Memo summarizes the interview of a Camp Delta detainee. The interview was conducted by two Special Agents with the FBI and CID, also, an Arabic linguist was present to translate. The detainee advised that he had nothing to say. He stated that a brother was killed while in isolation, that the Koran was humiliated and stated that the military put up posters all over the camp(s) to trick the detainees.
Activity Contents
ID: 111111101/.. Title: FM40 111111¦11M
On 2/27/2003,S
SSerial Number (ISN) 1.111=111111=kwas interviewed at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent ow mewT)5c1,United States Army Criminal Investigation 1, (1-.4 ,,,) _ Command Special Agent 10/11111111narThe interview was conducted in the Arabic language and translalafq Contract LinguistS. After being notified of the identity of the interviewing agen s, provided the following information:S \)2l7)e
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111.11111.11111 advised he had nothing to say. He stated that a brother was killed while in isolation, the Koran has been humiliated, posters are placed all over to trick the detainees and that these were his last words. He then began chanting versus of the Koran and continued doing so for the duration of the interview.
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11111111111111111111 was shown photos of the following individuals and refused to respond:
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6817 Detail?pSED=10105BKC&pObj... 9/28/2004
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Involved Participants
Role Name
Subject Discussed
b (.(6_5 Subject of Activity
No Data Found
hftp:// prod/i2ms.ohj doe web.Doc Detail?pSID=10105BKC&pObj... 9/28/2004