Army Detainee Operations Report: DOD Questionnaire of Official re: Detainee Operations

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Questionnaire asked the official a series of questions regarding soldier training, soldier morale and the treatment of detainees.
Official responded that there was "[n]o tng [training] on treatment of detainees (big gray area)." Also, stated there was no Rules of Interaction (ROI) training, there was no refresher training, and no sustainment training.
[Handwriting illegible] [contents redacted].

Thursday, March 11, 2004
Thursday, July 14, 2005

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1. How did you prepare yourself and your Soldiers to become familiar with and understand the applicable regulations, OPORD/FRAGOs directives, international laws and administrative procedures to operate an 1/R facility or Collection Point? (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 4.1) AR 350-1 para 4-14 c (2) and table G-1 Refresher training, dated 9 April
2003), Level B training is conducted in units for officers, warrant officers, NCOs and enlisted
personnel commensurate with the missions of the unit. FM 3-19.40, paragraph 2-2, Commanders are familiar wittrapplicable regulation, directives, international laws, and administrative procedures. ) ROE from CJCS ISO Iraqi operations dated 251600Z Apr 03 para 10 (U) All commanders will ensure their personnel are familiar with the law of armed conflict and with these ROE."
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2. Did you and all of your Soldiers undergo Law of War training prior to deployment? Explain what training occurred. What is your plan to train new Soldiers (replacements) to the unit? Did this training include the treatment of Detainees? Explain. (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1) (AR 350-1 para 4-14c.(2) and table G-1 Refresher training, dated 9 April 2003), Level B training is conducted in units for officers, warrant officers, NCOs
and enlisted personnel commensurate with the missions of the unit. AR 190-8 para 1-5(4)(C DOD Directive 5100.77), All prisoners will receive humane treatment and that the following acts are prohibited murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation, taking of hostages, sensory deprivation, collective punishments, execution without trial by proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment. Prisoners will be protected against all acts of violence to include public curiosity. (DoD Directive 5100.77, para 5.5.1, The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall provide directives, publications, instructions, and training so that the principles and rules of law of war will be known to
members of their respective Departments, the extent of such knowledge to be commensurate with each • dividual's duties and responsibilities.),
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3. What policies/procedures does your unit have in place to support the U. S. policy relative to the humane treatment of Detainees? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1) AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5
a-g, (All persons detained, captured, interned, or otherwise held in U S Armed Forces custody during the course of conflict will be given humanitarian care and treatment from the moment they fall into the

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hands of U S forces until final release and repatriation. All persons taken into custody by U S forces will be provided with the protection of the GPW until some other legal status is determined by competent authority.)
4. Does your unit have a formal training program for the care and control of
Detainees? Describe what it includes. (For Permanent Internment Facilities

only) (1.1, 1.2, 1.4) (FM 3-19.40, para 2-48. Personnel assigned or attached to I/R facilities are trained on the care and control of housed personnel. They are fully cognizant of the provisions of the Geneva and UN Conventions and applicable regulations as they apply to the treatment of housed personnel. A formal training program should include— * Principles and laws of land warfare, specifically provisions of Geneva and UN Conventions and HN laws and customs. * Supervisory and human relations techniques. * Methods of self-defense. *The use of force, the ROE, and the ROI. *Firearms qualification and familiarization. *Public relations, particularly CONUS operations. *First aid. *Stress management techniques. *Facility regulations and SOPs. *Intelligence and counterintelligence techniques. * Cultural customs and habits of internees. "The basic language of internees. FM 3-19.40 para 2-49. The guard force should receive additional training in— *Riot control measures, control agents, and dispersers. *QRF actions. *Searching techniques, including the use of electronic detection devices. *Nonlethal equipment and weapons.
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5. What training did your unit receive on thVestablished Ri s of Engagement (ROE)? How often does this occur? Does this training include Rules of interaction (R01)? (1.4, 4.1) ((DoD Directive 5100.77, para 5.5.1, The Secretaries of the Military
Departments shall provide directives, publications, instructions, and training so that the principles and rules of law of war will be known to members of their respective Departments, the extent of such knowledge to be commensurate with each individual's duties and responsibilities.) ROE from CJCS ISO Iraqi operations dated 251600Z Apr 03 para 10 (U) All commanders will ensure their personnel are familiar with the law of armed conflict and with these ROE."
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6. What procedures do you have in place to ensure Soldiers understand the use of force and rules of engagement for the interment facility/collection point? What guidance or policies do you have to ensure fraternization is not taking place between
2 DAIG -1040


U.S military personnel and the detainees? (1.1, 1.2 1.4,1.6, 4.1) AR 190-8, paragraph 3-6 a, The following acts will not be permitted: (1) Fraternization between EPW, RP and U.S. military or civilian personnel. Fraternization is defined as improper or intimate communications or actions between U.S. Armed Forces personnel and EWP/RP (FM 3-19.40, paragraph 2-29, An MP commander ensures that soldiers understand use-of-force guidelines and the ROE established by higher headquarters for each mission. Because the use of force and ROE vary depending on the
category of housed personnel and the operational environment, the commander develops SOPs that
follow the guidance provided. He balances the physical security of force with mission
accomplishment and the protection of deployed forces. ROE from CJCS ISO Iraqi operations dated
2516002 Apr 03 para 10 (U) All commanders will ensure their personnel are familiar with the law of
armed conflict and with these ROE.).

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7. Describe the training the guard force received to prepare them for their duties (5Ss & 1)) How does your unit conduct sustainment training for Detainee Operations in Theater? How often does this occur and please describe it? When did your unit last conduct this training? (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1) (FM 3-19.40, para 2-48. Personnel assigned or
attached to I/R facilities are trained on the care and control of housed personnel. They are fully cognizant of the provisions of the Geneva and UN Conventions and applicable regulations as they apply to the treatment of housed personnel. A formal training program should include— * Principles and laws of land warfare, specifically provisions of Geneva and UN Conventions and HN laws and customs. * Supervisory and human relations techniques. * Methods of self-defense. *The use of force, the ROE, and the ROI. *Firearms qualification and familiarization. Public relations, particularly CONUS operations. *First aid. *Stress management techniques. *Facility regulations and SOPs. *Intelligence and counterintelligence techniques. * Cultural customs and habits of internees. *The basic language of internees. FM 3-19.40 para 2-49. The guard force should receive additional training in— *Riot control measures, control agents, and dispersers. *QRF actions. *Searching techniques, including the use of electronic detection devices. *Nonlethal equipment and weapons. The guard force should receive additional training in— • Riot control measures, control agents, and dispersers. • QRF actions. • Searching techniques, including the use of electronic detection devices.
• Nonlethal equipment and weapons. t.'
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8. What Home Station/Mob Site Training did your unit conduct prior to deployment to help your unit prepare for Detainee Operations? Describe it. How did the training prepare you to conduct Detainee Operations for this deployment? What are your unit's strengths and weaknesses? How did this training distinguish between the different categories of Detainees (EPWs, RPs, Cls, etc.)? (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 4.1) (AR 350-1 para 4-14c.(2) and table G-1 Refresher training, dated 9 April 2003), Level B training is
conducted in units for officers, warrant officers, NCOs and enlisted personnel commensurate with the missions of the unit. AR 190-8 para 1-5(4)(C DOD Directive 5100.77), All prisoners will receive
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humane treatment and that the following acts are prohibited murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation, taking of hostages, sensory deprivation, collective punishments, execution without trial by proper authority, and all cruel and degrading treatment. Prisoners will be protected against all acts of violence to include public curiosity.
9. Describe the training you received during your last Military Institutional School (BNCOC/ANCOC) in handling/processing Detainees. How was it helpful in preparing you for Detainee Operations? How would you improve the training at the schoolhouse? (1.1, 1.4)
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10. What are some of the basi operations of the collection point/intemment facility?
Is there a copy of the Geneva Convention posted in the detainee's home @fr--k1 eUrt-istzlanguage within these camps? Are camps segregating Detainees by
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nationality, language, rank, and sex? How are captured Medical persoriLaLid 1sed ›isik' 10--;:ik-Chaplains being used in the camps? What provisions are in place for the kill _ IV, ,,,,. receipt and distribution of Detainee correspondence/maMU1sg-fo
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. rations sufficient in quantity or quality and variety to keep detainees in good k

k4).-k' health? Are personal hygiene items and needed clothing being supplied to the k
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tr' c w. Detainees? Are the conditions within the camp sanitary enough to ensure a

41 clean and healthy environment free from disease and epidemics? Is there ankfall.: infirmary located within the camp? (1.1, 1.2, 4.1) AR 190-8, paragraph 1-5 a-g, (All, persons detained, captured, interned, or otherwise held in U S Armed Forces custody during the
course of conflict will be given humanitarian care and treatment from the moment they fall into the lig ts,c, JA hands of U S forces until final release and repatriation. All persons taken into custody by U S forces • L7 Ayi II be provided with the protection of the GPW until some other legal status is determined by 102•4'rn,
competent authority.) AR 190-8, paragraph 3-4. AR 190-8 para 3-4.b ...females will be separated 4.0.4,‘,...k A'. from males. AR 190-8, 1-5, g (1) EPW, and RP will enjoy latitude in the exercise of their religious . ,/' practices, including attendance at service of their faith, on condition that they comply with the ....yLe ,41
disciplinary routine prescribed by the military authorities. (2) Military chaplains who fall into the hands of the U.S. and who remain or are retained to assist EPW, and RP, will be allowed to minister to
( al/EPW, RP, of the same religion Para 6-6, g: (1) Hygiene and sanitation measures will conform to those prescribed in AR 40-5 and related regulations. (2) A detailed sanitary order meeting the specific needs of each CI camp or branch camp will be published by the CI camp commander. Copies will be reproduced in a language that the CI understands and will be posted in each compound. (3) Each CI will be provided with sanitary supplies, service, and facilities necessary for their personal cleanliness and sanitation. Separate sanitary facilities will be provided for each sex. (4) All CI will have at their disposal, day and night, latrine facilities conforming to sanitary rules of the Army.
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