DoD Questionnaire: Questions for soldiers concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter. Rank E7 says Detainee Operations training was comprised of classes’ only and included training on 5S's and search, silence, segregate, speed and safeguard and tag procedures. Comments that more training is needed on paperwork because paperwork is often incomplete.
Rank 1%7 BranchbDate: Duty Position b How Long in Jobb How Long in Current MOS/Branch Interviewer b
1. Can you tell me what basic publications that you use to get doctrine and standards for Detainee Operations? Can you describe some of the basic principles in those standards? How are you applying Detainee Operations doctrine and standards during this rotation? (1.1, 1.4) (AR 190-8 EPW, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees, DoD Directive 5100.77, 1949 Geneva Convention, FM 3-19.40 I/R Operations are the basic/ rimxy sves for doctrine and standards.)
Describe the in processing for Detainees at this Collection Point? How do you
communicate with the detainees? How are they subdued and by what means are they
transported to the Collection Point? How long do Detainees typically stay here? How (AR
are they out-processed, where do they go, and how are they transported? (1.2, 1.5) -8, para 2-2, Evacuation aryl Care of 7w and RP.)
19•ara 2-1, Initial actions upon capture. AR
What logistical support do you receive to run this Collection Point? What are your (AR 190-8 para 1 4 g (2), Should include:
3. What
resource shortfalls to run this operation? (1.5)
transportation, subsistence, personal, organizational and NBC clothing and equipment items, mail
collection and distribution, laundry and bath.)
Describe how you are able to maintain the security and safeguarding of Detainees at
this Collection Point. (Have there been any attempted/successful escapes?) (1.1,
1.5, 1.7, 1.8) (AR 190-8, para 6-10, Measures needed to maintain discipline and security will be set up
in each camp and rigidly enforced. Offensive acts against discigline will be dealt with promptly.) Po You P-eQufg-&tu -r5 De 4-s57-/
4- I-e"..)?? 5 b
C et 4
5. Where do you store Detainees' confiscated personal affects (if any) and how are
, 1 .8) (AR 190-8,-
(Are they tagged with a DD Form 2745?)
during the search
ry conon
they accounted for? T f(ca para 2-1, a. (1) (b) (c), AH equipment, documents, and personal unit. DD Form 2745, Part
so capturing that C istainee.)
must be tagged and administratively accounted for by theter be matched to
may la
attached to the property confiscated from the Detainee, that it
how doROE and
6. What is your ROE? How were you and your Soldiers trained on B6 thru B-
, B-0,
3-19.40, para 10-9, 10-1
you sustain this training? (1.1, 1.2, 1.4) (FM
ROE considerations are discussed. Soldiers study and train in the use of ROE and discuss the ROE
for their mission.)
you use
7. What standards were used in setting up this Collection Point? What SOP do .2
to set up and operate a site such as this? Is this •art of your TACSOP? (1.1, 1, 1.4)
g( M 117"
ri FE girM." al
this rotation at
in prior to
Wh type of Detainee Operations training did you take part etain e
8. at eatment of
(Did this include Level B Law of War and tr bD
Home Station?
How did Home Station Training prepare you to conduct Detainee
es? (1 .1, 1.4)
tions for this rotation? What are your unit's strengths and weakness
ng si
trai in
(AR 350-1 para 4-14 c (2) and table G-1 Refresher training, dated 9 April 2003), Level B conducted in units for officers, warrant officers, NCOs and enlisted personnel commensurate with the
receive missions of the unit. AR 190-8 para 1-5 (4) (C), DOD Directive 5100.77, All prisoners willnishment, humane treatment and that the following acts are prohibited murder, torture, corporal pu trial by de all acts of
mutilation, taking of hostages, sensory privation, collective punishments, execution without
proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment. Prisoners will be protected against
violence to include public curiosity.
:If li b
9. Have you ever witnessed a unit/Soldier abusing a detainee (role player)
during a scenario in a rotation (even if they
Active/Physical or PassiveNerbal, etc.) (Reporting
Describe the event and what action was taken .2
were fooling around)? (1.1, 1,) (AR 1 90-8 requirements--What are the procedures for reporting them)?
para 3-6, theft of allowed personnel effects, insults, public curiosity DoD Directive 5100-77, dated 9 Dec, AR 190-40 para 2-1, Military and civilian personnel assigned to or accompanying a DoD Component know that they shall report reportable incidents through their chain of command and that such reports
also may also be made through other channels, such as the military police, a judge advocate, or an
Inspector General.)
10. What have you observed concerning the interrogation of Detainees? Who
interrogated and what were their MOSs? What are your responsibilities regarding the
interrogation of Detainees? What do you do if "Other Government Agencie " (
request to interrogate your detainees? Have you and your Soldiers been trained on
Prisoners may be interrogated in the
this? (1.1 e 1.2, 1.4, 1.6) (AR 190-8, para 2-1.a. (1) (d).) combat zone. The use of physical or mental torture or any coercion to compel prisoners to provide information is prohibited. Interrogations will normally be performed by intelligence or counterintelligence
Point? Has this site
11. Why did your unit pick this particular site to place a Cection
igher)? W hat were the been inspected by someone other than your unit (BDE or H
ners will not normally byPriso(AR 190-8, para 3-2, b.,
results? (1.7) (Ask. Last, Not Critical.)
interned in unhealthy areas, or where the climate proves to be injurious to them, and will be removed as
soon as possible to a more favorable imate.)
11-4 terti-t ,A•