DOD Questionnaire: Questions for Soldiers on Detainee Treatment and Rules of Engagement

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DoD Questionnaire: Questions for soldiers concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.

Saturday, March 27, 2004
Friday, July 29, 2005

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RankrBranch (14A 4 rState/Component/Poi N r29-414/ti4_:, Unit trt--11iP et1 rDuty Position ,C1 cacao-di How Long in Job / /440th Interviewerr
1. Did all of you undergo Law of War training prior to deployment? Explain what training occurred. Is there a plan to train new Soldiers (replacements) to the unit? Did this training include the treatment of Detainees? Explain. (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1)
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2. What training have you received to ensure your knowledge of DO is IAW the provisions under the Geneva Con en ion? (5Ss & T)(1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
4.1 f2,4,,fo
What training did your unit receive on theestablished-Ruies_of_Engagernent (ROE)? How often does this occur? Does this training include Rules of Interac (R01)? (1.4, 4.1)

Describe the training the guard force received to prepare them for their duties.

(1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1)
How does your unit conduct sustainment training for Detainee Operations
here in Theater? How often does this occur and please describe it? When did your

unit last conduct this training? (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1) No standard.
(For Permanent Internment Facilities only) Does your unit have a formal training
(1.1, 1.2,
program for the care and control of Detainees? Describe what it includes.
What Home Station/Mob Site Training did your unit conduct prior to
6. deployment to help your unit prepare for Detainee Operations? Describe it. How did the training prepare you to conduct Detainee Operations for this deployment? How
did this training distinguish between the different categories of Detainees (EPWs, RPs, Cis, etc.)? (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1)
Is there a
What are some of the basic operations of the collection point/facility?
copy of the. Geneva Convention posted in the detainee's home language within these camps? Are camps segregating Detainees by nationality, language, rank, and sex? What provisions are in place for the receipt and distribution of Detainee correspondence/mail? Are personal hygiene items and needed clothing being supplied to the Detainees? Are the conditions within the camp sanitary enough to ensure a clean and healthy environment free from disease
in the amp? (/./, 1.2, 4.1)
an epidemics? Is there ani lo ate w-

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(a) What is the maximum capacity for this particular collection point/facility? What is the current Detainee population? What is your ratio of guards to detainees in the collection point/facility? Is this ratio the proper mix for you to perform your mission? If not, what are the shortfalls? Why are their shortfalls? How do these shortfalls impact your mission? (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1
8. What control measures are units using to maintain discipline and security in each collection point/facility? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1)ia)C7 ) --•-3
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9. Describe how this unit is able to maintain the security and safeguarding of Detainees at this collection point/interment facility. Describe your security requirements. (What are your clear zones)? How do your Guard Towers permit an unobstructed view of the clear zone and how do they allow for overlapping fields of fire? Describe your imeter security. (1.1, 1.2, 1.8, 2.1) ctj2i.
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8. What MP units (guar• -tachments) do you have at your disposal to operate and maintain this collec ion point/facility? What non-MP units are you using to help operate this collection point/facility? (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1)
(a) What is the number of personnel that is needed to move prisoners internally and externally, (i.e. for medical, evacuation, etc.)? (1.1, 1.7)
1416 3
How are you organized to handle the different categories of personnel (EPW,
11. CI, OD, and refuges)? How many female Detainees are housed here? How and where do you house them? How do you maintain separation from the male population (during the day or during recreational activities)? What about other categories (juveniles, CI, RP, etc)? What about other categories (juveniles, CI, RP, etc)? Do you maintain a separate site for sick or wounded Detainees? If so where is
it and how does your unit maintain the security and safeguarding of Detainees there? (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,
3.1 /r-A'
(Collection Point only) How long are you holding Detainees at the collection
point? Is holding the detainees longer than the 12 hours (FWD CP) or 24 hours
(1.1, 1.2,
(Central CP) impacting on your units' ability to perform its mission? Why?

1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1)
13. What prochures are in place to account for and dispose of captured enemy
suppleq • ment? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1) 4 3
14. Can you give some examples of contraband? What are the procedures when you find contraband?? (i.e.., Knives, Narcotics, weapons, currency)
(Collection Point only ) What are the procedures for transporting and
evacuating detainees? (1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 4.1)

What are the procedures for the transfer of Detainees from the collection
points to US Military controlled detention facilities? How is the transfer of Detainees

handled between different services? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1)

What are the procedures for the transfer of custody of Detainees from the
-personnel? When the
collection points/internment facility to Military Intelligence/OGA
detainee is returned to the guard force, what procedures occur with the detainee?

(in processing, medical screening, suicide watch, observation report DD Form
2713?, etc) (1.1, 1.2, 4.1)
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Does this facility include Sally Ports? Describe the system in place. (1.8,

What do you have in place for communications (between guards/tovvers and the TOC/C2)? What pro lems do you have? (1 /, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8)

1418 5 DA IG
19. How do the Detainees receive fresh water (Bottled water or Lister bag)?
(1.1, 1.2, 1.8) AR 190-8, paragraph 3-4 f(3) Sufficient drinking water will be supplies to EPW/RP.
20. How are Detainee complaints and requests to the internment facility
commaler processed? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1)

21. What safetyprograms/policies are currently being used in the internment
facilities? (1.1, 1.2, 4.

22. What personal equipment is the unit experiencing as a shortfall concerning
detainee operations, (i.e., restra"nts, uniforms, CIF items, weapons, etc.)? (1.5)

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What transportation problems is the unit experiencing either to move troops or detainees during the operation? (1.5)

What problems, if any, do you feel the unit has regarding manning or personnel resourcing in conducting Detention Operations? (1.7)

25. D• ou know of the procedures to get stress counseling (Psychiatrist,
edical)? (1.1, 1.2, 1.6,,,2.1, 4.1)

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26.Are you aware of your requirement to report abuse or suspected abuse of
detainees?(1.1, 1.2, 4.1)r .
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" 27. Do you feel you can fre report an incident of alleged Detainee abuse outside Command channels (IG, 1.1, 1.2, 1.6,
28. What procedures do you have to report suspected detainee abuse (IG, CID, Next Level Commander) (1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 4.1)
29.What procedures are in place for detainees to report alleged abuse? (1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 4.1) Az(421,erk:, (04r 0r
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34. What do you perceive as the mission of your unit? Describe the importance of
your role in that mission. (Insight to the Soldier's understanding and attitude concerning 1420
unit mission and their role)
35. Describe your working environment and living conditions since being in Theater.
(Identify physical d psychological impact on Soldier's attitude). (1.2, 1.3 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
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36. Describe the unit command climate and Soldier morale. Has it changed or evolved since you have been in Theater? (Identifies Soldier's perception of the chain of command and Soldier attitude. Does the Soldier feel supported? Do Soldiers feel the Command cares? Are they getting clear guidance?)
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37. Please provide by show of hands if you aware of any incidences of detainee or other abuse in your unit? (Those that raise their hands, need to be noted and interviewed individually afterwards using the ABUSE QUESTIONAIRE)
