl-§tailled. inju ries, after he was captured?'
DOJOIG 000466
P RT ,168 R SP NS* RE/ ® -R IN •
, •, , , TM BNT
0,0, Old you ever en,d your participation in 'or observation of a detainee interview or interrogation
because Of -the It terVieW tr interrogatiOn inet1100 being Used?'
01 )s ',Op NO
,69-1 Were you ever tOld that-another' FBI einbloyee,erided ,his or 'her participation iriorbbservation df„. a
detainee Interview or interrogation because of the Interview or interrogation methods being used?
O. -Yes° '0 No
70". During any of your OverSeas-tleplbyrhentS or dssig hmentS, did ybu"repOrt anr,Concerns regarding
any 'detainee interview or interrogation practices, or other types of detainee treatment, to an' FBI'
(7,5, Yes: ®No
71,„ DUring'anYbt yOtir bVerseaSdeplOymehtS aSSigh'rriritS, did you repot an concerns regarding
ahyttetairieeinterviewbr interrogatien practices ar'Orthte'ilibs Of'detairitetfeaterient -you
observed or heard about, tce-a pon4)5I: supervisor -9r pthgr personnel
O. Yes. 0 No.
4aveybd ever been ordered Or directed rug., tb repOrtiordiscOuragetl in any way from,revorting,
.cilifervatiort.s of .6116g'aticitrs. related to detainee treatinent interMieW- Or interrogation actions
O Yes '0- NO
71. Have-you ,experienced any actual or -threatened retaliation for reporting observations -or allegations
Of tittaitiee treatrtietit interview Or interrogation -a-06ns or practices?
Yes "-c) -
14; Optional): [lease: provide any additional çgrnrnents regarding the reporting ,of concerns related, tointtrView;
tir interrOgatibri.Wliniques, detention praake,s, :or other cietaihegr
75. Were Obildfedf othOt than the 8:rancird, debrief in Fp-77z, c:oncernirt4 your ovdrpoo . :
*asSignment(s) or tleploYment(sI after yob cerril)16tedlthe dployment(§): or a sSig rirrierit(s)7
0 Yes, NO„
76. Additional Comments and Recommendations:
1:1,10)* you' ror your= 000era,tiO, Oftipl,eting thts-citA4ilonb -pirs,
DOJOIG 000467
PA 5T 131Ve. OU D
A. Personal Information
Department-of 3,ustice Invector General Quest ipnnai re Regarding beta ingeS
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00001191
As of die last time this questionnaire was saved, some required fields - have not been comPleted.
please: reView your responses,
Please 15 rthride': the;follb,Winiy, rifOrinatiOn
1. First harrie
Middle lnl
17. Last name:
4. Entered tri Duty Date (EDD);
Curreht blyislogiField Office;
ct.irreht job; title;
Directdial Offidetelephone niarriber:
8. FBI Ji phohOurhiiet:
gji Pager'll4lr.thar:
10. est cOntact, number for -Tog;
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
11.. At any time afteSePteritherq, 2001, did 'ytiu, terVe4s-a thehibet ofthe U.S. Military, biz aS
employee,or contractor of the. FBI.or any other -government agency, at Guantanamo Bay e 'tuba; Iraq; ;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled brthe-p4., Military or a U.S. inteIligenc service in :connection with the
&Oat ri terror?
Yes 0 Na
12. Enter the Mini her :Of timeSyoti„ Were, deployed oraSig nee to. each of the followi nig- lO.OtioriS:
kGbaritanaino Bay, tika.,, iraqIi,•;,Afgharristan; ,r)i- in any areas controlled by the U.-S .. Military or. alla;
intelligence 5er,Vice)lon
FOr:RaCh deplayMerit cieaSsiginent,coMplete thefellowing section.
Deployment or assignm..elindt ija 0 on or JOe010,kriijelit or assignment -Riood, on
ab914 or, atm ut,
0.8/11/26:03„ 09/26/20,03;
12a. Wool was the ;'g eriefai nature 4n4 P:krepti,q9;qi y rift-fent and 9,ot.iTitipo?
1:-2b. Please p rovide:the names of thespeCifiocamps, bases t, or facilities where you worked.
Delta- with a few ,v„isitsJto 'Echo,
12c 14ote- .I ,f " ion abbo ut t •a sppe cific com p, base, or fael'ty 1$ cla-s-s ified We SEC' RET,
please thedk here 1:1,1riclude in your ',answer that you have additicfrhal information Clessiged :above
'SECRET," and, if Tod knoW,:ideritififtheitla6sifitation. level, 'ticket, :Coin pak'tmeñt p rog ram 1 brother
designationlhatapplies,tolhe'information,,Do not include:th,eaddltional Classified information In your
DOJOIG 000468
p A 7C
Special Agent
Locati911 (solOct one)
E 3ualltarP59BaS4
qu'estionnaire re:sponses, bI-6, personnel -withthe necessary clearance will contact you to receive it.:
Name, Position
first month can't recalithe name
lasrfew weeks' I .SA.
42e, Did you jointly iuteryiew or interrogate-any detainee with non-FIN personnel1
a ''les a No
- With what kinds-of non-FBI personnel did you work jointly?
- CriF
- 0 Other U.& Military
1=1,LL'$i intelligence agency
0 k)reb a military or intelligence agency
1I FBI,Persontiel?
. 1 ,
12g,, Were you -ever otherwise involved irilcitPinee interviews or interrogations with non-FBI. personnel?
a Yes 9 rio, ,
Pleasedesoribe: For the norr English speaking detainees,I hadto use the interpreter:,
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deploymen or Assignrnent
11 Did:you receive any ttamirig, it on,qrgudie specifically in'PreparatiOrY for 40: &YOU(
OVerseasxleplbyibentSa, aSsignments7
eye. ':0 No EVO NotRedall
13a. Who provided this training, ifistruction,,,orguidanceand where ClitlyOU receive it?'
salt Lake :Security Officer- SAI
Describe the subject on which you received this training, instruction or gtridante.
I. had to get the security cleaiances required (sOfrK,etc)
'®No 'ODO Na:Recall
15: In preparation for any.ofyour overseas deployments'orassignments, did you receive any training,
instruction, or guidanc..eConcerning the sta ridards , of conduct eppliCahleto-thetreatmei%
Interview,, or interrogation of detainees by non- FBI personnel?'
safes, ODJitRIi
DOJOIG 000469
112f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interVieW-Or interrogation StrategY,ObjectiVeS, brt tiás' with non16..
In preparation for any:of your overseas deployments or -assignments, did you receive a ny training,
instruction, or guidance Concerning :what yciu weresupposed to do if-you Observed or heard about'
-the treatment, interview, or interrogation of :cletairte.os by FBI which .b:e.Wmd to
be inapprolinate, unprofesionai, cOor.civasiiio, Or urilawful? ,
:Oyes 0 No. 0-Do Not Recall
Tn. preparation :for any of your overseaS clePtgYrne* or asgnts,dId yptt rCelaflytrairlIng,
instruction, or guidance concerning What you were supPOsed to do if you .observed or heard abou t
thetreatnient, IntervielAry. or interrogation of detainees ifi)thoh-FBI personnel, Whitt), you PelieVed,
to be inappropriate, unprofessbnal; coercive, abusive 4 or unlawful?
.0y'es ® No .0.0o NotRecall
B. Training. During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. Dirring.any of yobr. oVerseaS deployments or assignments, did YOU receive any training, instruction,
org u idanceconcerning the standards, of conduct applicable to the treatment, interyiewi or
interrogation of detain by PBX, Pefsgrul017
No OD9 NOt, Recall
19. During any of youroverseas deployments or assignments, did you receive anytrain ing, instruction,
or,guid,auco concerning 'the-stand,an# of appl icable to' the treatment, interview, or
°Yes NO- 4)DO, NOt, Recall
20., During any -of your overseas deployments or assignments, did you receive any training, instruction,,
OrgUidanoe,cQmerning what you were IIPPsed to do if you observed or heard about-the
treatment, interview, or interrogatiOn:ordetainees by FBI personnel, Which you believed to be
inaPPro'Priate, (iflixileibhal, ,theedVd, buSike,
()Yes; 'ONO . 0:Do Wit, Retail
During any of yOpr oVersid4s"-.0loyrriorit ra's0g n`rrieriVO'i. "4 yolu receive anyttrairiing,,InstruCtion,
Or au idancesdhcerning 17nIhat you Were supposed :0:00 if youobserx‘s fed or heard a bOutthe
treatment, int&Ww,oi interifogationOf detthineeS by non-EBrbercibbel, which you believed to
be inappropriate, unprofessional, coerOve,,abuslye, or unlawful?
°Yes 0 No ODo Not Recap
C. Adequacy of Training
yOurOpinion, did you rebh,t ;aiie.quate training, iritruction,:,Origuidan:ce relating totandardS
Of Conti:Ct. by „FBI and riOh-FBIlierttdrinel relating to treatrrient, inter' ieW drinterrOgatiorOf
detainees prior to you r.deployment or assignment?
DOJOIG 000470
interrogation of detainees by non-Fai persotiner.
ilia US
0 "Yes 0 No
22a. Please destribethe Ways in which yiou believe the training, instruttion °Or Uidante WaS
put no because I received no training-, But did I really need to be told what is or is not proper
treatment?' I really clan't -thirik so._
23. In your opinion, did you receive adequate training ; instructionrorg uidance relating tostaridards
Of conduct by FBIand personnel relating to treatment:iriterView, or interrogation of
detainees dUring, par depldyrrientbr assignMent?
0 Ye-s ® No
23a. Please describe the-ways:in which you belleye thp trqining, Instruction ot -gpidancwas
24 In your-opinion, did you receive adequate: training, InStruCtion,or guidance concerning ,w,h8t yon
Weresupposed toxid; if 'you ObserVed heard, about the treatment, intervieW,:Or interrogation of ,
:detainees,. by FBI or noti-FBI perSorinei rlhat yOu :believed Was iriapPropriate-r tiriPrcifessional,
coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
a ?Ps 'No
• .24a,„ Please desCriliethe,Waslsiri which you believe the trainin4,,iristruCtion or guidance was
inadequate: .
there was no training
' 15. ppticinal) InWhat Ways can the -FBI irriProVetraining,onlhis subject for future dep town -en-is:or
assignments? -
26, Please prcMdnyadditiOnal informatiOn„Conc,erning 'training foroYerseas deployments or
assignments cif FBI Personnel YOU:belleVe is releVant.
Frankly; I was Shocked at the laCkof basit interViewing skilI saw In' personnel assigned. During, my,
time I saw very new agents that I believed $P4s,wer'l'fipmpirte just to fill the required quota expected:
of them :- a IrOMPWIInterrogationInstruttOr 1PP tSraptOcitOOkit on a IclaSS
-,,but had no time. Vo„ki,-
would think that with the great importance of this assignment 'more:thought Wrotild have been placed into
selection, brit in myvery limited tTly10 (sb:at leaSt'fOr thesmall Sant le;.1SaW) I,Was
disappointed. The only reason :I was allowed to go: i eeause I was the only one Who put in for
Otherwise, my SAC-'was not going to let me go,
Introduction to Part III: ItT this setipn, we pre ?seeking information regarding wide, range of
,InterV(eW, Or intetrOgatiOrriechniquet:and other type : Of:detainee treatrnerit 'alleged to hove Qtqlrred.
DOJOIG 000471
You should,,,notes,surne; just because we:are:asking, about a particular techniqueor ,practice, that webave
conclud ed that it in Tact occurred; We recognize t hatsorne of these techniques -or-prgcticeq may at times
be nOstsisry. for techniques or practices May have been biathoatdd 'for Us by .militaey,or :Other "goVernfrierit personnel.
wipi.r.p.ppoctth ach klentified technique, PrO'cticorr typo ,*o; nclp4,decri,beci 'plowi we are seeking
information about its occurrence connection with the interview or interrogation of
detainee, or during the:detehtigh tof 'A detainee beydrid "what is heeded for safety and securitY:
Tri thattontekt, We Will ask you to tell us Whether orie or more of the following Statements are true::
Rqrgbr!011Y eprd this 'corldP0t.
2. I observed in a condition 010 led ine to believe that this conduct. had '9=g-ed.
Detainees) 010 1110 that this conduct had O(cgrred,
4. Others'who obSei--. Vet1 thcoriduct-deStfibe0 it fix rtfe.
S. I haverelevant information classified aboyesEMEP,
07. I nwerobgerved trilSccrickict nor heard about It from onvono who did.
,E...25.priyLh9- "a 'detainee' brfood or water
I observed this conduct.
,. • Tobseryed detainee(s) in ,a‘cond pop that led rile to believe thatthis conduct had 'occurred.
• petainge(s) told .tri Oio:thisLponc,fct had 'occurred.
d , I . Others who 'observed this Cond,uCtdes,cribed it to, rne.
• t haverelevant infOrmation clasSifieci above 18-ftReT"s: _
El I never observed tl-ii6;41eilict or heard about it from someone who did.
2Dprhirg a detainee OfclOth Rig
a. Olt personally observed this conduct.
b„ • '1,`, observed delern,es), in e - cond,itiorr that Jed -rn,e to believe that:this, conduct had -occurred.
i • , betainee,(s) told rno,thpt this- conduct had o`c,C1:1 1(4.
, • others who observed this cc:id uCt described it to rrM, " • f have relevant infOrmation '..p16,s'ifFet1 above "-StCaEr .
f.. -l it never obServed MIS: 00Oct 'nor heard about it from sOmeonewho -did.
tieprlyipg .a .tIptalhee=orsleOp',-or interrupting ,sleep by frequent 401 relocatioWQr other Mpthgcls
00::s0ally ObSrW- d this40000,
DOJOIG 000472
• • lobserved detainee(s) In a cond Non that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
MI Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred; .
• D Others who observed this conduct-described it to rrip.
I have relevant information Classified above 7$,ECRET"'.
I never-observed thisiconduct nor heard about it from omeont. who did.
80. 8eatin a detainee
, ,.. • I personally observed this condu ct.
b. • I ObeetVed detail in 'aCanditiOrithat led rrie to believe that; this, Conduct had ocCurred.
c. 0 Detainee s) told Me that this- conduct had ;occurred.
d. • Others : Whd observed this COnduct.deScrib,ed it to Me. . .
e. • L have relevant inforMatiOn classified ab'Osve "SECRET".
f. Et L neVer observed thiscondUct nor heard abaft; it frorn-serrieorie WhO did. .
31. Using water to prevent - a ,aetaieft,or to create the seneatiOrt of.drowhihg
a. III IL personally observed this:conduct.
b, • I observed detainee(s) in a condition' that led me to believe that-this conduct had Occurred.
c,, • Detainee(s) told rne that this conduct had (occurred.
I others who observed this conduct described it to me.,
have releVant information classified aboVECRE1 1'.
f. WS I never (*served this conduct nor heard .abqut it from ;Someone:Who did., or-anything-else to ,choKe or strangle a detainee
a. • . .
I personally 'observed thisoonduict. .
. I abservetLdetaineel(S). in a:Conditiorithat led rrie to believe thatthis ttinduct had acurred.
Detainee,(s) told Me that this conduct had OcCurred. .
U Other S Who 'obSerVecithiS dcinduct deStribed it to Me. .
• I haVereleVarit information tiaSSified above "SECRET".
g I n6'6, observed this conduct nor heard about it :froth someone who did. .
DOJOIG 000473
33. Threatening other ?dtion;to cause ph great pin, Injury-, 4isfigurerrienti, or.. .death
a. • 4. personally ifibServed, this conduct.
b., • r observed detainee(s) in a'condltiori that led me to believe thatthis conduct had ,occurred,
c. • Petainee(s) told Me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • iOthers who Observed this conduct described it to. me.
e. • 4. have relevant Information classified above "SECRET".
f. 0 I: neverobseryed this 'conduct nor heard about it from someonewhp did.
34. Othertreatment action-Causing significant physical pain or injury; Or causing diSfigUrernent or
'. • El persoffally - observed this,dondUct.
• IobserVeti,datalriaa(S).111a COrid Rion that led me, to bellya that this conduct had 'citparatl...
• Detainae(s) told me that thiS &kid Utt had s5CCu fled,.
0 Others! Who ,oh.SerVed this conduct described it to me:
e. • rhaVe.releVarit InforMation clasSified aboVe "SECRET". .
f. El a, nekierobserved: this :concluet mor , heard ebotit it from:sdmeonembo did.
35. Placing ddetaineeon a hot surface or hUrninb 'a detainee -
' ... • I. personallyobserved this,.conduct.
b. • IT;observed- detainee.(S) in atondition that led me to believe'ttiPtthicd.rxduct had .occurred,.-
c • Detainee(s) - tcild me that this conduct had -oCcurred.
d. • , Others who oh-served this cOndLictdecribed it to me
e. • i have relevant infomatiOn classified AbSoye ''SIOREP.
f. El. /I. neVer,obSeNedi thistonduCt nor 'herd :a bout it from ,sorriedne- who did.
36. Using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner
DOJOIG 000474
I I personallyobserved this,conduct._
• robserved detainee(s) - in a -conditionthat led 'me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had:occurred.
• • OP-ier , who observed this conduCt'demihed it to me.
• I haye relevant information classified above "S.WkEr.
f. RI I' never observed, this Onduct nor heard 'about it from .5orneoneho did.
37, Requiring ;adetainee to maintain i or restraining, a detainee ip 1 a:stressful or painful position
• 11 persOnally observed thistOneltict " —
Li I obsefVed detainee(s) in aCondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c: • 1Yetalnee(s) told Me that this conduct had oCcurra,
" . • 'Others :Who ob.Seiled "tit' ctindlict described it to rhe, ' • L ha)e releVailt information classified a boVe 'SECRET".
f.. El I never observed this 'conduct tior:he:ard about' it frorri'sCirriebne Who did.
.38. Forcing a detaineetti Perform dernanding physical exercise
a. IEI i personally observed this:conduct.
• I observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believethat this conduct had occurred.
• !Detainee(*) told me that this conduct had ,:occurred.,
• Others who Observed this conduct,described it tb Me.
. • I have relevant information classified above ".5fORET'''.
El I never observed,: thiS:condlict nor heard '4 bout it .from;sOnheOrte'Who did,
'9. Using electrical shock,on a detainee
, . • I personallyObserVed thiStOndosCt,'
. • 1.0bserVeddetainet(s) in a Obridititin that led tie' to b-etieve mat this conduct had Octurre'd.
c-. • Detainde,(S)"tbld nie that this - Cc:induct had ,.00CUIted.
.d. • Others. ' livhb abserired this can't:Ludt - desdribed it to the.
e. • I have releVarit infOrniation claSsified "aboVe- SECRET'`.
DOJOIG 000475
[if I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
40.`c1)reatnirl0 to Ilse-electrical shockbri a deta Mee
:a. U. , personally' observed thisconduct.
, „ • I observed -detainee(s), in 'aconditionthat led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred,.
c. JO botoinec*),told m. that this' Pot1d:uct had °Occq rred..
,d. • 0- thers who observed this Conduct,desCribed it to me,
e. • I' have relevant information classified aboVe" ,$,ECREr. 1
f. Elinever Observed this conduct nor hoatd .abbig it frOni",sorneonejuivilO did.
'ordenSfing' detainee:Medical care,
a. CI L ilersbnally,observed this
b. • I bbSeried lietairite(S), in -a.cOnd 'tie?) that led me to beljeVe that this COndUct had edeUried,
e, El Detainee(s) told Me that this eondUct had ,ci.ecurred.
t7 ! N
• oth6es, who observed this etirldikt deSeribed it, tO rhe
II I, have relevant information dasSified above "SECRET",
f. • I never observed thisconduct nor heard a bout it from someone who did.
g. PleaSe provide the epptOXI(hete riffle frame during which this, coriductocCUrred.
From- 118/2002: to .10/20.03 , ODo
The:detaineqs) treated in this Way were located 'a the time in
1 EGuantanarno
3,u ,Afghanistan
4 010tner rogation
,$ 0 PO- 146t Re0
I. Pleaseidentifir ihe -detaineds) by name and number:
I ISM 1)Cd390P,
'j. Please, identify: the person (s) 'Who treated' the cleteinee(s) in this trianneG Mel -tiding their
name(s) and age
DOJOIG 000476
k. Please identify any other FBI persannel or 'personnel vho.observ,ed detaineeN treated
in this- Manneri including their e(s) and agentY(16*-
, One
. 11 Iikcitifidu0 Occurred, in connection With:
f, '0 'One detainee
2 CI:Several detainees (2-4)
3 0 Many :detainees (mare thati. 4).
4 .0 Oo Not Recall
(Optional) PleaSe describe the..releVant circumstances in More:detail:
239 claimed tO, me. he haA a Cavityand had Le ntd ta5ee:a -dentist Ter abOuta'Year..Iv ho'
idea' if it Wad tfue. IMade the tartiPlairit knOWri tO the 3-7 (Can't tedall f) Who Said they could not
find his. chit making the requests. told 21s. to, make:out another request. My time was up !. but
errialled another agent (can't , recall name) who was talking to 239 after I left. Laskest"him to-
0nri. he repOrtedb,ack, to me that 23 had teen` 0:404a:0 -d had nolurtner dOrilplaintS.
42..:Nocidin or blindfolding a detainee. other than during transportation
a. • I personally observed thiSCOrititiOt.
b, • I ObSerVecidetainee(s): in 'adaricl itiarithat led me tb.belleVe thátthis tandua had odeurred. i
: • Detainee(s) told rine that this conduct had OccUrred.
' , • Others who observed this eatickiet described it to rrie.
• I have relevant inforrnation elaSSIfied above "SECRET".
I never-observed thisconduct nor heard 'a bout it from someone who did.
43. 'Subjecting -a.detaineetO ektreMely cold r hOt :Marti tern peratureS for eAerided •PeriOds
a. • I:personally observed fills:conduct.
• I. observed detainee(s). in 01.0:K0100 that, led Me to believe that fnlA Pq14yt had c, cscurred.
• Detainee(s)tbki me that this Conduct had occurred.
• • thers who observed this COridUct described it to. me.
I I' have relevant information classified a bove '''SE(REf";
121 I never observed this conduct nor heard about it frarrrairriebneWha did:
'Subjecting a detainee to Iciqd music
DOJOIG 000477
', • II personally'obs,erved thisonduct.
• I:observed detainee(S) in ,a ,condition that led me to belleve,that ;,tnis conduct had occurred,
Bbetaines ) -told .me that tlis,, conduct ha,d 'Occigr,e4,
Others whO Obs.erVed. this Coricilit ttesaibod if to me,
• t hay.'releliarit infOrrhationclaSsifie,d above "SECRET. ..
. • I never observed Ots,.con'ciP4 hPr' ‘ebPtit it from 'tomen, who did.
g. Please, provide the approximate tiMe frametluring which this -conducoccrred,
FrOrn 08/2003 to 0/200: 'Ebb Not Recall
Ii. The -d0ainee() treated in :this way were located etthe time in:
1 Guantanamo
2 El Traci
3 1:1 Afghanistan
4 0 Other LoCatiori
SD Do Not Recall
:i. Please identify the detainee(s) liaMe and tiUrnbeit:'
I 'SI 1002310/ DOB.
I. Please- identify the' prpon(s) wht treated the detainee(s) In thiq manner, including tneir
name(s) arid devèrrirfi'drit Adeity(le§).:
It Was not FBI ot CITF pertannel, bUt:the tiocromponerrt who Were on site in the trailers:. r don't:
recall their namesr there all used an alias with the detainees so 'uirri" was really "Bob" and "Jahn"
was really 'Tom"- it weP',e*.idice,z T-cOgrci, never keep: it `strajght.
k. Pleaseidentkanyother FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel Who observed detainee (S)- treated
- in this manner, including their name(s) and agency(les),1
- I can't ,recall Who I eVett,heard itftOm - Itlaybe the ;interpreters Would knew
L This ,cOnduCt Occurred in'Connection with
10 One detainee
2:0 Several detainees (24)
3:0 Many detainees :ore than 4),
t- O Do, Not, Regal!
m. (Optional) Please describe-the' relevant circumstances in moredetail:
TheDO.D,clOwnstarneUP .With "PrCifeCt21"-- '.BedaOSethe21 Sau di decided not to Cooperatebecause
they were upset about something gdson ,t,recall what) Some Saudis (includin,g 24 or
was It his brother, 67?) were put In the interrogation "rooms in - the middle of the nig ht heard
frprn:briTe where they being plaVed, loud MOTO'. I Aid not 'Consider it "mistreatment just a
Poor interrogation , tactic, That made It Very difficult fot me to:follow on with trying to get their
cooperation. „.
DOJOIG 000478
45; Libjec,ting a detainee 0 brig ht flashing lights or 'darkness
a. III 1.. personAvobseeVed till's conduct.
• I observed 'detainee(s) in -acond MO that led tne to believe that"thiStondu tt had occurred.,
Detainee(s) told. nie that this conduct had occurred.
Others, who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I. have relevant Information classified above, '-'SECRET.
f. Rf I never observed , this..conciuct nor heard about it from someone:who did.
46. Isolating a detainee for an extended period

RI I. personally observed this conduct.
• tgb,sorvtd -cld'tiiieo(i) in e,conclitiori that led me, to believe that this conduct had occurred.
I 1,)e(airip(s) t610 'MO that '44 Ognclki4 had POirred,,
• • Others, who obServed ;thiSCOnduCt:deSarihed it to trie„
, • I: have relevantibfitirriiatioi1 tis -§ifidd "41:'5v: 'StREt.'''.
1. • I never obSenied thls:cOnduct nor ne.ard 'about" it froth .SOrnearie:Who did ".
g.Fllease oxpiiii flit 1-,iptpXirriate tim frame2thjring. Which thiS COndluct, pun.
FrOM 0,8/2,003 to 10/2003 :COO Not Recall
h. The.fleialene() treated in this way were located at the time in
2 0 .Iraq
3. 0:Afghanistan
Other LoCatiOri
5 ,0 Do Not Recall
i. Please identify the detainee(S) , by name and nu - - bér
I isN 00239D,P4 DOB:
1. Please identify the person (s),'who treated the des- aioe,ets) h this mon ner, including 'their
riame(s), and :gbyernrrientagency(ies),.:
who ran the carrip,-- sorne raptk.
Please Identify any other FBI personnel or riOn-FBI personnel WhO., treated
in this Mariner, including their` name(s) and agency(ie)
I. This conduct occurredin connection with;
DOJOIG 000479
0 'One, cletain,e
z Q severM detaineeS (2-4)
30 Mahy 'detainees .(MOre than 4)
'40 Do Not Recall
. m. pptIcihAl) Please describe the relevant CirdenStanteS in morel:le-tail:
I;d,On'tkriow What you mean breldended 5tit theY thought 239 wasa tibublemaker'and
pat him at :Camp Echo for "30 days. Again, 'Isolated" from other detainees, blitthere waSan MR
in the cell at:all times With 'him r„ so not:completely "isolated"— anyway,, I 'Visited hirrahere :two or
three times and tkierrfar reasonsI cool/ not 'Vas notallowed. to retprri tt4mp, Wio
''arld they would bring hjrn to tamp Delta for the itrterviaws, So, if they want to realty 'isola te'
lidldret,understand 'Whythey Would ,glitehirri a "brear and bring' Mtn :dNier to Delta, Nat,
there were a lot of things I didn't Understand, 239 knew it was to be for 30 days and, again very
unproductive, they brought him back to Delta during the 30 day period to meet With a British
delegation, and then started the 30 ;days -alt over again:after the Brits Jeft lie was stilt in .Echo
:When I leftat,the end Ofsept.. 2003.
47,-Uskg- duct ta e to reStrein .r"uniSli a detainee,
a. I II PersOnaliyobServed this:coritkict. .
, • I abserVethdetainee(S); in a c-oliti ition that led ,me to belieVe that this Cork:hid had occurred.
c, • D.etalnee(S)told rhe that this conduct had .occdreed.
d, • [Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me,
e. • L have relevant information classified above "SECRET'''. ' . ,
f, RI ily,propserve,4, this 'conduct .rprheard about It from, someone who did.
48. Using rapid reSponsetearns and/or forced tell extractions
a! • r Per,9110102Pserved this conduct. I • I 9*010.4et4ir.leetq irf ,,Axopoitiort that led me Pa belleye that,thiscohdtict bac! occurred.:
-C, - • Detain(*) told rile that .thisseondUCt had ,00,irred. '
41. El, Others. Who observed this conduct (1:asri0a0 it -to, lila.
e. • I' have relevant IrlfOrthatIori ti4gtifiel alciove'''.§,E,CRET'.
f, • I'lleSter obSerSied thiSOonduCt riO)- heard ,ehclut it frOrn.SOrneenevirl-16,ftid,
g, Plaa0a prayid -o'the pppNiii:1100 time fraMed ki ring. whigh f1$ com,i.gct Pccurrerl.
DOJOIG 000480
From 08/2003. to, 10/20.03, DDo Not. Recall
h. The fietatn@P(S) treated in this Way Were:10.Cetec. 1 at the time in:
1 I , ua1011PrnP
'2E1 :Iraq
3 aAfghanittati
'.4 a Other Location
Cl 1:jo. Not Recall
F. Please identifythe detainee(s). by name and- nUit ber::
'4on't. know
.01past, identify the persort(s)' who Itreated -etaine.e(S) in this, manner, including their
nathe(s)„Ond goVerrnmerita9eficji.(ieS).:
k. PleaSe identify any other FBI personnel or nori-FBI personnel Who observed detainee(s) treated
'In this manner, including their name(s) and agency(les):
don't know'
this•00.hd.kict occurred in COnnectiOn With,:
'12, ?Qnestleainet
2 a Several detainees (2-4)
3 a 'Many, detainees . (rnore than 4,1
4„.0 Do Not Recall
m. (.Optibrial) Please dekribe the. releVarit CiretirriStanCeS: in Mere:detail;
the.00.0t1Y,, SP -da-;"s. Lvs).4-ttf,1-.0 I jieajti ofthi Happening 2- Or 3 tim,es. I heard the
Aetainees, would thrOW,Urineffeces etc. on the PIPS and they would have to. reSOtind:,
Using' milltarjr Waking deg: on or bear a detain:other than du ring dotaino'stransportatron.
a. • I. personally observed this conduct
• lobserved:detaineesy In a,conditIon that Id me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. M. Detainee(s) told :me that this conduct had occurred.
ci. w Others who observed ;this. conduct described it, to me:
, • I have'relevant Information classified above.. 7.SECRETH. _
f. El 1 never9hsdrved this onduct•nor-hiwd a boa it from sCirrieoneWhO did.
a. 0.
50. Threatening to use military working , dogs on or near a detainee.
I personally Obtenie.if this. co nd at. _
DOJOIG 000481
b. 1 ) robserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
• Qthers who observed this conduct described it to nip.,
- • I have relevant- information classified aboVe"SEtREI".
El I never-observed this'conduct nor heard about it frem'someone who did,
Using spiders, scorprons,,snakes,orother animals on or near a detainee
• i personally Observed this conduct.
, • ji observed detainee(s) in "accind itiOn that led rile to believe thatthicitydutt had rodCurred:
• Detainee(s) told me that this- conduct had occurred.
• • Other S whO Observed this crkluot deSCtibed It to Mb.. • I haVe.felevarit infortnation classified above ",SECRET".
aLIt neVer ,o.bserved thiS:coriduct it& ,heard a bout it Thoth stiniebne:WhO did.
,52. Threatenin to uses -iders,Stor Jon.s, Snakes, or other aninialS, cin a detainee
a. • I. personally observed this:conduct.
• ',observed detaifiee(S) in a condition -that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had -ocewrccf.
I .
Others who 012secAleci this condudbkScribed it to me,
have relevant information classified above "5,EtWI'L.
4 never observed this conduct 'nor heard aboi4t it from someone.'Who did.
5-3.. Disrespectful statements, handling, or -actions involving the Koran
a . • . I personally observed this 'condUct. • „
l. • I Observed detainee(s). in a .Condition that led, me to believe that this Conduct had otcurti: • DeW100e0) told me that this-, conduct had OCCUMetr.
d. • Others WhO Obsellied this ttindtict destribed it tOrne
e. • I haVe relevant itifarrnationtlaSsified abOve "SECRET.'. .
fi. El I never Observed thiSconduetnof heard -abOtit it from scirneoneWhO did.
DOJOIG 000482
--Sol, Shaving -a, dOtaingeig facial or, th-er hair to, embarrass pr,hurnillate a detain ,,
a. q I, personally observed this cOriduct.
b. n a observed detainee(s)' in a condition that led mete believe that -this cOriduct had .occurred.
n ; .
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had bccurred,
. n Others who observed this conduct described it to me,
e. , • II have relevant Information classified above "'SECRET".
i t 1 RI g never observed this conduct nor heard about it from,someone who did.
Placing a woma•sclothing on a ,detainee
D iI personallyobServed this conduct.
b. n l'Observeddetainee(S) in- a, that led, me to believe that this conduct had occurred...
c. n !Petainee(s) told Me that this PPndpc't had occurred.
d. n Others who observed thiS conduct described it to me..
. n I have releVant infOrrriatiOn classified abbVe,"SECRET'".
1, f. 131 r neVer ObServed this .conduct nor heard about it frOmstimebneWbb did.
.56. Touching a detainee or acting itov.rard a, detainee 'Ka sexual manner
a. n ii. personally observed. this conduct.
n robserved detainee(s) In ,a,.c.Onditionthat led trie to belleVe that thiS conduct had occurred,
c: n 'Cretainee(s)tcild me that this conduct had occurred.
- . • !Others who Observed this conduct described it to. me. ,
e. ••i1, have relevant information classified qbove "SECIZEr.
. RI II never observed this conduct nor heard about' it from someone. who did.
.:51. Holding detainee(S) who were not officially acknowledged or registered as such by theagency
detaining the person.
DOJOIG 000483
a. • I personalirobserved thiSkonduct. .
b. El [observed detainee(s) in a-condition that led me to bet ievethat this conduct had:occurred:,
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• 0 hers WhOOOServeci this conduCtdescribed it to me.
- • I have relevant information classified above 4.8.ttaErl.
tripVer olo*rvetli this conduct nor hrd'a4bPt it frotnsOrrieonOvhp did.
68, Sending a detainee to another country or more aggressive interrogation
a. • I persOnaity observed thistoriduct.
.. • I observed detainee(4 lila condition that led me to believe that this conduct haclecorre,d.,
c. • Detainee{S).tdtd rile that tiliS Cciriciu4 ha:d ''..O .4irr.
. . • . Others: whb citSerVed this WriduCt.described it to the. ,
• I; have releVarit inforitatiOn Classified a hoVe" "SECRET".
t never Observed this,tecinduct new:heard a bofet, it frorti , sorneOne idle did.
59. 'Tfireateninj tO.Send a detainee to another CdtintrY-fdr detention- Or. enbfe aggreSSiVe interrogation
I personally observed thisconduct,
• tobserved,detatriee(s) in a condition that led me to believe thatthis cory4uct had 'occurred.
c: I. Detairiee(s)tOld me that this conduct had occurred.
d.. • nal
f Er
Others who Observed this-conductdeseribed it to me°.
have relevant information, classified above', "SEtRET.
I, neveraserved thisiconduct nor -heard :a boat it frorri,scirrvOnwho did ,
a.-t hreatening to take action, against a detai nee's:famil
a'. • I perSdriallyobserved thiStcindiftt,
b . • I ObseNeCi ,detainet(s) IP ,a'conditiOn that led tne to believe.that this conduct had OcCurred.
c; • Petal neetsItOld frie that this &kid Oct had Octurred.
d, • Other' ±Aihii .obSerVed this tonduCtdeStribed it to Me
e. 0 I haVereleVant infotrriatbri classified aboVe "SECRET''.
DOJOIG 000484
f. I El II never -observed this conduct nor heard about' it from someone. who did.
"61. Othertreettneht actidri causing Severe ernotional or pgyholodical trauma to a 'detainee,
,: • r, personally -observed this toriduct. • I observed deteiriee(s) in a conditiori that led me to believe that his conduct had ,occurred. lil betairleeN't00 fri that this: conduct hacl'acctirrad , • I poem who observed this pgncict, degcrihed it to riel.e.;.
- • I have relevant Information classified aboVetEREr".
ET I neVer Observed' this,Ozinduct nor heard about it frOrri scitheOhe:livhd did.
Other TeliRlorus :sexua l ha mssmont humiliation 'Of a detainee:
El iLtiétsohally:Ob8etved this conduct.
• .1, bbSerVeddetairiee(t). in ',à cond ition that led ,ine to belieVetherthiS Ciihddet had ,Oduirrecl.
C.. 0 , Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred
741 di
Ilk OtherS. who :obSeetieci this CoricluCt described it to ite.,
• I. have relevant information classifiedebove "SECRET .
EI, I never observed thisxonduct nor heard about it 'from 'someone-who did.
:63. Other treatment ofa detainee that in your opinion ivas'uriProfeSsfohaVundillY harsh :or'aggreSsive,
coercive, abusive,,'or unlawful
a: • •
t personally observed this.cohalet-
,... • Lolaterved derairiee(s) in o ond Non= that led ine to bellyo that this coriduct had occurred..
c. Detainee(s)told rho that thiS Cdrid Va.' hed ,occurred.
• Others, who observed this co,ndutt desdribed it tO, Me.
e. • L have releVarit inforrnatiOn classified above "SECRET".
. EI I never oliserVed this ..„
DOJOIG 000485
' 14.011E. tf,„*.N. 4L.JQ øF ULF;
64. Did yOu-ObserVeany irtiperScinatiOri of FBI personnel by anyoh,eduring' an Interview or interrogatiOn of.
" Yes 0 No
65.. Did any detainee or other person tell you thathe or She had witnessed:the impersonation of FBI
,perSonriel in connection with adetainee interview or interragation?
® Yes 0 No
Please. cii-Ovi.olethapproxinri,atimd, -Nritclur:ing Wh icfr this ,cOhduct OcCurred.
ROM D8/20.03 to. :09Y20.03 DDo Not Recall
i. The detaineeN treated: in th is. way were tOtated at th time.
1:14 :04PtitaTiOn1P
a 0 Iraqi
3D Afghanistan
4 0 Other Location
b ,OQ Notk*ail
Please identify the detainee()‘ by nameand number to. the best of your recollection"
PleaSe.identify the 'perSon(s) Who treated the.detainee(S) in ,thisThanner, including, if yOu
tell, their- riarne(S) and g6Vernmeritageridy(iesy:
W.e.cou Id rift know forcertain so "yes !' ,above Is an .overstatement, but we heard enough tosuspect
,tMt, certain niernhersof theDOD cqrnPOrient rflarir-attimes, he told .detainees they were FBI.
e. The names.Of anybther FBI personnel, and the names and government agency of non-FBI
personnel, whom I believe saw thecletainee(s), treated in this manner are
f. This conduct occurred in connection With:
:2 0 ,Several;detainees ,
3 0 Many detainees, (more than 4)
Y- Do ,Not Recall
,g.,f0btionap: Please:describe the relevant circumstances in more detail:
eeabove Statement-, .we -weren't sure; but suspetted it was happening.
Mayou aware of any "sham" or "sta:geirtietaijieqinterviewsgr int9n;qptionp -vcoductO.foi,'N,P4i1b4§ of
:theILS-. ,Congess ;or theirstaT?
0 Yes' 0' N6;
,67. To your knowledge did any military or intelligence personnel ever deny or delay FBI access to a
-detainee the FBI wanted to question because'thedeteinee had sustained injuries after he was captured?
0Yes No
„ „ „ .'„„.„,..„ „ • ,„
DOJOIG 000486
pid -ycg ever:end your participation in or obSe,ryatiOn "Of a detainee interview or interrogation
because of the intervieiN' or interrogation methods being used?
Os No
0. Were you ever told that another FBLemplOyee ended his'.or her participation in or observation of, a
detainee interview or interrogation because of the interview or interrogation methods being used
0' Yes, •®
any detaineelnterviewor interrogation practices t or other types of detainee treatment,, to an, FBI
Q Yes- 0' No
71. During any of your overseas deployments Or assignment, did you report any cOncerns regarding
any:detalnee interview or Interrogation practices or other types of-detainee treatment you
observed or- heard about, to .a floor Fi4tt supervisor or other non-FOI,personoel,
0 Yes 0 No°
IlaNte:yOu ever been ordered or d irected not to teportr4r;OPO,prago0 in any way from reporting,
observations or allegatienS related to detainee treatment or IntNidw or Interrogation actions or
Yes' t) No
73. Halle you experienced any actual or threatened retaliation tar reporting plAorvations.'pr allegatiOns
datainft.ti-.0arnont or kotooevti or interrogationactionS Or praOtic.eST
o YeS-
74. Otiprialj til-PYigioa ny &tft1.1.00001 cOrru-ririts MpOrtilig 'Of concerns related
interyieW of interrogation tectiniques,detention prac*'.0, Otherdeteineetteattnent
75. WereyoU .debriefed, other than the Standard debrief in FD-772,, Concerning your -Overseas
.assignhttn(es) of depioytheritfq after-- you oi-ripleted the depidyrrientW Or egiOrnailt(s)?-
. 0 YeSs, 0" No-
76-: Additional tornmentS.and Recornynendationsl
Thank, yo,u fpr your coppratipn in OrtipiPtjrifj, th4 .tR.*tiprinair=e
DOJOIG 000487
A, Personal Anformation
Department-of justice Inspector General Questionnaire Rega r4 i n g beta i flees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00002818
As of the last time this questionnaire, was saved, some required fields' have, not been c9mPleted.
PleaSe>reView your responses.
Pieaseproyide the following infOrMation;
1. First name
2. Middle Initial:
a. Last name:
4. on Duty Date (E010):
5: tUrrent Diyision/Fitid Office:
6, Current job; title:
7. Direct dial offiCe 'telephone nurnber:
8. FBI :cell phone number:
9. FBI pager nUrnber:
10. Best' contact, number foryow
B. Background of Specific Deployments or AssignMentS
11. At any time afterSePteiTiber-11, 20:01, aid uèt à member ofthe U.S:. Militäiry,Or
employee:or contractor of theFBror any other:government agency, at Guantanamo Bay e 'Cu" bai Iraq;
Afghanistan, Or in areas controlledby the O.'s:. Military, or a U.S. intelligence service in connection with the
glhal waron ..tOrrqr.
0: Yes 0' NO
12. ,Enter the number Of titneSyciu. Wete,dePIOYgd araSSi,g ned te.Oacti lotatioris
•GiiantariamO Bay, tuba,,Irac;Afghanistan; or iti,anY. areas controlled by the-U.8'.. ilitartj :or'
For each deployment or eSSignMent .complete the following section.
L9catipo (select one) , Dep,Orn*it'or'n'jignirrient began on Den,l4rlieror:.a,ssidnrneiit ended on
aboirk aint:tout:
Guantanamo Bay 11130/2002 , 01/16/2003
124. What Wastl-ia.§en1 netPre a rid purposeof 'YO, ässig rimijtedaaivii0
InterViOt "Tier 3' detainee
fa. Please providethe names of thespecific ,camps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
camp Nita.
1,2c. Note: infprmofip' a about a :sogcific tang, idaSeiortaciiin'is-C18:50101.abOYe SRET,
pleas-cht(k here D,include in your answer that yQ1.1 h4ve llqdditiOrlPi information classified above
"-SEtRETIt'' and, if you know, idtritifirthetlaSsificatioti.lesiel, tiCket; toinbarterient, 0 ro rarri rertther
designation that,a pplips- to- the:'informatioo.Do not inc1Pde- 'ttit,adclitional,elassitied information in your
All FBI Information Contained Herein is Unclassified
Date 3/27/09 by UC/BAW 60324
DOJOIG 000488
04 IC
Special Agent
questionnaire responses, bIG personnel With the necessary clearance Will Contact you to receive It.
Name 'Position
L kStk,
" •
. „
,;.120, Old you interrogate any detainee with ,on-FBI Ntsofinti7
1,0$ -0 NIP
With what kinds of non-FBI personnekikl you MI* jointly?'
; IFS Other U.S. Military
intelligence ag:ericy,
0 FOreign Military or intelligence-agency
0 Other
•a2f, Did you Jointly, plan any detainee interview or interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics with non-
:FBI personnel?
, Yes, :•0
`,..n •nn ••••-7,. ,,,••••••• •••• ••n• '"" ••• ^..41
With What kinds of riOn-EBI persbn nel did"you W:orklointly?
L' :Other .U.ST.• Military
El L.11$ intelligence agency
0 Nrgig n military. or intelligence agency
0 lather
:e 7,
..,. , .....' n• , ., ,, e•-• ,
. ,.. !:
12g. Were you ever Otherwise Involved in .detalriee.iriterview0 or interrogations With .nbil-FBI perSonnel? -;-
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
15", Did you receive any training, listrlittion t •dr:gUidarite tpedifidaily in:preparatiOn for atiy:Of your
oVerseas deployrrients or.assigniiieritS7
Dyes ,CDNo ODo Not Recall
preparation for any,of yourftiverseas deployments or asSignrhetitS r ,did. yOu receive -any training,
iristrbetion r origuidande Concerning ,the Ste fidard§, of-condUot aPplitable to the treatnieht,
interview, or interrogation 'of detainees by FBI personnel?
Oyes eNo 000 ppt,Recall
DOJOIG 000489
Oye$ 10
1S. In preparationfor anyof your overseas deployments:or assignments, did you receiveany training.,
Instruction, or guidance concerning thesta ndards ettonduct applicable tolhetreatment,
intervieW or interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
Qys ONO DRO, NOt Retail
16.10 preparation for any:of your overseas, deployments or assignments,* you', receiveany training,
instrUCtiOn, or guIdance concerning What you were supposed to do if you observed or heard about
thetteetMent/interVieW, Or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed to
be ineOPrOpriate r ifriprofesSiOnal,tbereivei bUsiVe,
0Yes ONO, "OM Ndt,Recall
17. Th'preparatiOn "for a ny"of your Oversea S doployriVrit's or aggignitiefits, ;did you receive any training,
instruction, or guidance concerning What you were supposed to do if you observed or heard about
thelreattnent, interView, or interMgationof detainees by noh -FBI personnel,, Which you:believed
to inappropriate, unprofessional, :coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
°Yes Cmo OboJott pecal
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. buring any of your overseas:deployments orassignments, did you receive any -training, instructibni
or or guidance concerning the standards of,condOpt aplicable to the treatment, interview,
Interrogation of detainee§ by FBI personnel?
ONo ODO NOt Recall
Who provided th1 rain1ng ,. inStruttion, Or guidance?
OTMOTask forc,e PerSonne!
ib. Eiriefly, describe the substance. of the training, instruction, °I -guidance provided tof you.
Basic interVieW'technidues ,
i. W anyd,f thelraining,InatuttiOn, or guidante provided in Writing
0Yes. "0N® Do; Not ecall
ib„ During any Of'your.tiVerSS deploymentsorasSignrrieritS, did YOU receive an trainino, instruction,
Orgiiidaneeconcerning the ,staridardt fCOndUct appliCable to:thetreattnent, interview s Of
interrogation of detainees by, non -FBI personnel?
0Yes 0,No'
19a, Who provided this training, instruction( orguidance?
:GTMO Task forte Personnel
19b.6riqfiy-deSaibe the su bsWre;of the trainirig, instruction, Or Oidance.groyfd6d to:you.
00* interViewlechnigues
19c. VVasany of thetraining, 'instruction, -or guidance provided in -writing?
()Yes ()No- 0, Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000490
20. During any of you r-overseasdeployments or assignments, did you receive any training, instruction,
prguidance'concerning Whpt ypu 'were .upppssed, to do If you observed or heard about:thel
-treatment, interview, or interrogatiorrof detainees b FBI personnel, which you believed to be
inapprop Hate, ,unprofessional, .cberoiVe, ab,U,SiVe„,pr tinlavd017
0-Yes -ONO: ODo,Not.Recall
,any ,o,fArogr overseas deployments or assig merits, did ,you„receiVe any- training, „InStruction;
OrguidandedOncerning What you were su pposed to do if you'iottserveclor heard about the
treatrrient„ interVieW, Or inteifOgatioti Of detaineeS by 1J..FBI Personnel, Whith you believed to
be inappropriate,. unprofessional„mercixt;.abusive,.oruniewfull
:Oyes 6No ODo Not Recall
C. Adequacy of Training
22. In yourppinfnp, you Weft dequate training, instruction, or g uida nCe relating fP Standards
of eciriciat by FBI and ntin-FBI personnel relating -to -treatment, interview- Or interrogation of
detainee, prior to Our deployrnerit assightnent?
(-.) 'yes 0 NO
.,In 'your !opinion, did you receive adequate; training ,,instruction, orguida nce relating to -,standards,
of conduct 131"(FBI and nop7F131‘perspunel relating to treatment, interview, or interrogation of
detainees during your deplOymerirdrAssigrirnen0
C-Yes c:): :No
24.1n Wur opiniOn, d Id you receive 'aeieqUate. training, inStrUttidn,_ or guidanbe .Conternirtg, What YOU
were supposed to-do if You Obterved be heard, abut 'the treati -nent„ InterView, or iinhtteerrr?oogàattiioônnof ,
detainees, by FBI-or non-FBI personnel, that you believed was inappropriate, unprofessional,
toorciyei-abusive, or unlawful"?
.0 'Yes 0 No
15:-.Optionai): Inwhat Ways can the F1:Improve-trainIng on this subject or futtyg cigp byrneulpr
D. COmment4
26. Please provide any additional information:concerning, training for overseas deploymentsor
ass,igtirpepts, of FBI, personnel you believe is relevant
DOJOIG 000491
Refer th thy FD-302:dated 12/0.9
Internment ial Number(ISN
, 19 p: vjhp,rvaiistati?'
accounts ,of mistreatment by :C
identifythe'dirifae(s) by 'name andnumber:
200 regarding. Uig
0277DP and my F5:30 12J0jOO2 • reoan
nternrpent $erial Number tI,11!1-
advised that Other detaineeshad. provided :similar
inese internig etas t GTMO.
Introduction, to part ,1,11; In this sectioni weare seeking, information regarding, a wide ranged,
Interview or thtprroggtionteohnicikrgs, and other types of detainee treatment alleged to have occurred.
You should nOtassittie, jU,St.beCauSeWeareaSkihg about 4gal:troth -at technique or practice, thate.h6v_e:
concltided that lin fact odcurreds We recognize that Sortie of the tedhniqueSor practice's May at tithes
be necessary for safety and security in a detention ,setting. In add itiOn¼ we recognethatsome ofthese
techniquesor practices may - have keen. authorized for :nse Py miJitrypr .other gowriirrlent personnel.
-With to each identified lechniq he, Practice,Ortybe of Conti uctdeseri bed belOW,. é are Seeking'
Information about its occurrence during or in ',connection With:the interview or interrogation of a.
detaineeior during the detention of a detainee beyond what is needed for safety and security;
In that coritev, wp, will ask you to us whether dile or more Qfh Jlirg..sterneihr are ru:
1. I.perSci.nallyObServed this :COnduCt.
2. Ibbserved lietainee(s) in a cOnd Mari that- led tnetd,bolie've that this Conduct had OCCurred..
1 Detainee(6) told me that this conduct had occurred
4. Others who observed Is concin,ct described It to me.
S I have relevant information classified
heVer Observed this conduct nor heard about it from ..sOrnebne:Who did
27. Depriving a detainee of'food or water
1 . • It perSorially.ObSeni.ed thiscOnduct.
• I .obServed detaitiet(S) in a.ciond itiOn that Itti Int to 06:116)/e ttiathi obirid vitt hsa,:ourrd.
Detainee(s).thid int that this. Coridutt had oCCUrred.
d, • Others who obSerVed thiS conduCt described it Me. .
. • I haVe relevant inforniatiOrr classified a bOve , !rrSECRET'.
II • .I never.observed thiS.condutt nor heard abbta, it febtrisOrneorieVhd did.
g. Please provide the approximate time conduct:occurred..
Frarp11/01/2001 o 11/01/2002' DD 1l rttojt
h. The detainee(s) treated in this way were located at the time in:
1 IZI Guantanamo
0 Iraq
.3 rEl Afghanistan
'4 0 Other Location
5 El Do Not Recall •
DOJOIG 000492
:j. Please identify- the person(s) who treated the detainee(s) in this Manner, including their
- neme(s) , arid governinent„agency(leq:
Chines Is were provided access to Uighur detainees ariddeprived Uighur detainees of sleep
cip ring the entire night prior to interrogation During several hours of interrogation by Chinese
irioe$ Were subjected to extremely low 'ambient temperatures/ arid idetainee
lims to.,haVe- beenn dePriVed of at least, one Meal.
Please. idehtify any other FBI personnel dr non-FI perSonnel Who OhserVeddetairiee(s) treated
in this Manher, includingheir nerne(s) and agency(idS);
Chinese officials were accompanied by an official named P.MICI-lha"- of an unidentified US agency.
I. This,cOnduct Occurred nppritiettidri With;
1 0 One detainee
20 'S,Overal detainees' (2-4)
3,0 Many detainee (nPre then 4)'
:4 0 Do Not Recall
M. (Optional) .Please describe,:the relevant cirOurriStances, in moredetail:
The UighurS. are bro-aernOtracy :and hav,e„a hiStorV, of 'severe oppression hv the Chinese. the.
Ulghurs clearly believed they woulde bceif oarntudr killed by Chineseoffitials if returned to Chiria
The;:uigh,urs allegethattheChineSeintetrogators at GTMO:WereProVided extensive, information
regarding the, identities of the Uighur detainees and their family members in Chinese controlled
East Turkestan, the Xinjiang ,province:of:
2$. Depriving a detainee of clothing
l '
• d. persOnally Olaserved. this:ConduCt.
!b. • II ;observed detainee(S) lila Cbrid 'Non that led the to helievetha this OdridUCt had OcCurred.,
c. • Detainee(s),tOld me that this conduct had .occurred.
d a Others- who -obserVed thiS cOndLiet deScribed it to the. , , , '
e. • ll haVe releVent infOrrtiatio.n Classified aboVe "SECRET".
f. El IL neVer observed this conduct nor heard a bmitit from , sornebne Who did.
29. Depriving a detainee of sleep, or interrupting sleep by frequent .cell relotatioris other methcid,S .
• I" personallvobserved thisconduct.
• I,observeddetainee(s) in a -condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct' had occurred.
. RE Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.,
d . II Others who observed this cOnductdes,cribed it t9 Me.
e. • I havereleyant inforrnatiOn Classified ahoye, "SECRET",
DOJOIG 000493
L never observed this, conduct nor heard about It from someone who did.
Please provide The apprOkilliate tirne -frarne ,d u ring, Which this toridOct.Ottifried.
From' I/2. to 11(01a00.2 '[.]Do Not geolj
h. The detainee(s) treated in this WaY Were located 'at the tine in:
1 Er GitantanaMb
2 aired
31:j Afghanistan
4 0 Other Location
5, El Do l\iPt. Retell
Pleaseidentifythedetainee(S) by name and number:'
Refer to m,y- FD-30 dated 12/0 i i egarding Uighur detainee'
. Internment Serial Nurriber(IS my ED-30,2 dated 1210()/2002, regarding
I alSo, knoWn I nterrirrent:Serial Number
0,02i9Dr. Uighur translato at-other detainees had provided 'similar
accounts of mistre atment 01, :chinpse iptprrogatop
j. Please identify, the persbrieSy who treated the detainee(S), in this Manner,- including:their
'narne(s) and gbVerninentagenOy(ieS):
Chineseofficials, were prbVided access to Uighur detaine,es arid deprived Uighu r detainees of -sleep
durTh the entire night prior to interrogatIgn• during "several hours of interrog ation by Chinese
Uighur detreS Were subjected to eXtremely farnbierit temperatures•,:, and :detainee
k. identifYanyOther FI51 personnel Or nOn-F,BI.perSonnel=Whtt Observed detairieeS) treated
' jrLthja Maribert.inelud Rig their !lattic(s) ,,anti a-gehtykieo:
thinese officials were accompanied by an Official - named 7:,lY1L0101.! , Oran unidentified- t)S. agency.
This:tonduct OcCurred inCOteCtiorrlidth,:,
0 :One detainee
2 0 :Several detainees 0=4)
3 a. many datainees-.0nore than 4),
40 Do Not Reeall
M. (optional) Please deKribethe.rele.Vent eirCunistences in triorg,detall;°.
ho:Uighua-re,ard-deMOcrOty earid hava hiStOrt .0f-e,YeireotigreSSIOn by the ChirieSe., the
LlighUrS clearly believed they be tortured and killed by"ChineseOfficlalS if returned to China.
.1-Ketlighurs allegelthattheChineseinterrO0atorS at °GTivIO'Were,PrOvided. ,eitensiveinfotniation
regarchngi the identities of the Uighur detainees and their family members in Chinese controlled,
a.St.""furicesica n r the Xinjiang ,orpyince of c:flina.
.30....Reating, a detainee
DOJOIG 000494
- tarns CO have been,depriVed Of:at least one '
• Ill' L personally observed this,.conduct: , ,
0 1 observed detainee(s): in a.condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
RI Detainee(s), told -me that this conduct, had .accurrett. : •
• Others who 'observed this conduct described it to me.
III I have relevant information classified above tEtRET" ..
• I,. neVer observed this :conduct nor hoard about it from..sorriepne-who did.
g. Please provide-the approximate time :frame:du ring' which thi*.consluctjaccurred.
Rpm: It/01/2001, to11/01/2092 EIDO NM Recall
h. The detainee(s' treated in Allis way were located 'at the time in.:
!I l Guantanamo
0 Iraq
3 El Afghanistan
-,4 Other Location
SD Do Not Recall
L Pleaseideritify the detairiee().hy .naThe and rilleri hi-i-- '
Refer to rtiy FD-302,clated,08/2101Marding 1 I
'Internment-Serial Number -014) 0261DP.
j. Please identify the 'person(s) who treated the detainee(s) In this manner, incOdiin9 their
name(s) and .go-Verrinient: :adeney(ie.$):
lairiried IO haVe been 'severely _beaten , by triilitar:y4tiardat the Original deteritiOri
'facility. believed to have been 'Cam pa-Ray '-at ,GIMO..
k. 'Please id eritify, anyother FBI personnel or rici n-FBI ;Personnel ,Who;ObserVed detairiee(s). treated
in this. manner,. including their name(s) and agency(ies):
This conduct 'occurred, in connection with:
1:0 One, detainee
2 9.4v.r0 detainees (2-4)
3 0 many detainees (mor than .4)
4 '0 Do Not. Recall
rn (Optional) IjItaasa describe the relevant circumstances in more:Cletaill:;
ad,d,itionatdetoils AuOre
Using waterto prevent breathing by a detainee -orto create ;the sensatiOn of drowning
DOJOIG 000495
b. I observed -detainee(s), In 'a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
II Detainee(s)-told me that this: conduct had occurred.
d, III Others who observed this conduct described itto me:
e, • I have relevant, information Classified above; ".SECkET"-.
f. Et never-observed thiscond trot nor heard -about it from someonew'ho did.
:82. sing hands, rope, oranything ,else to ,choke or strangle a detainee
a. • t poysoatly, stkilserv&I' this OnduCt.
b. • tblienietf ,detainet(s) En a:,otinditiOn that led :me to' believe that:this Conduct had ,o -cCurreiL
. • Detainee S),tptd Me that thiS conduct had occurred.
• Other: WhO, Pbterved this CO nduCt- described It to, rile.
• have releVerit itiforthatiiiii classified a bOVe "SEC- REF".
f: 1Z L rieVerOliServed thiSlopliduCt ritir ,heard 'abaft: it frOrri ,sorriebriewho did.
33. threOteriin0 other attion to cause. h sicai am n in-u disfigurerrient or death
;Till, perrmso na—fly- obser-v ed-Th-is-7c-o-n-ductT---------
b, 1131IobserVeddetainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. NI petaipee(s) told me that this condkict tied occu,rrcd-
, • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.,
e. CIII have relarit infOrMation classified a boVe "SEcfwr" ..„ ant never otiserved this conduit nor heard about it from SOMeOne whO Plicl.
34..(),thqr-treatment or action causing, significant' physical pain or injury, or causing disfigurement -or
a; • L'Perstinally observed this conduct. .
.. III ,I ,atiterv,ed, detairiee(t) - in a cOnd Mon that led the to believe thatthiS dint:hitt had ,Occareci.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had bccOrred.
d, • Other's, who observed this conduct described it to tne.,
: • L. have relevarit information classified above P,SECRET".
DOJOIG 000496
I. never observed this conduct nor heard about it frorn someone who did.
55. Placing adetainteOn a hot surface or burning a detainee
„. • IlpersonaliTobserved this conduct.
MI observed .detaine,(P) in a -PPnd 4011 that led me to believe that Is prNig4t(00'gccurrptj. ,
III • ::00altle(4) told me that this, conduct had 'oc.Currl
th • Ithers, WhO'ObrVed th*CondUct described it tOrne., ell • t have relevant information glasSified ab oSve. E.(Rtr.
f. RI I never observed fhistOtiduct her heard 'about it from SbrineoneW O did.
6, Using shackles Or other reStraint4iri a prolonged nia:nifera.
• IperSorially-ebServed this condutt. .
b. • I Observed ,detairied(S1 in acOnditiOnthat led me to belie* thatthi Onduct had ,Oecnried.,
C, • Detainee(s) tOld ;me that thiS coridUct had occurred,
Other's who Dhserkied This 6andftdeSeribed it to rne, .
L have relevant information classified above 'SECRET. ,
f. Er I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someonewho did. ,
.37; Reeplring adetainee tO "maintain, reStreiriind' a detainee in, a stressful Or 'painful 'poSitIon
:a. • 1, personally observed ihis tonduct: ' .
,Li. N. I 9135Prveddetalnee(s), in a cond ition that led me to believe that t,h1s, c,onarct had -occurred.,_
bittain(s) told nrie that tnicondl_fct had pccurred. .
4, • ' Others ticr,ho Observed this conduct des'Cribed it to me.. ' ' .
. • I have relevant Infcrth,ation'clasSifieci above, 1.•Et13:El"'”. .
I. lir I never this Cdriduct nor heard bout. it froin Sciineone -Who did.
ForCing a 'detainee to perfOrrn demanding physical exercise
DOJOIG 000497
• I. personallyobserved, this-conduct.
b. • r-tlbs,erry%I'd0ainee(s), In a 'col-Id:Nor-1'th* Jed me to believe that conduct had ocorrptl.,
c: lactptathpkg) told ,m-g. that this conduct had 'occurred, • OtherS who ObserVed, this cOriciUCt desCiibed kIt!' tilt,
• i hovoTolovarit !Aft?: rhri,atioti Oletsified elvvg",SECR:ET"'.
g 0 I never observed this conduct nOr heard ,ablaut It from sOrneorre,Whd did,
'39. 1.1.5ing - elefrkz1 shOCI“:)n a Oiafhea
• • I personally bbserVed this conduct.
• I obSerVed , detairiee(s). in .a.cOnd itidn that led ,rne to believe that this conduCt had -OCOUrred.
C. X Detainee(s)told the that this conduct had oCcii reed.
d, • Others, who observed this conduct-described It to me.
e. 0 II have relevant information classified above "SECRET'.
. [ f. Ei 1 new- observe:c1 this conduct nor heard at)* it from someorievho did.
411.. Threat-ening to liSaelealtical ShockOri a detainee
a . • I. personally-observed this,conduct. . • T,ObServeCi detainee(sy in a‘conditonthat l'cl rrio to believe that this Conduct had occurred.
c. Detainee(S) told ,me that this conduct had occurred, .
d. • OtherS:whO observed this Conduct described it to it
e. II I have relevant I rifd that ion` ClaSSified eboVe. "SECRET',
f. , PIT never obserVed thisf,COnetkt riot heard 'a bout it frOrn,sOrrieOnel4hd, did.
41- inte,netionaqr.dolaying 'otlenyittg detOloa,m4ical care'
a. • II personally- obterved this.Cdridifet.
b . • I bbserVed -detalrieek9 In 4,ednditidathat led me to. belleVe that:this condtitt had occurred..
. • Detainee(s1 tad the that thiS conduct had o,CCUrred.
d , • !Others who Observed this conductdescribed it to me
DOJOIG 000498
have relevant InformatIOn -classified above ”SECRET".
f E L never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from- someone who - did.
42:. HOodin or blindfOldlit, a -detaineeother than gifting transportation
a. • I personally-observed this-conduct, .
b.1 0. I„cbserved detainees) in a:condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had :oscurred. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
• Others who Observed this conduct described it.te me.
• r have relevait infOrmation classified above"SECRET'.
rEllfnever observed, thisconduct nor heard -about it from- sorn eone who did.
'48. Subjecting a detainee to extremely cold or hot room temperatures:for extended periods
a. 111 jI Pei-serially obsefVed. this COridtret, . .
b, • I obserVed .detairied(ST in 'â Conditioh thated Me to belieVe that thiS tOridikt had .ocCUrred,
^ .^ ^^
I Detainee(S) told me that this conduct hadoCCurred. , .... ,. 1115thers who observed this conductdescribed it to me .
e. • I have relevant information clasSified above 95ECRET".
f. • T never observed this -conduct nor heard about it from- someone who did.
g. Please provide the approximate tirne frarne-during. Which this:conduct:occurred.
From 11/01/2001 to '41../01/2062: Ellico•i\lot Recall
ft The detainee(s) treated in this w4:14ere located at the tirrie lb
-Gdatitatia trio
p Iraq
.121 Afghanistan
:4 01 'Other LOcation,
1 Please identify thedetainee(s) py name and number:
RfOrl- X1 tr'IY FD3bidaTed 12J0 Th. i regarding Liignutdetaineel
"Interhrneht Serial Number(ISN
'also: known
Uighur tfollsiotp, vise
.0t277DP:',:aild my Fla---3,02 dated 127.06/2002, re rdinci
nternment Serial pumber:(18N)
at other detainees had provided simi or
DOJOIG 000499
. b6
accobritsof tnittreatmerit by Chiriege interrogator at GIMO.
Please identify the person(s) who treated the detainee(S) In this manner, including their
nOnle.(8.) and gOvernmentagency(ies):
Chinese aritials were 0rovidOd aecess.tOilts Wit detainees and dorivod. UigJuir detainees of'Sleepi
dü'rii-ig the entire nightprior toihterrogation. During 'SevOtal Wilts of interrbgation by Chinese
officials, Uighur detainees were subjected to:extremely low ambient temperatures, and :detainee
to -have beerideprived °fat least one .mea,1.,
k. Please identify:,any'other FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel -whoobserved detainee(S) treated
in' this manner, including their norne(s)'-and agency(ies);
.thineSeofficialS Were - acCOMpanied Sian offidi8l :nanied "MICHAEL" ofar ;Unidentified US: agency.
I. ThisCPriduCt bCtutted in connection With:
1, Q. 'One detainee
2 0 -Several detainees (24)
3 0 Many detainees '(more than 41).
4 0, Eo Not Fell
m. (Optional) Please describe the relevant circumstances in moredetail:
TheIiiqhurs are pit-, dernberacy and tiave,a hiStors,k- orseverè4resSIOn:by the Chiriete. The,
Urghurs dearly believed they would be tortured and killed by Chinese officials if ,retwined to Onina,
The Uig rs a Ilege;that the Chinese interrogators t011;/10 were PrLOvideit'egen*e.. information
regarding the idemitips: of the Uig hur deta lifee...5 and their family- members In dhinese,obtrgited
East.Turke"sta II, the Xinjiang Oniiike Of Chiria.
44., Subjecting •a:dOiti.e6' to "dud music
a: • I, personally:observed this conduct.
b. • I, observed-detainee(s) in a cond Mon' that led me to. believe that this conduct, had cccurred.
c. • Detalnee(s), told me that this conduct had rrO.
• Others- who observed this conduct,described it to rne.:,
Il I' have relqY.alit infOrination classified above "OECRErt,:
El I:never observed this .conduCt.nor neard a boUt it from-somepne; whp did,
45. Subjetting a detainee to bright flashing lights or darkness
. • I personally OWervett this conciuCt.,
b. • If observed detalfiee(s) In' a condition-that led me to bellextg,triat - d-0cortclkict had occurred.
c. • Detainte(S) told rife that this conduct had ,otturred.
• VotherS, who observed this eijridlgt described it 'to frie.
DOJOIG 000500
e. I have relevant InformatiOn classified above ' ,SECRET". •
f. Et I never observed this . conduct norhea rd about it from someone who did.
'46:Isolating a detainee for an extended period
a. I per-sonally-obseryed this;o0nduct. •
b. • I-olMrVed det4ineeN), (r,1 ,0`C9r1PritiPil that led rrie to belieyethatthis conduct h& ,occurred..
C. El petainee(s) -toici •me that this conduct ha,croccurred,
A. • Others whObb.serVed thip, OM uct described it to Me.
=4 I
• I haVe relevant infOrtilatiohtlaSSified abOve "SECRET".
El I never observed this conduct nor heard about it frorn,sohleone who did,
duct tape to restrain ; ,p_g",; or pm,n(sti a :detainee.
a. El 'I, personallyobserVed thiScobridtret, .
b'. • 11- observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had OcCurred.
I IDetainee(s) told tne that this Cdridutt lied occurred.
E thers. who observed this conduCtdescribed it to me.
e. • I have relevantinformatioh classified above ECREP-.
II:never- observed this conduct nor hearci ,a,bpul, it from; someone who did.
48. Using ra pid reSPonseteamS and/Or. kieced ”C:011 extractions. .
a. • I personally-observed this:conduct. . .
b, • I observed detainee(s) in A:ConditiOn that led me to believe that this conduct batoCCurred
c; • Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had OcCurred.
d . • Others' whOpbserved thio conduct desCribed it to me.
0 I have .retevart inforthation• classified obovd "SECRET'.
f. 0 I htet ofisewed . this, :COntiott rioCheard ,a bout it 'frorn .Sometine"WhO did.
DOJOIG 000501
49„ using a raitartylorkiEg dOg On Or near 0 detainee' Oth .ër than -airing detainee transportation
• I personallyObserved this.conduct. .
, • Lobserveddetainee(s) in aoondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, • Others' who observed 'this conduct described it to Me
e.. • I, haye relevant inrmatiori classified above 7$,ECIRET",
f. l I never observed thistonduct nor heard about it frorn's9meohewhP did.
50. Threatening to use military working dogs on or near a detainee
. • it personally ObServOd this conduct.
1 b.' 0 II:Observed detainee(s) in .a „cond HO that led Me tO believe that thiS conduct. had :occu Tref .
I c. NI' !Detainee(s),tOld Me that this conduct had Occurred.
-61 j
• i others who Observed this condUct'cleStribed it to. Me.
El !i. haVe -releVarit InfairnatiOn Classified a briVe "SECRET" .,
f. RI I never observed this:cOnduet nor heard about it froM someone who did.
Using_Spicits,:scOridioris, SnakeSz or Either ariirrialsOn or hear a detainee
:. • IaI' personally observed this,conduct.
• Tobserved detainee(s) in'a -condition that led me to believe thatthis concluet had occurred,
c. CI b, etainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,. I • r :Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I. have relevant Information classified_ above 7qCJIET,'.
never Qbsenied this conduct nor hear0 ,a I;±oqt it from:someone who did.
51. Threatening to use spiders, scorpions, Snakes, or other animals , on-a detainee
0. II pe:rsPrisaliV 90seivedthiSOnduCt.
I observed cletainee,(S) atOriditiorr that led me to belieVe that this .cOnriuct had OccOrred.
Detainee(s). told r that this, cond 'otcurrW
DOJOIG 000502
d. • Others who observedthis conductdescribed It to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above ''SECREt.
f. Ei . .r hqver'0*rvcci, this Ohduct nor heard about it from someone- who. did,
-S8. Disrespectful statements, handling rbraCtions involving the Kbran
,.- • I Pers9001rgb:sgrveci his conduct. .
b ; • ' r,c•hserved.cietaine(s) in aconditiph that led me to beliaya that this conduct had occurred,
• Data] neeKtold ma that this conduct had :occurred. .
DOther Whd :observed this nduct described it to me.
. a • I have ralevarit information Clatsified a bove "SCREr'.
rzr is n&er -observad thisicenduct nor beard about it frOm.sorneOneWhb. did,
54. SfiaVing a detainee's facial or other irdirto ernbatraSS or humiliate a Idetaiiiee
a. • I perscinally Observed this tondlict.
1-21-7 u
in] di
I ,obseried cletainee(s) in accinditifin that led me hi: believe thafthiS"dcindtict had OcCUrred.
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
ci. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• I., have relevant information classified above ",$EtRV".
-, I I neerobservedthisconduct hi* tierd a bout it from someone who did.
:SS. Placing a womanIsclothing on a detainee
a--, I r perspnelly'obServed thiscontlutt
b- • I, olserVed,detainee(s) in a condition that led me to belieVe that this conduct had occurred:
i • De:Wine*) ; told ma at this toridUCt had occurred. _
d . • Others Whb ObSented this tiandLitt.destribed it to me.
II I have releVarit information classified above 4s:EcREt'.
f. Er I. neverObserVed thistaidUtt ttor heard 'a bciut it Sibrh ,stittiabila-Vvihtk did.
DOJOIG 000503
5:0, Touching .adetainee or acting `toward. a detainee in "a sexual .manner
n L perSdnalVobserVeil, this dondUct.
n LObserved:detalriee(s): Itva.Corld Mon that I'd .me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
Detainee(s) told the that thiS conduct had bccutred.
Others who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • L have relevant Information clasSified above vSECRETI ,.
Et I never observed this,.conduct:nor heard about it from someone who did.
57, Holding detaineeN who were not officially acknOwledged or registered as such by the agency
detaining, the person.
I P7eitOnallY" observed this conduct.
robSetved detainee(s) in .a.,cOntilti9fithat led me to believe that this conduct had "occurred,
n Detainee(s) told rh:o ti-it 'this, conduct had .occurred,.
Others' WhOOli.SerVed this t ofidUct described it Co rne,
n L haVe releVant inforrhation hlaSsified a bOVe "ECRET'''.
I never abserVed this conduct nor - heard about it frormSoniebne who did.
38. Semi ing'atletainee to anOtheit'cduntry , for 'Mote :abg teige interrogation
. n II personallyiobserved this„conduct.
b ., n t:observed detainee(s) in atondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
n ,Detainee(s) told 'me that this gond ud had pecy rrpl,
.. n Others- who :b seryed this conduCtdescribed it to me-
n I have Terevant information classified Above "WRET". .
f. 8- I' never 0.b.5:erVed. this conduct ndr heard about it ;r orn:,-w. iteone who, did.
,54. Threatening to send a detainee to another cpuntry for detention or more aggresSIVe interrogation
a. n I personally observed this conduct..
n I.obServed:.detainee(S): in a 'Condition that led. Me to believe. hat' this ttntid4ctilal:1OCtutte6.
DOJOIG 000504
c, • betainee(s) told me that this cond uct had occurred.
d, 0 Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e, • it have relevant information classified above ''S,EMFr.
' . I ii, neverobsesvel this ,conduct,nor heard ,"abi011t - it frorri,sojneorie;who did,
60. Threatening to take action against a detainee's family
a, fa I personally, observed this conduct.
b. • rdbserve,d detalriee(s) In ',a-,condIticin that led me, to belleyethat -thls conduct had occurred.
• petainet(s) told rne that thiScOrldUct had ',attuned. .
• , Other who observed this 'conduct described it to me.
,. • ,I have releVarit Information classified above: "SEcREt .. ,
_..... .
Z it never observed this 'conduct nor ,heard about it frornsaMeone who did,
'61.. Other treatment or aCtion, causing :severe emotional or pSychOlogiCal trauma to a detainee
El II PerSonally olbServed this condUct.
IL -observed detainee(s) in aeond ition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
3Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.

c. •
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. I . r have relevant information - classified above 'SECRET'.
f; El II never observed this conduct nor heard abont it horn stimetineWhO did.
62-Other religious or sexual harassment or humiliation' of a detainee
• I personally observed thistonduct.
, • I -observ,ed detairieeN Tr) 'a cOril itiOnthat led trie to believe thatthIS'condUct bad OccUrred.
. • !Detainee(s) told rtie that 'this conduct had .6c-turned.
d. • ;Others who observed this tonduCt.destribed It tO Me.„ • I haVe,relevarit information Classified a boVe "SECRET"'.
f. El It never observed thiS,Condudt.,nor heard aboUt it frOm sorneone who did.
DOJOIG 000505
BI-:Other treatment of a: detainee that in youropinion was unprofessional, unduly harsh or aggressive,
t.cierCiVe, abusive, o-r cirilawfut
A • I 15erSonallybhterVed this COndutt.
, • Lobserved detainee(s) In a,cOndition that led me to belleVethat-thig Conduct had Octurred,.
c. • Detainde(s),tOld ,Me that this cOriduct had oCcurred.
,, III Others, who obSee'ved this conduct described it to Me..
e. • I have releVant InformatIOn tlaSsified a hove "SECRET". .
f. 8 I never observed' thisxonduct nor 'heard about' it from -someone:who did.
-64-. Did you obterVeNally imperSOriatiOn of FBI persOfiriel byarkOne‘citiriffg an interview or interibgatiorrof
• a:.detainee?
;Oyes 0 No
:65.. Did any detainee Or other' perori yOU thathebr she had witnessed the iin,personatiOn,Of FBI connection with a detainee interview or interrogation?
- yes ®
66..Are you aware of any "sham"'or"staged" detainee interviews or interrogations 'conducted for Members
Of- thell„iS,:,- Wig res§; b'r their staff? -
0 Yes 0 No
To'YOUr knoWJgë,d!dIatIY military or iritelligenCe persbnnei fde ordelay FBLãcctØ a
detaineethe FBI Wanted to 'question becaUsethe,tietainee had 'Sustained injuries after he wastaptured?
Oe -No
6/3'. pid'you ever end your participation in or observatipnof -e,detairiee interview or interrogation
becauSe pftne interview or interrOgatiOn rnethOds:beirig „used?
Yek Ng'
69 Were you ever told that,another FBI employee his* her participation in observation Ofp -a
detainee interview or interrogation because of theinterview.orinterrogatiOn method's' being used?
0:Yes° ',a No:
7Q. During 'any-Of-10r OVerseas deployments or asSignrnent$; did you report any concerns regarding
DOJOIG 000506
any .detainee interview or Interrogation practices; or other types of -detainee treatment, to an Fa
C): Yes "Q No
70a. When an&tcywhorn did you make this reportl
12/06/20041210.9:(1002 tepOrtS prOVided fri ,offitial Sumitiarierof interviews
of Uighur detainees
70b. Did the report relate tO.condutt by 'FBI or rion-FBI perscinnel?
1 OHM Personnel-
Id entify-theegendy with which" the. non-F131 personnel Were affiliated.
Chinese government officials at t:p4b.
Was this report- Iii ;writing?
2 EINgn
vv,44;ny a ction taken in reSPOnse cfOur tePort?
1 ['Yes
2 1:fivcc
glipo;Nitlt Know
71 .X41tOpriy5eyour 00taggs .deplortionts or assignments, 4i& you report an 0,0,014110 regarding any
, 4,etafpwirktmioror tntecrogation pxaogg,es or ogieT types protg-pqz-treougnet you. observed or 4e4rd.
.09,ut, tog ,non-.FBI supervisor -or other non-FBI persprineli1
Q y' IP'
72.. Haveyou ever been ordered or:directed notto report, ord Iscom raged -I ft any-way from reporting,
observations or allegations related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
Qy . "O'
73. Have you :experienced any actual Or :threatened retaliation for repotting Obseriiations or allegations
of detainee. treatment or interview or interrogation r actions or practices?'
Yes; C) No
(OptiOna Plea* p toVide anyadditicinal coMments regarding 'the repOttitig of concern related to.
interview or interrogation techniques,. detention practices, or other detainee treatment.My
reppyting or.chines abuse. of 'Uighur§ at GTV,10,, and :concerns that the Uighur detainees woulds be
.tornirOt killed returned to China, were reiterated in sent to $uperviso I on„020.2120.03.
7,5. Were you 'debriefed, Other than thestaticiard debrief -in FD-772:,' Concerning your overseas
assignment(s) deployments after you completed the deployment(s) or assignment(s)?
Yes .0' Nos
DOJOIG 000507
Thank you for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire
. DOJOIG 000508
A. remonpl'Infgrrnation
Department of 3,usAice Inspector GeneraI Questionnaire Regarding beta inees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00002316
As a ttm last time nit questionnaire, was saved, some required yields have, not been completed.
Pleasexe,View ybur responses.,
Please OtoVidert he follaWing itifortnatiOn:
1. First rime 6 & TÔPERAGREEMENT
2., Middle iriitiai: 6 & 7C PER AGREEMENT
'3i Last name:: 6 & 7C PER AGREEIVIENT
4. Entered bn Duty Date .(E.01Ci): 6 -7C
$:; awrotit'Diviision/FiWd Office: 6 & 7C
6:.; Current 1O13,-, title; SST
D itect lel offieetele0hone ittriber: 6 & 70 PER AGREEMENT
B. FBI tall ph,orienurriber: 6 &7CPE.R.4GREEMEN T
,, Fig Pagetnurnbert 6 & PER AGREENIEffr
10.-BeSt contact number for -you':; 6 & TC PER AGREEMENT
B. Background of Specific Deployments o Astignnierits
11.. At any time afterSepteinbet 11,2001, did yi:ki terVeaS.a Met -Met of the .U.S. Milififty, pr aS
employee or contractor or the. FBIor any other government agency, at Guantanamo Say,: ba Iraq;
-Afghanistan; or in areas controlled by;thel),,:5,. Military ora US. intelligence, service in connection 'with the
global war on terror'?,
0:Yes 0 No
12. Enter -the number of timetyou,were:deploy,ed ,or:asSig ned to each- br,theibilowing lOcattoris
taiantanaind Bay, Ci.tha Iracp,....Afg hal-listen; ,or in any area§ coñtthilëd b,ythe U.S.. 'Military Of a U.S.
int,JlIc service)
Foe:eath deployment Or'aSsignthent comPlete the following section.
La 1:44310*rnOnt or 40,06 4thare 'kOtio4 04 ,4r DeP101404P or assignment onAnd. on (seliaFt one) oboat or atiout:
PI:larttjarflo Bay, 06/2412004 , 07/29/2004
14 Wtot was 1-ie er*(61 heti:ire and gurpaSe OEt ytn;rassig nmerit.04 aCtivities?
1.2b. Please providethenames f the;spedific,camps, bases, or facilities where you worked.
1,2C. Note: If' frifOrtriatibri about base4 or faCility is lassified above' 'SECRET,
lease 'the& here:0, include in your answer that you haVe ''additional information cla ssified above
48E0AE:Tri'! and, if yoq know., identify the-cia ssificat ion' level, ticicet r :compartment, programfor -other
DOJOIG 000509
A. Training Rrior to pvereas:Dp.ployrnerat or Assignment
designation that applies' to the information. Do not inClude the -additional classified information in your'
q0%tiOnn0ite' reSpaises:, MG, pertonnol with the. necessary Clearance Will 'contact you to receive it..
Name ' Position
.:12e. Did you jointly Interview Or Interrogateany detainee with non-FEII personnel? i; i
I 0 YO % No
il2f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview or interrogation strategy, objettives, or tactics witir non- 1
:Ftd pewinep 1.,
1 -
i 0 Y;es 0 NcY t:
;12g. Were'You ever otherwise invdIved' in Aetainee"intervieWs,or I riterrOgations 00 :1:n0n-fa p;qrsonnp,1?
13, biti:yOu receive any trainin'g, n, -Or specifically in prepara00 for any :of you
OverseasAeployfrients or aSsignerientS?,
C5Yes ODo Not: Recall
14. In preparation for anY',Of'YOur overseas deplOYMents:gr assign ments,'d id yOu,; retelve any training, ,
instruCtionp Onguidante concerning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment;
interview, or interrogation Ofdetainee:s by. FBI. personnel?
Oyes IC)1110 ,0Do Not Recall
, ,
15,In preparation any,of your Oyersea dep:loyrriants•,or assignments, d id, y,ou reteive :any- training,
inStruction,,or,gUidarite COnc:eming the.Staridard st,of Coridutt a pplitable to 'the treatment,
interview, or interrogation of:detainees by non- FBI personnel"?'
(7Yes 'ON° OD° Not Ftecaq
16,In, preparatidri for any of your -overseas deplOymentsOr assign ments,xlid you receivaany trainlrig,
instruction,,orAtildatice concerning what "yOu Were .suOpOsect to. do ybli obserird or heard about.
the' treatment, interview, or interrogation ,of detainees by FBI personnel, which you believed, to
be inappropriate; tin profeSsional,-cdercive,a busiye, Or uula4ut?
009 110:t- 0qtP,11
17: In preparation' for any of you roverseas- deployments -or assignments, did you receive any traini
instruction, or guidance concerning what you were supposed to do if you observed or heard4bou t
the treatment, interview, or interrogatiOn of detainees by non -FBI personnel, which you honeyed',
to be inappropriate,, uhprofessronal, cOditlye, abusive, Or Unlawful?
O yes (,), No
DOJOIG 000510
QYes ON° 0 Do Not Recall
B. Training During tiverseas Deployments or Assignments
18. During any of your overseasdeployments or assignments, did you receive any .trainingi instruction,
Or:guidance-concerning the'Standards of cOnduct,applicable to the treattneht inter or
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
oYes 'ONO 0-DO Not Retail
19. During any of your overseas:deployments or assignments, : did you recelye any Instruction,-
or guidance concerning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview or
interregatien of detalneeS by non-FBI, perscirinel?
Oyes ONO, 0Do NcitRecall
20 During any of your overseas deployments or asSig nments, di you receive any training, InStruction,
or guidanceconcerning -What yols Were '4 1,1PPQ4ed to do if you observed or heard about the
Ireatitierit, interVieA brinterregatiOnCif detainees by FBI pesofillet, Which you believed to be
iriaPproptiate,-unprofessibnal, ctierciVe, abusive, , or unlawful?
Oyes 0 No ODO Not Retail
24. During any ofyout, coetsa's,doproyn-ierits or aSsig ri Men% 410 you receive any /raining, I rittnictieri,:
-Or gUidaride concerning 'What yOti Were supposed to db if yolLobserVed or heard abblit the
treatmenti-Interview, or interrogation ofdetainees by non-FBI personneli, which you believed to
be inappropriatei unprofessional, coercivej-abusive, or unlawful?
oyes 0Do„Not Reat
C. Adequacy of Training
22,In ,youropinien, ,did you receive ?ifequet& trait-11N,, instructiOn,,Orguidan,te relating to-Standards
of cdhduct by FBI and nen-FBI personnel relating tatreatrfient, interVieW, d interrogation of
detainees prior toyourdeployment.or assignment?
0 les 0 No
22a. PleaSe describe_ thewayslti WhiCh yciu, believe the training,, instructiOnrerAu 'dance was
23. InyOur Opinion,ld id you receive adequate training, instrUction,orgUldarite relating tO :standards
of conduct by,FBI and non-FBI personnel relating te-treatment,InterView, or interrogation of
'detainees during your deploymentorassignment?
0-YeS 0 No
2. Please desCribethey.raysln which you believe the trainirg lastructiorrarguidance was ,
DOJOIG 000511
1M 'N., *4 NW •
24..In your Opirildk,dici, you receive adequate training r . itistruCtion; ',dr 4 uldance cOncertil rig what you
were supposed to db if you Observed or heard, about the treatmenf. Interview :, lar' interrogation of
!detainees, - by FBI ,or non-FN.persorinel,:that you believed was inappropriate, unprofessional,
bjertiVe, abOsiVe, or UnlaWful?
0 Yes No
24a. Please describe,the ways in which you believe the training, instruction or guidance was
inadequat„e :
254Optional), n what ways can the FBI Improve:training on:this subject fpr futum depibymeritor
26. Please pi-ON:Ade:any additional information concerning training for overseas d ePlOytnentSdr
assignments of FBI personnel you believe is relevant.
Introduction to Part-III: In thissection, were seeking information, regarding a wide range ofipteryiew'or
interrogetion,techniqt*nd other types , of detainee treatment alleged to have occurred.
You Should not essurnO, jOabecaose we are asking about a particular tethrlique or practice, that We have
concluded that it in factoccutred. We retOgnize that sOrrie OrtheSe techniqUes kir 15 :raCtiteS'rtiay,at times
'ba necessary for safety and' security. In a detention setting , I n ,add itidn„ we recognize that .some of these
techniques 'or practies.rry, ,,hayp, 'peefl authorized fOrkiW,ky. military or'other gQvffriment persohri4
„ .
With respect to each 'identified technique, practice, or type of conduct described below, we 'are seeking
infOrniation about, its occtirrerice during or in ,connection with:the intervieWbr interrogation of a
detainee, or during the detention 'of a 'detainee beyond what ispeeded for safety and secntrity:
In that 'context, we will ask you to tell us Whether one or more of ttie;:fpliciwing 'statements are true:.
1, I, perSOnal IY 0 bserVecl this COnd:dOt.
l'o,bSerVecl detainee(s) in a :condition that led Me to. believe that This Conduct had occiirred.,
3. Detainee(s) told me that this conducthad occurred.,
bthgtswno gibiserved this-co,nducydescriti,e0 it t9 , rag.
have 'relevant infOrrhationclaSsified.aboveSEC.RET 11 .
6', I:wet Observed this conduct nor heard 'about it from soitiebnoVna did.
27, Depriving a detainee, Wood or water
personally,Observed thiScondUct.
DOJOIG 000512
b. _ Lobserved detainee(s) in ‘a:cond Mon that led me to. believe that this conduct had !occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. MOthers who observed this conductdescribed it to me: . .
, • I have 'relevant InforrOatIon classified above "Er-Er.
f. Ef" r neverobserved this conduct nor heard 'about it from sorriebrie who did.
24. Depriving a detainee, ofclojhing
I perSbrialiy observed this conduct. 8 lobserVed detairigi(S) iria,COnditiarthat led me to believe tha this conduct had occOrred.
c‘ 0 Detainee(s) told nie that this conduct had :occurred.
cf.. • Other S whO ObserVed this, 'COM uttdeScribed it to me.
. I' I have releVant Inforniatibri, ClaSsIfied a bOve "S,ECRET"'. .
f. Ei I never obSerVed,thiS conduct ;nor heard .abchit, it froinksomeone- who did.
De- riVi rig a detainee Of :Slee interru tirg Sleep by fre ,uent cell relikaticins or -Other Method8
- !I personally obserled this-CO:Mutt,
b. • I. observed detainee(S) iba tbrid itibh that led Me' tO believe that this Conduct had Occurred.
c'. • Petal nee(S) told rtie that this conduct had oOdcOrrecl.
d. • 1
!Others: who 'obserVed this tondact-deScribed it to rrie.
e: • if have relevant informatiOn classified above "S'ECREf"-.
f. I !I never-Observed thls mild utt nor heard "a boat it froth. Sorneone Who did,
30,..13eatirig detainee
a; ' r personally observed thISCcindUtt.
b. • ir obserVed detainee(S) iri aCondition that led ine to belleVethatthiS conduct had :occurred:.
6: I, Detainee(S) told me that this 'Conduct had OCCUtitecr.
d. • ' Others Who observed MIS Conduttdescribed It to me,
- e. I r have relevant information classified above - ''SLCRET11.
. l I. never .observed this conduct nor heard a bout it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000513
!Aing. water to prevent breathing by a 4etainae.or to create the seilsation. of drowning
a. " it personally‘ohsetved this conduct. .
• I observed detainee(s) in :a.condition that led he to belleye that this conduct had occurred'.
c. • petainee(sj told me that ,ti-tio ogrrOpOt had ,occorrect. .
0. • Others who phseryed this conduct described it tO,' Me. '
• II have relevant infOrtriation classified a bOVre."SECRET" ..
f, i 0 JJ never observed thl:CondUtt nor'heard about it frOrnsOrtreOne whO did,
'n. tisirA hantIST. roper or :anything else, to :ChOlce Or Strangle a :detainee
" I person4y , obserVed thiScOnduet,, ' .
b , • robgerved detainee.(i) in .4conditiorftflat led mO, to beileVe tharthiS,C9ritilutt had occurred..
c . • Detainee(S) told that this. conduct had bdcurred, • OtherS. who ObSeryed this condLittdeSCritted it to rrie.. '
e. • I. haVe :relevant information classified above "-SECRET".
f. Ef L neVer.obServed, this :conduct ribr heard abotit. itirbtri SOmedrielyho did. •
;33. Threatening othd d ion to cau se p.hWitt, Øein, injury, disfigurement, or dath
''' I personally ObSerited thistoridutt.
. I olteryed detainee(s) in alconditiori that led -rne tO belieVe that had burred.. • Detainee(S)101d trie that this dEilithitt had JoCttirred.
, • Other§ Who blaServed thiS tOridudt described Wt.°. Me.,
e. • I haVe'releVarit information classified abbve, ,`,SECREP.
f. Er I' neVerObserVed this conduct nOr heard -a it from someone Who did.
134. ither treatment Or actloradsIng significant physical pain or Inpty, Or -Causing _disfigure-I-tient-or
DOJOIG 000514
I nally observed, this coridutt. ,
b. • I' obseWed -tietaineW lh 'a, ConditiOn that led -me to ljelieVe that this t OndUCt had ,OCcutred.,
. IN Detainee(s)-told the that dila COntrutt had Odai reed .
„ ., • Others' whii observed thiS torid'utt d,estribed It to, Me.
,e. • I haVe relevant inforMatieri ClesSified above 1-SECREr.
t iii I neVerObserved this;conduct-nOt- heard about it frorri serneonewhe did.
35. Placing a detainee:On 8 hot surface Or blirolOg
I' persdiialifObserved this,conddet.
b. 0 itobserved detainee(s) in a.cond Mon that led me to believe that this conduct had ,ocCurreth
c. • Detainee(s) ficild l-ne that this:Candi:id had oddred.
d, • Others. Who bbseNed this cOndOCt described it to the„
0 It have relevant information classified a bov,e; 1-8,ECREV".
never observed thisxonduct nor heard about it from someone who did,
46. Using shackles or -other restraints ih,a Prolonged Manner',
I, personally observed this'icondUct.
b. • I Observed. detainee(s) In a :Wild Rion that led 'me to. believe thatthis conduct had occurred:
• ;Detainee(s) told me that this- conduct, had :occurred.
• lathers whOobserved this conduct described it to me.
II have relevant information classified above ">S'ORETI. .. •
never observed, this coriduct . 99r:beard 'about, it from sorneorte ,who did.
gequiring a detainee to maintain', or restraining a detainee in, a stressful or painful position
- ,, '' 'I-personally-observed this -condbct.
b-. • Lobserved detainee(s) in a cond &ion that led me to- believe that this conduct had ;occurred.
!_c. I Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
d_. • pthers who observed this corlductdescribed lt. to me:, .
• 4.hp-tie-relevant information classified above '8t REP'',
DOJOIG 000515
EH) I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from 'someone who did.
Forcing' ,.detainee. td perforindernand frig 'physical ,eitertiSe
a. - L personally. observed th iscondu ct.
b. n I obst rVed'detainee(s)* in a-corid aloft that led the to. believe thatthis COridutt had occUrred".
: IR Detainee,(s) told file that this Coridtitt had 'ottUrffed.,
d. n Others who observed this conduCt.described It to me.
e. n I have relevant information classified a hove "SECR'ET"..
f: 0 f never observed this 'conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Using electrical ShockOn a detainee
a; ' Jr1p°ersonally;observed this conduct.
b n fLobservetidetainee(s) In 'a cond ition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
- .:, n iDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others' who observed this conduct described it to rpe,;
L have relevant 1 nformation - classified above ''SEqF2E7r1-.
I. never observed this conduct nor heard abou,titfrom:sornearie,'who did.
40. Threatening to use:electrical shock.on a detainee
- Lperson,allyObsemed this -conduct. .
n , Lobserved -detainee(s)' in ,acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
n Detainee(s) told rne that 'this conduct had occurred.
n Others: who :olerl/Pcf tbfs conduc.tdescribed tti, rne.,
e, n T. haverelevarit information classified above l',$:%RETN.
t; g I never observed this conduct nor heard aboyf it froni:sorneonevbg did,
: :Intentionatlytlelayirig .denying 'detainee medical care
DOJOIG 000516
a. - I. personally-observed this coridutt.
• I, observed .detainte(S); in a',conditiOn that ied me to believe thatthis tbncitict woo ,occurred.
• Detainte(s) told in that thiS COriduCt had OCturred.
Others WhO observed thiS Conduct described it to Me.
• I' have relevant inforination classified A bove- 95ECREr.
f; RI I neVerObserved this conduct :nOr heard ab` it 'frcirn someone whe did.
42. HOoI'n>Or blindfold irig 'a 4etaineeother than during ttarisppitaticin
a'. '' I per'sdhatii4hseived thiscondtiCt.
b. II I observed detainee(s), in ,acond ition that led me tO believe thatthis conduct had -occurred.,
c. • DetaineeK tad the that this' condUCt had ;6d:din:ed.
-" d, • Others Who observed this ccindtictdesaribed It to rhe
e. • I have relevant information classified above "SERET'L.
f. El r neverobserved thisconduct nor beard about it from someonewho did.
'SUbjecting a detainee to ektrernely cold cit hot loorri terriPeratU res for extended 'Periods,
a. I. personally observed' this conduct.
b; • I ebSerVed, detainee(s) in acond Rion that led 'me to belieVe thatthis conduct had both rreci.
,. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct, had :occurred.
d. II Others who ,observecithis conductdescribed it to me.,,
e: • I, have relevant information' classified above " 61 -"r.
f. El r never observed, thiS ,conduct nor heard about) it from.soneon,ewho dig. .
44. 'Subjecting a detainee to loud music
I personally observed this -conduct.
I h. • ',observed' detainee(s) in aconditionthat led me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred.
• Detainee(s)Vid me that 'this cond uct had 'occurred.
U . Others who observed-this conduct described it to rne.::
II I, have relevant information _classified above ":SECREM
DOJOIG 000517
f. I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
45. 'Subjecting a detainee to .hright flaShing lights or dandies§
a.- I. personally observed thisconduct.
I' Lob,servedxletainee(s) itia ,.condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred:
• Detainee(Sytold the that this coriduCt had -Occurred.

• Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
• I have relevant information classified above °SECRET.
El I never observed this conduct nor heard a bout it from someone who did.
'Isolating : a detainee for an-ektended period
. "' I personallyObserve:d thiS Ognacl. ,
b. robserved detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred:
c. III Detainee(s) Uri me that this conduct had -occurred.
d. • Others, who observed this conduct described it to me:
e. • I have relevant Information classified above °SECR'ET"'.,
f: RI 1_ never observed this conduct nor heard about it from sorneone who did.
:47. :Using duct tape to restrain, gag, or punish a detainee
I. personallyo.bserved this conduct.-
• Isobserved - detaineeK in -a ;condition that led me to believe that,this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had 'occurred.
• b*t-,5 who observed ;this coriciuct described it to me.,
. , • I, have .relevarit information classified above "SECRET".
: Ef I' never-observed this 'conduct 'nor heard , frorrisomeonewhp did.
46.- Using ra id .response teams end/or forced cell extractIons
DOJOIG 000518
a. I r1r§zittally observed thisconduct.
b. • I' ObserVed-detainee(S)' in -4 cond ltiOn that led me to lid io.e that this Conduct had ,:oecurreti.
ao jj
• Detainee(s),told the that this Corid'utt hadO,CcU &ed.
Others whO observed this conduct described it to. Me.
• I hale relevant Information ClaSSified a bOVe '-lSECREr.
ES I bevel*: observed this cOnduct ,nOr heard a bbut it from someone Who did.
JJ,Sing alnllitaty working dog On or ;near' a ,detairiee:other than during detainee tratigptirtatiOn
. - r per'sboally-ObServed this,cohddct.
b. • I-observed. detainee(s). in a condition that led me to bellevethatthis eon -duet, had ocOUrred.
c. • Detairiee(S) , tOld the that this Conduct, had :6c:bitted.
4, I Others. who ObserVed this cOhduct cleScribed it to tt ie,
e. • I have relevant information classified above. 'SECRET"-.
f. Et I neverobserved this ,conduct norbea rd about it from someone who did.
Working dogg' ibri or near a detainee
, .. .
I, personally observed this condi..ict:
h. • robserved detainee(s) Ili a condition that led me to believe. thatthis conduct had occUrred".
,c: • Detainee(4told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e.; • I have relevant information classified above '',S C'REr.
f. Ei t neverobserved, this:conduct norheard ,a bout it from. someone Who did.
Si. Using, spiders, scorpions, snakes, -or other animals:on or near a.detainee
a. '' I personallyobserved thisconduc.
b. • I, observed detaihee(s) in a ,cond itio a that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c, • Detainee(s)tdld me that this conduct had occu rred.
is, Others: whp observed t.lifs conduct de scribed It to me.. .
e:. : • I. have 'relevant I htesmatigh classified above "$:ECRET''..
DOJOIG 000519
never:observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Threatening to .uSesPiderS, ,ScorpibriS, "Snakes; or Other animal; detainee
a. I. personally -observed thisconduct.
• • IObserv,eddetainee(s1 in a . cOnditiOn that led me to believeIhat this 'conduct, had occurred • Detainee(sItold 'tie that this Condlitt had oCtUrred.
• • Others who observed this conductdescribed It to me. • I have relevant Information classified above 'SECRET%
RI I never observed this conduct nor- heard about it from someone'who did.
3. Disrespectful statements, hardling',..oractionS irivolVing the Oran'
a " r personally observed this conduct. • Lobserved detainee(sy in a:condition that led me to believe that this conduct had :occurred: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had -occurred.
• I"Others who observed this canductdescribed it to me.„ '
e. • L have relevant Information:classified above usEtREy''.
t RI I never observed this conduct nor heard ,about it from someone who did.
.54. 'Shaving a detainee's facial or other - I-lair to embarrass or humiliate a detainee,
" I personally= observed thWconduct.
ClEkobserved detainee(s) In a-zonditionthat fed me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had occurred.
4., • Others who observed this conduct described it to ale.:
e. • I haveselevarit informatioh classified above. '"SECRET",
f. Yf Lever observed this conduct nor heard about it from^someonewhp did,
5S. Placing' a wornanisclothing adetainee
DOJOIG 000520
a. ' IL personally'Obseived, this-conduct.
b , n Lobserved.detajnea(S) in .a;Oorid itiOn that led me to helleVethatthiS Conduct had occurred.
c. n Detaitiee(S) told. me that this conduct hadOCcurred.
d. El Others WhO observed thiS Conduct described it to the.
e. n F haVe teleVant information ClatSified above SECRET".
f Eif L never observed thiscondlict nor heard abotit it frorri sbineorie'Who did.
Touching a detainee or acting TOWarda 'detainee in a Segual :manner
. - I' personally observed this conch:let
n I observed dethinee(s) in "acond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had -occurred.
c. n Detainee(s) told trie that this, CondUct had &CU -reed.
td. n others. who -Observed this conduCt described It to Mee
e. n I have relevant information classified a bove.' 385dZET".
f. 0 II never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someonewho did.
57. Holding,detainee(S), who were not offiCiallyacknOwledged or registered aSsikh by the agency
:detaining' the person.
. I personallyo,bservedthisconduct,
',15.j n I observed:detainee(s) in a:condition that' led me tPbelieve that this conduct had 'occurred,
C.' n Detainee(s) told : me that this conduct had occurred,
d q Others who observed this conduct :described It to me.
e. q I have relevant information classified above, "SECRET":.
f. El I never ObsPrv0 this conduct 11.0r hezti-4 ,01jqut it frOrt,) -$61700ftA VA, .0;010 ,,
S8. Sending a detainee to another count for moreag•ressive interro•abort
a. - I p,OrSonally observed this conduct:
n I,ob-served cietainee(s) In cOnclition that led me to bellevethat this conduct had ,occurred.
. n Detainee(s) told rile that this conduCt had Occurred,.
. q others who observed this Conduct described it to me.
DOJOIG 000521
e. • I have relevant Informations classified above "SECRE -r.
f, E1 I never observed this :conduct nor'heard about it from someone who did.
59. Threatening to 'Send a detainee tb anotherCountry for detention or:MoreaggresSiVe interrogation ,
a. - " I' personally observed this;conduct.
b'. • rObSei-Ved ,detainee() in a:condition that led the to belie that-thiS ConduCt had beCtirred.:
a. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred.
d, • Others who observed this conductdescrib,ed it to me.
e. • t have relevant Information classified above "8ICIkEt".
f. IZ I never observed this'concluct nor heard about , it from someone who- did.
H. Threatening to take action agains a detai nees, family
a. " 'fl personaliTObserved this conduct.
b, • Lobserved detainee(s) In -a condition that led meto - believe that this conduct had 'occurred.
• . Detainee(s)told me that this cond,uCt had :occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e., • . have relevant infOrmatiOn classified a bove4tCRET".
El I never olnPlifed tnissconduCt nor heard abont it frOM:0:?illeOrle' hO did.
Other treatment, or action causing severe emotional-or ps cholo ical trauma to a detainee
a. '''. T. PgrPonallY observed, this-conduct. .
b. 0 tobsetveddetainee(s), Ina:condition that led me to believe that'thiS conduq had "occurred.
'C. • Detatnee(s), told me that this conduct had occurred:
d. 0 Others who observed this conductdescribed it to rne f ,
• r have relevant Information classified a boyekET". ,
f. RI I never ObServed this OndUtt nor heard .a bOUt it trOm'Scirneone , whO 'did.
DOJOIG 000522
‘ 11thelitlig tow s or Se)Oalli-ia,raSsrneilt or hu m ilfat fo ri' Of a detainee
" IL PersbnallY'Observed this conduct.
• obseryed.detainee s): in a Conti itiOn that led, me to belia9a that this cdridUct had oodirreti.,
el • IDetainee(s) told me that this , conduct had ;doeurred. • I tem who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • II have relevant information Classified above "SECRET-%
t l il neverobserved thiscoriductnor heard 'about it from somednewho did.

'Other treatment Of a detainee that in yOuroPinion WaSUnPrOfessional, unduly harsh Or OgressiVe,
coercive, abusive, or unlawful
a. " I personally observed this conduct. .
lb, i • IT., observed Iletainee(s)' in a condition. that led me to believe that this conduct had occurmd.
c. • Detainee(s)'told me that this conduct had occurred'.
^ci `
ID iOthers who 'observed this conduct described it to me.,-,
e. • ;* have relevant information ,classified above "SECIZEr.
. El II, never observed this=coriduCt nOr: heard a bOxit, it from: someope who did.
Old you -observeany impersonation of FBI personnel by anyone during an interview Dr interrogation of
,a ttataiue6?
:65. Did anydetainee or other person tell you that he or she had witnessed the impersonation-of FBI
pp-sonnet in connection; with a' detainee. Interview, or interrogation?
C.) Y,a NP
Are yOU'aviare °fatly iSham " or "staged" -detainee interviews Or interrogations Conducted for MeMbers.
of the' U.S. 'COrigreSs-ot their staff?
Yes, 0 No
To your krioWledger did any military or intelligence personnel ever deny drdelayFBI aCcesS, tb a
detainee:the FBI 'wanted to question because thadetainee had sustained injuries after he, was captured?' -
0Yes- 0 No
DOJOIG 000523
0 Yes 0 No
60'. Did -you ever end your participatiOn in pr observation of a detainee interview or interrogation
because Of the intervieW interrogatitin methods being uSed?
" C5' Ycs" 0" "N'T)
7L During any of your overseas deployments or assignment did you report any concerns regarding
any:detainee interView or interrogation practices or other types ofd eta Mee, treatment you
observed or heard about, to a non-FBI supervisor or oth er non-FBI personnel,
Ofes No
72 HaVeyou ever been Ordered Or directed' not to report, or ,discouraged in any way from reporting,
observations or allegations' related to detainee treatment or interview or interrOgation 'actiiins or
O.Yès -0' No
73; Have yOu experienced any actual or threatened retaliatiOn for reporting observations orallegations
OffietaineetreatMent or interview Or interrogation ettionS Or practiOes?'
0 Ye S 0, No,
7.4„ (Optional) Please prOVidean-y additional OM:Merits regarding the reporting ailicOrns related
interview or interrogation WhbigUeS, detention pmarceo, or other detaitie-o•Matrftnt DURING MY
R „e: I'M 0
7. ViereyOu debriefed, Other than tile standard debrieflri FD-774,COricerning,-yatir OVers
8ignrtie.nt(s.) or deplbymerit(s) after you -coMpieted the deployrrient(s) or asSigrirnerit(s) -Z
Yes, 0- No
76. Additional Corninenthand RecbrninendationSi
DOJOIG 000524
69. Were you ever told thatanotherfBIemployee ended, his or her participation in or observation of, a
detainee interview or interrogation because of the interview or interrogation methods being , used?'
0- yes :0' No
70 During any of your overseas deployments or aSsigfirrients,, did you report any toriceins regarding
any d eta ineeinterview -or interrogation' ,practices or other types of detainee, treatment, to an fin
Thank you for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire
DOJOIG 000525
