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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he was a member of the Taliban with military experience against the Russians. Detainee denied all allegations and called two witnesses who agreed that the detainee was not a member of the Taliban. During the hearing, the detainee claimed that he was still suffering from various ailments resulting from two days of severe beatings while being held by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Saida Jan is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he is affiliated with the Taliban and Al Qaida, having stayed in Al Qaida guesthouses and undergone military training at Camp Farouq and Malek in 2000. Detainee denied everything, except the allegation that he had received training at Camp Farouq. Detainee claims he was tortured in Afghanistan and in Guantanamo Bay. Detainee was captured in Tora Bora. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant because he attended al Qaida's al Farouq training camp, appeared in an al Qaida movie about the USS Cole bombing, attended a passport-forging class and attended counterintelligence training in Kabul. Detainee denied all allegations and claimed that testimony made against him by other detainees was obtained as a result of torture. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Ibrahim Mahdi Achmed Zeidan is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he engaged in hostilities against coalition forces. Detainee was captured in Khowst, Afghanistan with [redacted] Pacha Khan, a renegade Pashtun Commander. Detainee denied all allegations and asked to submit documents indicating that he worked for the National Directorate of Security and supported the Karzai government. The documents were found not to be reasonably available. Detainee claimed that he suffered physical mistreatment by U.S. forces while in detention in Afghanistan. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Khandan Kadir is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he engaged in hostilities against coalition forces. Tribunal further showed that the detainee conducted surveillance of buildings, transferred chemical weapons, trained several of the September 11, 2001 hijackers, and had planned to hijack a plane himself. Detainee claimed that all of his testimony prior to meeting with his Personal Representative was made as a result of torture. Detainee declined to participate in the Tribunal proceedings. Detainee was captured in Pakistan. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Mamdouh Ibrahim Ahmed Habib is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he was the bodyguard of the individual responsible for killing a Red Cross member near Khahwali Kot. Detainee denied being a Taliban member and claimed that he was a farmer, not a bodyguard. Detainee also claimed that he was mistreated in Guantanamo Bay. Detainee was captured by U.S. forces in a creek bed on 21 April 2003. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Abdul Ghafaar is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and is a member of or affiliated with Al Qaida and the Taliban. He was found to have traveled from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan via Syria and Iran after September 11, 2001, received training on the use of AK-47 rifles, and participated in military operations against the coalition. The detainee claimed he was a student and not affiliated with Al Qaida or the Taliban. Detainee was apprehended by Northern Alliance Forces near Mazar-e Sharif prior to 25 November 2001.

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he is a member of Al Qaida. He is charged with traveling to Afghanistan to participate in Jihad and with participating in military operations against the coalition. Detainee was captured by Northern Alliance Forces near Tora Bora.

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Combatant Status Review Tribunal Decision Report Enclosure 1 on the status of a detainee as an Enemy Combatant. The report states that the detainee is properly classified as an enemy combatant because he is affiliated with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The detainee is a Bahraini citizen who travelled to Afghanistan "to die in jihad". The tribunal received evidence from the detainee, his relative and the Bahraini Interior Ministry. In the end, the tribunal concluded that the detainee was a soldier for forces fighting the US and properly held.

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he engaged in hostilities against the United States by attacking the Shkin firebase. Detainee claimed that he had been tricked into participating in the attack. He stated that he willingly explained everything to Afghan soldiers and was then taken into custody by U.S. personnel. Detainee called one witness to the Tribunal who could not be located. Detainee claims he was physically abused by U.S. personnel in a facility in Bagram, Afghanistan. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Abdul Nasir is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he was trained in using a Kalashnikov rifle and heavy artillery and weapons in an Al Qaida camp. Detainee denied all allegations and claimed that previous admissions were the result of torture.

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he supported the Taliban or Al Qaida and that he traveled to Afghanistan with the purpose of training at an Al Qaida camp. Detainee denied all allegations and declined to participate in the Tribunal process. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Nawaf Fahad al Otaibi is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he supported Al Qaida forces against the coalition. Detainee is a Syrian national who trained in Afghanistan for military combat and whose father is veteran Mujahidin fighter (ISN 307). Detainee denies alliance with Al Qaida or Taliban and claims to have no knowledge of his father's activities in Afghanistan. Detainee was arrested in Pakistan after the fall of Kabul.

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant. He admitted that he was a driver for Usama Bin Laden and served as one of his armed bodyguards, though he claimed that such activity was forced. Detainee was captured by Northern Alliance Forces near Kandahar. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Salim Ahmed Hamdan is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he was part of or supported Al Qaida against coalition forces. Detainee is a Syrian national who traveled to Afghanistan in 1999 and was joined by his family in 2001. Detainee claims he is a business man and not affiliated with Al Qaida or the Taliban. Detainee was captured by Pakistani police, escaped and was again captured by Pakistani police.

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he was responsible for rocket attacks against the United States forces from the Laywan Mountain. Detainee denied being a member of the Taliban or Al Qaida and claims any admissions were made under fear of death. Detainee surrendered to U.S. forces at the [redacted] compound. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Habib Rahman is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he supported Al Qaida and Taliban forces, including receiving weapons training and participating in military operations against the coalition. Detainee denies all charges and claims he traveled to Afghanistan before the war began to find a wife and for a change in scenery. Detainee was captured by Northern Alliance Forces near Tora Bora. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Mohammed Ahmed Said Haidel is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he fought against coalition forces with the Taliban or Al Qaida. Tribunal also found that the detainee supported Al Qaida training camps financially, recruited for Al Qaida and had extensive combat training. Detainee denied allegations and requested a polygraph test to prove his innocence, which was denied. On the morning of the hearing, detainee declined to attend, citing instructions from his attorney. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Moazzam Begg is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question had been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he assisted a member of the terrorist organization Hezb-E-Islami Gulduddin who had plans to plant a bomb at a U.S. military base in Kabul. Detainee denied allegations and claimed that he was mistreated by Afghan and U.S. officials. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Mohammed Mustafa Sohail is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he is associated with Al Qaida and the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA). The Tribunal claimed that the detainee was an employee of the Red Crescent Society and operates under the aliases of Sharfuldin or Sharuldin. Detainee denied the allegations, claiming that he was the victim of a political game, and called four witnesses, three of whom testified that detainee was not a terrorist. Detainee claimed that after his arrest by U.S. forces he was deprived of food, water, and sleep for 36 hours. Although the detainee's name is redacted, his identity as Mohammed Nechle is apparent based on a comparison to publicly available information (see related links to the right).

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Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he supported Al Qaida against the coalition, undergoing training at the Al-Farouq camp in Afghanistan. Detainee claims that he was only traveling through Afghanistan on a school break and that he received no weapons training. Detainee was apprehended near the Pakistan border.

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