A DOJ-OIG questionnaire for FBI personnel who were involved in detainee interview or interrogations at assigned locations in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Iraq; Afghanistan; or in other areas controlled by the U.S. Military. Questionnaire primarily focused on personnel training regarding detainee treatment standards and reporting of inappropriate treatment, and on knowledge of certain interview or interrogation techniques. Example techniques of the latter include: "depriving a detainee of sleep," "beating a detainee," "using shackles or other restraints in a prolonged manner." Document paid specific attention to the difference between training, reporting and activities done by FBI and non-FBI personnel. Document name: DOJOIG000272.
A. Personal Information
Departmentl3f 3,1.1stice I nspectOr General T4uestion na i re Reardi ng beta inees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00000947
As of the last time this questionnaire, was saved, some required 'fields - have not been completed.
PleaSedMView yoUr responses.
Pleaseljr6VidethefolloWirig inforMation:
1. First name
Middle initial:
8. Last name:
4,. Entered on Duty Date (E0D):
:(Ur,rent "arisiONFitld
'Current j'ob,
7., Dirett'Aial officeteleP hone number:
8. FBI gell hóne number:
9. Fl pager purriberf.
10.. 'test contact riumberforyow, 18. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
11. At any time after Septertibei - 11, 2001, did pate '§eNe. 66.-a The"ber of the U.S. Military, "or' as an
'employee or contractor of the FBror any other government. agency, at Guantanamo Bay y 'Cuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or areas controlled by the V:g-. Military ora U.S. ' intelligence srst.ice. in connection with the
.giphal war. on terror?
0 Yes 0 No
12. Enterthe numberof time,t1,011.1ivorezdepioyed dras$1,qried: tO.each or the.toilOwing lOatipiS
(Guahtanaino Bay : tuba:lreq;Afghanistan; ôr. in any areas controlled by the:,U.S% i1iIitar of a U.S..
scrvfc0 GIMP
Foe,,eaclideployMent-or assignment complete the following sectioti..
Deployment 0'4,0010-lent began on or DeOlOiiriiOnt or4sgdrirnaiit,ende4 on
about or about
iPPr!W9-5913ay, 07/05/2003: 07/2212003
12a. What was he 'general nature and purpose otybo:ossigrirngriX,4n0 attiVitie?
Assist FBI '8,k6' and, other interviewing personnel in, interview strategies for detaineeS.
12b. Please providethe names of thespecificcamps, bases, or facilities where you 'worked.
tamp pelta.
1'2c. Note: If iqfprmatiob:About 4tecific- Oanlii, has0;., or 'filityi dowtieti :ab:bve SECRET,
please ch eck here 0, include in your answer that you halm -1'06:1'00a! inforniatida:clssjkd above
' SECRET,"' and, if you knoW, derails/ 'the:cIa . sificatioñ level, tieket, ;cohiparttelerit, ,Prog rani, .Orbther
designation that.applies.to , the information. Do not incluctethe',a4litioaalfelas$ffied information In your
DOJOIG 000272
0 410.0ER AO/REkiiiigivr
6, 4,7C
Supervisory 8 pec§I,Agent
6 & 7C PEOPREEmEnt
6 #,,7 PgRAOggNigNT
Location (select one)
11Xiff vat§
A. Training Prior to OverseasDeployntent or Assignment
J .
questionnaire responses,- MG personnel with the; necessary Clearance will contact you to receive
Name Position
AtiASA tom, FRIQ - r.do not 'pa-fill h4name.. 5§A
kid yOUpintlys inter:00W or interrogate any detainee with riOn-Fig perscifint17
Q `[s Q NA S.
a2f. Did yon jointly plari any, detainkt interVie* or intertb§ation strategy„ ObjectiVe% or tactics with non-
':FBI personnel?
0. Yes :0 No-
With' what kinds Of non-FBI perSOri nal did you work jointly?
0:Other US: Military
: intelligence agency
q Foreign military or intelligence agency
q Other
.3.-...- ,.-. ,.
--:32g.. Were'You ever biherviise inVOIVed in Attnine.:intdi-vieWs-cir interrogations with nor'-,f a iiersOnriel?, -,
0 Yes '7'0 No
i3. Did. you receive any, trainingidnstructiOn, or:guidance specifically In preparation for anylpf,syour
overseas. d_eplofteks or •sSidrimenti3
'0Yet ONO 0Do Not Recall
13'a. Who •provided thiS kali-ling „ inStrtictiCh, Or'gu here did you receive it?
1.81),, Describe tihe sub .i, WniOr WV received this training, instruction or 0 id once.:
Unit Chief NCAVC,:ik Unit Chit NCAVC
A brief mission 'statement regarding -ourohiTh. role in providing . a ssista nce- toAhe
interviewers based onou r behavioral hackgroundland training.
()Yes 0 No Cini) NOttRedall
In preparation for any your overseas deployments -or assignme-nts,4114 you receive any training,
instruction, or .gu idanOt Ooncerning ..thOgtaTidardS of conduct applicable: to .th6,treatrinent,
interview, or interrOgatiOn Of:detainees by non-FBI perm:inn-Op.
0Yes ;OM. 0Do NOE Recall
DOJOIG 000273
thetreatment, interview, or interrogationof detainees by Far personuel r which you believed to
be Inappropriate, LiiiPrPfes,sionalutOprclye,.ahu'SiSte, or unlawful?
Ore's. QI*5 ObtotRecall
16a, Who provided this training, tristrugtiOn, Orguidarice,,and Where did you receive it?
Word of mouth'from "§SAsfrom our unit.who had been assigned on earlier rotations to
GTMO, they raised some concerns practices and activities they had observed
Which they felt were contrary to 134reeti policy, Or at least raised doubts about hoW we
Were supposed to interact With other agencies -With policiestliffeeentfrorn oni , own.
166, 13riefly.gle.s,cribe the "subStantedf the train ing r instn_titiOn,. orgUicianCe. prOVided to;you.
As mentioned, 'past word, of mouth:, In-house, QIRG management simply .t41 us to
report anything we felt was of conc ern ' during our respective Wgrirriet1,t8 In qtmQ.
16o. Wa;s::'eny of 'the, training, iristruCtioni or 'guidance provided In, writing ?
0Yes eNo Q Do: (Via Recall
7. In preparation for any-of your overseas deployments or aSsignments“Ild you receiye any training,
instruCtion„,orguidance dal -kerning 'What iy.OU Wer.e.SUPPOsed lo de if You .obServed Or heard 'abciut
'the treatnieriti ItitervieWi hr interrogetiOn-of detainee§ by ribii-FBI persohnel,-Whicli you belieVed
to he inapprop riate„..unprofeSsional„ xnerciVe, abusive, or unlawful?
c:Wes ONo ,ODo Not„Recall
'Ia. Who prOvided,, 'this training; instructiorr 94,idPricet.-4nci 'where €110.Y0
Agin, just from -in-house,: I heard the shared concerns of 'OM SSAs who. had
preceded me in our rotational assignments there.
grieflydescribe the substance of the training, instruction-. or guidance provided to; you.
Nothing fortnal,,j4st Ongoing goritern6 expreSSed that Ou role -WaS perhaPs
inappropriater-orat a minimum not in line with'what the niiiitary andforother
intelligence agencies ` roles, rules, and expectations were.
!17C. Weser*: Of the training:, inStruttion,..or guidande proVided In- Writing?
O'Yes , No "(2) be Not Recall
B. Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
4:0= Outing any Of your overs,p$kpjoyment5 asigrirneritP, COO you rec011f•O anY' training, irOtruction,
o'rguidancetbnterning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment, interVieW,-or
interrogationcif 'detainees by FBI personnel?
OYes 0 No: ODo 'Not Recall
Of your !)verses dePlOyMentS Or' aSSig prnevts, ijid you receive anrtrAirtifigf instruCtion.,
-Or gulden& tencerniv0 the standards of ,condua 'apPlicdbld.tO the.treatment, interView r or
interrogation of detainees by non-FBI 'personnel?
ON° ODo Not Recall
.±0. by ring :Ony 'of yoof,Overs tieployrnentg or Osignrnerit$:, did you receive any.training, instrOctibri,
DOJOIG 000274
or guidanceconcernirig what you. v.vere'siipoosed to dolt, you ob served or ilard about the
treatment,. Interview; Or interrogation of detaineeS by FBI: personnel, Which you believed to be
inapprOPriate t uritirofeSsiOnal, cberthie, abu siVe„, 'or unlawful?
Oyes 0 N:o ODo NOt Retell
;21. During any of 'Your: overseas deployments or assignments, did -you receive a,ny' training, instRictigne:
or guidance concerning what you were WOOsod to do if you observed or 'heard about the
treatment,. interview, or interrogation -Of.detainees by non-FBIpersôñnel,, Which you belieVed to
be iriabpropriate,„unprOfessiOnal, Coercive, ;:abuSiVe, or utilaWfUl?
tYes„ ON o ODo `Not 'Recall
IC. Adequacy of Training,
22.1n y,ouropinion, did yOu receive adequate - training, InstruCtion, or guidance relating to 'standards
of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel relating to treatment, interView,, or interrOgatiOn of
;detainees, prick to-your ideployrnent Or assignment?
'0 Yes 0 No
22e. Please describe the 'ways* which you believe the training, instruction or :guidance was
ThereWes, rie clear-cut underStandIng Of'What the NCAVC's role was to begin with. Dncew,e gdtthere
'and .saw the operatiOnal conflicts with , the other agencies, there was nofollow up„ other than the
general, instruction to report whatever we saw -that was of concern Several NCAVC OS-As:who were
there prior to me did in fact document some of these concerns, - am not 'certain now: these were
addressed or handled, if a1 all
'23. In your-Oh-iron, did you receive adequate training, inttruatiOn, guicience relating to tterkiardS
of Cdriduct by. FBI:and -riori-FI p.erSOnnel relating, tO treatment, interVieWr & interrOgat,iOn of ,
:detainees during, your deplOytneritorassignmerit?'
0 Ye.',S 0 No
Please describe the wqys=in which ycu, believe the' training, instruction, or guidanCe was
Seeabthie- aner to 22a.
24.1n yoUroiAnidn, ti id yob receive adequate training,. inetrUCtiOn,,OrguidanCe conCeming, what you
were supposedtddo if yOU observed Or heard. abodt the treatment, interview„ orinterrOgetion of
detainees,- by 'FBI or non-FBI personnel, that you believed was inappropriate,: unprofessional ( .
CoerciVe, abusive, or unlawful?
.Z4a. Please describe themaIrt which you bei ieVe the training, InStektiOn or ';gpid ante Was
There 'should have been earlier acknowledgement or the issues thot;iNicAve- S,8:4 were raising, and
decisive action should have been taken so -that our role was more clearly :defined..
" •-• aro.,
DOJOIG 000275
'1A OU. 4 0 L8 r ib6: FAIN T .RVIE ER R8
254Optional) Iii what WOO an the FI3IIMProVe training Ori thiS subject for 'fOtur, dePlOYnientSor
SpeCific4uldeliries and instructions should beg iVeri, 'relative:to our interactient)Arith -ether agencies with
collateral 'or-conflicting •misSions.
26, 13.1eaSe previde,ariy additional information cOncernitiO training foreVerteaS dePloYment§Oi -
esSigrimentS of FBI Personnel you .believe Is relevant
Documentation of ourworkwas never fully defined, resulting in different SSAs documenting results of
our assistance different woo , No'feedbac was provided as to our mission, its relative..deg Tee (or lack
of same) pf qt.icc'esP:
introduction tci this section, we ing. infOrmgpn rtg411:11:69, Nitre range- of
interVieW .or interrogation teehr410et and other types of detainee treatment alleged to have begirred.
You should net assume, just, because we are asking about a particular technique er practice, that we have
concluded that it in Tact occurred, We recognize that some of these techniquesor ,practices may at times
be necessary for safety and security in a detention etting In acid itiori, we,recognizethatsorne of these
techniques er'pradtleet MaY 'fOruse by .nnilitan ax OthergOv'erriment peropriet.
With ',respect to each identified technique, `practice/or type Of:cOndUct.descri bed befoW . te5are .seeking,
information about its occurrence -during or in 'connection with the Interview or Interrogation of a
detainee, or during the detention Of a detainee beyond what is-neepledifor safety and security.
onto4; we sk you tQl0111 )1s. WhetlIe(Qne r more of the Following statements are true;:
1, I personallY obserVed , thiS Candi:let,
Eobserve,ddetainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
Detai nee(S) told me that this conduct had °CCU rrOd,
Others who observed this conduct described it to mo.
Ihave relevant infOrtatiorr Classified abOVe "SECRET".
,6; I never observed this conduct nor heard about' it from someone whodid.
27. Depriving adetainee of food or water
a. • r personally obSeNed thistonduet. . .
b: • II :Observed detainee(s)' in a condition that led me to. believe that This conduct had . ocetirred.
c.. • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had °earl med.-
d, • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above: "S E.CZET".
I never observed this conduct norheard ,a,bout, it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000276
28. Deprivh-icJ detainee orclQthin'
.a. 0 I pereOnallY Observed this;condtict
. . • I obserVed detalheet0 in a.condition-that led me to belieVe that this conduct had occurred.,
,c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred.
d.. II Others who Observed this conduct described it to me:
e.. I t have information 'classified above
f, I, neverobseryed this conduct nor heard a out it from.s9TepRp -wbo cpc1,. .
29. Depriving a detainee of sleep, or interrupting sleep, by frequent cell relocations. orother methods
,.. Eli: personally observed this tondUct.
b, • I' 0Ogerved cletainee(s) in 0:condition that led me to bellYe th4t;thiS cond:u4 had oeCnri'ed.'
0. Petainee(0., told me that this cOndutt. had Oddu rred.
Othem.wtio bb'Served this conduct described it to, me..
.. I I hage'relevant inforthation classified above "SECRET'.
f: • I' neVersobSerVed this .donduct nor heard about it fri-A,isaffieOrie, who did.
Please: prOVIdP the Oporpkirriate time 'frame during' whidh tflisCorldlictOcCurred.
FrOM (M/DilrYYYTorinat cr M/YYYY) to klvliDMYY'fbiTnat or MiYYYYY MA Retail
The 'detainee(s) treated in this way were located at the time in
" Guantanamo
'30 Af9 ha riitari
4 0 ,0ther Location
pD Dci NIcit ,1Wp11
L Pleaseidetitifythedetainee(s) by name and niirriber:
I do not recall Any specific detainees who were subjected to this treatment
1. Please, identify' the, Del -Sot-10) who treated the, detainee(s) iii this:: n'ormor! , indlud ing their
narrie(s),'and n'jciverrirtientag-enWles):
I'd o not recall any specific agencies involved.
k. Please identify,anyOther FI per sonnel Or non-F,BI. personnel Stigh6,obgerVed daaltiebk9" treated
in this manner,. including their name(s) and agency(les):
'IAO Tiqt recall' anyone.
DOJOIG 000277
I. This cpflduct Occurred ii cOnneetiOri with:
1 0 One detainee
2 9 :Several detainees p-9
30 Many detainees (more than 4)
4® Do Not Recall
m. (Optional) Please describe the relevant circumstances in more detail:
30. eating a detainee
• it personally-obServed this conduct.
b. • 'observed detainee(s) in a cOndition that. led me to, believe that this conduct had occurred.
c.. III Detainee(s) 'told Me that this conduct had oCCuired.
-c; aim
• 1
Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• (I' have relevant intOrmatlonclassified above ''EC13:Er''.
II never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did.
51.-LISirig water to prevent breathing by a detainee or to Create the sensation Of drowning
1,pv. 0 IT pe,rscinaprooervo thiScprichict.
lb. • robserved:detainee(S) in ,a Condition that led me to helleVe that -this conduct had occurred.
IC. • betaine() told me that this" conduct hod b ccorreSd.
id. 0 Othet5 WhO observed:MS conduct described it to Me. '
e. 0 I' have relevant information:Classified above n.SECRET'.
i f L I never observed thiSs,ccitiduCt nor heard about it froM scirneeneWhP did.
32. ,using hands, rope, Pranything else, tO choke or strangle a detainee
. III I personally observed this condiftt. . 1
I Iobserved detainee(s):iria;CanditiOnthat led Me to believe that this ConclUCt had °Courted., i
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
, • Others who observed this'conductdescribed it to me.
e. • I, have relevant information classified above " ,S:CRET.
DOJOIG 000278
I never observed this conduct nor heard about It from someone who did.
E33.,Threateriiit other action to ,Cause physical bairi,, injury, diSfigurepent, ordeath
0 I, personailrobserved this conduct.
• I' observeddetainee(s), in a:cond itipn that led me to.believe that ,ttlis conduct had occurred..
e: 0 Detainee(s) to mg that this:conduct had pcgd Red,.
• • 4 thers who observed this' conduct described it to mg*
- • I have -relevant Information Classified abOVe"SWI2Er.
f. I I flier Observed' this conduct nor heard about it frorriSOrrieOtieWhO did.
734; Other treatment or a:ctiosigrii§jtig significant pihySical rain or injury,- 'or gpti$Fri4 ;:Oiligur,ornent py
a. I 'I personally Observed this cOnduCt.
b. • ,LobserVed 'detainee(sy in a cond itionthat led me to believe thatthls conduct had occurred -.
-c: • betainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred.
. ., • Others who observed this conductdescribed it to mg. , .
e. • ;have relevant int-on-nation da0f1oci a bOve "ECAEt". .
..»^: ^
I I. never observed this:conduct -nor heard a 1?out: it from .someonesyvhp' did:
15.- Placing a detainee on a hot surface or burning a-detainee
a; N. t pers,onelly observed this conduct.
b. • . II' observed ,detaine00 in .a condition that led me tO believe thot this conduct. had occurred..
. • Detainee6)- tOld he that this tondtfct had :Occurred.
. . • !Others who observed this Conduct described It t0; me.
e. El I have releVarit iriforMatiOn classified abOVe "SECRET ° .
f. . El 4i neverObServed thfs!tbriduCt 'nor' licaa I'd 'about it frorri,SOMeOrie Who did
DOJOIG 000279
:36. Using 'Shatides.dr Other restraintS in a prOlohgeci lrienrier
'. • I personally observed thiS,conduct.
t, •• Lobserved detainee(S) in 'axond Mon that led me to: believe that thls conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
4, 1E1 Others who observed this conduct described it to me,
e, • • I. have relevant InformatiOn clasSified above "SE(RET% ,
'f; • I ,never observed this Tonduct,nor heard _about it frorri„s9nlegne who did.
v. Please provide the approximate time frameduring, which thisconduct occurred.
FrorrrM ');))* format or mmyY1 t9 , (01/Dffinerformat or 1\11?)*). IDo Not Recall
h. The detainee(s1 treated in this way were located at the time in:
1 El .Guantanamo
D Iraq
3 CI .A.fghanistan
4 0 'Other LOcatiOn
50 Do Not, Recall
Ffifse idotify the:cietalnee(s): by flame and. nOrnber;
tarn not aware. Of any speCifit detairieeS subjected tOth is type Of' treatrrient.
j,. Please identify the person(s)' who treated, the. detainee(s) in this manneL, including their
Vcannot,recall any iridbilduais or uieJragency or !lotion. .
k Please identify any other FBI personnel or non-FBI 'personnel who observed detainee(s) treated
in thismanher, indlUding, their name(s) and ‘Oority:(i6`s):.
I,cannot recall anyone,
This conduct occurred in connection with
'1 Oil One detainee
2 0 , everal, Oetairi,et5 (2-41
0 Mani, detainees (more than9
4 Ac.) Do N.Ot Recall
rrh (Optional) Pleasedelcribethe relevant circumstances in rna;r04etail:,
37. Requiring a.detaineetO Mainthin, or reStraining a detainee„in,, a streStfir I Or painful pOSition
a. • . I personallyobserved this conduct. .
b. • h observed detainee(s) In ‘P'orditiorr that led me to believe that this conduct. had occurred..
DOJOIG 000280
Detainee(s) told me. .t. hat this cond uct had occurred. •
d. j' who observed this conduct described it to me. ,
e., • t have relevant information classified above It$ECRET"..,
' ' I I never oServed. thlsondu,t nor heard ,ai?Ptit- it frorn someone Who did,
g. Please provide the approximate time 'frame -during„which this:conduct occurred.
From .(M/PMYY:fOrmat or M/YYYY) to (v/DMV 'format or M/YYVY) 121-0-o Not Recall
h. The detaineeks): treated in this Way Were located a the tirrie
2 E1 Iraq
3 El Afghanistan,
4 0 Other Location
5 0 Do Ma Recall
PleasOcleritifythe detairieecs iv name and ntmibep::
thave no ,spedific names Of any:detainee0.Vho weretre'ated this Manner.
j, Please identify the person(s) who treated the detainee(S) in this manner, including their
name(s) arid govermnent ,agency(les);
tcarinotreCall a nynarnes 6r agendieS,
lc. Please identifyarly other FBI personnel or non-FBt :personnel Ish-chobserve0 cletarnee(g) treated
in this Mariner', including their name(-) and .agericifieS):.
I cannot, recall any names.
I'. Thisconduct occurred in connection with:
1 0. One detainee
2 0 'Several detainees (.-.=i)
3 .0 mony Aetaineos :(mpre than 4).
4 -0: Do,Not Recall
m. (0:ptipnl) Please - dew:I belhe relevant. ctrcumstnces M more,detall:.
Fbiting' a-detainee to perfOrt demanding physical exercise
a. • I personally observed this contio,ct.
b'. • I observed detainee(s) in a conditiorithatied me to believe that this conduct had occurred..
c. • Detainee(s)told.rne that this cnrirtu4 had q.ccurred.
d:. • Others who 'observed thigi2r1t104 described it to me:
e. • t have 'relevant Information classified aboVe "SECRET'''.
f gr I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000281
Using electrical shq0con a detainee
a. III I, personally Observed this conduct.
M Lobserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to. believe that -this COndlict had occurred:
Detainee(s) told Me that this conduct had :occUrred. •
Others who observed this conduct described it to. me.
• L have relevant Information classified above .P8.ECRET"..
I never' observed' this conduct nor heard about it from;sompone-who did,
-40. 'Threatening to use eleCtrical shockori,a detainee
- . I. I personally obseNed thistanduct;
b , 111 T017.served detaidee(s) - in a co.nd tort that led .ma to believe that :this Condutt had OcPUrrecl.,
.., • Detainee(s) told Me that This conduct had occurred.
d. U. Others who observed thig Cadduct described It tO me.
e. II L have relevant information classified above, "S;ECRET A-.
f. El II rt observed this COOduCt nOr heard abbut it frOms.t,irdeOneign -o did,.
Intentionally delayidgordenying d taIreemec1Ical are
a. • I' personally observed this conduCt.
b. • tobserVed detainee(s). in ,a.cOndition that led ine to believe thatthis conduCt had Occurred.
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. • Cithers who observed this conduct described it to. me.
e. • I have relevant information dassiffed above 'sCRET **,
f. El I never-observed this -conduct nor heard about it from someone who 0 id:
.42. Hooding or blindfolding, a detainee:other than during transportation
DOJOIG 000282
a. 0 I- personally-observed thisconduct.
Ix, • I'observed detainee(s) in aeonciition that led me to believe that-this conduct had :occurred.
. I Detainee,(s) told me that this , conducthad Oecurred,
A. 0 Others whp -ob'seryed this conductdescribed It to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above' "StCREr'.
f. El I` never observed' thls:tpntkct nor heard 'about it frormsgrrieone'whO did.
v. Subjecting a Aetainee, to extreme!, cold or hot room tem eratures for extended periods
I. persOnaliy Observed this-conduct.
b .[ I observed .detainee(s), in ,a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had octprred.
C. • 'ootainee(s), told MO that his conducthad .oCctirred.
d • ()them Who observed this conduct described it to Me,
n. • .r, haVereleVaritinforrnatiOn classified a boVe 7S,ECRET".
f. I 'I heifer observed thiseonduCt nor'heard about it from someone,Who did.
44.'Su Wetting a detainee:to loud music
a. l • I personally observed thisconduct. 3
,obserye0 detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
111:3Lktaine(s) told Ire that this conduct had occurred,.
Others who ;observed this condudtdesorthed it to me.
t have releyarit Information classified above "SECRET'',
I never observed this conductrior heard bout' it frornsomepne'Who did.
g. Please, provide the approximate time frame during, which this conduct occurred.
From 07105M0.5:to 67/.2/10_08 0D.0 NOT Recall
h. The. detainee(S) treated in this way were located at the time
2 ti 'Iraq
4 0 ,00-10r LoCatiOn
50 Do Not Recall
DOJOIG 000283
I. pleate identify the detainee(S), by name and„ nUrriber:
I do not krioW - the interview Was UnderWay in a room adjOining the:booth from Which as
'observing another Interview, on the opposite side; I cannot recall the specific:date:on which this
(Kid Occnrred,
,I. Please identify the person(s)' who treated the detainee(S) in this rnahrier;, including theilname(
s). and government .agencyciesi:
nOt know -'see above, 1:
k. Please identify, anrother FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel -whoobserved detainee(s) treated
in this manner,: including their name(s) and egency(ies):
I clO rkit recallany narrieS.
I. ThisCOriduCt 'occurred in cOnnection With:
.1, .0 'One detainee
2 0 Several detainees (2-4)
3 0 Many detainees (more than 4)
Q PP' Not Recall
m. (Optional) Pleasedescribe the relevant circumstances in moredetail:
'ThiS activityVs'iebt on fol- approximately aff, to,45 filiffutes„by y*Stii -ndtet with interrogators
entering and exiting the room to confer as to the effect -the,music was having the detainee.
Also 'note: This activity was taking place along with the':pplivkyijescribed irrrny answer below to
guestiOn # 4,5;,
:45. 'Subjecting a detainee to bright flashing lights or darkness
Z I personally ObserVed this:COI -I:Wet. . • I;obserVed„cletairiee(Sy in a COntlitiOn that led In to, belleVe that this conthidt. had occurred., • Detainee(S)-tOld me that this COrid Litt had oCturred. • . Other who observed this conduct described it to tne. ' " . • I have relevant information clasSified above "SECRET"-. I I, never observed. this conduct nor heard about it "from: someoneWhO did.
4. Please provide .the approximate tirrie Trani& diking Which this CbtidtIct OCciirred.
From 07/0,5/2603 to: 07/22/20O3 .1:112o Not Recall
h. The detalnee(s) treated. In this way Were located at the time in
1 O'GUatitanarn0
2 0 Iraq
Cl Afghanistan.
-4 0 'clther LO,cation
5E1 Do NOt Recall
DOJOIG 000284
PleaseIdentify theAetainee(s) by name and ntimber:.
not know.
1. OleOte lei.entifSr'thg persOn(s) Who treated the detaitleg'(*) in 't1i15- Mnherr includingtheir
narrie(S) arid OverrimentagencgiesY:
rib not know.
k. Please idetitifY- anybther FBI personnel or nn-FBI personnel Who -observed. detainee(S) ,treated
in this manner, including their name(s) anti agency (les):
f, dd rot knowVmt nam.
I. This-conduCt occurred in connection with:
t.9 :One, detainee
20. ,Several detaingeS (2.4)
30 Many detainees :(nior than 4)
4 V Do Not Recall
(OptIOnel),PleaSe deSchbethe„terthant cirtuniStarkes in tnOre Aetai I
'This activity inYOhi,ed the same ihdiidUas 1d the:Sarrie detainee aS destribed, in niy atiswer to.
tple6titzin. # 44.,
•161.1.satintaletainee ft a extended -periOd
• I personally -observed thisconduct, , .
b. I I observed detainee(S), in ;a -cond ition that led me to believe thatii is 9;1104„ had .occurred.
c:. El Detainee(s) told 'rue that this conduct had ioccorred.
'cl. l others who observed this 'priduct`ti,escribed it to The,., .
e. • I haVe rgleVphPihfolinatIcinclatsified a bove: ""SECF0'1,
f. II r ne!cif 0.1?5,erved this 6ndUtt nor heard ahourit irOrns,orneone,Who did.
Please proyklelhe approximate time :frame during which thIscondpct occurred.,
Frt AYW, format or M/WW) to (M/D/yArtY fOrmat or Iteli) Ow) NOt, Recall
h. TtiTletaineers) treated in This way were !opted at the tin-le in:
gi Guantanamo
2 0 'Iraq ;
'3.0 kg ha niStan
4 El ()thee' Location
50 Do, Not Recall
teihtiNtlitletainee(0) tiy-barne and' NM bat::
rdb not, MOW ofa•n: y• Spe• cificdetainees subjected to 'thi'streatinerit.
DOJOIG 000285
'jj. Please identify the person(4Who.treated. the detainteCs) in this manner, including-their
name(s).and government agency:(les):
I do not know any names:.
k.'Pleaseidentify anykitber FBI personnel or now:FEJ personnel 'who - observed, detainee(s) treated
in this 'Manner, Including their narnets) and agencY00*
I do not know any names.
I. T.his.conduct occurred. In .cori nectron with
I 0 -One detainee
2 0 Several detainees (2-4),
p Many detainees ("more; than 41
40 Qpisot Retail
in, (Optional) ,Please describetrie,relevant circumstances in more.detail:.
.47. lasing duct tape to restrain, -gag, -or Punish, a ',detainee
a. II I. personally, observed tbis;conduct.
b. n I observed detainee(s) in -a coed ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. n Detainee(s)•told me that this conduct had occurred.
d: D Others who observed this conduct described it to: me.
e. n I have relevant inforrnationclassified above- "OECIIET"':
c. Ef I never observed thit-OndilOt nor heard about it from .sOrneorreWhO-0 id.
46. Using rapid response teams and/or forced cell extractions
a. 0 I personally-observed thiscoridua .
b.. n I observed-detalnee(s): Ina 4ondition that led me to: believe that this Conduct' had oCcurred,
c. 111 Detainee(s), told me that this cOnduCt had :occurred.
o • n OtherS Who obServed thit tolid Uot deStribed it to Me.
e n r haVe relevant inforrnatiOn tiaSsified abcive 'SECRET".
f1 ET I never observed this corititiet nor heard a bciut. it frorrisoineone*ho did.
49. ,Using .rnilitarY working dog on :r -near a:tietainet other than during detainee transportation
DOJOIG 000286
' .. • L personally observed thisconduct :
0 tobserved detainee(s) in ebondition that led me to believe that'this conduct had occurred..
• Deteinee(s) , told me that this conduct had 'occurred,
Ubtohtheerrss who observed this conduct described It 'to me; • [have relevant information classified above "StakEr.
II I never obterved. this,(Onduet nor heard'abOut it from,Scimeonewho did.
g. Please provide the approximate time frame 'during )4110 h is conduct kfcciirred.
From:Nib/NV fprmt Or M/YYYY) tg,(M/D/Y -WY 'format or m/Yra) 101Y,0101 Recall
h. The detainee() treated in thts way.were located -et the time In:
1 Cl Guantanamo
O freq
3 Cl .AfghaniStan
4 0 Other Location
B 0 Do NOt Rell
Plesseldentify the -detainpe(s) and number:
not knoW of arty speCifiedetainees who;VvereStibjected to thiStreatrhent.
identjfy he persons) 11,/ho treated the cie14,4,1e), in This, rria.,oper, , I,110-icring their
name) atlgoverhirrentagency(leS.:
Idb. nbt knbW Of the names 'Of any perSiOns-w,ho participated in thisettiViW.
Please IdentifY ,Onyotner FBI personnel or non-Fbr personnel W110,, observed detainee(s) treated
inthiS5rilanner., inCIRding their narrte(s) and agencytie:'
18i SSA] 1126{h Nc4Vti.
I. this 'conduct occurred in connection with:,
, 1 ib One detainee
2:0 :Severei doaines
3 0 Manjr. detainees (more than 4:),
410 D,o Not gecall
m. (Optional) Please describet be relPvant circumstances: in more-detail:
.56. Threatening to use Working dogs On' or:near a detainee
,. • I personaltrobseryed this-conduct.
b., • l'o*.rve0 detainees, in a,cOndition-tbOt led me, to t.P11PYP that this conduct had .occurred..
c, • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
d . • Others- who -abseil/0d tf4 conduct described it P5, !Tie.
DOJOIG 000287
Ie. q I have relevant Information classified above "SECRET
Ei I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Si. Using .spiders, scdrpiOhs, sriakeS or Other anierials-on or near a detainee
a; n I personally - observed this conduct. .
4... n 1 observed 40.oir)Ots), jn ‘o conclitLort that led me, t9 . bvelie.v. that 01P conduct had occurred.
C. n Detainee(s) told me that this, conduct had occurred.
d. n Others whO Observed this COnduct described it tO ine.
. n I have relevant infOrtnatiOnClaSsified above "SECRET".
f. En never observed.thiscondutt hot- heard it from someone Who did.
:52. Threatening to usestilders,.gcOrpionsi :SnakeS, or other animals' on a detainee
a. n i persOnallyObserVed thisCbilduCt.
b'. n LbbserVeddefaihee(s)" in a.coridition that led Erie tb belleVe that this COndutt had Occurred.
. . ^a I A)
n Detainee(S)-tOld me that "this conduct had Occurred.
0- Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
I have relevant information clasSified above'SECRET" ,.
never- observed this conduct nor heard about it from: someone who did.
53. ,DisresPeciffil statements, handling- r ot:actions involvi ng, the Koran ..
a, n I personallrobserved this -conduct.
b. q 1 observed detainee(s) in 'a -condition that led me, to believe that this coriduct had7cOoUrreci.
q Detainees) told mg that this conduct had occurred:
d . n Others who ,observed thiS, conduct described It to me.
e; n I have relevant inforrhatiOn classified abbVe ".SECRET"'.
f. E I never observed this:COI:duet nor heard ;about it frOm.serrieone'Whe did.
DOJOIG 000288
54. Shaving a 'detainee's; facial or Other haittit; erriberrasSOr humiliate a detainee.
a.. 0 I' personally observed this..conduct. . .
b, , IIII Lobserved'detainee(s) in a-,condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred,
• Cietainee(s) told ma that this conduct had 'occurred.
I iOther $' who observed this conduct described it to me;
e. • IT, haye relevant information classified above "Sgt.
' . l 'I neverobserved tilts-conduct nor heard about it from PrIl0Q,riewho did.
55. Placing a woman's-clothing ,on a-detainee' ,
a. LI '1 per nalivObserved this conduct.
b. LObSerVed , detaineeW in .a.cOndition that led ,me -CO believe that this conduct had dtcun'ed..
i. • ,Detainee(s) told rrie that thiS'Ond Cit' had .occurred,. , . .
d. 016th:et's,' Who obSerVed :this cOridudt described It to, tne.
. El ,I, haVe releVant information Classified abbVe "SECRET".
1 f. I IE1 ,I neVerob,SerVed this &Wild nor heard .abOlit: it from,sorriebrieWho did.
.56. TduChin -â-dèthi ,oractFni toWarde detainee in.a sexual:Maw-1,ot
6.1 • I personally observed' this:conduct.
b. • EL,observed detainees) in --a:cond'pori that led me to Oelleve.thatthis conduct:had occurred,
c, 0betainee(s) told The that this conduct had occurred,. ,
121 7,Oth'er' who observed this conduct described it to me:
• I. have reigvOrit Ihr9rgAt10, -n classified P.I19Ye ''g,CR 17 , „ .. „ . .
• never observed this conduct nor heard about It from:sorn,eprie'whO did.
Please provide the approximate time frame -during which thisconduct occurred.
El-m:(IVMM format or Ivit*et:') to (tvvDpAire format or M/YYW) FrEo Not Recall
h.thedetainee(s)tre.atecl inthis way. were located at tie time in:
EZI Guantanamo
0 Iraq
3 CI Afghan istan
4 0 othrLocatiOn
DOJOIG 000289
S O ti? Not Recall
I, -Please identify the detainee(s) by, name and number;
Ldtj not foiOw cif any 'POMO`,
'please- identify the person(S)wh0 treated the detaineect), in thiS Manner, including their
name(s). and govemmentagency(ies):
Unsure, Ilkttone person y 'female military, employee or contractor ha,c1.Deen.PQInted opt -as- having
done lap dances On detainees, inan effort.tO huMiliate them and ,Ponlehow elicit cooperation. Not
surprisingly, I .never heard any "POsitiVe, result& frorri the use of this "teehniqUe."-
k, Please. identify any other FBI perSdnnel or non-FBI 'personnel who observed detainee(S) :treated
ii this nrianher,,- including their name(s) :end
Ida not knowof any names.
This conduct occurred in connection with:
I, 0 One detainee
2:0 several detainees (--4)
3 0 r!bhy:iietaine'%, (fhPrO than '21).
4 0 DO NOt Recall
(optioni) Please describe the relevant circunistenteS in mOr,cletell:'
57. Holding' detainee(s). Who Were not officiallyeeknoWleded Or registered aS.stich by the .ageney
detaining the person.
al III I personally o,pSerVed thiscondUct•
. • I observed detainee(s): in :a,condition that led 'me to. believe that :this conCluct had occurred.
El III IDetainte(s).tOld Ine that this COnd Litt had 'ciurred.
• • Others WhO 'obterVed thiS conduct described it ta the.
• L have releVarit infOrrnation classified a bOVe H.SECRET".
i r bever observed this. COnduCt tior , heard a bbtit it ‘frorrisSOrneone Who did.
58,, Se rid ind a detainee to ano,thercOuntry for -pre agg tessiVe interto.gatiOn
a. II I personallyobserved this conduct.
b, • Vobserved detainee(S) in :a:condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. • !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had Occurred,, ,
I Others who (*sewed this conductdescribed it to me.
e • -.1; have releyarit information classified above "06R.Ell'',
DOJOIG 000290
never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
59. Threatening la Send a detaineeto another coinit rr for detentiOnOr Mbre addreSsive . iiiterrOgation
a. • I, personally observed this conduct,
b. • ,T observed 'detaineeW in a cond itj,(:)hpt 10 me to believe that this conduct had 'occurred.,
C. • betaineeNtOld me that this conduct hadoccurred.
d • Others who -ob,served this 0,1140 4-4Scrihed it 'P.,' trlej
e. II t have relevant information claSSifted aboYe 'S,E,RET'''.
E Ef is never ObServecrthistOtiduct nor heard abb(t it from sOrneorieWhO did.
'Threatening to take action against edetainee'S family
a. I I ilei-Sonally:ObSerVed thiscotithiet.
b. • 'I, ObserVed detairiee(S), in :a cond itiOrrthat led me to. belieVe that this Conti Litt, had =,OcCUrred,
C. • D,etainee(s) told in that this conduct had :6CCurred.
-a Qi
• Other § who ,obSerVed this cendUct.deSeribed it to the
• I. have relevant information classified above '!SECRET!.
tF. El I neverobserved this.conduct nor heard about it'fronisomeone who did.
Othertreatment or action causing severe emotional or PsyttioldOleal trautna to a 'detainee,
,a., • I, personallyobserved this conduct. .
• robserved -detaineetS1 in a:condi0On that red me to believe thap this conduct had'9,Cciirred. ,
0., • betaine(s) tOld Me that t WS ConclACt had ,occurred,
d. • Others. whp plYerlygc1 this gond act deScribed it tO, rrte.
i. • I have relevant Information 0a:0-sifted 'alsovo:. '$ . RE-r.
f. El I never observed this nduct nor heard a bdut it frim someone who did.
.-62; Other -reli ious bpsexual, harass,Ment or hUrnitiatiorrof a detainee-
DOJOIG 000291
a. Q
j personallyobs,erved thisconduct.
observeddetaineeN in -e'cOncl Mori that led ,me to' believe that this con:duet had ,oteurred,
• betaineeKtold:rne that this' cond,uct had occurrecti • ottiorg‘ who observed This. c031011-1t described it to me,
e. • f have tele Niant InfOrtriatioti elattified,abOve''SECREr.
. El 1 never obsprvoci, this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Other treatment of.‘adetainee that in your opinion' was unprofeSsiOnal, undAily ,harsh 'OraggresSive i
coercive, abtiSiVe, 'eurilawful
a. • I personally observed this conduct.
11, • I observed detainee(s) in'a condition that led me to believe that-this conduct had occurred.
o., • Detainee(s).told me that this conduct had occurred,
d . • Others who observed this conduct described it to met.
, • I have relevant information classified above "'',
j. 0, 1 riev,er obserVed this conduct nor heard about it from:someone who did.
4. Did you observe any impersonation of FBI personnel branyoneduring an interview.or 'interrogation of
O Yes, No
65. Do any' detainee or other person tell you that he or she had witnessed the Impersonation 'of, f81
personnel in connection witiya, detainee interview or interrogation?
0 Yes 0' NO'
66 Are you aware of anY"I.Share ,Or'staged" -detainee interviews or interrogations conducted for Members
ofthe U.S. Congressortheir staff?
0 Yes .0- No
67. To 'your knOW.ledger :d id any military or intelligence *Sonnet 'ever. :deny ordelay FBI'access toa
.detainee the FBI wanted to question becausethedetaineew sustained, injuries after he was captured?'
byes bi\lo
DOJOIG 000292
:00. Did:you ever end you participattin In O senatlt f 011etainee irrtervieW or interrogation
IsecauSe '01110 interview Or intOrOgaticiri rnethod,s. being used?
Y.PP; Q No
.6D,I .Were you ever told thatanotherfflIemployeeended his:.or her participation in or observation of, a-
-detainee interview gr interrogation because of the 'interview- or ',interrogation methods being -used?'
Nk!'.e, No
D,u ri rig a riY fyoui oovereàrssedaesp1ôyhiehts or assignments did )01.1,.tePart anY -Coricerns regard ing
any deta ineeintery few or interrogation practices, or .othertypes of detainee treatment, to an FBI
yes' Q' No,
70a. When and to whom did you make this report?
Upon my return to NCAN7C at Quantico, -I 'added my voice of concern to those
who had already expressed tesebtatiOnS about Practleesarid activities
observed at 61-1910.
706, Did- the report relate to: to-ndUct.by FBI or persdnhel?
I El,reillersgntieJ
Identify the,agenoy, with which- the- non-FBI personnel were affiliated.-
70c, Was-this. report in writing?
I ElYes
70d. Wasany a"ctkin taken in response toNdur report?
3D.NOt, krjofr
as/bpf di7'00:6Ett deployments or OSigninentS,,didYgu repOrtA/Vorroging retAtdirig any
cic.f4100,1401-Aliqw`Ot haterrogation practices r Ofbef types al614,:fgeg-toa,Votit 3104OPeVe,g P-111:401,
aida, tge non-FBI. supervisotor other non-FS,/ personner
Yo- .0 INg.
72. Have you ever been ordered or directed . not-to repprt„ or discouraged ;,1,0 any way from reporting,
qbservationSgr allegations related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
Yes 0- No
Have you experienced any actual or threatened retaliation for reporting observations:or allegations
oldetaineetreatment g,r interview-or interrogationactions or practices?
Ye Inlo.
4.(Optional) PleaSe -proVide any additiOnal comitents regarding the repOftirig -of 'concerns related to
DOJOIG 000293
interview or interrogation technique, detention practices, 'or -other-detainee treatment.<
75, Wereyou tleprieteci r, other than the :starictarci debrief in FD-77:2„- cOnCerniPg YOur :overseas,
AS$1qntrient(0 ordePtoyrnehtW after ysfiu .cOrripieted the tleployrner*) Or „e$ig nrifer*)1 .
Q: 'Cgs No
AdditiOrial COrtirrieritkand Retorrimendations:.
'1110rik you. for your -codpration n compItirig
DOJOIG 000294
A. Personal Information
Department'of Justice Inspector General qups,tionnaire Regarding Detainees
As of the last time this questionnaire, was saved, some requires' fiels have not been completed.
PleaSe review your respOnSes.
PleaSe,Provide the-follOWing inforitatiOn ,.
'First name
2., Middle initial:
Last name:.
4., Entered. tiff Duty Date (E00:
(*urr.ett"01Y.ision/rield office:
:6,, Current fob; title;
7. Direct,A ia I affiCetelephdne huniber:
8. FBI cell Pherienurnbet:
110.Best contact number foryom-
B. Background of Specific Deployments or Assignments
11.. Ateny, time eft-et:septet-rib& 11, 2o:01,, did yet" serVeaS a Merriber of the U.S. Military, or aS an,
- employee ,or contractor of the. FBI,or-any Other .government agency,rat Guantanamo Baye tuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas' controlled by the :14.0, Military or a V.,5. intelligence service in connection the
global War on terror? .
Yes 0 No
12. Enter the jqmberf time:Sip:Ai Were d OP lOyed ,or•asSig ned tOeachof theibliowirig Magoris',
,(GUalitariatno Bay, tUtiac,Iraqi,Afghanistanbr ina ny, areas co ntr011ed 'by the. WS.. Militaq or a LI.
intelligence scirCP)I;1-
FOe:eath deployment or asSignment odinpletethe following Section.
LocatiOn(s-elo•ct: ono) PeploY.rnO.nt'Or40i0'nrYelit .00Pri Ete014.0infit or As.1:itinruant ended on
about or
01:141:440 00 ,114Y ' (M/DPNYY format or MNYYY) (M/DJYYYY format or miroty)
1,2,a. What was thegeneral nature 00 purpose of your assignment ,and
TeChnical Investigative Pi-Oram Manager
12b. please provide the , names Of thespediflocamps, basest or facilities where you worked.
Camp pgto;:ct,tanWnar_no gP11; ttta,,
Nolo: iffOrMA.tiotial3put a specific.carn11, 138 -se,. Or facil'i tiys classified ;above SECRET,
please check. here 0, include in your answer that you have ''additional information classified 'above
'SECRETrand, if you knOW,Identifirthe,cleSsifitatiori, level, 'ticket, :corn Oartrifent; ,prog rani, Dr -sother
d esig nation th,aapplie-g-ihe;'information.., Do not inoludethe-acicJitionar,elassified information In your
DOJOIG 000295
A. Training Prior to Overseas DeployMent or Assignment
q vesticinnaire responses, 01,0 personnel With the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it.
Name *Posltiop'
-,, .42e. Rid you jointly kg-06/W or int0i-tonate any detainee with non-Mt oetsohne)? .r•
i i Q r Y..04 0 NO 1
12f. Did yonjoiritly, plan any detainee interVieW .itst interrOgatiOn :strategy, objective, or tactic S With nan-
IFBI personnel?
it, Yes O NO
12.g Wereyou ever otherwise involved in detainee'interYtew or interrogations with non-FBJ personnel?
() lo
'Did you receive any training, instrottiorr, or guidance specifically in preparation for aril of Your
tiVerseasdeplOYitentS or assignments?'
OWS 0 N.0 -0Citi Net Retell
13a. Wh9 orovided this Limping, ingtogtion, ar'Quidance,:and where did you receive it.?
SS I ERE; Quantico -vigtelePtiOrie
Describe the subject pnwhich-you received this training,' instruction or guidance,
Travel log iStic:s, duties involved, and contact information
°Yes- PNo bo .Not, Recall
15.In preoatation.fa ny,of tint ove'rsea§ dplO ëhtsi assighmentS4 id you' receiVe. any: training,, •
instruction r'orguidance concerning the standard soficonduct applicable, to the treatment,
interview, or interrogation of detainees by non-:FBI personnel'
NO '0Do Not. Recall
16.Li. preparatiOn for any of your overseas deployi -neritSbr adsighinentted id You. recelveariy. training,-
instructioniorluidanc concerning what you weresupposed ta do if you observe(' heard -aboot
the treotrnent, interview, or interrogation of .pIetairtees by FBI personnel,, which you believed to
b:e inap,proprlata, unprofeSsional,,coerclye f 'ab.usiye, or ,uniawfu
Ores ,ONo Do Not Recall
17.- In Kew-0009r of your -overseas. dePIPYrnerks Or asOghTne(P. J'clicl you receiveany training,
inaruction,:tx.,0id4nite concerning what y,pu were,csuppIlSed to cio it :You tib$erY,dd or heard ,about
the treatment, 'Interview, or Interrogation of cietainoa by non-FAI persOnneirtOich you believed.
to ,be itiaPprapriateptinprOfessional,:cderchie, LinlaWful?
DOJOIG 000296
OYes •(5D0 Not,rtecall
B. Training During. Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. During any of you roVerseasdeployments or assignments', did you receive any tralnlng i instruction,
org,uid,anceconcerning the standards of-conduct applicable to the treatment, Inters/1w1 or
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
OY.45 IQ'NO ODO Not. Recall
Who, prOVided thiS training,. InstructiOn,, Or g(i arice?
Army personnel
1.8b. rieflydescribe the substanceorthe training, Instruction, orguldance provided to. you.:
APPriaPriatetariduct, reSPect, and facilities protedti resat camp Delta. Thit.WaS
provided asa guideline When being in or near the prison cells. I did not participate in
any interviews,
18c. Was any of the.training, instruction, or guidance provided in writIng7
OYes ONo Q DO Not ReII
burlrig ,any. Of youroverseas'deployments or assignments, did you receive any training., Instruction,
orguidanceconcerning the standards of -conduct applicable to'thetreatment, interView,;or
interrogation of tiet'aineei by non-FBI personnel?
0,Yes ONo p0, NO 'Re0 I
20. During any of youroverseasdeployments or asSignments, did you receive anytraining instruction„
org uid,arice concerning 'what you were:stipptled to do if you observed or heard about the
„ treatment,, intervieW -t, Or interrogation of d et4i40-es. by 'FBX 0011-0:nriel) ,Whipli you li.01100 ‘:t0 be
itiaiiprOprite, -uhOrbfe§siorial,coercive, abusive,. or urilawfUl?'
0-Yes- ,ONO :OD° Not:Recall
21 During any of yoroyersegs,deploymentg or assign-merits1 111cl you receive anttraininq, instruction,
or.guidarice,OhOrrith:g what you were supposeddo if you observed or heard about tl* •
treatthent, intervitikyor interrogation oftléttinees by non-FBI peetontielf which you-believed to I
be inappropriate, unprofessional,,coercive, abusive, or unlawful?
Yes ,ONo 009 Not F,ecall
C. Adequacy of Training
- „ „ _ , „„ • „„ „ „ „ „ „," „ „„ ,
youropiniOn, did YOii reCeiVe acle,quate, training, inStrUction,,teguidance relating ltO,,starOrd8'
of Conduct bY,FBI end "no,n-F131 iiettdrinel rel ating tor tr6atrritilt f interview, Pr interrO0atiofiAit
:detainees 'prick to yourdeploythent Or assignment?
0 Ye:s O. No
23. In youropinion, did you receive adequate training, instruction,. or guidance relating to:standards
Of conduct by FBI and non-FBI personnel relating' to treatment, Interview, or Interrogation of
DOJOIG 000297 .
detainees during your deplOyhient dr aSsig nmerit?
Q rio
24.in yObr-opinibri, did. you reteiVeadeqUatetrairibig, inStrtiction, Orguidarice ail -wen:Wig What y01.1
were supposed todo if you observed or heard. about the treatment Interviewer interrogation' of
detainees, by .FBI:or nonFBI personnel, that you believed Arila0n4pprop Ha*. unprofessional,-
coerCiVe, abuSive, or unlaWful?
'24a. Please describe the:ways:1n which 'you believe the training„ instruction'or guidance was
There was no tyaining, in this area, however, the atmosphere at GTMO that' I ,egperienced was
extremely prbfesio,h01. Idid not feel that military or government personnel - esp thote supervising
same - Were likely tocreateor condone Siith activity. As an FBI agent, I'Wou Id have knclikerto `proceed
with reporting and/addressing such inappropriate behavior..
• .25; (Optional) lkwhat Way S can the FBI inttiive teething on this _SUbject for faufe deOloyrnehts or
4. .,igilrnent 2-
I-feel that this awls somewhat likeethiss training.. Either you havel,t, or y011 don'ts- there's - no real:
'training that can m,othfy bebaylor is this way. The training could Icprost ;of proper pro... cdures g repprt.
Such incidents-- but should not *.hartither" personnel with'"Yolt shciuldn't do this' tYrecOf lecturgS, A
"brier ,On unacceptable behavior shoUld be ,Sufficient.."
ZO) Please provide any add Nona( InformatiOn'concerningtraining for oversea s deployments:or
assignments: Of FBI persOhnel you b,eliaye l reteyant
Introduction to 'Pert 1It; , IP this, ect(on , ware,seeking information regarding a, wide range of
interview or interrogation techniques "ohcf, other typ,s of ifp:Wittgg treatment NI:e0td to 1100 occurred
ou should :not assurnet SU a becaUse we are asking about a pa Wailer technique:dr practiee t that we have
concluded that it in factoccurred. We recognizethatsome of these -techniques:or practices mayat times
be necessary for safety and security in a deteniionsetting... Irligoditicia, we recognize that some Of these
techniques or pract(ceS, friay.:haife,beon ulAtIgi-id forum by rriiiiwiti:rothoi. grAfe-mtnerit 00.01iinM.
With .respect taeach identified technique, practice rortype,OtconductdesCribed belovi,„Mleiate seéJiiig
information about its occurrence during or in -connection with the interview or interrogation of a
detainee;.or during the detention of a detainee beyond what is.needed for safety and security.
In that Oritat, we will os15; you to 'tell ti5AKIKethg.r .gtiO or more of th.f011oWirig
1, rpertonallybliserVed this zonal&
Lobserved detainee(s)•in a condition that, led meto:believe that this conduct had occurred.
Detain:84s) told ,rne that this Or-duct had pOturred.
DOJOIG 000298
Others who observed this cancluctdes.cribe&A to. me. ,
have relevant oforrnation classified ab:Ove,"SEC,RET"..
6 I, river-olise'rY0d this conduct nor .heard about it from ,SOmecine'Who, did.
1. Depriving a detainee- offood or water
1. • IT 0,ptp9noilypboorved, this conduct
• L,Observe& tietainee0) in a condition‘ that led me, to belleVe tha this conduct had occurred.
• betain(s)told rhe that this conduct had Oc.urred.
Zt:$ I
• Oth,ers: who 'ObSerVed this tondUtt,destrked it to me.
e. • I have relevant InfOrmationcia'ssified above "SECREr'''.
f. 2 I her observed this :condutt 116f:heard 'about. it from sonleoriellvlio did.
'28. Depriving a detainee of clothing
a; • Ir personally, observed this conduct.
b. • rpbgerveci detainee(s) in a‘Condition. that led me tO believe th#t.litS,.5qnduot had occurred:
• .Detainee(S.) told me that thiScondUct had octurred.
II thers whO Observed -tn conduct describedit tO hie.
• 1 haVe,rele,Vant infOrrnatiOn classified äb0\4"SECRET'.
f. RI I never obterVed this.:conduct nor heard abbut it fronlsorneorte'Who; dtd.
29. Depriving a detainee of sleet,, or interru iting Sleep b, *ea uent cell relot efionS.o.rother rriethods
• • I' personally observed this conduct.
• I ObserVed detairiee(s) in ;6,,CanditiOri that led the to, belleVe thatthiS conduct had OcCUtred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
Others who obseryed this conduct described it to rne. i
• IT have relevant information classified above "SECIZEP".
RI a - -r-.•. -. - a ' : o •' 4 h - . 1- 6..‘se . on: is - .11- ' , '6 did,
z30. Beating a detainee
DOJOIG 000299
. • it personallyobserved thiS.conduct, ,
El [observed detainee(s) in acond 'doh that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
0 Others who observed 'this midi:xctdescribed it to me.
e. • I have relevant inforrnaticin classified above: ET'
f. RI I n,everobserVed: this Conduct nor Iva Ki 'about it from.sorrieone-who did.
3L Using -,waterto prevent. breathing by a detaiheeor to create The sensation of drowning
a. • '1 personally obSerVed this tOnduct.
b. oh observed detainee(s) lila condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • tDetainee(s).told me; mat this cond Litt had occurred,.
A. • pthers; who observed this conduct described it to Me.
e. • it have releVant information classified abOVe 'SECRET".
f. 1E1 frnever observed thIsccinduct norheard abbi.it it frorh: sOtriebrie Who did.
32. Using hands, rtipe,Or anything:else tO choke or strangle a:detainee,
a. I ,I personally observed this,conduct.
• Fr obseryed detainee(S) in a 'condition:that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
• EYetainee(s) told me that this conduct had pccu rred.
• Ipthers' Who Observed this torsduCt-desOribed it to me
e. • ti have relevant Information classified above !S;ECR -Er.
t Ei ti never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone: who did.
%althreatening 'other action - to 'Cause' p hys ical "in,r injury d isf ig,u rem ent, ordeath
S. ill perSonally observed this toricilict.
I. • I obsetv,ad,datainQa(0 iii a sti-h,d'itibri that led Me: tO belleVe that, this conduCt fial occurred.
&. 0 Detainee(s) told :rile that this - tort Lict had octUrred.
• others who .obstilied this cbindLitt desdribed it to Me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above ' ,SECRET".
DOJOIG 000300
f. I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
`34. 'Other treatment of attidn:Causing significant physical pain or injury, or causing disfigurement or
n I personalty observed this conduct.
n I:Observed efeWin*(0 ln A -000410th* led me to belleVe that:thig cOadYet : hOcictqgrod...
Pgoin(sj°Wici rtie that this- conduct bOd occurred.
:d,. n OtherSiwhO ObServad 'this etincitiet tloeilIi6d it to me,
e. n t have teitva,rit information. ClasSified aboVe ".SECRET":
f. I I never observed this conduct nor heard abdut it from sOrrieorie Who did.
S. Filaing a d'etaineport a, :hot surfaee or bu'rnirig :a detainee.
a. n I personally oliserV,ed this conduct.
. n I,observed detainee(s) in 'a-condition that led me to believe that-this, conduct had occurred:-
c: • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others who ohserved this conduct described it to me:,,
n r have releVant Intormatio'n classified .a.79vq-"4,ECRET''.
r. 0 I, never o,b,s,erved this conduct nor.heard about: it from someone who .did.
16, Using shackles or. other restraints in a prolonged manner
t personallyObserved this „conduct,
LObterved detairiee(0 oOnditiorithat led Me to, la'016,V6 that; thiS conduOt. had occurred.
0 Detainee(s) told iffe that thiS.COridIkt had occurred,
d. n others WhooliterVed 'this conduct deStrihed it to me.
e. III L hb\ie releVarit infOrrinatiOri elasSified aboVe "SECRET".
f. 171 I neVerObSerVed thisOOnduet norheard abOtit. it .fibrri ,Siirfi:eOria'Aivho did.
DOJOIG 000301
37. Requiring a detainee V) trialttain‘, Or restraining a detaineeih,.sttêssfut or awful bsitron
a. 0 1 personally observed this..conduct
b. ill I:observed" detainee(sy in a ,condition- that led me to:believe that this conduct had ,occurrec.,
c. • Detainee(s) told me that this-conduct had occurred.
=ei; ^,
• Others- who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I. have relevant information clas sified above "SECRET". .
C 21 I neverobserved thfs ,tonduct.npuherd ahput it from scRePhemhd did.
,38. Forcing a-detainee to -perform demand ingyhyslcal 'exe else
a. • . „. . .
I personally observed this.o)ndu.c.X.
h. • LObserved ,detaine(aY in A Ohd itiorithat led me td believe that this condutt had occurred.
C. • Detainee(s),toid Me that this. conduct had 0= rrect.
d. • Other whO obsel-Ved this cdfidtiet deStribed It to. me.
Et I have releVarit Wan-nation Classified above ".SECRET".
f. El I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone Who did.
gleettital shock on a detainee
' .. El I personally observed . this,conduct.
p. • I./observed detainee(s) in ,a,corwl ition that led, me,. to believe that-this conduct had ,occurred,
c. III Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,
ci. 0 lothers who observed this conduct described it to rne.
e. • I. have relevant information classified above ":,ECREPr. . .
. Ei ix never obserVedthis , condact,nor heard 'about it frormscirneoTre who did.
'40. Threatening to use electrical shoCkdn a detainee
„ .
I liOrs9halI'Y i'),1,)'$-'01V0d: thig 'cfoncluct,
b • I observed detainee(S) ill:a cdrid Non that led the td believe that this tonOua -liaci:oicorcaa.
C. El Detainee(s) told 'mo tilat thi&t.cinduCt had deOurred.
DOJOIG 000302
d. • Others' who observed this conduct:described It to ma
e. • I, have relevant information classified a trove "-SECRET!'.
f. El T: never observed thIS conduct nor heard aboutlt from someone who did.
Intentionaly 'dela: ing 'Orden 1i1i detainee Medical care
- , • I person,allyob,served, thlscopduct,
• I; observed Aptainee(4 ma cop:14191"f that led me to belieye that this cond,uct had Occurred.:
c. • betaineetsYtOld Me that this conduct had m0.16.0.
bthers Who Observed. this Conduct described it to tne.
I have relevant Information classified abOve "SECRET".
. g L never observed this conduct riot heard 'about it from somo.onp:v:ifid did,
42. HOoding Or blindfolding detaineenther thah:during trans Ortatiqn
a. • I personally Obsetkied thisCondtict„ I1
Lobseired detaihee(S) in a ,cond iticin' that led rrie to: belleiie thatthiS condua had OcCiirred. 1
Detainee(s) told me that this.conduct had occurred.
d, • Others who observed This conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above. SECRET
f. I r mw obserye,d, this'conduct nor 1:141-4 13.9ut it frPfn WnecTIP. 14119 did, „
-43. Subjecting a detainee to extremely cold -or hot room, temperatures for extended periods.
El I personally- ohserVed this condutt
, • T observed -detainee(s) itra condition that led me 10 believe thatthis conduct had ,OcdPrred ,
c: • Detainee(s) told Me that this: Conduct had occurred.
if. El Others, who .ObserVeCi this Conduct deSCrihed it to me,
. • r haVeselevant infOrrhationclaSsified above. "SECRET'.
. • 1 rieVer.cititerVed, thit ,Cdridtittliiirheard 'abOut it froril-Sorriedne-W.hO did.
DOJOIG 000303
Please provide the approximate time frame during - which this conductoccurred.,
From V112002 to 9:6/1b,02' ElDid Not Recall
h. The detairtee(S) treated in this way were located at the time in.: :
2.0 Iraq
3. 1:3 .A:f9hgliistOri
40 Other Location
5 El Do NOtReCall
PleaSeidentliy'thedetainte(S).hy' 'name a'nd ham her:
LwaSAiScussitig, information With A.-CIA rep'13c &e adv i'sed rheIhatthedetainees -hatedtheair
'conditioned solitary cells, so some that possible had valuable info-were placed in solitary with few
blankets:. I Was not sure if the CIA actuolly placed 'prisoners in this manner, or if another agency
-did so. V4e id, ROL,diseuSs; Specific priSdnerG.
j. Please identify-the person(s) Who treated the detainee(s) in this manner,- including their
POO goyernment 4gencifies)':,
PC10 not recall the CIA ofn,cer's, name. Fie-wag,a b*k male, late 3,0ts, -very -profesionat,:and,
krioWleligaahio, Again( the cip,tgis::*md that this had declined, I am nOtAtire that he caused
or.8riptoved same.
Please idehtifyarlyscithr FI personnel or 'i-ion-FBI personnel Whodbserveitdetdinee(S) treated
: in 41-iiS rhanneri including their herne(S).and
I. Thisi:cbncldet occurred in Corineetidh With
1-0 One detainee
Z® 'Several detainees (2-4)
Many detainees •(more then 4:)
-4 10' DblIbt Recall
M. (Optional) Please; descrihete releyant, circumstances in more detail:,
I-did not get:the impression - that submitting thedetainees to cold, air-conditioned -cells was
unauthorized treatmentin any p4yril-1Pt.4rilePnP"mai
be 'Placed back into. general pop latioff where it Was Warmer r&rtforesibeiel.
, 44. sub-ectin- detaineetO lOPcf mUsic
a; 0 I, bei-66tialty observed this„tonduCt.
13, • observeddetainee(s), In e condition -that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c • 6 etainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred. i
d . IZi OtherS who observed this conduct-described it to me.
DOJOIG 000304
I f. 1 0 IL never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Please provide the apprOxirriate tirriefrathe during which thiScondOct,octilrred.
From (14/2002 to 06/20-02 Op° Not Fecail
. h. The detainee(S) treated in this WaY, were located at the time iñ
.1 El GUantarierao
20 Iraq
p Afghanistan
4 Other Location
PP I\10t Recall
L Please identify the detainee(s) by name and number:
have no specific. infix Partkular detainees.
j. 'Please IdentifY the perSon(S).'Who treated the detained(s1 In thid Manner !, inclUding their
name(s) and government agencycies):
i;cannot recall who discusSed, this treatment With,- but I believe ft was with Army personnel
-atSignea to the, solitary tOrifinernentteilblOcks,
•Please identify anyother FBI msonoel or non-FBI personnel vho,o,14.parve0 cietaineeCs) treated
in this Manner including their name(s) and agency(ies) .
I. This condOCt occurred in ;OolineOtibri With:
1 Q Onetletairie'e
2 0 '.Se'v.eral detainees (2=4)
a 0 Many detainees (more than 41
4 0 Oa Not Recall
m. tOptional) Please desctibethe releVaht dirchmsiences iri inotedetail: ,
While - handling teell'nical itiVeStiOtiVe, matters iti and arO,Und .bellbteckS, r SPOke with numerous
U.S. Army soldiers who described - shine -of the techniques that they had .either heard about or
01,?Served.,,, My discussions in this area were very limited, and I do not recall names or assignments
ottilOse that I talked vitft. I 'di'd not feel that this activity was in anyway out of line:,
:Su bjeCting a detainee to rightflashing lights or darkness
a. al
• I personally obSerVed'thiS„cOndUCt. • rObseryed, detainee(S1Iri WCOnd WOO that led "me tb helleVe thatthis COndlict had OCCurrell.. • Detainee(t) told tne that thiS Cantina had occurred.
A , l Others who obserVed This Conduct desetibed it to me,
,..... . • I haVe releVaht. information classified above "SECRET".
DOJOIG 000305
never observed this -conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
Please provide the apprOXiniate time 'frame ,during, which this,,toriductocdifited.
Fromt4/2b02 66/1602 , Dpo Not Reai
it The' tletainee(S1 treated in this way were located at the time
1 IRS' ntartemb
2 El Iraq
g, ID Afghanistan
4 1:1 Other Location
Qc. Rot, Recall
L. Pleaseideptifythedetainee(s) by name and number:
I have no specifiC info 'an detainees In this regard.
j. 'Please Identify the Perton()."Who treated the detainee(s): in this rahrter„ including their
name(s) . and governmentagency(tes),:
I cannot recall who I d iscussed this treatment with,- but I believe it was with Army personnel
',4SSigned tO, the sOlitarytOnfinerrient(eliblecks. •
please icientity.apy:other FBI Ref,Will.101 or ncn:-.F14 VorsPrilTe) cletaineeW trjd
this Manner, including their "-of-m(0) and ,agencyties):
I. thitonduCt occurred in,COhntotion With:
.1 Q ,0ne detainee,
20 ',SeVeral detaineeS
, 0 Many 'detainees :cmorethan
.4 Do Not Recall
rn. Optional) Please deScribethe relevant circumstances ih More,detail:-
WJil hand ling"technical inv,eStigatiVe- matterSin and around dellblOckS, SoORe With, ntirrierOtts'
WS, Artily sOldiersmho described' some of the -techniques that they had either - heard about Or
tobserved, My:discussions in this area were very limited , and I do not recall names or assignments
, orthose, that I talised,NITh.,TOci, not feel that this activity was in any' Way out of line.
46. 'Isolating a detainee for a nextended •eriod
• 1,, personally observed thiSCOrtau :Ct. ,
'! • LObservettdetaiti,ee,(S) in a VOnditibri that led The to belioe that3hiS Wriduet had tirred.
, • petal nee(S), told the that this cOnclutt, had OcCntred.
d,, •' 'Others who obserVed this C,ofiduct,deScribed it to Me.,
aiIr have relevant information clesSified above '!SECRET"
DOJOIG 000306
I. neverobserved this :conduct nor heard about it from someone who. did.
47. Using Oct tabe to. reStrain,„:gag, :Or punish a -detainee
• I: personaliy, observed this conduct.
b. I observed detaine4s) in a-,condition that led me to' believe hat' this, Conduct had occurred.,
• Oetainee(s) WO me that this:conduct had ioccurred.
• Others who observed this conduct des.cribed it to me-,
• I have relevant infOrMation claSSitleaboVe "SECRET'.
li I never Observed' this :cond uct nor heard 'abbot it frOrrisoltieOrie WhO did.
410: Using rapid response ,and/of forced cell extrectiOns:
. • I persofially , ObServed this rotidiret.
b.. • I. OlterVedtletairiee(S): in -a,COnd itiOn that led me to belieVe that' thiS conduct had ,OCCiirred.
', • Detainte(S)'told trie that thiSCOriduct had ,ciddirred. ,
[m ink: j3
Others Who observed this &Ind ira. described it te rne.,
I. have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
EEIE never observed thisxondi Im- heard äboutit from someonE who did.
Please provide the approximate time frame. during, Which this'.eonduCtoccUrred.
From '(1/D/YYYY :format or M/YYYY) to (M/D/rNY'format or M/YYYY;), RIO° Not ecall
Ii The detainee(s) treated MIMS way: were located at the time in
21:1 Iraq
D Afg hanistan
4 D •0010.r Location
1:1 pp' Not Recall
Please'rdentifythe detainee(s) J,y harm ond hmi2or:
- rir.0 tVit low:Any sde,CIfic detainee infOrrnatiOri ini this regard.
j. Please identify the liersori(s)','Who treated the detainee(t) in this manner,, including their
name(s) and governmentagency,(1e.,4:
Amy persOnnet
DOJOIG 000307
k.Please ideritifyanyOther perSOnnel o non-FBI,pettohnel',whd_obServed detainee(s) treated
in this manner, ifiClUding their harrie(s) and agency(ies):
I. This'conduct :occurred in connection with
10 One detainee
d11.s C2-4)
0 Many detainees 'OnOre than 41
4 ,0 Do Mt Recall
m, Optional, Please describe the, relevant circumstances in more detail:
While conducting techniCal operations some 0S,. Army detention facility sold.iers,disCussed some
olthe problem detainees who threw feces, etc. on soldiers and refused to 'exit cells. when ordered.
These detainees were necessarily extracted, and soldiers did the best job they could to not incite
further problems With other detainees who Would witnessithe extractions. IrriuSt add that the
young soldiers thatI witnessed at tamp Delta were exceptionally well -disciplined and
professional,. t wasy Impressed with their handling ofdetainees.
49. Using a military working dog on or near a detainee other than during detainee transportation
a. • f personally obSerVed this conduct, i
lb • 1robserved detainee(s)' in :ecOndition that led me to believe that his; conduct: had OcCurred.
- t •
• •
• beta inee(s): told Me that this Cbridutt had &co tied .
CI_ _'tLh_e_r s: Who ObSerVed this cOndtitt destribed it tb me.
• I have teleVant InformatIOn classified a bove: 'S,ECRET".
1 RI , L rieVerobSeNed this conduct hortreard 'a bout it frorn-sdmeonevVho did.
50. Threatening to use military working dogS On or near a detainee
. _•: ji personally' observed thisconduct.
; • II observed detainee(s) in a conditiorrthat led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
Ci ti
• Ipetalnee(s) told 'me that this conduct had occurred: • Others whp observed this conduct described it to me
le. 0 I have relevant information classified above "SFC,RET%
I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
DOJOIG 000308
Utin • tiiderS Scot ionS snakeS, he4r, .d.etainet'
a. • I personally observed this„conduct.
b, I Lobserved detainee(s) in acond Mon that led me to believe that , this conduct had occurred..
'c. 0 Dene(s) told me that this cond4ct had occurred. • .
• Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. II L have relevant information clasSified above "SECiZETh
f: Et t neverobserved.thistonduct poi - heard atiolj.t it from someone whp did.
52:: Threatening to use spylers, scorpions, snakes;. or' other animals on a detainee
. • II persdnallYobSeriiedthIS:OPridUct.
b.-. • • ItobServ,ed detairiee(s) in a ,cOndittpri that, led Me tb believe that thiS conduct. had dcCurred.
c. • Dptaintd(s) told Me that this. t: ohthitt h ard Ocurrod..
,d . • Others :Who ObserVed thiS conclUdt de:Seribed it to, trie:
- . • L haV.e:telegarit information Classified a boVe, "SECRET".
f. t I never observed this conduct nor:heard a both: it from ,sOrrieone Who did.
.53. Disres eetful stateitientS, haridlib .actiOnS inVolVing the Kdrah
a. • L personalty observed' this. conduct.
, 10 , pl?'„serYsed detaill*s.): frl', 22c.Priclitioll f.04. 10 Me to believe thatAti! c9h0.04 had Peck!. ri-PeL
c. • betaiPee(s) . tcild Trittgtft.4 conduct had occurred.
d Others who observed this conduct described it to Me.
e. • IL have rq!e,YOrit frOrmAtipn, cia41110.1 above "SECRET'. .
f. I AL never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone did.
'54.. Shaving -a detainee's facial or dater hair embarrassor humiliate a ,detainee.
• I personally obSerVedthiS -conduCt.
, • vetairieo(s) told me that this conduct had citatorotl.
DOJOIG 000309
d,U lathers who observed this conduct-described It to me
e. • I, have relevant information classified above: "SECRET'".
f. I everobseryed th'conduct nor heard about it from sorneonewho, did.
Placing a Wdrhan's:Clothirig oho:detainee
; • t Per§cnOtlY0.1:!rvgcl this conduct
-, • 1 observed-detainee(s). ina .conditic.m that led hiP 0 1?elieye that:this conduct had occurred,
c. •. betatnee(s);told Oa that t111 conduct had occurred.
• • Others: MO' itibserved tfk conduct desscribed it to Me.
- • I have relevant information classified above "S.,ECRET".
f. Cl I neverebterVed this:Orli:lila noi-be:atd about it fron.sariOnewhO, did.
56. taiching a detainee or acting toward a detainee ih Sextial manner
a. • I personally Observed thistenthiet.
I obserVed delatnee(s) in -a ,cohdition that led rfie fb, believe that thiS to,ndildt had ,occtifted.
Detainee(s)- told me that this conduct had occurred. • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
• t; have relevant information classified above. 4SECRET-%
Et t never obserye,d tWcooductnor heard about it from someonewho did,
.57. fielding, detainee(SY who were not officially,aeknov niledg,eder registered as such by,the.-ag,ency
detaining, the persons
. • I ger-senally Observed thiS ,COndu,et. ' . • I obterVed:detaihee(S), In a :ca rid Wen: that led 'trie to believe thatthit - co nduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(S):thld ilfe that this conduct had <5:ettitred.
d. • 0,therSikhe 'oliseilte'd ttilSeenduct (Jett abed it t6 me.
e. • L have relevant rnformatbn classified above !`SICREr.
f, ES I never olierved this „conduct hoeheard.abotit-it from Soirieone'Whe did.
DOJOIG 000310
: 5O,Sending a detainee to another country for more aggressive interrogatian
t • t Per59nallY:Qterv0.0 1SOnduct. .
I DobServed detainee(*) in a condition that led me tO believe thet,thiS conduct had occurred., .
c. • Detainee(S) told me that tilWcOtictutt. had occurred.
• . • Others who obServed this toridutt dostahed it to me.
e.Uthtve relevant Information Classified above "'SECRET".
f. El I never observed this,COnduct nor about it frerrutarneorie:Who did.
59. Threatening tQ send„a d etainee to another country for detention or rnoreagg ressive interrogation
a. • I personally Observed thiSedridUct.
b. • I:observed' detainee(s): In a:condition that led me to-believe that-this conduct- had ,occurred..
c. • betainee(s) told me that this conduct had :ocqugrici.
, • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.,
.. 11 I. have relevant information classified above "-sEcitET".,
f. El I neverobs,ervedthisconduct nor heard about it from,someonewho did.
r-ai. Threatening to take action-against a detainee'sfarnily
a. II: 1- persOnalistobServed thisconduct.
b. El TObSerVed , detaineets) in a ,COnd Won that led .me. to believe that thiS cOnduCt had Occurred.
c. II Detainee(s)tOld rrie that this Conduct haci odcuritd.
d. Li OtherS who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have teleVarit inforthatiOn 'classified above "SECRET'.
El I neVer;Obterved thiS!COriductniat had about it .frorn.sortteorie,Who did.
&1. other treatrrient or actiOn'eauSing severe erheitional Or ChblOpital Ir4urrie to 4.betairide,
a-. • I" personally observed this conduct.
b. • I observed detainee(s) in acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
DOJOIG 000311
. • IDetainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred,.
d. 1:1 °Others. who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • t. have relevant information classified above '!$:Ecguti,.
T: 4 ir rievpr -q0sprvo'd this-tonduct not heard 'about' it from sClfreOnewho did.
61.. ',Other religiousor sexual harassment or humiliation of a detainee
0 1. personally observed this coriduct.
'. • I observeddetairiee(s). In aesonditlon that led tne to believe that this conduct had "Occurred.
....L.2.1 17,
• OetNrft(S) tOid Melba thIS:cOndUct had ottorred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to me..
. • 1, have relevant infOrrnationClaSSified a boVe "SECRET". MEI neVer.obSerVed thiS-conduet nor heard abOnt it from .serheont who. did.
Other trpatment Of a detainee that in your opinion was uriprofe,ssiOnal, unduly'llarshOr aggreSSIve,
.coercive, bilshre, Or unlawfUl
• f°,PeroPallY OPervPcIllts'cqflcOct.
ii,, 0 11ObserVed cletainee(S) in:a tonditiprt that led me to believe that this conduct had Occ9iTred.-1
c.:: MI betainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had occurred.
,.. • lbthers who .observed this conduct described it ty me.
e,, mi ii have relevant information classified above l''§EOZET: 6.
I never iobServed, this conduct nor heard "a liciLit . it from someone who did.
RAM 1,4 VAR 7.20- W viEJTSI
64:, Did you inwsonof ion of F4 personnel branyc,•ris during, an interyiewor Interrogation of
0 yes 0 No
65, E5id. any' detainee or other person Wlyou that he or she had. witnessed The impersOnation of FBI
:pettOririel in connection with ;a:dateirtee interview or interrogation?'
Yes 0 NO,
£5. Are you aware of any "shamn ,or'staged" -detaineeintervieWs.or interrogations conducted for Members:
DOJOIG 000312
orthey.$_'(ongress or their stair
t) Yes: ,0
fi7,. Th you r knowledge did any military, or intelligence personnel eyer deny or delay )BI access to
'detainee the FBI Wanted to gue:stionbetause'the detainee had 514ste ined injuries after he w captured? -
0Yes eNo
Did you everend your articipation in or observatian„of a d,etaihee interVieor Or interrogation
because of-The Interview or interrogation metnods being used?
C5.: Yes Na
9 Were you ever told that another f0J - r111310.0.0,:eliCte4 ht$:0:r her participation in or ObserVation Pti. a
:detaif%e:iriterVieW Or interrogation beeduSe TheiriterVieWOrinterrOgatiOriftiettiOdS.beirig used?
70, During any Of ,your overseas deployments or assignments; dickyog report any,s:concerns ,regarding
any sletainee, interview dt inwroption practices., or "Other types Pt Cigtin00,,P'OatrriOnt. to an FBI
Ws" No
During'anyoryour overseas deployments or assignmerits, did you ,report any 'concerns regarding
any detainee interview or interrogation p ractices or other types : Of detainee, treatment you
Observed. or heard about( to :a noti-F13,I,•gupervicif ori other foil-FBI petsptirien
-0 YO'
72. Have you ever been ordered or directed not to report ( -ordiScou raged in any way from reporting,
observations or allegations, related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
O.ie:s: 1. No
7-3.. Haveyou experienced .arly actual or Threatened retaliation for reporting Observations or allegations
of detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or practices?'
0:Yes 0' No:
74. (Optional).. Please provide anyadditki,nal tomiDOitts,reIardirig tile ,r.p:Ortirig, Of Concerns; related to
interview or interrogation techniques:, detention practices ( or:othercletainee treatment.As r stated'
preVigusly„. I did -not, participate in detainee iliterviews I did, bowpfaryview some intervicw§ , from
time TO time as pari Of my teOhnical Investigative duties I, a Is :tame I nto:7contact -.witn some
detainees, and tally .U.S. Ariny soldiers tl etâiñe. hñdIsañd lajig Loge traiiSlatats. In every
case I fOund th ese. -pecipre to Revery .weII-discipIined prôfessiOriäl,.and wantihg to d.o:thelight,
Wereyou delriered f otherthan the Standard cte:briet'in FD-772, concerning your overseas
DOJOIG 000313
assignmentfsj'or deployment) aftryou completed the ,deployrwit(s) or Olg:prnent(0).7'
0Yes 11'9
ANitiortai .Cornmprito-a-ricl 'RcorrimeridalPrO:
Thank you for your copparation in complat,ing Olis:ques,Oonnalrg
DOJOIG 000314
A. Personal Information
Department of 3,ustice TrispectOr Genera( 'questionnaire Regarding betainees
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: test-00002541.
As at the last time this quostionnaire was saved, some required fields have not been completed.
PleaSe review your responses.
Please PrOvid e the following Jnformati6n ...
1. harrie
2.. Middle initial:
1 Last name:
4., Entered on .Duty Date ,(E0D):
"5". Current Division/Field Office:
:6; Current jOb title: ,
7: Direct dial officeAelephcine Imbiber:
8. FBI e'en phone hurnber:
9. FBI. pager number.'
10 est contact number foryow
B. Background of Specific DeployMents or Assignments
11. At any time efterSepterriber 11, - 2001, did 'you serVeasa Meiriber of the U.S. Minton', or e§ n
employee.or contractor of the FBIorany other government agency, at Guantanamo Bay, tuba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled by U S Military or a .U.S. intelligence service in -:connection:with the
global war:on:terror?,
0 Yes 0 NO
12. Enter the number cif times you weretleployed or:assigned tO.eaCh cif the follOWing lotations.
,(Gtiontanarno Bay„ Cuba;. Iraq;Afghaiiistan;,. or in any area controlled by 'the U.S. Military or a U.S.
intelligence serVice):2
Foe'eacli deployment or assignment complete the following seetion.
Location (select onn), Deployment or ii0Oin. nriieri'g began 'oh,or DeOloSirrinnt or a,ssinnment ended on
alip.utt or about
GOanthnanlp paY. 10/0312002 11/24/2005
12a. What was the general nature and purpose of your assignment and activities?
Participate' in the CT ifiVestigation by interviewing detainees
12b. Please provide the names of the.specific,camps bases, or facilities where you 'worked.
Criminal Investigative Force joint Operations Center and Camp Delta
12c.NOW If informOtiOn about, 8:specific cainp, hase,,Or facility is claSSifled above SECRET,
please cheek here I=1, include in your answer that you have additional information classified above
'SECRET/ 1" arid, if you know, ideritifY theclaSsification level, ticket, :corriPartmerit, ,prograrti,:or Other
designation that 'applies to the :information, Do not include.theadditionol Classified information In your
DOJOIG 000315
6, & 7C
Special Agent
6 & 70pkRAOREEmENt
qs.tionnaire responses- WO personnel with the necessary clearance will, Contact you to receive it.
Name . Position, . .
Don'trerrietriber exactneme...,- 'SPPerYiPTY$Ptc101 '.A.k.g,Ont . ,--
With-what kindslif non-F% P-Prsconliel tlid you workjointly? .
0,Qther U.S. Military
"irgether* ricy
'F,orelip Military or Intelligence:agency
0 Other
. 0
.12f. Did you jointly plan any detainee interview orinterrogation strateg y r objectives,: or tactics with non- 0.
El3I personnel? •
-: With what kinds of nOn-FBI personnel did You Work-jointly?' .!
: ig:i Other- 1LS, Military
El v.pi intelligence agencyl.
ID -lo rg 1g n military or Intelligence agency
0 Other
-.. , - -
;012g. Were you eVer Otherwise involved In detainee Interviews:or Interrog oaitolOon9s:Ith -nOrt-FBI - personnel? . - ,
L - ,k6i DenloyinOntoraOloinnent b•don onor
e NO
ocation etttilie'y DepjoymentO:or aSsigritn nt-ensdeil oh
• .
. _
0: Yes -,‘
iIraq ' 04/14/2065 , Ci/-15j2005.
. .
12a. What was the general nature arid purpose oryouresSig nme0.and ;activities?
TriVOtIONiv:a:Teallt Leader,, 'RcitaIldti 12
1213". PleateprbVide:the , nanies of thesPedifiCdarripS, .bases,„ or facilitS Where you WOiked.
Longwood Plank Army Base.and Anaconda Army. Base.
i:c.- Note: If information about a specific'carnp, base, or facility is classified above SECRET,
please checkhere la, 0 include in your answer that you hpyeadditional information classified above -
.5Ecnr..a6cir if you ktiow, tiOritify the classification level, ticket, compartment, prOgram, or other
designation that:applies td-theinforMkon, Doi not include theAdditiorial classified InfOrrnatioft in your
questionnaire responses.. 010 personnel with the necessary clearance will contact you to receive it
• . . , • .
:11d, Please identify. by nameand position at the timethe Mr personnel -to whom you directly reported. 1. r•
• • , .,
,. d,u ring . Our deployment oissigriment.,
Name PqAttiOrt ,
surieiVisorspetiat Agent
DOJOIG 000316
12P,. 1510 you jointly InterRieW Or interrogate any detainee with No-Fat Peronnep
_ Q Np ..... • •• n•n••
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Assignment
Age-Did you jointly interview o*r interrogate any detainee with non-FX personnel?
0 Yes .0 No
With What kindS of non-FBI perSoithei did 'YOU work jointly?'
Other U.S. Military
intelligence agency
0 'Forglgri Military or intelligence agency
.D omer
12f. Did you jointly plan any detainee Interview or Interrogation strategy,„ objettlYes, or tactics with On-
FBI per:Sahel?
YeS 0 No,
With what kindA of non-FI, pgr4bnnel yQtlYOrk jointly?:
1Z1Qther.U„S, Military
10. U.S': intelligence agency
O Foreign military gr intelligence:agency
El ohpr-
.-121, Were you ever otherwise Involved in detainee*Interviewa . or Int9rrogetions with non-FBI personnel?
o Yes No
:Flease:desCribe:Dbservatiott of Interviews by non-cis personnel in the Iraq AO.
13. Did you receive any training, instruction, :or guidance specifically in preparation for any -of your
overseas,deployrnents or assignmentS? .
6 Yes ON() Obo iSiot. Recall
130, Who provided this training, instnrction, ,ar guidance, and 'Where Oct you 'waive if?
LA rapid Deploymentteam provided instruction and :guidance
-13b. Describethe subjecton Inihidkyou tedeiVed .thiSlraining r inStruction or guidante.
• dotterel travel informatiOn tti include, health rrtatterS -e rid' potential travel hatarcl;
'0Yes ONO !Clibb Not Re'Pall
14a, Who provided this trainitfg,,Instructio4Or guidance, and where did you receive it?
F*I.C1 PepioYniePt:TOrti
DOJOIG 000317
13rieflyd escri be the substance:of the training, iristruction, org uida rice provided to you
A general reminder and admonition was provided as to the expectations' of me as FBI
perscinnel, SpèclfialIy1 I was instructed that I WPS.tPaa opOpr those instructions - and
.x.PtationS required Of measan FBI Agentiri the, US>
i4c, Wa6.arlY of the trainitig; instruction, orguidance provided 'in writingl-
:0Nes ONO. (22:0 DO Not Retail"
Oyes °No 000 Not Recall
16-, In preparation for anyof your overseas depioymentsor assignments,-did you receive-any training,
inStructicinforguidarice concerning what you weresupposed to clO if -you Observed or heard about
the treatment, interview, or interrogation of detainees by ,F8x, personnel,, which you believed to
be inapproptiate, unpf.Ofesionalf coercive, abiliSiVe, or unlaWfuli
OyeS ONo ODO Not Recall
17, In preparation for any -of your overseas de,ploymentsor assignments, did you recOve any training.,
instruction, or guidance concerning what you Were supposed to do if you observed or "heard 'about
the treatinent, IntervieW,, or interrogation-of detainees hrf ir non-FBI personnel, vihitly yOU ,belieVeci'
tote:inappropriate, unprofessional, coercive, abusive, or urilawful?-
`0Yes ONo' .0Do Not Recall
IS, Training During Overseas Deployments or Assignments
18. Wring any ;cif yOUr overseaS -deplOyrnents ot assignments, did you .receive any training, instruction,-
oruidance:concer. n„ ing thestandards of conduct applicable to tha treatrnant, intery!ewkor
interrogation of detaine's by FBI personnel?
pyes ONO 01)9 Not Recall
19: During any of your deployments or assignments, did you receive any training, instruction,
'orguldarice concerning the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview, or
interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel?
:th'et ONO Opo Not Recali
20, During any Of your overseasdepioyments oj as,sig nments; did you receive any training; instruotion i,
guidance concerning what you were supposed to do if you observed or heard or
-ttaatmont, interview, or iritorogatio;of detainees by FBI personnel,, which you believed to be
Ina pprOpriate, unprofessional, :coercive, 'abciSiVet Or drilaVirfUl?-
0res, ONO 0.DO Not:Recall
Ouringany of your overseas deployments or assignmetitS: d l you Wa1v8" any ingtruction,
Orguidandactiticarning What you were sup.p.iiseti to doff you be tved Or hearciabOUt the:
treattnent, interviexiV,Or interrogation Of detainees by iioii4BL personnel, Which yob believed to
DOJOIG 000318
iih TYP E)E11 MI E T
be inappropriate, unprofessional, coercive; 'abusive, unlaWfulr
bYes Q No bio NotRecal[
C. Adequacy of Training
22,In yourdpiniori,.did you receiVe :adequate trairiing r inttrUctiOn, or guidance relating to standards
CandUCt by ,FBI:arid nori-FBI personnel relent to treatrrient, interview, or interrogation Of
detainees prior myour deployment or assignment?
- 'Yes 0,No
your-opinion', did you receive adequate training, i rist ruction, or guidance relating -to-standards
of conduct by FBI and -non-FBI 'personnel relating to treatment, ;Interview, : or interrogation of
d,etaineesduring, your itepidynient•brOssiggrriOnt? ,
0 Yes 0-No
24.1n YoiirpOinion,4id you receiVe'adetiaate Veining, instruCtiari„Or,guiderice Concerning -What you
were supposed todo if you observed or heard about -the treatment„ Interview, -orAnterrogation of
detainees,: bytig or noti,,F01 persOnnel, That you believed was Inappropriate, unprofessional,
.-coerciVe, abusive, or unlawful?
0 1104 0 NO
221a. Please describe the which you believe the train ing„, instruction zor guidance was
Except for the explanation that Other agencies had other standards, there was na mechanism; in place
to discuss and/or report potential questionable actiVitieS seen or heard about.. There WAS a general
,exPectation that gross Yialationividuld be rePorted,, but na way tad isaiSS or repast Odestioriable
behaviors observed. This:could bechanged by setting up a fortim, mid-level management type, to
- Invite discussion and promote education: This might Currently beln pl*e.
, 25. Optional), In What,ways can the FBI improve train ingorr this ,subject for future deploymentsor
.A.brief mention' of.gray:areas -which 'might be encountered Jy FBI mr$ortn,olmitid be PrOvided. Thisinformation
should be Prs:ividd, by others who have gone stied in,theme: AO. This could be
incorpareted with:atiter training' cdrretitV scheduted..tosAiveleSsFBI'd0eS this Well.
D. Comments
20; Please provide-any additioria linformation'cpncerni rig it raihing rpr overseas deployments or
eSsigritnents of FBI personnel yam believei teleyant.,
It ha's been mist regular eXperierice:thar FBI Las Angeles does this b'etterthen the offices. The
pi-oactiSte.Rapid Deployteit Team prog rani et(LA Field OffiCelSone reasan _for ±hisiloess.
DOJOIG 000319
Zntroduction to Fart III: In thissection we are seeking infOrrnation regarding a wide range of
interview or interrogation: techniques and other types of >detainee treatment alleged to have 'occurred.
YOU should notassumeju,sj„becauSeWe:areaSkihg about a pAttitUlar teChnique or practice, that We have
concluded that it in fad Occurred. We recognize that soMe a these techniquee-br PradtiCes May et tirnes
be, necessary for safety and security in a-detention setting. In.add Man ; we recognize that,some of these
techniques or practices' may - have been authorized foruse by military orother government personnel.
With restidat to each identified technique, practice,4f tye of cbliduct:desCribed bClôW, weare Seeking
"InfOrmation about Its- occurtence .duting or in connection With the interview or interrogation of 'a
detainee, or during the detention of a ltietaine beyond what is needed for safety arkd securitY;
In that context, we will ask you to tall us whether on or more of the following statements are true:
1, pertcinally. ObSerVOI this ,Cb,naudt.
2. I observed ,detain(s) in a ,Conditiori that led me, to.believe that this Conduct” had oCcurred..
Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred,
4. Qther who observed XFIs conclixt described it to rhe.
I have relevant information classified abOV,e 1'EcRff".
I; never obserVe.d this condUct ,nor heard *about It from someone who did.
:27. Depriving a detainee or food or water
, I personally obserVed this-Conctutt. '
I I obServed.detarhee()114 a ,corid WO that led Me to believe t hatthiS Cdpduct had oteurred,
-, • getaihee(s). Oki Me that this 0000 had ,otcurred.
• Others who observed this conduct described it to me..
• I Have releVant inforinatiorr Classified a bOve !f75ECREr. .
g never obserVedthtS;cOnduCt nOfheard abitait it from sonleorieWho did.
: 2.8. Depriving a detainee of clothing
r personallyobserved this coricii,10, ,
b.‘. • Uobserved detatnee(s) in z.condition that led me to believe that. Os Conduct had occurred:,
ci • Detainee (s) 'told .M0 that this: conduct had -occPrreci,.- • Others' Who 'observed this tori .uct described it to r.n.
e, • I have relevant ihformatiorr ciasSified aboVe",$ECIE1 1", .
never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
2§, be riving to detainee ofsleep i. or interrupting ;slee by fre trent 'cell :relocations or other method,
DOJOIG 000320
a. " I personally observed this„conduct, ,
-, • I observed cletalnee(s), In a ,cdriciltionthat led rne tObelleVethatthiS ConduCt had oct Of -red.
Detainees told me that this conduct had Occurred.
' • is, thers who observed this conduct described it to me. '
- • 1, have relevant informatory classified above "-S'ECW.T%
RI I neverobserved this conduct nor heard about it fromfsomeong Wb9"dld-
;SO. Beating a detainee
a. " 1 personalty observed this conduct.
• I observed detainee(s) In aoondition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
• Detainee(s) told me that this:conduct had -occurred.
d. I. Others who observed this conduct-described itto me...
e. El I havesetevant information classified above 1•18.EgtET"
f. tyr 1 never.opeNeci: thisicond !Tot ,nor, heard about it frOrriSolmeone Who did.
31:. Using water:to prevent' breathing by a :detainee or to create the sensation of drowning
'a. '' II personallyobserved, :Misconduct.
El 1 observed detainee(s) in a - cond ition that led me to believe that this conduct, had 'occurred,
-. III, petainee(s) OM me that this conduct had .occurred.
d. • ,others who observed this conduct-described ft to me.
El a have'relevant information Classified above' "BECRETT".,
El I nottrakg,Orv.-00 tlit0.,toucktOt rfor heard al' it frorn somoriqwha, clic], ,
31. Using hands, rope,or anythingelse taichoke or stranglea detainee -
r personally observed this condu4
, • Lobserved"detainee(SY in a'conditighthat led me to believe -that:this conduct tpd,occurred.,
told rt,To ti-pt this conduct had OdouRecL.
OtherS who obserVed this conduct described it to‘ me. , " ,
DOJOIG 000321
e. M t have relevant Information classified above' 'lSECRETH. .
f. I I- never observed' this :conduct nor' heard about. it fronrysomeone•who did.
•:3; '.."threathnind other action'tbCatise physical injury d isfi Urerrierit,„ dr-death ,
". I personally observed this conduct.
II I' ObserVed detainee(s) in acond itiOn that led Me to: belieVethat:thiS conduct had -ocCUrred.
c: 11, betainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred.
d , • Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e, • t have reloyarit information classified above "SECI1Er.
f. 121' I. never:observed, this 'conduct ,nor heard about it from; someone who did.
321, -Other'treatment or action causing significant physical pain or injury,, or causing disfigurement. or
,deat h
1 personaihrobserVed,ThiS ,corcluot.
ly. • Lobserved ctetajnee s) in 'atortdition that led me to believe that"this conduct had occurred.
c: • Detainee(s)' fOld .me that This, cppctuct had occurred., .
ti, II Others: who .obserycl this widLic,t,'cl:es,O.ibd it to: me',
'd. • I haVe relevant infortriatiOri classified a bOVe *SECRET"
f: .E1 I never observed this-conduCt norheard:abOut it,frOM someone:who did.
":10.„Plating a d etainee.oh. a hot surface or burning a detainee
I personally 00.garYed thiscOnduct.
0 rpbserv0,0,401i-ieg(s), in a:COndition that led 'me to believe that this conduct had oecurrait.
I, Detaitiaa(s)ipld rffo that this oho uct, had ,qctirrO.
d. • 6thors WITO ollseitiod this conpixict:Stritod it ta roe.
ECIIII have r*vant infOrfriatiOndOSified abdVe"S,KkEr. .
T. Ei I heiret-OberVed‘tbit'.o[dildilot nor Heard about it Troth ablifacineMKO ad.
DOJOIG 000322
36. psing ShaCkles or ,other restraintsin a prolonged manner
a. jt persbrially4bServed this CoriduCt.
b, • rbliserved detainegs) . in 'a condition that led me to believe thaithisCond,uct had occurred.
El • Detpirtm(5) t* me that thi.s.Onclua had ,occurred.
,d.. Qthe,(51/SrhO PliSdrVed thig 0Ni:tot deSCribed it to Me. •
121 •
13 Er
I have relevant inforrnation classified aboVeSECRET I .
r never observed . ibis itohduct nor heard about it from. ,sorrieOne,"Who did.
37. Requirin` 'a 'detainee to maintain, or 'restraining a detainee in a stressful or painful position
. . - I perSalially:ObServed thiScanduCt.
b. I. r..013;served, detainge(s) in .atbridition .that led me to 40110/0 Olar't111§,7 tOtTcl.u.a. had occurred..
c. • Detainee(s) told rile that this, conduct had Occurred,.
, . • thers who obServeathis COndtiCt.deSerthed it tsti Me.
O. • L haVe relevant infOm)atiori Classified above "SECRET". •
f. Ei I. never obserVed this-otifid net -ribr,heard about it .frorri:sameprie -whci did.
:38, Forcing a detainee tO. -perform demanding hySitall&ertise
amst, persOnallybbterVed this toiidUct.
• I-Ob:seryeddetainegs). Fri A t ofiditibti that led rrie to belieVe that thiS„Cdriduct had oddurred.,
• Detainee(s) , told rrie that thiS conduct had occurred, "
U Other§ whb ObSeNed thiS- toridtitt described it to the.
• r have relevant inferination Classified above "SECRET.
Et I never observed. this:cord LiCt t.idsr heard about it from someone Who did.
elearkial shockona detainee
a. — I personally Observed, thiS,„concitiet.
b. 0 LObserveddetairied(S) in 'acOnd Mon -that led me to believe thatthiS 'contli.itt, had beturred.
C. • Detainee(s)1Old :Meth& this ConoltiCt had :occurred.
DOJOIG 000323
d. n Others who observed this conductdescribed It to me.
e. n I, have relevant information classified above "SECRET".
f. El T neverobserved. thrs rconduct nor heard about it "from, someone who. d id.
4Q. Threatenin9 to useelectrical 'shock:On a detainee.
. I personally observed this conduct.
n Lobserveddetalnee(s) In:a cond Mori that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
. n Detainee(s), told me that this conduct had occurred. •
d. n Others who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
n hhaavvee relevant Information classified above "SECRET",
f: El neverobserved this ,conduct nor heard about: it from someone Who did.
intentionally.delaying ;or denying detainee medical care
• I PerSOnally observed this condi40.
. n I observed detainee(s) in a 'cortcl ition that led me to believe that this conduct had occur -led.
. n Detainee(s) told me that this cond uct had, occurred.
d . III Others whO Observed this tonduct;tlescribed it to me.
.. n I have relevant information classified above "SKRET".
f. ET I mypr otogervpd this COrldUCt norliearc,i,about:, it fromsorneone;whO did.
422 flooding or blindfolding a iietaineetutber than during Iransportation
a. ''' I personally', Observed thisonduct
ti::. n Lobserved detainee(s) in a -'conditiOnthOt led ,me to believe that this conduct had -occurred..
c.. n Detainee(s) told 'me that this conduct l.)ad occurred'.
. n Others, who observed this qindUct described It to me:.
6. n haver elevarit information .daSSified above "S ECRET"'.
f: IZ 1 never ObSetVed this COnduCt nor'heard `about: it from someone who did.
,,,,,,, •
DOJOIG 000324
j•112jectin a detainee tp ,ektremel's old or 'hot, rpm tem .eraturps for extended periods
a. ''' I persoriaN, ObServed" this 'cOnilaa.
CI a I observed detainee(s) in at onclition that Jed me to believe that this Conduct had .offUrreti:
II I Detainee(s) told Me thattlis Orid aft had „occurred. . • • others: Who ;observed thW Mild utt,tIedri,bed it to Me. 131101i have relevant infOrrnaticin rlasSified abOve "SECRET".
" . El I never observed this feriduet,rbrheard about it -from ,cirrietine.Whpdjd. ...
44. Subjecting a detainee to lOud music
1 Perscinajly'obServed this Candutt.
LobSerV,ed detainee(s) in a',;conditon'ttat, led nie, to believe that tfil or(duct tia0.0-ccu,rr0'71 .-. • Detainee(s) toldme that this ainduft had Ofeurred, .
^ , • Others Wh'o Observed this fend titt deScribed it to Me.
. • L haVe tele-milt iiiforrtiatibri ,flaSSified 'a bOve: "SECRET".
Ei. L neVerobteeved this ;fond utt Torberd a beat it frort:scjmebriewhe did.
45. Subjecting tetaineetb bright flashing lightS or darkneSs=
a. 1 persbriallyobteiVed this fentlatt.
b. • IbbServeddetainee(S). in a':coriciition"that led me to believe diet 'sthi dOntlubt - ha:d aa,turred.. • Detain(s) , tbld bie that thiS tOriduct had -ciCcurred.
d, • others who Observed this toridaft -described It to rile_
e. M 1' have relevarit infortriatiory classified a boVe "SECRET'''.
f. El. 1 neVer observed thiS.conductnor heard ,a bbilts it fronisbmeone Who did.
Isolating ' a detainee :Wan extended period
. - I personally observed thiscOndtict.
b , • Ibiterveddetairiee(Spa 'a cbriditiofrthat led :meth belieVe that:thiS teriduct had coceUrred.
• aetainee(s) told The that this fOhd net. had occurred.
DOJOIG 000325
. • Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e. 0 jr have relevant information classified above '-'SECRET".
f. t never observed thiS?conduct nor , heard about it from someonewho. did:.
47..Using 'duct tape to. restrain, ag, ,or pu hith a deta idea
a. - 'r parphaily obprYed ttits:cohdgct,
lo: • I. observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • 1Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. 0 ipthers who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • ? ,I have relevant Information classified above "SFCIZET%
f: 01 never observed this tond uct ;nor heard •abopt it frorn-soilleOneWhO old.
48. Using, rapid response teams and/or forced cell extractions
•. - ir personally'observed thistonduct.
• II observed detainee(s): in a:condition that led me to believe thatthis cand,uct had occurred.
• E')etal nee(s) , told me that this conduct had. occurred. r . .
• Others who obSerVW -thlS conduct described it ti2, tr! .
e. • 1 have relevant. infOrriPtion classified above "SECRET". ,
f. rif it never observed, this conduct 'nor heard about it from;someone:Who did.
.4q. Using a military working dog- pri or near a detaineeother than during detainee transportation
'. ' ' FpersonaliyolaServedthiS Conduct.
',. • !r observed detainee(s) in a condition that led me to helicye that this Conduct had ,occurrpd.
c: • [:ietainga(s)-toid me that this Conduct had occurred'. '
d. CI ,pthers who observed this conduct described it to Or,IP,
0 ir have:relevant fnformthionclasSified above "$LekEP.
t El it never observed this conduct nor heard a bout it from someone Who did.
DOJOIG 000326
t.hreatening ',to use military working. dogs, on or near detainee
al IIt persbnallV , Otiterved this COriduCt..
b. • Eohserved detainte(s). in ,,a. Condition that led me to believe that - this conddct had OccOrred:
11 • Detainee(S) IOW tile that this conduct had :occurred,
-. •
. IDIPthert: Who DtiserVed this goriduot described it to me.
I have relevant information Classified above "SECRET"
f Ef I never cihterVetrthiSOfieluCt'nOr heard about it from SofneOrte:VV110 dia.
54. Osing,spiders, scorpion, snakes, or other animals on or near a detainee
I personally ObSei-ved this or5iid'utt,,
• • 'Lobserved detainee(s) in .ationditlori that ied tne to treliev.e tharthigoon-dpot had .0,-courred.. • rxetainee(s) told Me that thi§ cond uct. had ,oCcurrPd,
". • Other § who „ObSeryed -this aind [lad estribed it to me.
é. • L have releVarit.inforMatioti Classified above "SECRET".
f. El L deer ObterVed - this :cond uet nor ,heard 'abbot it front sOrnecirieVvho did.
2. ThiteateningtO tisespiderS,,SCOnlitinS, snake§, or Other anirtitt§ On .a detaihe
a. - LperSOnaliyobserVed thistoridOtt.
b. • I observed detajnee(S), in :a 'condition thatled in to believe that,This conduct had ocdu &ed..
c. II Detainee(s) told me that this cOriduct had occurred.
• Other§ whb ObSerVed thi§tonthict. described it to rne.. •
r have 'relevant inforMation classified a boVe !SECRET!'.
I never observed thisconductnor heard -a bblit it frorri.scimedne'Who did.
53. Disrespectful statements, handi iriq,. or 'action§ ifiVolving the Koran'
a. I Obi-serially (*Served thiS,conduct.
. • LObServed -detairiee(S)- in a.cbriditioifthat led "me to bolieVe that thiS Condud. had ,ocCUrred.,1
• Detainee(s) told ine that this cOridifct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000327
d. Bothers who observed this conduct described it to me.
• I. have relevant information classified above 48ECRET".
,EI 1;`neverobserved thi ,condUct norhearcl about it from, sorneonewho did..
54,`ShaVing a detainees facial or other hair to ernbarrassorhuthiliate a detainee
. f personally observed this conduct.
Lobserved'detalnee(sy in ,a ,condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. • Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
., I Others who observed this conduct described it to rrie.:
e.I I, have relevant Information classified above "SECkEr.
f [a I never observed this conduct „nOrhearci 'about:it irormsorneOrie who did. .
"S5. Placing a woman's:clothing on a.detainee
I personally observed this conduct
b. • I observed detainee(s), in a'condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. • Detainee(s):told me that this conduct had occurred.
d. Others who ohserVed this conductdescribed i to me, '
• I have relevant information classified ab,ove"SEckEric.
f. El )1 never OgOrveci this condua 'nor heard about it from'sOmeOrlP who 0.0.
56. Touching a detainee or acting toward a detainee ina sexual manner
a . ,- r personally Observed this ,conduct.
lx., • I,obsPrrved;dPIPiriPeW in a cond 'ton:II:Pt led :MP, to believe that this conduct had .occurred...
c: • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had :occurred.
d, . • Others. who observed This conduct described ft to me.,
• I have releVant information classified above "8:EC- RET''.
.. El. t never observed this conduct not heard 2a Witt it frOm"sOlnebneWho did.
DOJOIG 000328
ini*M whO.,Were not offiejally-acknowledged or registered as such 1.3:9 -theagpny
L personally observed this :cOriduet.
• LobsetVed detainee(§). in a condition that led - me to belieVe thatthiS e.iiriduct had otturted.
• Detainee(s) told h that this Conduct, had occurred.
• • Other who observed this Conduct deStribed it to the
• I haVe relevant inforthatiOn classified above "S'ECREf".
f. Eir, it never observed this conduct nOr 'heard abotit, it frornsomeone who did. ,
58. Sendin'.a detainee to anoEherontry for mareaggressiile interrogation
a. ''' 1:perSdnally' obSerVed thiscondUCt.
• Iobterved,detaineecs1 in a COM MI-I:that led me tObelieVe that this Condutt had ,adturred.,
• I Detainee:0)1dd The that thiS conduct had Occurred.
d. • lOthers Who observed 'this trindtiCt described itto. Me.. ,
:e. • I have relevant information classified above "SECRET":
f: 171 I never observed thisconduct norheard about it from someone:who did.
5,9. Thrèàtenini to send a detainee' to another Cal ritry- for detentiornste_aOresSiVe interrogation
a. ' ' I personally observed this conduct:
b. • I' observed detainee(S), in acaridition that led the to believe thatthis cohduct had °Warred.
c: I Detainee(s)1old rhe that this conduct had *tiered.
d . • Others, who observed this conductdescribed it to me.
• L he relevant information classified above "SECRET" ..
El I: neverobserved this conduct:nor heard about it from so,meonewho did.
Threatening to take action against a detainee'S family
L.persoriallyobserved this conduct.
01E3 Lobserved detainee(s in a cond ition that led me to believe that-this conduct ha d
DOJOIG 000329
n Detainee(s)-told me that this conduct had occurred.
n k Others who observed this .cond uct described it to ma
n q: have relevant information classified above "SECRET'-`.
4 iI neverobsenied this conduct nor heard Sabo it from sOmeOnewho did,
§1,. ;Other treatment or action causing severe emotional.or psychological trauma to a detainee
T personally observed this conduct.
n I observed detainee(s) in a Gond ition that led me to believe that:this conduct had occurred.
q ;Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
n Others who observed this conduct described It to me.
e I
n jI have relevant informationclassifiedabove "SECRET",
I It never observed this conduct nor-heard •about it from someone-10Ni did:
•6-1, .other religioustr sexual harassment or humiliation of a :detainee
a. ji IlqrP0 1.41Y9bserVe(1 tnisPriPlu-ct.
b. n robseryed detainee(s), in a condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct had 'occurred.
c; n Detainee(s) told me that this Conduct had occurred.
d ., n Others who Observed Ibis conduct described it to. me.
n 1 have relevant Information classified above '!SEtliET"*.
f. Iff I never observed this conduct nor heard about it from someone Who did.
Othertre,atment Ola detainee that In:yottroption was unprofessional, undplr harsh 'or aggressive,
:coercive, anuSiVe, or unlawful
EMI personally observed mit conduct.
n ',observed detainee(s) - ina .,tOnditiOnthat led me to believe tbartnis tonclutt, had occurred.
C, n Oetainee(0),told -Mg that thiS go Ocilla had Occurred.
• , n Others iAitio • observed this COndijdt.detCribed it to ine.
.‘ n .n1 L haVefelevalit lrifOrrnatlOn classified above D.SECIZEf"•.
ilir- m-- rm,-Im,,,,.. „ h:-.. : . •„„ i. ,..,l -i„m -i tsm..i.
DOJOIG 000330
RAU- ° „PA-L olit..E_R _awes
'64, Did 1011- observe any .impersonation of FDI .p6rsorinel by anYono dujind: an interVieW orintOrrogation of.
-a detainee?
0 ye-s Nb
-65. plc( my; detainee: or other person lel! you That he pr she had witnessed the impersonation of FBI
'PerSonnel Illtbritiectibb with a'detainee interview or interrogation,?
0 Yds '0 No
-.66.: Are you awareof any-"sham"' or if,staged " detainee interviews or interrogations conducted for Members
of theLl. Congress-Or their staff?
'*s e No
:67. To your knowledge„Tdid Any military orinxeillgence personnel ever deny or- delay FBI access to a
detainee the FBI wanted to question because the had sustained injurieS .after he was captured?
ON'es •0 No
'613: Did you ever ehd your participation in or abseNationof -a-detairieeiriteiVielit or iriterrOgAtiori
becausenfthe interview or interrogation methods being -ud'?
0 Yes ': No
69-„Were you ever told thai another FBI employee ended his or her PartiolOatign 'In or observation pf,-a
-detainee interViM Or Interrogation bOat.112 the interview orinterrOgation'Methrids: being us?
Yes: .0, No,
7O. Pyring 'any q(yonr overseas deployments or assignme*#, did 'you, Too rt a nycp ncerns, regarding
anY4etainee=interViektrOrihterrogation practices, or othertypeS of detainee treatment, to an Mt
o Yes;
71, ppritig any Of Yodroverseas deployments or assignments t did you report any .concerns regarding
any d etainee: interview Or interrogation ,practicos or other types of detatnee., treatment you
observed or heard about, to a non-FBI supervisor or other non-FBI'pettonitel?
. Yes. 0 NO .
71. Have-you ever been- ordered ordirected notto report,. or-discouraged in anyway from reporting,
observations or allegations related to detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or
*p, 0-NG
Have yon experienced any actual or threatened tetaliation for rebbrting, Oh St Nations &allegations
adetainee treatment or interview or interrogationections or practices
DOJOIG 000331
ei Yes € No
74. OptiOnal),PleaSeproVide AnYddaltionAl OtinirifelitS regarding thie I P,oiting of Wizens: related lb:
ihtelitiek or intetrogaticintechniquesck detention . practiCes, (Aber:detained treatmentI have
participated in FBI queries regarding any maltreatmentof derarnee.s. In the course of .these,,1
baye had disc
P T AN RE 'GO Affi' 0
75. Were you 4ebrlefecl, 000r U1011 t11.,gtotfotard debrig in Fb- 772, OrrcArning' yppr overseas
eAstantnent(5).or dep. loythent(A) after yu tbrniileted the deplOyrnent(S): Or assigrirhent(sp
'YeS, .0 No
75a. Who debriefed yciti7
LA Rapid Deployment Team (group training And debrief)
75b. When Antl.Where:ciid the debnefIng() ou0
Naval Base in the months following:. my, return frorp. CuPa. (Early 203),
75c: Were yob. asked about ;detaitieedetentiOn or interview or interrogation pi -ad:gees-Airing:the debriefing(s)?
: 754, what other sit bieets-were covered during :yoti t, debrief' rigksl?
Thoughts and feedback regarding support from Lo.Angeles= Fteid Office, supllat± 'fro-1,0*bl
mow of deployment, Ancl•AdMin i*ueg.
75e, IlYwany document prepared to memorialize, thedebrierulgT
=Yes '0, No ODo Not Kticiw
70. Additional Comments and RecommendatiOns4
Thank ytlis fdt ydnit. tdb 'Jaffa titiriir,CtirtiOlOtihg th 18' tititttionhaird
DOJOIG 000332
A. Personal Information
Department of 3,u stim In:Spector -General queAtiOn Oa ire ReRan:Sing D beettaa inees
FO gmEwArid USE 0141-3( Wirmily:muaL FBx. RESPONDENTS
QUESTIONNAIRE ID: tegt-00000755
As of the last time this questionnaire was payed,: some required fields: neva 09k been completed.
PleaSeleitiewyOur responses.
Please p rbidethefcillWing itifbittratietri:
1. First name
2. Middle initial;
Last name:
Eritemd. br Duty- Date (E04):
"Oarr_dtit Olyisiczniribld Office:
'6,Ogrent lob title:
7. Directdial officetelephone nunitier:
8.: FBI çll phone number:
9. FBI pager number!.
tartest contact, number for you::
B. Background Of Specific Deptoyments Or Assignments
0, Yes 0 NO
12 Enter the numbericiftinleky00,Were-OePloyed ,,orossignati to:each"Of thefolloWing lotations.
IGuanteriarno Bay, arbaPratr;,,Afdhanistan; :Or irVany areas controlled by the 1.1:64. 'Military or a U.S..
intelligence sersiice)
For each deployment or a§signMent complete the follOwing section.
Dej/layniAntiir"pssianrOrit began DePi6ir,ils en.tar assignment ended en
1-9c*191T- (select 0.110 gibma or about.
Ig1400-SIP:6314,-13.0,Y= 06/02/20'03. 07/1/7120.031
Oa. What was the :general :natti re and poi-Ficpe ofyQurassignment atiti.a4bittigs7
TritervieW DetaineeS
12b. Please.providethe,names of the-spedificcamps, bases, or facilities where you 'worked. -
Npte: If infOrmbntizout a spacificterati, base,, prfacifitsr istlastified otiov.0 SECRET,
, .
please Cheek here - ID, include in your answer that y;ou:haye:-nadditional information classified -.above
!SECRET)'' and, if you. krjc W, d.ètifthe;cIassfficBtioñ léèl, tieket,;coMpartitent, prodi-art,other
designation thapappliesp?-thinfocmation-, PP not iirilide -'016-1additionOsetasSified Information in your
DOJOIG 000333
6 “C PER APPEEfiligittr
CA 70
Sped* Agent
6 & 7C PORJ,400kiwk.Nt-
11. At "ariy time after-Set-Ora-et 14 2001, did you sefifaa rhertitiet.Of the U.S. Militafy, "of as art ,
employee or contractor of the FBIor -any other government agency7 .at Guantanamo Bay,: alba; Iraq;
Afghanistan, or in areas controlled by the U.S: Military or a U.S. intelligence service ijvcomnectiorrwith the
global ysrar on terror?
A. Training Prior to Overseas Deployment or Atsignment
questionnaire responses; bI6 personnel With the necessary ctearance will contact you to receive it.
Name Posktictn,
I I - , Suijiltigory;§p.pcia I Agent , ,
;12e. aid' you jointly interview or interrogate any detainee*tith ion-FI personnel'
- . 0 No
With:01ot Rinds of non-Fig personnel dill 'you worR jointly?'
0.00er-ilia Military
o 1.);$, irr,teitigotk -e: agency
13 Foreign Military or intelligence agency
0 Other
12f, Did you jointly plan any.detainee Interview or interrogation strategy, objectives, or tactics with - non-
:Fin personnel?
Yes 0 No
With what kind§ cif nOn-FBI perSonnel did sroil Work jointly?
r:Other -115/: Military
:11,,,S; intelligence agency
El Foreign military or intelligence PRent5r
0 other
!I-12g. Were you ever otherwise involved in detainegintervievo: ,or interragations. with non-FBI personnel?
, ,0 yes ,C), NO
-PleaSedesoribe:Whens the Military had a fold on aspeCific Detainee, LWOuld request the hold to be :
:ternWed 'fOi", the, OW-Poses of the interview in Order tO Conduct the iriterVidW—dr I. would liiVite the Military :!
to the interview.
i3. Oidç'ou retoivkhy'toining, :!guidance specifically- in yisepa ration for any of your
OVerseaS -dePloyirients or aSsig rirrientS?
QYes ®NO 0,13.6 Not Recall
14, In, preparation 'Of än of your overseas dopioymonp ar,apsigtimentpgid yo,u r0c9hrP-PflY raining,
irfstrudionr.or guidance concerning the standards of conduct applicable t6theAreatrnetn,
DOJOIG 000334
interview, :or interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
0.Yes 0,1Clo 0 bo Not Recall
• 15. In preparation fOf arik;of your overseas deployments or assignments,.A id YOU. reCeiveariY" training,
Instruction, orguidanm concerning the standards-of -conduct applicable to -thetreatrnent;
by non-FBI personnel? interview, or interogation:of detaineS
0Yes '0 No: Obo Not Recall
" 16. In Preparation for any-Of *Air eVerseas debloyrrients o1 aSsigninentS,A id you receiVe-any training
nsuction,or guidanceconcerning What you weresupposed todolfyou observed or heajd about
fli,"tregtrnpriti interview, or interrogation ,of tletairletS by AIL potoonnO i which you belieVed to
le inapproprite„ unprdeSSidtiald. tberciVe,,abbsiVe, or unlawfu l?
Oyos 01\lp -OD° Not Recall
Kepi:4911 for OM Of. Your "oyerSeas d019Y.11iPrlt- or assignments, did, you receive -any training,
inanictiOn,,Orguidance concerning *fiat ypu. Were: supposed to do ,INOLI observed Or heard about
the treatment, interVieW,. or interrogation Of detainees by how-FBI" personnel, which you belieVed .
to be inapprOpriate;UnprOfeSSibnal,„CoetciVe, abusive, or unlawful?'
•0Y:es '0No 'Otto Not Recall
d. Training During Overseas Deploympnts or Assignments
18. During an &Your oVerseastlePloyinentS o aSSignthents, did öu receive training, instrudittn,
or quidanceconceming the standards of conduct applicable to the treatment, interview, or
interrogation of detainees by FBI personnel?
O'ves .0 Nio Q00 not- Roca))
19. Miring any of yOitrOversaS deployments or assignMetits, did yail "reeeive any tfaining, InStriktion„,
ouuldance•concer,tting the stariOrds otconductapplicable to the treatment, interview ,, or
interrogation of detaineesby non-Bt personnel?
0YoS ON° OD° got:Recolt
20. During .any of youroverseasdeployrnents or assignments, did you receive any training, instruction,'
or guidance concerning what you Were;PJIPPOsgcl. to do if you 'observed Or -heard - about , the
treatment, , interview, Or interrpgatiOn of detainees by FBI persnneI, which you believed to be
inaifOrbOriate,.UiiiirofeiSsional,'cOOCiVe, abti siVer, Or tintaiNftil? ,
0YeS ØN& ODO Not R:etal I
During ally of vow, o79r.e.0** dOP.loviVnt6pt- Os,$igntriorits:, cUyqu receiVe ariPtraining, ibStrtlOtiOlTi
Or guidancencerning What yOU WerP,SUripOsed tds db- if yoU:obSerVed Or heard ,aboitt- the:
DOJOIG 000335
treatment, interview,: !Dr, interrogation of detainees by non-FBI personnel, which you believed to, •
be inappropriate, nnprof,esslonal, cperciv.e i allusive, Or nnlaWfut?.
°Yes' Obd Not Recall
C. Adequaw of Training,
22.Tri yOuropiniOn, ;did you receive adequate training,. ifistruCtiari,;nr.gUldarice relating' to `standardS•
of conduct by 'FBI and non-FBI' personnel relating to' treatment, 'interview, or Interrogation of
.detainees; prior tO"Your:d'eployment :or assignment?
0 'Yes 0- No
23.:fn your-Opinforvaid, you receive adequate -training, instruction, Or guidance relatinjg' to,$taridprd
of conduct by ,FBI and non-FBI personnel relatir9 .113 treatment, interview, or interrOgatiOn of
detainees during ydur deployment or'eSsigrirnerit?
-0 Yes 0 NO
14. In your-opinion, .did you receive adequate trait -Mgt-I nstrktion,..orguldance concerning what you
Were sappOsecl to do if observed or heard, about the treatment, interview, or of
detainees, by FBI or non=FBIlpersonnelithat you believed was inapprogriatk unprofessional,
tOerthre, abbsIVe, br:tiniawful?-
25. (Opticirial) in :what ways can the.F.BI ittiProve. training -on thissubject fir future pld4nentr
My training-as an FB1.8pecjai Agent .stifficierit
D. ,Comments
26. Please "proVitteanii additional infOrmatiOn. concerning ttsaitittiq for overseas deplciStlent§ tr
'assign'ments of FBI, personnel you believe Is teleVant.
We WereAcild What to &Peet: and what or jóbWauponrrivaL We were-bid to onrwsh6üld rePOrt
any -Concerns or problems(
Introduction to Part-XII. 0,4 $ection,,we'zre'§eetcing information regarding, a wide range of-
Interview pr Interrogation tchn,Igues and -vher types orsletainee! treattnent haye occurred.
You should riTgAtAtrok just tecuse-ft -Are,,Okitig abOgt a paricuiar te chnique Or practice, thatwe h'OV:0
Oricinded that it, In fact &tuned.. We recOgnize thatsbme of these tethrliqUeS or pradtidet' at times
be:necessary for :safety and security In a detention- setting. In.-addition, we recognize that some of these
ted)Iniquesor practices- may -paye been authorized Tor use by military or other goyernment
With respect tO.eadi itWntifieit tothrikttiei priot tyk 'Of cOndnadescrib'e..d beisOW 'are 501044
DOJOIG 000336
infomiation A bout‘its ow.itTence.daring, or in :connection viith.tbe illtprvieuror 'interrogation of a:
detainee, or Opringthextetqntipp,of :a - 000'0e beyond what Is needed for safety And security:
in That eo-n-ttoiv"d. will s1 you to it01,1., yy:httioton0,dr more Of the. OJIwi.ng:statements:are itrue
L I personallyobserVed thiS condUct.
r:obseryed detainee(s) ina condition that led me to believe that ithiS, conduct had: occurred,
Detainee(s) told :rne that this conduct had occurred.
4, Others-Whci: observed " this Condutt,described it to me
r haVe relevant, inforniation Classified aboVe."SECREr,
I never observed 'this conduct nor heard about it from someone whod id,
47. Oepriying a detainee: oE'foQd,or water
p. ersonallyObServed. thistoridat.
I observed detainee(s) in accindition that led me to. believe thatthis conduct had occurred,
C. III Detainee(S)461d the that this Conduct- had ,ocCiirred.
d, I Others who Observed -this conducttlescribed it to me. ,
, . • T- hove relevant lnformatton classified above, "i$EtRETr'.
f; l r neVerobserved, this'conduct no heard .a bout it .frornsorneone who did.
Depriving a':detainee of clothing
, • I personallyObseiiied thisCOndtia.
b. • IibbserV,ed detainee(S) In a,Corid Non that led met() belieVe that this coridUct had -OcCurred.
c, • Detainee(S) told me that thiS conduct had Occurred.
d. • Others who observed conduct described it to. me.
e. • I have relevant InformatIO clasSified 'above 'S'ECRET".
f. JI I' never observed. this ,cond uct nor,hearti -about it 'frorn, sorneonewho did,
29. Depriving a detainee OfsIeè. or interrupting sleep 15,Y frequent cell reldcatitirisbr'other methods
a. I personally observed th15cpn0up,t.
b. • I observed detaineets); in -a condition that, led me tO believe -that :611S conduct had occurrec_i _.
e. I Detainees) told Me that this pond* hadoCcurred., —, 0
Others Who Obsetv,p..d this nduct described it tO, me. ,
he rIe.)tatit itif. Orti%tfotT 'r raillitd a ladVe. "St.ORET%
DOJOIG 000337
I f. El lr never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
g. PleaSe proVide 'the apprOkiMate time frame Atiring, which this toridtict.Octiiited.
From' 06/,ti2120133 to 07115/1605 Roo 'Not. Recall
It The cletairiee(s) .treated in 'this WaV were likated at the tinie
2 CI Iraq
5 gl Afghanistan
4 0 'Qtfler Location
5 Do Not keCall
please' identifythe detainee(s1 by name and number:
do not know.
. Please Identify:the Person (S):Who treated the detainee(s) In "thiS Manner ), InclUding their
name(s) and g,overnmentagency(ieS):
i',do not know,
k. Please klentify.anyother FBI personnel or non-Fat personnel ,Who- observed dethinee(0 ;treated
in This manner, including their agency(es):
Ldb not know.
Thiscandut OcCurred in connection
I: 0 One detainee
2 0 Several detainees f2-4,1
3 0 Many detainees (more than 4),
NOt Recall
m. (Optional) Neese describe the' relevant circumstances in moredetail:
I haVe already given a Statemeht regarding this event.and dd not. Want tO cdritradict what I have
previously stated, Please:refer tol any FE1-302's that you already have : in your possessioh.
30. Beating a :detainee
- a, - • ,t, personally observed this conduct.
b, • • -I:,011SerVect-detainee(S): In a_Condition that led me to believe that this conduct had cic,c,:iirred.
C ; II,
r „ , Detainee(s) told roe that ithr$, ono@ had oCturred. ,
d'.. 13, Others W, HO, , O„ b„.t er• ved, .: thi,s COridut :clieScribed it tti rne,, , ..„
e. • I' have relevant irifortnatio.n ttaSSified abbVe 'ECRET'".
RI , I never obterved thiS;cOnductsior heard about it from someone who dia.
DOJOIG 000338
-31.U-sing:water to 'prevent breathing by a :defaineeor to create the sensatibrr ofidrowning
: • , I personally observed this :conduct _ :,
I . Iobserved detainee(*) in a';cOnclitiori,that Led rne to bblieVe that this cohdutt had OcOurre.d.
• 1Detainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had Occdreed,. ,
d. gi • Others' Whip bbSettfteci this, conduct described it to me.
I I' have relevant I nforrnatiOn 'OtasSifiedabov$,ECkEr.
f. IEI 1 never obSerVed ‘ this C‘ofid uct :ncii- ‘ hea id :abbLit it frOm,Sorneorie'Who did.
32. -Using hands, rope, or 'anything else tO:OhOke or strangle a -Cigtaine.e
a. • I. peitonall,y OLisetved thiStotidtict.,
b. • 'observed detainee(s) in azond Mon-that led me to_ believe thatthis conduct had occurred.
c. • !Oetab1ee(s) tOld ,rne that this conduct had occurred,
, • ?Others- who observed this condtictdescribed ft to me i,
(3 ,,r, have relevant information classified above "OWRET" -,,
t. 121jI nevero,bserved this ,conduct'notheard ,about. it from ,someone: who did.
Threatening -other action to-cause physicI paint injury, 'disfigurement or -death
• a personally, observed ibrs/Ohcii-10-
.. El I Observed detainee(s) in a ,cOnd itiOn' t hat led me_ to believe that this conduct had ocCtirred.,
C-. El Detainee(s) told 'hie that this: Ocinci ubt had TOCtu rred.
, • others who obserVed 'this cOnduettleSaihed it to me.
'e. • I haVereleVarit ijifOrrñation Classified a Wye "SECRET'.
I. Ef 1 fieVer,ObSeiVed thigl!abrichiet 116i- 1heard ',abbii,t it frorri -Serfteerie-Who did.
;34. Other trOtrrierit oraction btaiSing, sighifitant Pain or initifyi, Causing diSfig(treitent Or
DOJOIG 000339
b. • robserved detainee(s) In a condition that led me to believe that.this conduct had occurred.
o, • Detainee(s)told me that this conduct had -occurred.
d. • Others who observed this conduct:described it to rne
-e.., • I have 'relevant information classified gbiovg ”:$ERET'.
f. I neverobsen.sed this'conductnorheard abOut it from someone who did.
36. Placing a detaihee -on a, hot surface or burning a detainee,
.a. • r persorialivObserVed this cOnduCt.
• I ObSerVeci,tietaidee(s) iri 'a OonclitiOnthat led 'me to believe that - thiSOndutt had .,ocO urr-ed..
O --,--,- i
petainee(s) told me that this conduct had occurred.
whO Observed this trind uct. deScribed it to, Me.
. • I haVelelevant infol=mation Classified above "SECRET".
f. Ef I, neVerobserV,ed thiSconalLict-ntit heard about it frotri-scirriebne who did.
3,6., Usirmishaddet dr Other restraints ma rolOn ed "manner
III I. personally observed this -conduct,
b. • r observed detainee(s) in a condition 'that led me to believe 1 hat:this conduct had 'occurred.
• Detainee -0) told me that this conduct had occurred.
I Others who ol)et-yed this conduCt described it to me.,
e. • I have relevarit information classified above "EgRET..
f. ET, t never observed this conduct nor heard .a bout. It from someorremho did. .
I7Reguiring a -detaineeto maintain, or restraining a detaineein, a i:*tressful or painful position
a. • r gersonal& obgerved this 'conduct.
• rotiserVed dethinee(s) id a -condition that led:me to believe thet..tiiiS conduct had otturred.
• Detainee0).toici me that this conduit h±:i.;(21tatfrOd.
d. • Others WriO ObserVed this tOridOct described it to me.
. .
; I I haVe.relevant inforrriationClaSSified above "SECRET'.
-I. l I freVekibkiVed thiS Corichict nor heard 'abOut. it from Sorriebile'WhO did.
DOJOIG 000340
Forcing a 'detainee to perform ,dernend Ing physical exercise
n kl, personally Observed thisconduct.,
b. n Lob'served detainee(s) in a cond itiOti that led Me to believe thatthis conduct had "occurred:
c. n Detainee(s)told Me that this conduct had occurred.
d. n Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
. • L have relevant Information classified above " ,8E2CRETT.,
f. El L never:observed this'conduct norheard about it from someonewho did.
'39. "Using electrical shockon a detainee „
:a. In.
) I personally observed this conduct.
b, n :Tobserved ,detainee(s)' in a condition that led, me to, believe that this conduct had occurred.
c. I Detainee(s) told 'rrie that this conduct had occurred.
d n ,Others who observed thi conduct clgs,cribttl it to: me.
.. n IT have relevant inforrnation diasSified aboVe HstcEr.
E a never ObServed, this 'conduct nor heard ;abut it TIOM sOnfebrieWhb did.
.441. Threatening to useeleCtrica I :shocktin a :detainee
a. n L berscinallyobsetVed this COnduCt.
b. n .I- observed detaineeks) In ,,a,COnd itioh that led me :CO belleVe thet,thiS conduct hacLoccOrreci,
. n Detainee(S):told me that this conduct had occurred.
d, q Others who Observed this conductdescribed it to me.
havelelevarit information class fieri above IS,'ECIZErc,
I never-observed this "conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
41. Intentional dela in or denying detainee medical care
DOJOIG 000341
' . • r personally observed this„conduct.
b. • Lobserved .detainee(s) in aoond ition-that led me to believe thatthis conduct had occurred,
• betainee(s) told ,me that this conduct had ,o-cpyrred.,
d I CI paters- who, -ow* this Conduct:described It to ma
. I have relevant information classified above
1?" I. never obaerved. thisOnduct nor heard 'a bOklt it from someone:Who did.
2. Flooding or blindfolding a ‘detaineeothet than during transportation
[iii 'yersbrially observed thiStondnCt. - —
q observecrdetainee(s).10 a ,condition that led me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred.
c.. I .Detainee(s)tOld :ma that 'thiS cohduct had OCourre,d.
d. • Othert, who observed this conduct described it to itie. .
e. • tLhaVereleVarit inforMation.Clas.Sified a bs5Ve "SECRET%
f. El it never ,observed thiS.,concluctnOr:heard 'about it from someone Who did.
43. Subjecting a' detainee to ,eAterriely cold or hOt rOOth terriperatuteS'for extended per:Ws.
sas. I . I personally observed this„condud.
lb, • li observed detainee(s) in a;cand Non that led me to believe that this conduct' had occurred,
II, D'eteinee(s) told rhe that This conduct had occurred,
• Others who observed this card u-ct-descrihed it to me.
a. 0 I have releyanfinformation classified' above: "SECRET".
if: t IZE I never.Oseved thisoncluct nor boari,lanout it from 'Somep:ne'vytio did,
44. Subjectiii a:detainee to loud music
a. Ei I perSarially-Obtenietl.this COndutt, .
6 1' 1 obseweifdatainet(s). in a cOnditiba that led the to believe that this conduct had Ocurred.
c: • pataindecsytbld 'rod that this tdrid dot had Occurred.
d. • , OtheittivhbobserVed thiS canduCt described it to me.
e. • I have releVant information classified above "-SECRET".
DOJO I G 000342
0 I never observed this,conduct nor heard about it from someone who did.
g. Please OfciVide the a'pproxirriate time frarrie during, Which thiS ,COridOctoctUtred.
From, ti6/E12/2005 to. 670.712005 01;19. iSiqt 1100)1
It The :detainees) treated in this way. were loated at the tirile in
1 J"GUahtanarTjQ
5 JD .Afghanistan
4 0 'Other Location
C3" Do Rot iecali
L Please' identify the-detainee(s) by name and number: -
I do not know
j, PleaSe Identify the person (S), who treated the detained(s) In this 'manner, Including their
name(s) and government-agencypeS):
14p' not. know,
k. 'Please, identify any-other- FBI personnel or non-FBI personnel 'who-observed detaineers) treated
in this mannery including "their narne(s) and agency(i)
I;ido ;riot know.
- I. This cöhduct occurred in Connection With::
,t 0 One detainee
0,-Several detainees :(2,4)
5 0 Many detainees '(more than q
4 0 Do Not Recall
m. '(Optional) Pleasedescribe the: relevant circumstances in moredetail:
'1 have already given a statement regard ingthiS eVentand do not-Want to contradict. what I haVe
previously stated. Please referto any F.02'sthat you already have in your possession.
45. Subjecting a detainee to bright flashingights or darkness
41 1E1 I: PersonalIyobsenied this CondUct. .
b1 • tobserved ,detainee(s) in a:oonciition that led me to believe that -this conduct had oCCUrred.
C. • Detalnee(S) told me that this, conduct had oCairreti.
Others: Who Observed this cOriduct , deScribed it tify ine.
• I. have releVant' ilifOrinatiOn ClaSSified above' "SECRET'.
• I neverobServed thiS"ctititlutt nor heard -about it *Oen- StimeoneWho did.
DOJOIG 000343
1 f.
g. Please provide the approximate time 'frame d uring which this conduct occurred.
From, 06/02/000 to 07/1712003 Elbp riot, Ftecaft
h. The detainee(si treated In this way were loCated at the time in:
1 1 GUantatiaino
El Iraq
4 DI Other Location
50 Da Not Recall
I. PleaSe identlf0heidetainee(s) by name arid number:
Ido ribt know.
j. Please identify the persons) 'who treated the detainee(s) in this manner, including their
name(s) and government egencyties):
id not know,
'k ,please identify any,other FEII. personnel or non ,F81 personnel :who observed detainee(S) treated
in this manner, inclUding. their name(s) anti egencyties):
:1,,do not know.
L This:conduct occurred' in connection, witty,
1 0, One detainee
2 0 Geyer-al detainees ,(2-4,)
Q lany detainees Nor then '4)
4 0 Do Mt Retail
in; tOptional) Please describe the, relevant circumstances:In more`detail:,
Ihaye already. given a statement regarding thiseyent'and.clo notwant to contradict ,what I have'
previonsly steted, Please refer to any Fb-302 4s that 'you already have in your possession.
464solating a detainee for an extended period
a. • h. persOnallY obserVed this
• 1' ObSerVed detain): hi Fa 'coriditibri that lad m to 66iiNi-a that..thi$ tOriduct had OCcurred.,
ID Detainee(s) told me that thiS tond Litt had AktUrred.
d, • Others WhO obSerVed this conduct described it to tile.
-. II I have 'relevant information classified above '!SECRET"-..
I, Et 1 neVet observed this coriduCt nor heard about itlionisarneone who did.
47. ,Utingthict tO reStrain, - ag, or ,puniSti a detainee-
DOJOIG 000344
, ., • -I, personaltrobs.eryed this cOnduct,
b., 0 i -onservecl- ctetainee() in a‘conditiorythat led, me to believe that this conduct had occurred.
C. • betaineeksj' told me that this conduct had PcPrrect ..
,. , 13 I Others whO ObserVed this CondUCt desaibed it to me, • I i'lve'l'eleliarit InfOrMationtlasSified:eb,ove "SECREr. 101 El I never of:5,ervpd this ,conduct nor flea rd a Wig' it from sionleArre. who did .
48. Using rapid re$ onge teams andiar forced tell extractions
a. • fI personally obterV,ed this conduct • I ObSerVed detain(): Ili ,acorid Mon. that led Ine to beffeVe that this condUCt had OCCUtred.
Detainee(s)'t6Id rile that this conduCt had 0C:dieted. •
• Others who 'observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information classified above: "S` EGRET'.
f. El a' neverobserved this conduct nor beard about it 'from; someone who did.
'dog on 'Or near a ;detairiee,cither than -diking :detainee 'tYanportaUon
• II personally -observed thlsconduct:
• ir observed detainet(s). in Acondition that led me to believe that this conduct had ocCutred.
C. 1:11Detainee(s) told mo that this, conduct had Occurred.
,d. 0 'Others,' whO ObServetl, -tillS cbriduct deScribed it to; Me.
. • it' haYe'releV4Ift. infOritation daS'Slfied a bOye,"SECOT",
f. Ei IT never ObserVed,thisCOnduct not ner,ci.,,obtiut it from SOrneptieVitio did.
Threatening to .usemi friary- working ogs::on or near a detainee,
El II personally titiseNed this c'ofitliaCt.
b . • iLobserVeddetalneeKS) . iri!acond Mon that led me tO. believe thatthIS 'conduct had beau tred..
c. • petaineeK tad Me that this Cond kt. had ,oCeu ft-ed.
d , • jthers who Observed this conductdescribed it to me.
DOJOIG 000345
e. • I have relevant Information' classified above ! ,SECRET".
t 12f I- never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from someonawho did.
.51. using .s"ider 'sCornionS,,'SriakeS, or .cither atiinialson or near a detainee
e. • 1 personally-observed this -conduct.
1,01.?erVOri c.itaiMeW IP ac9ildi.tio 11 that led Me: to bliPAte thatlhi.*. cPrtalict 'had OtcPrred.
Iletainee"(s) told, 'me that ,this conduct had occurred,
• . OtherswhO Observed thiS conduct described it to rile.
'4 ."
• I have releVarit itifOrrriatiOn Classified above, "SE(RET".
Ef I- never observed, this,conduct nor heard about it fronsorneOneyvho did,
Threatening to use spiders, scorpions, snakes', pr other a nirnalS- qn A ae:tdimo:
a. • I, peratinally-ObseNed this cOndUCt.
ClitObserVelltietaineek.4 in a corilitiOn that led Me tO belieVe thatthiS Cbridtitt had occurred.
• Detairiee(S)-tdid the that thisorid uct had .6 cdried.
d ,
al •
NI, Others, who observed this conduetdescribed it to ma-
L have relevant information' classified above- 9SECRET'.
f. I 1, neverobserved thisconduct nor heard about it 'frornsomeone -who did.
53. Dtresbecifu I StaterrientS, ,hand actions involving the Koran
I personaily'observed this -.conduct.
I obServed'detainee(s) in 'a -condition that led me to belieVelhat this conduct had occurred:,
• petal nee() told Me that this conduct had OccOrred.
. • pthers Who lobserVed this: c,ondgct :descrthed it 0 me.
(15 el
• I hie relevant information d4s'sifiol abbVe "SECRET'.
Fl I never observed thisConduct nor heard about it frOmadrriebne"\Vhb did.
DOJOIG 000346
54., sharing detainee'sfacialbr. Other hairld embarrass or humiliate a detaineea.
II T' personally observed this..conduct.
b, • I:observed detainee(s) in 'acandition that led me to believe that , this conduct had ,occurred.
0 Petainee(s) told 'me that this gond get had occurrecl.
I Others' who observed this conduct described it to me:
• 1, have relevant information classified above "SECRET''.
f; El I never-pbservedthisconduct .nor heard about it from someone who did.
55. Placing a woman's-clothing ,an a-detainee -
'a.. I- I personally .Observed thIS'poniftipt, ,
-. •. LP,Wenred detineeW: in ,a,c.Oridition'tilot ted me to, belieVe that thi$ conduct. had occurred.
t. • Detainee(s), told itie th at this. oond uct' had oCCUrred,.
d . • Others: whaabserVed this catititia described It to. itie.
e, • I, haVe releVarit. infarrhatian tlaSSified aboVe: "SECRET".
f. - 0 I neVefabserve,d this condUct nor heard abaft , it froM-.Sdniebrie Who did.
Juia,detairiee or-a:ding toward a detainee in .a sexual 'Manner
a'. • r personalty observed this. conduct.
• I observed detainee(s) in a:condition that led me to believe that this cohppCthecl ,pecurrett,,
C. I betainee(s) told 'me that this conduct had 'o'ccurred.
Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
i; have relevant information clasified above '":SECRETP,
.. • I never observed thiSic9hclirpt nor heard about it from someone who did
57. HOldingdetainee(q-vvho were not Officially acknowledged or gis tered as such by tbeagency ,
detaining the PersOh. ,
a. • r persbrially ObSeNed thistbridUtt. ..
b. • rabSerVed .detainee(s), 'in _a ,cand itian that led The to' believe that this. conduct had 'oCcurred.
c • Detainee(s)'tcild the that thIS conduct had occurred.
DOJOIG 000347
• others. who observed this conduct-described It to me.
D I have relevant information classified above "SECRET!".
21 I: neverobserved thiS 'conduct nor heard about it from sorneorte who 04.
,sa. Sending a detainee to biiothbrecitintry for thereaggresive interrogatiOri
- ; • t persOnallY"Ob,s,erv:ed thi. coridutt, ,
:, • I: OhServed.detainee(sy Ina condition that led me to believe thatthis conduct h-gcl. 'occurred.
c. • Detain(s). told me that this conduct had occurred. • Others who ObserVed thiS COriduct described it to me, • 1 haVe relevant informatiori :PlasSified above 5'S,ECRET".
f: l I never observed thlscoriduc nor'tipard about it fi-Oin.sOrnebnevAO did.
,59. Threatening to Send a detainee tO, another cOuntry, for detention Or Mora agg resSive interrogation
. n h personally,obserVed thiS.ConthiCt.
• Lobserved detainee(s) - in -a,:corid ition that led me to believe Matt* Condua had =Cared.
• IDetainee(s)-told me that this conduCt had occurred.
ci, • Others, who observed this conduCt.described it to me.
e.. • II have relevant information classified a hove, '''CRET,'..
— f. i
E iinevefobserved; this conduct nor heard about it from someone who dtd.
60. 'Threatening to take action .againste detainee's family
got perggnally- qbserVed this conduct • I PIIPOTV-e02clelPilleeNY in a condition that led, me to believe that this cOridti4 had occUrred.
petal neek. told me that ,this;'contlua had -Octiirred.
d . Others Who obSerVed this COnduatclesWbed it to i -rie • I' haVe relevant informalOn classified eboVe °SECRET'.
Et I neVerobserved thiss:Ondlitt tiOr heard abbut it fittri Sprrieorie,Wrib did.
DOJOIG 000348
j. Other treaiment or action causing severe emOtional or psYchl3JogiCal trauma tea Oetainee
a; • L persorially - ObSerkied. this conduct.
b, • LObserved detained(Sy In a,torid itiOn that led me tO, believe that thIS Conduct liad Occiirred,
40 -al .1
Deta. in,..„e e(s) told me that this conduct had Occurred.
Others who observed this conduct described it to me.
e. • I have relevant information - classified above 9SE:CRET"..
, Er I. never:observed thisccinduct'nor heard abet it from sarneonewho did.
61 Other religious or sexual harassment or humiliation of a detainee
I. personally observed thisconduct.
r observed detainee(s) In ,a, condition that led me to boli011iatthis, conduct had OcCurred.
• Detainee(s)told me that this condpCt had 'occurred.
• Others: vvl0 thserved thiS :O.Orldtitt described it tO me.
e. III I: have relevant information ClasSifieci ,ebOve 48,EMET''.
1E1 r novorObsetv"g0 this conduct nor heard about it 'frOrri ,scirridaneWhb did.
61 'Qrthq:".rgatrner.it 0'a:detainee that in your opinion Vps;unprofessionaliUnallY tiqrSh Oran ressive,
Oerciye '1311.tive, dtilAwfu I
a. El I: personallyobserved thiszondud.
Ev. • [observed detainee(s) in a,conditiort that led me to believe.that: this conduct had occurred.
c I Detainee(s) told -rn that this conduct hed occurred. .
d. 0 Others who observed tifiscondudtdes.cribed it to me.:
e. • I. have relevant information classified above "BtdkEr 4 .
f. El r never ,obsewed thi*.c.OndUot nor ,heard about it from:scitinepnewho, did.
b Yes 0 No
DOJOIG 000349
Did Orly' detainee orOther perSbri tell you thathe or She had WitriesSed the irriperSbriation df FBI
, personnel' in connection with a detainee interview or interrogation?
'0 'Yes C)'
PleaSe PrOVIdethe:,a0rOArriate tithe frarrie 'au ring -Wh ith this,Ciondikt ocäurred,.
Frnrn Ci6/02A0:03-to.,07/17)20:03 00o Not Recall
b The-detairieeW treated in .thiWay were located at the tinier in
IZI :quaritahartio •
:a El iraci
10 Afghanistan
4; 0 -Other:Location
5D 'DO Not eçialI
Please identify the detainee(s) by name and number to the best of your recollection:
do not know. '
Please ideritifyihe perSdnN who treated the:detainee(S) in this: rtra'nrier, irichiding,, if you
recall, their name(s) and governmentagency0e0 -:
dp not, know: - •
The namesof anyother FBI personnel, and the names and government agency of non-FBI
,personnel, whom I believe saw thedetairiee(s) ; treated ' in this manner are
Isdb, riot. kifaitir.
f. This-dOndUtt occurred IntiffnnectiOn with
'1 0 !One:detainee.
'Several detainees (2. -4)
0 i4any detainees Oporetha,n4).
Do Not Recall
g. IQptionaly Please describe the relevantcircumstancesin more detail:
Several Detainees claimed that they were intervievva r by 'the: FBI when it was not previously
:documented asI WOO show my badOe and credentials and ask if the other intervieN\o-
,4toWed, Similar credentials; They would say no I would tell these Detainees that any, EDI Agent.
will identify tlieniSebies iii thiSinarkier.
Ai:6)R* aWafeofaily dti'd-fiter tiadifie.e4liferii0Ws:ôeintedOgatitingzOixiectf4A4eilibe of
11W-1.7.0.-COlitreS -Or their-Stair
Yes :0 NO
V. TO your knowledge,,,did Any-Military:or intelligence personnel ,e0r:clany Or dein Fig access t:ftop
detaintethe FBI wanted to, qUestion betauSethe,:detairieehad sustained inju he's after he was tapturdd?'
Oyes 0No
DOJOIG 000350
Did, you :ever end your participation, in or observation otadetalnee interview or interrogation
hecause pl:the IntervieWor ibterrOgatiOn methods being used?'
b No.
69 Were you ever told tnatabother'FBreniplOyee ended his or her participation in 15.1 otite-rvbtiort of,
detainee interview or interrogation becaUse Of the iriterVievirdr interrogation method's, tieing Lised7,
0. Yea. No
bnrihg„any ofYOlit Werseas.40Wrilet0 PP$ig,nfilenM, did you report any cOficOrks
Yes' No
70a, When and to:whorl-141d you "friake thiS teporV
between 6/92/2003 anti 1:17117/2908 to SSAI
70b, Did the report relate to conduct by Fa or non-Fl3t personnel?:
FBI retsohnel
2 'Wfilon-FBI Personnel
Identify tliP ,Pg.POPY, with whkh. thnon,POT personnel were-400*cl'.
ido 'riot knOW.
70p,- yqs, :t1A report In writingl
70d, Was anj aCticio taken in response tei -yotif report?
3 Elba. Not KiloW
7L During anyof your' overseas deploymentsor assiginnentsolid, you report.anreoneerns regarding any
detainee jiiteiyieW or interrAgatiob.0,4410es -lijf Other types Ofd4ainte•treatricient you ob%erved ox heArd:,
a'bout, to, a non-FBI supervisor or other non-FBI personng17
vs, -0 Nä
Owg'yclo ever been ordered or,dire:00 not to rOPrt, or discouraged In pny'w,py'fi -onl, reporting,
observations or allegations related to detainee treatment Or interview or interrogation actions or
praCtices? o Yes ' '0 NO
7. flavelrou experienced any ,actgal„orthreatened retallatiOntor- reporting . observations :or allegations
Of detainee treatment or interview or interrogation actions or practices?
c`,,es No
717, Optional) Please provide any...additional comments regarding the reporting of concerns related to
interyieW, or interrogatico,techniqtms i,, detention practicop, 4r atm ,dptainee treatment.
75. 16,i4m,, you OtrieW, other then tne,Statidard debrief in F17,-772,- cOnterning:yOur OverSea,S ,
'or atsighttiefit(s)? aS'sig"nrient(s)or.deploytnent(s), after yoif completed the deployrnent()
• OIGQ-000351
DOJOIG 000351
0 Yes. -0' No
16, Additional corrimerits'and ReOrnmendatiOns7„
;question„ #6. A is, riot '.' agood .queStiOn.
l'honk you for your cooperationin tornptiN this, questkinnaire,
DOJOIG 000352