CaseMap Facts Report - Alice Fisher Interview 1

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The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel Alice Fisher, regarding her knowledge about military detainee matters and her involvement in discussions about the release of enemy combatants from Guantanamo Bay. The interview notes also include information about the FBI's role and involvement in detainee interrogation.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

CaseMap Facts Report
Filter: Linked To Source(s): "Alice Fisher Interview 1" or Linked To Source(s): "Alice Fisher Interview Notes 9/20/05" - 26
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Case: FBI in Military Zones
Created: 2/26/2009 9:48:57 AM
Date & Time Fact Text Source(s)
To Be
Alice Fisher described some military detainee matters she worked on, including the (ihb)(5), :ase, the
Alice Fisher
Padilla case andl(b)(5),(b)(6) 20:19. Alice Fisher was aware of enemy combattants were Interview I
U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 20:30. Alice Fisher was aware of enemy combattants
Afghanistan and Iraq. 20:48. Alice Fisher was involved in discussions about the release of
combattants from U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Alice Fisher was involved in getting
information with regard to the detainees who were being interrogated and kept in places wherever
they were. 21:04. Alice Fisher was provided with information about what detainees had stated
usually the
info was provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation but sometimes it came from others.
21:37. Alice Fisher stated detainee issues arose in the Moussaoui matter in connection with
detainees held abroad. 21:53. Alice Fisher stated she had nothing to do with who would be
or where they would be held. 22:16.
To Be
Alice Fisher stated that intelligence information came from Federal Bureau of Investigation
(mostly), Central Intelligence Agency, and others. There was no one point of contact 25:36.
Alice Fisher
Interview I
(b)(5) information
came up from Counterterorism Section - DOJ through the prosecutors. Some of that came
Federal Bureau of Investigation field offices or USAO-SDNY. 27:30. Alice Fisher also went
specific case briefings. 28:00.
To Be
Alice Fisher stated that morning threat briefings were attended by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation Director and his staff. The staff changed over time: John S. Pistole, Pasquale
Alice Fisher
Interview 1
D'Amuro and DAG and AG. 30:00. On the other briefings, ITOS was frequently there. (b)(6),(b)(7)(
(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) and Andrew G. Arena participated I-NU and LNU also
