DoD Questionnaire: Questions for soldiers concerning their observations and experience in dealing with detainees. The questionnaire appears to be in response to the accusations of detainee abuse and an effort to elicit information on the matter.
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RankCpBranch Date: 24 ala v nitp
Duty Position How Long in Jobkce Ac) 3
Interviewer How Long In Country me/Li5,3
1. Concerning logistical operations, what is your role in the support of
(Theater/Division) Deta . eeOperations? (1 1, 1.2, 1.5, 4.1)
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2.. What references/standards/publications do you use to conduct Detainee Operations or does your operation depend solely on existing SOPs, OPORDs, FRAGOs, supply/logistic requests? (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 4.1)
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3. What Home Station Training did your unit conduct pri'or to deployment to help the
. unit (and you) prepare for this mission? Describe it. (1.1, 1.2, 1.4,
4. Describe how your unit plans and procures logistical support for Detainee 1/49/ • --d/re Operations. (include: transportation, subsistence, organizational, and NBCp-iq clothing and equipment items, distribution, laundry, and bath equipment) What are the procedures for transporting and evacuating Detainees? Have you ever coordinated for transportation to evacuate Detainees out of the AOR? Who approved eo
Ql the transfer? (1.1, 1.2,1.4, 1.5, 4.1) e Ie-Q ue5 -Lo Uoci vy Arzinarmar-.. -e-"-mimiAegEetriffmnri rear lmiri
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5. Do you have any responsibilities for feeding the detainees? If so, are the daily food rations sufficient in quantity and quality and variety to keep Detainees in good health and IAW with their cultural requirements? How and what are they being fed? Please elaborate. (1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 4.1)
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(does it include
detainees have adequate furnishings for sleeping and eating
6. Do de Is the supply system in place allowing you to replace or procures
ncessary furnishings? Is there a means to launder clothing items for the Detainee
here at thi facili y (1 1, .1.2, 1.8)
7. How •o Detainees receive fresh potable water in your area of responsibility? fru4-4:
ble)? (11 1.2, 1.8, 4.1)e
is it.
, running water--if so, s po ta
(Bottled water, Lister bags, .
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and dispose of captured enemy
O rocedures are in place to account for
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supplies and equipment? (1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 4.1 ,
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9. How are personal hygiene its s and needed clothing being supplied to the
Detainees? What precisely are provided to them? Do detainees have access to sundry
items? (1.2, 1.5, 4.1)
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10.What do you perceive to be doctrinal logistic shortcomings pertaining to Detainee Operations and how would you fix/incorporate into updated doctrine/accomplish
differently? (1.5, 4.1)
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11.What are your biggest issues concerning logistical support for Detainee Operations?
12.What are your biggest issues concerning adequate facilities for Detainees? Who provides engineer support to this facility? What is your relationship with the engineer?
(If the S-4 provides engineer support, then ask the Engineer Support to Internment Facility Questions.) (1.5, 1.8, 4.1)
13.Are you aware of your requirement to report abuse or suspected abuse of detainees? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1)
Do your subordinates know the reporting procedures if they observe or become aware. of a Detainee being abused? (1.2, 1.6) •
14.What steps would you take if a subordinate reported to you an incident of alleged Detainee ab se? 1.2, 1.6, n/
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15. Do you feel you can freely report an incident of alleged Detainee abuse outside
Command channels (IG, CID) (1.6, 4.1
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16.What procedures do you have to report suspected detainee abuse (IG, CID, Next
Level Commander) (1 .2, 1.6, 4.1)
17.What procedures are in place for Detainees to report alleged abuse? (1.2, 1.6, 4.1)
19. What do you perceive as the mission of your unit? Describe the importance of your
(Insight to the Soldier's underst ding and attitude concerning unit
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role in that mission.
mission and their role)
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ment.and living conditions since being in Theater.
20. Describe your working environ on Soldier's attitude). (1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
sychological p
(Identify physical and psychological
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or evolved
and climate and Soldier morale. Has it chged
sin Describe the unit comm (Identifies Soldier's perception of the chain of command
dier feel supported? Do Soldiers feel the Command cares? Are
and Soldier attitude. Does the So
they getting clear guidance?)
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22. Are you aware of any i ci•ences of d
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ADVISEMENT OF RIGHTS (For military personnel)
of Article 31 provides as follows a. No person subject to this chapter may compel any person to The text
incriminate himself or to answer any questions the answer to which may tend to incriminate him. b. No person subject to this chapter may interrogate or request any statement from an accused or a person
ising him that
the accuaon and advsusp
of nature of
accused orected, and
suspected of an offense without first informing him theeoffense of which he iis ti he does not have to make any statement regarding the
that any statement made by him may be used as evidence aganst him in a trial by court-martial. c. No
s statement or produce evidence before
l anerson to make
chapter may compel y p is hot material to the issue and may tend to degrade him.
personesubject toe evidencenal if the statement or
any military tribunal
d. No statement obtained from any person in violation of this article, or through the use of coercion,
unlawful influence, or unlawful inducement, may be received in evidence against him in a trial by court-
martial. (1.2, 1.6)e.
(grade, if any, and name), a member of the (DAIG). I am part of a
I amp
team inspecting detainee operations, this is not a criminal investigation. I am
to suspect
ses me
de caup
reading you your rights because of a statement you mafy offense, i.e.
that you may have committed
aggravated assault, assault, murder). Under Article 31, you have the right to
remain silent, that is, say nothing at all. Any statement you make, oral or written,
may be used as evidence against you in a trial by courts-martial or in other r and
judicial or administrative proceedings. You have the right to consult a lawye
to have a lawyer present during this interview. You have the right to military legal
counsel free of charge. In addition to military counsel, you are entitled to civilian
our own expense. You may request a lawyer
counsel of your own choosing, at y
at any time during this interview. If you decide to answer questions, you may
stop the questioning at any time. Do you understand your rights? Do you want a
lawyer? (If the answer is yes, cease all questions at this point). Are you willing to
answer questions?
ibe what ou understand happened leading up to and during the incident(s) of
23. Descr y
abuse. (No applicable standard)
after these
state prior to and
24. Describe Soldier morale, feelings and emotional stress ,
od, a
(Identifies unit and Soldier morale, atmosphere, mottitude,
preemption, family crisis)
25. Was. this incident reported to the chain of command? How, when & what was done?
What would you have done? (Identifies compliance, procedure, timeliness, Soldier perception of action taken and effect on.unit morale.) (1.2, 1.6)
How could the, incident have been prevented? (Identifies root cause and perceived solution) (No applicable standard)
Describe any unit training or other programs that you are aware of that teach
leaders and Soldiers how to recognize and resolve combat stress. 6
• /4 ort/ DciL Yane_
(Identifies perceived
What measures are in place to boost morale or to relieve stress?
What measures could the command enact to improve the morale and command climate of your unit? (Identifies perceived solution.)